The Government Spending Multiplier at the Zero Lower Bound: International Evidence from Historical Data∗ By Mathias Kleina and Roland Winklerb aCorresponding author at Sveriges Riksbank, Monetary Policy Department – Research, Brunkebergstorg 11 103 37 Stockholm, Sweden, email:
[email protected] bUniversity of Antwerp, Department of Economics, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp, Bel- gium, e-mail:
[email protected] This version: December 27, 2019 Abstract Based on a large historical panel dataset, this paper provides robust evidence that the government spending multiplier is significantly higher when interest rates are at, or near, the zero lower bound. We estimate multipliers that are as high as 1.5 during ZLB episodes, but small and statistically indistinguishable from zero during normal times. Our results are robust to different definitions of zero lower bound episodes, alternative ways of identifying government spending shocks, controlling for the exchange rate regime and other potentially important state variables. In particular, we show that the difference in multipliers is not driven by multipliers being higher during periods of economic slack. Keywords: Government spending multiplier, zero lower bound, local projections. JEL classifications: E32, E62, E65. ∗We thank Christian Bredemeier, Olivier Coibion, Jeanne Commault, Ester Faia, Georgios Georgiadis, Christoph Görtz, Ethan Ilzetzki, Hiro Ito, Falko Juessen, Ludger Linnemann, Karel Mertens, Gert Peers- man, Malte Rieth, Rolf Scheufele, Sebastian Schmidt, and seminar participants at Deutsche Bundesbank, DIW Berlin, DNB, DG ECFIN, the 8th IWH/INFER Workshop, CEF 2018, EEA 2018, VfS 2018, T2M 2019, the 7th Ghent University Workshop on Empirical Macroeconomics, and Universities of Antwerp, Birmingham, Kiel, Louvain, Namur, and Wuppertal for helpful comments and suggestions.