PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE: East Coast Museum of Technology marketing, communications and advertising manager Elise Miller (left) and Harrison Hill are among volunteers who help keep the Makaraka-based museum continuing into the future. Picture by Liam Clayton

AN UNFORGOTTEN WORLD Laid out across half a dozen large sheds, the East Coast Museum of Technology is a wonderful trip into a forgotten world, commented Abhishek S of Bengaluru, India on the museum’s webpage — but the museum relies on an invaluable resource to keep going, volunteer Elise Miller explains to Mark Peters. hink analogue not digital, old-age “It is an elephants’ graveyard of from an earlier time — into the future. The museum is also working on its not space-age, enthuses a Lonely ancient bicycles, lamps, scales, telephone “We need a mix of volunteers and friends branding and focus, says Elise. Planet travel guide about the East switchboards, fridges, stoves, irons, of ECMoT and those who can dedicate time The ECMoT committee wants the huge TCoast Museum of Technology televisions, radiograms, pinball games, to restore things and curate items,” says collection curated and to have “more flow”, to (ECMoT). washing machines, vacuum cleaners and volunteer Elise Miller. create a more user-friendly environment. “About 6km west of the town centre, this irons. It is East Coast gothic,” says a 2011 “I decided to dedicate my time after I In 2011 former Gisborne man Ian Smail improbable medley of farm equipment, fire Gisborne Herald Weekender story about an moved back (from Australia) because this did just that when he transformed a section engines and sundry appliances has found an ECMoT project. place needed a revamp. of the museum into a 1950s and 1960s appropriate home in an old milking barn and “The potential for magic, even mystery, “ECMoT is under the radar at the moment domestic setting. surrounding outhouses,” says the entry in though, is all around.” but we’re working on our strategic plan. Ian faced a huge task and asked at the time, the backpacker’s bible. Run by a dedicated group of volunteers, the Without volunteers and people behind the “Where do you start? Then, where do you In some ways, though, the 52-year-old non-profit organisation needs volunteers, scenes the museum would be lost to the finish?” museum is home to the improbable medley and funding for earthquake-strengthening, public. We want to bring more volunteers on time forgot. to continue to carry its legacy — artefacts board.” Continued on page 2

Kelly & Alex Shanan & Maiko 29 May 2021 Dancing War Memorial Theatre 10 Couples for Life Dance Education Event

Steve Wolter Plumbing Creative Entertaining < < Book Your Tickets Now! Supporting Life Education Trust Inc. Gisborne, East Coast & Wairoa 39540-01 SATuRdAy, MAy 8, 2021 2 LEAD Visionaries needed

From page 1

With more imagination than budget he created a series of thematically linked, stand-alone dioramas in which each setting was dressed to create a sense of belonging, of where the objects on display belonged, and of how they might have been used. His acquaintance with set design for film and theatre came in handy for the project. Less was more in this instance and visitors found a curated oasis called “domestic bliss” that opened a window into one aspect of the past. The linked mini-sets included a chessboard plinth that suggested a kitchen floor from the 1950s or ’60s, a laundry complete with rough-sawn noggins, and smaller, stand-alone sets that showcased single items such as old jugs and kettles from various eras. ECMoT is home to a range of collections from the domestic-bliss items and private collections of military items, to fire engines. “We have trains, we have old cars, old farming machinery, old buildings like the Ruatoria jail and the old Kia Ora Dairy factory, which is in desperate need of TINY TOWN: Turn a corner at the East Coast Museum of Technology site and find a sledge house, the Whakaangiangi post office, a restoration and earthquake strengthening,” Chaplin locomotive and an old jail. Pictures by Liam Clayton says Elise. “We get a lot of people coming through the door and that is what keeps us open, but it’s not enough to fund the upgrades on the building, nor the earthquake strengthening.” ECMoT needs more people and more visionaries to help keep the dream alive, she says. “A little or a lot goes a long way. “We need to find these passionate people and businesses who can donate their time to the museum. We need volunteers who can donate their time or funds behind the scenes, and to the place, when and where they see fit — for the youth of today and tomorrow. “It’s about the past, present and future, and a way of giving back. “It’s for our people, it’s for all. “I’ve been around the world and a lot of it is on our back doorstep — and we don’t realise it.” The East Coast Museum of Technology was conceived during the James Cook bicentennial celebrations in 1969. A group of transport and technology enthusiasts mounted a display of items as part of the event, which became part of the Gisborne Museum and Arts Centre and was housed in a barn at the back of the museum’s Stout Street premises. When the group relocated to leased MACHINE AGE: It could almost be a snapshot of a work-in-progress by Alien designer Hans Ruedi Giger but the Mirrlees Engine, now land at the back of the A&P Showgrounds housed at the East Coast Museum of Technology, that used to power Gisborne is actually a submarine motor. they took the barn with them, added another one and put up other buildings to Makaraka railway goods shed, and the accommodate the expanding collection, King Road railway station. writes Sheridan Gundry in A Splendid The Gisborne railway station telephone Isolation. exchange and two rural exchanges “In 1984 the transport and technology are also part of the expansive, and section became an incorporated society in expanding, ECMoT collection. its own right, and was renamed as the East On site too are the Amateur Radio Coast Museum of Technology. Club and the Model Railway Club who WHEELS: “The chance to own its own property operate from their clubrooms on the Among the East came in 1988 when the museum purchased museum grounds on Saturdays. Coast Museum the former Kia Ora Dairy Factory premises The museum is happy to accommodate of Technology’s collections is at Makaraka. The original barn and the new clubs with similar interests and goals, this fleet of one were dismantled and moved to the new says Elise. motorbikes. site, and since that time two more barns As a non-profit organisation, ECMoT and two large sheds have been added to welcomes volunteers and urges anyone greatly expand the display areas.” interested in the work to get in touch. ECMoT also bought the adjacent “I first came out here a year-and-a-half Makaraka railway station site. This is in to two years ago when I moved back,” development as a vintage railway that says Elise. includes the Matawhero railway station, the “Before that I used to drive past it.” Saturday, May 8, 2021 3 PROFILE

After a lifetime noticing the quirks and strangeness embedded in the DNA of the homosapien, artist Brian Campbell has his paintings on gallery walls once again. The Herald’s Jack Marshall spoke with Brian about his latest works and his thoughts on humanity.

rian Campbell has been thinking about the ills of the world. Then he put them on to canvas, into the Bboot of his car and drove them to Hastings for his exhibition, Head Above the Water, opening this week. He has an eye for humanity’s hypocritical, absent-minded and harmful natures. With a monkey never far from his paintings, they query whether humankind is devolving, or perhaps never really evolved that much in the first place — noting our addiction to planet-destroying fossil fuels and cancer-causing cigarettes. Brian’s art hangs on walls around Gisborne like a badge of awareness when you walk into a friend’s house. HEAD ABOVE THE WATER: Although he is a long-time East Coast With a keen eye for the resident he was first a South Island import, hypocritical, Brian Campbell having grown up in Invercargill. is off to Hawke’s Bay with his “It wasn’t the worst place in the world, not art for an exhibition. that I’d go back and live there,” says Brian. Picture by Liam Clayton “I was there all my school days. I thought at Monkey man the time it wasn’t a great place but when you look back you had a lot of freedom. It was a which was not his cup of tea. “Because of global warming, people are not try to be. good place to be a kid.” Instead he barrelled into years of surfing gonna have to move or they’re gonna get “I’m not very disciplined, you know? If I His mother was an early artistic influence and “tonnes of shit jobs”, to pay the swamped. wanna slack off I’ll go surfing or go to town and taught him how to draw as soon as he mortgage and keep the bank off his back. “When I was young people didn’t think or something, I’m not glued to it. I just keep could hold a pencil. Although painting on canvas is his passion, too much about the fact that humans might chipping away and things get finished. But Brian was not made for Invercargill — he has painted plenty of houses and movie actually f*** the entire planet up. “It’s only when you’ve got an exhibition. he is, after all, a surfer. sets. “But now, on so many fronts, it’s becoming I’ve been working pretty steadily recently His departure from the south of the south Lord of the Rings was one of the better so obvious. because I know I have to.” was the start of his decades hopping around painting jobs he has had, working around “Overpopulation is a huge issue. The Being an artist in a small town is an artistic rubbish jobs to pay his way painting. Hobbiton in Matamata and Minas Tirith in a natural world is getting overtaken by gift but a monetary curse. “The worst job I ever had was just after I quarry just out of Wellington. humans — something big has to happen “It’s easier in a bigger town, but I think if finished high school and with a couple of “You made and painted a lot of stuff that quite soon.” you’re in a smaller town you can do your own mates went to Tasmania and worked at a didn’t even get filmed, but that was just part Another key motif are the biblical figures thing.” metal foundry. of the job. paired with fairytale characters. Brian describes a sort of theory of natural “I did about an hour but it was so heinous “I mainly did jobs so I had a bit of money, “It’s kind of a fake news thing. You get told selection, living in a small town as an artist. I said to the supervisor, ‘What happens if I so I had time to spend painting.” stories, and you get told that they are true, The DNA in small towns is genetically leave at the end of the day, do I still get paid?’ His latest exhibition, titled Head Above the and then later on when you grow up you separate from their big city counterparts, so The supervisor said, ‘no, you have to work Water, is named after the state many find think, ‘ah, that was bullshit’. the art there evolves and develops differently. till the end of the week.’ themselves in today. “You gotta sort out which is which, and “You’re not so influenced by what other Minutes later Brian and his friend were The climate crisis continues to threaten a lot of people just decided to believe the people are doing,” he said. “I think a lot of leaving the foundry. coastal areas, putting millions underwater, stories for their entire lives. people do get influenced by whatever the Another job he had was on the Rangatira while Covid-19 challenges others financially. “So the paintings are about putting fashionable thing is. You see a lot of people ship for the Union Steam Ship Company, “It seems like that is what a lot of people fairytale characters in with biblical work on similar lines and you don’t get that ferrying passengers between Wellington and are doing these days,” says Brian about the characters,” says Brian. in smaller regions because you’re working on Christchurch. title. Behind him, a painting has a reference to your own. The company was once the biggest shipping “Things are looking a bit shaky.” the story of Jonah and the Whale, with a “You hang out in Gisborne long enough line in the Southern Hemisphere and New The paintings going up on gallery walls man crawling out of a whale’s mouth while you turn into some different sort of creature Zealand’s largest private-sector employer this week represent decades of thought of a Pinocchio and Santa Claus watch. (than) if you lived in the middle of Auckland before going under at the end of the 20th few ideas; little grains of sand slowly rolling In the background, Gisborne’s bay is dotted all your life.” century. around his head, turning into pearls on with logging ships and Noah’s Ark. But being physically isolated does not He worked on the ship for the better part canvas. Asked if painting was a struggle, he said it mean a mental separation. of a year and saved enough to galavant A coastal soul and surfer, the beach is a key was not. “The ideas come from listening to the news, around Europe, visiting galleries and working theme in Brian’s work. “No, no, it’s enjoyable. If you’ve got a fresh reading the paper and thinking about stuff.” a stint in the UK to get through the winter. “If there’s any sort of landscape it’s idea, you enjoy it. Out in the garage where the work is done At 26 he enrolled at the Elam School of usually got something to do with the coast. “Of course, there is a certain amount of RNZ National hums in the background, Fine Arts and, as many artists do — Ai I don’t like being inland much, a sort of dog’s work. You know, when you’re just providing fodder for the canvas. Weiwei, Pablo Picasso, John Walsh to name a agoraphobia.” finishing something off and you have to put Car packed with paintings, no doubt with few — he dropped out. The water rising on the beaches is also in the time. But when you’ve got a new idea RNZ playing through the speakers, Brian “I got disillusioned and bailed,” says Brian. a key theme. In one painting a group are you want to do it’s not a chore.” safely delivered his paintings to Hastings Which was fine by him as many who finish walking away from a picturesque background And was it difficult to stay disciplined? City Art Gallery. The exhibition runs from a degree in fine art go on to become teachers, with houses peeping out of the ocean. Nope, Brian said it was not, because he did May 8 to August 8. 4 THE GISBORNE HERALD GARDENING Add autumn colour to your garden

The range of autumn plants to add colour to your garden is vast. As deciduous trees and shrubs change their leaves, a gorgeous palette of crimson, russet, bronze and gold emerges. However, you can create a beautiful garden with the right pick of shrubs and plants for autumn. All it takes is a bit of planning. f you want to have more autumn colour are glossy green during summer and change Smoke bush (Cotinus coggygria) for the garden, rather than the showbench. in your garden, take a walk around the to intense shades of red in autumn. — This is a tree-shaped, large shrub that Some of the newer dahlias are dwarf growers neighbourhood in autumn and see which is named for its puffs of summer flowers. that suit pots and courtyards. There are also Itrees put on the best show. The choice Crabapples — These are usually grown The cultivar called ‘Grace’ is particularly many more single-flowered dahlias, some will be greatest in cold climates, but even in for their spring flowers, but their ability attractive with rich scarlet foliage in autumn. with trendy, contrasting, maroon-coloured milder areas, it’s possible to have an autumn to produce autumn colour shouldn’t be foliage. show. Japanese maples and crepe myrtles are overlooked. The leaves of the popular Bechtel Enkianthus — This is an old-fashioned Keep removing dead flowers from dahlia suitable and reliable in smaller gardens. Ash crabapple (Malus ioensis ‘Plena’) turn shades deciduous shrub with bell-shaped, waxy, plants and the show will continue until it’s trees, ginkgo, liquidambar and tupelo (Nyssa of red and orange in autumn. cream-to-white spring flowers. chopped off by the first frosts. In cooler sylvatica), which all need a bit more space, areas watch out for earwigs — they love to will also produce a beautiful autumn display Golden ash — This is a good-sized Virginia creeper and Boston ivy — chew the flowers. Spray with Yates Nature’s almost everywhere. shade tree with yellow autumn foliage and These are clinging climbers that develop Way Organic Citrus, Vege & Ornamental fascinating yellow stems that are studded short-lived but stunning autumn colour, Spray Ready to Use, or trap in a rolled-up Here are some autumn-colouring favourite with dark buds in winter. Once established, even in relatively warm areas. newspaper. trees: this tree has reasonable drought tolerance. As well as roses, there are plenty of other Yates Super Shield Rose Spray Concentrate flowers that will add to the autumn display. will also help with controlling mildew, to Ornamental pears — There are many Cercis ‘Forest Pansy’ — This is a Daisies of all kinds are on show. which these plants are prone. cultivars that range from round-headed fashionable favourite with heart-shaped Michaelmas daises are old-fashioned shade trees to upright-growing statement leaves that stay a rich purple for most of the perennial asters that flower for weeks at this Japanese windflowers (Anemone makers. Pears are tolerant to varying growing season, then turn orange and yellow time of year. They produce clusters of small hybrids) — These make a lovely display in conditions and mostly produce a spring as winter approaches. It also has beautiful daisy blooms in shades of pink, blue, purple autumn, with their pink or white blooms show of blossom that rivals the autumn pink flowers covering the branches in late and white; colours that are wonderful for swaying around on top of fragile, up-to- display. winter. attracting insect pollinators into the garden. one-metre tall stems. These flowers can be And if you don’t have room for a tree, The ‘Michaelmas’ part of their common single or double, with the singles having the Chinese pistachio — This is related to there’s still the opportunity to grow an name refers to their Northern Hemisphere advantage of exposing the attractive yellow the well-known nut tree. Its divided leaflets autumn-colouring shrub or climber. flowering time. Michaelmas, the Christian stamens. Feast of St Michael the Archangel, falls on Japanese windflowers do best in light 29th September and has long been regarded shade where they’ll gradually spread to fill as a marker of autumn’s arrival. For us, with bare areas beneath trees. Night-time bliss is relaxing autumn at the opposite end of the year, the name makes less sense but Michaelmas Nerines — These are also called spider daisies are still an important part of the lilies. They are autumn-flowering bulbs that in your new spa . . . autumn season. make an unexpected appearance each year. Because they need so little care, it’s easy Michaelmas daisies — These are to forget they’re there at all — until they wonderful plants to beg from friends. bloom. There are many different types of They’re easily divided from existing clumps nerines, and even the most common are well in late winter and early spring and are also worth growing. available as packaged roots for sale in late Autumn is the season for berries. winter. Add Yates Thrive Natural Garden Crabapples, rose hips and viburnums are Lime to acid soils before planting, and use some of the most obvious at this time of Yates Super Shield Rose Spray Concentrate if year. The colder the climate, the better their mildew appears. colour. The same is true of the autumn foliage Dahlias — These are mainstays of the on deciduous trees. This is the time, while autumn garden. Unlike the large, must-be- they’re in full colour, to look for the trees staked plants of the past, we are now happy that do best in your area and to buy and Talk to us today to grow smaller dahlias that have been bred plant new ones. — Courtesy of Yates 60 Roebuck Rd, phone 867 1240 39053-03 SATURDAY, MAY 8, 2021 5 FOOD Tapioca potato bites

ri a w h es ah M ti ee Pr by ure Pict

ese crispy fritters (known as sabudana vada in Hindi) are a perfect snack for tea time. Preeti Maheshwari fi rst tried them at a friend’s wedding in Mumbai, India. She loved them so much that she learned how to make them, much to her family’s delight. It’s hard to stop at one, or two . . . or three.

Picture supplied

INGREDIENTS and ginger. Add lemon juice, salt and black • Oil your hands to make smooth patties/ separate them in the wok. ½ cup tapioca (also known as sago pearls or pepper. Mix everything together. balls, there should be no cracks. • Do not constantly turn the tapioca sabudana) Divide the mixture into equal parts, fl atten • If the patties/balls seperate, you can add patties/balls or else they might start 2 medium potatoes, boiled them a bit and make them round shaped. some cornfl our to the mixture. separating. Turn only once when one side ¼ cup peanuts Or else you can make round balls and stuff • Do not put too many tapioca patties/balls turns golden. (If needed turn again) 2-3 tablespoons chopped coriander with cheese, cottage cheese or fresh grated in the wok at a time. If they stick, don’t try to • Let the oil reheat before each batch. 1-2 green chillies, chopped (optional) coconut. 1 tbsp grated ginger Heat oil on medium heat in a wok. Add ½ teaspoon salt (adjust to taste) the patties/balls to the oil one by one, 1 tbsp of lemon juice don’t overcrowd the wok. Maintain the oil 1 tsp black pepper (adjust to taste) temperature at a medium heat. Oil to fry Fry them on medium heat until golden brown and crispy from both sides. Drain on a METHOD paper towel. Rinse the tapioca pearls well until water Serve the crispy patties with coriander turns clear. Soak it in ½ cup water overnight. chutney, ketchup or anything that you like. In the morning, the tapioca pearls would have absorbed all water. ey should be soft. TIPS TO MAKE PERFECT TAPIOCA Press with your fi nger to check, they should PATTIES/BALLS Eyezen Single Vision Lenses crush easily. Drain the tapioca in a strainer, • Use a shallow bowl to soak tapioca provide optimal vision all day long. Designed to relax most likely there will be no water but still overnight. e water should be an inch above the eyes and filter blue- drain it so that if there’s any excess water, it the tapioca pearls. violet light* with better visual will be removed. • Th ere should be no moisture left in comfort and contrast, so you en transfer the soaked pearls into a large tapioca or potatoes. Leave tapioca pearls can multitask with ease. bowl. Mash the boiled potatoes and add to in a strainer for longer if you feel there is *Filters up to 20% of blue-violet light (400-455nm). the tapioca. moisture. OPSM GISBORNE Roast the peanuts, remove the skin and • Cut in half the boiled potatoes and place coarsely crush it. en add it to the potato- it on paper towel to remove all moisture. If 260 Gladstone Rd tapioca mixture. you feel there is moisture in the potatoes, Ph: 867 7176 Add coriander, green chillies (optional) put them in fridge for some time. 38138-03 6 THE GISBORNE HERALD TRAVEL Pancake Rocks and more at Punakaiki

Gisborne couple Barry Teutenberg and Sandra Walsh continue their campervan road trip on the West Coast/ Te Tai o Poutini of the South Island/Te Waipounamu.

he Buller District of the sliding door. A charming gentleman South Island’s West Coast appeared, offering information extends from Kohaihai about the area. We invited the Tthrough Westport and sprightly 94-year-old Noel Palmer Punakaiki, known mostly for inside. He frequently visits the geological wonder that is the freedom campers to share his local Pancake Rocks. knowledge, documenting who he Like many naive tourists, the has spoken to and where they’re latter was the main destination from. He proudly showed us his Barry and I targeted when loosely notebook. planning our trip. We soon Since Covid closed the border, the discovered there are plenty more vast majority, of course, are Kiwis. attractions. Undeterred, he loves meeting new The Westport weather in early people. He was a highlight of our February was windy and wet. time in Westport. Fortunately, online work required Another memorable experience time sitting still. We found a was our first incredulous glimpse fabulous freedom campground a of foil surfboards. Hydrofoiling short walk from the driftwood- surfers seemed to glide over waves strewn beach. and water on back-to-the-future During the afternoon, we heard hoverboards. We’d taken a walk a gentle knock on our campervan from the campground to Westport Breakwater. Nearby were many memorial plaques for people who had died trying to cross the treacherous bar. The sturdy surfers appeared unperturbed by the loudly pounding Tasman Sea. Our next destination was Cape Foulwind. Heading south on State Highway 6, this section of road boasts beaches, coastal cliffs and the Paparoa Range. Noel reliably informed us it’s one of the most spectacular coastal routes on the West Coast. He was right. Māori knew Cape Foulwind ReMARKABLe: as “Tauranga”, referring to the The startling limestone sheltered anchorage the bay formations of Pancake provided for voyaging waka. Rocks at Punakaiki. In 1664, Abel Tasman named it Clyppygen Hoeck, aka “Rocky Point”. It’s easy to see why. Captain Cook’s 1770 visit coincided with atrocious weather and high winds. His version, a “place of foul winds”, has sadly stuck! We were to discover many more places in the South Island where Cook had a knack of telling it like it is. Fortunately, we visited on a fine day with panoramic views of the sweeping coastline and lighthouse. New fRIeNd: Old timer Noel SUNBATHING: A seal Palmer with his record of visitors pup catches some he has met. rays at the Cape Continued on page 7 Foulwind seal colony. 7 THE GISBORNE HERALD TRAVEL

STUNNING: Colourful kayakers paddling on the Paparoa River, seen from the Paparoa Track, the newest Great Walk. Detours delight

From page 6 to the Pike River 29. We walked for about half an hour along the riverside, watching colourful kayaks meandering along. Although tempted to venture There’s a three-hour return trip from the lighthouse further, we’d detoured enough. to the Tauranga Bay rookery of kekeno/seal colony, Finally, we made it to Pancake Rocks mid-afternoon. but we chose to drive due to time constraints. Pups It’s not easy to describe how otherworldly this location had been born a couple of months before our visit. is. I recall visiting The Giant’s Causeway in Northern We watched half a dozen playing in a pool below the Ireland in August 2004 with my dear friend Therese walkway, sounding and looking remarkably like human Shivnan. It is not known what made those rocks the children; not a care in the world. shape they are, though it’s guessed to be the aftermath Our next destination was Punakaiki — of volcanic crashing, burning and cooling over around understandably one of the main tourist attractions on 60 million years. But why only there? the West Coast. However, before arriving, we walked The Pancake Rocks have a similar history. Limestone a short section of the Truman Track — deservedly formations began 30 million years ago, when lime-rich recommended in the AA’s Eight Must-Do Walks To fragments of dead marine creatures were deposited on Check Out Around New Zealand This Summer. the seabed, then overlaid by weaker layers of soft mud The path passes through unspoiled subtropical forest and clay. where podocarp and rātā trees tower above thickets of The loop walk around this outstanding natural vine and nīkau palms. At the end is a viewing platform spectacle is superbly planned, ensuring time and GOOD DAy: Sandra making her way back from the lighthouse over a spectacular coastline with cliffs, caverns, a space to gaze in wonder at the naturally made shapes at Cape Foulwind, which belied its name on this day, offering blowhole and a waterfall that plummets straight on to and patterns below. We were blessed with hardly any panoramic views of the coastline. a rock-strewn beach. A stairway provides access to the tourists to spoil our views. Regrettably, the tide wasn’t rocky sloping beach, which Barry found challenging in high enough for sea surges into the caverns to produce his jandals! blowholes during our visit. Shortly afterwards, we were sidetracked by another Wow! We may not have seen blowholes, but we were stunning walk near a handy lunch-break car park. The certainly blown away by the phenomenal beauty of this APPROPRIATE FOOTWEAR: At the end of the must-do Truman Paparoa Track, adjacent to the Paparoa River, is the section of the West Coast. Track a stairway leads down to a rocky, sloping beach and this newest Great Walk, soon to encompass a memorial To be continued . . . cave, carved out over time by the sea. Pictures by Barry Teutenberg Words by Sandra Walsh

RIDING HIGH: a lone surfer up on his foils in the waves off the breakwater at Westport Beach. 8 THE GISBORNE HERALD COLUMN The Russian vaccine omewhere in the bowels of the Real-life statistics don’t work that way. more than 186,000. Russia’s performance has Russian Ministry of Health until I didn’t say anything about it at the time She even told us how she arrived at that suddenly got much worse Srecently was a tormented medical because I didn’t want to get him in trouble, figure. The number of deaths from all since then, Moscow has no bureaucrat who had to calculate the but they have clearly rumbled him because causes reported in Russia from January to more reason to be ashamed by Gwynne daily Covid-19 death toll. He was tormented the reported numbers are now down in November last year was 229,000 higher than than Washington or Dyer because he had been told that the number the low 300s. It was a brave but pointless in 2019, she said, and “more than 81 percent London. So why lie about it must not rise beyond 400. gesture, because everyone already knew the of the increase in mortality over this period like this? We know that because for the past couple Russian government was lying about its is due to Covid”; 81 percent of 229,000 total There is a weird but of weeks he was signalling frantically that Covid deaths. excess deaths is 186,000 Covid deaths. widespread custom, the published number is a lie. He did that No less an authority than Deputy Prime That’s about the same number of deaths especially prevalent among by reporting that the daily deaths were 399, Minister Tatyana Golikova admitted it last per million people that the United States and Russian bureaucrats and then the next day 398, then 397, then up to December, saying the real death toll as of the United Kingdom had at that time. It’s three-year-olds, in which 399 once more and all the way down again. that date was not the reported 57,000 but certainly nothing to be proud of, but unless you aggressively deny the plain truth even while you and your listener are 1488 both looking at it. “Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?” as ACROSS 54 African river (4) DOWN 42 Jumper’s approach (3-2) Chico Marx put it in “Duck Soup”. 1 Make laugh (5) 55 Stiletto (6) 2 Bricklayer’s mixture (6) 43 Hat maker (8) I used to think it was some sort of 4 Dependable assistant 56 Thrown (6) 3 Seller’s patter (5) 44 Vagrants (6) Communist tic, because I first encountered it (6,5,3) 57 Red in the face (7) 5 Snare (4) 45 Mixture component (10) in the old Soviet Union (late Brezhnev era). 11 Flower (5) 60 Rules of personal conduct 6 Remote settlement (7) 46 Change direction (4) We were filming in Belgorod and drove past 14 Body organ (5) (10) 7 Leafy vegetables (6) 47 Month (7) an abandoned, falling-down church, so I said 15 Scene of conflict (11) 61 Food for caged pet (8) 8 Eye part (4) 48 Not certain (6) “Look at the church.” 16 Troops (8) 62 Give in (5) 9 Wearing hard hats (8) 49 Makes level (5) The whole crew 19 Exhibition room (7) 65 Tree-lined street (6) 10 Short-sightedness (6) 51 Make annoyed (4) Moscow has no 20 Sharp end (5) 66 Energy (6) 11 Untidy, dishevelled (10) 52 Huge (7) saw it, but the 21 Contrary to established 67 Held dear (9) 12 Finished (4) 53 Sailed (anag) (6) minder said there more reason to church doctrine (9) 72 Public institution for 13 Cosmetic for eyelashes (7) 58 Happening (10) was no church, be ashamed than 24 Without delay (9) parentless children (9) 17 Fireplace (5) 59 Whiskers (5) and refused to go 26 Meat pin (6) 73 Buy off (5) 18 Acclaimed (10) 63 Fried ring-shaped cake (8) around the block Washington or 27 African country (6) 74 Be enough (7) 22 Resided (5) 64 Children (5) for another look, 31 Gunfire (5) 79 Amorous (8) 23 Inside (8) 65 Firedog (7) and spent the rest London. So why 32 Squally (8) 80 Ruthless investigation 25 Eight-sided figure (7) 68 Natural environment (7) of the day denying lie about (its 34 Disrespectful (10) (11) 26 Up (7) 69 Aquatic creature (6) it. The whole Covid-19 death 38 Hauled along (7) 81 Scatter (5) 28 Fee (6) 70 Painting done in wet country was a 39 Fairground game (6) 82 Elbow (5) 29 Aide (6) plaster (6) Potemkin village in toll) like this? 40 Reach (6) 83 Celebrate lavishly 30 Needlework (6) 71 Receive (6) those days, so you 41 Loosen (4) (4,3,4,3) 33 Demonstrated (5) 75 Get (5) got used to that sort of thing, but I assumed 42 Leftover (7) 84 Converses informally (5) 35 Prickle (5) 76 Surrounded by (4) it had gone out of fashion. It has not — at 45 Brought in (10) 36 Enthusiastic (4) 77 Racing toboggan (4) least, not at the Ministry of Health. 50 Mischievous fairy (7) 37 Bathroom powder (4) 78 Bean curd (4) This kind of behaviour is not cost-free, 12 3 456789 10 11 12 13 because people come to assume you are lying even when you tell the truth. That is what allowed the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) to announce late last month 14 15 16 that it won’t approve the purchase of 30 17 18 million doses of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine. This is lethal stupidity. Almost 4000 19 20 21 Brazilians a day are dying from Covid-19 according to official figures (and perhaps 22 23 10,000 a day including the unrecorded deaths that occur at home). It’s worse in 24 25 26 27 Brazil than anywhere else except India, and the Russian vaccine is quite safe. 28 29 30 Not “perfectly safe”, because none of them 31 32 33 34 35 are. For every 10,000 or 100,000 lives they save, one will be lost somewhere due to some 36 37 tiny flaw in the vaccine or a contaminated needle or some other quirk of fate. We accept 38 39 40 41 those odds, like we allow ambulances to speed through traffic knowing that once in a very long while that will cause a crash. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Respected British medical journal “The Lancet” recently published results from nearly 20,000 people in a clinical trial, showing Sputnik V is safe and has an efficacy 54 55 56 57 of 91.6 percent at preventing symptomatic Covid-19. So why would Gustavo Mendes, 58 59 Anvisa’s medicines and biological products manager, ban its import into Brazil? 60 61 62 Maybe because Anvisa is a federal 63 64 government agency, and Mendes ultimately works for President Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s 65 66 67 68 Donald Trump. It was a consortium of state governors who bought the Russian vaccine, 69 70 71 and Bolsonaro is at war with them for trying to lock down their states and save lives. 72 73 74 75 The recycled Cold Warriors of the West are also trying to discredit Russia’s vaccines, of 76 77 78 course, but Russia does itself no favours with 79 80 81 its bluster and its lying boasts about its own success in fighting the virus at home (which, by the way, are misleading many young Russians to skip getting vaccinated). 82 83 84 Are there no grown-ups in the room at all? SATURDAY, MAY 8, 2021 9 TELEVISION ON TV THIS WEEKEND


An orphan little girl befriends a benevolent giant who takes her to Giant Country, where they attempt to stop the man-eating giants that are invading the human world.

HOT PURSUIT Sunday, 7pm, BRAVO An uptight and by-the-book cop tries to protect the outgoing widow of a drug boss as they race through Texas pursued by crooked cops and murderous gunmen. JOHNNY ENGLISH STRIKES AGAIN Starring Reese Witherspoon and Sofi a Vergara. Saturday, 7pm, THREE After a cyber-attack reveals the identity of all of the active undercover agents in Britain, Johnny English is forced to come out of retirement to fi nd the mastermind hacker. Starring Rowan Atkinson and Ben Miller.

FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY FLY ME TO THE MOON Saturday, 8.45pm, THREE Saturday, 7pm, MAORI TELEVISION A former wrestler and his family make a living performing at small venues around the  ree young housefl ies stow away aboard the Apollo 11 fl ight to the moon. country while his kids dream of joining World Wrestling Entertainment. Featuring the voices of Trevor Gagnon and Philip Bolden. Starring Dwayne Johnson, Lena Headey and Florence Pugh. 10 THE GISBORNE HERALD SATURDAY-SUNDAY TELEVISION

TVNZ 1 © TVNZ 2021TVNZ 2 © TVNZ 2021 THREE PRIME MAORI TV 5pm The Chase 3 0 6.30 The Simpsons PG 0 5pm Bondi Vet PG 0 5.30 Prime News 5pm The Hui 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 A secret from Flanders’ 6pm Newshub Live At 6pm 6pm Celebrity Trawlermen PG 5.30 Nga Tangata Taumata past is revealed. 7pm M Johnny English 0 As problems with Rau: Te Waiponamu 3 7pm Nigella’s Cook, Eat, M 0 6.55 Aliens In The Strikes Again PG 3 0 fishing equipment 6.30 Nga Pari Karangaranga Repeat Attic PG 0 2009 Adventure. A 2018 Comedy. After an O Te Motu 3 Nigella’s grandmother’s family must fight aliens plague the trip, the 7pm M Fly Me To The recipe for creme caramel who came from upstairs unexpected cyber attack celebrities take initiative, provides the inspiration in a battle that will decide reveals the identities winning praise and Moon 2008 Animated Call the Midwife for a simple but elegant the fate of Earth. of all active undercover respect from the skipper Adventure. Three young 8.45pm on TVNZ 1 flies set off to become dessert of caramel Carter Jenkins, Austin agents in Britain, Johnny and crew. Butler. English returns to 7pm Rescue: River Deep the first insects on the custard. 8.30 RuPaul’s Drag Race 0 investigate. Mountain High PG 0 moon by hitching a ride 7.35 Wild Tokyo Down Under 16L 0 M 8.45 Fighting With My The Patterdale Mountain on the Apollo 11 space It may be the largest, Our Queen’s don their 0 flight. Voices of Tim Family M 2019 Drama. Rescue team are called busiest and most best celebrity get-up to Curry, Robert Patrick. compete in the infamous Based on the true story to help a man who has densely populated of a WWE Superstar, a 8.30 M A Wedding M 2016 celebrity impression broken his leg on the far metropolitan area girl born into a tight- Drama. A woman is close Olympics. shore of Ullswater lake. on Earth, but Tokyo’s 9.30 M Zoolander 2 MVL knit wrestling family is to her family until her 38 million residents 3 0 2016 Comedy. Derek 7.30 Griff’s Great Kiwi Road parents ask her to follow Johnny English Strikes Again given a once-in-a-lifetime 3 0 share their home with and Hansel are lured opportunity. Trip PG Pakistani tradition to 7pm on Three a surprising array of into modelling again, in 11pm M The Edge Of 8.30 Massive Engineering choose a husband. Lina 0 wildlife. Rome, where they find Seventeen M 3 0 2016 Mistakes PGC El Arabi. 8pm L Lotto themselves the targets of Comedy. A pioneering bridge in 10.30 Funny Whare: 0 a sinister conspiracy. downtown Copenhagen 8.05 Wild Tokyo Continued. Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, SUNDAY Gamesnight PG 8.45 Call The Midwife PG 0 Will Ferrell, Penelope Cruz, 1am Infomercials 3 sparks controversy; a 11pm Anika Moa Unleashed M Dr Turner and Sister Kristen Wiig. 5am Brian Houston @ disaster reveals a flaw 11.30 Closedown Hilda are both 11.30 M Self/Less MVL 0 2015 Hillsong 3 hidden in dams across SUNDAY bewildered and Sci-fi. 5.30 Charles Stanley 3 America. 6.30 Waiata Mai 3 Ryan Reynolds, Ben 3 concerned by a patient’s 6am Life TV 9.30 Crazy On A Plane MVLC 6.40 Kia Mau 3 Kingsley. 0 3 Rescue: River Deep Mountain High unexplained symptoms 6.30 Brian Houston @ 6.50 Huritua 7pm on Prime SUNDAY Hillsong TV 10.30 The Clinton Affair M 3 0 7am Taki Atu Taki Mai and try to get to the 1.35 M 0 Sliding Doors MLS 7am Charles Stanley 11.30 NXT PGV 7.10 Tamariki Haka 3 bottom of her ill health 1998 Romantic Drama. RNZ NATIONAL 8am Life TV 3 SUNDAY 7.20 Mahi Pai 3 before it impacts her Gwyneth Paltrow, John 3 5pm The World At Five Hannah, John Lynch. 8.30 Turning Point 12.30 Infomercials 7.30 He Rourou pregnancy. 3 5.10 Focus On Politics 0 3.15 2 Overnight 9am Classical 2.30 Closedown 7.40 Paia 5.30 Tagata O Te Moana 10.05 Doctor Doctor M 3 3 5.05 Fresh 3 Destinations 6am Religious Programme 7.50 Polyfest 2018 6.06 Womad Taranaki 2020 While Penny is away on 0 3 5.30 Religious Programming 9.30 The Hui 6.30 Believe It Or Not 8.20 Te Nutube Highlights from World Music honeymoon Hugh and 6am Paw Patrol 3 0 0 3 10am Newshub Nation 7.30 Religious Programme 8.30 Whanau Living festival in New Plymouth. Tara come out to play. 6.25 Muppet Babies 3 0 11am Wild Cornwall: Out On 9am Oranga Ngakau 3 7.06 Saturday Night 3 0 10am Golf: LPGA Event (HLS) With a little help from 6.50 Masha And The Bear The Edge 0 10am Huro Pepi 3 With Phil O’Brien. 6.55 Lego Friends Girls On A Women’s Champions. Charlie their night takes Noon Shark Wranglers 0 10.30 Te Ao Tapatahi SUNDAY Mission 0 11am NXT PGV 3 a dramatic turn as Hugh 1.01 Motorsport: Australian 11.30 Te Ao With Moana 12.04 All Night Programme 7.05 SpongeBob Noon Super Rugby loses more than his 3 0 V8 Superboats (HLS) Noon Home, Land And Sea 6.08 Storytime SquarePants Aotearoa (DLY) Final: sobriety. 7.30 Bunnicula 3 0 2pm Motorsport: Toyota 12.30 Funny Whare: 7.10 Sunday Morning 11.05 Dinner Date 0 7.50 Kai Five 0 86 Championship (HLS) Crusaders v Chiefs. Gamesnight PG With Jim Mora. SUNDAY 8am What Now? Round Four. From Orangetheory 1pm Waka AMA 9.06 Mediawatch 12.12 Standing Room Only 12.05 The Damned 16L 0 10am Shortland Street 3pm Motorsport: Super Stadium, Christchurch. Championships (HLS) 3 0 1.10 At The Movies 12.40 Britain’s Got Talent: The Omnibus PGC Trucks 2pm The Diagnosis 1.30 Hahana 3 12.10 The Voice UK 3 0 Detectives PGC 3 0 M 2.05 The Laugh Track On Champions 3 0 3 0 3.45 Motorsport: 2pm Fly Me To The Standing Room Only 1.30 AP Bio 3pm Mayday PGC 3 0 3 2.10 Coronation Street 2pm Home And Away MotoGP (HLS) Moon 2008 Animated 3.05 Classic Drama 4pm Hot Bench 3 Omnibus PG 3 0 Omnibus PG 3 0 Round Four. Adventure. 4.06 Smart Talk N 4.30 3 3.25 Infomercials 4.30 Bob Hearts Abishola 0 5pm Bondi Lifeguard Rugby Nation 3.30 Pio Terei Tonight PG 5pm The World At Five 0 5pm 3 0 5.30 Religious Programming 5pm Ellen’s Game Of Games PG World Adventures PG Honey Wars PG 4.30 Tagata Pasifika 5.10 Heart And Soul 0 5.30 2nd Chance Charlie 3 0 5.30 Prime News 5pm Te Ao Toa 5.35 Te Manu Korihi 6am Rural Delivery 0 6.25 Building Giants 3 0 PAY TV 7.15 Tagata Pasifika 3 CHOICE 7.40 Praise Be 3 5.30 Posh Pawn SKY SPORT 1 SKY 5 MOVIES PREMIERE DISCOVERY 8.10 The Living Room 3 0 6.30 Salvage Hunters 6pm L Super Rugby 5.05 Ice Road Truckers PG 5pm The Last Full 5.40 Mysteries At The 9am Q+A With Jack Tame 0 7.30 Jade Fever PGC Aotearoa 5.55 Outback Truckers M Measure 16VLC 2019 Museum PG 10am Marae 8.30 Lost And Found PGC Final: Crusaders v 7pm The Simpsons PG Drama. Sebastian Stan, 6.35 Gold Rush PG 10.30 Waka Huia 9.30 The Ganges With Sue Chiefs. When Bart begins to Christopher Plummer. 7.30 House Hunters Down 11am Seven Worlds, One Perkins 9.48 L Super Rugby excel in video game 6.55 The Beach Bum 16VLSC Under PG Planet 3 0 10.30 Buddy v Duff Australia competitions, Homer 2019 Comedy. Matthew 8pm House Hunters Down 0 Final: Reds v Brumbies. discovers a passion for McConaughey, Isla Under PG Noon Attitude 11.30 How Do Animals Do 12.30 Fair Go 3 0 SUNDAY coaching him. Fisher. 8.30 Pool Kings PG That? 1pm Sunday 3 0 12.40 L French Top 14 7.30 Pawn Stars PG 8.30 1917 16VLC 2019 Drama. 9pm Man Caves PG 2pm Secret Scotland 0 SUNDAY Racing 92 v Clermont. Props from the Jerry During the height of the 9.30 Alaskan Bush People PG 3pm Paddington Station 12am Kai Safari 2.45 First XV Rugby (HLS) Maguire movie arrive in Great War, two young 10.30 Once Upon A Bite PG 24/7 Back On The 12.30 Posh Pawn 3.10 Super Rugby the shop; Rick checks British soldiers embark 11.25 Mysteries At The Tracks PG 0 1.30 Best Cake Wins Aotearoa (HLS) out a Jackson Five on a dangerous mission Museum PG L 4pm South Seas Spearo PG 0 2am Posh Pawn 3.40 French Top 14 autograph. through enemy territory. SUNDAY Montpellier v La 8.30 PGL Dean-Charles Chapman, 12.15 How It’s Made PG 5pm The Chase 3 0 3am Jade Fever PGC Rochelle. 9pm Ax Men ML George MacKay. 12.40 How Do They Do It? PG 4am Lost And Found PGC 6am Super Rugby 10pm Ocean Predators PG 10.30 The Grudge 16VC 1.05 Naked And Afraid XL MC BRAVO 5am Salvage Hunters Aotearoa (HLS) 10.55 Piha Rescue PG 2020 Horror. Andrea 1.55 Aussie Salvage 3 5.20 Undercover Boss PG 6am Best Cake Wins 6.30 Super Rugby 11.20 A1: Highway Patrol MVLC Riseborough, Demian Squad PG 6.15 Million Dollar Listing NY PG 3 6.30 Through The Bible With Australia (HLS) SUNDAY Bichir. 2.45 What On Earth? PG 7.30 Botched PG 3 Les Feldick 7am L French Top 14 12.20 Outback Truckers M SUNDAY 3.35 What On Earth? PG 8.30 The Real Housewives Of 7am Leading The Way Toulon v Toulouse. 1.20 The Simpsons PG 12.05 Black Water: Abyss 4.25 What On Earth? PG Dallas M 9.05 Super Rugby 1.45 Pawn Stars PG 16VL 2020 Horror. 5.15 What On Earth? PG 7.30 Key Of David 9.30 The Real Housewives Of Aotearoa (RPL) Final: 2.30 Storage Wars PGL Jessica McNamee, 6.05 How Do They Do It? PG Salt Lake City M 8am Hugh’s Three Hungry Crusaders v Chiefs. 2.55 Piha Rescue PG Luke Mitchell. 6.30 How Do They Do It? PG 10.30 3 Killer Siblings 16 Boys 11.30 First XV Rugby 3.20 NXT PGV 1.45 It Chapter Two 6.55 Mysteries At The 11.25 Snapped M 3 8.30 Sarah Off The Grid Revision (HLS) Scots 4.05 Ax Men ML 16VLC 2019 Horror. Museum PG Presidential SUNDAY 12.15 Infomercials 9.30 Restoration Home College v Kings College. 5.05 Ocean Predators PG 4.29 Bill And Ted Face The Cheese Spying Space 5am Love It Or List It 3 10.30 Salvage Hunters Noon Gallagher 6am A1: Highway Patrol MVLC Music PGVL 2020 Comedy. Shuttle. 3 6am Love It Or List It 11.30 Historic House Rescue Premiership (DLY) 7am Prison First And Last 24 5.58 The Last Full 7.45 Alaska: The Last 6.50 Love It Or List It 3 2pm L Major League Hours MVLC Measure 16VLC 2019 Drama. Frontier PG Tsunami 12.30 How Do Animals Do 7.40 Love It Or List It 3 Rugby 7.55 NXT PGV 7.51 The Beach Bum Evacuation. 8.30 Love It Or List It 3 That? 3 Utah Warriors v Old 8.50 Mountain Men PG 16VLSC 2019 Comedy. 9.25 Alaskan Bush People PG 9.20 Clean House PG 1pm Kai Safari 10.05 Clean House PG 3 Glory DC. 9.35 Piha Rescue PG 9.24 1917 16VLC 2019 Drama. The Land Giveths and 10.55 Botched PG 3 1.30 Posh Pawn 4pm Super Rugby 10am Pawn Stars PG 11.22 The Grudge Takeths. 11.40 Body Fixers PG 3 2.30 Jade Fever PGC Aotearoa (HLS) Final: 11am Storage Wars PGL 16VC 2020 Horror. 10.20 Undercover 12.35 Celebrity Ghost Stories PG 3.30 Little Giants Crusaders v Chiefs. 11.30 FBI MV 12.55 Resistance Billionaire PG 3 4pm Nature’s Strangest 4.30 Japan Top League (HLS) 12.30 Prison First And Last 24 MVLSC 2020 Drama. 12.10 Gold Rush PG 1.30 Celebrity Ghost Stories PG Canon Eagles v Wild Hours MVLC 2.55 Death And Life Of John 1.05 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 3 Mysteries Solved Knights. 1.30 RBT MC F. Donovan 2pm Naked And Afraid XL MC 2.25 Hoarders PG 3 4.30 BBQ Pitmasters PGL 3.20 Catfish 3 5pm L Basketball: NBL 2pm Raw MVC 16LS 2018 Drama. 3.50 Naked And Afraid XL MC 4.10 Catfish 3 5.30 Mysteries At The Sydney Kings v Adelaide 4.45 NXT PGV 4.55 The Good Liar 4.45 Naked And Afraid XL MC 5.05 Catfish 3 Monument PGC 36ers. 5.45 SmackDown MVC 16VLSC 2019 Drama. 5.40 Naked And Afraid XL MC KEY 0 3 (HLS) (RPL) (DLY) 16 18 Closed captions; Repeat; Highlights; Replay; Delayed; Approved for persons 16 years or over; Approved for persons 18 years or over; 8May21 Compiled by C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG Parental guidance recommended for younger viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Saturday, May 8, 2021 11 SUNDAY-MONDAY TELEVISION

TVNZ 1 © TVNZ 2021TVNZ 2 © TVNZ 2021 THREE PRIME MAORI TV 5pm The Chase 3 0 5pm Ellen’s Game Of Games PG 5pm N Bondi Lifeguard 5pm Honey Wars PG 3 0 5pm Te Ao Toa 0 A quiz show where Game show hosted by World Adventures PG 0 5.30 Prime News 6pm Waka Huia Ellen DeGeneres. 5.30 2nd Chance Charlie 3 0 6.30 Te Ao Marama contestants must stay 0 6pm Netball: ANZ 6pm The Simpsons 6pm Newshub Live At 6pm M one step ahead of The M 0 Premiership 7.30 Leitis In 6.30 The BFG 2016 Family 7pm N The Masked Chaser. Adventure. Stars v Steel. Waiting PGC 2018 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 Singer NZ PG 0 Mark Rylance, Ruby 7.30 F Outback Documentary. A portrait of The latest news, sport, Barnhill, Penelope Wilton. The first six masked Joey Mataele, leader of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Truckers PGL 0 and weather. 8.30 Comedy Gala 16L 0 singers compete a group of leitis fighting Fleet Street, 10pm on TVNZ 2 in song, then Rhys 8.30 Murder On Middle 7pm Country Calendar PG 0 Justine Smith hosts a rising tide of religious Aotearoa’s finest comedy Darby and the panel 0 A Motueka orcharding Beach 16VLC fundamentalism and family say they could superstars for the 2021 decide who will be the Madison explores Comedy Gala. first performer to be intolerance in the South not get their harvest in the fallout between 10pm M Sweeney Todd: unmasked. Pacific kingdom of without a team of RSE his mother and aunts The Demon Barber Of 8pm M Men In Black: Tonga. workers from Samoa, 0 Fleet Street 16V 2007 International MVC 0 2019 surrounding a marketing 8.30 M Colette MLCS 2018 who also benefit from Crime. Based on the hit Action. Decorated Agent H scheme that aimed Drama. Broadway musical, the the relationship and got to uplift women but 10.35 My Party Song 3 story of Sweeney Todd and determined rookie through MIQ in time to M face a new alien evolved into something 11.05 Nga Pari Karangaranga The NZ help out. who sets up a barber shop, the basis for a threat that can take insidious. O Te Motu 3 7pm on Three 7.30 Sunday 0 sinister partnership with the form of anyone, 9.45 11.35 Closedown A weekly in-depth MacGyver M tenant, Mrs Lovett. including MIB agents. MONDAY current-affairs show. 10.40 SmackDown PGV Johnny Depp, Helena Chris Hemsworth, 6.30 Pipi Ma 3 8.30 Beat The Chasers 0 Bonham Carter. 11.40 Rugby League: NRL (DLY) Liam Neeson, Emma 6.35 Takoha 3 9.30 Line Of Duty M 0 MONDAY Sea Eagles v Warriors. Thompson. 6.45 He Paki Taonga I A As AC-12 struggle 12.20 First Dates NZ PG 3 0 10.15 Murder, Lies And MONDAY Maui 3 to deal with the 1.05 How To Look Good Alibis 18 3 0 1.35 Infomercials Naked PG 3 0 6.50 Waiata Mai 3 repercussions of 11.10 Hawaii Five-0 M 3 0 3.35 Closedown 1.55 2 Overnight 7am Te Ao Tapatahi tragic events, Hastings MONDAY 3 4am Infomercials 6am Jeopardy 8am Miharo 3 Murder on Middle Beach makes one final bid to 12.05 Infomercials 3 0 4.30 Religious Programming 6.25 The Powerpuff Girls 8.30 Pukana 8.30pm on Prime uncover institutionalized 5am Infomercials 6am The AM Show 6.50 The Loud House 0 9am Oranga Ngakau corruption before his 6am Les Mills Born To Move 0 9am Infomercials 7.15 Teen Titans 3 0 3 RNZ NATIONAL time runs out. 6.25 Masha And The Bear 3 0 10.30 Cupcake Wars 10am Sidewalk Karaoke 5pm The World At Five 6.35 In The Night Garden 3 0 11.30 Newshub Live At 7.40 Teenage Mutant Ninja 10.30 Whanau Living 3 10.45 Anika Moa 5.10 Heart And Soul Reunited 18LC 0 7am The Dog And Pony 11:30am Turtles 3 0 11am He Aha To Say? 3 0 5.35 Te Manu Korihi Anika trips out with Show Noon Fixer Upper 8.05 Hunter Street 0 11.30 Shear Bro 3 7.25 0 6.06 Te Ahi Kaa rocker Mikey Havoc from Powerpuff Girls 1pm M A Bride’s 8.30 Batman: The Animated Noon Hamu And Tofiga PG 3 7.50 Talking Tom And 6.40 Voices Nightmare M 0 2020 3 0 12.30 Ride Or Die 3 Push Push and visits Fur Friends 0 Series 7.04 The Ted Radio Hour Drama. Patrol’s Julia Deans. 8.15 Kiddets 0 When a bride 9am A Place In The Sun 3 1pm Nga Pari Karangaranga 8.06 Sunday Night to be is kidnapped on 10pm The 10 O’Clock Report 11.15 Kids: An Instruction 8.25 Code Fun 0 10am The Great Escapers 3 O Te Motu 3 Manual 3 0 8.40 The Lion Guard 3 0 her wedding day by 2pm Toku Reo 3 10.10 Mediawatch 11am Hot Bench PG 3 10.45 The House Nigel Latta presents a 9am Infomercials her fiancé’s delusional 3pm Korero Mai 3 0 11.30 Beecham House MVC 3 0 11.04 The Retro Cocktail Hour science-based guide 10am Les Mills Body Balance former girlfriend, she 3.30 Polyfest 2018 3 10.30 Neighbours 3 0 12.30 Silent Witness MVLC 3 0 With Darrell Brogdon. to solving problems in does everything within 4pm Pukana 11am Station 19 M 3 0 her power to escape. 1.30 Married... With MONDAY families. 4.30 Miharo 3 Noon God Friended Me PG 3 0 Brittany Underwood, Children PG 3 12.04 All Night Programme 11.45 Black Sails 18VLS 1pm Judge Rinder PG 3 0 5pm Pipi Ma 3 5am First Up With Nathan Rarere. Camila Banus. 2pm The hunt for the Urca 2pm Mom PGC 3 0 The Late Show With 5.05 Takoha 3 6am Morning Report With Susie 3pm Celebrity Family Feud PG Stephen Colbert PG 3 begins; things change 2.30 Home And Away PG 3 0 0 5.15 He Paki Taonga I A Ferguson and Corin Dann. 3 0 for Eleanor; Bonny and 3pm Shortland Street PGV 3pm Wheel Of Fortune PG Maui 3 9.06 Nine To Noon 3.30 Almost Never 0 4pm Find Me A Dream Home With Kathryn Ryan. Rackham are haunted by 3 3.30 Jeopardy 5.20 Waiata Mai 3 4.05 Brain Busters 0 Australia Noon Midday Report their past sins. 4pm American Pickers PGC 3 4.30 Friends 3 0 4.30 Newshub Live At 5.30 Kid’s Kai Kart 1.06 Afternoons MONDAY 5pm The Simpsons PGC 3 0 4:30pm 5pm Tagata Pasifika 5.40 Potae Pai 3 3.45 The Panel 12.55 Infomercials 5.30 The Big Bang Theory 3 0 5pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 5.30 Prime News 5.50 Taki Atu Taki Mai 3 5pm Checkpoint 6am Breakfast 0 9am The Ellen DeGeneres PAY TV 0 CHOICE Show PG 5.30 3 0 Mysteries At The 10am Tipping Point Monument PGC SKY SPORT 1 SKY 5 MOVIES PREMIERE DISCOVERY 3 0 5pm L 5.45 6.45 5.40 11am The Chase 6.30 Salvage Hunters Basketball: NBL SmackDown MVC The Corrupted 16VLC Naked And Afraid XL MC 0 Noon 1 News At Midday 7.30 Ben Fogle: Return To Sydney Kings v Adelaide 7.30 Prison First And Last 24 2019 Thriller. Sam Claflin, 6.35 Naked And Afraid XL MC 0 12.30 Emmerdale PG The Wild PGC 36ers. Hours MVLC Timothy Spall. 7.30 Aussie Gold Hunters PG L Liv confides in Aaron 8.30 People Magazine 7pm Basketball: NBL Dean prepares for 8.30 Force Of Nature 16VLC 8.30 Naked And Afraid XL MC and Nicola decides to Investigates: Cults MCLSV Wildcats v Breakers. liberation, but he has a 2020 Action. A policeman 9.30 Undercover take matters into her 9.30 Murder In The 9pm Rugby Nation shock waiting for him at and a former cop battle Billionaire PG a gang of thieves as 11.25 Expedition X PG own hands. Heartland MCLSV 9.30 Super Rugby the gate. 3 0 they search for $55 MONDAY 1.30 Country Calendar 10.30 Salvage Hunters Aotearoa (RPL) Final: 8.30 FBI MV million inside an 12.15 How It’s Made PG 2pm The Ellen DeGeneres 11.30 Ben Fogle: Return To Crusaders v Chiefs. 9.30 NCIS: New Orleans MV 3 0 11.55 L Guinness Pro14 evacuated building 12.40 How Do They Do It? PG Show PG The Wild PGC 10.30 MacGyver M 3pm Tipping Point 3 0 Rainbow Cup during a hurricane. Mel 1.05 Mysteries At The MONDAY 11.25 Mountain Men PG 4pm Te Karere 12.30 Mysteries At The Cardiff Blues v Dragons. Gibson, Emile Hirsch. Museum PG MONDAY 4.30 Country House Monument PGC MONDAY 10.13 Bombshell MLSC 2019 1.55 Aussie Salvage Hunters PG 0 1.30 Best Cake Wins 2am L Gallagher 12.15 SmackDown MVC Drama. Charlize Theron, Squad PG 5pm The Chase 3 0 2am Posh Pawn Premiership 1.55 Prison First And Last 24 Kevin Smith. 2.45 Naked And Afraid M 3am People Magazine Harlequins v Wasps. Hours MVLC MONDAY 3.35 Naked And Afraid M Investigates: Cults MCLSV 4am Japan Top League (HLS) 2.40 Mountain Men PG 12am The Kitchen 16VLC 2019 4.25 Naked And Afraid M BRAVO Action. Melissa McCarthy, 5.15 Naked And Afraid M 3 4am Murder In The 4.30 Rugby Nation 3.30 MacGyver M 5.05 Catfish 6.05 Heartland MCLSV 5am Super Rugby 4.20 FBI MV Tiffany Haddish. How Do They Do It? PG 6pm Love It Or List It 1.40 Resistance MVLSC 2020 6.30 How It’s Made PG 7pm M Hot Pursuit PG 3 2015 5am Historic House Rescue Aotearoa (HLS) 5.10 NCIS: New Orleans MV Drama. Jesse Eisenberg, 6.55 House Hunters Comedy. A by-the-book police 6am Ainsley’s Caribbean 5.15 Gallagher 6am Jeopardy! Clemence Poesy. Renovation PG officer must protect the Kitchen Premiership (RPL) 6.25 Wheel Of Fortune PG 3.40 Death And Life Of John 7.45 House Hunters outgoing widow of a drug 7am Sarah Off The Grid Zebre v Benetton Rugby. 6.45 Pawn Stars PG F. Donovan 16LS 2018 International PG boss as they race through 8am Little Giants 7.15 Super Rugby 7.10 Storage Wars PG Drama. Kit Harington, 8.10 House Hunters Texas pursued by crooked 8.30 Nature’s Strangest Aotearoa (HLS) police and dangerous 7.35 Ax Men ML Natalie Portman. International PG Mysteries Solved 7.30 Rugby Nation gunmen. 9am The Curse Of Oak 8.25 Border Security: 5.40 Force Of Nature 16VLC 8.35 Undercover 8am Gallagher 9pm M The Ugly Truth 16 3 Island PGC America’s Frontline PG 2020 Action. Mel Gibson, Billionaire PG Premiership (RPL) 2009 Romantic Comedy. 10am Flour Power 8.50 Highway Thru Hell PG Emile Hirsch. 10.20 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 3 Sale v Leicester. 11.05 Shahs Of Sunset M 10.30 Ben Fogle: Return To 9.40 Hawaii Five-0 MV 7.18 The Good Liar 16VLSC 11.15 Naked And Afraid XL MC 10am First XV Rugby (HLS) St MONDAY The Wild PGC 10.30 CSI MV 2019 Drama. Ian McKellen, 12.10 House Hunters Andrews v Nelson Boys. 12am Infomercials 11.30 Salvage Hunters 11.30 Pawn Stars PG Helen Mirren. Renovation PG 6am Infomercials 12.30 Little Giants 10.30 Japan Top League (HLS) 9.04 The Corrupted 1.05 House Hunters 3 Noon Jeopardy! 10am Dating #NoFilter PG 1pm Nature’s Strangest 11am Japan Top League (HLS) 16VLC 2019 Thriller. International PG 10.30 PG 3 12.25 Wheel Of Fortune PG Celebrity Ghost Stories Mysteries Solved 11.30 Japan Top League (RPL) 10.44 Bombshell 1.30 House Hunters 11.30 Snapped M 3 12.50 MacGyver M 1.30 Mysteries At The Kubota Spears v MLSC 2019 Drama. International PG 12.30 Killer Couples M 3 1.40 NCIS: New Orleans MV Monument PGC Kobelco Steelers. 12.30 The Kitchen 2pm Aussie Salvage 1.30 The Real Housewives Of 2.30 Hawaii Five-0 MV 3 2.30 BBQ Pitmasters PGL 1pm First XV Rugby (RPL) St 16VLC 2019 Action. Squad PG Orange County M 3.20 Ax Men ML 2.30 Million Dollar Listing 3.30 Dodo Heroes Andrews v Nelson Boys. 2.10 Force Of Nature 2.55 Bering Sea Gold PG 4.10 Jeopardy! LA PG 3 4.30 Hugh’s Three Good 3pm Super Rugby 16VLC 2020 Action. 3.50 Deadliest Catch PG 3.30 Hoarders PG 3 Things Aotearoa (RPL) Final: 4.35 Wheel Of Fortune PG 3.47 The Art Of Racing In 4.45 Fast N’ Loud PG 4.30 Catfish 3 5.30 The Great Food Truck Crusaders v Chiefs. 5pm Storage Wars PG The Rain M 2019 Comedy. 5.40 Aussie Salvage 5.30 Face Off: All Stars PG 3 Race PGL 5.30 Japan Top League (RPL) 5.30 Pawn Stars PG 5.32 Locusts 16VLSC 2019 Thriller. Squad PG KEY 0 3 (HLS) (RPL) (DLY) 16 18 Closed captions; Repeat; Highlights; Replay; Delayed; Approved for persons 16 years or over; Approved for persons 18 years or over; 9May21 Compiled by C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG Parental guidance recommended for younger viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. ,

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Education Education






By Judi Grey By Judi Church


A . Smash Palace, 24 Banks St, 3-5pm. Smash Palace, Mark’s

. raffles St

. and Te Ihi a Tu: Kickboxing Show. Come along along Come Kickboxing Ihi Show. a Tu: Te 16 & 18-22). The LittleNunsense (May Gisborne Caledonian Society Dance. Gisborne Runners and Walkers Club, 8am. Gisborne Walkers and Runners Gisborne 11am. Details: Sceptic Group, Rides, 11am-3pm. Lions Express Train Masaya. Raglan with fun vibe a groovers dancing line Rhythm in for Lines. ‘n’ Join Women’s Native Tree Project Trust: Project Anzac Tree Native Women’s Open to Pairs. Mixed Gisborne Petanque Gisborne Country Music Club. and Singers Nunsense, 15. See 2pm. May

Tairawhiti Ormond Tennis Club, Hill Rd, Ormond, Ormond Tennis 862 5856. 862 5741 or ph 2-4pm, ▶ supportand Rangataua athletes o Aotearoa NZ. around from fighters on as they take Rd, 20 Main Centre, Event Showgrounds Park Makaraka, R18. Tickets: $43A at 5pm-late, ▶ staging are a variety of Hoboken Sisters show; poisoned 52 sisters has accidentally cook their burials. the money for theyand require now By arrangement with Theatrical. ORiGiN™ 99 Innes St, 15 Group, May Musical Theatre Tickets+Bfee: 16 2pm. & May & 18-22 7.30pm Gisborne$31.50 at i-Site, St,209 Grey 868 6139. ph ▶ Social, modern dancing sequence and with supper Sunday, May 16 May Sunday, ▶ 9. See May ▶ 867 7122. 867 3715 or ph venue and Topics ▶ 7.30-11pm, Theme: Islander. Details: Pat ph Pat Details: Theme: Islander. 7.30-11pm, 021 049 7148, Allan 021 243 3652. ph ▶ and hooks. Oceanspace Guests; catchy and 24 Banks Bar, St, 8pm, Dosage. Smash Palace $10-$20 at R18. Tickets+Bfee: ▶ promote Neighbourhood Meeting. To Park in maintaining neighbourhood involvement bush within park;native the some weeding Rd, 2-3pm. kai. Score and Anzac Park, ▶ See May 9. See May ▶ Rooms, Blind musicians Foundation welcome. St,39 Grey afternoon $3 incl 1-4pm, tea, [email protected] 867 7637 or Flo ph ▶ all ages; 13/over. No previous experience previous or No all ages; 13/over. skills needed. Kahutia Bowling Club, session 165 Cobden 2pm, St, practice door the tournament $5 at 2.30pm-5pm, charge. no Boules(cash only). available; 027 2048 053, ph Graeme Details: [email protected] ▶ fun

. -




Sat -

See . Mon

, 3pm - St

9am , Stout


, whakapapa and reconnection. whakapapa reconnection. and

PHOTO to Menzshed



Tairawhiti All About Bees: Beekeeping their and Gisborne Club: Cycling Arms Bushmere Concert Lunchtime Series.St Andrew’s Tairawhiti Coffin Design and decorate Club. Tairawhiti Tennis for players of all skill levels. players for Tennis Gisborne Farmers’ Market. Locally-grown Love Music? Queen Bee popular by is back Uriuri:Poutu deep The Po darkness – Te Dan Sharp: Water Went Away Tour. Come Come Tour. Away Went Sharp:Dan Water treasures, Market.Earlybird Pre-loved Gisborne parkrun. A 5km run walk. or

Monarch butterflies thriving at local orchard local orchard butterfliesMonarch thriving at a personalised coffin; constructed by a joiner. a personalisedconstructed coffin; joiner. by a Rd, 9am-midday. 522 Gladstone BCR Joinery, [email protected] Details: 4pm, Sun 1.30-4pm, locals free, visitors $5, $5, visitors locals Sun 1.30-4pm, 4pm, free, 867 3832. ph ▶ LearnEnvironment. about with basics the Centre, Environment Eriksen. Tairawhiti Mike $5 cash Rd, 11am-midday, 386 Palmerston or pay online. Register: online. pay or Ph 867 4708, see or Facebook. [email protected] ▶ a marshalled 37km Series. in for Cycle Join Rds. Lavenhamride Ngakoroa and around Meet: Arms, Rd, Bushmere 673 Matawai sign-on, 1.30pm start. 2pm Waerenga-a-Hika, ▶ range of genres; Thomas Tallis, Cohen Leonard Thomas of genres; range St Andrew’s Webber. Lloyd Andrew and Presbyterian Church, 176 Cobden St, 2pm, performers to koha/donation appreciated. provided. coffee Bring or tea lunch, your ▶ The GisborneThe Concertby Sean conducted Band a from favourites well-loved Scanlen, featuring Tairawhiti their ancestral roots, purakau may act as an act may roots, purakau ancestral their umbilical ▶ and seedlings. flowers & Cnr Stout produce, Fitzherbert Sts, 9.30am-12.30pm. ▶ Outside will and demand sing requests. Elliott Rd, 10am-1pm. 183 Gladstone Travel, ▶ Puketapu Exhibition July 21). In a modern (to from disconnected feel society so many where ▶ HB Williams Memorial Library, 34 BrightHB Williams Memorial Library, St, free. 3.30pm, ▶ Katikati-based hear to along singer/songwriter with authentic, warm deeply and infectious 24 Banks Bar, St, 7pm, songs. Smash Palace R18. entry, free 15 May Saturday, ▶ baking,home fruit, veges plants. and Behind Gisbornethe i-Site, St, 209 Grey 6-8.30am. 862 5860. ph Stallholder inquiries: Wendy ▶ Club, Surf Saving Life Meet Waikanae near St,280E Grey 7.45-10am. Register: ▶

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Roebuck Centre



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to 256 performance

Tairawhiti Get Started in Te Reo Maori 29). Jun (to Get Started in Te Patutahi Badminton Club. Badminton All welcome. Patutahi Country The women For Garden Club. Mainly Music. A fun music group for Music.Mainly for A fun music group 7-13s, all Year ShotsHot For Badminton. Casual Badminton Group. Come along for for along Come Casual Group. Badminton Callaghan Innovation: Lean Workshop. A Callaghan Lean Innovation: Workshop. Mahjong Club. Enjoy a friendly fellowship. Mahjong Club. a friendly Enjoy fellowship. Meeting. Group’s Cancer Prostate BIZminton (to Jun 10). A five-week (to BIZminton Intro to Vermicomposting & Bokashi. Vermicomposting to Intro Te Pihinga: sing-along Little Fun Sprouts. Te Mahjong Club, 11. See 1pm. May Build-a-Band. Let’s jam. Smash Palace Bar, Bar, jam.Build-a-Band. Smash Palace Let’s Gisborne Caledonian Society Practice. Gisborne Senior Citizens: Indoor Bowls WritersTeen Vine. Aka Rangatahi: The Te Bridge Primary 5 & 6 Badminton School Year Low-impactFifties Forward. aerobics He Kakano:He Little Seeds. A fun sing-along Kitchen Table Talks. Share ideas of what of Share ideas what Talks. Kitchen Table

fellowship. Gisborne Town & Country Gisborne Town fellowship. Women’s All welcome to informally discuss pre- and and discuss informally pre- to All welcome issues. Society Cancer Gisborne,post-prostate 2 (turn right),Gate Gisborne Hospital, 421 Ormond Details Rd, 4.30pm. of a Green Gym Recovery 021 063 4515. ph Programme ▶ Conversational Te Reo Maori classes. Eastern Te Conversational Rd, 290 Palmerston ofInstitute Technology, Register: free. 5pm, Bridget 869 3187, ph [email protected] 022 479 7236 or ▶ Biggs Hall, St,Patutahi 862 7783. ph 7.30pm, ▶ arranging. floral or in gardening interested Rd, 728 Matawai Hall, Waerenga-a-Hika Katrine $2. Details: 7.30pm, 867 2427. ph class for all fitness YMCAlevels. class for Stadium, 447 Childers class Rd, 9.30am, $4, first free. ▶ Community pre-schoolers. St Andrew’s 176 Cobden St,Centre, 9.45am, $4/Fam. 868 5513. Trish 867 2789 or ph Details: ▶ fitness, for; social abilities and games catered sports shoes. Racketsfun. Wear available. Badminton and read for under 2s. under HB Williams Memorial for read and 34 BrightLibrary, Street, free. 10.30am, ▶ Club, & Country Women’s Gisborne Town 42 Emily St, Liz ph 1pm, 281 0187. ▶ ▶ meet Badminton to and othera game players. ph Rd, 9am, $5. Details: 134 Roebuck Centre, 027 $7. Details: Linda$7. Details: 027 264 8660 or ph [email protected] ▶ boost to competitiveness programme coaching and Get a worm farm started own in your Tairawhiti waste. minimise and food backyard Rd, 386 Palmerston Centre, Environment Register: online. pay $5 cash or 5.30-6.30pm, Ph see 867 4708 or Facebook. ▶ experience no challenge, needed.badminton Sports shoes essential. Gisborne Badminton Centre Friday, May 14 May Friday, ▶ meet fun and others. Senior Have & Housie. Citizens St, 30 Grey Bowls Hall, 9-11.30am, Arnold ph 1-4pm, 868 5529. Housie $3 and ▶ be inspired, ages 14-18; collaborate, Hub for writing genre. or develop and format in any Thursday, May 13 May Thursday, Wednesday, May 12 May Wednesday, ▶ ▶ watch and along Come Tournament. Teams tamariki against their in matches compete Rd, Roebuck 134 peers. Centre, Badminton Register8.45am-3pm. local schools. at ▶ ▶ staff engagement and production flow. flow. staff engagementproduction and register: details/to $65pp at Venue 9am-3pm. [email protected] ▶ ages 2-5. HB Williams for Memorial read and 34 BrightLibrary, St, 10.30am, free. ▶ of four players+a spot prize players+a of four 1 male (minimum: Register:+1 female). Linda 027 264 8660, ph 9. [email protected] May before ▶ 24 Banks R18. St, entry, free 7-11pm, ▶ Social, modern dancing. sequence and 776 Childers Hall, Church Rd, St Mark’s 7.30-9.30pm how ▶ Details: Details: ▶ emerging digital landscape in North Asia. Dr and by; Antje Dr Benjamin Fath Facilitated Auckland. University The of Fiedler from 7 FitzherbertLawson Theatre, Field St, Register: free. 9am-3.30pm, Amandaor [email protected] at ▶ whether it be looks in Tairawhiti; food like farming, eating, shopping, cooking, teaching, learning, gathering or kai. Healthy gardening Families

Chopin student student , / for a listing child , Mozart , for a listing on the $10A , Beethoven

by door sales

[email protected] :




Export NZ: Digital in North First Asia

Fun Dancing Gisborne. Dancing Fun Modern, sequence Tairawhiti Menzshed. Work in a fully- Work Menzshed. Tairawhiti

Gisborne Hibernian Club Indoor Bowls. Gisborne Senior Citizens: Indoor Bowls.

Eastland Toastmasters. For confidence in confidence For Eastland Toastmasters. Gisborne Senior Citizens: 500. Play cards

Bowlers’ Club: have and along 500. Come Kaiti strength 60s; Class. over Exercise For

Sunday Afternoon Concert Series. Sixteen- Badminton Centre, 134 Roebuck Rd. Social 134 Roebuck Centre, Badminton

Mother’s Day Wa165 Steam Train Trip to Trip to Train Steam Wa165 Day Mother’s Lions Express Train Rides. Take the kids the Rides. Take Lions Express Train

Mother’s Day High Tea: Cancer Society Cancer High Tea: Day Mother’s Gisborne Runners and Walkers Club. Join Club. Join Gisborne Walkers and Runners

Vivo! Musica Y Baile. Celebrate Latino Musica Y Baile.Vivo! Celebrate The Chills: Scatterbrain Tour. Dunedin’s Dunedin’s Tour. The Scatterbrain Chills:

12 supper, ph 867 0074, [email protected] 867 0074, [email protected] ph supper, advanced finishing 8-10pm, $5 door $5 finishing 8-10pm, plus sales advanced the understand to along Come Workshop. 176 Cobden St, learner class 7.30-8pm, ▶ and social ballroom. St Andrew’s Church Hall, Hall, Church socialand St Andrew’s ballroom. St, ph/txt Details: 9am-2pm. 022 465 0396. Details: Wally ph 868 0951. ph Wally Details: ▶ & Innes cnr Parkinson Menzshed, Tairawhiti 156 Roebuck Rd, 7-9.30pm, $3 incl supper. supper. incl $3 Rd, 7-9.30pm, 156 Roebuck equipped carpentry or woodwork workspace. roll-up. Gisborne Intermediateroll-up. School Hall, ▶ New or existing players come along for a a for along come existing or players New Arnold$3, ph 868 5529. ▶ Senior Citizens St, 30 Grey 9-11.30am, Hall, 5.30pm, ph Dave 027 462 7233. Dave ph 5.30pm, 11 May Tuesday, meet and along,Come others. a roll-up have 396 Aberdeen Rd (opp Botanical Gardens), Rd (opp396 Aberdeen Botanical Gardens), ▶ public speaking and leadership. Arohaina, speakingpublic leadership. and St, Arnold $3, ph 1-4pm, 868 5529. ▶ and meetand others. Senior Citizens 30 Grey Hall, ▶ smoko, ph Tony 863 3468. Tony ph smoko, Bowling Club, 111 Ormond $2 incl Rd, 1-4pm, some fun. Learners welcome. Poverty Bay some fun. Learners Poverty welcome. ▶ 027 314 3893, [email protected] Room, 107 Iranui Rd, 10.30am, ph Noel Noel Rd, 10.30am, ph Room, 107 Iranui and balance exercises. Dunblane Conference Dunblane Conference exercises. balance and performs 12-13 & seniors, 027 253 1062. ph 7-9pm, Yr ▶ year-old piano virtuoso year-old Ashani Waidyatillake 027 350 9482. Gisborneph Club; Badminton ▶ $5, 4.30-5.30pm, 3-7 players, Yr Badminton; ph 868 6139. See 868 6139. Seeph morning, 867 2584. Kiwi $4, ph 9-11.30am, departure Gisborne or i-Site, St, 209 Grey 10 May Monday, ▶ tickets from the station half an hour before half before an hour station the tickets from u/15s, $80Fam (2A & 2Ch). unsold Any u/15s, $80Fam Railway $35A, 1pm, St at Grey Station, $15 have a cuppa on board. Leaving from the the from Leaving a cuppa board. on have Muriwai. Enjoy the scenery, bring or Muriwai. a picnic scenery, the Enjoy ▶ Centennial Marine Dr, 11am-3pm, $2. 11am-3pm, MarineCentennial Dr, near Gisborne Wainui Lions Junior Cycle Park, Park, Cycle Lions Junior Gisbornenear Wainui for a train ride around the playground. Starts playground. the ride a train around for 022 471 8778, [email protected] 022 471 8778, [email protected] ▶ 11am-2pm. Tickets: $50 from Becky Tickets:11am-2pm. ph $50 from show. Matawhero Wines, 189 Riverpoint Matawhero Rd, show. bag entertainment auctions, live fashion and life along for a three-course high for along tea, mysterylife Fundraiser. Bring special the in your women Fundraiser. St, txt 8am or Norma9622. 027 900 ph ▶ in for a 7km for Meet: EIT Derby Staffroom, Sunday, May 9 May Sunday, ▶ Palace Bar, 24 Banks Bar, St, $10 door 8pm, sales. Palace Banda Reunidos, Chino Smash & DJ Jose. Saturday, May 8 May Saturday, ▶ Kiss, Batucada, withClown’s culture Werken, [email protected] [email protected] What’s On page, or To help promote events you are involved in, e-mail: you are involved in, e-mail: help promote events To in Gisborne

ON WHAT’S on the Tairawhiti Gisborne events diary. on the Tairawhiti

2-4pm and Franck. Tairawhiti Museum, St, 10 Stout Franck.and Tairawhiti

at The Aviary, $40+Bfee at $40+Bfee Aviary, The at 7pm, music 8pm, R18. Tickets: music7pm, 8pm, $40 (cash only)

Dome Room, PBC,Dome 38 Childers open Rd, doors with Hamilton-based band Bitter band with Defeat. Hamilton-based finest with songs from their newesttheir album, finest with from songs ▶ with ID free, $5 Friendswith ID free, of Museum. the