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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 473 226 SO 034 539 TITLE The Greatest Educational Change America Has Ever Seen, 2003: Lesson Plans for Grades 2-3. INSTITUTION United States Mint (Dept. of Treasury), Washington, DC. PUB DATE 2003-00-00 NOTE 52p.; For Lesson Plans for Grades K-1, see SO 034 538; for Lesson Plans for Grades 4-6, see SO 034 540. For the 2002 Lesson Plans for Grades 2-3, see ED 467 844. AVAILABLE FROM U.S. Mint, Customer Care Center, 801 9th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20220. Tel: 800-872-6468 (Toll Free). For full text: kids/components/50sqLessonPlans/pdf/ 200323.pdf. PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Teacher (052) EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Curriculum Enrichment; *Economics; Geographic Location; *Geography; Government Role; Primary Education; *Social Studies; *State History; Worksheets IDENTIFIERS Money; Numismatics; State Characteristics; *United States Mint ABSTRACT The United States Mint 50 State Quarters Program launched a 10-year initiative in 1999, commemorating each of the nation's states in the order they were admitted into the Union. Approximately every 10 weeks (5 times a year) through 2008, a new limited-edition quarter that displays an individual state's design is released into general circulation. For each edition of state quarters, the U.S. Mint has developed three sets of lesson plans for grades K-1, 2-3, and 4-6. This teaching guide for grades 2-3 focuses on the 2003 United States Mint 50 State Quarters Program, which includes new quarter designs for the following states: Illinois, Alabama, Maine, Missouri, and Arkansas. The guide includes 6 lesson plans that fit easily into the curriculum, reproducible student worksheets that coincide with each lesson, state facts, information on the new quarter designs, a U.S. map template with state outlines, and the 50 State Quarters Program 1999-2003 quarter board. (BT) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. N The Greatest Educational Change America Has Ever Seen, Grades 2-3. 2003 Lesson Plans. United States Mint (Dept. of Treasury), Washington, DC. CD'1 tr) 7t- Ce) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement O EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. 0 Minor changes have been made to BEST COPY AVAILABLE improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent 9 official OERI position or policy. Lesson Plans 66.ik ( L el n ,./ '$.. w i 2 '\I.:.Lquamills\,_44, G WO V S Uval 1,1, ,1/, ti a I '1 This teaching guide includes: 6 teacher-friendly lesson plans that fit easily into your curriculum Reproducible student worksheets that coincide with each %. lesson ,,...& \,,,, Ilk-,?: !__"-7-- 4 tI\ \A\w44/4, Fun state facts and 2 / information on the tO) S } new quarter designs ,sgsar S 41,7,1 I s0'1 2010-1 ,,,;`.. USA map template w40,e, .4( 4.14AY^ with state outlines ti.',,1),;(),Axi. ctv.10 10 i,04,31,-;y4,, ',,,',,, Ivo /Amok, lil,k1N%4 ri,,4 d , s rtAlt.liw." t''-ft.- --' "L..' sN ti" v0010 1 -:^.Mpl-cr::_.,:itinair 2**3 .....%410.1 I 2®$3 Kids and coin collecting go hand in hand! By downloading the most recent sets of 50 State Quarters® Program lesson plans, you are able to bring the excitement of America's quarter craze right into your own classroom. Launched in 1999, the United States Mint 50 State Quarters Program is a 10-year coin initiative commemorating each of the nation's states in the order that were admitted into the Union. Approximately every ten weeks (five times a year) through 2008, a new limited- edition quarter that displays an individual state's design is released into general circulation. As it has every year since the beginning of this program, the United States Mint is offering the public three free sets of lesson plans (for grades K -1, 2 -3, and 4-6) that are designed to bring life to the history and beauty of our country. Moreover, these plans, created and reviewed by teachers to meet your curricular goals, draw upon the specific designs of the commemorative quarter reverses to help inspire students to learn about the culture, geography, and unique heritage of each state. Each set of lesson plans blends clear instructions with kid-friendly reproducible worksheets, background information, and answer keys to help make instruction easier for you! Within the 2003 50 State Quarters Program lesson plans, you will also notice a strong connection to the United States Mint H.I.P. Pocket Change' Web site ("HPC"). Appearing on the cover as well as within the plans themselves, the coin-loving HPC Pals will show you ways to supplement the quarter activities with all of the fun and educational resourcesavail- able on the site! The United States Mint H.I.P. Pocket Change Web site, located at kids, is dedicated to promoting lifelong pleasure in coins and coin collecting. Through games, informational features, and interactive animated cartoons, HPCintroduces students to what's H.I.P. about coinsthey're "History In your rocket." The United States Mint is proud to be taking such an active role in promoting knowl- edge about the individual states, their history and geography, and the rich diversity of the national heritage among America's youth. Take some time to explore all of the high quality educational resources available on the United States Mint H.I.P. Pocket Change Web site, including the materials related to the 50 State Quarters Program! We hope that you find these resources to be an extremely valuable addition to your classroom. Visit us online at STATE QUARTERS www.E12[NalriascyVied 2 UNITED STATES MINT The United States Mint does not endorse any individual provider of goods or services, including authors and publishers. All text references are merely illustrative and should not be deemed to be recommendations of the United States Mint. PORTIONS © 2003 U.S. MINT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 4 The Greatest Educational Change America Has Ever Seen sson Plansfor Grades 2-3 14 lig -tff Objective Connections Groupings Class Time Page 1: Places We Live (Illinois) Comparing rural and Language Arts Whole group Three 30- to45- 2 urban settings Social Studies Individual work minute sessions 2: Special Traits (Alabama) Learning about charac- Social Studies Whole group Two or three 30- 9 ter traits Language Arts Individual workto45-minute Art sessions Science 3: Follow the Light (Maine) Learning about light- Social Studies Whole group Two30-to45- 16 houses and navigation Language Arts Individual work minute sessions 4: A Trip Back in Time (Missouri) Exploring pioneer experi- Social Studies Whole group Three 30- to45- 21 ences Language Arts Small groups minute sessions Art 5: The Natural State (Arkansas) Exploring natural re- Science Whole group Two 30- to45- 29 sources Social Studies Pairs minute sessions Language Arts Individual work Art 6: A Fraction of theCost Charting Coin Values Mathematics Whole group Two 30-to45- 36 and Quantities Pairs minute sessions Additional Resources State Information Pages: 50 State Quarters® Program Coins Released in 2003 Illinois, Alabama, Maine, Missouri, and Arkansas 43 United States of America Map 45 Reproducible Coin Sheet 46 50 State Quarters® Program Release Schedule 48 Lesson plans and other related SO State Quarters® Program materials are provided solely for teaching purposes. They may not be commercially distributed or distributed as a premium. Portions 0 2003 U.S. MINT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. IIffilF, -,- BEST COPY HAMA 1: Places We Live Based on the Illinois quarter reverse OBJECTIVE Students will compare rural and urban communities and explore how they may change over time. MATERIALS 1 overhead projector (optional) 1 overhead transparency (or photocopy) of the Illinois quarter reverse. 1 class map of the United States of America Colored pencils Scissors Copies of the "Rural/Urban Settings" worksheet Copies of the "Anywhere, U.S.A." worksheet 1 copy of an age-appropriate text that compares rural and urban living, such as: Bernelly and Harriet: The Country Mouse and the City Mouse by Elizabeth Dahlie Milly and Tilly: The Story of a Town Mouse and Country Mouse by Kate Summers I'll Meet You at the Cucumbers by Lilian Moore Iris and Walter by Elissa Haden Guest City Cats, Country Cats by Barbara Shook Hazen The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton Round Trip by Ann Jonas Harry's Home by Catherine and Lawrence Anholt Town and Country by Alice Provensen Country Mouse in a Town House by Henrietta Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport by Marjorie Sharmat PREPARATIONS Make copies of the "Rural/Urban Settings" worksheet (1 per student). Make copies of the "Anywhere, U.S.A." worksheet (1 per student). Make an overhead transparency (or photocopy) of the Illinois quarter reverse. Locate a text that compares rural and urban settings (see examples under "Materi- als"). PORTIONS 0 2003 U.S. MINT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 Grade 2 and 3 6 -Comparing-Rural-and-Urban-Settings GROUPINGS Whole group Individual work CLASS TIME Three 30- to 45-minute sessions CONNECTIONS Language Arts Social Studies TERMS AND CONCEPTS Rural Urban Community BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE Students should have a basic knowledge of preview and prediction skills (reading). STEPS Session 1 1. Describe the 50 State Quarters® Program for background information, if necessary, using the example of your own state, if available. Then display the transparency or photocopy of the Illinois quarter reverse. On a classroom map, have a pair of stu- dents locate Illinois.