The Island Vegetarian Quarterly Newsletter of the of Hawaii


Volume 20, Issue 3, July-Sept. 2009

Inside this Issue Undercover investigation

President’s Message 2 exposes egg farms Local Happenings 3 TV and Radio Listings 3 by Scott Snarr, Editor Submission Guidelines 4 In the News 5 “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.” Health Update 6 ~Sir Paul McCartney Oahu & Maui Events 8 The egg industry is walking on Kauai Events 9 • See video footage of the eggshells after an undercover worker Quality Egg investigation: Calendar of Events 10 brought national attention to the cruelty Consumers’ Corner 11 inside a Maine battery cage operation. • Visit a virtual battery cage: Around the World 14 An animal rights advocate with Mercy Restaurant Review 15 for Animals took a job with Quality • Learn more about eggs: Book & Movie Reviews 16 Egg of New England, LLC, and re- Vegan Tidbits 19 corded what he saw with a hidden cam- era and in a journal. After six weeks of documenting all sorts of abuse, he turned over his footage to the state Department of Agriculture, which is in- vestigating before deciding whether to file charges. Public Lectures The battery operation, New England’s largest, houses four million birds and supplies 65,000 cases of eggs each week. Here are a few of the things the WILLIAM HARRIS, M.D. undercover witnessed: “IN SEARCH OF THE OPTIMAL DIET” • Four to six hens forced to live in each 16”x20” cage, stacked in tiers Tuesday, July 14th, 7 p.m. • Hens trapped in wires by their heads or feet, immobile, and left to die Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse • Decomposing carcasses left in cages with live hens • A worker breaking the neck of a hen in a botched attempt to kill it PAULETTE CHANDLER, M.D. • A live hen being kicked into the manure pit to die while flapping its wings “STRONG BONES FOR LIFE” • Other live hens in the manure pit Tuesday, August 11th, 7 p.m. • Live hens being thrown into trash cans Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse • Live hens at the bottom of trash cans, suffocating under dead ones • A live hen deliberately hung by her leg on a piece of cage wire WILL TUTTLE, PH.D. “THE WORLD PEACE DIET” The case drew criticism from a range of experts. “There is no question Tuesday, September 8th, 7 p.m. that the manner in which the chickens depicted in the videotape were treated Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse was cruel by any normal definition of the word and resulted in suffering for the birds,” said Nedim Buyukmihci, Emeritus Professor of veterinary medi- cine at UC-Davis, in a prepared statement. ~NEW MAUI VENUE!~ See page 10 for details. (See Egg farm exposed, page 11) The Island President’s Message Vegetarian by Alida Rutchick

The Island Vegetarian is published quarterly by and for the members of the Greetings. I am writing at this time with mixed emotions to let you know Vegetarian Society of Hawaii. that I am resigning the presidency of VSH, effective July 16, 2009. Our new or interim president will be known by or around that date. Having P.O. Box 23208 been president for 12 of our organization’s 19 years of existence, I feel as Honolulu, HI 96823-3208 808-944-VEGI (8344) close as ever to our mission, activities, volunteers, and other members. The reason for my resignation is that I have recently retired from Kaiser Permanente, and in my newfound free time I plan to spend several months Visit our website for a restaurant a year in Massachusetts with family and friends. guide, TV and meeting schedules, newsletter archives, and more. While I will continue to consult with VSH and assist electronically from afar, primarily with our newsletter production, my lack of roots [email protected] while traveling will make it difficult to fulfill presidential duties such as helping to maintain consistency, speaking for the organization, and pro- viding support to the Board and other volunteers who cover operations on the ground and really make our organization function. Board of Directors Fortunately for all of us, however, these few dedicated people are un- President: Alida Rutchick, M.Ed. failing and expert in what they do for VSH. Personally it has been a privi- Vice Pres: Jim Brown lege to work with them for our noble cause, and they are the people I will Secretary: William Harris, M.D. always identify most closely with. In fact, I’ve noticed over the years Treasurer: Mel Hertz, MBA, CFP Directors: Karl Seff, Ph.D. since becoming involved with VSH and its teachings that the bond I feel Laurelee Blanchard with vegetarians transcends any others — whenever I am fortunate Patrick Moore enough to run into such kindred souls. As I have said and written before, we ask our members and other in- Newsletter Committee terested people to become more involved with our activities and pro- grams. We hope that we will be able to maintain the level of service that Scott Owen Snarr our community has enjoyed to date, but without increased participation of Alida Rutchick, M.Ed. our membership, it is not assured that we will be able to do so. To those William Harris, M.D. who have labored with love thus far, I express my deepest gratitude and admiration. To those just becoming inspired to join the ranks, our wel- Mahalo come and thanks for helping to keep VSH and its message a vital force in the vegetarian community within and outside of Hawaii. to all our volunteers! Aloha, The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii.

Page 2 the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 Local Happenings On TV...

Activists to speak up “Vegetarian” VSH lectures Govinda’s extends for cats and dogs generous discount Oahu—Oceanic Cable Ch. 52 Thurs. 6 p.m. to VSH members Although killing dogs for food is ille- Go to and click on gal in South Korea, two million dogs “Oahu Channel 52.” are killed and eaten there each year. The shows are also on line at VSH members can take advantage of And they are killed in especially cruel 6 p.m. on Thursdays. a 25% discount at Govinda’s all- ways because some there believe that Maui—Calabash Cable Ch. 52 vegetarian buffet in Nuuanu during the adrenaline created by the animals’ the month of August. Restaurant and Wed. 9:30 p.m. terror will increase the virility of the Thurs. 5:30 a.m. temple president Ramananda hopes consumer of the meat. Maui schedule is at the offer will entice people to come Concerned people on Oahu will and see the revamped store and taste be holding a peaceful educational Big Island—Na Leo O Hawaii the food, which he is confident peo- demonstration on behalf of these Cable Ch. 54, Sat. 2 p.m. ple will love. animals on July 14th in conjunction Kauai—Ho‘ike Cable Ch. 52 The regular price of the buffet is with International Day of Action for Kauai schedule is at a reasonable $6.99/lb. A regular 10% Dogs and Cats in Korea. In Defense Online— discount is given to all VSH card- of Animals (IDA) is cosponsoring carrying members. The restaurant, this annual worldwide event to stop “Cook Healthy Fast” located at 51 Coelho Way in Hono- the terrible suffering these animals lulu, is open Monday through Friday, with Dick Allgire endure when raised and slaughtered Short, quick, vegan recipes 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for lunch and 5 p.m. for human consumption. Building Tuesdays: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. for dinner. For questions, coalitions around the world, IDA is KITV-4 call Govinda’s at 595-4913. creating the network needed to put pressure on the government of the Republic of Korea to end this tragic practice.

ANNUAL Tuesday July 14th, 12:00 - 2:00 pm MEETING 2756 Pali Highway, Honolulu ...and Radio Info: [email protected] “Healing & You” SCHEDULED Terry Shintani, M.D. Dr. Diane Nomura Reports from the Board will be Down to Earth chief Ruth Heidrich, Ph.D. made to the membership prior to our featured speaker on July 14, launches blog Sundays: 8-9 p.m. 2009. Please attend and learn the K108 — AM 1080 Call-in line: 524-1080 latest and current status of Keep up on the latest in health, sus- YOUR organization. Mahalo! tainability, and the welfare of living “Health Talk” creatures with Mark Fergusson’s new Hosted by Hesh blog, “Let’s Get Down to Earth.” Fergusson is CEO and CFO of Down Saturdays: 8-9 a.m. K108 — AM 1080 to Earth natural food stores. Call-in line: 524-1080

the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 Page 3 • You must exercise. Okay, okay. Bye bye swine flu We all have our excuses for our by Hesh Goldstein lack of exercise. But exercise will increase your circulation, and this releases endorphins that will pro- How does a SUBMISSION f l u j u m p vide you with a better chance of fighting and eliminating an illness from a pig to before it consumes you. a human? Get omega-3s daily. You can do GUIDELINES Better yet, • this by ingesting flax seeds or how does a flu that is flaxseed oil on a daily basis. In The Island Vegetarian welcomes sub- addition to omega-3s, taking or- actually a missions. ganic sulfur crystals will build combination your immune system. You can of a bird flu, Have a comment about a current learn more about this at www. event, an article we printed, or the two forms of human flu, and various forms of newsletter in general? Write a letter to Incorporating garlic and onions in swine flu manage to circulate? Wel- • our editor, 75-200 words in length and your diet is very important be- come to the H1N1 flu. Whatever the marked as “Letter to the Editor.” cause they act like antibiotics and reasons are, it is here, and each of us are safe. Have a question about health or nutri- has to do our utmost to avoid it. • Power the antioxidants, whether in tion? Mark it as “Ask Dr. Bill,” and it • First and foremost you must de- natural form like berries or in sup- will be answered by VSH Board Mem- velop a strong immune system. To plement form like antaxanthin. My ber William Harris, M.D. do this, you should adhere to a regimen includes Host Defense by vegan diet centered around as Fungi Perfecti, which is a combi- Want to try your hand at writing? We much organically grown foods as nation of medicinal mushrooms. welcome articles by local writers possible. Why organic? To mini- • Finally, and probably the most about the various aspects of vegetari- mize your ingestion of synthetic important of all, is good personal anism, especially those of local inter- chemicals and pesticides. hygiene. Never, ever put your est or about current events. Articles • Get out in the sun. The sun, which hands to your mouth, eyes, nose, should be 300-500 words in length. is your best natural source of vi- or ears. Wash you hands as much We also need book reviews on current tamin D, is an incredible immune as possible, especially after touch- books with a pro-vegetarian message. builder. ing anything that anyone else has We can supply you with titles of some • Avoid sugar and processed foods. touched or can touch. Especially books appropriate for review. Sugar decreases the function of money. There is nothing dirtier. the immune system, and processed • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of All submissions must be accompanied foods contain way too many syn- water — not coffee, tea, or soda. by a full name and phone number so thetic chemicals that also suppress • Listen to Dr. Shintani’s radio that we can verify the author. Students your immune system. show, “Nutrition and You” or my may wish to include their ages, • Make sure to get plenty of rest. “Health Talk” show, both on K- grades, or schools. We reserve the During flu season, or any time for 108, or go to my website, right to edit for accuracy, clarity, that matter, not being tired goes a, to length, and relevance to the mission of long way toward building up your keep abreast of the hows and whys our organization. immune system. Go to bed early of maintaining optimum health. and get a good night’s sleep. Aloha! The submission deadline for the next • Try to eliminate stress the best you newsletter is September 1, 2009. can. Stress is a major roadblock in fighting off the flu and other ill- Please send submissions (electroni- nesses. If handling stress is a prob- cally only) to: lem for you, seek out a bona fide [email protected] method of meditation or relaxation and practice it faithfully.

Page 4 the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 enza, which long-distance live animal transport can then rapidly spread across the country. IN THE NEWS We need to follow the Pew Com- mission’s recommendations to abolish can alter the immune system and extreme confinement practices like predispose pigs to infection. gestation crates as they’re already do- 8 reasons why factory 4. The lack of adequate fresh air: ing in Europe, and to follow the ad- The dankness helps keep the virus vice of the American Public Health farms are breeding alive. Association and declare no more fac- 5. The decaying fecal waste: The grounds for viruses tory farms. millions of gallons of excrement produced by a typical operation by , M.D. Excerpted from “What You Should decompose and release ammonia, Know about Swine Flu: Q & A with burning the pigs’ respiratory tracts, The genetic fingerprint of the swine Dr. Michael Greger,” May 3, 2009. which may predispose them to res- flu virus was just published, and the See full article at piratory infection in the first place. main ancestor of this deadly virus is a news/ournews/qa_on_swine_flu_0502 6. The lack of adequate sunlight: In triple hybrid mutant first found on 09.html. factory farms in the United States in factory farms there may be no sun- 1998. Factory farms can be consid- light. The UV rays in sunlight are ered viral breeding grounds for many quite effective in destroying the Cities ban foie gras reasons: influenza virus. Thirty minutes in direct sunlight completely inacti- San Francisco and Berkeley, Califor- 1. The sheer number of confined vates the flu virus, but it can last for nia passed resolutions immediately animals: With so many animals — days in the shade and weeks in banning the sale of foie gras ahead of stressed, deprived and suffering moist manure. the statewide ban that will take effect from poor welfare — overcrowded 7. Pharmacological crutches: Just as beginning 2012. in today’s factory farms, a pathogen the U.S. pork industry jeopardizes In Grand Rapid, Michigan, The can run rampant and mutate among the public through the mass feeding Chop House, a 19-chain restaurant, so many confined “hosts.” of human antibiotics to pigs to off- announced its intention to stop serv- 2. The unnatural stocking density: set the effects of intensive confine- ing foie gras after a yearlong effort by Swine flu is transmitted like human ment, the industry vaccinates its local resident Christine Cooper. flu, via infected nasal secretions herds for swine flu. This minimizes Foie gras is banned in South Af- and respiratory droplets. So when the virus’ impact on production, but rica, Israel, and a number of countries pigs are intensively confined on may not significantly reduce viral throughout Western Europe. factory farms, the large viral loads shedding. It instead immunologi- considered necessary for the emer- cally pressures the virus to mutate gence of rare flu mutants can rap- by acquiring novel human virus Veggie poll released idly transfer from animal to animal. surface proteins — as has happened 3. The stress crippling their im- in Eurasia and North America — According to the latest poll commis- mune systems: Breeding sows con- which may increase its pandemic sioned by the Vegetarian Resource fined in gestation crates can’t even potential. Group, 3.4% of Americans never eat turn around, and their health can 8. Preponderance of disease- meat, poultry, fish, or seafood. This suffer immensely. According to carrying rodents, flies, and other appears higher than the 2.3% figure veterinary scientists, crowding vectors: A 2006 study found evi- from the 2006 poll, but this result is more pigs per pen “allows more dence that flies may be able to pick subject to sampling limitations. opportunities for direct nose-to- up flu viruses from factory farms The results show that 1.3% of nose contact or for aerosol spread and carry them for miles. Americans never eat flesh, eggs, or of the [swine flu] virus between dairy products, and 0.8% never eat penmates.” Furthermore, a large Put all of these factors together and what you get is a “perfect storm” flesh, eggs, dairy products, or honey. number of pigs per pen creates For more detailed results and poll- environment for the emergence and physiological stress, which in turn ing methodology, visit spread of new “superstrains” of influ- press/2009poll.htm.

the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 Page 5 (more vitamins, folic acid and fiber and less proteins and fats) than those men with low seminal quality,” ex- Health Update plains Mendiola. He added, “A healthy diet is not only a good way of avoiding illness but could also have and to bring friends and family along an impact on improving seminal qual- Red meat linked to enjoy good health and longevity. ity.” Mendiola et al. A low intake of anti- to early death oxidant nutrients is associated with Antioxidants boost poor semen quality in patients attend- Another large study has shown that male fertility ing fertility clinics. Fertility and Ste- eating meat increases your risk of rility, May 2009; DOI: 10.1016/j. mortality. Red meat, long associated fertnstert.2008.10.075 with cancer and heart disease, is now PRESS RELEASE — Scientific stud- ies show that human seminal quality linked to increased risk of death from all causes. and male fertility have declined over Dairy hormones In this new study National Cancer recent decades. New research has con- Institute researchers looked at the di- firmed that antioxidants, found mainly linked to acne ets of more than half a million people in and , can play a key role in reversing that trend. aged 50 to 71 and found that those Low antioxidant intake is associ- Teens who avoid milk and sugary who ate 4 ounces of red meat a day — foods may experience fewer skin about the size of a small hamburger ated with low reproductive capacity in semen, according to a new study pub- blemishes, according to a new study — were the most likely to die from in April’s International Journal of heart disease, cancer, and all causes lished in the Journal of Fertility and Sterility. The research was carried out Dermatology. Hope Ferdowsian, over the next 10 years. Beef, pork, in two infertility centers in Spain. M.D., M.P.H., and her coauthors re- bacon, , cold cuts, hot dogs, viewed 27 previously published scien- and other red or processed meats all “Our previous research study, published in March, showed that men tific studies and found that the more increased the odds of premature death. milk young people drank, the more The authors also noted that the who eat large amounts of meat and full-fat dairy products have lower likely they were to develop acne. increased death rates found in study seminal quality than those who eat Sugary foods appear to have a similar participants may be “conservative effect. estimates because red and processed more , vegetables and reduced fat dairy products,” said Jaime Mendiola, “Setting aside milkshakes will meat consumption may be higher in likely do more to prevent blemishes the general population.” lead author of the article and a re- searcher at the University of Murcia. than a drugstore full of commercial White meat intake was similarly “In this study we have found that products,” says Dr. Ferdowsian, asso- associated with increased cardiovas- ciate director of the Washington Cen- cular disease mortality in men overall. people who consume more fruits and vegetables are ingesting more antioxi- ter for Clinical Research. “Milk ap- Among both male and female non- pears to fuel hormone imbalances that smokers, higher white meat intake dants, and this is the important point.” The experts have spent the past can lead to acne.” was associated with increased cardio- four years analyzing the link between Adolescents following a Western vascular disease mortality. diet often experience the overproduc- While risks are, in some cases, dietary habits or workplace exposure to contaminants and the quality of tion of natural hormones. Hormones higher for red meat consumption or proteins found in milk may in- compared with white meat, there is no semen among men attending fertility clinics. The study was carried out crease skin oil production, leading to evidence that risks associated with among 61 men, 30 of whom had re- pimples. Conversely, diets high in white meat intake are outweighed by fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegeta- benefits. productive problems, while the re- maining 31 acted as controls. bles, and beans prevent the buildup of Science continues to confirm the excess hormones in the system. benefits of plant-based diets. This is a “We saw that among the couples with fertility problems coming to the great time to start a meat-free diet — clinic, the men with good semen qual- (continued on next page) ity ate more vegetables and fruit

Page 6 the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 (continued from previous page) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein The nuns’ calcium intake was low (LDL) and oxidized LDL (OxLDL) — about 370 mg. a day — compared In populations following a largely and to raise the levels of natural anti- with the recommended level of 1,000 plant-based diet low in refined sugars bodies against the damaging com- mg. Their protein intake was also very and dairy products, such as Kitavan pounds in the body that cause rheuma- low at around 35 g. a day compared islanders and indigenous Peruvians, toid arthritis symptoms such as phos- with the non-vegetarian group, which acne is rare. Scientific studies also phorylcholine. These findings were was 65 g. note that as populations adopt Western reported in the open access journal “In this work we showed that al- diets through migration or cultural Arthritis Research & Therapy. though the vegans studied do indeed change, acne becomes commonplace. Johan Frostegard of the Rheuma- have lower protein and calcium in- tology Unit at the Karolinska Univer- takes, their bone density is virtually sity Hospital in Stockholm and col- identical to that of people who eat a Food—not lack of leagues divided 66 RA patients ran- wide variety of foods, including ani- domly into two groups. They ran- mal protein,” said lead researcher Pro- exercise—making domly assigned 38 of the volunteers fessor Tuan Nguyen from Sydney’s Americans fat to eat a gluten-free vegan diet and the Garvan Institute of Medical Research. other 28 a well-balanced but non- “For the 5% of people in Western vegan diet for one year. The research- countries who choose to be vegetari- In a paper presented at the Euro- ers found that the gluten-free vegan ans, this is very good news. Even ve- pean Congress on Obesity last month, diet not only reduced LDL and gans, who eat only plant-based foods, researchers concluded that weight oxLDL levels and raised antiPC anti- appear to have bones as healthy as gain in the United States over the past bodies but also lowered the body- everyone else. Bone health in vege- 30 years can be attributed almost en- mass index (BMI) of the volunteers in tarians, particularly vegans, has been tirely to caloric intake as opposed to that group. Levels of other fatty mole- a concern for some time because as a lack of physical activity. Scientists cules, including triglycerides and group they tend to have a lower pro- looked at data from previous large high-density lipoprotein (HDL) stayed tein and calcium intake than the popu- food and activity surveys and con- the same. In contrast, none of the in- lation at large.” cluded that physical activity has dicators differed significantly in the Professor Nguyen collaborated changed little in recent decades, control groups on the conventional with Dr. Ho-Pham Thuc Lan from the whereas caloric intake has increased healthy diet. Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University significantly, accounting for virtually The study shows that diet could in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Their all the observed weight gain. A related be used to improve the long-term findings are now published online in paper appears in the June issue of health of people with rheumatoid ar- Osteoporosis International. American Journal of Clinical Nutri- thritis. Further research will be needed Buddhist nuns were chosen for tion. to discern which particular aspects of the study because their faith requires Swinburn BA, Sacks G, Lo SK, et al. Es- the diet help the most. them to observe strict vegan diets. timating the changes in energy flux that Although Professor Nguyen and characterize the rise in obesity preva- Dr. Thuc Lan do not advocate a vegan lence. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009; 89: 1723-28. Vegan nuns have diet, they note that fruits and vegeta- bles are likely to have positive effects same bone density on bone health. Gluten-free vegan They also note that the study did as non-vegetarians not measure Vitamin D levels (as im- diet helps arthritis portant to healthy bone as calcium) PRESS RELEASE — A study com- and factors such as lifestyle and PRESS RELEASE — Rheumatoid paring the bone health of 105 post- physical activity. These variables may arthritis (RA) patients who eat a menopausal vegan Buddhist nuns in affect the outcomes for vegetarians gluten-free vegan diet could be better Vietnam and 105 non-vegetarian elsewhere. protected against heart attacks and women matched in every other physi- stroke. cal respect has produced a surprising RA is a major risk factor for these result: their bone density was identi- cardiovascular diseases, but a gluten- cal. free vegan diet was shown to lower

the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 Page 7 VSH Events—Oahu & Maui

April May June

John Westerdahl, M.D. outlined Michael Greger, M.D. presented John Kristofich, M.D. spoke the scientific evidence that the latest in nutrition research in about the choices we can make shows that eating more fruits an innovative game-show format to greatly reduce our risk of be- and vegetables prevents sickness that got all audience members coming victim to the world’s and disease. His advice? “Just participating. number one killer: heart disease. eat them!”

See these and other talks online at

Donate, Join, or Renew today! Vegetarian Society of Hawaii Membership Application/Renewal Form

Yes, please enroll me as a member. My dues Please Print are enclosed (add $4 per year for a foreign SAVE address): on Multi-Year 1 yr. 2 yrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. Name(s):______Memberships/ Regular Renewals! Street:______$20 $38 $54 $68 $80 Full-time student City:______$12 $24 $36 $48 $60 Members receive a Couple or Family State, Zip:______$30 $57 $81 $102 $120 quarterly newsletter and discounts on Home Phone: ( ) Life membership $400 $______additional tax deductible donation products at Work Phone: ( ) Contact me about volunteer opportunities. vegetarian-friendly restaurants and E-Mail: Please check one: Vegan (no animal products at all) health food stores. # ______D______Ex______Vegetarian (no flesh, fish, or fowl) Associate (not yet a vegetarian)

Page 8 the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 VSH Events— Kauai

Joseph Dunsmoor, a local organic farmer, spoke on “Sustainable Gardening” in April.

Sixty-eight people attended the “Live Pie 101” demonstration by Chef Jessyka Murray at the May potluck.

recipe winner Kathy Matera (right) was the June She is pictured for her Apricot Oatmeal Cookies. with recipe judge Phyllis Jolly (left). Ingrid Levy (right) was the recipe winner for her Tropical Bean Mix at the May potluck and lecture. Phyllis Jolly (left) was the judge.

Monthly vegan potluck luncheons and lectures are held at 12:30 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month Dozens of people came to watch a June at the Kapaa Neighborhood Center screening of a talk by Michael Greger, M.D. on Kauai. Admission is free for those who bring a dish. All others are welcome with a $5 donation.

the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 Page 9 Calendar of Events July-September 2009


“In Search of the Optimal Diet” “Strong Bones for Life”

Tuesday, July 14th, 7 p.m. Tuesday, August 11th, 7 p.m. Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse* Ala Wai Golfcourse Clubhouse*

In this presentation Dr. Harris Is continuous bone loss an inevi- outlines the historical points where table outcome of aging? What can humanity and made you do to reduce your risk of frac- nutritional mistakes and suggests tures and bone loss? Although cal- simple ways to fix them, with particu- cium is important for good bone lar emphasis on the ancient agricultural revolution and the do- health, bones need more than calcium. Sunlight, Vitamin D, mestication of both animals and the wrong plant foods. exercise, and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables are necessary A vegan for more than 44 years, William Harris, M.D., is for strong bones. A host of nutrients—Vitamins C and K, po- a founding and current director of the Vegetarian Society of tassium, and magnesium—found abundantly in fruits, vegeta- Hawaii. Prior to his retirement he was an emergency physician bles, and other plant foods, has been shown to promote bone and the director of the Kaiser Permanente Vegetarian Lifestyle health. Also, what’s good for the bones is good for the heart. Clinic. He received his medical degree from the University of Explore the lifestyle you need to build strong bones for life. California, San Francisco and is the author of The Scientific Paulette Chandler, M.D., M.P.H. is an associate physician Basis of Vegetarianism, now online at his website in Internal Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Bos- ( ton and a clinical instructor in the Department of Medicine at Dr. Harris swims and does other aerobic activities daily Harvard Medical School. As founder and director of Natural and continues to maintain his trampoline skills. He’s been a Healing Pathways, a holistic lifestyle coaching organization, pilot for many years and is a skydiver with more than 1000 she educates individuals about the benefits of a plant-based jumps. diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits that unite mind, body, Dr. Harris will also be speaking on Maui: and spirit to prevent disease and enhance wellness. New Friday, July 17th, 7 p.m. venue: New Dr. Chandler will also be speaking on Maui: Kaunoa Senior Center, 401 Alakapa Place, Paia venue: Friday, August 14th, 7 p.m. Kaunoa Senior Center, 401 Alakapa Place, Paia


“The World Peace Diet”

Tuesday, September 8th, 7 p.m. Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse*

Dr. Tuttle will present the main ideas in his book, The World Peace Diet. It has been called one of the most important books of the 21st century: the foundation of a new society based on the truth of the interconnectedness of all life. It is the first book to make explicit the invisible connections between our meals and our broad range of problems—psychological, social, and spiritual, as well as health and environmental. Dr. Tuttle offers powerful ways we can experience healing and peace and contribute to a positive transformation of human consciousness.

Dr. Will Tuttle, acclaimed pianist, composer, educator, and author, has lectured and performed widely throughout North Amer- ica and Europe. His doctorate degree from the University of California, Berkeley focused on educating intuition in adults, and he has taught college courses in creativity, humanities, mythology, religion, and philosophy. He is a recipient of The Peace Abbey’s Courage of Conscience Award and is a Dharma Master in the Zen tradition. See for more details.

New Dr. Tuttle will also be speaking on Maui: Friday, September 11th, 7 p.m. venue: Kaunoa Senior Center, 401 Alakapa Place, Paia

*The Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse is located at 404 Kapahulu Avenue 0.2 miles behind the Waikiki-Kapahulu Library across from the Chevron station.

Page 10 the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 Egg farm exposed, continued from page 1 No sooner did the case gain media Consumers’ Corner exposure than a number of retailers stopped doing business with Quality Egg. Unfortunately they will probably • 1 Tbs. soy milk powder + 1 Tbs. get their eggs from other suppliers How to substitute eggs cornstarch + 2 Tbs. water = 1 egg. that are no better. • 1 banana = 1 egg in cakes. Quality Egg’s website proudly by Adam Kochanowicz • 1 Tbs. milled flax seed + 3 Tbs. states that it is Certi- water = 1 egg for light, fluffy fied by United Egg Producers. Most Making any dessert or egg-inclusive cakes. consumers don’t know that the certifi- recipe vegan is delightfully easy! If your recipe calls for cream or cation is a voluntary egg industry pro- Here’s a guide to what to use and why milk, there are plenty of vegan op- gram that animal rights groups have some attempts usually fail. Let’s start tions available and yes, you can use condemned as misleading. The recent with some products often used to re- soy, rice, oat, hemp, or almond milk! investigation shows just how mean- place eggs. For creamier recipes, look for Silk ingless the certification is. Ener-G egg replacer is lauded as brand creamer. The cruelty documented at Qual- the vegan hero among egg replacers. ity Egg is not an isolated case. It is Ener-G is vegan, and it is free of glu- Adam is best known as the host of rampant throughout the egg industry ten, wheat, casein, dairy, egg, yeast, “The Vegan News” at Vegan.FM and and throughout all animal food pro- soy, nut, and rice. However, from ex- draws inspiration from years of vegan duction. The egg, meat, and dairy in- perience I would advice using this egg living and education. This article first dustries have been trying to hide their replacer in conjunction with other appeared on inhumane methods for a long time, binding agents listed below. Reprinted with permission. but the public is now becoming aware Ground flaxseed, baking powder, of the cruel reality of factory farms. In or baking soda can be used to fluff up March HBO aired a documentary a baked food. The problem with emul- Summer Sorbet called “Death on a Factory Farm,” sifiers like Ener-G and flaxseed is which showed pigs being confined in they may not bind the product, so gas by Leslie Ashburn tight crates for life and being hanged fills the food but escapes and leaves VSH member by tractors. Last year Americans were the product flat. To bind the product, shocked to see footage of cows too try mixing the emulsifier with some- • 4 cups fresh or frozen strawberries sick to stand being forced into slaugh- thing starchy like potato flour or ba- (or other fruit of your choice, such ter as revealed in an undercover inves- nanas (which also emulsify). as mango) tigation by The Humane Society of For a sweet egg replacer, try ap- • 2 or 3 ripe bananas the United States. plesauce. You may want to experi- • 1 cup coconut flavored amazake (a The best thing a person can do to ment with this or get a recipe, as the rice beverage available in health help stop animal cruelty is to go ve- sauce will overcompensate with the food stores) gan, eliminating eggs and other ani- water recommended by the recipe and • 4 Tbs. brown rice syrup mal products from his or her diet. your cake or muffins may come out • Pinch of sea salt (⅛ tsp or less) Within the past year three major food mushy and wet. • 1 Tbs. lemon juice brands and one hotel and resort chain In general, follow these egg- Place everything in a blender or have eliminated or greatly reduced the conversion ratios for trying out these food processor and blend until all in- number of eggs used in their products options: and introduced new vegan items. With gredients are creamy. Place in freezer more consumer demand for egg-free • Ener-G Egg Replacer: follow direc- until firm and ready to serve. foods, more companies will find it in tions on box. Leslie Ashburn is a Kushi certified their best interests to follow suit. • 2 Tbs. cornstarch = 1 egg • 2 Tbs. arrowroot flour = 1 egg personal chef and cooking teacher • 2 Tbs. potato starch = 1 egg offering a range of vegan whole foods • 1 heaping Tbs. soy powder + 2 Tbs. that change stereotypes about eating water = 1 egg healthfully. Visit her website at www.

the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 Page 11 see what had happened and who was more resources, knowledge, and Why I became screaming, I saw nothing different choices in life than other creatures do. vegetarian from the usual clamor. Mystified, I realized then that I did not want standing there in bewilderment, I to hurt or kill anything, especially by David Starsoul of Maui looked down at the chickens in my such a beautiful and sensitive creature hands and a miracle happened! One as a deer. I’ve heard that man has re- Chickens are beautiful and noble bird pecked my leg! placed other predators, like wolves creatures. They walk with a dignified It was not and bears. Still, strut and act with love for each other. a painful peck, “I had come into his do- hunting and killing Some people might think that love is but it pierced was not for me. an exclusive human emotion, but it is my soul. I main as a criminal preda- Therefore, if I a universal principle. I believe that all knew the terri- tor and was trying to could not eat com- beings can feel love. fying scream mercial meat or kill In my nineteenth year I took a came from this make this innocent crea- wild animals, the casual labor job working for a large chicken. I de- ture into a victim. . . . it only option left was poultry farm. A naive youth, I had no livered the ten to be a vegetarian. I idea of the shocking revelation that chickens to made me feel ashamed.” find it easier to find was to unfold. t h e i r f a t e , love and peace as a The first thing I noticed was a prayed for them, and quit the job in vegetarian, because there is not a war toxic odor. The venomous combina- disgust, saying to the boss and crew as going on inside my body and mind. tion of chicken manure and death hit I left, “You people act worse than me as I approached the farm. After animals do.” Excerpted from the book Holy Water; seeing the hundreds of poor emaci- The boss said, “Well, you have to Miracles and Mystical Moments. ated, featherless, birds, which are kept eat meat.” David Starsoul is a vegan and animal in a warehouse all their lives, I started I responded, “I don’t have to eat rights activist who rescues orphan kid to feel nauseous. I did not want to be your meat!” goats whose mothers have been killed there but needed to earn some money. Knowing that in good conscience by hunters. He is a volunteer at Lei- The job was to carry the birds I could not ever eat commercial meat lani Farm Sanctuary in Haiku, Maui. from their small cages in the factory again, I purchased a fifty-pound re- to a semi-truck, which was bound for curve bow, some arrows, and other Campbell’s Soup Company. This necessary hunting gear. Archery is a Vegetarian diets packed ride in jammed boxes was graceful art of marksmanship, and I perhaps the first and only time that found it enjoyable. On the first day of and disordered these animals would see the sunshine. hunting with my new bow, a Fred Feeling extremely uncomfortable, I Bear Kodiak Hunter, I had four differ- eating behaviors helped carry five chickens in each ent opportunities to take a shot, but I hand (by one leg each) to the truck was afraid to shoot because I did not by , R.D. where a person would then take the want to injure the animal, make it suf- birds and shove them into boxes. The fer, and then lose it in the brush. Every few years another study cage doors would swing inward only, My last opportunity was a long comes out that shows vegetarian teens so that their crowded bodies would shot. I was on a hillside and the deer or young adults to have higher rates of lock them inside. was below, in the Bitterroot River. eating disorders than non-vegetarians. One poor frantic hen got loose While I stood there, thinking of taking The April 2009 issue of the Journal of and was panicking in a desperate a shot, the deer saw me. However, the American Dietetic Association flight for life. The hired hands stood instead of running away, he stood his (JADA) has the most recent one: Ado- in a circle around her, mocking and ground and gave me a lecture. Snort- lescent and Young Adult Vegetarian- laughing at her mortal fear. ing and whistling, he was clearly up- ism: Better Dietary Intake and Weight Suddenly there was a bloodcur- set and was trying to communicate. I Outcomes but Increased Risk of Dis- dling scream! I was on my way to the had come into his domain as a crimi- ordered Eating Behaviors. soup truck, delivering ten more chick- nal predator and was trying to make Because eating disorders can re- ens. Shocked by the sheer emotional this innocent creature into a victim. sult in serious illness, suffering, and distress of the spine-chilling cry, I The message was simple, and it made froze in my tracks. Looking around to me feel ashamed. Human beings have (continued on next page)

Page 12 the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 (continued from previous page) for using alcohol, cigarettes, and other first president of the Vegetarian Soci- drugs. ety of Utah ( The death, I do not want to downplay the current vice president, April Ashcroft, importance of studying them. How- Jack Norris is a Registered Dietitian. who works at Dixie State College in ever, given that a vegetarian diet is He is president and cofounder of Ve- St. George and has been vegan for 15 promoted and generally thought of as gan Outreach. This article originally years, was an early member. a good way to lose weight, it should appeared on his website, “News for With initial meetings at the Deli, come as no surprise to anyone to find vegan advocates and those eating the membership started to grow. Then that vegetarians have a higher rate of plant-based diets” April 7, 2009: on May 7, 2007 Lisa Minelli look- disordered eating behaviors since Reprinted alike Barbara Mathison bounced into many young people try the diet in or- with permission. the Deli 40 pounds overweight. After der to lose weight. talking to Jerry and Elaine, In this study the researchers’ defi- she (with husband Duane) went ve- nition of vegetarian included any who Vegetarian Society gan, dropped those extra pounds, and had considered themselves vegetari- is now a most vivacious and exuber- ans for over one month, whether or shakes up Utah ant replacement for Wes. Her fascinat- not they actually were vegetarians: ing and inspiring story is up at 25% ate chicken and 46% ate fish. by Bill Harris, M.D. And to be considered someone who VSH founding member Elaine and Jerry also have a most engages in disordered eating behavior, expert site at www.vegan‑weight‑loss. all someone had to do was exhibit an Vegetarian clubs and websites are com and have started a Mesquite unhealthy weight-control behavior or bustin’ out all over, but probably no- Vegetarian Society where they now binge eating one time in the previous where more than in (of all places) live. I had the pleasure of giving four year. It’s not surprising that many Utah. That’s because our two found- assorted Powerpoint lectures to these people who engage in disordered eat- ing members Elaine French and Jerry groups following a presentation to the ing behaviors will at some point call Smith moved there in 2002 and San Francisco Vegetarian Society themselves vegetarians for at least a started the vegan Health Deli in St. ( on May 9th. month. When you draw a cross sec- George. After a while Wes Craig, a Utah, full of cowboys and conser- tion of everyone who is seriously diet- professor at Brigham Young Univer- vatives, seems an unlikely spot for a ing combined with everyone who has sity, dropped in, concerned that he vegan powerhouse to emerge, but the cut out at least red meat, you are was 25 lbs. overweight and that his enthusiasm and expertise of all the bound to find some overlap between doctor wanted him on lipid lowering people I met suggest that it’s happen- the two groups. meds. Wes went vegan, dropped both ing. To appropriately study whether his weight and lipids, and became the going vegetarian causes eating disor- ders, you need to start with one group of vegetarians and one of non- vegetarians who do not have such dis- orders and then follow them over time to see if there is a difference between the two groups in the rate of disorders.

In other news, among the older cohort in the JADA study, current vegetarians were less likely than never vegetarians to be overweight (17% v. 28%) or obese (6% v. 14%), and vegetarian adolescents and young adults reported the highest fruit and vegetable intake. The authors ob- served that current vegetarian adoles- cents appear to be at decreased risk Left to right: Duane, Barbara, April, Jerry, Bill, Elaine.

the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 Page 13 Around the World

Taiwanese flock to veggie fairs by Scott Snarr, Editor

The shoulder-to-shoulder crowds that filled the recent vegetarian fairs in Taiwan’s major cities are a testament to the strength of the country’s vege- tarian movement. I took a weekend off in May to attend the festival in Taipei. The exhi- bition hall was packed with merchants selling spices, curries, sauces, cook- books, organic produce, organic cloth- ing, water filters, cookware, special pillows and mattresses, ten-minute

massages, and religious texts. A large Photo: Scott Snarr stage played host to a number of tradi- An intricate display made from vegetables, flowers, and noodles. tional Chinese performance arts to entertain guests. Restaurateurs cooked chung made up for it. It offered every- an ongoing slideshow lecture about up plate lunches for the long lines of thing the Taipei event had and more. the vegan diet, and people came and hungry attendees at a row of booths in One wing of the trade center listened for as long as they liked. De- the back. To my disappointment, showed off intricate vegetable sculp- tailed murals covered an entire wall, however, the festival offered very lit- tures, a traditional Taiwanese art. A supplying graphic illustrations to the tle else, particularly in the way of delicate dragon fashioned from carrots environmental, health, and humane vegetarian education. wove in and out of castles constructed reasons for going vegan. Friendly Fortunately, the June event in Tai- from ginger and lotus root and volunteers passed out free literature adorned with flowers. White and pink and DVDs to passersby. Across the radish swans with chili beaks hall they sold vegan ice cream cones splashed softly in nests of pars- and bagels. ley, rice noodles, and cucumber Ching Hai’s organization is at the shavings. forefront of the vegan movement in The next room displayed Taiwan. It’s responsible for the ban- cheerful drawings by child art- ners that say “Be Veg. Go Green. Save ists celebrating the virtues of a the Planet” that now fly in front of vegetarian diet. Handwritten thousands of vegetarian eateries messages about health accompa- across the country, including its own nied brightly colored images of vegan restaurant chain, Loving Hut. fruits and vegetables or families For a country where 7% of the eating together. people claim to be vegetarians, there The educational niche was has been surprisingly little discussion filled by Supreme Master Ching of until now. It looks as Hai’s organization and her le- though that is finally changing for the Volunteers hand out vegan food samples as gion of volunteers. In a large better as the vegetarian movement a woman lectures in the background. lecture room a woman delivered continues to flourish. Page 14 the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 had a nice balance of spices with no one flavor overpowering others. Sweet kabocha nicely offset the sub- Restaurant Review tle, mild heat. Both bentos came with a small pile of undressed greens and two the cash register displayed the neatly- house-made salads. The first con- written menu. tained crunchy cucumber chunks in Hale Macrobiotic food is based on hijiki seaweed broth. Jewel-like whole and vegetables and squares of orange, red, and yellow 1427 Makaloa Street, Honolulu avoids refined sweeteners, salt, artifi- bell peppers improved both the flavor (off Keeaumoku St.) cial colors, additives, and preserva- and presentation. The other was broc- (808) 944-1555 tives. The restaurant’s menu changes coli and couscous with shira-ae, a 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., 5:00 - 9:30 p.m. seasonally, incorporating fruits and Japanese creamy fusion of and Tuesday-Sunday vegetables at their peak. All but one sesame. menu item were vegetarian. The menu also had a maple- Kuruma-fu with Apple- sweetened chocolate cake available, by Alina Niemi, VSH Member Sauce ($11.95), one of the most popu- which (regrettably) we didn’t try. lar dishes, is made with Hale’s own Menu items change sporadically. “We are living in a world today where seitan. They were out of it the day we The staff works with seasonal and lemonade is made from artificial fla- went, so we tried Teriyaki local ingredients whenever possible vors and furniture polish is made from with Lotus Root ($10.95) and and are trying to determine which real lemons.” ~Alfred E. Newman Chickpea-Pumpkin Curry ($9.50) to dishes are most popular. go. Other offerings included Hale In a world awash with fruit drinks Sandwich (whole wheat/barley bread Alina Niemi writes a blog on which sans fruit and whole-wheat bread with bulgur and vegetables) and she posts her vegetarian recipes for without whole wheat, what a welcome Sweet and Sour Seitan with Colorful healthy global cuisine with innovative find it was to stumble upon a restau- Vegetables ($10.50). flavor combinations. Find her creative rant where Lunch prices range concoctions at http://AlmostVeganIn actual whole from $3 for soup to “Crispy wheels of lotus foods pre- $10-13 for meals. d o m i n a t e . root provided a delicate C r i s p y Tucked into wheels of lotus an incon- crunch, the perfect tex- root provided a spicuous lot delicate crunch, b e h i n d tural complement to the perfect tex-

Sam’s Club, chewy teriyaki tempeh.” tural comple- Alina Niemi it was easy ment to chewy

to miss. But teriyaki tem- Photo: I spotted the large store-front sign: peh. The sweet, sticky sauce “Hale: Macrobiotic, Vegan, Organic.” seemed more reminiscent of Inside, a modern mix of curved caramel than teriyaki because wood, metal, and glass decorated the the ginger and garlic flavors I high ceilinged space. Uniformed am used to were not obvious. women prepared food behind a tall Chickpea-pumpkin curry counter. Stacks of plates glowed came with a bowl-sized mound golden yellow from a glass backing of brown rice spiked with sun- partition, reminding me of a hip sushi flower seeds, which added an bar vibe. Natural light bathed the understated, light crunch. I liked space from the glass storefront, but it the idea so much that I plan to also created a stagnant, greenhouse- add sunflower seeds to my rice like heat inside. A chalkboard behind in the future. My omnivore fa- ther enjoyed the curry, which Pumpkin curry bento.

the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 Page 15 Book & Movie Reviews

joy the pictures and their accompa- For more information online go to That’s Why We nying vignettes full of action verbs describing the daily activities and af- Don’t Eat Animals: fectionate family relationships of farm Note: A few copies of the book are A book about vegans, animals, both mammals and fowl, fol- available at Barnes and Noble at Ala lowed by a section on fish, dolphins, Moana Shopping Center. vegetarians, and all and other sea creatures killed by gill living things. nets. Happy animal families are juxta- Vegan Soul Kitchen by Ruby Roth posed with sad and lonely caged ani- mals of the same species on facing by Bryant Terry $16.95 pages or sometimes on the following 48 pages (hardcover) pages. Here’s an example: “A hen lays Publisher: North Atlantic Books eggs that will one day be her babies . . (May 26, 2009) . she and her chicks coo to each other ISBN-10: 1556437854 . . . and older chicks play chase, tag, ISBN-13: 978-1556437854 and hide and seek.” Contrast that with their factory farm counterparts: “There’s no land to explore . . . no dirt to peck, poke, and scratch. There’s barely space to spread their wings.” Since the animals look more like round and fluffy plastic toys or elon- gated metal sculptures, the caged ver- sions in factory farms are relatively benign and low key, making it suit- able for small and sensitive children. Jane Goodall keyed into this aspect of $18.95 the book when stating that “it will not 256 pages (paperback) Review by Eva Uran, VSH Member lead to nightmares, rather respect and Publisher: Da Capo Press/Lifelong Hot of the press and just in time compassion for the creatures whose Books for summer vacation, here is a simple well-being is in our hands.” (March 2, 2009) and lovely book to share with your The last page, my favorite part of ISBN-10: 0738212288 children and their friends. If you ever the book, lists a dozen valuable tips ISBN-13: 978-0738212289 wondered how your children would for kids. Some are pretty original like explain to their friends why they don’t reading books and writing a school Review by Neal Pinckney eat animals and their products, this report on the topics of veganism and VSH Member book would be a good start. The first vegetarianism, using sustainable and part of the book focuses on the emo- cruelty-free foods and products, With 150 recipes of vegan ver- tional connectivity with animals and adopting a pet from a pound instead sions of original and new on the last part on the environmental im- of buying one from a store or breeder, the market, Bryant Terry’s Vegan Soul pacts of a meat diet — namely, the feeding it vegetarian pet food, and Kitchen is one of the more creative razing of tropical forests for cattle and joining an organization that helps the and original cookbooks to come out in feed crops. There is no mention of Earth, animals, and the environment. recent years. health. Recommended for ages 8-11. Comfort food for African-Amer- If your children favor cartoon-like icans is usually delicious but can be illustrations of animals, they will en- (continued on next page) Page 16 the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 (continued from previous page) tory farms. The book was a catalyst Karen Davis is the director and foun- very unhealthy. Copious amounts of for animal rights activists seeking to der of United Poultry Concerns, a fat and red meats along with highly develop effective strategies to expose nonprofit organization that promotes processed ingredients can lead to and relieve the plight of chickens. A the compassionate and respectful heart attacks waiting to happen, diabe- United Poultry Concerns campaign in treatment of domestic fowl. tes, high blood pressure, and many the 1990s that revealed the U.S. egg kinds of cancer. This book captures industry’s cruel practice of starving A Delicate Balance the flavors and textures of traditional hens to force them to molt their feath- “soul food” without those dangers and ers and cut the cost of egg production Motion Picture (2009) adds some original variations and in- was decisive in shifting advocacy at- Running time: 84 minutes novative creations. While not truly tention to chickens and the hidden Writer and Director: Aaron Scheibner low fat, most of the recipes are con- causes of Salmonella and Campylo- Review by Bill Harris, M.D. siderably lower in fat than the tradi- bacter food poisoning. VSH TV Coordinator tional versions. This book is a happy jaunt A Delicate Balance is a master- through African-American favorites piece, considering that the creator did and what have become known as it on a shoestring budget. Aaron Southern dishes along with sugges- Scheibner crisscrossed the U.S. on his tions for the music to play while pre- own dime to get personal interviews paring the dishes, ways of saving time with Neal Barnard, T. Colin Camp- and money, and how to use the things bell, , Maneka one usually throws away. For exam- Gandhi, Michael Greger, Howard ple, there are six recipes using water- Lyman, Tom Lyons, John McDougall, melon — every bit of it — including Noam Mohr, David Pimental, Peter the rind. Singer, and Walter Willett, all speak- Vegan Soul Kitchen includes a ing in one voice: “Enough already book list for recommended reading with the animal food!” The reasons and a complete index. It does not, given are mostly health and environ- sadly, include a nutritional analysis of mental, but the film implies an ethical the recipes, with fat, carb, and protein stance, too. percentages. We hear from a diabetic woman This new edition documents what who told her doctor that she wanted to has happened since the book first ap- Prisoned Chickens, peared: the waging of high-profile (continued on page 18) campaigns to get rid of battery cages Poisoned Eggs: for laying hens, undercover investiga- an inside look at the tions exposing the appalling cruelty to chickens and turkeys by poultry in- modern poultry industry dustry workers, and globalization of chicken production and its effect on by Karen Davis the environment and spread of avian influenza. It also exposes how farm $14.95 animal sanctuaries have become key 224 pages (hardcover) players in debunking industry myths Publisher: Book Publishing Company with truthful accounts of the sensitive Revised Edition (March 10, 2009) and intelligent birds being brutalized ISBN-10: 1570672296 in the name of food. The author effec- ISBN-13: 978-1570672293 tively explains why these birds are so ill, why eating them makes people Product Description sick, and what can be done to cure the Karen Davis wrote Prisoned pathology of the modern poultry in- Chickens, Poisoned Eggs in the mid- dustry. 1990s to focus attention on the bil- lions of chickens buried alive on fac-

the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 Page 17 (continued from page 17) • There’s a higher risk of heart attack $20 by credit card at www. with fish oil capsules because fish quit her pills and try diet and exercise. oil breaks down and releases free I watched 2008 first and thought She was told, “Then you’re non- radicals. “What, a scientific Jeopardy?” But compliant and will lose your med in- • All chemicals run to the sea, and about 10 minutes in I figured it out. surance.” She did it anyway, went that’s why fish are the most con- “Of course, Americans love quiz vegan, and after two months the same taminated food on the planet, stor- shows!” So from there on I just hung doctor took her off a whole drawerful ing the chemicals in their fat. on and enjoyed, learning quite a bit of pills. • Nitrous oxide, 70% of which comes while guessing the answers to which The narrator states that some from cow manure, is 300 times as food has the most of this or that plants don’t have all the essential powerful as CO2 at trapping heat. healthy stuff, and which foods are amino acids and that therefore we • 100 times more water is used for a most likely to give you a lot more have to eat a wide variety of plants. kilo of meat than for a kilo of . than gas. The second part is true; the first is • 60 billion animals are slaughtered I give first pick to 2008, since it not.* But she reasonably states that for food worldwide every year. has the most recent information and our vegan diets should include a vari- the coolest 3D charts with food pics ety of fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, * 2200 calories of equal portions of 132 kinds wrapped around the bars, but Mi- and nuts. of fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, and nuts chael’s jokes are better in 2007. Either The introductory visions of our includes 288% of the RDA/Calorie of the way, these DVDs are a fascinating globally warmed planet are of profes- limiting essential amino acid methionine, and the other essential amino acids would update on the avalanche of scientific sional quality. The background music range from 385% to 745% of the RDA/ information now bearing down on the is unobtrusive and there are marvel- Calorie. animal food industry, heralding its ous high definition wildlife shots. eventual burial. This film has scored at a few film fes- tivals, and if there were a market for Latest in Clinical intelligently presented high quality but inconvenient truths, this one Nutrition 2008 (DVD) would be in movie houses every- where. by Michael Greger, M.D. I hope Scheibner lands a distribu- tor, but for now he’s hoping that peo- Review by Bill Harris, M.D., ple will find him at adelicatebalance. VSH TV Coordinator where you can watch the Michael Greger, M.D., our April trailer, buy the video for US$25 plus VSH speaker, has come up with the $3.00 for postage or see it online with perfect DVD format, a compilation of a credit card for $4.95 per viewing. the year’s most salient journal articles with the unreadable print splashed on A few quotes from the authorities in the screen while Michael explains in the film: witty audio what the scientists actu- • The optimal amount of red meat we ally mean. For those of us who find should eat to avoid colorectal cancer scientific literature inscrutable and is zero. boring, this is a combination of enter- Since all the proceeds of Mi- • 87% of milk protein is casein, a tainment and education rolled up on a powerful cancer promoter. disk. You sit in your easy chair, watch chael’s labor of love go to charity, he must be aiming for mass education. • A vegan diet stops coronary heart the screen and just listen, because disease (CHD) and regresses it. Greger has already done the hard part: Dr. Greger has also produced a most magnificent gift for vegetarian • Excess dietary calcium reduces cal- scouring the year’s scientific literature cium absorption. for the links between diet and health. researchers, a 143 MB CD containing journal abstracts and full pdf arti- • Osteoporosis is not prevented but Then he adds some very nice graphics caused by milk because of calcium and charts, overlays them on his own cles entitled Dr. Greger’s Picks for the loss. subdued but often wry remarks and Top Nutrition Articles of 2006-2008. I moved the whole thing to my hard • Calcium from low oxalate greens is presents them on DVDs available for absorbed better than from milk. drive for easier access.

Page 18 the Island Vegetarian ◆ July-September 2009 that time she had make a sandwich on a sprouted wheat Vegan Tidbits attracted enough bagel with hummus and sprouts for a by Scott Snarr, Editor attention — and $1.31 or explain her simple rules of sympathy — to save thumb for saving money on fruits and her life. Her legal veggies. You’re going to lose that grill He’s one of the best known owner agreed to re- Long-time, brand new, or aspiring linquish her to a vegans of all ages will find her videos voices in all of rock and roll. Long Island organic helpful, as will anyone who simply Now Sir Paul McCartney is us- vegetable farm that wants to eat healthy without spending ing his voice to call on people also serves as an too much money. around the world to cut back on their meat consumption by at animal sanctuary. At See one year old, “Molly” has the rest of least one day a week. With a little her life ahead of her. Did someone say “veggie dog?” help from his friends, the former Source: That’s veggiedag, not veggie dog. Beatle launched the Meat Free Mon- It’s the Belgian word for Veggie Day, day campaign in June. Yoko Ono and Moby were among the host of musi- Germans turn back the clock on meat which from now on will be every Germans are being asked to go Thursday in Ghent, Belgium’s second cians and environmentalists at his side back to the days before World War II largest city. It’s seen as a way for the as he kicked off the campaign. — at least when it comes to meat con- city to cut its greenhouse gas emis- The idea is that eating less meat sumption. The environmental minis- sions by 18% one day a week and to or no meat is an easy thing everyone can do to help reduce global warming, ter, Andreas Troge, wants citizens to improve the health of its people. cut back on meat by 90% or more. All citizens are encouraged to par- pollution, animal suffering, and world Meat was once considered a lux- ticipate. Elected officials are setting hunger and to benefit their ury that most people could not afford an example by going meatless every own health. “The to eat more than once a week. But Veggie Day. The city is handing out kind of people picking up on after World War II consumption free vegetarian goodie bags, veggie skyrocketed until it peaked in street maps, and vegetarian cooking t h i s a r e 1991. Today Germans are brochures. Schools, restaurants, and kids,” ex- Europe’s biggest meat con- even hospitals are participating by p l a i n e d sumers, with 39% of their offering veggie-friendly or totally McCartney, “ b e c a u s e calories derived from meat. vegetarian menus. Meat production is the Ghent is Europe’s first city to take they’re going most energy-intensive form of such an initiative. to inherit this farming. Cutting back on meat planet.” will help Germany reduce its green- A long-time

house gas emissions. Troge reminds aylor animal rights activist, T people that doing so “hardly means McCartney has recently become more sacrificing quality of life.” vocal about the environment. He’s a Source: practicing vegetarian eight days a week. See Health & Economics 101 Photo: Michelle How to eat a healthy vegan diet on a tight budget is not a course you The cow comes home would find in most college catalogs. A 400-lb. cow destined for the Thank Michelle Taylor for filling in dinner plate made a last ditch run for her life last May. She hopped the that gap with her website, Vegan Break. fence of a slaughter- The 22-year-old recent college house and then led the NYPD on a graduate is helping college students wild cow chase through the streets of everywhere learn how to get the most Queens. Eventually she backed herself into bang for their buck with her series of two-minute “bite-sized” vegan videos a corner where police were able to filled with useful tips. Watch her tranquilize and capture her. But by Michelle Taylor of

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