Analytical Index to Sir John W. Kaye's History of the Sepoy War, and Col

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Analytical Index to Sir John W. Kaye's History of the Sepoy War, and Col 478 K23 IB80 ASIA Cornell Universiiy Library DS 478.K23 1880 index to Sir J°*i" Analytical JUdjiIJ^iX^M!,," 3 1924 021 025 766 CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. ANALYTICAL INDEX TO SIR JOHN W. KAYE'S HISTORY OF THE SEPOY WAR, AND COL. G. B. MALLESON'S HISTORY OE THE INDIAN MUTINY. (JIIoywBiNED m One Volu/wea BT FEEDEEIC PIE'COTT, MEMBEB OP THE KOYAI, ASIATIC SOCIETY. LONDON: W. H. ALLEN & CO., 13 WATERLOO PLACE, PALL MALL, S.W. 1880. {All rigMs reserved.) 2>S K1.3 /^<^xi(^^^ PREFACE. This Index gives a summary of all the occurrences which took place in any town or district, and of all the actions recorded of any person, mentioned in the " History of the Sepoy "War," by Sir John Kaye, and the " History of the Indian Mutiny," by Col. G. B. Malleson. In most cases the events are necessarily classified, but without losing sight of chronological arrangement ; dates being given for all actions of par- ticular significance, or of such as, it is supposed, those who use the book might desire to know, without referring to the volumes themselves. It is hoped that the method adopted will enable this Index to be of use to anyone who wishes to ascertain the extent to which any person or place was concerned in the great Mutiny, so far as mentioned in the volumes specified. For facili- tating reference, the longer articles have been provided with italic side-heads, so that particular periods of the history may be readily found ; examples of this are to be seen under the articles " Dehli," " Lakhnau," &c. The method of arrangement enables the progress of the IV PEBPACE. Mutiny to be traced with remarkable distinctness, especially under the article "Mutiny" itself. This article, read with a map of Northern India, will show the fearful rapidity with which the outbreak spread, and the districts successively involved in it. The progress of the Mutiny can, thus, be traced from day to day with clearness and brevity. With regard to the spelling of proper names, it must be remarked that the two authors indexed followed two diametrically opposite systems ; there remained, therefore, a fair field for the Indexer to follow the bent of his own inclination, while supplying abundant cross- references for the varying spellings found in the volumes themselves. It need scarcely be remarked that, in the references, the letter K. refers to Sir John Kaye's volumes, and the latter M. to those of Col. Malleson. Where no year is specified, the year of the Mutiny (1857) is to be understood. ANALYTICAL INDEX OF THE HISTORIES OF THE INDIAN MUTINY. Aberdeen, Lord, writes letter of A. sympathy to Lord Canning, M. iii. 257. Abbas All, bravely defends Aboo Zuffer, see Abu Zafr. Lieut. Conolly, M. ii. 594; Abii Zafr, becomes Emperor of offers his life to preserve Dehli, as Bahadur Shah, E. the English at Trinpura, M. ii. 10. ii. 560 ; offers to desert rebels, Activity, the one thing needful but is refused pardon, M. ii. for the English, at the out- 562 ; becomes an active leader break of the Mutiny,E.ii.l52. of the rebels, M. ii. par- Admiralty, extraordinary deci- 662 ; doned by Lord Canning, M. sion of High Court of, M. iii. ii. 568. 202. Abbott, Capt., tides over first Adoption, right of, E. i. 70 ; of threat of mutiny at Aurang- heir to property, E. i. 70 ; of ab^d, M. iii. ; reconnoitres heir to sovereignty, E. i. 70 12 ; Morar, M. iii. 215 ; his gal- the right necessary for the lantry in the Malwa campaign, Hindu, M. iii. 23 ; effect pro- M. iii. 87. duced by refusal of right, M. Abbott, Col. Augustus, In- iii. 24 ; denial of this right, spector-General of Ordnance one cause of the Mutiny, M. m 1857, K. i. 513. iii. 388. Abbott, James, his character, E. Afghan war of 1838, E. i. 274 i. 31. its effect on the Sepoy, E. i. Abd-ul-Ali, bravely defends 274. Lieut. Conolly, M. ii. 594; Afghanistan, terms of alliance offers his life to preserve the with in 1856, E. i. 440, 442. English at I'rinpura, M. ii. Afzul-ud-Daula, the Nizdm, M. 660. iii. 118. 1 ; — ;; ANALYTICAL INDEX OP Xgri, its importance, K. iii. Agra cont. 197 ; peculiar dangers of, K. guard (May 31), M. i. 169 iii. 199 ; European canton- formation of Volunteer Ca- ments at, E. iii. 198 ; military- valry Corps at, E. iii. 210, M. force at, K. iii. 198 ; civil ser- i. 167; Major Prendergast vants at, in May, K. iii. 199. receives command of Volun- Almost cut off from Cal- teers, M. i. 263. cutta, K. iii. 181 ; occupants Panic at (May 22), E. iii. of Fort resolve to assume the 227 ; critical position of, M. offensive, E. iii. 110; council i. 168 ; Mr. Colvin's hopes of -war (May 14), E. iii. 199, destroyed by mutiny at Ma- M. i. 148; Mr. Colvin pro- thura, M. i. 165 preparations ; poses retirement into Fort, for defence of, E. iii. 228, i. M. 149 ; proposal protested 229 ; Mr. Colvin's proclama- against, M. i. 149 ; noisy cha- tion of May 25, E. iii. 232, racter of council, K. iii. 200. M. i. 163 , his proclamation Trepidation shown by some disapproved by Government of ' British officials (May 14), E. India, M. i. 164 ; and super- iii. 200 ; company of Euro- seded by Lord Canning, E. peans ordered into Fort, E. iii. 233; Mr. Colvin defends iii. Mr. Drummond, the his proclamation, iii. 198; E. 237 ; magistrate at, disbelieves in Lord Canning's proclamation, danger, E. iii. 202 ; his opi- E. iii. 235. nion changed by the mutiny Mr. Colvin disarms Sepoys i. at Mathura, M. i. 166 ; Col. at (May 31), E. iii. 243, M. Hugh Eraser, Chief Engineer 167 ; departure of disbanded at, E. iii. 203 ; Engineer offi- Sepoys, E. iii. 359 ; the police cers at, deprecate over-confi- obstruct the victualling of dence, E. iii. 202 ; Mr. Colvin the Fort, M. i. 263 ; Mr. J. advised by Col. Fraser to dis- Colvin forbids the removal of trust Sepoys, M. i. 161 property into Fort, M. i. 264 prompt precautionary mea- great unpopularity of Mr. sures recommended by Engi- Colvin, E. iii. 377. neers, E. iii. 204; advice of En- Mr. Colvin authorises re- taken, E. iii. 205. i. gineers not tirement into Fort, M. 264 ; Troops at, addressed by Mr. J. Colvin removes into Mr. J. Colvin (May 15), E. iii. Fort, July 4,E. iii. 381 ; com- 205 ; the Sepoys scowl on Mr. plete isolation of English, M. Colvin after his address, E. i. 262 ; approach of Nimach iii. 206, M. i. 150 ; Mr. G. Har- mutineers, E. iii. 878, M. i. vey sent with escort towards 264 ; the troops in garrison, iii. Dehli (May 20), E. 207. M. i. 265 ; disposition of Native Contingents in vici- troops to check advance of of, iii. 208 Mr. Col- Ni'mach mutineers, i. nity E. ; M. 265 ; v-n applies to Sindhia and officers beg Brig. Polwhele to Bharatpur for aid, E. iii. go out to meet mutineers, E. 209, M. i. 153 ; Sindhia sends iii. 382. troops to protect (May 16), Dangerous illness of Mr E. iii. 209; and his body- Colvin, M, i, 266 ; resigns hig — ; ;;; THE HISTORIES OP THE INDIAN MUTINY. Agra cont. Agri—cont. power to Commission, July 3, from command (Aug. 5), M. i. M. i. 266 ; the Commission to 285 ; Col. Cotton succeeds whom Mr. Colvin entrasted Brig. Polwhele in command, his powers, M. i. 266 ; mea- M. i; 285. sures of defence taken by The King of Dehli pro- Commission, M. i. 267 ; Ki- claimed at Agra (July 6), M. rauli troops are induced to i. 277; slaughter of Christians surrender their two guns, M. during riots in, M. i. 279 i. 267 ; Mr. Colvin resumes Ni'mach mutineers march in authority, M. i. 268 ; mutiny triumph to Dehli, M. i. 276 ; of Kota Contingent at (July Eaja Earn induces Mr. Drum- 4), M. i. 268; Kirauli troops mond to restore order, M. i. ordered home, M. i. 268. 278 ; Mr. Drummond does so, Nimach mutineers reach July 7, M. i. 278. Shahganj, M. i. 269; Brig. Eesidents in Port, M. i. Polwhele resolves to go out 280 ; number shut up in the to meet them (July 5), M. i. Port, K. iii. 894, M. i. 283. 270 ; Nimaoh mutineers se- Overcrowded state of Port, cure best position for attack, K. iii. 404 quarters in, i. ; M. through vacillation of Brig. 282 ; Port made defensible, Polwhele, K. iii. 383; strength E. iii. 396 ; difficulties in pro- of Nimach mutineers, E. iii. tecting magazines at, E. iii. 383, M. i. 270; advance of 397 ; Mr. W. Muir made chief Brig. Polwhele against them, of Intelligence Department, M. i. 271 ; meets them at E. iii. 406 ; Eurasian fugi- Sassiah near Shahganj, M. tives converted into gunners i. 271 ; battle of Shahganj, by Capt. Pearson, M. ii. 102 July 6, K. iii. 384 ; Brig. Pol- bravery and good service of whele has an artillery duel Volunteers, M. i. 296 ; Mr. with mutineers, M. i. 272 E. A. Eeade, with assistance ; he hesitates to order a charge, of Joti Parsad, victuals the M. i. 272 ; Sepoy cavalry Port, E. iii. 399, M. i. 286 in, iii. charge Brig. Polwhele's guns, native servants E.
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