Worlds of Music with Mark H Wilson m-f 10:30 to 11:20 email
[email protected] or An Introduction to the Music of the World's Peoples MUSIC 117 World Music Cultures • 5 CR Introduces traditional and popular music from around the world. Through lecture, discussion, assignments, and attending world music concerts, students explore music styles and concepts and the ways in which music functions as part of society in cultures throughout the world. College level reading and writing recommended. Exams and Quizzes You will have three short papers due, One is the above Musical Autobiography and the others are two reviews of concerts I have asked you to attend. At the end of every other week you will have a short quiz where I will ask you to identify the music we have studied and then write a paragraph or two about the musical example. Attendance and Participation Attendance will constitute a very important part of your evaluation. The second most important part will be your bi-weekly quizzes. The third part of your grade will be your reviews and Musical Autobiographies. Grading Guidelines Autobiography (20%); 2 performance review (20%); 6 listening quizzes (30%); ; attendance and participation in class (30%). Professor Andrew Weintraub, of the University of Pittsburg, has established a platform for the inquiry that I do not feel I can improve upon. So I have quoted his approach and ask you to take his lead in discovery the music you have experienced and are about to. “Musical Autobiography This writing assignment is an account of your musical enculturation --defined in your textbook (p.