NRC Cuba Trip | 4 Days Tour

Host & Guides

Style by Evan LLC Hosted By Evan Elkowitz Tour Liaison Rosana Vargas [email protected] US Mobile: +1 516 526 8185 Cuban Guide Cuba Mobile: +53 58973728 Claudia Laguna

*Tour leaders, guides and/or staff are subject to modification and change by Evan Elkowitz and/or any designated . Every reasonable effort will be made to operate programs as planned, but alterations may still occur and deviate from published itineraries.

**This tour is designed and run by Style by Evan LLC and is not associated in any other way with Blue Ocean Technology LLC. Style by Evan LLC has designed the tour itinerary, selected the accommodations, transportation, , venues, meetings and presentations. Any concerns or issues should be addressed directly with Style by Evan LLC. NRC Cuba Trip | 4 Days Tour

Evan Elkowitz New York, US

As the daughter of a New York City garment center executive, I was raised around all of my life. After becoming a mother I realized that I needed to pursue a career that combined style and .... the two things I loved most. I started my personal styling business called Stylebyevan and began dressing clients, working with magazines, writing multiple fashion columns and figuring out the world of style.

After styling many fashion photo shoots and interviewing a number of the most up-and-coming designers I began to look elsewhere for my inspiration. I decided to take a trip to Cuba and before I went I was asked to style a photoshoot during my time in Havana. Saying yes was the best decision I have ever made. I basically curated a photoshoot sight unseen and had the most rewarding, eye opening and unique experience that changed my life forever. Since that day I have been back to visit Cuba multiple times and I am now leading the first fashion tour to Havana. I write a fashion column for a Cuban design magazine called Amano and I have become very involved with the design community there. There is so much for each of us to learn from the designers in Cuba and I am very excited to share my love for this country with my guests.

To be passionate about something is the only way to be successful and it’s my passion for travel combined with my interest in the fashion world that drives me to succeed. www.stylebyevan.com Instagram @stylebyevan NRC Cuba Trip | 4 Days Tour

Host & Guides

Thomas Penichter Founder & CEO [email protected] US Mobile: +1 6463373191 Cuba Mobile: +53 55816529

New York, NY

In 2017 Tom founded Blue Ocean Technology, and built a software development center in Havana, Cuba dedicated to making software development simple, transparent and frictionless. Tom is also passionate about opening emerging technology markets to North American customers. With the smart use of technology he is bringing new opportunities to developing countries and innovation and energy to North American Consumers www.blueoceantech.us

Cuba | Lost in Time

Welcome to Cuba Cuba is a tropical paradise with a storied past, offering us a unique view of a world few have been able to experience.

It is a big opportunity to visit a country, largely off limits to Americans for nearly 60 years, and experience an insider’s view of their amazing talent and lives. This is an exclusive tour, with beautiful private houses and business as well as an amazing architecture that has survived the pass of the years, finest dining, a private , pop-up markets, top-of-the-line after parties and a private, exclusive and friendly interaction with famous Cuban Artists. The itinerary has been careful design according to the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) new laws and regulations for American travelers under the People to People visa compliant with both Cuban and US laws, and operating under the in letter and spirit of the law.

You are finally allowed to legally travel to this beautiful Caribbean country through a license issued by the Department of Treasure Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) which authorizes to legally travel to Cuba under a People-to-People visa, participating and engaging in a full time schedule of authorized educational exchange activities in Cuba. We will provide written itenerary that is OFAC compliant. Such records of activities shall be kept and retained by each guest to be made available for examination upon demand (by OFAC) for at least 5 years

NRC Cuba Trip | Details

What is included in your tour - All breakfasts, lunches and dinners as per itinerary - Welcome and Farewell dinners - 3 nights - Scheduled local transportation throughout the adventure - An expert Cuban English-speaking guides and translators - All activities, services, speakers and meetings as described in tour itinerary except those noted as “optional” - Documents to receive a U.S. People-to-People Visa via your airline (US Citizens only) - Cuban Insurance (U.S. Citizens health and evacuation provided by all commercial airlines) - Cuban Airport Departure Tax - Airport transfers In Havana - Ongoing support in United States and Cuba before, during and after your stay.

What is NOT included in your tour - Roundtrip Airfare to Cuba - Beverages (liquor, beer or wine) unless noted otherwise - Internet access - Personal or group local travel not listed in this itinerary - Gratuities for Cuban , bus driver, chambermaids, staff, porters, etc. - Personal amenities such as a wellness spa, mini-bar, room service, bar, laundry, etc. - Anything on the itinerary that says “Optional”

A Special Note about Cuba Travel to Cuba requires flexibility and a sense of adventure. While we will do our best to adhere to the itinerary, changes to accommodations, activities and guides may occur due to government controlled travel services. US Citizens - please follow your guides instructions so we follow all OFAC rules. NRC Cuba Trip | Details

Weather April - Temps 86/66 F 30/19 C Sunrise 7:19 | Sunset 7:46 (19:46)

Accommodations It’s important to put Cuban accommodations in perspective. Since Cuba has only a handful of 5-star in Havana, we stay in either 5-star or the finest 4-star hotels or Cuba casa’s (Bed & Breakfasts). Each private room comes with an in-suite bathroom.

Safety Cuba is one of the safest countries in Latin America. Part of the beauty of visiting the country is being able to walk freely without worrying about violent crime. However, petty theft does occur and precaution should be taken – especially in Havana and at night. Try to avoid dark streets and never leave purses, bags and other valuables unattended. Many Cubans, especially in Old Havana, will approach you to try and sell you black market cigars, ask you to buy milk for their children or try to bring you to a Paladar (restaurant), for which they will earn a percentage of any money you spend there. Most of them are harmless, but keep in mind they’re often trying to make a few dollars off interacting with you and will have all kinds of creative tales and “special offers” for doing so. The streets of Havana and sidewalks are very poorly lit and, in many cases, crumbling and littered with pot holes. Take extra precaution at night keeping a close eye on the ground below to avoid tripping in the frequent ditches and uncovered drains. Regarding the safety of your valuables, all hotels have room safes and we suggest you use them as you should whenever traveling. Satatoga Hotel Rooftop lounge NRC Cuba Trip | Details

Currency U.S. credit cards and ATM cards will not work in Cuba. Plan on bringing enough cash for your stay in Cuba. There are two Cuban currencies (CUC and CUP) and the exchange rate is complicated, but all you really need to worry about is the CUC. You can get the other Cuban pesos (CUP, commonly referred to as moneda nacional) as a collector’s item but most things you will want to spend money on require CUC. The official exchange rate for dollars is 1.00 Cuban Convertible Peso = $1.00 USD, but it is often $0.97 USD. There is a special 10 percent tax added to U.S. currency conversions that Euros, CAD and other currencies are not subject to. This makes the effective U.S. exchange rate 14%+/-. We recommend only bringing cash an no travelers checks. If you can bring newer bills of $100 that is preferable, as sometimes it can be harder to change small bills and they often won’t take torn or really worn bank notes. Finally, in Cuba the exchange rate is set by the government so it doesn’t matter where you exchange your money. It’s the same rate at the airport, hotel or bank.

Most of the expenses incurred in Cuba are covered in your tour including all transportation, lodging, our guide and driver. However, you will want to bring cash for the following things:

- Nighttime Entertainment (about 15-35 CUC or less for any night on the town). - Purchasing art and . - Internet (1 CUC per hour) and phone calls (3 CUC min) - Tips for our local guide, driver and photography leader.

You should budget $50 - $200 USD per day per person for souvenirs, artwork, internet, etc. It’s always a good idea to include an emergency fund.

Since you cannot access U.S. currency in Cuba, please bring extra cash so you do not run the risk of running out of money. It’s always better to return with extra money NRC Cuba Trip | Details

Mobile Phones & Internet U.S. mobile phones may work in Cuba depending on the carrier you use. You can use a calling card which costs about 90 cents per minute. You can call the U.S. from Cuba, but it is expensive, costing between 2-3 dollars per minute from a Cuban mobile phone or from the lobby of a hotel. All major hotels, parks and plazas now have internet access as well as local wireless data are now available on cuban phones. Cards can be purchased for 1 CUC per hour. Note: the internet in Cuba is very slow. If you need to send a lot of emails or connect often we recommend bringing a laptop so you can take advantage of the WIFI at the hotels and/or pre-write your emails before connecting to stationary computers.

Electricity & Outlets Cuba generally has electric outlets that are 110 V or 220 V (same as Spain). All of the places you will stay will have access to both of the outlets. Some bed and breakfasts and hotels do not have outlets for threeprong cords, common for computers. You may want to bring three-prong to two-prong adapters. We also suggest you bring a standard European adapter should your hotel have European outlets.

Weather Daily itineraries may be changed based on weather conditions, travel delays and other factors.

Force Majeure We will not be liable for any delay in, change to or cancellation of trips due to 'Force Majeure'. 'Force Majeure' means a circumstance beyond the reasonable control and includes, but is not limited to, war or threat of war, riot, civil strife, terrorist activity, industrial dispute, disease, industrial or nuclear disaster, adverse weather conditions, fire and strikes

NRC Cuba Trip | US Citizens

People-to-People Visa Please keep in mind that the program requires that we interact with Cuban society and for educational and cultural purposes. You are required to carry a valid and a Cuban visa at all times. U.S, citizens will receive documents to submit to U.S. Airlines who will provide you with a visa. The cost is between $50 - $100 depending on the airline. NOTE: Under new U.S. regulations, you are now required to keep all spending receipts from your Cuba People-to-People trip for 5 years.

Passports Those without a valid passport will not be allowed to enter. Passport must be valid for a minimum of 6 months after departure date. must be U.S. issued. Foreign passports allowed only in conjunction with a valid U.S. Resident Alien card (Green Card). Photo Workshop Adventures is not responsible for lost or stolen passports in Cuba.

Health All US travelers are covered with medical insurance, which is included in your airline ticket. The most common ailments for travelers in Cuba are indigestion, diarrhea and other stomach problems. Dengue Fever, spread through mosquito bites, is also a problem and precautions should be taken. No pre-travel shots are required.

- Please pack Imodium, Pepto-Bismol and other stomach medicine - Do not drink water from the tap - Do not drink unsealed juices/refreshments from street vendors - Use bug spray

All hotels and casa’s have doctors on call and each city has a hospital designated for foreigners. Please advise your guide in the event that someone is not feeling well NRC Cuba Trip | Dress

Clothing - Comfortable clothing - Fashionable clothes for dinners or nightlife - Sunglasses - Bathing - Light backpack - Light raincoat - Sneakers of comfortable Shoes

Misc - Airline tickets and printouts of your flight itineraries - Passport (expiration date must not be within 6 months of travel) - Copy of your passport (always good to keep in your pocket or in a separate location) - Lightweight medium size luggage with wheels - Mobile phone (note: may not work in Cuba) - US currency ($50-100 per day cash / per person. You will exchange for Cuban pesos in Cuba) - Note: US Bank or credit cards will not work in Cuba - Bug spray - Sunscreen - Medications - Compact umbrella - Extra small folding bag that you can use as extra luggage should you need it - Travel books, apps and/or maps

NRC Cuba Trip | Day One Thu, April 4th | Welcome

> REMEMBER YOUR PASSPORT & DON’T MISS YOUR FLIGHT > BRING ENOUGH CASH (US credit and debit cards will not work in Cuba)

Arrivals 2:00 pm Immigration at José Martí International Airport in Havana is relatively easy so do not be intimidated. You may be pulled aside and asked questions about your visit. This is routine and happens to about one in every 10-15 US citizens. Just show your visa and paperwork we sent you. VIP pick up at gates, if they miss at the gates simply proceed to immigration and they will meet you there. We suggest you copy this PDF Itinerary to you mobile phone or tablet for reference. Baggage can take just 10 min or can up to 2 hours so be patient (Welcome to Cuba!).

When you exit the terminal we suggest that you first exchange currency. Hotel is much faster, we will cover any incidentals. You will need Cuban currency to pay for everything, U.S. credit and debit cards do not work in Cuba. Please do not attempt any financial transactions in Cuba. Remember, there is still an embargo and financial transactions to Cuba are extremely limited and technically illegal. Use cash (Cuban currency) everywhere.

We’ll be greeted by our guide and driver who take us to our hotel in Old Havana’s neighborhood.

THE SARATOGA HOTEL Paseo del Prado No. 603 Dragons Corner, Havana, Cuba +53 7 8681000 1Note: April temps range from 86º to 30º. Sunrise is at 7:19 AM and sunset at 7:46 PM. NRC Cuba Trip | Day One Thu, April 4th | Welcome

Welcome lunch At El Dandy Bar & Gallery 3:00 – 4:00 pm In the 50 ths the store front of the bar El Dandy was a mixed company, a bodega and a small bar owned by Hernán Gonzales. After 1959 the store front became a private apartment until 2014 when bar El Dandy reopened. El Dandy offers delicious snacks and cocktails. Their plates are a mix between, Cuban, Mexican and Spanish cuisine. You are welcome to try the delicious tacos that will drive you out of your mind!

Old Havana tour 4:00 – 5:30 pm Next we’ll take a tour in Old Havana, founded in 1519 by the Spanish crown, invites guests to discover a complex mosaic of colors and rhythms, an interesting mix of baroque, neo-classical and renaissance architecture. You tour will be around the most important Colonial squares; the Cathedral square, the Arms square (or the Captain General square), the San Francisco de Asís square, and finally, the Old square (which first name was New square). While walking, you’ll find many other attractions, including the incredible fortress that used to defend Havana from the pirates attacks during Colonial years.

Dinner at El del Frente Restaurant 9:00 – 10:30 pm We’ll return to our hotel to freshen up and then head to Bar-restaurant El del Frente. It’s a tiny place but with a lot of atmosphere, a Mediterranean-style terrace in the heart of Old Havana. It is difficult to find a more romantic place in the city. Located on the roof of a modernist house that does not lack even the palm tree, El del Frente is an infallible classic of the area and it’s roof, one of those urban gifts that sometimes it is hard to believe that exist.

Olalá (Sarao’s bar) (or another) alive music 11:00 pm As the night will be young, after dinner we take the party up to Sarao’s Bar With an elegant and sensual modern style, Sarao’s Bar surprises you with the warm presence of the merriest colors and with music to bring rhythm into your life. This is the ideal place for having a great 1night with your friends. A place where everything is possible and you can tell so. Sarao’s bar, your size...

NRC Cuba Trip | Day Two Fri, April 5th | Get About

Architecture tour 10:00 – 12:00 am We’ll start with some Colonial architecture background helped by the previous Old Havana . Then, we’ll drive by Prado Ave, a very special area that was rebuild after they took down the Havana’s wall. Prado ends at Reina Ave, an eclectic area that emerged after the overpopulation from Old Havana. Diez de Octubre neighbourhood was the first residential neighbourhood in the city, dated from 19th century, after this one, some others like Vedado and Nuevo Vedado emerged, starting in the 20th century and evolving till the 50’s. And the last one but not the least, Miramar neighbourhood wish shined during the 50’s and is house today of most of the Embassys from Havana.

Revolution Museum 12:00 – 12:45 pm The Museum of Revolution is housed in what was the Presidential Palace of all Cuban presidents from Mario Garcia Menocal to Fulgencio Batista. The building was the site of the Havana Presidential Palace Attack (1957) by the Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil. The museum’s exhibits are largely devoted to the period of the revolutionary war of the 1950s and to the country’s post-1959 history. Portions of the museum are also devoted to pre-revolutionary Cuba, including the 1895-1898 War of Independence waged against Spain.

Lunch at Doña Eutimia 1:00 – 2:30 pm Inclan and his wife (bouth architect will be with us) This restaurant is in the heart of Old Havana, very close to the Cathedral Square. There used to be a blacksmith workshop here by the late artist Héctor Martínez Calá. Reopened since 2012, its eclectic decoration, like Havana itself, the lighting and the color of the walls, make the clients stay in a warm and welcoming environment, just as they would feel in their own home. It is a matter of merging art with cooking, through its design tableware and menus made by artists. Its name is dedicated to Eutimia, a lady who lived on the other side of the Square, she used to cook for the artists of the Graphic 2Experimental Workshop who remember her with a lot of love. NRC Cuba Trip | Day Two Fri, April 5th | Get About

Visit to the US Embassy 3:00 – 3:30 pm

Vintage car garage 4:00 – 5:30 pm We will be visiting the Vintage Car garage located on Boyeros Avenue which is owned by Nidialys & Julio. It’s a privately owned collection of antiques cars that are primarily used for to offer guests a trip back in time. Here they restore and upkeep the cars to the best of their ability, which is really quite impressive. Here you will see the car that was used to drive the Obama’s around during their stay in Havana. Taking a ride in an old fashioned car while in Havana is always a highlight of a trip to Cuba and seeing how they upkeep and maintain them will surely add to the overall experience

Marea Restaurant, cocktails and appetizers 6:00 – 7:00 pm Driving to Marea Restaurant in old American cars, there we’ll enjoy sunset. Located in a backyard in Sante Fe, it sits just above the canals of the Marina Hemingway. Food aside, the venue is a destination with spectacular views, great cocktails and a beach area. Elsewhere the décor is summery with a touch of the Mediterranean in the white and blue colour palette and red-tiled roofs. While away the afternoon on one of Marea’s sun loungers overlooking the ocean, sip on daiquiris and indulge in malanga fritters and fried fish. As the day comes to a close, light up a Habano and watch the sun go down in true Cuban style.

Dinner at Atelier Restaurant 9:00 – 10:30 pm Atelier is run by Niuris Higueras who has a passion for creating food. A good-looking restaurant in Vedado and with consistently quality food that nowadays is difficult to get in without a reservation. It is set in an old house located in Calle 5 and decorated by original art, and with table settings that highlight antique china and glassware. The food is good, the Middle East-inspired appetizer, totally vegetarian 2and made with chickpeas, served with a yogurt dressing. NRC Cuba Trip | Day Two Fri, April 5th | Get About

Afterwards spend the night at Fabrica de Arte Cubano (FAC) (VIP) 10:30 pm These is a great laboratory for interdisciplinary creation that presents the best of contemporary art in Cuba, with a strong social and community focus. An old oil mill transformed into a general space that opens to the exchange between various art forms that coexist in the same building. FAC is an artistic project driven by the need to rescue, support and promote the work of artists from all branches of art: 2theater, music, dance, visual arts, photography, fashion, graphic design and architecture Visit to the US Embassy 3:00 – 3:30 pm

Vintage car garage 4:00 – 5:30 pm We will be visiting the Vintage Car garage located on Boyeros Avenue which is owned by Nidialys & Julio. It’s a privately owned collection of antiques cars that are primarily used for tourism to offer guests a trip back in time. Here they restore and upkeep the cars to the best of their ability, which is really quite impressive. Here you will see the car that was used to drive the Obama’s around during their stay in Havana. Taking a ride in an old fashioned car while in Havana is always a highlight of a trip to Cuba and seeing how they upkeep and maintain them will surely add to the overall experience

Marea Restaurant, cocktails and appetizers 6:00 – 7:00 pm Driving to Marea Restaurant in old American cars, there we’ll enjoy sunset. Located in a backyard in Sante Fe, it sits just above the canals of the Marina Hemingway. Food aside, the venue is a destination with spectacular views, great cocktails and a beach area. Elsewhere the décor is summery with a touch of the Mediterranean in the white and blue colour palette and red-tiled roofs. While away the afternoon on one of Marea’s sun loungers overlooking the ocean, sip on daiquiris and indulge in malanga fritters and fried fish. As the day comes to a close, light up a Habano and watch the sun go down in true Cuban style.

Dinner at Atelier Restaurant 9:00 – 10:30 pm Atelier is run by Niuris Higueras who has a passion for creating food. A good-looking restaurant in Vedado and with consistently quality food that nowadays is difficult to get in without a reservation. It is set in an old house located in Calle 5 and decorated by original art, and with table settings that highlight antique china and glassware. The food is good, the Middle East-inspired appetizer, totally vegetarian and made with chickpeas, served with a yogurt dressing. Afterwards spend the night at Fabrica de Arte Cubano (FAC) (VIP) 10:30 pm These is a great laboratory for interdisciplinary creation that presents the best of contemporary art in Cuba, with a strong social and community focus. An old oil mill transformed into a general space that opens to the exchange between various art forms that coexist in the same building. FAC is an artistic project driven by the need to rescue, support and promote the work of artists from all branches of art: theater, music, dance, visual arts, photography, fashion, graphic design and architecture

NRC Cuba Trip | Day Three Sat, April 6th | Best Time

Cigar factory 10:00 – 11:00 am Havana is the birthplace of premium cigars, and the city is dotted with cigar factories of all shapes and sizes (Partágas factory, Romeo y Julieta factory (which has been transformed into the temporary home of H. Upmann), and La Corona. The smell of unlit cigar tobacco, earthy and pungent and remarkably intoxicating pulls you closer to the factory’s heart. There before you are scores of workers, each making cigars entirely by hand. It’s an unrushed, antique and artisanal process, one that has not changed in any major way for hundreds of years.

Hemingway’s house “Finca Vigia” 11:30 – 1:00 PM Finca Vigia was the home of Ernest Hemingway in the working class neighborhood San Francisco de Paula, outside of Havana Centre. Built in 1886 by a Spanish architect, it was purchased by Hemingway in 1940 for 12,500 American dollars. There, Hemingway wrote two of his most notable novels: For whom the bells toll and The man and the sea.

La Guarida Restaurant, guest: Patrick Oppmann (CNN reporter) 1:30 – 3:30 pm La Guarida, the most legendary private restaurant in Havana, became famous, as well as for its excellent cuisine, for being one of the main stages of the film “Strawberry and Chocolate”, the first in the history of Cuba being nominated for the Oscars. The owners, have managed to create a very special environment, with its decadent little point and its romantic roll, in the heart of Centro Habana. The palate is located on the third floor of an emblematic unfinished residential building. It is one of those places of the past in the middle of the city that seems to lie that they have survived the challenges of 3progress. NRC Cuba Trip | Day Three Sat, April 6th | Best Time

Rum & cigar tasting at sunset at cocktail party at rooftop of Malecon 663. 6:00 – 8:00 pm At Malecón 663 Havana’s most eclectic new , we will be starting off the evening at a rooftop sunset cocktail party. Our group will be guided by a Cuban sommelier who walk everyone through a tasting of aged rum and some of Cuba’s finest cigars. In addition we will be joined by some cuban models to show off local fashion from the top designers in Cuba today.

Dinner at MICHIFU 8:00 – 9:30 pm A very new Bar-Restaurant in Havana, the owner is Ernesto Jiménez, one and of the most famous actors in Havana, he and his wife were the owners of CIA’CARA restaurant.

We propose to spend night there after dinner, they have alive music and lot of artist arrive to enjoy 3cocktails and music there

NRC Cuba Trip | Day Four Sun, April 7th | Farewell

Shopping 10:00 – 12:00 Art, Cuban design, run, photo, Cuban coffee, etc.

Fast lunch at MEKEDE 12:00-1:00 pm Depending of time at the airport

Check out to the airport José Marti 1:00 pm (flight numbers TBC)

Thank you for joining us and we wish you a safe flight home!

SUGGESTED GRATUITIES Of course tipping is solely at your own discretion. If you were pleased with the tour and your leader, we suggest a tip of $30 USD per day, per person. If you enjoyed your driver and local guide, please feel free to tip them. Drivers would appreciate $7 CUC per day, per person, and your local guide $10 CUC per day, 4per person. Thank you! Muchas Gracias!

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