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Thursday, 14 April 2011 Kettling of G20 protesters by police was illegal, high court rules

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Tactics used by Met officers against climate camp demonstrators in 2009 contravened public order laws, says judgment

The high court has ruled that the Metropolitan police broke the law in the way they "kettled" protesters at the G20 demonstrations in 2009.

In a landmark judgment released on Thursday, high court judges found for protesters who had claimed police treated them unfairly. The court heard that Popular News officers used punches to the face, slaps and shields against demonstrators whom police chiefs accept had nothing to do with violence. Most Popular Now Most Commented

The case concerned the G20 protests in London on 1 April 2009, during which Ian debate: As it happened Tomlinson, a bystander, died after being struck by an officer. Tragic teen made 'frantic call' for help Police in charge of the protest ordered a climate camp to be kettled and then cleared, but officers were left to decide how much force they should use. Evans makes Hull move permanent

Video shot on the day showed demonstrators trying to avoid being beaten by raising Police searches over bomb their hands in the air and chanting "this is not a riot" at police clad in helmets and NI council workers paid 'extra' in mileage riot gear. Officers on the videos are seen to strike demonstrators, who cannot be seen to be engaged in any violence. Cyclist killed in city crash On 1 April 2009, there were several demonstrations in the area, but the court case Baggott 'fears' another officer murder deals with a climate camp in Bishopsgate. A police chief accepts it was peaceful but

decided it should be contained to avoid potentially violent people joining it. Co Down man dies in charity cycle

Officers were told they were containing or detaining those in the climate camp to Michaela's family 'moved' by Dalai Lama prevent a breach of the peace. Protesters would be held for hours. Notebooks secured from some officers contain admissions they used violence, but officers said Fresh inquest into dentist murders this was to protect themselves or colleagues.

The protesters bringing the case say police were indiscriminate in detaining and isolating the peaceful climate camp. In documents setting out their case, their Latest News

lawyers say: "The police took action against the climate camp as if it were a violent Local UK International crowd … That is how the instruction to impose containment was interpreted by Cyclist killed in city crash officers on the ground."

Teens detained over SDLP car attack The Metropolitan police says kettling, or detaining a mass of people, is a necessary tactic to tackle the potential for violence at demonstrations. The force and its LATEST Multiple security alerts in Antrim lawyers are expected to study the judgment.

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http://www.u.tv/News/Kettling -of -G20 -protesters -by -police -was -illegal -high -court -ru ... 15/04/2011