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Compiled by G.H. BLAKE University of Durham IV. D. SWEARINCEN University of Texas

Prial £1·50 or $4-50 Occasional Paper!l Serl/l!J No.4,1975 University ofDurham



Compiled by G.H. BLAKE University of Durham W. D. SWEARINGEN University of Texas .



This modest bibliogl"aphy of more than !>l)() papers and books about the Suez Candl has been prepared principally for the benefit of scholars in­ terested in tracing the changing role of the canal in ,elation to Westez.-n Europe. For this reaSOn publications in Arabic and Hebrew have not been in­ cluded, though the contribution of writers in the Middle East. particularly in , to studies of the canal has obvlously been very substantial. Neither do we claim to have garhere:d together anything like all the works on the Suez Canal, least of all in languages other than English, but we hope that the range of ~ateriat available has been properly demonstrated, and that we have compiled a useful working bibliography.

In addition to the kind of sources we have included, references to the Suez Canal appear in scores of other works only indirectly concerned with the subject, suth as general textbooks and Yearbooks concerned with the Middle East (e.g, The Middle East and North , published annually by Europa Publications), and in the daily and weekly press. Apart from one or two good examples these too have had to be omitted, but H is assumed that any serious work on the canal ,",ould begin with a systematic search for numerouS short reports in Middle East Economic Digest, Petrol­ eum Press Service (now the Petroleum Economist,) The Economist, Keesing's Contemporary Archives and similar sources. The Suez Canal Authority also publish invaluable Menthly and Annual Reports.

We have arranged the bibliography into chronological sections, each one representing in very broad terms a particular phase in the history of the canal. This proved to be much more satisfactory than attempting a thematic breakdown of topics which could easily mislead the reader con­ cerning the contents of particular papers or books. Section I (before 1870) covers the period of debate and the actual construction of the canal; Section 2 (1870-1918) covers the period of initial grol-lth and British and French paramouncy; Section 3 (1919_1939) covers the inter-war period and the steady growth of international traffic; Section 4 covers the Second World War when the canal was scarcely used: Section 5 (1946-195(,) covers the period of passenger deCline and the increase of oii shipments. and the political turmoil culminating in the disastrous Anglo-French campaign of 195(,. Section 6 (1957-1967) covers the decade of revival until the second closure in 1967, Section 7 (1968-1974) covers the period of closure and the debate about the future of the canal.

We wish to thank Mrs.J .E.Munro of Durham University who typed a difficult manuscript with infinite care and patience.

G.H. B. \oJ. D. S. May 1975. SUEZ CANAL •'. • ••

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l. Publications before 1870 page , 2. Publ icat ion8 f,= 1870 '0 1918 page 5 3. Publications from 1919 '0 1939 page " 4. Publications f,= 1940 '0 1945 page " 5. Publications from 1946 '0 1956 page 19 ,. Publications f<= 1957 '0 1967 page 28 7. Publications from 1968 '0 1974 psge " 8. Addendum p.ge 48 - I _


ANDERSON, A. 1843. Communications with , China and Ceylon via Egypt. The political position of their transit through Egypt considered. London, Unwin.

1843. Communications with India, China and Ceylon. Obser­ vations on the practicability and utility of opening a communication between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, by a ship canal through the Isthmus of Suez. London, Smith.

ARLES-DUFOUR, J.B. 1869. Le percement de I'lst-hm.. de Suez. Enfantin (1833-1855) M.de Lesseps (1855-1869) - Resume historique. Paris, Dentu.

ARROW, F. 1869. A fortnight in Egypt at the opening of the Suez Canal. London, Smith.

BARBER, J. 1837. A letter to the Right Han.Sir John Cam Hobhouse, Bart, M.F., President of the India Board, etc,etc,etc, on steam navigation with India and suggesting the best mode of carrying it into effect via the Red Sea. London, Richardson.

BARRAlfi.T, A. & E. 1856. Le canal de Suez et Is question du traces, les divers projets en presence.- Revue des Deux Mondes. 1 janvier.

BARZELLOTTI, P.L. 1869. La questione crnnmercial d'Oriente, L'Italia e 11 Canale di Suez. Cenni storici e considerazioni. Firenze, Botta.

BILBAUT, T. 1869. L'isthme de Suez et les interets internationaux. Douai, Crepin.

BOCCARDO, G. 1869. II bosforo di Suez in re18zione col cOllllllercio del mondo e segnatamente col commercio dell' Italia. Cenni ed osservazioni. Forli, Gherardi.

CLARKSON, E. 1843. The Suez navigable canal, for accelerated communication with lndia. Foreign aud Colonial Quarterly Review. October.

- 2 _

CONINCK, F. DE. 1858. Lettres sur Ie percement de l'ISthme de Suez, avis .ux petites bourses. Le Havre, Lernale.

1~59. Du perce",e"t de l'lsthme de Suez. Nouvelles Con­ siderations. Le Havre, Lemale

1859. RepoQSe de Frederic de Con lock au Journal de Is Com­ pagnie Universell"" de l'lsthme de Suez du 1 janvier 1859. Le Havre, Leaaale.

1859. Seconde et derniere rePOnSt de Frederic de Conlock au Journal de I. Compagnie Universelle de l'Isthme de Suez. Le Havre, Lemale.

1869. La Canal de Suez apres l'lnauguration. Le Havre,

CORA, G. 1869. Da Brindisi a BOIlIbay. Sguardo fisico. politico, ethno­ grafteo, storico, economico sull. linea ci1 navisa!!""e cia Brindisi a Bombay sttraverse U Canale ci1 Suez. Casale, Corrado,

CORRENTI, C. 1869. Sull'istmo dl Sue ... e sul commercio orientale. Bolll!M tlno della Socteta Ceogr,fica Italiana. Settembre. 489-498.

OALENG, C. 1869. L'Europe et l'isthille de Suez. Paris, Lachaud . • DE LESSEPS, F.M 1855-1866. PerceJIent de l'isthme du Suezj expo.e et documents officiels. 6 vols. Paris.

DE LESSEPS, F. 1857. Inquiry Into the opinions of the commercial danu of Great Britain on the Suez Ship Canal. Quarterly RevieW. 102. 354-362.

DE SUIENCOURT, A. 1859. L '!sthille de Suez. Son patcnent ex_en au point de vue des !ntetets coamerciaux de la et de l'Europe Occi­ dental. Paris, Dentu.

DESPLACES, E.E. 1858. Le canal de Suez. Episode de l'histoire de XIXe sleele. Paris. - ) -

E? DE QlIEIROZ, J.H. 1856. 'Von Port Said oach Suez.', Brief uber die Einweihung des Suez-Kanal,. Aufbau.Kulturpolitische Honats8chrift. Janua, .

FITZCERAlD. W.F.V. 1867. The Sun canal, the Eastern Question and Abyss­ inIa. London, LangIll_OS.

KENNEY, C.L 1857. The gates of the rut: ten chapters on the Isthmus of Suez Canal. London ,Ward .

LARDNER, D. 1837. Steam cOllIIllunication with India by the Red SUi In. letter to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Helborne illustrated, by plans of the route, and charts of the principal station•. London, Allen.

LAYARD, A.H. 1857. Communication with India. The Suez and Euphrates routes· Quarterly Review. October.

LEPERE, J.M. 1809. Memolre sur I; communication de Is met des lodes a l.a Mctlilenliuee par ta mer Rouge et I 'isthme de Soueys. Description de l'Egypce: Etat moderne. Vol.l. Pf,rh.

NOURSE. J.E, 1869. The maritime can.I of Sue:!:: brief Illemoir of the enter­ prise from its earliest date. Wf,shington, Philip S.SoIOlllons.

PIM, II. 1859. Remarks on the rsthlSlls of Sue:!:, with lJpeCilill reference to the proposed canal. Proceeding. of the Royal Geogrlllphical Society, 11 April

REEVE, H. 1856. The Sue:!: Canal. Edinburgh Review. January.

_____ 1857 Rival routes frc. England to India. BoCIlbay Quarterly Re- view April

SCHEER, F, 1839. The Cape of Good Hope versUlJ Egypt; or political and commercial conSiderations on the proper line of steam communication with the East Indies. London, Steil I.

TALABOT, P. l.855. Le canal des deux mers d'Alexandrie a Suez. Moyens d' execution. Revue des Deux Mendes. 15 rnai. - 4 -

THOHASSY, J. 1866. Lei routes commerciales et 1& revolution -.riti_, au XIXe steele. De 1. Puissance Haritillle. Paris. DOUlliol. 69-110.

TH~PSOtl. J.P. 1856. Three n£w routes to India. Horth ....e:ric.n Review. July.

VETCH. J. 1843. Inquiry into the lilian. of establishing a ,hip navigation between the Mediterranean Ind Red Sea. London, Richardson.

VIERNE, H. 1864. Les Interets de 1. Compagnie du Canales de Sue!/: et ceux du Gouvernement egyptien. Revue Contemporaine. Janvier.

VON GODEL-LANNOY, R.O. 1869. Notine ~urOri~til!lUl8in den durch den Suez-Kanal erschlo9senen welr.si.cilcheD und o.tafrikaniachen Handelsgebieten. !riese,Oh.waldt.

WEISS, E. 1858. Oer Suez-Xanal und der FTanz'osische Einflull in Agypten. Cas Ausland. 16 julius. - 5 -

2. PUBLICATIONS FROM 1870 to 1918

AMOS, S. 1876. The purchase of the Suez Canal shares, and international law. London, Ridgway.

APPLETON, L. 1888. The maritime canal of Suez. London, British and Foreign Arbitration Association.

ARROW, F. 1870_ On the influence of the Suez Canal on trade with India. Journal of the Society of Arts. 11 March.

Assrn, T.M.C. 1888. La Convention de pour de libre usage du canal de Suez. Revue de Droit International et de Legislation Comparee,2Q. 529-558.

B. H. 1884. The Suez Canal and the Liberal Government; or, the 'Policy of deceit'. London, Wilson

BATE. J. 1870. On the opening of the Suez Canal route to India, China, and , and its prospective results. Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute.

BECK, w. 1882. New waterway to the East. London, West.

BLUNT, W.S. 1907. Secret history of the English occupation of Egypt, being a personal narrative of events. London, Unwin.

BOELEN, G.J., BUNGE, J.G., BOISSEVAIN, J. 1870. Directe Stoomvaart op Java door het Suez-Kanaal. Amsterdam, Munster.

BORELLI, O. 1895. Le regime des eaux du canal de Suez au point de vue du droit international maritime. Chases Politiques d'Egypte,1883­ 1895. Paris, Flammarion. 547-572.

BOZOLI, G.H. 1870. L'lstmo di Suez. Lavori storie! e stastistici. Ferrara, Taddei.

CAMANO, M.L. 1.899. Etude sur Ie regime juridique du canal de Suez. (These) Grenoble, Allier. - .-

CANTONI, G. 1876. II Canale dl Suez e l'agricoltura Italiano. Ml1ano, 11 Sale.

CHARLES-ROUX, J. 1901. L'tsthme et Ie canal de Suez. 2 vola. Paris, H_cheret. (With biblioguphy and maps).

COMPAGNIE UNlVERSELLE DU CANAL MARITIME DE SUEZ. 1908. Exposition franco- brirannique,Londres 1908. te canal maritime de Suez. Note, tableau

tit planches. Paris, Publications periodique•.

CONDOR, C.R. 1883. The Canal dilemma. Our true route to India. Black~ wood's Edinburgh Magazine. September.

CONTUZZl, F .P. 1888. La neutralizzazione del Canale di Suez e 18 diplo­ malia europe•. Firenze. n'AVRIL. A. 1888. Negociations relatives au canal de Suez. Revue d' "Lstoite Diplomatique. Janvier eC mars.

DEDREUX, R. 1913. Oet" Suezkanal 1m international!!n Rechte unter Beruck­ sichtigung seiner Vorgeschichte. TUbingen, Mohr.

DE LESSEPS, F. 1875-1881. Lettres, journal et documents pouvant servir i. l'histoire du canal de Suez. 5 Vols. Parh, Didiet'.

DE HALORTIE. C. 1883. The road to the Ea.t and its protection. National Review. September.

DD-IIANl, A. 1916. Deutschlands anrectt:an den Sue~k.n.l. Si.iddeutsche Monatshefte. September.

DICEY, E. 1863. Why not: purchase the Suez Canal? Nineteenth Century. August.

DIX, A. 1916. Die verkehrpol1tische Bedeutung des Suezkanals Geograph­ hche Zeitschrift. Februar.

DROHOJDWSKA, A.J.F.A. 1870. L'tgypte et Ie canal de Suez. Paris,Laporte.

DUNCAN, W. 1883. Produce shipments from Calcutta to Great Britsin for thirteen years, 1870 to 1882 - since opening of Suez Canal. Supplement to the British Trade Journal. 1 August. - 7 _

DUNSANY, LORD. 1882. England .nd the Suez Canal. Nineteenth Century. October.

ENGELHARDT, E. 1886. Du principe de neutralite dans son application aux fleuve. internationaux et aux canaux ..ritimes. Revue de Droit International et de Legislation C~p.ree. 159-167.

FAIRLIE, J.A. 1898. The economic effects of ship c.nals. Annals of the APerican Academy of Political and Social Science. January.

FELDMANN, W. 1917. Reise zur Suesfront. Wei_r. kiepenheuel".

FITZGERALD, P. 1876. The great canal at Suez; its political, engineering and financial history. London,Tlnsley.

FLEURY, J. 1684. De l'elargiasement du canal de Suez. La Genie Civil. 3 .a1.

FOURNIER DE FLAIX, M.E. 1883 L'independence de 1'tlypr!! et Ie restme international du Canal de Suez. Paris, Guillaumin.

FOWLER, J., BAKf;R, B. 1663. A sweet-water I;hip canal through Egypt. Nineteenth Century. January.

FRANCE, 1815. Documents diplO11lAtiqul!I. Affaire du canal de Suet.. Ministere del; affaires etrangeres. Paris, Imprim~ie Nationale.

FRANCE, 1885. Documents diplomatiques. Comminion internationale pour Ie libre usage du canal de Suer;. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale.

PRANCE, 1881. Documents diplomatique,. Hesociationa relatives au r_sle­ ment international pour Ie libre usage du canal de Suet.. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale.

PREYCIHET, C. 1905. La question d'Egypte. Paris, Calmann-Levy.

GALLUT, A. 1883. La Cl\nal maritime de Suez. La Genie Civil,l5 juin.

GEORGI, R., DUFOUR-FERONCE, A. 1913. Urkunclen zur Geachichte des Suezkanals. Leipzig, Weicher.

HENNEBERT, E. 1664. Les Angleis en Egypte.L'Angleterre et Ie Hahdl.Arabi et Ie canal de Suez. Paria, Corbeil. - 8 -

HENNIG, R. 1916. Der verkehrsgeographische Wert des Suez - und des Sagdad­ Wege•. Ein V..rgleich. Cease_phi sene Ze1tschrift. 19 dezember.

1916. Die Bedeutung des Suezkanals [ur das englische Wirt­ .ehaftslehen. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung.

1917. Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Suezkanals. JahrbUcher fur Nstionatokonomie und Statistik.

HERON, R.M. 1815. The Suez Canal question London, Haechards.

HOLLAND, T.E. 1883. The international pOSition of the Suez Canal. Fort­ nightly Review. July.

1883. The loretoational position of the Suez Canal. Studies in International Law. Oxford, Clarendon Press.

HOOPER, G. lB90. How the politicat and military power of England is affected by the Suez Canal. United Service Magazine. Septemb~r.

RULL, E.C.P. 1883. England and the Suez Canal: the situation revi~wed. A brief statement showing that a parallel British canal has now become an absolute necessity. London, Spottiswoode.

INSTlTUT DE DROTT IhJrERNATIONAL. 1878-1879. Neutralisation ou protection du canal de Suez. Annuaire. 111-126.

1878_l879. Conditions de neutr.lisation ou de protection internationale du canal de Suez. Annuaire. 328-351.

JACOBS, C.R. 1912. Die Schiffahrtsfreiheit im Sue~kans.l. (These). Cottingen, Univ.Buchdruckerei Ruth.

JANELL, W. 1915. Deutscblands Anteil .. Suezkanal.Dle Gr~nzboten. ~i.

LADAME, J. 1884. Canal de Suez. Etude sur les diverses questions a l' ordre du Jour. Paris, Chez I'auteur.

LAWRENCE, T.J. 1884. The Suez Canal in international law. Law Hagazine and Review. February. - , -

LAWRENCE, T.J. 1885. The Suet canal in international law. Essays on some disputed questions in modern international law. Cambridge, Deighton.

LESAGE. C. 1906. L'invuion angl.1st en E!lypte. L'acha.t des actions de Suez. Paris, Pion.

LEVAot, L. 1875. Question europeenne.- L8 Suez en decembre 1875. Paris, Carnier .

HACDOHELL. J. 1878. The legal position of the and the Suez Canal. Fraser's Hagazine. Hay.

MAGNIAC, C. 1878. On commercial aspects of the Suez Canal. Journal of the Society of Arts. 18 February.

1884. The pretensions of H. de Lesseps. Nineteenth Century. January.

MARGULIES, H. 191&. Det Kampf :fI:whcl'enSuez uno Bagdad ill! AltertulIl. Weimar, Kiepenheuer.

MERCHANT, J. 1871. Le canal maritime de Suez. Premiere Bnnee d'exploi­ ration (1870). Journal des tconomistee. Juillet.

HILLS, A. 1883. The Suez Canal. National Review. July.

HILNES, R.H. 1870. The opening of the Suez Canal. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society. 10 January.

MQIilGRtrIIEN, A. 1883. The Suez Canal question. London, Cassell.

NEWCOME, F.N. 1882. The Suez Canat and the Euphrates Valley railway. Nautical Magazine. September.

NORADOUNGHLAN, G. 1897-1903. Recutit d'actes internacionaux de l'e-pire Ottaaan. Paris. Pichon.

NOURSE, J.E. 1884. The maritime canal of Suet, from ita inauguration, November 17, 1869, to the year 1884. Washington,Government Printing Office

08ERHUMMER, E. 1915. Agypten und der Sunk.anat. Eine politische 8etrach-

tung Deutsche Revue. Januar. - 10 -

PAPONOT, F. 1889. Suez et Panl\llla. Une solution. Paris, Baudry.

1892. Canal de Panama. Son relevement par le Suez. Appel aux armateurs de toutes leI nations. Paris, Baudry.

RATHBONE, W. 1882. Gre.t Britain and the Suez Canal. Fortnightly Review. 1 August.

RHEINStRCl1. H. 1906. Die Kanale von Suez und Panama. LeipZig, Borna.

ROSSIGNOL, L.M. 1898. Le canal de Suez, etude historigue, juridique et politique. (These) Pads, Giard et Briere.

RUNDALL, F .Il.. 1882. The highway of Egypt, is it the Sue:. canal or .ny other route between the Mediterranean and Red Sea? London,King.

1883. The Suez Canal: its engineering, civil .nd political aspects. Journal of the Society of Arts. 26 January.

SAMUDA, J. 1810. The influence of the Suez Canal on ocean navigation. Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects. 6 April.

SAY, L. 1883. A second Suez canal. Nautical Hag.zine. July.

STEELE, J. 1812. The Suez Canal: its pruent and future. A round-about paper. London, Simpkin.

STEINOORFF, G. 1917. Die Ostgtenze Agyptens und der Suezkanal. Zeit­ schriEt f'ur Politik.

SUTER, S.A. 1890. Het tractaat van Constantinopel van 29 october 1888. (These). Leyden, Van Ooesburgh.

THIERRY, G. 1916. England und der Suezkanal. Weltwirtshaft. Februar.

TRAVERS-TWISS, Q.C. 1818. The protectorate of the Suez Canal. Nautical Hagazine. October. ______1878. The phce of the Suez Canal in the aystem of international l.w. London, Clowes. 10pp.

i882. De 13 securite de navigation dana Ie canal de Suez. Revue de Droit International et de Leg11lation Comparee. S72-S82 - 11 ~

TRAVERS-1\HSS. Q.c. 1883. The freedOll of the navigation of the Sue:z: Canal. Law Magazine lind Revie.... February.

1885. Le canal maritime de Suez et la c~i5sion inter­ nationale de PariF. Revue de Droit Internatiunal er de Legislation Comparee. 615-630.

1887. On international conventions for the neutral_ I?.tion of territory and their applicability to the Suez Canal. Law Magazine and Review. November.

18b7. On international conventions for the neutral- izatlon of territory and their application ta the Suez Canal. Lond~n. Clowes .

UNITED STATES. DEPARtMEl'iT OF COMMERCE ANO LABOR, 1906. Report of Special Agent O1.ades M.Pepper an Trade conditions in Egypt land traffic through the Suez Canal).Washington. Government Printing Office.

VAl BERT, G. 1876. L'Angleterre et Ie canal de Suez. Revue des Deux Hondes. 1 janvier.

VAN SWINDER-EN, R. DE .1'1.1886. Het Suez-Kanal. Groningen, Huber.

VOISIN. F.F. 1902-1906. te canal de Suez. 7 Vols. Paris, Dunod.

VON KA1.CIlBERG. V. 1870. Der SueZ-Canal und die Zukunft des directen Osterreich isch- oat ind hchen Mandela. Wien, Gerold.

VON SALIS, F. 1883. Der Suez-Kanal Algemeine ilauzeituog

VON Snr.EFFLWR. V 1870. Osterreich und der i:;uez-Canal. IoHen. Waldheim..

VON WANNISOl, D. 1916. Der Suezkanal und dessen Beziehungen zur europ­ aischen Machtegruppierung, Deutsche Revue. Karz. voss, M. 1904. Der Suezkanal und seine Stellung 1m Weltverkehr. Wien, Lechner.

WARING, C. 1883. The trusteeship of the Suez Canal. Fortnightly Review. November

• - 12 ~

WATERFIELD, D.C. 1883. The new Sue:/: Canal. Considerations addressed to tbe CDaoDittee of Shipowners appointed at the lDe"ting held on 'I1tursday, May 10th, at the COC!IIIIon Street Hotel. London, Matchin.

1883. The negotiations with M. de Lesseps. Fortnightly Review. August.

WHELLER, W.H. 1895. Ferdinand de Lesseps and the Sue/: and Panama canals. LOngman's ~gazine. February.

WOLFF, H.O. 1876. The Suez; Csnal a8 an international highway. Quarterly Review. October.

WOOLSE:Y, T.S. 1903. Suez and Panama - a PlIrallel, In Annual Report, 1902. American Hlatorical Association. "'ashington, Vol.l, 305-311. - 13 -

3. PUBLICATIONS FROM 1919 to 1939

AGLIETT!, B. 1939. 11 Canale di Sue~ ed i rapporti an8lo-e8i~iani. Firenze, Biblioteca di Studi Coloniali.

AMBROSINI, G. 1937. La situazione internatazionale dell'Egitto e il regime del Canale di Suez. Rivista di Studi Politiei Internazionali. 4(l}

1939. 11 canale di Sl,le~. AnnaU dell'Afriea ltaliana. Hauo.

ANCHIERI, E. 1937. 11 Canale di Suez. Hilano, Lombarda.

IlAHOO, H. 1936. Le lib.e usage du canal de Sue~ et sa neutralite. Aeademie de Marine. COlllllluniclltions et Hemoires. !larh· 99-121

BARATTA, M. 1929. L'ltalia e 11 Canale di Suez. La Geografla. Maggio­ Dicembre. anrno, l.J. 1929. La situation internarionale du canal de Suez. (These). Lyon, Base et Rlou.

BIRlt, A. 1925. Der Sue:z Kan.al. H8.llIburg, Boyen and Haalch.

BUELL, R.L. 1935. The Sue:z canal and Leagl,le sanctions. Ceneva Relearch Studie&. 6(3).

1936. Le canal de Suez et les sanctions de la S.D.N. Revue Cenerale de Droit International Public. 43. 50-76.

BUISKOOL, J .A.E. 1938. De internationaliaatie van het Sue~kanaal. Zwolle, Tjeenk Willink.

CHACK, P. 1926. La france lauve Ie canal de Sue:z (fevrler 1915). On Ie bat Sl,lr laer ,Paris, Editions de France. 141-257.

CITO DE BITETl'O, C. 1937. Kediterranee. Her Rouge, routes illlperialea. Paris, Cra••et

COMPAGNIE UNIVERSEl..LE DU CANAL MARITIME DE SUEZ. 1911,1930. Recueil chronologisue et annote des actes conltitutifs de la Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suet et des conventions conclues .vec 1e Bouvernement Egyptien. C.iro. - 14 -

CRABITES, P. 19]7. Guarding Suez. Alia. ]7(1).24-25.

DE LA PRADEI.I.E, A., POl.ITIS. N. 1924. Affaire du canal de Suez et note doctrinale. Recueil des Arbitrages Internationaux,II, (1856-1872). Paris, Pedone. 344-]86.

DE SAINT VICTOR, G. 1934. I.e canal de Sun. Paris, Sirey.

DE VOGUE, MARQUIS, 1939. La situation internationaledu canal de Sue:E. JourD",l Economhtes. 109. 319-324.

DIENA, G. 1936-1937 II Canale di Sue:E ed il patto de la Societa della Na:Eioni. Atti del Regio Instituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. 96(2). 323-333.

OQUIN. G. 1922. Un episode de la Guerre Mondiale. L'attaque du canal de Sue:E (3 feYrier 1915). Paris Delagrave.

GIANNINI, A. 1935. 11 regime giuridica del Canale di Suet. Oriente Hoderno. 15. 297-307.

CLUCKS, w. 1929. Die Handel s- nnd Verkehrbedeutun!! des Suetunals fur die deutsche Volkswirtschaft naeh dem Weltkriege. Hunchen. Cladbadl Rixen

GUIBAL, R. 1938. Peut-on fermer Ie canal de Suer.? Parh, A.Pedone.

HALLBERG, C.W. 1931. The Suer. Canal, its history and dip1o~atic import­ ance. New York, Columbia University Press

HEALD, S. 1935. Suet Canal can it be cloaed? Near East and India. 45. 234-5.

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SCOTT, J.W.R. 1949. Who secured the Suez Canal shares? Quarterly Review. 267(561). 336-347.

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6. PUBLICATIONS FROM 1957 to 1967

ACADEMIE DIPLOMATIQUE INTERNATIONALE. 1957. La question du canal de Suez. Dictionnaire Diplomatique. 6. 1954-1994.

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AVRAM, B. 1958. The evolution of the Suez Canal status from 1869 to 1956, a historico-juridical study. Paris, Librairie Minard. (Also Geneve, Droz).

AZEAU, H. 1964. Le piege de Suez (5 novembre 1956). Paris, Robert Laffont.

BADAWl, A.H. 1957. Le statut international du canal de Suez. Grund­ probleme des internationalen Rechtes. Festschrift Spirol'oulos.

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JAI)R, C.H. 1961. and the Suez Canal. A new approach. Revue l!:gyptienne de Droit International 17. 103-130.

BALL, W.H. 1957. Problems of Australian foreign policy, July-December 1956: the Australisn reaction to the Suez crisis. Australian Journal of Politics and History. 2(2 129-150.

BARKER, A.J. 1964. Suez. The Seven-Day War, London Faber

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BAUDEZ, L. 1951. Le c.nal de Suez et Ie droit des gens. La vie econOlllique et soclale 75-19

BAXTER, R.a. 1964. The law of international waterways; with particular regard to interoceanic canals Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press. 31lpp.

BELL, K. 1965. British policy towards the construccion of tbl! Suez Canal, 1859-1865. Trsnsactions of the Royal Historical Society. 15. 121_143.

BELOFF, 1'1.1951 Suez and the British conscience. A personal report. COIIIIlenucy. 23(4). 309-315 BENTON, W.IL 1951 ' action in the Suez Crisis, in InterlUltionlll Law and the Middle East crisiS: a symposium. Tulane Studies in Political Science, Vol 4. New Orleans, Tulane University, .5-23.

BENTWICH, N. 1961. Israel after Suez. Journal of the Royal Central Aslan Society. 48(2). 160-161. BERNAYS, J., LEVANTAL, L. 1951. Le statut de la Compagnie Universelle du Canal de Suez· Lea droits des actionnaires et porteurs de parts des fondateurs. Gazette du Palais. Avtil 10,11, 12. - 30 -

BOUTROS-GHALIB, B., CHLALAY. 1958. Loe canal de Suez. Aleltandria. Societe EgYPtlenne de Droit Intcrnalional.

BROGAN, C. 1957. Suez. Who was right? tondon, Coram. aRCHBD-GER, H. & S. 1957. Secreta of Suez. London, Pan.

BRQMS, B. 1961 The legal status of the Suez Canal. Vammala, Vammalan Kirjap.ino Oy.

BRUEl., E. 1958. Oie volkerrechtliche Stellung des Suezkllnals und die Nationaliaierung der Kanalgesellschaft. Archlv des Volkerrechts. 24-67.

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BURCHELL, S.C., CHASSIGl'IEl!X, A. 1961. Le canal de Suez. Parts, Ed.R.S.T.

CAMILLE, P. 1957. Suez DU III haute force du vaincu trtamph_nt. Paris, Debresse.

CALVERT, H. 1957. The nationalization of the Suez Canal Company in inter­ national law. Annual Law Review. December.

CANSACCHI, G. 1957. I termini giuridici e politici della controversia di Suez. Oriente Hooerno, Febbraio.

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7. PUBLICATIONS FROM 1968 to 1974

ABU-EL-HASSAN, A., 1974. "Suez canal ducs·p..st and present" Maritime Studies and M..n.gement, 2' ll-J

ALHOGY, Y. 1972. Reopening Suez Canal no benefit co Europe's 011 importl. Dock and Harbour Authority. 52 471-47].

ARAB ECONOMIST. 1971 The Suez-Mediterranean pipeline, a selution to the closing of the Sue: Canal Januaty, 53.

1971 EconOlllic and financial implications of reopening the Suez Canal. AprillH.IIy. 6-7.

1972. The econOlllics of SUKED. January. 18-23.

An-AS. l'Hl. Shipping s.ns Suez. 20. 48ff.

AlAR, E.E. 1972. Conflict escalation and conflict reduction in an inter­ n.tion..l cri.i,· Sue:, 1956. Journ.l of Conflict Resolution. 16. 183-201.

BEAUFRE, A. 1969. ltIe Suez expedition, 1956. London, faber and Faber.

BECHTOLDT, H. 1970. Cewaltume Offnung des Suez KanaIs? Aussenpolitik: Ze1tschrift fur internationale Fragen. 21.325-]28.

BERC, H.A. 1968, The Suez Canal. Kansas Geographer.4. 6-15,

BIANCHINI, G. 1969. 11 costo del truporto marittiDlO del petrolio greggio. Ecooomi.. Internazionale delle Fonti dt Energia. 13. 551-583.

BINDRA, A.P.S. 1969. Suez Thrombosis: Causes and Prospects. Delhi; Viku.

BLAKE, C.H. 1969. Future of the Suez Canal. Contemporary Review. 214. 299-301.

BLUM, Y.l. 1973. The intern.tional status of the Sue z Canal, Isr.el Law Review. 8 50lf£ .

BRANDT, W.H. 1911. The impact of reopening the Suez Canal on Western Europe's oil imports, Journal of the Israel Shipping Research

Institute. 1 November. 1-4. - 42

BRINTON, J. 1969. Suez; a centennial. ARAMCO World. Sept.-Ott. 25-37.

BROWN, N 1970. The military balance on the Su"z Canal. New Middle East, 25. Octob"t. 26_29.

1971. Sovit!t naval expansion as a factor in the new power politics. New ~\iddle East. 30. 1 -~ I

BROWNE, H. 1971. Flashpoints: Suez and Sinai. London, LongmanI'. 120pp.

BURLION, J. 1974. Dentain: une zone de Suez florissante aura un effect stabilisant. France Eurafrique (Nouvelle S~rie). 15. 34-36.

BURRELL, R.H., COTTRELL, A.J. 1971. No power can dominate the Indian Ocean. New Middle East. 36. 35-37.

BURRELL. R.M. 1972. Canal, pipeline OJ; Cape? Schemes for oil transport­ ation. New Middle East· 41.29-]2.

1972. Politics and participation where Britannia once ruled. New Middle East. 51.12_.\6.

CHALFONT. I.ORD. 1972. RU~5ia and the Indian Ocean: new attitudes to sea power. New Middle East. 44.4-6.

CHRONIQUE DE POLIT1QUE E-rRANCERE, 1973. Consequences politiques et econ­ omiques de la r~ouvenure du canal du Suez. 26 mat. ]45-348.

COITRELL, A.J. 1.971. Implications of reopening the Canal for the area east and south of Suez. New Middle East. 34.29-32.

1972. Suez and the Indian Ocean. Near East Report. 16. 22-13.

DARBY, P. 1973. British Defence policy East of Suez 1947-l968. Royal Institute of International Affairs. London, Oxford University Press, ]66pp.

DOCK AND HARBOUR AUTIlORlTY. 1969. Suez Canal - a (Do million plan for giant tankers. 49. ]20-)2). OJ.

DUCE, A. 1968. Considerazioni sui Canale di Suez nella pol1[ita inter­ "adonale dill 1869 ad og~i ParJC.ll Universita, Stud! PaTllIenai. 14. 229_414

DUFF, R.E.B. 1969. 100 years of the Suez. Canal. 8righton, Clifton Books.

ECONOMIST. 1969. Egypt's lost diU:! . 'inch IS. 05-66.

EDEN. A. li&8. The Sue'!' crisis of 1956 Boston, Beacon Press.

EGLIN. R. 1973. The ships that wait for the Suez Canal Sunday Times Oct. 28,1973

El-BEliAIRY, M. 1969. The Suer. CaMI, a symbol of powet. Arab World. 15. 18-23.

£1Z1OOI, A. 1970. A buffer zone at the Suez: some generic questions. New Outlook. 13. 30-3],

FARNIE, D.A. 1969. East and West of Suez; the Suez Canal in hilltory, 1854-1956. Oxford, Clarendon ?t-ess. (Excellent bibliography).

FELLOWES, p.1971. The Suez Canal' highway or dead end? New Middle East. 34 26-28.

FISHER, W.B. 1974. Suez Canal, in Encydopaedia Britannica, I~rh cdn., 766-768.

FRI~, W., COLLINS, L.A. 1968. The Suez. Canal crisis of 1956. Inter­ national la~ and political crisiS. Scheinman,t., Wilkinson, D. (Eds.) Boston, tittle Brown 27Jpp.

GALUPPINI. C. 1969. 100 annl del ,an.Le dl Suez neKli serUti deLI. Rivista Marittima. 12. 33-67.

GARGIULO, F. 1969. II trasporto maritti1l>O d,,1 pNro io clop la chlusura del Can.le di Suez. Rivista dl Politica Economica. 59. 647-667.

GIL BENUMEYA, R. 1968. El canal de Suet y la evoluci~n actual del Cerelno Oriente. Revista de Politlea Internaeional. 96. 101-109. - .:,:. - GRlBAl'DJ, r 1969. ~;el c~ntenario del canale di Sue~, conslderazionl geo­ graflche. Bolletino Sociedade Geographia Italiano. tOOO-12) 523-538.


HE¥MONT. _. 1971. The [sraeti defence of the Suez canal. Middle East Infonution. 15. 9-1>

HIRSCHfELD. B. 1968. The Vital Link. :-e... York. Juli~n Hessner 181pp.

HOCHHOLZER, H 19&9. Hundert lahre Suez-Kana1 Zeitschrift fur Wirt­ Bch.ftgeo~raphisch.I](3 . 18-85

HOPE. f 1971. Both sides of the Canal. New Statesman. 81. 103-104,

HOTTiNGER, A. 1970. Last laughter In Cairo. Swiss Review of World Affairs. 20(11. 14-16.

i974. The ee-opening of the Suez Canal. Round Table. 2)6.191-402.

ISRAEL ECONc»lIST. 1971. The Russians need the Sue~ - but who else? 27.96-99.

JANSEN, G.H. 1968. Whose Suez? Aspects of Collusion. Beirut, Institute for Palestine Studies.

JOHNSON, D.M.N. 1968. SOllIe legal problems of international waterways with particular reference to the and the Suer. Canal. Hodern Law Review.31(2). 153-164.

KARPOV, S. 1914. The closure of the Suez Canal' eeorll_ic consequenc~s. International Affairs.(Moscow1 April, IH-a'"

KHADOURI. H. 19&8. Closure ,f the Suez Canal to tnaeli shipping. Law and Contemporary Problems. 33, 147-157

KINROSS, LORD P.B. 1968. Between two seas: The creation of the Suez Canal. London. Hurray. 291pp. - 45 -

LABROlISSE, H. 197:.1. Le golfe et Ie canal; reouverture du can",l de Suez et la p.aix internationale. Paris. Presses Universit.ires de France.

LAM8EJ1;T BROTHERS SHIPPI:lG. 1975 Suez Canal, effects of the reopening and development of the Suez Canal on shipping and tonnage ::eguiremenu. London. Lambert Br"s Shipping. pp.60.

LEE, L.T. 1968. Le8ai aspects of internationalization of interoceanic canals. Law and Contemporary Problems. D( 1). 158-168.

LOVE, K. 1969. Suez: the twice-fought war, a history. New York, McGraw Hill, nopp.

KANN, A. 1974. Returning Suez to the map, Daily telegraph H.g.zine,S02, June 21· 14-20.

HEZERIK, A.G. (Ed.). 1969. 11Ie Sun canal 1956 crisis - 1967 ....r. New York, Internation.l Review Service. 120pp.

MIRSKY, G. 1969. Soviet view an the future of the Suez Canal :\'ew Hiddt" East. 4. J('_ln.

MOUNTJOY, A.B. 1971. Still waters af Suez. Geographical Magazine. 43(9). 649-654.

1971. The Suez Canal. Overseas Review.62 .10-13.

NE\ll MIDDLE EAST. 1972. Russian Jews and the Canal: part of a new initiative. 41.'\-4.

NEW OUTLOOK. 1971. Hotiv~; for o~~ing the Canal. 14(4) 5-8.

O'BALLANCE, E, 1971. Hilitary solution to Suez:. Military Review. 51(7). 84-89.

OVERSEAS REVIEW, 1971. 'l1Ie Suez Canal. b.o. May.

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