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www.kuwaittimes.net NO: 16315- Friday, October 17, 2014

See Page 4 Local FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Local Spotlight Conspiracy Theories How to cheat the petrol man The flower fine

By Muna Al-Fuzai By Badrya Darwish

[email protected] [email protected] his article is be able to note the not about tips license plate num- Ton how to ber down or have t last the government woke up and set legis- cheat the petrol Some people go to the petrol station with the the power to force lations against littering. “At last there’s a worker or praise this intention to fill up and run away without paying! the driver to stop Alight,” said Columbus. Guys, after many kind of act. The pur- and pay. That per- years, we came up with a law against littering in pose of my article son already had our streets. So will we not see people rolling down today is to show the intention not their window and tossing their garbage out of their how mean and nasty some people here are who cheat to pay in the first place. What can a poor worker do in car onto the streets anymore? Or will I go to the co- petrol station attendants after filling up their cars and this case? This whole operation is unethical and illegal. op and park my car and not find packages of fast then disappear! I personally can’t believe how some How much does it cost to fill up a car with petrol in food and other items thrown near but not in the lit- people can be such crooks to consider stealing from the Kuwait? KD 7 or KD 10 maximum. Of course, if you are ter bin anymore? The bin is only one meter away petrol station. I also blame these stations for not having one of those who drive a small, old car like mine, then and someone dumps the garbage under the bin on surveillance cameras to track and arrest these people you can easily fill up with KD 3. In case you have forgot- and put their pictures in the paper to humiliate them ten your wallet and are in desperate need to fill you the street. Maybe he enjoys seeing it there or emp- and force them to pay a large fine. empty tank, then you can go and talk to the supervisor tying his or her ashtray onto the pavement in the The petrol station is a place for everyone to go to fill of the station and explain the situation. They might give parking lot. their empty tanks. But not everyone goes there with you some petrol and you can come back and pay them. Regardless of nationality, I’ve seen littering done money in the pocket or debit card. Some go there with I may not feel complete sorrow for the petrol station by all. Sometimes I wish I had the authority to the intention to fill up and run away without paying! - everyone assumes that they have a lot of money to approach them, but I’m reluctant because I don’t This is a loss indeed for the station and trouble for the compensate their losses. But I feel sorry for the workers know what will be the response from the other side worker who gets the blame, and he may be forced to there because they may get the blame and possibly pay and even my kids warned me against doing that. pay the difference from his meager salary. the loss from their salaries. That is hard. The law also forbids people smoking in semi- Here are how things go. A man shows up at the sta- So, if any of you accidently forgets his wallet and closed public areas like hospitals and airports. But tion and asks the worker in a firm tone to fill up his car. needs to fill up, go to the supervisor first and explain guys I’m telling you how many times I’ve seen peo- The attendant takes the order, but he only asks for the the situation, leave a genuine ID and they will give you ple smoking in the corridors of hospitals and even money after filling up the tank. At that moment, the a little fuel until you go and get the money. There is no at the airport when coming off the plane. But now driver starts the engine and throws out an old ID, busi- need for anyone to suffer, especially the workers. as there is a law, I don’t know if it’s going to be ness card or an old phone and flees. The worker will not

It’s not enough to legislate. The law should also be accompanied by an awareness campaign. But it’s a step in the right direction and long overdue.

strict enough to stop lawbreakers. And who will implement the law? How will he implement it? By the way it’s not only Kuwait but many places in the Arab world where they have this habit of lit- tering the streets or public places. It’s normal. But let’s stick to Kuwait, to our own territory. I know the law was issued but I think it will take years for many people to accept it and adopt it and start to act by it. It’s not enough to legislate. The law should also be accompanied by an awareness campaign to raise the issue and change people’s minds, atti- tudes and habits. But it’s a step in the right direc- tion and long overdue. For a change, our parlia- ment accomplished something. By the way guys, be careful. Now you can be approached by the authorities and will have to pay the following fines if you get caught: KD 500 for lit- tering or causing the death of marine and land fau- na and KD 100 for smoking in closed and semi- closed public areas. The one I liked the most was the fine for picking flowers. It’s KD 250 for plucking flowers in Kuwait. But where are the flowers in Kuwait? Are we in Holland? I hardly see a flower unless I go to the flower shop to buy some when I want to send them to a sick person or a friend. So I’m not impressed with the flower penalty. Have a nice weekend and don’t pick the flowers. KUWAIT: Two trucks move on a busy expressway without properly securing the goods they carry. This is a common sight on many Kuwait’s motorways where trucks ply without carelessly loaded goods posing risks to the motorists driving BadryaD behind them. — Photo by Kuwait Times

Local FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

A vendor at a vegetable market. Expat jobs and salaries determined by nationality ‘Same job, same experience, different salary’

“This is a very sad reality and we have to accept that we are paid according to our nationality and the passport we carry. If you are a teacher from the West, your salary will range from KD 800 to KD 2,000. But teachers with the same qualifications from India, and the Philippines are paid less - they get KD 170 if newly hired or up to KD 250, but not more than KD 400.”

By Ben Garcia

o you think you are affected by the skyrocketing cost of living in the country? Some people aren’t, thanks to the bizarre Ssalary schemes of expatriates and locals working in Kuwait. Your nationality matters in determining the salary for different job titles. Take a look at the salary schemes of African, Filipino, Indian and Western teachers. If you are a teacher from an African member of the Commonwealth, your salary is between KD 500-1,000. If you are a teacher from the West, your salary will range from KD 800 to KD 2,000. Now, here’s the catch - teachers with the same qualifications from South Asia and East Asia receive not even half of the amount received by an African member of the English-speaking Commonwealth countries. “This is a very sad reality, and we have to accept we are paid according to our nationality and the passport we carry,” said an African teacher who requested anonymity. “But teachers with the same qualifications from India, Pakistan and the Philippines are paid less - they get KD 170 if newly hired or up to KD 250, but not more than KD 400. Now there are some Africans receiving a similar amount too, especially those who are not members of the Commonwealth countries,” he said. Arab teachers receive salaries somewhere in the middle of what Western and Asian teachers are paid. Some of them turn to offering private tuitions to cope with the rising cost of living, while some even resort to drastic and odd moves. At the Avenues mall, Kuwait Times met Maria, a former teacher turned sales attendant. When she was a teacher, she was drawing a KD 180 salary, but after she accepted a sales job, she now makes KD 350, apart from a KD 50 monthly bonus. “I was teaching school

A butcher works at his shop. Continued on Page 6

Local FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Continued from Page 4 pupils a few years back. I accepted the sales job because I am receiv- ing double the salary if not triple. I came to Kuwait to earn money, not to be a hero. If I had continued teaching, I couldn’t have brought my husband and my two kids here,” she said. At first she brought her husband from the Philippines on a visit visa. Then he applied for the same job, giving them more freedom financially. However, her excitement lasted for a very short period, as they have to pay KD 320 towards rent and schooling for the kids and KD 150 for food, plus a housemaid. “I thought I could save mon- ey, but nowadays even if our joint income is KD 1,000, I feel a tremendous burden financially,” she said.

Pay disparities But teachers are not the only party to this salary disparity. According to a local recruitment agency owner, Filipino nurses working in the Health Ministry now receive KD 600 in basic salary if they are recruited directly from the Philippines. In addition, the nurs- Salary disparities highlight the bizarre wage schemes that exist in Kuwait for expatriates and locals. es will then receive work nature allowance, night shift differential, competency rewards, remote area allowance, extra allowance, cost for free. But Anne has to be on call 24 hours a day. “I work from 5 am “I receive KD 380 as basic salary plus one percent commission for of living allowance and overtime or in-service allowance. The take- to midnight, sometimes more. I am not free and I don’t have a day every perfume I sell. So more or less I get KD 600 per month,” a home pay of Filipino nurses nowadays is KD 800-KD 1,000 and high- off. But at least I can save money,” she said. Filipino perfumer revealed. er. Private sector nurses however make KD 300 to KD 400 only. “We Marie however has to buy her own personal hygiene stuff and envy a ministry nurse’s salary - that is the truth. We all want to be sometimes she has to buy her own food too. Marie has to work part of the ministry, but they are making it hard for us to join. So we more than eight hours a day or sometimes 12 to 14 hours a day cannot easily transfer. Now we are dreaming of a time when our without overtime pay. “KD 85 is not much, but that’s the salary I receive, plus KD 24 in food allowance. Most of us complain because Salary factbox really it is not enough, but we cannot do anything as we accepted this amount from the Philippines,” Marie told Kuwait Times. Average salaries (estimates based on informal surveys of expatriate employees across a range of professions) Odd jobs But what does Marie do to survive and help her family back Private company nurse: KD 350-KD 400 home? “I accept laundry and cook Pinoy dishes and sell it to my fel- Ministry nurse: KD 800 plus low workers to add to my income. Doing so I can earn a little more than KD 200,” she said. But not everyone else does odd jobs like Perfume sales attendant: KD 250-KD 400 plus Marie. “Some of my colleagues will accept relationship proposals Western teacher: KD 800-KD 2,000 from men to survive. They say what we are doing here is just a step- Arab teacher: KD 400-KD 1,000 ping stone to a better life if they can move to other countries,” Marie Filipino/Indian teacher: KD 170-KD 500 said. Some restaurant workers like line cooks and those in lower-lev- Cook/chef: KD 150-KD 400 el positions usually receive KD 150-KD 400 based on the survey con- Sales clerk: KD 120-KD 250 ducted by Kuwait Times. Their salary is also based on nationality. Filipino domestic helper: KD 90-KD 120 A sales representative/sales attendant makes KD 250-KD 400. Indian/Sri Lankan domestic helper: KD 70-KD 120 Vina, a perfume seller at Marina Mall, receives KD 350 in basic salary. Arab taxi driver: KD 200-KD 350 (with commission) She also receives a KD 75 beauty allowance, plus commission for every perfume she sells. But a Lebanese seller earns between KD Asian taxi driver: KD 150-KD 300 (with commission) 400-KD 700. “Our salary is based on the market reality as well. A Arabs/South Asian laborer (construction workers): KD 150- Lebanese will not accept a salary lower than KD 400 if she is in the KD 250 position to demand. If we have experience, we demand the salary Store clerk/fruit vendor: KD 65 - KD 125 we need. The advantage is in our bilingual capability and perhaps Shepherd: KD 60 - KD 80 Porters with their trolleys outside a grocery market. personality,” a Lebanese perfumer said. Construction worker: KD 80 - KD 200 Other sales clerks receive about KD 250 a month in basic salary, Grocery porters: KD 60 - KD 80 plus tips salaries will be equal, since we all have the same job, qualifications and if they are lucky enough to reach the sales target, they’ll receive Day laborers: KD 5 - KD 10 daily and diplomas,” a private company nurse said. an additional bonus. “I get KD 260 as basic salary but since I am sell- Secretary or office worker: KD 200 - KD 750 Marie works in a fast food chain in Kuwait City, receiving KD 85 a ing beauty products, I also receive an additional KD 75 for beauty month, much lower than the standard salary of Filipina domestic maintenance. Other sales attendants receive between KD 380-KD Butchers: KD 600 - KD 1,000 worker Anne, who is paid KD 120 monthly. Besides the salary, Anne 600 since some of them will also receive bonuses apart from the gets hygiene products and food free and stays with her employer one-percent commission for every product they sell,” said a salesgirl.

Workers seen working at a construction site Local FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Crime Citizen presses rape charge Report as sex-for-cash deal breaks Speedy car mows Spate of robberies in Mubarak Al-Kabeer down 8-year-old KUWAIT: A female citizen filed a complaint to police accusing out his wallet, the driver snatched it away with KD 210 cash in it. A some unidentified person of raping her at his apartment in Nugra, case was field. Kuwaiti boy said security sources. According to the woman, she had allegedly received a call from the man while she was in a cafe at 4 am offer- Bid to loot co-op By Hanan Al-Sadoun ing to rent her an apartment in Nugra. On reaching the apartment, Two citizens were arrested for attempting to rob Al-Naseem co-op the man allegedly raped her and asked her to leave. However, ini- branch, said security sources noting that one of the suspects was KUWAIT: In a tragic accident, an 8-year-old Kuwaiti boy tial investigations showed that the woman had an agreement with identified through his mobile phone that he left back on the crime was instantly killed yesterday when a speeding car the suspect to spend some time with him in return for some mon- scene. Case papers indicate that the two suspects had broken into knocked him down as he got out of his school at Um Al- ey which he did not pay. A case has been filed and further investi- the co-op branch but were scared off when they found out that a Haiman, said security sources. gations are still in progress. security guard was inside. They ran off leaving the mobile of the suspect who was later arrested and led to his accomplice. Citizen blames municipality A citizen recently filed a complaint against both the interior min- Citizen held Drug-pusher held istry and Kuwait municipality accusing the authorities of causing A citizen, who had been wanted for a KD 600 unpaid debt was A citizen was recently arrested for attempting to theft of some valuables he had left in his vehicle, said security recently arrested with the possession of a packet of joints in smuggle in some drugs to his brother at Kuwait cen- sources. In his complaint, the man said that he had to leave his Jabriya, said security sources. tral prison, said security sources. vehicle outside a police station pending technical examination after a road accident and that on picking it up the following day, Supervisor assaulted the vehicle had been removed to municipality detention where his The primary stage supervisor at Mubarak Al-Kabeer educational Expat held with narcotic pills valuables were stolen. zone was recently assaulted by the husband of a teacher because An Arab expat was recently arrested with the posses- he had allegedly refused transferring her to another school, said sion of 17,000 tramadol pills, said security sources. Case Spate of robberies security sources noting that the supervisor sustained several papers indicate that narcotics detectives had been tipped Three separate victims reported that an unidentified robber had injuries and was hospitalized. A case was filed. off concerning the suspect’s activity in selling drugs. The separately stolen large sums after they had just withdrawn them police stormed the suspect’s residence in Hawally where from banks, said security sources noting that the total amount the pills were found. robbed from the three victims was KD 44,000. The first victim was a citizen who reported that after withdrawing KD 18,000 from a News bank in Mubarak Al-Kabeer, someone snatched the money enve- in brief Collision lope from his hands and hopped into a 4X4 vehicle dashing away. A 25-year-old Syrian and a 50-year-old Kuwaiti were The second one was a female citizen who reported that she had injured when tier vehicles collided together at the withdrawn KD 16,000 from a bank and that someone in a vehicle Adan Hospital patient not junction of Ishbelia street and the fourth ring road, with GCC license plate number approached her just before she confirmed swine flu case said security sources. entered her house and stanched the money. KUWAIT: Director of Adan Hospital Dr Bader Al-Otaibi said yes- The third victim was an Asian who reported that KD 10,000 was terday said the case, currently at the hospital and rumored to be similarly stolen from him. The three gave almost similar description infected with swine flu, has remained under examination and Indian collapses of the robber’s vehicle. Three cases were filed and further investi- the diagnosis has not been confirmed so far. The 48-year-old A 46-year-old Indian collapsed in the middle of the street gations are still in progress. patient is currently undergoing necessary tests, Dr Al-Otaibi said with a heart seizure, said security sources noting that he in a statement. He said that these tests are considered routine was rushed to Farwanya hospital. Citizens arrested measures for suspected cases, because symptoms of the sea- Two citizens were recently arrested for multiple robberies, said sonal flu are similar to those of swine flu. security sources. Case papers indicate that the two suspects were caught at a Hawally checkpoint where they initially stopped and were chased and forced to stop. The sources added that the two Indian’s body found US official Ryan suspects had cash and drugs on them and confessed to commit- to visit Kuwait The body of a 52-year-old female Indian was recent- ting over 20 robberies after impersonating as policemen. ly found behind a famous shopping mall, said securi- WASHINGTON: The Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, Evan Ryan, will travel to ty sources noting that the body was left to be exam- Wallet snatching ined by the forensic medicine. Kuwait City and several other international cities this week Similarly, an Asian reported that someone in a Japanese car to, “engage international stakeholders in the State stopped him in Sabahiya demanding to check his ID. As he took Department’s cross-cultural and educational diplomacy efforts.” In Kuwait City, Ryan will, “visit an English Access Microscholarship Program classroom, visit local sites relat- ed to cultural heritage and art education, and meet with exchange program participants and alumni, including those focusing on disability advocacy and youth entrepre- neurship and employment,” said a statement from the State Department, late on Wednesday. Ryan will also travel to London, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Muscat, and Oviedo. In London, the Assistant Secretary will meet the US-UK Fulbright Commission and alumni of US government exchange programs to discuss youth, civic engagement and entrepreneurship.

Xinhua editor-in-chief concludes Kuwait visit KUWAIT: Chinese News Agency Xinhua Editor in Chief He Ping has left Kuwait yesterday, concluding a two-day visit in response to an invitation by Board Chairman and Director General of Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) Sheikh Mubarak Al-Duaij Al-Sabah. Ping held a meeting with Sheikh Mubarak and other KUNA offi- cials to discuss an agreement signed between the two sides on exchanging news items and photos. Moreover, KUNA present- ed a plan to further develop the agreement by exchanging vis- its, covering national occasions and providing aid to the agen- cies’ reporters. Meanwhile, KUNA informed the Chinese delega- tion about its plans to open an office in Beijing, a proposal wel- comed by Ping, who promised to offer all kind of help needed. Sheikh Mubarak accepted an invitation by Ping to visit China in the future. The Chinese delegation was seen off by the acting chairman of marketing and public relations in KUNA, Essam Al- AQABA: The ‘Journey of Hope’ leaves Aqaba in Jordan yesterday, heading to Sharm El-Sheikh in an international trip to show- Ruaih. case the attention Kuwait pays towards people with special needs. — KUNA Local FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Islamic Center in Italy honors Amir

ROME: The Islmaic Center in the city of Giovanni San Sesto has presented Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah with a memorial shield for his UN acclamation as ‘Humanitarian Leader’. The shield of honor was handed over to the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Italy, Sheikh Ali Khaled Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, by the center chairman, Abu Baker Kaddoudah, at the embassy head- quarters. The UN designation of HH Sheikh Sabah as “humanitari- an leader” and the State of Kuwait as “humanitarian center” con- stitutes an unprecedented international celebration and a “source of pride for very Arab and Muslim worldwide,” said the center president. Kaddoudah congratulated the ambassador on the internation- al acclamation of His Highness the Amir and his country, noting its generous humanitarian contributions to aid nations in need for KUWAIT: The National Library of Kuwait witnessed its offi- help. Ambassador Sheikh Ali Khaled expressed gratitude for the cial opening on Wednesday in an event attended and held tangible gesture and urged the center staff to cooperate with under the patronage of His Highness the Prime Minister identical centers to aid some two million Muslims living in Italy Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. The cere- and seek to portray the true image of Islam. — KUNA mony was also attended by several ministers, including First Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, State Minister for Cabinet 158 Indians died in Affairs and Acting Minister of Justice Sheikh Mohammad Al-Abdallah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah, Information Minister, Kuwait in 3 months State Youth Minister and President of the National Council KUWAIT: Omani Minister of Information Abdulmunim bin for Arts, Literature and Letters Sheikh Salman Al-Salem Al- KUWAIT: A total of 158 Indians have been reported dead in Humoud Al-Sabah. — KUNA Kuwait during the last three months, according to the figures Mansoor bin Said Al-Hasani is presented a memento by released by the Indian Embassy in Kuwait. Out of the 158 KUNA Chairman and Director General Sheikh Mubarak Al- Indians reported dead from July to September this year, mor- Duaij Al-Ibrahim Al-Sabah.— KUNA Missing Kuwaiti in Saudi tal remains of 125 Indian nationals were airlifted to India while the remaining 33 were buried in Kuwait as per the wish- Omani Information Arabia found in hospital es of their family members, the embassy said in a statement, according to the Times of India. From those sent to India, 104 were transported within 1 to minister visits KUNA 5 days of reporting the death to the Embassy (three days being the average time taken for transportation of the mortal KUWAIT: Omani Minister of Information Abdulmunim bin remains). The deportation of mortal remains of 21 deceased Mansoor bin Said Al-Hasani and his accompanying delegation vis- persons, however, took longer time, ranging from 6 to 25 ited here yesterday the main headquarters of Kuwait News Agency days, it said. Delays in 21 cases occurred as police investiga- (KUNA). KUNA Chairman and Director General Sheikh Mubarak Al- tions were required to be conducted in cases of suicides, mur- Duaij Al-Ibrahim Al-Sabah, Chief Editor Saad Al-Ali and other offi- ders and traffic accidents. In some cases, local sponsors took cials received the Omani minister who is in Kuwait to participate in time to complete formalities while non-availability of flights the 22nd meeting for the GCC Information Ministers. and intervening holidays were other important reasons, the During his visit to the headquarters, the Omani Minister was tak- paper said quoting the embassy. en on a tour of KUNA’s building and was briefed about its media “It has been our endeavor to assist in the earliest repatria- mission and facilities. The Omani Minister lauded KUNA’s strong tion of mortal remains of Indian nationals who die in Kuwait. presence on the regional media scene, wished the agency more As cremation facilities are not permitted in Kuwait, it becomes progress in the future. Sheikh Mubarak Al-Duaij said, on his part, necessary that many bodies are airlifted to India for final that KUNA will continue to cooperate with GCC and Arab news The 27- rites,” the embassy added in the statement. agencies to provide well balanced and strong coverage of regional year-old and international news. A present was given to the visiting Omani Kuwaiti minister by KUNA’s Director as a token of gratitude towards Al- youth Firas 16-year-old Kuwaiti IS Hasani’s role in bolstering GCC and Arab media ties. — KUNA jihadist killed in Syria KUWAIT: A young Kuwaiti man missing in Saudi Arabia for several days has been located in a hospital in the KUWAIT: Islamic State (IS) recently announced the death of a 16- kingdom. Calls to help find the 27-year-old Firas, went year-old Kuwaiti known as ‘Abo Dujanah Al-Kuwaiti’ or ‘Thabbah out across social media in Kuwait with hundreds of Al-Jahrawi’ (the Jahra slaughterer) in the offensives going on with Instagram and Twitter users reposting the man’s photo Kurdish troops at the Ain Al-Arab area (Kobane), according to with the hashtag #findfiras. Arabic daily Al-Watan. The citizen traveled to Saudi Arabia for hajj and then IS also noted that Thabah was the son of a Kuwaiti currently told his family he intended to go to Madina for three days detained in Kuwaiti over charges of supporting ISIL. Informed afterwards. The family lost contact with him after that. sources said that Abo Dujanah had left to Syrian two-and-a-half Repeated attempts to ring his mobile failed. The young months earlier. Meanwhile, a tweet posted by Abo Dujanah’s man was later found in hospital and is reported to be in brother said that the boy’s detained father rejoiced his son’s ‘martyrdom’ and distributed sweets to his fellow inmates, the good condition. daily added. Interior minister holds talks with Saudi official

KUWAIT: Deputy Prime Minister, Interior as well as issues of common interest, said a Arabia were present at the meeting. Earlier Minister and Acting Minister of Awqaf and statement by Kuwait’s Interior Ministry. In in the day, Sheikh Mohammad Khaled Islamic Affairs Sheikh Mohammad Khaled the meeting with Prince Abdulaziz and the received Kuwaiti Ambassador to Iraq Al-Hamad Al-Sabah yesterday held talks delegation accompanying him, Sheikh Ghassan Al-Zawawi, another statement by with visiting Deputy Chief of Saudi General Mohammad Khaled stressed depth of rela- the ministry said. In the meeting, they Intelligence Prince Dr Abdulaziz bin Badr tions between the two sisterly countries, mulled a number of security issues in favor Al-Saud. hailing their constructive and fruitful of the two countries, it said, adding the The talks focused on the latest develop- cooperation, the statement added. Senior minister commended efforts of KUWAIT: A poster announcing a Burmese python for sale ments on regional and international arenas security officials from Kuwait and Saudi Ambassador Al-Zawawi. — KUNA found at a supermarket. — Photo by Sherif Ismayil FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Putin warns West, Nepal rescuers Cash-strapped accuses Obama hunt for missing Afghans turn of hostility and trekkers, death to low-cost meddling15 toll16 hit 24 mass17 weddings

AT SEA: This US Navy photo shows Sailors as they launch aircraft from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush (CVN 77) in the Gulf. George HW Bush is supporting maritime security operations, strike operations in Iraq and Syria as directed, and theater security cooperation efforts in the US 5th Fleet area of responsibility. — AFP 662 killed in Kobane ground fighting Moroccan held, with young daughters, for trying to join IS

BEIRUT: Ground fighting alone has killed more lost 374 of its militants, while 268 people have agency. His legal wife, a French national, was said to Attacks kill at least 36 than 600 combatants since Islamic State group been killed fighting on the Kurdish side, he said. have remained in . The arrested couple will In another development, four car bomb attacks jihadists launched an offensive on the Syrian appear in court, while no mention was made of the and a mortar strike around Shiite parts of northern Kurdish enclave of Kobane a month ago, a moni- Moroccans trying to join IS way the children will be handled, or whether they Baghdad killed 36 people and wounded 98 within toring group said yesterday. The Syrian Meanwhile, a Moroccan man, with his two will be returned to France. a span of two hours yesterday afternoon, police Observatory for Human Rights said its toll did not young French daughters in tow, was arrested in The man was said to have been on his way to and medical officials said. A suicide car bomb hit an include the “several hundred” IS fighters that the Casablanca Wednesday as he sought to join up Turkey when he was arrested. IS fighters are army checkpoint near a restaurant in the northern Pentagon says have been killed in US-led air strikes with the jihadist Islamic State fighters, authorities involved in heavy fighting just across the Turkish district of Talibiya at 2:30 p.m., killing nine people; 45 minutes later, a pair of car bombs exploded in in and around Kobane. said. The man identified by his initials NR, who was border in Syria. Over 2,000 Moroccan jihadists, the district of Al-Dawlai in western Baghdad, claim- Between September 16 and midnight (2100 under police restrictions in France, was picked up at including those with dual nationality, are currently ing the lives of 16 people and wounding 35 others. GMT) on Wednesday a total of 662 people were Casablanca airport, the Moroccan interior ministry fighting in Syria and Iraq, according to Rabat. Minutes later, five mortar rounds hit the neighbor- killed in ground fighting, said the Britain-based said in a statement. He was detained along with his Moroccan authorities fear some will return and ing Shiite district of Al-Shaoula, killing another five monitoring group, which has a wide network of two girls, aged two and four, and a Moroccan attempt to carry out attacks at home and has and wounding 21 others. A final car bomb explod- sources inside Syria. They included 20 civilians, woman with whom he had a “traditional” marriage, announced heightened security measures, notably ed in the nearby Hurriya district, leaving six dead Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said. IS said the statement, cited by the local MAPP news at the borders. and wounding 14 others. — Agencies International11 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Natural disasters leave over 22,000 dead last year: Red Cross

GENEVA: Natural disasters claimed over 22,000 lives last year, with Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines the deadliest of all, the Red Cross said yesterday. In its annual report on disasters, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) warned that the outlook was bleak. “Climate change is leading to damaged livelihoods and increased vul- nerabilities. Natural hazards are also becoming more frequent and extreme,” said IFRC head Elhadj As Sy. “The resulting stresses on social, physical and economic systems are shifting the world into a new era of risk,” he added. Haiyan, which struck in November 2013, slammed a massive storm surge into the city of Tacloban and surrounding communities in the eastern province of Leyte. At least 7,986 perished, the IFRC said. The next-deadliest disaster was the June 2013 monsoon flooding in India, which killed 6,054 people. Last year’s overall natural disaster death toll was 22,452, the IFRC said. That was well under the 2004- 2013 average of 97,954 per year. It was also far below the decade’s peak year, 2004, when 242,829 people perished, mostly in the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. The number of people affected by disasters in 2013 — almost 100 million, overwhelmingly in Asia-was also the lowest in a VIENNA: Police stand outside the Palais Coburg palace where the so-called EU 5+1 talks with Iran in Vienna are taking decade. place yesterday. Six world powers and Iran tried to get troubled nuclear talks back on track after a day of discussions led But the report’s lead editor Terry Cannon said tolls were by US Secretary of State John Kerry yielded no breakthrough. — AFP only part of the story. “Major hazards and disasters are distrib- uted randomly. So comparing year-on-year in a data set like this is not very useful,” he said. What tolls can reveal, however, is a country’s ability to head off catastrophe. For example, 36 Powers take stock of people died when Cyclone Phailin hit India in October 2013. Thousands of lives were saved thanks to a widely-praised risk reduction program which included pre-planned evacuation, repeated this week when Cyclone Hudhud struck. stuck Iran nuke talks More people in harm’s way Rapid economic shifts, population growth and urbaniza- ‘P5+1’, Iran try to get troubled talks back on track tion in developing nations are putting more people in harm’s way, while experts warn that climate change driven by emis- VIENNA: Six world powers and Iran tried way, and the last two percent may kill the the atomic bomb and says it wants to sions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases is causing more fre- yesterday to get troubled nuclear talks entire deal.” Zarif told online news site Al- expand its nuclear program in order to quent extreme weather events. Besides thinking up risk back on track after a day of discussions Monitor that the gaps were “narrowing, generate electricity and treat cancer reduction plans, governments and aid agencies need to make led by US Secretary of State John Kerry but we still have a long way to go.” “It is patients. more effort to understand the lives of people in danger zones, yielded no breakthrough. With six weeks reconcilable, provided everyone makes said Cannon. “The vast majority of people do not die or suffer until a November 24 deadline to strike a the tough decisions,” he said. More time on the clock in disasters. They suffer because of the problems of everyday deal, Kerry, his Iranian counterpart Yesterday he told Iranian media that In months of discussions since an life, whether it’s bad water, poor nutrition, or bad health,” he Mohammad Javad Zarif and EU foreign the negotiations were “about reaching a interim agreement struck last November said.”People don’t give priority to severe hazards. policy chief Catherine Ashton held six solution instead of scrutinizing the prob- took effect in January, some progress has They will highlight their day-to-day problems, health, malar- hours of talks in a Vienna hotel room until lems”. The US official insisted that push- been made. This includes changing the ia, water supply, not enough food, not enough jobs,” he added. late Wednesday. Zarif said yesterday the ing back the November 24 deadline-as design of an unfinished reactor at Arak so The report said that estimated economic damage in 2013, at discussions were “intensive and difficult” happened with an earlier target date of that it produces less weapons-grade plu- $119 billion, was the fourth-lowest in a decade. However, finan- and that he would see Kerry again in July 20 - to give more time was not under tonium, on enhanced UN inspections and cial totals do not show the full picture either. Developed coun- “three or four weeks”-leaving very little discussion. “Deadlines help people to on the fortified Fordo facility. The main tries traditionally see the most expensive single disasters in time until November 24 - following make hard decisions, and there are hard bone of contention however remains terms of losses and insurance claims, given their wealthier expert-level negotiations next week. decisions to be made here. And we must,” Iran’s enrichment capacity, a process ren- economies and extensive insurance penetration. Kerry left the Austrian capital yester- the official said on condition of anonymi- dering uranium suitable for power gener- In 2011, for example, when Japan was battered by a mas- day morning-after problems with his air- ty. ation but also, at high purities, for a sive earthquake and tsunami, estimated global disaster losses craft-but Zarif remained for talks with The deal being sought, after a decade nuclear weapon. Other thorny areas rocketed to $391 billion. The situation in poorer countries is negotiators from the US, Russia, China, of rising tensions, is meant to ease con- include the pace at which sanctions less clear, notably if a disaster does not strike industrial areas, Britain, France and Germany chaired by cerns that Iran might be able to develop would be lifted, the timeframe that an and because insurance coverage is far less widespread. “The Ashton. “Everyone has been working nuclear weapons under the guise of its accord would cover, and a stymied UN damage to things that are valued in dollars can be very small. incredibly hard... these are incredibly civilian program. probe into past suspect “military dimen- What you have to measure is the loss of livelihoods, of millions complex negotiations, the detail is To do this, the “P5+1” powers want sions” of Iran’s activities. Many analysts of people’s livelihoods, fishing boats, their nets, their villages, extraordinary,” a senior US State Iran to scale down dramatically the scope have begun to believe that the November their houses,” said Cannon. “They are not measured in dollar Department official said late Wednesday. of its atomic activities, offering in return deadline might be extended, maybe lock- terms, they’re not insured, they’re not even counted in the “Until everything is agreed, nothing is relief from painful sanctions, but Iran is ing in measures related to Arak and international statistics,” he said.—AFP agreed, and you can get 98 percent of the resisting this. Iran denies seeking to build Fordo. — AFP Saudi cleric’s death sentence risks tensions, Tehran warns

TEHRAN: A top Iranian official warned yes- “If the news that a Saudi court sentenced Twitter. Abdollahian urged that the sentence February 2011 after an outbreak of violence terday that a death sentence passed on a Sheikh Nimr to death is true, it will undoubt- on Nimr, who is in his 50s and had been on between Shiite pilgrims and religious police prominent Shiite cleric in Saudi Arabia could edly hurt Muslims’ feelings and provoke trial since March 2013, be overturned. “It is in the Muslim holy city of Medina in western escalate tensions and called for the decision international reaction,” he was quoted as expected that Saudi officials will take a realis- Saudi Arabia. Protests escalated after the to be reversed. Nimr Al-Nimr, a driving force saying by Mehr news agency. tic approach to prevent the carrying out of kingdom’s intervention in neighboring behind demonstrations against the Sunni “Such measures do not contribute to the this sentence, and of an escalation of ten- Bahrain to support a Sunni monarchy against authorities that erupted in Saudi Arabia’s oil- restoration of peace and calm in the region. sions in the Islamic world,” he told Mehr. an uprising led by that country’s Shiite rich east in 2011, was convicted of sedition, “Nimr was also convicted of seeking “foreign Most of Saudi Arabia’s estimated two mil- majority. Regional powers Iran and Saudi according to his brother. Iran’s Deputy meddling” in the country, a reference to Iran, lion Shiites live in the east, where the vast Arabia have been at odds since unrest broke Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and of “disobeying” the kingdom’s rulers and majority of the wealthy kingdom’s oil out in Syria in 2011, but they have recently said Nimr Al-Nimr’s conviction for sedition, if taking up arms against security forces, his reserves lie, and many complain of marginal- engaged in a diplomatic push to patch up confirmed, would likely sow discord. brother Mohammed al-Nimr wrote on ization. They began demonstrating in their differences.—AFP International FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Iraq minorities face extinction from Islamic State onslaught

LONDON: More than 12,000 civilians have been conducted and the perpetrators of attacks go killed in Iraq so far this year, mainly by Islamic unpunished, often with indications of official State (IS), and minorities facing ethnic cleansing complicity.” are the principal victims, according to a report published yesterday. Minority Rights Group Minorities persecuted International (MRG) said several minority com- MRG said that Iraq’s minorities had faced munities, including Christians, Yezidis and summary executions, armed robberies, torture Turkmen, had been subjected to assassinations, and bombings for years. Members of minorities kidnappings and sexual violence and were in who have not fled the country live in constant danger of extinction in Iraq. fear for their safety, as their religious sites are The civilian death toll almost doubled to the target of attacks and they are afraid of open- 12,618 in the January-September period from ly displaying their religious identities, the report 6,676 a year earlier, according to the report, said. The government has done nothing to com- which cited the Iraq Body Count database. At pensate victims or to rebuild infrastructure dam- least half a million people have been forced to aged in IS attacks on minority communities, flee their villages in Ninewa province, home to who have little access to clean water, electricity, minority communities for thousands of years, housing and healthcare, according to the report. according to the report, From Crisis to “The sectarianism gripping Iraq’s government Catastrophe: the situation of minorities in Iraq. and security forces must be reversed and those Fighters of IS, a militant Sunni group, have responsible for attacks on minorities should be seized control of large swathes of Syria and Iraq held to account in Iraq, and internationally,” this year, attacking Shiite districts in Baghdad Lattimer said. and taking over surrounding farmland where All parties to the conflict should abide by Iraqi security forces and Shiite militias try to international humanitarian law and should pro- push them back. hibit any aerial bombardment, or other attack, MRG executive director Mark Lattimer said expected to result in a disproportionate loss of the Iraqi government had shown that it was civilian life, he added. The report also called for “either unable or unwilling to protect the safety measures to provide refuge in foreign countries of minorities.” “Since minorities generally do not to Iraqis fleeing persecution and to prevent the have their own militias or tribal protection struc- transfer of financial support to IS and other tures like the majority groups in society, they are armed groups responsible for gross abuses. especially vulnerable,” Lattimer said in a state- MRG works to secure rights for ethnic, national, ment accompanying the report. “In the vast religious and linguistic minorities and indige- KIRKUK: Iraqi families fleeing Islamic State (IS) group advance in their towns arrive to take majority of cases, investigations are not properly nous peoples around the world. — Reuters refuge in a Kurdish-controlled area in Mullah Abdullah, some 25 kms west of Kirkuk. — AFP Al-Qaeda seizes Yemen town Glitzy projects spark rare anger from the to counter advancing rebels Syrian regime backers Rival groups seek to exploit a power vacuum BEIRUT: Even for some of the Syrian regime’s staunchest sup- SANAA: Suspected Al-Qaeda militants have came just hours after Shiite rebels overran the Huthis’ capture of Ibb, a local official porters, this month’s launch of a glitzy new shopping mall and captured a town in southwest Yemen in a the provincial capital of Ibb located 20 kilo- said. tourism projects seems to have been a step too far. With large deadly attack seen as a countermove to meters (12.5 miles) to the east. Yemen, a Already in control of Sanaa and the parts of the country ravaged by fighting and hundreds dying advances by Shiite rebels sweeping across key ally in US efforts to combat Al-Qaeda, strategic port city of Hudeida, the Shiite every week, the $50 million (40 million euro) projects in the pro- the strife-hit country. Rival groups are seek- has been wracked by political turmoil and rebels on Wednesday appeared to have regime coastal stronghold of Tartus have sparked rare criticism ing to exploit a power vacuum in impover- sporadic violence since an uprising toppled taken control of the Dhamar and Ibb from supporters of President Bashar al-Assad. ished Yemen, which has been in a political strongman Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2012. provinces, security officials said. Just as in It follows a series of unusual public expressions of frustration deadlock since the Huthi Shiite rebels took The country is located next to oil-rich Sanaa and Hudeida, the Huthis faced no from regime supporters after the loss of hundreds of soldiers to control of the capital Sanaa last month. Al- Saudi Arabia and key shipping routes in the opposition as they entered the centers of the Islamic State group and a bomb attack that left nearly 50 Qaeda’s Yemen-based franchise, consid- Gulf of Aden. The fear is that if Yemen falls the two provinces and set up checkpoints, children dead in the central city of Homs. The mall was opened ered by the United States to be the dead- apart, Al-Qaeda militants will exploit it as a the officials said. They have been taking by Prime Minister Wael Al-Halaqi on October 9. It includes “sev- liest branch of the extremist network, has haven. Al-Qaeda is active in several Yemeni advantage of the political crisis in Sanaa to en restaurants, a playroom for children and shops,” a govern- vowed to fight the rebels in defense of provinces, mainly in the south and south- seize control of significant areas, threaten- ment press release boasted, announcing additional “tourism Sunni Muslims. east, where repeated government military ing the authority of the Sunni-led central projects” in the city. The project is a private investment, but has Its militants stormed the town of Udain campaigns drove the network’s militants government. The Huthis have kept up their clear regime backing and has caused outrage in online media. overnight, setting fire to the police head- out of key cities they once controlled. The advance despite the naming of a new “Ten billion Syrian pounds spent on a mall while injured soldiers quarters and attacking the offices of the affiliate has often targeted Yemeni security prime minister on Monday by President are paying for surgery from their own pockets and eating noth- local government, a security official and forces in Yemen and has itself come under Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi in a bid to resolve ing but potatoes and bread,” wrote one regime supporter on local sources said yesterday. Five police- frequent attack by US drones. The push the stalemate. Twitter. “Sixty percent of the population of Tartus won’t be able men were reported dead. The offensive into Udain appeared to be in retaliation for to afford to shop there,” wrote another on Facebook. Even Potential confrontation someone who stands to benefit from the project-a tourism sec- The steady expansion of the Shiite tor employee in Tartus who spoke to AFP on condition of rebels has increased the threat of an open anonymity-admitted it had caused some resentment. The proj- confrontation with Al-Qaeda. Deadly fight- ects “ignore the feelings of the families of many soldiers from ing broke out Tuesday when the Huthis this province who have died,” the employee said. tried to expand out of the town of Rada in central Baida and clashed with Al-Qaeda ‘Everything is fine’ militants. Five rebels, six suspected Al- Tartus has been spared the worst of Syria’s civil war, which Qaeda militants and a civilian were killed has killed more than 180,000 people and forced nine million during the fighting in Rada, a security offi- more from their homes. Tartus and fellow coastal province cial and tribal sources said Wednesday. Latakia are strongholds of Assad and the Alawite minority sect Suspected Al-Qaeda militants executed a to which he belongs. While not itself ravaged by fighting, more local Huthi chief, Khalil Al-Riyami, who was soldiers from Tartus have been killed in the conflict than from apparently captured during clashes, local any other province in Syria. The regime has long regarded its sources said. Al-Qaeda gunmen were also coastal strongholds as deep reservoirs for recruiting to the army spotted in Ibb and Taez, the largest city in and pro-regime militias. Faith in Assad himself appears unshak- Yemen that lies further south. But a deal en, but the rumblings have been growing and the shopping has been reached between the local gov- mall has become a focal point of criticism. “The mall has opened ernment of Taez and representatives of the and the families of the martyrs can take photos... and the injured can benefit from sales on prostheses. Long live the IBB: A Yemeni rides his bike past an office of a government-owned bank that was rebels who agreed not to enter the city, helping to avert potential confrontations, a nation!” read one ironic rant on a Facebook page called “The burnt by suspected Al-Qaeda militants as they captured the town of Al-Udain in Forgotten Province of Tartus”. —AFP the Ibb Governorate, in southwest Yemen yesterday. — AFP local official said. —AFP International13 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Dutch ‘Black Pete’ finally gets facelift

THE HAGUE: Black Pete, the jolly faces resembling the traditional cluding that Black Pete is indeed a sidekick of the Dutch Saint Dutch syrup biscuit of the same racist figure and that many Dutch Nicholas, is finally getting a facelift name. “There is no simple way to did not recognize him as a throw- Rare comet fly-by after years of bitter debate includ- find a solution that everyone can back to colonial times and slavery. ing death threats against those call- identify with,” said Gouda Mayor ing for change. An Amsterdam Milo Schoenmaker. Gouda’s Black Death threats of Mars on Sunday court’s ruling in July that Pete-tra- Petes “changed several years ago This year, Dutch celebrities who ditionally dressed in a gaudy to dark brown without stereotypi- called on Facebook for a “Pete WASHINGTON: A fast-moving comet is about to fly by Mars for a one-in-a-mil- medieval costume with a black- cal big red lips and earrings,” the makeover” have received death lion-year encounter with the Red Planet, photographed and documented by a ened face, red lips and an afro wig- city hall added. Amsterdam Mayor threats. After investigative journal- flurry of spacecraft, NASA said. The comet, known as Siding Spring (C/2013 A1), is a “negative stereotype” encour- Eberhard van der Laan has said that ist Peter R de Vries entered the has a core about a mile (1.6 kilometers) wide in diameter, but is only as solid as aged many to try to change the a “substantial” number of this debate on Facebook he received an a pile of talcum powder. Siding Spring is set to hurtle past Mars at a close dis- deeply rooted custom. “It’s the year’s Petes will not be black but email saying: “If I meet you you’ll tance of about 88,000 miles (139,500 kilometers). If the comet were passing by beginning of change, it will contin- will have some “soot marks” on get a bullet through your head.” A our planet, that would be about a third of the way between the Earth and the ue for years to come because more their faces, ostensibly from climb- “Pietitie” (Pete-ition) on Facebook Moon. Siding Spring will come closest to Mars at 2:27 pm (1827 GMT) on and more people agree it should ing down the chimney. And a calling for action against changing Sunday, October 19, NASA said. Flying through space at a breakneck speed of change but it’s going to take a long White Pete will for the first time be Black Pete’s face has more than two 122,400 miles per hour (202,000 km per hour), the small comet faces little risk time,” said historian Gabor Kozijn, present during a daily televised million likes, in a country of 17 mil- of colliding with the Red Planet. author of a study on Black Pete for “news bulletin” on Saint Nicholas’s lion. Populist Geert Wilders, who But scientists are keen to study its trajectory and trail. “Are we going to see the Dutch Centre for Intangible activities. Dutch shops will have heads the anti-immigration PVV meteors in the Mars atmosphere? Comets are very unpredictable,” said Jim Cultural Heritage. fewer Black Petes this year, party, tweeted: “Black Pete must Green, director of the Planetary Science Division at NASA headquarters in With less than two months although discount retail chain stay black!” “What children want is Washington. “I think it is unlikely that it will be destroyed,” Green told before Dutch kids’ favorite day, Hema in August denied rumors presents. Whether the person who reporters. “But whether it retains its structure or not is of interest.” NASA has December 5, when Saint Nicholas that it planned to remove him hands them out is Black or White maneuvered its Mars orbiters to the far side of the planet so they won’t be and Pete hand out presents, the entirely by next year. Pete, a woman, yellow or bald is of damaged by the comet’s high-speed debris. Even as the Mars Reconnaissance debate has reached fever pitch, Customers at supermarket no importance,” actor and presen- Orbiter, Mars Odyssey and MAVEN have been repositioned to avoid hazardous with Black Pete’s defenders refus- Albert Heijn will have different col- ter Paul de Leeuw said on dust, scientists hope they will be able to capture a trove of data about the flyby ing to admit there is anything racist ored Petes to choose from, includ- Facebook. for Earthlings to study. NASA’s two rovers-Curiosity and Opportunity-will turn about the playful character. In ing black: “Saint Nicholas is for “It’s a popular family event, cele- their cameras skyward and send back pictures of the comet’s pass in the com- Gouda, where Saint Nicholas and everyone,” the chain said in a state- brated by millions of people who ing days, weeks and months, the US space agency said. dozens of Petes will “arrive” on ment. Despite compromising on want their kids to experience what November 15 with a gift-filled boat Black Pete, the two chains are they experienced as children: it’s Billions of years old from Spain in a national event being threatened with boycotts. more of an emotional than a ration- The comet was discovered by Robert McNaught at ’s Siding Spring broadcast live on television, the Many people in The Netherlands al debate,” historian Kozijn said. Observatory in January 2013. It is believed to have originated billions of years mayor on Tuesday decided to do not want to see the national tra- Even if it is the beginning of the ago in the Oort Cloud, a distant region of space that is a source of comets that introduce some new colors. dition changed because what they end for Black Pete, Kozijn said the are “largely unchanged since the early days of the solar system,” NASA consider a minority of people see it character will be around for a while said.Carey Lisse, senior astrophysicist at Johns Hopkins University Applied Cheese Pete as racist. Last year’s debate about yet. “If the average life expectancy Physics Laboratory, said scientists are intrigued by comets for many reasons. Besides a number of Black Petes, Pete’s skin color was particularly of children who now know Black “It is amazing that they are still around after four and a half billion years, but there will also be “Cheese Petes” heated amid a UN rights probe of Pete is 80, then he will in any case most of the reason for that is they have been living very, very far from the Sun with yellow faces and “Stroopwafel the matter. The UN working group remain a figure that people know,” and are in a deep freeze,” he said.—AFP Petes” with striped, light brown released its findings in July, con- he said.—AFP

International15 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Drought-hit US town learns to live without water

LOS ANGELES: In front of the local fire station, Pete structural change including a centralized water supply doesn’t happen in America. “Well it does happen in Rodriguez stands next to his pick-up truck, filling about system. But that will take years and cost tens of millions America,” she said. Her first stop is Edy the Mexican a dozen buckets from a vast tank. He hurries, because of dollars to build. In the meantime authorities can only mechanic. “I have an 18-month-old nephew. Giving another car is waiting behind him. Rodriquez is one of offer stop-gap measures. him a bath is really complicated,” he said, happily hundreds of residents and business people in the small receiving a few cases of water bottles from Johnson. A town of Porterville, in California’s normally verdant Third World, or America? little further, in a quiet street next to what used to be a Central Valley, who have no running water and are hav- So they have installed two large tanks in town, river but now looks like a brush-covered road, Vietnam ing to re-think how they live. “I have two buckets near including the one outside the fire station, filled with War veteran Jessie Coates is doing his washing in the the toilet, one next to the shower,” he said. Porterville, non-drinkable water, while supplying bottles of yard. at the heart of what is known as America’s food basket, potable water to homes without any. To deliver the He uses a large stick to beat and stir the washing, in is suffering from one of California’s worst droughts in up bottles they are relying on volunteers like Donna the old fashioned way. The dishes wait in another bowl, to a century. “In Tulare County we have at least 430 Johnson, a 71-year-old retired former social worker on the ground nearby. Inside his modest home, the homes without running water because their water wells with gray hair and turquoise eyes, in her pickup truck kitchen taps have been removed, and a large water dried out,” said Andrew Lockman, head of the county’s with leopard-skin interior. “I was really concerned that bottle takes pride of place in the sink. “It kills my arms” emergency management center. some people could get sick,” she told AFP driving to carry it, says Coates, wearing an “I love USA” T-shirt. “I don’t think there is a precedent in the state of round town to help families, some with babies or pen- Johnson explains that even wealthier families are California,” he added, saying: “These people have no sioners who can’t drive themselves. Most don’t have affected. They have enough money for a new well, but water for bathing, cooking, flushing toilets. It is a big the $10-20,000 needed to drill a new well. “There’s a lot they can’t find someone to drill it: there is an 18-month public health issue.” Outside of the big towns, many of people out there that don’t have the income (or) waiting list for qualified workmen. Edy, who has lived in homes in the region are dependent on water from pri- they are too proud. Some of them don’t speak English” California for 18 years, is thinking of closing up shop to vate wells, which are now running dry after three years or don’t have legal documentation, she added. move somewhere else. But a lot of home, or business- of drought which has exhausted underground water “Some of us were in disbelief because you only run owners, are blocked by the same problem: they can’t supplies, or aquifers. In the long term the region needs out of water in Third World countries. It was like ‘It sell their property without running water.— AFP

Mexico gripped by mass grave, missing students

CHILPANCINGO: Mexican authorities Relatives hopeful scrambled yesterday to find 43 missing While DNA analysis showed that the students after concluding they were not students were not in the pits containing in a mass grave containing 28 bodies in 28 bodies, authorities have yet to identi- a case that has vexed the country. While fy remains in other mass graves found news that the aspiring teachers were last week and on Tuesday. Attorney not in the burial pits brought some General Jesus Murillo Karam said 14 relief, officials still had no clue where the police officers from the town of Cocula, students could be, and they now had 28 which neighbors Iguala, have been new unknown victims on their hands. arrested in the case, joining 26 detained President Enrique Pena Nieto has been colleagues from Iguala. Iguala’s officers under pressure at home and abroad to are accused of shooting at buses the solve the confounding case, almost students had seized to return home on three weeks after the students were September 26 in a night of violence that attacked by gang-affiliated police in the left six people dead and 25 wounded. BELGRADE: Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic (right) and Russian President Vladimir Putin review honor southern state of Guerrero. Prosecutors says the Cocula officers guard during a welcome ceremony in Belgrade yesterday. — AP “These regrettable events are a test then handed the students to the for Mexican institutions and society,” Guerreros Unidos gang. The motive Pena Nieto said. Guerrero’s public secu- remains under investigation. The stu- Putin accuses Obama rity department expanded the search, dents, known for their radical left-wing saying it would distribute in six regions protests, went to Iguala to raise funds fliers with pictures of the 43 young men, and seized buses to go home, a com- who are from a teacher training college mon practice among the aspiring of hostility, meddling near the state’s capital, Chilpancingo. teachers. Relatives of the students Horse-mounted police and rescue dogs refuse to believe they are dead and Don’t blackmail Russia, Moscow warns West were deployed to comb rural, hard-to- have led protests demanding their reach areas of Iguala, the city 200 kilo- safe return. “It’s possibly a kidnapping, BELGRADE: President Vladimir Putin accused his US coun- Putin reiterated that Moscow was ready to mend meters south of Mexico City where the but as time goes on, there is less hope terpart Barack Obama of a hostile approach towards fences with Washington but only if its interests are gen- students were last seen. Some 300 fed- that they will be found alive,” Javier Russia, warning in a Cold War-style tirade that Moscow uinely taken into account. Putin’s predecessor Dmitry eral police officers and civilian self- Oliva, a security expert at the National would not be blackmailed by the West over Ukraine. Putin Medvedev spearheaded a “re-set” in ties with Washington defense militias have been searching for Autonomous University of Mexico fired off his combative comments shortly before he but relations have quickly unraveled since Putin returned the students for days. said. —AFP arrived amid tight security to a red carpet welcome in to the Kremlin for a third term in 2012. Russia is now facing Belgrade, seeking to cement Russia’s influence in its loyal its deepest period of Western isolation since the Cold War, European ally. Belgrade is staging its first military parade with US and EU sanctions dealing a blow to its already in 30 years to mark the 70th anniversary of its liberation stuttering economy. Despite the distinct Western diplo- from Nazi occupation-an event brought forward by four matic chill, Putin was greeted warmly in Belgrade, which days to coincide with the visit by the Kremlin strongman. has refused to align with the EU sanctions against In some of his most pugnacious comments yet on Russia- Moscow. US ties, Putin took issue with Obama’s speech at the UN General Assembly last month, when he listed “Russia’s Serbia balancing act aggression” in eastern Ukraine among top global threats, He and Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic were to along with Islamic State jihadists and Ebola. lay wreaths at a cemetery where Russian soldiers were He told the Serbian daily Politika it was “hard to call killed in the October 1944 battle for Belgrade. Putin is such an approach anything but hostile”. “We are hoping then expected to make an address at the military parade our partners will understand the recklessness of attempts involving more than 3,000 soldiers and featuring a to blackmail Russia, (and) remember what discord Russian aerobatics display-but pointedly not being between large nuclear powers can do to strategic stabili- attended by any US officials. “Our joint obligation is to ty,” Putin said. He branded attempts by the West to isolate oppose the glorification of Nazism and attempts to Russia over the six-month conflict in Ukraine an “absurd, revise the outcome of the World War II,” Putin said in the illusory goal” and accused Washington of meddling in Politika interview, warning of rising “neo-Nazism” in the Russian affairs. Putin, who is to meet Ukrainian leader Baltics and Ukraine. The EU, which began accession talks CHILPANCINGO: Masked student occupy a toll booth as students block a Petro Poroshenko in Milan today, called on Kiev to start with Serbia in January, has bluntly told Belgrade it main highway to protest the disappearance of 43 missing college students in nationwide dialogue, saying there was a “real opportuni- should prove its credentials as a future member during Chilpancingo, Mexico. — AP ty” to halt the war. the visit. —AFP International16 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

India’s apex court summons police over missing children

NEW DELHI: India’s top court yesterday summoned the police chiefs of two states to justify their record on tracking down missing children, acting on a petition from new Nobel Peace laureate Kailash Satyarthi’s child rights group. Satyarthi’s Bachpan Bachao Andolan (Save Childhood Movement) filed the petition before the Supreme Court which had last year set deadlines for Indian states to file status reports on missing children. Yesterday, the court ordered the chief secretaries and heads of police in Bihar and Chhattisgarh-the two states with some of the worst records on child trafficking-to appear before it on October 30. The court said it wanted to ask chief secretaries and police commissioners “how will they feel if their children go miss- ing”. Critics say police often turn a blind eye to the thousands of children who are trafficked and forced into slavery or exploitative labor every year across the country. Research by Satyarthi’s group suggests that a child goes missing every six minutes in India and over a 100,000 children go missing each year. “The court was not pleased with their (states’) response,” Bhuwan Ribhu, an activist and lawyer with Bachpan Bachao Andolan said. “The court has taken a very strict view. They said they will take up this matter every week if needed and see what action has been taken, two states at a time,” he said Satyarthi, 60, was Friday jointly awarded the Nobel prize with Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani teenage education cam- KATHMANDU: A Nepal Army Hospital where some trekkers rescued following the avalanche are undergoing treatment paigner shot by the Taleban in 2012. The Indian activist, who is seen in Kathmandu yesterday. — AFP argues that poverty should not be an excuse for child labor, was recognized for decades of doggedly championing chil- dren’s rights in his home country and worldwide. India’s mega Nepal rescuers hunt cities such as Delhi and Mumbai are a particular target for criminal gangs that police say traffic children in much the same way they sell drugs. Most of these children end up as construction or domestic workers. Others take up rag picking, for missing trekkers agricultural work and in industries such as fireworks, tobacco and carpet weaving. They routinely work at least 12 hours a day and many are sexually exploited, according to activists Nepal blizzard, avalanche death toll hits 24 and police.— AFP KATHMANDU: Nepalese rescuers yes- workers had rescued 43 stranded injuries were given first aid at local hos- terday scoured Himalayan hiking routes trekkers, but more than 100 others pitals while at least 14 trekkers from Afghanistan captures 2 for more than 100 trekkers who have remained out of contact. and Israel were airlifted to been out of contact since a snowstorm Rescuers were searching for two Kathmandu suffering from frostbite. Haqqani commanders and avalanche that have killed around Slovakian mountaineers and three While hundreds of mountaineers 32 people, including foreign tourists and Nepalese guides who went missing after train to scale Nepal’s peaks, the trekking KABUL: Afghan security forces said yesterday they have captured guides. Local officials said that 24 bodies an avalanche struck teams stationed at industry attracts many more people, two senior leaders of the feared Haqqani network, a hardline had been found on the popular the base camp of 8,167-metre (26,795 with thousands arriving in the group behind sophisticated attacks on Afghan and NATO forces. Annapurna circuit, while five climbers foot) Mount Dhaulagiri on Tuesday Annapurna region every October, when Anas Haqqani, the son of the network’s founder Jalaluddin who were staying at a mountain base night. “We are running helicopter mis- weather conditions are usually favorable Haqqani, was arrested late Tuesday along with Hafiz Rashid, camp when it was hit by an avalanche sions to try and find them, but we can for hiking. However, the region has another commander, by the National Directorate of Security could not be found and were presumed find no sign of them, we presume they seen unusually heavy snowfall this week (NDS), the Afghan intelligence agency, officials said. dead. Three Nepalese yak herders were are dead,” said Rai. “So far we have sparked by Cyclone Hudhud, which “We hope that these two arrests will have direct conse- also killed when severe weather trig- located 16 bodies in Mustang district in slammed into India’s east coast on quences on the network and their centre of command,” NDS gered by the tail end of Cyclone Hudhud the Annapurna region, but we don’t Sunday. The cyclone also brought spokesman Haseeb Sediqi said. Anas played an important role in hit the Himalayan region in central have a clear picture yet of how many are downpours to parts of central and west- the network’s “strategic decision-making” and frequently trav- Nepal. Ganesh Rai, the police official in foreigners since we still need to identify ern Nepal, including the hilly Gorkha dis- elled to Gulf states to get funding, Sediqi said. The Haqqanis have charge of the effort, said emergency them,” Rai, who is heading the rescue trict, where rescuers are searching for a been blamed for spectacular attacks on Afghan government and effort, told AFP. 67-year-old Frenchman who fell into a NATO targets across Afghanistan as well as for kidnappings and The bodies of four Canadians, two river on Tuesday morning while murders. The Haqqani network was founded by Jalaluddin Israelis, one Pole, one Vietnamese, one trekking. “Because of the overflowing Haqqani - an Afghan guerrilla leader bankrolled by the United Indian, one German and 11 Nepalese Budhi Gandaki, it is not possible to States to fight Soviet troops in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Now in have been found. The nationality of search the river,” Gorkha police chief his 70s and frail, he is believed to live with his family in Pakistan. three others found was unknown, he Ramesh Thapa said. In the 1980s Jalaluddin was close to the CIA and Pakistani intelli- said. Among them were at least eight The hiker was part of a team of 10 gence. He allied himself to the Taleban after they took power in hikers who lost their lives in an ava- tourists heading up the scenic Manaslu Kabul in 1996, serving as a cabinet minister under the militia’s lanche in neighboring Manang district, route, named after Mount Manaslu, the supreme leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar. When American according to a local official. “We have world’s eighth highest peak. It has been troops arrived after the 9/11 attacks, Haqqani sought refuge in located the bodies of eight people developed as an alternative to the Pakistan’s tribal district of North Waziristan and became one of including four Canadians, an Indian, and crowded Annapurna circuit. The latest the first anti-US commanders based in the border areas. three Nepalis killed in an avalanche,” disaster follows the deaths of 16 people He has training bases in eastern Afghanistan and is close to Al- district official Devendra Lamichanne in an avalanche on Mount Everest in Qaeda. His fighters are active across east and southeast said. April that forced an unprecedented Afghanistan and in the capital Kabul. The network is militarily the shutdown of the world’s highest peak. most capable of the Afghan Taleban factions and operates inde- Everest disaster Scores of expeditions were cancelled pendently but remains loyal to Mullah Omar. Unidentified gun- Some 168 foreign tourists were regis- after the avalanche tore through a men attacked and killed Nasiruddin Haqqani, the group’s chief tered to hike in the districts and authori- group of sherpas who were hauling gear fundraiser and another son of its founder, on the edge of ties are now trying to track the rest of up the mountain for their foreign Islamabad last year. A car bomb attack that killed more than 40 them down, with efforts hampered by clients. The effective closure of the people in the Urgun district of Afghanistan’s Paktika province in THORONG LA PASS: Rescue team poor telecommunications.”Many people 8,848-metre (29,029-foot) mountain for July was blamed on the Haqqani network. Many key Haqqani members carry a victim of an ava- are unaccounted for - we only register the season dealt a huge blow to impov- members are thought to have fled back to Afghanistan in June, lanche before they airlift the body foreign nationals, but several Nepalese erished Nepal, which relies heavily on when the Pakistani army launched a major operation against mili- from Thorong La pass area in Nepal could also be caught up in the snow- tourism revenues from climbing and tants in North Waziristan. — AFP yesterday. — AP storm,” Rai said. Victims with minor trekking.— AFP International FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Japan’s new minister mired in controversy

TOKYO: In a blow to Prime Minister apologize from the bottom of my heart the scope of political activities but that governments plan for restarting the reac- Shinzo Abe, his newly appointed trade for the fuss created by my private mat- further checks would be made. tors, according to some political analysts. minister was ensnared in controversy yes- ter,” Obuchi said in response to questions “If this damages Obuchi, the ‘Obuchi terday after reports that her political funds at a panel in the upper house of parlia- Winning public trust effect’ will disappear. The hurdle for were spent buying theatre tickets for sup- ment. The weekly magazine Shukan Obuchi also said she believes her sup- restarts will get higher,” said independent porters and goods from relatives’ busi- Shincho reported that two political sup- porters had paid for the theatre events political analyst Atsuo Ito. “I don’t think nesses. Abe picked Yuko Obuchi, the 40- port groups in Obuchi’s constituency had themselves but was aware it would be a she will have to resign. year-old daughter of a former prime min- spent some 26 million yen (245,600 dol- violation of the law if her political groups But for sure, this is damaging to Abe’s ister, to head the powerful ministry of lars) on theatre tickets for her backers in made additional payments, Kyodo news image,” Ito added. The ruling coalition has economy, trade and industry (METI) in a 2010 and 2011. Major newspapers also agency reported. Chief Cabinet Secretary a hefty majority in parliament, but the cabinet reshuffle in early September. She followed up on the allegations made by Yoshihide Suga told a news conference opposition Democratic Party has been tar- was among five women given top jobs, as the magazine. The Mainichi newspaper yesterday that he expected Obuchi would geting new cabinet ministers in parlia- Abe sought to bolster his government’s also said Obuchi’s political funding over- provide an explanation before too long. mentary debate in hopes of denting Abe’s popularity with voters. sight body had spent about 3.6 million After her appointment, Obuchi was given popularity, still relatively robust at around Regarded as a possible future con- yen over five years from 2008 at a cloth- the tough task of trying to gain public 50 percent. Abe’s first brief tenure as tender to become Japan’s first woman ing shop run by her sister’s husband and trust for the government’s unpopular poli- prime minister in 2006-2007 was marked premier, Obuchi apologized at a parlia- a design office run by her sister, raising cy of restarting nuclear reactors following by scandals among his cabinet members, mentary panel for the controversy after more questions. Obuchi said that she had the 2011 Fukushima atomic disaster. Abe several of whom were forced to resign, the reports of misuse of funds, possibly instructed the political groups to investi- had hoped the telegenic mother of two but after his return to office in December violating electoral and political funding gate the matter, adding she believed the would be able to ease opposition, but the 2012, his first cabinet was relatively scan- laws, hit the news-stands yesterday. “I payments to her sister’s shop fell within controversy around her could hinder the dal-free. — Reuters court upholds death penalty of Christian ‘convict’

LAHORE: A Pakistani court yesterday upheld the death sentence of a Christian women convicted of blasphemy four years ago, as her lawyers vowed to appeal. Asia Bibi, a mother of five, has been on death row since November 2010 after she was found guilty of making derogatory remarks about the Prophet Mohammed dur- ing an argument with a Muslim woman. “A two-judge bench of the Lahore High Court dismissed the appeal of Asia Bibi but we will file an appeal in the Supreme Court of Pakistan,” her lawyer Shakir Chaudhry told AFP. Blasphemy is an extremely sensitive issue in Pakistan where 97 percent of the population is Muslim and unproven claims reg- ularly lead to mob violence. Two high-profile politicians-then Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer and minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti-were murdered in 2011 after calling for reforms to the blasphemy law and describing Bibi’s trial as flawed. The blasphemy allegations against Bibi date back to June 2009. She was working in a field when she was asked to fetch water. Muslim women laborers objected, saying that as a non-Muslim she was unfit to touch the water bowl. A few days later the women went to a local cleric and put for- ward the blasphemy allegations. Over a dozen religious clerics- including Qari Saleem who brought forward the initial complaint against Bibi-were present at the court yesterday. “We will soon distribute sweets among our Muslim brothers for today’s verdict, KABUL: Afghan couples offer prayers during a mass wedding ceremony in which one hundred couples were married on it’s a victory of Islam,” Saleem said outside the courtroom as the the outskirts of Kabul. Expensive, lavish weddings have boomed in wartorn Afghanistan in recent years, but some clerics congratulated each other and chanted religious slogans. young couples are now bucking the trend and saving money by getting hitched in low-cost mass weddings. — AFP Pakistan’s tough blasphemy laws have attracted criticism from rights groups, who say they are frequently misused to settle per- sonal scores. Lawyers who defend people accused of blasphemy- Cash-strapped Afghans turn and judges seen as lenient-also risk being accused of the crime themselves and regularly face intimidation. Last month a prison guard at the notorious Adiala jail in Rawalpindi shot and wound- to low-cost mass weddings ed a 70-year-old Scottish man with a history of mental illness who is on death row for blasphemy. The jail also houses Mumtaz Qadri, the former bodyguard of governor Taseer who gunned KABUL: The crowd bursts into applause as a hundred couples President Ashraf Ghani and his poll rival Abdullah Abdullah. him down in an Islamabad market place. He was given a death enter the hall, hand in hand, grooms in simple black suits and The Taleban banned showy weddings during their hardline sentence but heralded by some as a hero for killing Taseer. brides in modest white dresses, red flowers in hand. 1996-2001 rule, but since the US-led invasion ousted them, Blasphemy carries the death penalty, though Pakistan has had a Expensive, lavish weddings have boomed in war-torn billions of dollars have flooded Afghanistan’s economy and de facto moratorium on civilian hangings since 2008. Only one Afghanistan in recent years, but some young couples are now the taste has grown for more and more extravagant weddings. person has been executed since then, a soldier convicted by a bucking the trend and saving money by getting hitched in Showy limousines, huge wedding halls, multiple receptions court martial and hanged in November 2012. low-cost mass events. A sign at the entrance of the hall where and parties with hundreds of guests have become almost the happy couples tied the knot in the large-scale ceremony compulsory. A single wedding day at a hall in Kabul can now Militant hideouts hit arranged by religious charity Abul Fazel read: “Blessed is the cost between $10,000 and $20,000 - a gigantic sum in one of In another development, Pakistan’s military says its jet fighters woman who is easily maintained.” There was no dancing and the world’s poorest countries. have struck five militant hideouts in a northwestern tribal region the guests were entertained with poetry, stage shows, songs For the country’s small, rich elite this may not be a prob- bordering Afghanistan, killing at least 21 insurgents. The military by young girls-and a few topical jokes aimed at Afghanistan’s lem, but less fortunate couples find themselves under huge said in a statement that yesterday’s airstrikes were carried out in turbulent political year. pressure to keep up. For those who are postponing marriage the Tirah valley in Khyber tribal region. It provided no further “Put in all your energy and clap hard so they can come in all because they feel unable to put on a big enough show, the details. Pakistan’s air force often targets suspected militants and at once-we don’t want a second round of applause like the cheaper mass alternative is highly appealing. “I was engaged their hideouts in Khyber, and elsewhere in the country’s north- second round of elections,” a presenter on stage told the for two years, I really could not afford a big wedding party. west. The region is believed to be a hiding place for Pakistani cheering guests as the couples were entering the hall. “We And then I heard about this organization through media. I reg- Taleban and foreign militants. The latest strikes came a day after want to finish everything in the first round happily, because istered and today I am getting married,” Mujtaba Rahimi, 24, a a suicide bomber targeted a meeting of anti-Taleban elders in the there won’t be any John Kerry to solve your problems later,” journalist sitting beside his bride said. “It is not an extravagant Khyber region, killing five people. Pakistan’s army is also carrying the presenter joked. Intervention by Kerry, the US Secretary of party, it is more spiritual. I hope more couples are wedded out a major operation against militants in North Waziristan tribal State, helped end Afghanistan’s tense election standoff and through such weddings and this becomes common in region, to the south of Khyber. — Agencies ushered in a power-sharing “marriage” of sorts between new Afghanistan,” he said. —AFP International FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

South Korea tries Fury as Thailand’s coup leader to ease cyber joins the club of world leaders surveillance fears Students and Thai exiles fume SEOUL: South Korea is trying to ease worries about online privacy after a domestic chat app lost customers MILAN: Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha slipped quietly into said he plans to implement reforms and rid Thailand of corruption to a foreign rival because of fears prosecutors in one the the club of world leaders yesterday against a backdrop of noisy before organizing elections. October 2015 has been penciled in as a world’s most wired countries might get access to online protests against the former general who seized power in May. date under his reform “roadmap” but, in comments before he left conversations. Prosecutors last month launched a cyber Prayut’s first outing on the global stage came at an ASEM summit of Bangkok for Milan, he appeared to hint that this date could slip, say- investigation team after President Park Geun-hye spoke European and Asian leaders, which he was invited to despite the ing the timing of any vote would depend on the progress of work out against online rumors that she said “crossed the line” European Union having suspended official contacts in protest over on a new constitution. “The problem is can we implement and were deepening divisions in society. But that has his overthrow of an elected government and subsequent stifling of roadmap?” he said. sown confusion and fear of snooping among users and dissent within the troubled southeast Asian state. providers of online services. Smiling and waving for the cameras, Prayut, 60, declined to ‘Assassin’ Yesterday, Prime Minister Chung Hong-won tried to respond to a barrage of shouted questions from reporters as he Brad Adams, Asia Director for Human Rights Watch, said the EU reassure the public about online privacy, saying the gov- arrived for the summit, the 10th meeting of its kind since the ASEM should use the ASEM summit to make it clear to the junta that ernment would only seek monitoring rights in special forum was launched in Bangkok in 1996. Across town, several hun- “there will be no return to business as usual until Thailand returns to circumstances, such an investigation of murder, human dred students and Thai exiles brandished “Prayut is a criminal” plac- democratic civilian rule through free and fair elections. “Thailand is trafficking or insurrection. “(He) emphasized that the ards as they staged the kind of march that is currently impossible in in the grip of a major crackdown on freedom of expression, associa- government has been steadfast in ensuring freedom of Thailand, where the military-backed regime has introduced a ban tion and public assembly that shows no sign of ending,” he added. expression and other basic privacy rights and will contin- on people gathering in groups of more than five. The EU has been sharply critical of the military’s latest intervention ue to do so,” Chung’s office said in a statement. Exiled Thai Junya Yimprasert, who helped to organize the in Thai politics. The bloc suspended official visits to and from Authorities insist they have no intention or ability to con- protest, said she hoped it would be the start of an international Thailand after the May coup and put a proposed new cooperation duct large-scale surveillance of the public but South campaign to put pressure on the junta to restore basic freedoms. agreement on ice. Despite the sanctions, EU governments agreed Korean messaging app KakaoTalk said it had lost users “We may not be very many here today but many more people are last month not to prevent Prayut from attending the ASEM summit. because of the fears about surveillance. with us in spirit and we know people in Thailand are watching,” Some of the protestors in Milan Thursday were there to demand jus- A rival German app, Telegram, which does not have Junya said. “This man should not be welcome in Europe.” The tice for Italian photo-journalist Fabio Polenghi, who was shot dead servers in South Korea, added more than two million activist said Western governments should not be duped into by the Thai army during street clashes in May 2010. The soldier who Korean users in the two weeks through to Oct. 11, accepting Prayut as a legitimate leader. “There have been enough fired the shot has never been identified and Polenghi’s sister according to market researcher Rankey.com. Telegram military coups in Thailand and enough deaths over the years for the Arianna describes the general as “an assassin who, along with oth- rushed out a Korean-language version in response to the leadership of the world to know that they have to stand firm in ers, ordered the execution of my beloved brother Fabio”. “Now he is surge in business. “The defection to a foreign app defense of civil rights.” being welcomed to Italy as a legitimate head of state... incredible,” reflects hostility towards the government,” said Sohn Prayut swapped his uniform for a suit when he retired from the Arianna Polenghi said in a statement posted on her brother’s Dong-young, a media professor at Hanyang University. military after a 40-year army career at the end of last month. He has memorial website. — AFP Daum Communications Corp, KakaoTalk’s operator, said on Monday it had stopped complying with monitoring warrants since Oct 7 to protect KakaoTalk user privacy. It also shortened the time it keeps data on servers and would introduce privacy modes, making it nearly impos- sible for third parties to see user conversations, it said. “We will conduct real-time monitoring if there is a public consensus to put that responsibility on operators,” the MoneyToday news service quoted Daum co-chief execu- tive Sirgoo Lee as saying at a parliamentary hearing yes- terday. South Korea is a vibrant democracy but until 1987 it was an authoritarian state, with tight restrictions on freedom of expression and widespread surveillance. That history makes South Koreans especially sensitive to any encroachment on freedom of speech, said Sung Dong-kyoo, a professor at Chung-Ang University’s department of mass communication and journalism. “We have rapidly transitioned from being a tightly controlled society, and react more sensitively about ensuring the protection of privacy,” Sung said. In a poll of 500 South Koreans released yesterday by Realmeter, 43.5 percent said they agreed with Daum’s stance not to comply with monitoring warrants because protection of private infor- mation was important, while 30 percent disagreed, say- ing it was an obstruction of justice. — Reuters MILAN: Protesters hold up posters against Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha during a student demonstration, in Milan, Italy yesterday. — AP Muzzled opposition reduced to song in post-coup Thailand

BANGKOK: His trademark televised diatribes have given way to the channel is one of the few public outlets available to opponents including one taking place this week of core leader Apiwan misty-eyed songs, but in Thailand’s stifling post-coup climate, the of the coup. Anti-coup voices, including lawmakers from the former Wiriyachai, are tightly monitored in case they morph into a political firebrand leader of the once mighty “Red Shirts” welcomes any ruling Puea Thai party, academics and students’ groups, have been meeting-banned under strict martial laws. Red Shirt leaders fear a chance to reach his supporters. Jatuporn Prompan, chairman of silenced after the army summoned dissenters, outlawed political repeat of 2010 when an army crackdown on rallies in the heart of the Red Shirt street movement which backed the toppled govern- gatherings and censored the media. For those attuned to the politi- Bangkok left more than 90 people dead and hundreds wounded. ment of Yingluck Shinawatra, is back on the small screen after the cal realities of a kingdom under military rule, Jatuporn’s return to tel- “We are moving cautiously,” said Jatuporn, who is permitted to ruling junta lifted a ban on Thailand’s sharply polarized political evision is symbolic-suggesting anti-coup forces are dormant but not broadcast despite facing a terrorism charge linked to those protests. channels. dead. But even Jatuporn concedes these days he can only meet fel- Even ex-premier Yingluck has mostly stayed out of the public For years his rabble-rousing rhetoric on television was staple low Red leaders at “funerals or weddings”. eye-surfacing recently to sign a book of get-well wishes for the hos- viewing in the Red heartlands of northern Thailand where Yingluck- pitalized king. Yet discontent with the coup lingers. While any hint and her billionaire brother Thaksin Shinawatra-are adored for their ‘Moving cautiously’ of dissent is swiftly stamped down-including raids on university pro-poor policies. Rebranded as ‘Peace TV’, Jatuporn now espouses Since grabbing power in May, coup leader Prayut Chan-O-Cha seminars on democracy-an overseas collection of Red Shirts, ex- the virtues of love and Buddhism in melancholic verses, a far cry has vowed to heal Thailand’s caustic divide and has muted all politi- Puea Thai officials and academics have formed the ‘Free Thai’ exile from the tirades against the ‘ammart’ or Bangkok-based elite-and its cal discussions. Prayut retired as army chief last month, but remains group. Some analysts predict an eventual revival of the Red cause in supporters who loathe the Shinawatra clan. “The road is not strewn head of the junta and is also prime minister heading a hand-picked a nation where parties led-by or aligned-to the Shinawatras have with roses,” 49-year-old Jatuporn croons in a pre-recorded song military dominated government. The Red Shirts, known officially as won every poll since 2001. A “greater opposition will emerge that between programs. “But we must continue to dream, no matter the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD), have combines Red Shirts, student groups, independent academic how difficult it is.” seen their leaders either renounce the cause, flee into self-exile or- groups, and other pro-democracy” activists, according to analyst Tucked inside a multi-storey shopping centre in north Bangkok, like Jatuporn-agree to abandon politics. Even Red Shirt funerals, David Streckfuss.—AFP FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Pitt comfortable with oldest son seeing ‘Fury’ Page 20

Models present creations by Ukrainian fashion designer Alek- sey Zalevskiy on the opening day of “Seasons of the fashion - 2014” in Kiev yesterday. Many popu- lar Ukrainian fashion design- ers will exhibit their creations during fashion shows over four days.—AFP

Lifestyle FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Pitt comfortable with oldest son seeing ‘Fury’ hile the World War II drama “Fury” depicts machine-gun fire or a tank commander decapitat- violent place. We talk about it afterward, so I’m not a gruesome look at war through the ed has the made the film a little too real. so opposed.” Wexploits of a tank crew in Nazi Germany, The newly married father of six contends that On the subject of family, Pitt was amused at the Brad Pitt feels his 13-year old son, Maddox, can when it comes to what’s appropriate for his chil- notion that he and George Clooney had a pact that handle the content. “He’s a World War II buff,” Pitt dren, he comes from “another generation.” “My they would both get married. Pitt married longtime told The Associated Press on Wednesday night on father would take us to the drive-in as very young love Angelina Jolie earlier this year, and Clooney the red carpet for the film’s world premiere. Some kids and we’d see Clint Eastwood movies and kung tied the knot in September. Pitt laughed at the the- have criticized the film’s stark brutality. Scenes of a fu movies,” the 50-year old actor said. He added: ory before responding: “We did it for the right rea- soldier’s body getting torn up during rapid “The world is a beautiful place, but it’s also a very sons.” — AP Brad Pitt Harry Potter to justice league: Harris’ atypical life is 5 takeaways now a typical book from WB’s strategy rom starring in two popular TV childhood or how (a) specific event series, hosting award shows was accomplished ... and then if Fand appearing on Broadway, you’re bored ... you can learn how Neil Patrick Harris has many experi- to make pasta Bolognese sauce and ences to fill a book. Yet, when the then you can hop right back in and opportunity arose, he didn’t feel he read about the ‘Doogie Howser’ was at a place in his life where he years and then when you feel like could write a memoir. “Part of that your head is spinning you can go process is to be able to have larger make yourself a great cocktail. morals to pass on, and at 41, that’s not how I’m processing information AP: You’ve been so busy jump- yet,” the actor said by phone. ing from television’s “How I Met He chose the format of “Choose Your Mother” to Broadway to Your Own Adventure” based on children’s game books for “Choose Your Own Autobiography.” Harris shares his experi- ences, insight and anec- dotes in a nonlinear, sec- ond-person perspective. Harris talked about the book, slowing down and staying challenged. arner Bros has long been known for relying on 3- Creating New Stars: Appearing in ensemble big-budget tentpoles to not just carry its film movies like “Justice League” and having roles starting Associated Press: The Wslate but also drive the rest of the company’s with “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” already was format for your book businesses. In a revealing meeting with investors on a career high point for actors like Gal Gadot (Wonder seems like a great idea Wednesday, however, company chief Kevin Tsujihara Woman) and Ray Fisher (Cyborg), but standalone movies but difficult to execute. stressed the importance of major brands to Warner Bros’ for the characters, and newly announced films for Is that correct? bottomline for the next six years, with superheroes, Harry Aquaman (Jason Momoa) and The Flash (Ezra Miller) just Harris: It was much Potter and Lego playing major roles. gave those relative newcomers a major push that could more difficult to execute turn transform them into A-listers with their own fran- than I had originally 1- Some takeaways from Tsujihara’s plans moving chises. Dwayne Johnson could add “Shazam” to “Fast thought, but I love play- forward: Harry Potter’s World Will Continue to Grow: & Furious,” “Journey to the Center of the Earth” and ing with structure and Warner Bros plans to release three films based on “G.I. Joe” as a new franchise on his resume, should the challenging myself with “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,” in 2016, 2018 film perform well at the box office. different types of experi- and 2020, breathing new life into the Harry Potter fran- ences. I love directing chise with its author J.K. Rowling penning those scripts. 4- Growing the Consumer Products Biz: Now that a theater that doesn’t necessarily take promoting your book and the Not only will the boy wizard’s world remain on the strategy is in place from DC for its superhero films place on a stage. I love movies that movie “Gone Girl.” Is there time bigscreen, but the movies will continue to fuel interest in through 2020, Warner Bros’ consumer products arm has start where you think they’re a off in your future? the wildly successful “Wizarding World of Harry Potter” a clearer picture with which it can build licensing and movie about one thing (and) end Harris: The rest of the year is theme parks that Warner Bros oversees and has built at merchandise programs around each character. That’s up being about something else. ... actively dedicated to doing less. ... two Universal theme parks (Orlando, Fla, and Osaka, important since it can often take some time to wrangle We made a lot of small stories and We just moved to New York full- Japan). A third is in the works for Hollywood, while the licensees to design toys, apparel and other products, as tried to then make pathways from time and we’re still in renovation. ... announcement of a new Universal theme park in Beijing, well as retail partners for shelf space and marketing pro- one to the other and have one story I’m a big nester. I enjoy organizing will likely include a new Potter park, as well. grams. The division typically generates $6 billion for the dead end that sends you back to a things. This has been a lovely studio each year, but with DC and new Harry Potter-relat- different spot you haven’t read respite from entertainment chaos. 2- Lego Joins Harry Potter and DC’s Superheroes ed films, that is expected to increase considerably. before or you have to start over. It as a Key Brand: After the success of “The Lego Movie” became its own bit of a puzzle. AP: How do you find the next earlier this year-it went on to earn $468 million world- 5- More Value in Video Games: Warner Bros cited the thing to keep you challenged? wide-three new films are planned with “Lego Ninjago” success of Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment, espe- AP: Is it possible to read the Harris: I’m not really sure. It in 2016, “Lego Batman” in 2017, and “The Lego Movie 2” cially with its line of Lego titles, which have generated $2 book straight through? speaks a little bit to the way my life in 2018. billion in revenue for the studio. Additional Lego movies Harris: We tried to make it a bit is working these days. The building blocks have clearly become a major should continue to keep that series turning out more linear so you can pretty much fol- The structure of my book is simi- property for Warner Bros to exploit across its various divi- games (Warner Bros owns its creator TT Games), like the low a main path but you can take lar to the structure of my profes- sion, including its games group, and a lucrative way to upcoming “Batman: Beyond Gotham.” “The Hobbit” trilo- side road trips as it goes along. sional life at the moment ... dab- reach families. It has had mixed success doing so through gy may be ending in December, but new games will also Almost like a good variety show. bling in all sorts of different disci- its animated films in the past. That doesn’t look to be a keep that and “The Lord of the Rings” franchise healthy You can see some serious conversa- plines. ... I don’t feel like I have to problem anymore now that Warner Bros. is building a through games, while “Fantastic Beasts” will clearly lead tions about educational things, my choose one right now. —AP home for Lego on the lot. to forms of gameplay, as well. — Reuters

Lifestyle FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

A visitor stands next to a chair designed by Mozambican artist Concalo Mabunda A visitor looks at an artwork by Beninese artist Romuald Hazouma titled “Giant displayed at the Contemporary African Art Fair at Somerset House in London. Ball “ displayed at the Contemporary African Art Fair. — AFP photos African artists eye global reach with London show espite sparse resources and limited understand why Africa has to be separate, it is As with many artists represented at the fair, “unbelievable”. Having established the fair in institutional support, the world will part of this planet and has been communicat- the 33-year-old is self-taught, giving the collec- London, founder Touria El-Glaoui, daughter of Dsoon wake up to Africa’s ingenious new ing for centuries,” she added, standing next to tions a fresh sparkle to western eyes, according famous Moroccan artist Hassan El-Glaoui, said artists, according to some of the continent’s one of her steel sculptures depicting a person to 1:54 founder Touria El-Glaoui. “There is a lot there were plans to bring it to New York and leading exponents taking part in London’s straining under the weight of a bucket full of of influence from their life context and you can Africa itself. Reflecting the shortage of artistic Contemporary African Art Fair. The four-day flowers. see that,” she said. “You can understand what materials, much of the work on display is fash- event-the largest such fair outside Africa-opens Cameroonian Adjani Okpu-Egbe, who you see, it’s not too conceptual. “They are not ioned out of recovered materials including on Thursday and showcases the work of over dreamed of becoming a footballer before turn- trying to be pleasers, they are not trying to charcoal sacks and plastic oil containers, and is 120 artists in the grand setting of Somerset ing to painting, believes that the new wave of comply to a typical group of collectors or insti- heavily influenced by the local environment. House in the heart of the British capital in a bid African artists can be as important as the conti- tutions, which is amazing.” “There is a lot of politics, that are very visible to reach a global market. nent’s superstar sportsmen in raising its cultur- On the perils of producing work to impress and sensible in their production,” explained Some 27 galleries from around the world al profile. “There are many different things that art’s power brokers, Okpu-Egbe said: “The best the event’s artistic director Koyo Kouoh. “There are represented at “1:54”-named after the make us happy and art is one of them,” he said. way to please people is when you are pleased is a great sense of humanity. “It’s not about the number of countries in Africa-and the event “Art can reach out as much as football.” In “The yourself. “If you are standing on a strong foun- artist, it’s a very important voice in portraying has doubled in size since it debuted last year. Journey of the Underdog”-painted on four dation, you can stretch out your arm and help.” society. “The power they (artists) have is to “What is exciting about 1:54 is showing that wooden doors-Okpu-Egbe colorfully depicts The painter, who is now based in south challenge and tease consciousness and I think Africa is global, we are not in a bubble,” said himself being devoured by a bright red, sharp- London, pinpointed “platforms and resources” African artists do that best because the society artist Sokari Douglas Camp, from Nigeria’s toothed monster, meant to represent his domi- as the biggest obstacles facing artists in Africa, and environment is so challenging,” she Rivers State but based in London. “I don’t neering father. calling the dearth of art museums in Cameroon added. — AFP

Toy hall of fame

ots and pans and paper airplanes are among the 12 finalists for induction this year into the National Toy Hall Pof Fame. The humble contenders are up against American Girl dolls, the game Operation and several return In this July 14, 2010 file photo, Avi Yisrael, 3, looks at Barbie Dolls, which are File photo shows Barbie dolls are seen on the nominees including little green Army men and bubbles. The produced by Mattel, at a toy store in Palo Alto, Calif. — AP photos shelf at Woodbury Mountain Toys in hall of fame at The Strong museum in Rochester announced Montpelier. the finalists on Monday. Two winners will be inducted Nov 6. Anyone can nominate a toy. An internal museum advisory committee narrows down the list and a national committee of history, toy and education experts then votes in the winners. Mattel 3Q: Barbie, Inductees have to be widely recognized, proven to be more than a passing fad and foster learning, creativity or discovery through play. The other 2014 nominees are: Fisher-Price Little People, My American girl sales down Little Pony, Rubik’s Cube, Slip ‘N Slide, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Toys and the toy trucks sold each holiday shopping sea- attel’s got girl problems, and they start with Barbie. Sales sales declined 7 percent, compared with a 6 percent rise in the son at Hess gas stations. The two winners will join last year’s of the iconic doll continued to slide in the toymaker’s second quarter. honorees, the rubber duck and , along with the 51 other Mthird quarter and a surprising drop in sales of American Mattel reported a third-quarter profit of 97 cents per share on toys that have been inducted since the hall was established in Girl toys is putting additional pressure on the company as it revenue of $2.02 billion. Analysts polled by FactSet expected a 1998. Other past winners include Etch A Sketch, Play-Doh, heads into the crucial holiday season. profit of $1.02 per share on revenue of $2.18 billion for the El Barbie, Mr Potato Head and the Frisbee. But things like the Mattel Inc reported yesterday that Barbie sales fell 21 percent Segundo, California-based company. — AP cardboard box and stick have also made the hall for inspiring for the three months ended Sept 30. That’s steeper than the 15 kids to transform them into play things on their own. — AP percent drop in the second quarter. American Girl’s third-quarter

24 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Uniquerecipes you can tea make at home

nyone can make a cup of tea. You put in the tea bag, pour some boiling water, add some sugar and milk for taste and you’re done. In our modern Aworld, this is ideal as you’re most probably rushing to work in the morn- ing after a long night out. But when you’re free and feeling a little adventurous, try your hand at making a special cup of tea that would delight your taste buds and get you more relaxed. Browse through these unique tea recipes that have everyday ingredients and can easily be made at home. Mint tea punch Ingredients 3 cups boiling water 12 sprigs fresh mint 4 tea bags 1 cup white sugar 1 cup orange juice 1/4 cup lemon juice 5 cups cold water 3 orange slices for garnish

Preparation Place the tea bags and mint sprigs into a large pitcher. Pour boiling water over them, and allow to steep for about 8 minutes. Remove and discard the tea bags and mint leaves, squeezing out excess liquid. Stir in sugar until dissolved, then stir in the orange juice and lemon juice. Pour in the cold water. Serve over ice cubes, garnished with orange or lemon slices. 25 Hot cranberry tea Ingredients 3 1/2 quarts water 1 (12 ounce) package cranberries 2 cups white sugar recipes you can 2 oranges, juiced 2 lemons, juiced 12 whole cloves 2 cinnamon sticks (optional)

Preparation make at home In a large pot, combine water and cranberries. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 30 minutes. Add sugar, orange juice, lemon juice, cloves and cinnamon sticks. Cover, and steep for 1 hour. Coffeebar chai Ingredients 2 cups water 4 black tea bags 1/4 cup honey 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cinnamon stick 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1 pinch ground nutmeg 2 cups milk

Preparation In a saucepan, bring water to a boil. Add tea, honey and vanilla. Season with cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. Simmer for 5 minutes. Pour in milk, and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, and strain through a fine sieve.

Peace Tea Ingredients 3 cups water 3 family size tea bags 2 fresh peaches - peeled, pitted, and sliced 1 cup water 1 1/2 teaspoons stevia powder

Preparation Bring 3 cups water to a boil in a saucepan over high heat. Add the tea bags, and steep for 15 minutes. Remove tea bags. Meanwhile, place peaches with 1 cup water into the jar of a blender, and blend until very smooth. Pour the peach mixture, tea, and stevia powder into a 1 gallon pitcher. Fill the pitcher to the top with water, and stir until blended. Masala chai Ingredients 1 cup water 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar 1 whole cardamom pod 1 whole clove 2 black peppercorns 3 teaspoons black tea leaves 1/2 cup warm milk

Preparation Combine the water and sugar in a small saucepan, and bring to a boil. Add the cardamom pod, clove, peppercorns and tea leaves. Remove from heat, and let the mixture steep for 2 to 3 minutes. Strain into a cup, and fill cup the rest of the way with milk. Fishing26


Take a look at all the equipment you’ll need to catch the best fish in the sea ishing is a fantastic pastime which you can enjoy by yourself or with your family. It’s also a great way to relax and catch up with old buds or quiet your mind after a rough week of work. But before you head out to the old

Preparing for the ideal fishing trip for Preparing F fishing pier, you’ll need to have a well-stocked fishing tackle box and every box should have a few basic items. The following are the 10 items that everyone’s fishing tackle box should contain:

1) An extra line No matter what kind of fish you are looking to catch, it’s almost guaranteed that your fishing line will break or get tangled up during a fishing trip. Thus, it’s always good to have some extra line in your tackle box. The line you carry depends a great deal on where you’re fishing and what kind of fish you’re fishing for. If you’re fishing in rough conditions, you’ll want a heavier and more durable fishing line. This should help reduce the chances of snapping.

2) Fishing hooks Stock your tackle box with a variety of hooks so you’re ready for any sort of fish. Try to stick with the traditional J-hook, but many fishermen swear by the French hook (ask your local fish market if you can’t find some at the store). No matter what type of hook you carry, make sure you have them in different sizes. You don’t want to fish for river trout using a hook that’s sized for a 120-pound catfish!

3) A good number of bobbers Bobbers, or floaters as they’re sometimes called, help you know when you’re get- ting bites from a fish. When a fish bites, the bobber sinks. As soon as that happens, you know you’re ready to reel your catch in. Again, you have some choices when it comes to bobbers. The bobbers most people are familiar with are the round red and white plastic ones. The round bobbers are nice because you just have to clip them to the line in order to attach them. However, the round bobber does limit how deep you can cast a line.

4) Sinkers A hook and worm alone are too light to sink very deeply. You’ll need to attach a weight or “sinker” to your fishing rig in order to compensate for that. I’ve lost plenty of sinkers on fishing expeditions so it’s good to have some extras on hand. Sinkers are traditionally made of lead, but some states are beginning to outlaw the use of lead sinkers for environmental reasons. Other options for sinker materials are brass, tungsten, steel, and bismuth. Fishing27 5) Plastic or fake worms While live bait is always handy, it’s always good to have a FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 package of plastic worms in your tackle box. Plastic worms come in a variety of colors and sizes. The worms with the long tails are probably the easiest to use. Some fishermen swear that certain colors of plastic worms will increase the number of bites. It’s probably a superstitious belief, but if you’ve had luck with a certain color plastic worm, you might as well keep using it.

6) Needle nose pliers Needle nose pliers are needed for taking the hooks out of the fish after you catch them. They’re also sometimes needed to take the hooks out of you!

7) First aid kit Hopefully you won’t have any major medical emergencies while you’re fishing. But small injuries are likely to happen, like getting a hook caught in your thumb or falling down and get- ting scraped up. For these sorts of things, it’s good to have a small first aid kit on hand. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Just throw in some band-aids, Neosporin, a few small bandages, and some waterproof medical tape. That should take care of most fishing- related injuries.

8) Sunscreen When you’re fishing, you’re going to be out in the sun all day (unless you’re a night fisher, in that case you can happily leave the sunscreen at home). In order to keep your face from looking like an old catcher’s mitt and to prevent skin cancer, slather on some sunscreen. Face it. You’ll probably forget putting it on be- fore you leave the house. Just keep it in your tackle box, so when you open it up, you’ll be reminded to put it on.

9) Nail clippers Sometimes you’ll get a snag that you can’t get out of and your only option is to cut the line. While a pocket knife can get the job done, one trick that most old experienced fishermen all agree with is using nail clippers to cut your line. It’s quicker and more efficient than using a knife.

10) A couple of lures The old hook and worm should be enough for most of your fishing needs. But sometimes you’ll want to bust out some of the more complex lures in order to up your game. There are literally hundreds of types of fishing lures to choose from: spinners and spoons, minnow imitations, and top water lures to name a few. Each type of lure is designed to behave a certain way in the water in order to attract fish. For example, the minnow imitations are lures that look like small swimming minnows. Many medium- and large-sized fish like to munch on minnows, so it can be an effective lure. Spinners have a blade attached to them that creates a spinning action to attract fish. The type of lure you use is a matter of personal preference. —www.artofmaniless.com 28

TravelFRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Explore the beautiful and sunny GOA Travel29 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

oa is not the place you visit once and cross off from your list. After the first visit it becomes an urge and after the second, a tradition! This Portuguese Shangri- Gla on Indian soil has so many charming worlds that even the most seasoned travelers can’t make the best of their Goan holiday. While time, taste and budget limit your trip to Goa, here are some eclectic experiences that are possible and promising, and will make your holiday quite memorable. Here are some of the best things to do in Goa, in no particular order.

Beauty and the beach When it comes to Goa, It has to start with beaches! While beaches in North Goa steal the limelight, South Goa beaches are calmer and more beauteous. Arossim Beach and Utorda Beach near the town of Majorda for some of the best South Goa beaches. For North, Baga, Calangute and Anjuna bag the ‘people’s choice award’. Water sports on these beaches in- clude jet skiing), parasailing (the view from the top is worth it), scuba diving (the scintillat- ing undersea life compensates for the missing corals) and falling from a banana boat (most adventurous of the lot). To make the best of your beach experience, book yourself a room in one of the best beach resorts in Goa.

Spice lands If you’re a spice lover or just a fan of exotic food in general, visit the Spice Plantation in the Ponda area called Sahakari spice plantation and your nostrils will remind you why Euro- peans came to India! This largest spice farm of the region lets you pluck and taste pepper, bite a Peri Peri (hottest chillies of the world), bathe through an ‘elephant shower’ and feast on a traditional Goan lunch cooked with farm spices. While not many visit spice gardens plantations in Goa, those who do, praise them no less than the beaches.

Old Goa is gold Goa Drive for 20 minutes to the west of Panjim and history comes alive. This is Old Goa, the state capital for the better part of three centuries and known as the ‘Rome of the East’. The cavalcades of churches, convents, museums, art galleries, government buildings, bunga- lows and bakeries together make it tough to suggest what to not see in South Goa. Yet, Basilica of Bom Jesus (for its architectural magnificence) and Sé de Santa Catarina (largest church in Old Goa) are the most visited ones. Not to forget, Old Goa is currently a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Jungle trekking Yes, Goa has wildlife much more exciting than its nightlife! The Bhagwan Mahavir Wild- life Sanctuary and Mollem National Park have animals like the panther, sloth bear, mouse Travel30 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 deer and even barking deer waiting for you. Then there are 200 species of birds including the Indian great black woodpecker, Malabar pied hornbill, paradise flycatcher, fairy blue- bird, emerald dove and kingfisher. This peaceful sanctuary in the foothills of the Western Ghats (known as Sahyadri in Konkani) can be visited on all days.

Ingo’s Market Once upon a not so long time ago, a German named Ingo set up this new market on a leased property. Fondly known as Ingo’s Saturday Night Bazaar, this market is on for about six months of winter and presents a potpourri of junk jewellery, imported T-shirts, hippie merchandise, Indian and global cuisine from places like from Rajasthan and Kashmir to Tur- key, Spain and the rest of Europe! For non-shoppers, there’s often a DJ playing there, for the market. Even without this, music plays throughout the day and gets groovier by the night.

Dolphin diving The dolphins are a way better sight in reality than on Animal Planet! A dolphin cruise in Goa is therefore exciting for the old and the young alike. Dolphins pepping out of the sea around your boat in a graceful motion is best savored by eye and saved on camera. The dol- phin cruise trip is flanked with a day-long tour of Grand Island, ideal for a peaceful picnic.

A tryst with history While ‘museum’ is a monotonous word for some, it has a new meaning in Goa. A con- gregation of Hindu artifacts in a Portuguese-cum-colonial setup with stories of two worlds makes these museums quite different than our usual perception. For instance, The Ar- chaeological Museum of Old Goa has some Hindu relics and bronze statues of two famous Portuguese men set amidst the robust Portuguese architecture. There are many more museums worth visiting in Old Goa like The Naval Aviation Museum and Institute Menezes Braganza. Photographers, you just can’t miss them!

Mums Kitchen Not like what your mom cooks at home, but a delighting change! This restaurant in Panjim, the capital of Goa, offers Portuguese and Goan cuisine in a finger-licking blend. The rawa mussel fry is spicy and delicious. One good thing about Mum’s Kitchen is the variety of healthy vegetarian dishes on the menu. After a scrumptious meal, head to downtown Panjim to pick up souvenirs like cashews and footwear.

Martin’s corner Near Majorda in South Goa is Betalbatim, a small village with a famed restaurant, called Martin’s Corner. To be modest, the food here is legendary. King crabs, prawn vinadloo, garlic chicken and sea food that is grilled, fried, roasted, steamed and mixed with sauces and spices. These are just some of the reasons why celebrities, locals and tourists flock to Martin’s Corner. Here’s the best part, a meal for two costs around Rs. 600.

—www.makemytrip.com Leisure FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

2. Predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin. 3. Of or relating to Linnaeus or to the system of of taxonomic classification that he CROSSWORD697 proposed. 4. Mature female of mammals of which the male is called `buck'. 5. Any of various Old World herbs of the genus Anchusa having one-sided clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers. 6. Remove the tusks of animals. 7. Large west African tree having large palmately lobed leaves and axillary cymose panicles of small white flowers and one-winged seeds. 8. An island northwest of Wales. 9. A sweetened beverage of diluted fruit juice. 10. A hard malleable ductile silvery metallic element that is resistant to corrosion. 11. The 19th letter of the Greek alphabet. 12. An ancient country is southwestern Asia on the east coast of the Mediterranean. 13. One of the common people. 14. Male red deer. 21. Of inferior or mixed breed. 23. Pertaining to one of the small sacs (as in a compound gland). 24. A room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter. 27. A heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects). 28. (computer science) A standardized language for the descriptive markup of docu- ments. 29. A long thin fluffy scarf of feathers or fur. 31. God of wealth and love. 33. Indigo bush. 34. A long steep slope or cliff at the edge of a plateau or ridge. 36. A translucent mineral consisting of hydrated silica of variable color. 37. Living quarters reserved for wives and concubines and female relatives in a Muslim household. 41. Showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience. 42. (Welsh) Corresponds to Iris Ler. 43. Norwegian mathematician (1802-1829). 48. Tired to the point of exhaustion. 50. A ductile malleable reddish-brown corrosion-resistant diamagnetic metallic ele- ACROSS ment. 1. Disposed of to a purchaser. 52. An active volcano in southeastern Colombia in the Andes. 5. Not capable of being swayed or diverted from a course. 55. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike. 12. The unit of frequency. 56. Move out of a curled position. 15. The cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one. 57. A soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent) metallic element. 16. North American water snakes. 59. A native or inhabitant of Crete. 17. Angular distance above the horizon (especially of a celestial object). 61. A river in southeastern France. 18. An inflammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands of the skin. 64. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables. 19. Comb-plate or locomotor organ consisting of a row of strong cilia whose bases 65. An indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary having one or many seeds within are fused. a fleshy wall or pericarp. 20. Widely distributed lichens usually having a grayish or yellow pendulous freely 67. (Babylonian) God of storms and wind. branched thallus. 68. (Babylonian) God of wisdom and agriculture and patron of scribes and schools. 22. A decree that prohibits something. 69. (New Testament) The sages who visited Jesus and Mary and Joseph shortly after 25. Open-heart surgery in which the rib cage is opened and a section of a blood ves- Jesus was born. sel is grafted from the aorta to the coronary artery to bypass the blocked section of 70. The basic unit of money in Western Samoa. the coronary artery and improve the blood supply to the heart. 72. A user interface based on graphics (icons and pictures and menus) instead of text. 26. Bring an accusation against. 73. An enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of many body compounds (e.g., epineph- 30. A stone pillar having a rectangular cross section tapering towards a pyramidal rine and norepinephrine and serotonin). top. 77. A soft silvery metallic element of the rare earth group. 32. Your basis for belief or disbelief. 35. Crested screamers. 38. The blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens. 39. A radioactive element of the actinide series. Yesterdayʼs Solution 40. Any plant of the genus Canna having large sheathing leaves and clusters of large Yesterday’s Solution showy flowers. 44. A soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal. 45. A colorless element that is one of the six inert gasses. 46. A unit of electrical power in an AC circuit equal to the power dissipated when 1 volt produces a current of 1 ampere. 47. A supporter of feminism. 49. (British) A waterproof raincoat made of rubberized fabric. 51. A mournful poem. 53. A light springing movement upwards or forwards. 54. Occurring or encountered or experienced or observed frequently or in accor- dance with regular practice or procedure. 58. Make a marcel in a woman's hair. 60. Being one more than fifty. 62. King of Denmark and Norway who forced Edmund II to divide with him. 63. An intensely radioactive metallic element that occurs in minute amounts in urani- um ores. 66. (Old Testament) The second patriarch. 71. Bug of temperate regions that infests especially beds and feeds on human blood. 74. The elementary stages of any subject (usually plural). 75. A period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event. 76. The large yellow root of a rutabaga plant used as food. 78. Resinlike substance secreted by certain lac insects. 79. Having leadership guidance. 80. A region of central France west of the Auvergne mountains. 81. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth.

DOWN 1. A thrusting blow with a knife.

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution TV listings FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

10:35 Suite Life On Deck 03:15 Giuliana & Bill 02:10 Marion’s Thailand Planet 11:00 That’s So Raven 04:10 THS 02:35 Siba’s Table 06:25 Food School 11:25 That’s So Raven 05:05 THS 03:00 Siba’s Table 06:50 Dog Whisperer 11:50 A.N.T. Farm 06:00 THS 03:25 Charly’s Cake Angels 07:40 Eat Street 00:00 Absolutely Fabulous 12:15 A.N.T. Farm 07:50 Style Star 03:50 Chopped 08:05 Eat Street 00:30 Eastenders 00:00 Violetta 12:40 Good Luck Charlie 08:20 E! News 04:40 All You Can Meat 08:30 Chefs Run Wild 01:00 Doctors 00:45 The Hive 13:05 Good Luck Charlie 09:15 Giuliana & Bill 05:05 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 08:55 Valentine Warner’s Wild Table 01:30 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries 00:50 Art Attack 13:30 Jessie 10:15 E!ES 05:30 Reza’s African Kitchen 09:20 David Rocco’s Dolce India 02:15 The Night Watch 01:15 Art Attack 13:55 Jessie 11:10 THS 05:50 Siba’s Table 09:45 Valentine Warner’s Wild Table 03:45 Absolutely Fabulous 01:40 Jungle Junction 14:20 Win, Lose Or Draw 12:05 E! News 06:10 Sweet Genius 10:10 Eat Street 04:15 The Weakest Link 01:55 Jungle Junction 14:55 Mako Mermaids 13:05 Fashion Police 07:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 10:35 My Sri Lanka With Peter Kuruvita 05:00 Me Too! 02:05 Jungle Junction 15:20 I Didn’t Do It 13:35 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 07:25 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 11:00 Grandma’s Boy 05:20 Boogie Beebies 02:15 Jungle Junction 15:45 Liv And Maddie 14:05 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 07:50 Guy’s Big Bite 11:25 Get Stuffed 05:35 Teletubbies 02:30 Violetta 16:10 Violetta 14:30 Style Star 08:15 Street Eats 11:50 Food Lover’s Guide To The 06:00 Nina And The Neurons 03:15 The Hive 17:05 Princess Protection Program 15:00 Keeping Up With The 09:05 Barefoot Contessa - Back To Planet 06:15 Me Too! 03:20 Art Attack 18:40 Win, Lose Or Draw Kardashians Basics 12:15 Food School 06:35 Boogie Beebies 03:45 Art Attack 19:05 Liv And Maddie 16:00 Keeping Up With The 09:30 Sweet Genius 12:40 Dog Whisperer 06:50 Teletubbies 04:10 Jungle Junction 19:30 Violetta Kardashians 10:20 Recipes That Rock 13:35 Eat Street 07:15 The Weakest Link 04:20 Jungle Junction 20:20 Austin & Ally 17:00 The Drama Queen 10:45 Chopped SA 14:00 Eat Street 08:05 Gates 04:35 Jungle Junction 20:45 Austin & Ally 18:00 E! News 11:35 Marion’s Thailand 14:30 Chefs Run Wild 08:30 Absolutely Fabulous 04:50 Jungle Junction 21:10 Austin & Ally 19:00 Beyond Candid With Giuliana 12:00 Street Eats 14:55 Valentine Warner’s Wild Table 09:00 Eastenders 05:00 Art Attack 21:35 Austin & Ally 20:00 Eric And Jessie: Game On 12:50 Siba’s Table 15:25 David Rocco’s Dolce India 09:30 Doctors 05:25 Art Attack 22:00 Good Luck Charlie 20:30 Eric And Jessie: Game On 13:15 Jenny Morris Cooks Morocco 15:50 Valentine Warner’s Wild Table 10:00 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries 05:50 Mouk 22:25 A.N.T. Farm 21:00 Giuliana & Bill 13:40 Sandwich King 16:20 Eat Street 10:50 Hotel Secrets With Richard E 06:00 Jessie 22:50 Shake It Up 22:00 Fashion Police 14:05 Rachael vs. Guy: Celebrity Cook 16:45 Meat V Veg Grant 06:25 Liv And Maddie 23:10 Wolfblood 22:30 E! News Off 17:15 Grandma’s Boy 11:35 The Weakest Link 06:50 Dog With A Blog 23:35 Wolfblood 23:30 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 14:55 Recipes That Rock 17:40 Get Stuffed 12:20 Absolutely Fabulous 07:15 I Didn’t Do It 15:20 Guy’s Big Bite 18:10 Food Lover’s Guide To The 12:50 Walk On The Wild Side 07:40 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 15:45 Chopped SA Planet 13:20 Eastenders Witch 16:35 Street Eats 18:35 Food School 13:50 Doctors 08:05 Win, Lose Or Draw 17:25 Jenny Morris Cooks Morocco 19:05 Valentine Warner’s Wild Table 14:25 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries 08:30 Good Luck Charlie 17:50 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 19:30 David Rocco’s Dolce India 00:30 Keeping Up With The 15:10 Hotel Secrets With Richard E 08:55 Good Luck Charlie 00:05 Sweet Genius 18:15 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 20:00 Valentine Warner’s Wild Table Kardashians Grant 09:20 Sonny With A Chance 00:55 Marion’s Thailand 18:40 Siba’s Table 20:25 Eat Street 01:25 THS 16:00 Gates 09:45 Sonny With A Chance 01:20 Recipes That Rock 19:05 Marion’s Thailand 20:50 Meat V Veg 02:20 E! News 16:25 The Weakest Link 10:10 Suite Life On Deck 01:45 Marion’s Thailand 19:30 Sandwich King 21:15 Grandma’s Boy 17:10 The Impressions Show With 19:55 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 21:40 Get Stuffed Culshaw... 20:20 Rachael vs. Guy: Celebrity Cook 22:05 Food Lover’s Guide To The 17:40 Doctors Off Planet 18:10 Jack The Ripper: Prime Suspect 21:10 Chopped SA 22:30 Food School 19:00 Friday Night Dinner 22:00 All You Can Meat 22:55 Dog Whisperer 19:30 Hotel Secrets With Richard E 22:25 All You Can Meat 23:45 Eat Street Grant 22:50 Pizza Cuz 20:15 Watson & Oliver 23:15 Pizza Cuz 20:45 Hebburn 23:40 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 21:15 Live At The Apollo 22:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 22:50 Way To Go 23:20 The Weakest Link 00:20 World’s Deadliest Animals 01:10 Caught in the Act 02:00 Pythonathon 00:00 Swamp Men 02:50 David Attenborough’s Rise of 01:00 Alaska Wing Men Animals 02:00 Breakout 03:45 Monster Fish 03:00 Close Quarter Battle 00:20 Americarna 04:40 Africa’s Deadliest 03:30 Close Quarter Battle 00:45 Americarna 05:35 Pythonathon 04:00 Time Scanners 01:10 Amish Mafia 06:30 David Attenborough’s Rise of 05:00 Animal Autopsy 02:00 Fast N’ Loud Animals 06:00 Shark Men 07:25 Monster Fish 02:50 Storage Hunters 07:00 Saved By The Lioness 03:15 American Diggers 08:20 Wild Hawaii 08:00 Swamp Men 09:15 Orangutan Rescue 03:40 Storage Hunters 09:00 Alaska Wing Men 10:10 Zambezi 04:05 How It’s Made 10:00 Breakout 11:05 The Living Edens 04:30 How Do They Do It? 11:00 Animal Autopsy 12:00 Alaska Fish Wars 05:00 Gold Divers 12:00 World’s Deadliest Animals 12:55 World’s Deadliest Animals 06:00 Extreme Car Hoarders 13:00 The Border 13:50 David Attenborough’s Rise of 06:50 Deadliest Catch: Toughest 14:00 Animal Intervention Animals Moments 15:00 Ultimate Airport Dubai 14:45 Monster Fish 07:40 Fast N’ Loud 16:00 Megastructures 15:40 Wild Hawaii 08:30 Storage Hunters 17:00 Swamp Men 16:35 Panda’s Wild Move 08:55 American Diggers 18:00 Wild Russia 17:30 Zambezi 09:20 Storage Hunters 19:00 Ultimate Airport Dubai 18:25 World’s Weirdest 09:45 How It’s Made 20:00 Megastructures 19:20 Monster Fish 10:10 How Do They Do It? 21:00 Swamp Men 20:10 Wild Hawaii 10:35 Hardcore Heroes 22:00 Wild Russia 21:00 Panda’s Wild Move 11:25 Sons Of Guns 23:00 Animal Autopsy 21:50 Zambezi 12:15 Sons Of Guns 22:40 World’s Weirdest 13:05 Storage Hunters 23:30 Alaska Fish Wars 13:30 American Diggers 13:55 Storage Hunters 14:20 Deadliest Catch: Greenhorns 00:10 Eat Street 15:10 Extreme Car Hoarders 00:35 Market Values 16:00 Fast N’ Loud 01:00 Dog Whisperer 16:50 How It’s Made 01:50 Eat Street 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon 17:15 How Do They Do It? 02:15 Eat Street Stewart 17:40 Gold Divers 02:40 Chefs Run Wild 01:00 The Colbert Report 18:30 Wheeler Dealers: Trading Up 03:05 Valentine Warner’s Wild Table 01:30 Louie 19:20 Wheeler Dealers 03:30 David Rocco’s Dolce India 02:00 Sean Saves The World 20:10 American Diggers 03:55 Valentine Warner’s Wild Table 02:30 The League 20:35 Storage Hunters 04:20 Eat Street 03:00 Parks And Recreation 21:00 Wheeler Dealers: Trading Up 04:45 My Sri Lanka With Peter Kuruvita 03:30 Community 21:50 Wheeler Dealers 05:10 Grandma’s Boy 04:00 Til Death 22:40 Bike Battles 05:35 Get Stuffed 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 23:30 Wheeler Dealers: Trading Up WALKING TALL ON OSN MOVIES HD ACTION 06:00 Food Lover’s Guide To The Jimmy Fallon TV listings FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

05:30 Seinfeld Wonderland 04:00 Lovestruck: The Musical-PG15 07:15 Knucklehead 20:00 Hunt To Kill-PG15 06:00 My Boys 17:00 Chicago Fire 06:00 The Croods-PG 09:00 Big Fish 22:00 Olympus Has Fallen-PG15 06:30 Men At Work 18:00 Bones 08:00 The Trial-PG15 11:00 A Good Night To Die 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 01:00 Top Gear (US) 19:00 Once Upon A Time In 10:00 Snowflake , The White Gorilla- 12:45 War Horse 08:00 Til Death 02:00 Survivor: San Juan Del Sur Wonderland PG 15:15 The Whole Ten Yards 08:30 Seinfeld 03:00 American Horror Story: Coven 20:00 Chicago Fire 12:00 Gambit-PG15 17:00 Masked And Anonymous 09:00 Parks And Recreation 07:00 The Carrie Diaries 21:00 Bones 14:00 Disturbia-PG15 18:45 Stepmom 09:30 Mystery Girls 08:00 Castle 22:00 The Bachelor 00:00 Overboard-PG15 16:00 The Trial-PG15 21:00 The Aviator 10:00 About A Boy 12:00 Emmerdale 23:00 Nip/Tuck 02:00 The Guilt Trip-PG15 18:00 The Worricker: Turks & Caicos- 23:45 Once Upon A Time In Mexico 10:30 Men At Work 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 04:00 Splash-PG PG15 20:00 Colombiana-PG15 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 14:00 Castle 06:00 Asterix And Obelix-PG15 22:00 The Call-PG15 Jimmy Fallon 16:00 Emmerdale 08:00 Barbershop-PG15 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:00 The Guilt Trip-PG15 12:00 My Boys 00:00 The Marine 18:00 Castle 12:00 Overboard-PG15 12:30 Til Death 02:00 Skyline 19:00 C.S.I. 14:00 Big Trouble-PG15 13:00 Seinfeld 04:00 Flight Of The Intruder 00:00 Private Practice 20:00 Grey’s Anatomy 16:00 Barbershop-PG15 13:30 Men At Work 06:00 Maximum Conviction 00:00 WWE NXT 01:00 According To Jim 21:00 Devious Maids 18:00 Servitude-PG15 14:00 Community 08:00 Skyline 01:00 WWE Main Event 01:30 MasterChef Australia 22:00 Crisis 20:00 Jeff, Who Lives At Home-PG15 14:30 Mystery Girls 09:45 Waterworld 02:00 Sydney Darts Masters 02:30 Private Practice 23:00 Breaking Bad 22:00 Fatal Instinct-PG15 15:00 About A Boy 12:00 The Marine 05:00 NRL Premiership 03:30 According To Jim 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon 14:00 The 07:00 Golfing World 03:55 According To Jim Stewart 16:00 Skyline 08:00 European tour weekly 04:30 Greek 16:00 The Colbert Report 18:00 Summoned 08:30 Ryder Cup Opening Ceremony 05:30 Private Practice 16:30 My Boys 19:45 Waterworld 09:30 Live Ryder Cup 06:30 The Listener 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 22:00 Haywire 20:30 Golfing World 07:30 According To Jim 18:00 Parks And Recreation 00:00 Bones 21:30 NFL Gameday 07:55 According To Jim 18:30 Community 01:00 Good Morning America 01:00 The Music Never Stopped-PG15 22:00 Live top 14 08:30 Greek 19:00 Friends With Better Lives 03:00 The Bachelor 03:00 Ain’t Them Bodies Saints-PG15 09:30 Private Practice 19:30 About A Boy 04:00 Nip/Tuck 05:00 Centre Place-PG15 10:30 Private Practice 05:00 Good Morning America 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 00:00 Jack Reacher-PG15 07:00 Grand Piano-PG15 11:30 According To Jim 07:00 Emmerdale Jimmy Fallon 02:15 ATM-PG15 09:00 Darling Companion-PG15 00:00 Indycar Highlights 11:55 According To Jim 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon 04:00 American Warships-PG15 11:00 Centre Place-PG15 01:00 Currie Cup 12:30 Cougar Town 09:00 Once Upon A Time In Stewart 06:00 Jack Reacher-PG15 13:00 Grand Piano-PG15 02:00 World Match Racing Tour 12:55 Cougar Town Wonderland 13:30 MasterChef Australia - Catch Up 21:30 The Colbert Report 08:15 Snake Eyes-PG15 15:00 Someday This Pain Will Be 03:00 World Match Racing Tour 10:00 Emmerdale 10:00 Walking Tall-PG15 Useful To You-PG15 04:00 World Match Racing Tour Marathon 22:00 Mixology 12:00 Chicago Fire 12:00 Chain Reaction-PG15 17:00 Darling Companion-PG15 05:00 V8 Supercars Highlights 17:30 The Simpsons - Catch Up 22:30 Sean Saves The World 13:00 Bones 14:00 Jack Reacher-PG15 18:45 Silver Linings Playbook-PG15 06:00 V8 Supercars Highlights Marathon 23:00 The League 14:00 Live Good Morning America 16:15 Europa Report-PG15 21:00 End Of Watch-18 07:00 Super League 20:00 Happy Endings 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 16:00 Once Upon A Time In 18:00 Walking Tall-PG15 23:00 Hick-PG15 09:00 ICC Cricket 360 20:25 Happy Endings 09:30 TOP 14 21:00 Scrubs 10:00 Total Rugby 21:25 Scrubs 10:30 Live ITM Cup 22:00 Cops 12:30 Live NRL Premiership 22:30 Cops 00:00 Passion Fish-18 23:00 According To Jim 02:30 Cocktail-PG15 23:25 According To Jim 04:30 Emperor-PG15 06:30 Mud-PG15 09:00 Blackfish-PG15 10:30 Meet Joe Black-PG15 13:30 Mud-PG15 00:30 Champions League T20 15:45 Veronica Guerin-PG15 Highlights 00:10 Hoarding: Buried Alive 17:30 Blackfish-PG15 01:30 ICC Cricket 360 01:00 Oprah’s Master Class 19:00 Wrecked-PG15 02:00 England Women v South African 01:50 Oprah’s Next Chapter 20:45 The Firm-PG15 Women T20I Highlights 23:30 Prisoners-PG15 03:00 England Women v South African 02:40 I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant Women T20I Highlights 03:05 Secretly Pregnant 04:00 England Women v South African 03:55 Long Island Medium Women T20I Highlights 04:20 Say Yes To The Dress 05:00 Caribbean Premier Leaue 04:45 Say Yes To The Dress 01:30 The Colony-PG15 Highlights 05:10 Toddlers & Tiaras 03:15 G.I. Joe: Retaliation-PG15 06:00 Champions League T20 05:15 There Be Dragons-PG15 06:00 Oprah: Behind The Scenes Highlights 07:15 Stuck In Love-PG15 07:00 Oprah: Behind The Scenes 07:00 Champions League T20 09:00 Superman: Unbound-PG 07:50 Cake Boss Highlights 10:45 G.I. Joe: Retaliation-PG15 08:15 Cake Boss 08:00 Champions League T20 12:45 The Wolverine-PG15 08:40 Cake Boss Highlights 15:00 Battle Of The Year-PG15 09:00 Champions League T20 09:05 Cake Boss 17:00 Superman: Unbound-PG Highlights 09:30 Hoarding: Buried Alive 18:30 The Lone Ranger-PG15 10:00 ICC Cricket 360 10:20 Secret Eaters 21:00 Frozen-PG 10:30 Champions League T20 11:10 Brides Of Beverly Hills 22:45 About Time-PG15 Highlights 11:35 Brides Of Beverly Hills 11:30 Champions League T20 12:00 Brides Of Beverly Hills Highlights 12:25 Brides Of Beverly Hills 12:30 Champions League T20 12:50 Brides Of Beverly Hills Highlights 01:15 Cher Ami 13:15 Oprah’s Master Class 13:30 Live Champions League T20 02:45 Marvel’s Ultimate Avengers II 14:05 Oprah’s Next Chapter 17:00 ICC Cricket 360 04:15 The Missing Lynx 14:55 Little People, Big World 17:30 Live Champions League T20 06:00 Shark Bait 15:20 Little People, Big World 21:00 ICC Cricket 360 08:00 Barbie As The Island Princess 21:30 Champions League T20 15:45 Little People, Big World 10:00 Madagascar Highlights 16:10 Little People, Big World 11:30 Lego Batman: The Movie - DC 22:30 Champions League T20 16:35 Little People, Big World Super Heroes Unite Highlights 17:00 The Next Great Baker 12:45 Back To The Sea 23:30 Champions League T20 17:50 17 Kids And Counting 14:30 The Ugly Duckling And Me Highlights 18:15 17 Kids And Counting 16:00 Open Season 18:00 Madagascar 18:40 17 Kids And Counting 20:00 Home Alone: The Holiday Heist 19:10 17 Kids And Counting 22:00 The Ugly Duckling And Me 19:40 Here Comes Honey Boo Boo 23:30 Open Season 21:00 Little People, Big World: Big Changes 21:55 Alaskan Women Looking For 00:30 Masked And Anonymous Love 02:15 Struck By Lightning 22:50 Long Island Medium 00:15 Phantom-PG15 03:45 The Whole Ten Yards 23:15 Secretly Pregnant BIG TROUBLE ON OSN MOVIES COMEDY HD 02:00 Gambit-PG15 05:30 Masked And Anonymous Stars FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Aries (March 21-April 19) COUNTRY CODES Libra (September 23-October 22) This is a noteworthy day. You know just what to do to in Afghanistan 0093 Kuwait 00965 order to bring attention to your talents. Higher-ups are watching and are You might be a tad shy but your creative mind can come up Albania 00355 Kyrgyzstan 00996 pleased. This day that is not too lazy or too stressful-you will be accom- with some fantastic ideas when it comes to publishing, advertising, selling Algeria 00213 Laos 00856 plishing tasks or setting things up to work in your favor. Innovations-new gimmicks and thinking up jingles, etc. People can be themselves when Andorra 00376 Latvia 00371 and possibly unconventional approaches to being productive or making they are around you. With those attributes there is very little that you can- Angola 00244 Lebanon 00961 money-are in order. You may discover new values that represent some not do. You may find that you have lots of friends. Friends may be looking Anguilla 001264 Liberia 00231 sort of insight into something that has become a routine. A positive to discover your next idea; they are energized by your work. Keep your Antiga 001268 Libya 00218 change in your financial status is possible and could lead to new direc- work signed, dated and notarized for your own peace of mind; this will Argentina 0054 Lithuania 00370 tions. Home, family or real estate is of interest. If you think long-term, you give those that love to see your work the ability to exhibit your work safe- Armenia 00374 Luxembourg 00352 Australia 0061 Macau 00853 will come out ahead; otherwise, you could find yourself in a tight situation. ly. In the workplace, all of your ideas should be dated and signed or ini- Austria 0043 Macedonia 00389 This evening is a good evening for love. tialed by your superior so as to make sure you get the recognition you deserve. Bahamas 001242 Madagascar 00261 Bahrain 00973 Majorca 0034 Bangladesh 00880 Malawi 00265 Barbados 001246 0060 Belarus 00375 Maldives 00960 Taurus (April 20-May 20) Belgium 0032 Mali 00223 Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Belize 00501 Malta 00356 One of the areas that can be most helpful to you now is Benin 00229 Marshall Islands 00692 your creative expression. Whatever your talents, this is the time to develop It may be difficult to keep your mind on your work today. Bermuda 001441 Martinique 00596 them more fully. Improvements in your recently earned finances inspire Perhaps because of some glorious changes in your home life, you would Bhutan 00975 Mauritania 00222 you to explore different options that can improve your lifestyle. Let your rather be home. Keep a notebook of your thoughts, feelings and ideas for Bolivia 00591 Mauritius 00230 light shine-express yourself. You win, all the way around, especially when goals or changes you want accomplished. Soon you will find yourself back Bosnia 00387 Mayotte 00269 you seek ways to help others. Sharing responsibilities may actually to the work that needs your magic touch. At the noon meal you may Botswana 00267 Mexico 0052 Brazil 0055 Micronesia 00691 improve the productivity of some project today. Also, you may find new decide to drop by a bookstore and look through some magazines and per- Brunei 00673 Moldova 00373 friends and gain more secure and permanent relationships at this time. haps pick up a movie. At home, you may be quite pleased with your fami- ly. Don’t keep it a secret; let them know how pleased you are with whatev- Bulgaria 00359 Monaco 00377 There is also an opportunity to increase your professional status now. er growth and wisdom they have displayed and the choices they are learn- Burkina 00226 Mongolia 00976 Consider volunteering to help at a ranch, farm, forest or zoo-it will answer ing to make. Perhaps these young people would appreciate the ability to Burundi 00257 Montserrat 001664 to your need to stay in touch with nature. express their future goals. Cambodia 00855 Morocco 00212 Cameroon 00237 Mozambique 00258 001 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 Cape Verde 00238 Namibia 00264 Cayman Islands 001345 Nepal 00977 Central African Republic 00236 Netherlands (Holland)0031 Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Chad 00235 Netherlands Antilles 00599 This is a rewarding day where you can grab a little attention. The power of organization may become the main function Chile 0056 New Caledonia 00687 China 0086 0064 You are at your most practical when it comes to dealing and working with of your professional life and can be quite prolific. There are ways to make Colombia 0057 Nicaragua 00505 others. This may not mean a job but could mean working in a collabora- this work as your main job: advisor, management or adjustment agency. Comoros 00269 Nigar 00227 tive effort within a religious group. If you have been thinking about a new Self-transformation is positive and you have the ability to change your Congo 00242 Nigeria 00234 deal, system, project, etc., it is important to speak up about it now. You profession. Remember that tiny causes can lead to big effects. There is Cook Islands 00682 Niue 00683 know just what to do and can act without haste. You develop a knack for some profound change on the personal level-psychologically and perhaps Costa Rica 00506 Norfolk Island 00672 organizing things and people, as a sense of ambition and practicality takes physically as well. It is as though you are transforming yourself into an Croatia 00385 Northern Ireland (UK)0044 hold. Work and achievement mean a lot to you. You could be most per- entirely new person. A political stance about mandatory daycare or some Cuba 0053 North Korea 00850 suasive with others and eloquent in the way you communicate. If you are other issue is important to you now and you will be successful in finding Cyprus 00357 Norway 0047 thinking of performing with your voice, regular diction classes will give enough people to help create a new plan. You may decide to create a Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 Oman 00968 you confidence and encouragement. newsletter. Family matters are fun tonight. Czech Republic 00420 Pakistan 0092 Denmark 0045 Palau 00680 Diego Garcia 00246 Panama 00507 Djibouti 00253 Papua New Guinea 00675 Dominica 001767 Paraguay 00595 Dominican Republic 001809 Peru 0051 Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Ecuador 00593 Philippines 0063 0020 Poland 0048 While it would be easy to get into positions that would You may find yourself in a heated discussion this morning-or El Salvador 00503 Portugal 00351 so it seems. Most of the debate is a lighthearted sparring of viewpoints. encourage long conversations, you will excuse yourself to tend to whatev- England (UK) 0044 Puerto Rico 001787 er personal project you have going today. There is a lot of energy and You agree to disagree and respect the diversity around which you work. Equatorial Guinea 00240 Qatar 00974 drive available for you in whatever you decide to achieve. You search for Writing and communication play a significant role in your life and con- Eritrea 00291 Romania 0040 ways to expand your financial base and may become more effective at necting with others through new technologies can be exciting and chal- Estonia 00372 Russian Federation 007 using whatever talents you have available. This is a strong period of self- lenging. You may find yourself at a home or at a sports show this after- Ethiopia 00251 Rwanda 00250 reflection and you may enjoy getting to know more of your family back- noon and somehow attract a gathering of people with your questions or Falkland Islands 00500 Saint Helena 00290 ground, family tree or distant relatives. You may create a family newsletter input. The insights that you have are helpful; however, know when to walk Faroe Islands 00298 Saint Kitts 001869 that is mailed in a round-robin sort of fashion so that everyone can partake away. You set an example by making it your first priority to treat others as Fiji 00679 Saint Lucia 001758 and contribute. This is a period of restoration and appreciation when self- you would want them to treat you. It almost seems as though there is no Finland 00358 Saint Pierre 00508 confidence and pride in family are increased. problem that you cannot handle. Relax with music. France 0033 Saint Vincent 001784 French Guiana 00594 Samoa US 00684 French Polynesia 00689 Samoa West 00685 Gabon 00241 San Marino 00378 Gambia 00220 Sao Tone 00239 Aquarius (January 20- February 18) Georgia 00995 Saudi Arabia 00966 Leo (July 23-August 22) Germany 0049 (UK) 0044 Ghana 00233 Senegal 00221 There is a time of success and a time of reassessment. This is Professional advice will bring you some interesting insights today. You are unusually motivated or driven in new and unexpected Gibraltar 00350 Seychelles 00284 the successful day. If you think you are not making progress, stop and look Greece 0030 Sierra Leone 00232 at what you have accomplished. This will not slow your progress for long directions-often. Your efforts are successful. Your thoughts are pensive at noon as you contemplate the many, many subjects about which you Greenland 00299 Singapore 0065 as you will be encouraged. Connections with people on a grand scale-for Grenada 001473 Slovakia 00421 example, at a distance-play a bigger part in your life now. Education, would like to be magically enlightened. Easy on yourself . . . Create some type of time plan for your learning desires and you will enjoy new and Guadeloupe 00590 Slovenia 00386 advertising and travel could play a part in this. Law and philosophy as well Guam 001671 Solomon Islands 00677 as religion impact your lifestyle. This afternoon people may be needed to exciting experiences-often. It is impossible to quickly absorb all of the lat- est about science, fashion, health, technical advancement and social. Pick Guatemala 00502 Somalia 00252 help with a drive to teach a language or some general education that is Guinea 00224 South Africa 0027 a subject for a time and then perhaps another subject within a reasonable not given in the local schools just now: cooking, sewing, child rearing, gar- Guyana 00592 South Korea 0082 time, etc. There is so much candy in the candy store you may feel the need dening, etc. Care for your health by learning ways in which to relieve ten- Haiti 00509 Spain 0034 to try everything at once . . . Easy. sion-a busy time. Holland (Netherlands)0031 Sri Lanka 0094 Honduras 00504 Sudan 00249 Hong Kong 00852 Suriname 00597 0036 Swaziland 00268 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Sweden 0046 Iceland 00354 Switzerland 0041 Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) India 0091 Syria 00963 Indian Ocean 00873 Taiwan 00886 Responsibilities and outside pressures are just a part of life A little dieting is usually all you need. Enjoy eating more Indonesia 0062 Tanzania 00255 that keeps us moving forward. Knowing when to accept change, and fresh vegetables and fruits. Energies are present today and tomorrow that Iran 0098 Thailand 0066 maintaining that positive attitude of yours, will aid you in maintaining a are working in your favor to begin this diet. Your timing should be perfect Iraq 00964 Toga 00228 sense of wellbeing. You may be particularly dynamic and assertive just for whatever you would like to achieve. The people around you should Ireland 00353 Tonga 00676 now. There is a lot of energy available for you. The power of organization find you most energetic and responsive. The situation today is a natural Italy 0039 Tokelau 00690 on a social scale seems to take on energy as you enter into a new cycle this for self-expression and lends itself to your particular ideas. You may be Ivory Coast 00225 Trinidad 001868 afternoon. This could mean changes in the field of business, politics or reli- called upon to guide or escort a visitor to your town. Communication is Jamaica 001876 Tunisia 00216 gion. It’s as if ambition and authority are answers in themselves, rather successful and you can exhibit your town as no other can. All of this relat- Japan 0081 Turkey 0090 than only a means to an ideal objective. Give career changes plenty of ing to others may be for the advancement of a professional position, Jordan 00962 Tuvalu 00688 thought-you do not have to make your decision right away. Hug or praise whether it is a particular work field or an entertainment field. Tonight you Kazakhstan 007 Uganda 00256 a child today. will be more involved with neighbors. Kenya 00254 Ukraine 00380 Kiribati 00686 United Arab Emirates00976 Health FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 World pledges Ebola action as infections soar

GENEVA: Ebola’s escalating spread constitutes the worst global Rights sacrificed touching highly contagious bodies, he said. “In cultures that health emergency in years, world leaders warned, vowing to But as the world scrambles to rein in the raging virus, UN depend a lot on touching people when you say your final good- dramatically step up the response to the virus that has already rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein cautioned yesterday that byes, that’s a hard, (although) rational thing to do,” he said. killed nearly 4,500 people. As of last Sunday, 4,493 people had respect for the rights of survivors and affected communities “Sharing information is not the same as understanding and learn- died out of a total of 8,997 cases in the outbreak now affecting risked being sacrificed. “The ability of Ebola to lay waste to human ing.” Meanwhile, the US Centers for Disease Control and seven countries, according to latest figures from the World lives on an immense scale is now being realized,” he told Prevention (CDC) issued an alert for all passengers who travelled Health Organization. US President Barack Obama on Wednesday reporters in Geneva. He added: “Its potential to devastate the on an October 13 flight from Cleveland, Ohio to Texas. called on the world to do more, while insisting his own country human rights of those who survive, of entire countries and Authorities want to interview 132 people who flew on a plane would be “much more aggressive” in its response, after a second regions, is barely being considered.” with an Ebola-infected nurse-the second American to be infected Texas hospital worker tested positive for the disease. The fact that the newly infected Dallas caregiver took a domestic flight the day before she was quarantined magnified global fears about air travel. Obama tried to ease those fears, but urged his counterparts from Britain, France, Germany and Italy to better coordinate their plans to combat the outbreak. France said yesterday it will start carrying out health checks this weekend on all travelers arriving by plane from Guinea, one of the worst-hit nations. Medics at Paris’s main international Charles de Gaulle airport will take the temperature of passen- gers arriving from the daily flights still operating from the Guinean capital Conakry, Health Minister Marisol Touraine told AFP.

Worst public health emergency Airports in Britain, Canada and the United States have already introduced stepped-up screening of travelers arriving from West Africa. Senior US lawmakers overseeing homeland security also joined calls Wednesday for a temporary ban on all travel from West Africa. The hemorrhagic virus has ravaged West African countries Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone since SWITZERLAND : New High Commissioner of the United Nations (UN) for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein of Jordan, the start of the year, and outside the region, cases have begun attends with his staff a press conference yesterday in Geneva. — AFP surfacing in the United States and Spain. The WHO warned this week that the infection rate could reach 10,000 a week by early He also stressed that a disregard for human rights to things like within the United States-who had not yet become symptomatic. December in a worst-case scenario. health, education, sanitation and good governance had allowed CDC chief Thomas Frieden said the case was “very concerning” “Leaders agreed that this was the most serious international Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia to become fertile ground for the and warned that health workers who have been exposed to Ebola public health emergency in recent years and that the interna- outbreak in the first place. The Red Cross also urged the interna- patients should not use public transport. Ebola is only transmitted tional community needed to do much more and faster,” British tional community to focus less on dramatic actions like shutting by contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person who has Prime Minister David Cameron’s office said. European Union down airports and entire countries and more on engaging with fever, diarrhoea or vomiting. health ministers meet in Brussels yesterday, with member populations to alter behaviors allowing the outbreak to swell. “It’s Both women infected in Texas treated a Liberian Ebola states under pressure to follow Washington in sending troops a race against time really,” Matthias Schmale, under secretary gen- patient, Thomas Eric Duncan, who died in Dallas on October 8. A to West Africa to help fight the virus. The UN Security Council eral of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Spanish nurse infected after treating an elderly missionary who urged the international community to “accelerate and dramati- Societies (IFRC) told reporters in Geneva. died of Ebola was said to be in stable condition, but a Sudanese cally expand” aid to the West African countries battling the epi- When faced with deeply engrained traditions, it is not enough doctor who had worked as a UN volunteer in Liberia died in demic. to simply tell people they need to quickly bury the dead without Germany Monday. — AFP FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

District, Andhra Pradesh, LOST India. Hereby declare that my name was changed as Egyptian Passport No. Shaik Rabbani Basha S/o A07526125 in the name of Shaik Malangsha. (C 4785) Shereen Sezostress Kamel 16-10-2014 has been lost. If the passport is found, please call: My old name was Athar 99749795. Mobeena, W/o Athar Akbar 15-10-2014 Saheb, Passport No. J4442142, issued on 27-08- 2009 in Kuwait. My new name ACCOMMODATION is Shaik Athar Mobeena, W/o Shaik Athar Akbar Saheb. Sharing accommodation 2 Address: 1-86 Makan Street, bedrooms fully furnished in a Tarigonda (Post) Gurram 3 bedroom flat C-AC with Konda (Mandal) Chittoor kitchen and other facilities (Dist) Andhra Pradesh. Pin are available for immediate code: 517291 - India. (C 4779) occupancy in Ishbiliya, block no. 1, near Farwaniya. My old name was Athar Contact: Afzal 99714430. (C Akbar Saheb, S/o Athar 4786) Latheef Saheb, Passport No. 16-10-2014 H5226267, issued on 27-08- 2009 in Kuwait. My new name Single bed accommodation is Shaik Athar Akbar Saheb, for bachelor and room for S/o Shaik Athar Latheef family for 2 months in Saheb. Address: 1-86 Makan Salmiya. Call: 66711141. Street, Tarigonda (Post) (C 4782) Gurram Konda (Mandal) 13-10-2014 Chittoor (Dist) Andhra Pradesh. Pin Code: 517291 - India. (C 4780) FOR SALE Thiru Sivanandam (Hindu) Toyota Camry 2000 model in son of Thirukaruppaiyan, good condition for sale for born on 29th May 1983 KD 1,100. Call: 66711141. (C (native district: Thiruvarur) 4783) residing at No. 66 Mariyamman Kovil Kudiyana Toyota Camry Grandy 2004 street, Parappanamedo vil- white color (6 clr) full options. lage, Sithamalli Post, KD 1,450. Tel: 66729295. (C Needamangalam, 4784) Thiruvaruru - 614 103, has 13-10-2014 converted to Islam, with the name of Mohamed Ali with Passport No. G2904164 on 21st March 2008. (C 4781) 12-10-2014 CHANGE OF NAME

I, Mangalampeta Rabbani Basha S/o S. Malangsha, Door No: 6-174, Chinna Maseedu Veedhi, Rompicheria Post & mandal, Pincode: 517192, Chittoor 112



ASEM summit opens, all eyes on China overseas investment almost doubles in September Putin as markets tumble PAGE 41 PAGE 38

JERSEY CITY: Gas prices below $3 dollars are displayed at a gas station, Wednesday, in Jersey City, NJ. A sudden plunge in the price of oil is sending economic and political shockwaves around the world as oil exporting countries face the prospect of billions of dollars of lost revenue and importing nations get some relief in a time of slower economic growth. — AP Oil price drop not to affect Kuwait’s output plans OPEC shows no sign to cut output

KUWAIT: The oil price drop to four year lows will quietly telling market participants it is comfortable us seeing a floor around $80, even this floor might caution. “The last time prices were this low, the not affect Kuwait’s output plans or rate of produc- with lower oil prices, while Kuwait Oil Minister said come into danger if we don’t have any signal from global economy was in the midst of the great tion, the head of its state oil company said yester- on Sunday OPEC was unlikely to cut production to OPEC any time soon.” Assets which depend on eco- recession, and demand for oil is certainly much day. Speaking to reporters, Hashem Hashem, chief prop up prices. Kuwait plans to raise its production nomic growth, such as shares and oil, have been hit stronger now,” Thomas Pugh, an analyst at Capital executive of Kuwait Oil Co, said the company was capacity to 4 million bpd by 2020. Hashem told by a raft of weak indicators from Europe at a time Economics, told Reuters Global Oil Forum. continuing its long-term plans to raise production Reuters earlier this month that KOC was in talks when other big economies, including China, Japan “We are really in a hyped downward spiral, capacity. “Our production is 2.9 million to 3 million with five oil majors to help boost crude production and Brazil face their own hardships. where any bear item is overly emphasised,” ana- barrels per day, we didn’t reduce production, we and develop some of its oilfields including Burgan, At the same time, the US Federal Reserve is set lysts at JBC Energy said in a report. are continuing at the same current output rate,” the world’s second largest. to wind down later this month the asset purchase Venezuela has called for an emergency meeting Hashem said. Global benchmark Brent has lost more than 28 programme that has boosted markets over the of OPEC - ahead of its next scheduled gathering on “When it comes to developing the fields and percent since June on slow demand and abundant past two years. Brent has fallen from a high of Nov. 27. OPEC has yet to respond officially to the raising production capacity, we are looking at the supply. Losses have accelerated in October on sig- $115.71 reached in June - a level reached on con- request, although OPEC sources have said such a long-term. We will not be affected by such prices.” nals that the Organization of the Petroleum cern that Islamic State’s insurgency into Iraq would meeting is unlikely. Reports of ample supplies in The company intends to spend some 12 billion Exporting Countries has no plan to cut output. disrupt its supplies - and well below the $100-mark the United States added downward pressure on dinars ($42 billion) on oil and gas projects over five Brent crude for November delivery had until recently seen as a level OPEC members would prices. According to industry group the American years, he added. dropped to $82.60 a barrel, the lowest since defend. Global economic worries deepened this Petroleum Institute, US crude inventories rose 10.2 His comments, when Brent crude fell to below November 2010 and was down 93 cents at $82.85 a week after China’s consumer inflation fell to near million barrels to 370.7 million barrels. $83 a barrel, were a further sign that Gulf OPEC barrel by 1245 GMT. US crude was down $1.45 at five-year lows and US producer prices declined for Traders will be looking to the government’s producers see little effect of the price drop on their $80.33 a barrel, after falling below $80 for the first the first time in more than a year. The International weekly supply report due at 1500 GMT on Thursday economies and are unlikely to cut output when time since June 2012 to a low of $79.78. “The mar- Energy Agency also cut its global oil demand for confirmation of the increase, which was higher OPEC meets in November. ket still seems very bearish,” said Eugen Weinberg, growth forecast for 2015. than analysts’ expectations for a build of 2.8 million Fellow OPEC member Saudi Arabia has been analyst at Commerbank in Frankfurt. “And despite Some analysts tempered the price drop with barrels. — Reuters Business38 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Wal-Mart cuts sales outlook amid tough economy

NEW YORK: Wal-Mart Stores Inc. cut its rev- percent of its total business, hasn’t reported expected $12.5 billion to $13 billion. change: Wal-Mart has ended its program of enue outlook for its current fiscal year as it growth in a key sales measure in six straight It’s also conducting a major review of its tethering its small stores to its supercenters. announced it is scaling back its expansion quarters. Wal-Mart’s shift away from its super- US Wal-Mart business and will update The purpose was to use the big stores as dis- plans for its supercenters next year and step- centers toward small stores and online also investors on its plans early next year, execu- tribution hubs to supply goods for the small- ping up investments in its online operations. underscores how it must respond aggressive- tives said. “We’ll give customers the choices er locations. But Wal-Mart said the model The world’s largest retailer, blaming an ly to a new era of shopping: Consumers are they want and need by integrating digital wasn’t sustainable. overall tough economy, now expects annual increasingly moving to mobile devices, while and physical retail,” said Doug McMillon, “I really believe our future is bright,” sales to be up 2 to 3 percent for its fiscal year at the same time they’re seeking the conven- Wal-Mart’s CEO and president, who took McMillon said. “There are so many ideas per- ending in January. That is down from its ear- ience of small stores. over the reins from Mike Duke in February. colating around.” Broken down, Wal-Mart lier guidance of sales growth at the low end “We won’t be just a store on the street. We’ll plans to spend $10.4 billion to $11.4 billion of a 3 to 5 percent range. Supercenter stores support our customers’ lives with them in in capital expenditures on its physical stores Wal-Mart’s diminished outlook increases It marks a big shift for Wal-Mart, which the driver’s seat, to save them money and during the next fiscal year. That’s down from concern about prospects for the critical holi- rose to power by rapidly expanding its time.” $11.6 billion to $12 billion planned for the day shopping season that kicks off late next supercenters that sell everything from phar- McMillon said that while Wal-Mart is fac- current year. But for its e-commerce initia- month. It also comes on the same day that macy items to apples and jeans. The compa- ing some economic headwinds, he also not- tives, it plans to increase spending to $1.2 the government reported that September ny said that it will add between 26 million ed there’s a lot of room to improve store billion to $1.5 billion next year, up from a retail sales retreated from the prior month. and 30 million net retail square feet world- operations. In the short term, that means planned $1 billion this year. That investment Wal-Mart is a barometer of consumer wide next year, a decrease from this year’s keeping items that shoppers want in stock includes new technology and building new spending and its challenges reflect the con- expected 32 million to 34 million square and speeding up checkout lines. Wal-Mart distribution centers. The company, which is tinued struggles of its low-income shoppers feet. The company said it now plans to open said it will open more cash registers than based Bentonville, Arkansas, has been test- who still feel squeezed by stagnant wages 60 to 70 supercenter stores during its next ever this holiday shopping season. It also ing new services like same-day delivery in and reduced government food stamp bene- fiscal year, down from the planned 120 this needs to get better with its prices. several markets. It expects online sales to fits. It’s also being tripped up by its own mer- year. As a result, it’s reducing its estimated “There’s no excuse for us not to be doing increase 25 percent next year, and then fore- chandising mistakes. As a result, Wal-Mart’s range for capital spending next year to $11.6 better,” McMillon said. In the long term, it’s casts growth to average 30 to 40 percent in namesake business, which accounts for 60 billion to $12.9 billion, down from the dissecting every part of its business. One big the next few years. — AP Renzi unveils 2015 budget

MILAN: Italy’s cabinet approved a 2015 budget just hours before an EU deadline, unveiling plans to increase borrowing to slash taxes by 18 billion euros, but promising to abide by deficit rules. The tax cut is “the biggest ever done in the history of the Italian Republic”, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi told a press conference after a race to nail down budget plans which will be scrutinised by the European Commission before going before parliament. “This is a great, great, great change. It’s a budget which aims to expand and be counter-cyclical in a moment of diffi- culty,” he said. At the heart of the programme is 18 billion euros ($23 bil- lion) worth of tax cuts for businesses and lower-income indi- viduals which Renzi said had been a no-brainer because taxes “had reached a crazy level.” The young PM, who has staked his reputation on overhaul- ing Italy’s sluggish economy, said the budget also includes MILAN: Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi (R) and China’s Prime Minister Li Keqiang (L) gesture after a family picture spending cuts of 15 billion euros and 11 billion euros of extra with international leaders during the 10th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) yesterday in Milan. — AFP borrowing-a detail which may rankle the Commission. Renzi has been walking a tightrope between defending neighbouring powerhouse France-which is defying Brussels over cutting its deficit-and trying to keep in the good graces ASEM summit opens, all eyes of the Commission. He said Italy would “respect the EU’s 3.0 percent ceiling”, on Putin as markets tumble and he was ready to answer to Brussels, which had requested a 0.5 percent deficit reduction. Playing ball on the EU’s rule of not having an annual deficit MILAN: An Asia-Europe (ASEM) summit insistence that the peace plan be fully bolised the blood being spilled in the of more than 3.0 percent of GDP is less about kowtowing to of more than 50 countries opened yes- implemented. The meeting could prove Ukraine conflict. Brussels than placating the markets and avoiding paying terday with all eyes on Russian President difficult. As he readied to come to Milan, more to finance its vast public debt, which stood at 2.14 tril- Vladimir Putin ahead of tense talks with Putin bluntly accused US President Economy, markets slump his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Barack Obama of outright hostility The headline theme of the ASEM lion euros in August according to the Bank of Italy. Poroshenko. towards Russia. Warning that he would summit is promoting economic cooper- “We are respecting the rules as the EU has explained them. Against a backdrop of market turmoil not be blackmailed by the West over ation between the more than 50 mem- If there are any specific questions, however, we will answer partly blamed on uncertainties over Ukraine, Putin chillingly warned too of ber states who share one of the world’s them,” Renzi said, adding that Italy’s exceptional economic Ukraine, German Chancellor Angela “what discord between large nuclear largest trading relationships. circumstances should be noted. Merkel put the ball firmly in Putin’s powers can do to strategic stability.” But mounting problems made them- Some 3.8 billion euros is expected to come from the fight court. Merkel said it was “first and fore- The Russian president will hold sepa- selves clear Thursday as markets sold off against tax evasion, which the 39-year-old described as “a most” Russia’s responsibility to make rate talks with Merkel, notably on ensur- sharply once again on fears over gigantic battle.” sure a tenuous ceasefire and peace plan ing “uninterrupted gas supplies for Europe’s stalled recovery and a slow- Another 5.0 billion euros has been set aside to reduce an agreed last month with pro-Moscow Europe,” Putin’s top foreign policy advi- down in China, which for so long has unpopular regional labour tax (IRAP), while 1.9 billion euros rebels “really will be implemented.” sor Yury Ushakov said. Russia cut off its been the driver of global growth. will go towards tax breaks for companies hiring new staff on Putin is due to meet Poroshenko ear- gas shipments to Ukraine in June, Hollande said stagnation in Europe full-time, long-term contracts. ly today on the sidelines of the ASEM threatening widespread disruption to was to blame. “There is international “Dear employer, will you now hire someone on a long-term summit in Milan, with Merkel, French supplies in Europe as winter approach- uncertainty, the United States is slowing contract? Mamma mia! What more do you want? I’ve got rid of President Francois Hollande, British es. With security tight around the sum- down, Europe has not found a way back every alibi,” Renzi said. Premier David Cameron and Italian mit venue in the futuristic Milan confer- to growth,” he said. European Union Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan told the press confer- leader Matteo Renzi all sitting in. ence centre, topless activists from the leaders meanwhile stressed the need for ence that Italy expected the economy to return to growth in “We will be searching for dialogue Femen group poured wine over their ties with Asia precisely to boost both the medium term, though “the impact of the reforms under- here,” Merkel said as she arrived for the bare chests in front of Milan’s cathedral economies, given the prospect of slower taken now will be stronger in 2016 than today.”—AFP summit, while Hollande echoed her to protest against Putin, saying it sym- growth.—AFP Business39 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Ex-IMF head appears in court over credit card scandal

MADRID: Former IMF head Rodrigo Rato is They face possible charges of misappro- received the credit cards between 1999 and that of Rafael Spottorno, an advisor to King due to appear in a Spanish court yesterday priation of company funds and embezzle- 2012, first from Caja Madrid and later from Felipe VI who was formerly a manager at a for questioning over allegations that he and ment. The prosecution’s audit covered a total Bankia, the lender that was formed in 2010, benevolent foundation run by Caja Madrid. other former banking executives went on of 86 users of the credit cards, many of them when Caja Madrid merged with a series of Prosecutors accuse Rato of spending spending sprees with company credit cards. connected to politics, trade unions and even smaller troubled savings banks. 99,000 euros of personal spending with his Audit documents submitted by prosecu- the royal family, and it has put Prime Minister The cards were intended to be used to card. He has repaid nearly 55,000 euros tors to Spain’s National Court detailed a total Mariano Rajoy’s conservative Popular Party, cover entertainment expenses but in some since the scandal broke. of 15.2 million euros ($19.2 million) of spend- which Rato belongs to, on the defensive. cases they were allegedly used for personal Rato served from 2004 to 2007 as man- ing by former managers of the bailed-out The scandal has also fueled indignation in spending. aging director of the International Monetary group Bankia, which Rato headed from 2010 Spain, where one in four people are out of Blesa, who had an annual salary at Caja Fund, the worldwide lender that played a to 2012. Prosecutors said the credit cards work, ahead of a general election expected Madrid of around three million euros, used key role in tackling the euro zone debt cri- were used for personal purchases with by the end of next year. The near collapse of his card to pay for safaris in Africa and to sis. media reports detailing spending on safaris, Bankia in 2012 caused thousands of cus- buy 10,000 euros worth of wine, according He was finance minister in the conserva- meals at luxury restaurants, art, clothing and tomers to lose their savings and pushed to Spanish media reports. tive government of Jose Maria Aznar, which cash withdrawals. Rato, a former Spanish Spain to seek a 41 billion euro international Others reportedly used their cards to was in office from 1996 to 2004. and served finance minister, was due to be questioned bailout for its financial sector. withdraw hundreds of thousands of euros as chief executive of Caja Madrid before by Judge Fernando Abreu of the National Rajoy defended himself in parliament on in cash, sometimes in the middle of the holding the top post at Bankia. court, Spain’s top criminal court, at around Wednesday, saying the government had night, to buy jewelry, luxury clothing, furni- In July 2012, nearly three dozen former 5:00 pm (1500 GMT). “done everything it should do” to back the ture and expensive restaurant meals. Bankia executives, including Rato, appeared The judge also summoned Miguel Blesa, investigation of the scandal. Some have reimbursed the amount they in court as part of a criminal probe into the former head of Caja Madrid which is part spent after the scandal broke in the begin- whether they misrepresented Bankia’s of the Bankia group, and Caja Madrid’s for- Cash withdrawls ning of October while others have resigned. financial soundness as the bank was prepar- mer financial director Ildefonso Sanchez. The 86 top managers cited in the audit Among the high-profile resignations is ing a public stock offering. — AFP Merkel says EU must enforce debt rules

BERLIN: German Chancellor Angela Merkel said yesterday she was confident that the European Union would enforce its own budget rulebook with debt sinners, as France faced a reckoning in Brussels. Speaking to parliament, Merkel noted the entire EU had signed up to the Stability and Growth Pact regulating fiscal discipline. “All, and I stress here all, member states must fully respect the strengthened rules of the Stability and Growth Pact,” she said. “Only then can the Pact fulfil its purpose as the main anchor for stability and above all confidence in the eurozone.” Without mentioning France by name, Merkel said she was “sure” that the “current and future European Commission is aware of the primary responsibility that it bears for maintain- ing the credibility of the Stability and Growth Pact”. Paris announced last month that next year’s budget deficit- the shortfall between revenue and spending-will hit 4.3 per- cent of annual economic output, far above the 3.0-percent ceiling set by the European Union for member states. TUAPSE: In this Oct 13, 2013 file photo, Russian President Vladimir Putin, center, speaks to workers while visiting the The deficit is not expected to drop to this level until 2017. Rosneft oil refinery in the Black Sea port of Tuapse, southern Russia. — AP The European Commission, the EU’s executive branch, has two weeks to decide whether countries’ budget submissions break the rules. The Commission has new powers to enforce Rouble plunge shows Russia’s the deficit limit, and could for the first time send the budget back to Paris for changes to a national spending plan. reliance on Western money Failure to reach a deal could alarm global financial markets and cause a political crisis at a time when Europe risks slipping into a triple-dip recession. Foreign investment inflows down $125bn Germany is said to be working behind the scenes to give Paris a way to avoid disgrace, while also securing a far firmer MOSCOW: A steep plunge in the rouble, against the dollar this year, including 6.5 ing pro-Russian separatists whom the West commitment to reform, notably of strict rules controlling the caused by sanctions over the Ukraine crisis percent in the last month alone, and the says are backed by Russian troops and labour market. — AFP and falling oil prices, has underlined Russia’s immediate catalyst for the breakneck weapons. Balance of payments data for the heavy dependence on Western finance to descent is the tumbling price of oil, Russia’s first nine months of the year shows that balance its dollar-thirsty economy. major export. investment inflows fell to the tune of $125 For all President Vladimir Putin’s anti- Putin’s promises to reduce reliance on billion, and even turned negative due to Western bravado and talk of shifting energy exports have not been fulfilled, and repayments of existing debts outweighing Russia’s economic ties to Asia, the last few each one-dollar fall in the oil price knocks new inflows. weeks show the opposite - that the cogs of around $2.5-$3 billion off Russia’s exports The resulting chasm in the foreign the economy are oiled by financial flows over the course of a year, implying that the exchange market suggests that, barring a from the West. $25 decline seen in the last three months strong rebound of the oil price, the down- A fall in foreign exchange inflows has could cost Russia $65-75 billion. ward pressure on the rouble will continue prompted some economists to ask whether If all other things are equal, that would until Western sanctions are lifted and invest- Putin and his government might be encour- be enough to wipe out the current account ment recovers. aged to wind down the conflict in Ukraine surplus that constitutes the basic source of One reason to think that the rouble has and divert resources and attention to the foreign currency earnings. yet to price in the full impact of the oil price economy. and investment plunges is the role that the “There’s enough incentive on them to Plugging the hole central bank has played in plugging the make a political settlement ... With Russia An even deeper problem is the hit deliv- forex hole. BERLIN: German Chancellor Angela Merkel is reflected in a the story is about FX,” said one economist, ered to foreign exchange inflows by a col- The bank has already spent over $50 bil- glass fence as she speaks during a session of the German who requested anonymity. “That is Russia’s lapse of foreign investment into Russia as a lion this year - including more than $10 bil- Bundestag (lower house of parliament) in Berlin yester- Achilles’ heel.” result of the tensions around east Ukraine, lion this month - filling the gap and thereby day. — AFP The rouble has shed some 20 percent where forces loyal to Kiev have been fight- supporting the rouble.—Reuters Business FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

US report criticizes China’s currency policy

WASHINGTON: The Obama administration said that Chinese goods are cheaper for US consumers and having risen 2.9 percent in 2013. China’s currency remains “significantly undervalued,” American products are more expensive in China. “China should allow the market to play a greater role but it stopped short of citing China or any other country American manufacturers expressed disappointment in determining the exchange rate,” the report said, saying for unfairly manipulating its currency to gain trade with the decision not to cite China or Japan, two coun- the currency needs to appreciate further against the dol- advantages. tries they claim are violating trade rules by managing lar. On Europe, the report said that policies in the 18 In a new report by the Treasury Department, the their currency to gain trade advantages. nations that use the euro currency have resulted in per- administration did warn China and other countries run- Scott Paul, president of the Alliance for American sistently weak growth since the 2008 financial crisis. ning trade surpluses such as Germany and South Korea Manufacturing, said that the Chinese renminbi and the Unemployment is far too high, and inflation is running far that they need to step up efforts to boost domestic Japanese yen “are clearly undervalued and manipulated below the target of around 2 percent set by the growth to support a weak global recovery. and this disparity in exchange rates is one of the largest European Central Bank, the report said. The Treasury report warned Beijing that it needs to impediments to real and meaningful growth in US manu- It urged surplus countries in Europe - a reference to stop intervening so frequently in currency markets and facturing jobs.” Germany - to do more to stimulate domestic demand allow its currency to rise in value against the dollar. U.S. China began intervening in currency markets in and give a boost to growth in that region. The report was manufacturers contend the renminbi is undervalued by February to lower the value of its currency against the also critical of currency intervention conducted by South as much as 40 percent and is a significant reason for dollar. Between mid-February and April, the renminbi fell Korea, which has given that country a huge trade surplus. America’s large trade deficit with the world’s second- in value by 3.1 percent against the dollar. It has partially The Treasury report said South Korea needs to pursue biggest economy. recovered since late April but remains lower in value by policies that will boost domestic growth and stop relying A weaker renminbi versus the dollar means that 1.4 percent over the first nine months of this year after so much on large trade surpluses.—AP Modi kicks off overhaul of archaic labour rules

NEW DELHI: India will simplify employment rules and smooth the way for people to move social security funds when they change jobs, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said yesterday, unveiling steps to reform the labour sector and boost employment. India’s archaic labour laws strictly regulate hiring and firing, while an onerous ‘inspector raj’ deluges employers with paperwork, dis- couraging them from expanding and taking on new staff. “Fifty types of departments chase them, 50 types of forms have to be filled in. The world has changed,” Modi said, adding that compa- nies would now only need to fill a single form online. The change would chiefly benefit firms that employ just a few employees, he said. In 2009, 84 percent of India’s manufacturing workers were employed by firms with fewer than 50 workers, research by the Asian Development Bank shows. BEIJING: Workers carry bricks to a construction site in Beijing yesterday. China’s banks stepped up their lending in September, the cen- It is difficult to estimate the size of this workforce, but just 8 per- tral bank announced yesterday, but analysts said more monetary easing was needed to bolster the weakening economy. — AFP cent of Indian workers have formal jobs with any security and bene- fits, such as the Provident Fund, while most are employed in the infor- China overseas investment mal sector, experts say. Even though the World Bank says India has one of the world’s most rigid labour markets, fears of a trade union backlash and partisan politics have deterred successive governments almost doubles in September from reform measures. Business leaders have high hopes that Modi, an advocate of small- er government and private enterprise, will change that. Yesterday, Inflation falls to lowest in five years the Hindu nationalist leader also promised easier movement of accounts in India’s Provident Fund scheme by using a universal BEIJING: China’s overseas investment almost doubled year-on-year But it rose 32.5 percent from South Korea to $3.23 billion and 32.3 account number. The payroll-funded programme has 80 million to $9.79 billion in September, the government said yesterday, again percent from Britain to $1.01 billion. members. Because transfers are so difficult, more than 270 billion exceeding incoming funds even though they recovered from multi- rupees ($4.4 billion) lie idle in such accounts. year lows. Foreign direct investment (FDI) — which excludes financial Rising competition “I need to return this money to the poor,” the prime minister said. sectors-into China came in at $9.01 billion for the month, the com- Chinese authorities in recent months launched anti-monopoly, “The world asks, ‘What is Modi’s vision?’ They will see it in this effort.” merce ministry said, up only 1.9 percent year-on-year but a significant pricing and other inquiries into foreign firms in sectors ranging from Inspection of businesses will be made more transparent, with a improvement on August’s $7.20 billion, which was the lowest since auto manufacturing and pharmaceuticals to baby milk. computer lottery being used to pick the enterprises to be inspected July 2010. China has been actively acquiring foreign assets, particular- The probes have raised concerns among investors that Beijing is and officials required to upload a report within 72 hours, Modi said. ly energy and resources, to power the world’s second-largest econo- targeting overseas companies, accusations the commerce ministry A new website, managed by the labour ministry, will allow com- my, with firms encouraged to “go out” and make overseas acquisi- has repeatedly denied. panies to fill forms online and raise their grievances. — Reuters tions to gain market access and international experience. “We have always been confident in China’s (appeal) to foreign Overseas direct investment (ODI) was up 90.5 percent in investment,” Shen said. “Most multi-national companies and foreign September, and officials have said it could exceed FDI this year. For invested firms in China are also confident in the country’s investment the first nine months total ODI stood at $74.96 billion, up 21.6 percent, environment.” with FDI at $87.36 billion, down 1.4 percent. But China’s appeal as an investment destination has declined in Over the period, Chinese investment into the European Union recent years in the face of rising labour and land costs and competi- soared 218 percent to $9.0 billion, the ministry said. For Japan it tion from other Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam. leaped 150 percent into Japan, while also going up 69.7 percent into Chinese officials have also blamed source country factors, such as Russia and 19.5 percent into Hong Kong, the ministry added, without Washington’s drive to move industrial production back to the US. giving totals. “Some developed countries in recent years speeded up the return It was up 28.2 percent to $3.95 billion into the US. Ministry of some manufacturing sectors to boost their own economy and cre- spokesman Shen Danyang attributed the rapid growth in ODI to ate jobs,” Customs spokesman Zheng Yuesheng told reporters this “strong market forces”-China’s need to invest abroad and demand week. “This has led investment in China’s relevant industries to cool.” from destination countries-along with policy support from Beijing Concerns are mounting about China’s economy, after industrial and foreign governments. production growth slowed sharply in August to its lowest level for “We believe China’s overseas investment and cooperation will more than five years, while house prices have fallen for five consecu- maintain a fast development momentum in the future,” he said. In the tive months. first nine months FDI fell 43.0 percent from Japan to $3.39 billion, 24.7 Inflation in the country also fell to its lowest in almost five years NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced percent from the US to $2.17 billion, 18.8 percent from the European last month, raising fears that deflationary pressures are rising. The a series of labor reforms yesterday aimed at transforming Union to $4.84 billion, and 13.7 percent from the ASEAN group of economy grew 7.7 percent last year, maintaining its slowest pace in Asia’s third-largest economy into an international manufac- southeast Asian countries to $4.90 billion. more than a decade.—AFP turing hub. — AP Sports42 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Bruins fly past resilient Red Wings Coyotes knock off winless Oilers 7-4 DETROIT: David Krejci and Reilly Smith scored in regulation and again in the shootout as the Boston Bruins beat the Detroit Red Wings 3-2 Wednesday night. The Bruins outshot Detroit 35-18 in regulation, and Jimmy Howard made three key saves in overtime - the last to stop Torey Krug at point-blank range. Howard, though, couldn’t stop Krejci and Smith in the shootout, while neither Gustav Nyquist or Andrej Nestrasil could get their shots on net. Nyquist tied the score at 2:56 of the third period, snapping a wrist shot past Bruins goalie Tuukka Rask to end Detroit’s streak of nine scoreless power plays. Tomas Tatar also scored for the Red Wings. Boston had two great chances in the final minute of regulation, but Howard made a pad save on Dougie Hamilton, then knocked away Simon Gagne’s attempt to put in the rebound.

FLAMES 2, BLACKHAWKS 1, OT Jonas Hiller made 49 saves and Mikael Backlund scored at 4:35 of overtime, lifting the Calgary Flames to a 2-1 victory over the Chicago Blackhawks on Wednesday night. Dennis Wideman also scored for the Flames, who were coming off a 3-2 win at Nashville on Tuesday. The Blackhawks controlled the action for much of the night, enjoying a whopping 50-18 advantage in shots on goal. But Hiller was outstanding and Backlund used a wrist shot to beat Corey Crawford on the goaltender’s glove side for his first goal of the season. Andrew Shaw scored in the third period and Crawford had 16 saves in Chicago’s first loss in three games. The overtime began with a nice stop by Crawford on Paul Byron’s breakaway opportunity just 40 seconds into the extra period. Brad Richards had a chance CHICAGO: Mark Giordano #5 of the Calgary Flames and Brandon Saad #20 of the Chicago Blackhawks collide against the boards at the to win the game for the Blackhawks, but his United Center on October 15, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois. The Flames defeated the Blackhawks 2-1 in overtime.—AFP tip off a nice pass from Duncan Keith went wide. It looked as if it was only a matter of Crawford was there to stop Brian McGrattan. Jordan Eberle’s stick. Smith got a bit of a bad Chipchura put Arizona up 2-1 late in the break on Edmonton’s second goal when a period with a one-timer off a nice feed from time while Chicago played keepaway for COYOTES 7, OILERS 4 dump-in by Leon Draisaitl took a strange car- Joe Vitale behind the goal. In the second peri- much of the first two periods, but Hiller Mikkel Boedker scored two of this three om off the backboards right out front to od, Murphy beat Ben Scrivens with a wrister stepped up and the Flames jumped in front at goals goal in the third period and added an Fayne, who punched it in for his first of the from the top of the left circle, and 11:55 of the second. Joe Colborne won a face- assist, helping the Arizona Coyotes outlast the season. Arcobello scored on a 3-on-1 early in Klinkhammer scored 1:07 later on a one-timer off with Jonathan Toews and sent the puck winless Edmonton Oilers 7-4 on Wednesday the third period and Hall cut Arizona’s lead to out front on a feed from behind by Erat. back to Wideman, who let loose with a long night. Boedker scored in the first period and 6-4 late in the period against Smith, who Boedker put the Coyotes back up two goals slap shot that went off the stick of Blackhawks gave Arizona a two-goal lead midway stopped 23 shots. But four goals wasn’t nearly midway through the third period, flipping a rookie Trevor van Riemsdyk and into the net. through the third. He added an empty-net enough the way Edmonton’s defense has soft backhander that Scrivens blocked, but That was the only goal until the goal for his first career hat trick, giving him been playing. Boedker scored his first goal on inadvertently knocked back into the goal with Blackhawks were successful on their seventh five goals in three games. Connor Murphy, a power play in the first period, sneaking the inside of his left pad. Boedker closed it out power play with 5:45 left in regulation. With Kyle Chipchura, Rob Klinkhammer and Martin behind the Oilers after Smith started the play by practically skating the puck into the goal Wideman in the penalty box for hooking, Erat also scored for the Coyotes, who had 13 with his first assist of the season. for his empty-netter.—Agencies Shaw tipped Patrick Sharp’s long slap shot players with at least one point. Edmonton had past Hiller for his second goal. Chicago had a another shaky defensive effort, dropping to 0- couple chances for the tiebreaking score in 3-1 on the season. Taylor Hall had two goals, NHL results/standings regulation, but was unable to connect. Hiller and Marc Arcobello and Mark Fayne each stopped Patrick Kane’s backhander in the final scored for the Oliers, who have allowed 23 Boston 3, Detroit 2 (SO); Calgary 2, Chicago 1 (OT); Arizona 7, Edmonton 4. seconds. The Blackhawks got off to a fast start goals in four games. The Coyotes needed Western Conference Tampa Bay 2 1 1 13 8 5 and outshot the weary Flames 18-2 in the nearly all their goals after a second straight Pacific Divisio Ottawa 2 1 0 6 5 4 first, but Hiller’s solid play kept the game shaky performance by Mike Smith. Arizona’s W L OTL GF GA PTS Toronto 2 2 0 14 14 4 scoreless. He stopped an open Kane with No 1 goalie said he felt uncomfortable in the San Jose 3 0 0 13 5 6 Boston 2 3 0 7 11 4 Anaheim 3 1 0 16 12 6 about 4 1/2 minutes left in the opening peri- season opener and it showed, giving up every Detroit 1 1 1 6 7 3 Calgary 3 2 0 13 13 6 od, and denied Jeremy Morin on consecutive goal in a 6-2 home loss to Winnipeg. The Buffalo 1 3 0 8 17 2 shots in the second. Coyotes started back-up Devon Dubnyk on Los Angeles 2 1 1 12 9 5 Vancouver 2 0 0 9 6 4 Florida 0 2 1 3 9 1 Daniel Carcillo also misplayed a prime Saturday and he played well, stopping 24 Metropolitan Division shots in a 3-2 overtime win against the Arizona 2 1 0 12 12 4 opportunity 6 1/2 minutes into the game New Jersey 3 0 0 13 6 6 defending Stanley Cup champion Los Angeles Edmonton 0 3 1 11 23 1 after Ben Smith’s drive and dish created an Central Division NY Islanders 3 0 0 15 9 6 Kings. Smith spent his time off working on his open side of the net for the winger. Sharp Nashville 2 0 1 9 6 5 Pittsburgh 2 0 0 11 6 4 comfort level in the crease, saying he felt bet- had a nice look in the second, and then Chicago 2 0 1 10 6 5 Columbus 2 1 0 10 7 4 ter after a few days of work with goalie coach slammed his stick against the glass after Minnesota 2 0 0 8 0 4 Washington 1 0 2 10 8 4 Sean Burke. Dallas 1 1 1 7 9 3 Hiller made the save. Before Wideman’s goal NY Rangers 1 3 0 11 19 2 Smith was back between the pipes against Colorado 1 2 1 4 1 3 in the second, the Flames’ best scoring Philadelphia 0 2 2 11 16 2 Edmonton and gave up a goal on the third St. Louis 1 1 0 6 4 2 opportunity was Byron’s short-handed Carolina 0 2 1 9 13 1 shot he faced. It was a tough chance, though; Winnipeg 1 2 0 7 9 2 breakaway midway through the first. Byron Note: Overtime losses (OTL) are worth one point in Hall scored on a one-timer from right outside Eastern Conference beat Crawford, but he shot it off the inside the standings and are not included in the loss col- the crease after the Coyotes had trouble clear- Atlantic Division of the right post. Calgary had another good Montreal 3 1 0 11 14 6 umn (L). look five minutes into the second, but ing the zone and the puck ended up on Sports43 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Els two back in HK as ill Jimenez struggles

HONG KONG: Ernie Els played himself firmly into con- tention at the Hong Kong Open yesterday, but defending champion Miguel Angel Jimenez was happy just to get round after a bout of food poisoning. Organizers have billed the $1.3 million tournament as a battle between four-time major winner Els and Spanish veteran Jimenez, who is looking for his third straight win in the Chinese city. The crowd-pulling pair endured contrasting fortunes during their opening round over the par 70, 6,699-yard course at the Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling. An ill Jimenez struggled to a two-over-par 72 while South Africa’s hall of famer Els scored 66 to lie just two shots behind leader Jyoti Randhawa of India. “I’ve been sick all night, vomiting, and I got no sleep,” said Jimenez, who admitted to having to visit the woods at one point during his round. “I ate something that my body reacted badly to. Maybe it was the seafood, maybe it was the meatballs, but I had no chance at all today. “It’s a pity and wasn’t the best start but I tried to do my best. I’m a profes- sional and I came here to play even though my body was SAN FRANCISCO: Tony Cruz #48 of the St Louis Cardinals tags out Brandon Belt #9 of the San Francisco Giants in the sev- telling me not to,” he added. enth inning during Game Four of the National League Championship Series at AT&T Park on October 15, 2014. —AFP The 50-year-old, who is still hopeful of this week becoming the first player to win the Hong Kong Open five times, was in obvious discomfort as he traded three Giants overpower Cardinals 6-4 bogeys with a birdie. “It was hard to get round,” said Jimenez, who won the title in 2004, 2007 and 2012 before SAN FRANCISCO: Buster Posey and the a wild toss by St. Louis reliever Randy though. The second one, I should’ve just last year’s victory. “There are a couple of tough slopes out Giants already know how to win in Choate allowed the winning run to touched first and checked home.” there and I was almost down on my hands and knees,” he October - even without all this help from score in the 10th inning. Posey added an RBI single off Seth added. Els bogeyed the first but bounced back with six the St Louis Cardinals. Strange as it “I think any time you can put pres- Maness to make it 6-4. The star catcher birdies against another dropped shot to finish four-under might look sometimes, San Francisco sure on the defense, you’ve got the also had a sacrifice fly in the first and a finds a way to score just enough. Posey opportunity for good things to happen,” run-scoring single in the third. These for the day, along with big-hitting Belgian Nicolas drove in three runs and capped another Posey said. “We’re able to come up with wild-card Giants joke about not needing Colsaerts and seven others. unusual rally as the Giants took advan- some big two-out RBIs to get back in the hits and home runs to win, and they’re tage of some clunky defense by first game.” Minus injured catcher Yadier showing that with timely bunts, small ‘Seven handicapper’ baseman Matt Adams in beating the Molina again, the Cardinals were cling- ball and a few miscues from the oppo- pn the front nine you would’ve thought I was a seven Cardinals 6-4 on Wednesday night to ing to a 4-3 lead when San Francisco put nent. The tying and go-ahead runs came handicapper but I pulled it together and played much move within one victory of the World runners at second and third in the sixth. home on balls that didn’t leave the better on the back,” said Els, competing in the Hong Kong Series. “We might find some weird ways Playing in with one out, the lumbering infield. The Giants have scored 12 of Open for the first time. “You want to have a good round to score runs, but we’re getting people Adams backhanded Gregor Blanco’s their 22 runs over their past six postsea- the first day because it’s easy to shoot yourself out of it on base first. That’s the main thing,” bouncer and stumbled as he tried to set son games without the batter getting a and there’s a lot of pressure,” he added, before offering Brandon Belt said. Chasing their third himself to throw home. Adams had hit. “If you’re not hitting the long ball, title in five years, the Giants lead the trouble with the transfer, and his toss you have to find ways to manufacture his sympathies to Jimenez. “I feel for Miguel. I’ve had that best-of-seven NL Championship Series short-hopped catcher Tony Cruz as Juan runs,” manager Bruce Bochy said. over here and it’s not a lot of fun. But it’s not about me 3-1 after poor throws cost the Cardinals Perez slid across with the tying run. Yusmeiro Petit pitched three score- against him. There are 55 in the field,” said Els, who cele- yet again. Joe Panik then hit a grounder right to less innings to win in relief of an ineffec- brates his 45th birthday today. Unheralded Randhawa, October ace Madison Bumgarner can Adams, who stepped on first base tive Ryan Vogelsong. Petit has been a ranked 462 in the world, fired the round of the day with pitch San Francisco to another pennant before firing wildly to second in trying valuable long man - he delivered six his 64. at home in Game 5. Struggling All-Star for a double play. Brandon Crawford shutout innings in an 18-inning NLDS “For me it’s really awesome,” he said. “I really putted Adam Wainwright starts for St. Louis, stopped between third and home, yet victory at Washington. “He’s been really my heart out so I’m very happy with the way it went.” The now facing the same daunting deficit was able to score easily when Adams good for us for a long time and he’s Indian is one shot ahead of Filipino Angelo Que. the Giants overcame to beat the threw wide of the bag. “That’s kind of fit- finally getting some recognition. What a However, it was an utterly miserable day for Asia’s sole Cardinals in the 2012 NLCS. Kansas City ting of how our postseason’s been,” weapon to have,” Posey said. Sergio awaits the winner after completing its Panik said. “It might not be the prettiest Romo worked the eighth and Santiago major champion, YE Yang, who signed for a six-over-par ALCS sweep of Baltimore earlier in the way of scoring runs.” Cardinals short- Casilla finished for his second save of 76, which included three double-bogeys. The South day. The wild-card Royals will host Game stop Jhonny Peralta came way off the the series. A total of six Giants relievers Korean, winner of the 2009 PGA Championship, needs a 1 of the World Series on Tuesday night. base to catch the ball, but had no play at held St. Louis scoreless over the final six miracle in today’s second round if he is to make the week- San Francisco climbed out of an early the plate. “The play at home, there’s a innings. Marco Gonzales took the loss end. The Hong Kong Open is the penultimate event of this three-run hole, and back-to-back bad fast runner at third and I was going in on after issuing a leadoff walk to pinch-hit- season’s European Tour and is co-sanctioned by the Asian throws by Adams in the sixth inning the ball and threw on the run,” Adams ter Perez in the sixth and giving up a sin- Tour.—AFP helped the Giants rally - one night after said. “Just should’ve made the throw, gle to Crawford.— AP World champion Biles grabs Sportswoman of Year award

NEW YORK: American Simone Biles, who York marking the 40th anniversary of the swimmer Missy Franklin (2013). “To be rec- backs to claim a silver medal in skeleton at won four golds at last week’s world gym- organization founded by Billie Jean King. ognized with the award is unbelievable,” the 2014 Olympics. Kenyan Tegla Loroupe, nastics championships in China, including Liukin said the powerful, 4ft-9in Biles she said. who after winning three world half- the all-around title, was named figured to be hard to beat for 2016 In other awards, US ice dancer Meryl marathon titles and setting two marathon Sportswoman of the Year by the Women’s Olympic gold in Rio. “If she stays on this Davis was named Sportswoman of the Year world records has dedicated herself to pro- Sports Foundation on Wednesday. Biles, 17, path, it’s very difficult for me to imagine in a team sport having partnered with moting world peace through sport, also won gold in the floor exercise and bal- that somebody could come close to where Charlie White to win Olympic gold at Sochi received the Billie Jean King Contribution ance beam in addition to the women’s she is.” Biles said she felt honored to have and extend an unbeaten streak through Award. Using her race prize money, she team title. “I’m glad I’m not competing with her name added to a winners’ list that three successive international seasons. founded the Tegla Loroupe Peace her,” 2008 Olympic all-around champion included women who had inspired her, American Noelle Pikus-Pace won the Foundation in 2003 and has won accolades Nastia Liukin told reporters before handing including gymnastics champions Gabby Wilma Rudolph Courage Award for coming from the Kenyan government for her Biles the award at a gala dinner in New Douglas (2012) and Liukin (2008), and back from serious injury and personal set- efforts.—Reuters Sports44 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 US boy, 13, plots world chess domination

WASHINGTON: Samuel Sevian may mornings being schooled at home- else, pretty much anything else,” only be 13, but the American chess he said no school would accept his he says, explaining: “If you want to prodigy is in a hurry. He wants to tournament-dominated schedule- be at a high level, you can’t do any- become the youngest Grandmaster and then plays chess for up to six thing else. It’s hours of work and in the history of the United States. hours every afternoon. Spending a dedication.” That honor currently goes to Ray single day without playing is But it is dedication that Samuel Robson, who was crowned two unthinkable. And the thought of appears to relish, and his father weeks before his 15th birthday. losing a match? “Losing is worse admits that his son showed remark- Samuel will be 15 in December next than dying,” says the taciturn boy able talent at a young age. “At age year and is just 14 points from wonder, who moved his first chess eight, he played five games blind- becoming Grandmaster. “I want to piece at age five with his father folded at the same time,” he says. have this title,” he tells AFP on the Armen and was once a world “He won all of them.” Armen credits eve of a tournament in Arlington, a champion in his age group. “I fell in the Kasparov Chess Foundation-leg- suburb of Washington. love with the game,” he adds. Now endary chess champion Garry And the longer he can hold the when father and son play chess Kasparov helps train Samuel online- title the better. But once he has together the pieces are arranged to for helping the boy realize his that in the bag, he will chase his Armen’s advantage, otherwise dream. “The Garry Kasparov founda- next dream: to be world champion. Samuel wins too easily. tion is the only help we get, for train- If he sounds confident, he has ings. It partially covers the expenses good reason. In 2006, in his first Playing blindfolded for the travels. It’s a great help,” he VIRGINIA: Thirteen-year-old chess player Samuel Sevian poses for a tournament, he became the Armen Sevian, a scientist who says. International Master Greg picture in Alexandria, Virginia. —AFP youngest US Expert. Then at nine was born and raised in Armenia Shahade admits the talent shown by years, 11 months and 23 days he and later moved to the United youngsters like Samuel is frighten- nearly obsessed with.” Samuel, just have to remember the key broke another record when he was States, is understandably proud- ing. “Children are soaking up and unlike many of his opponents, does positions, not the whole game,” he crowned youngest American but also worried. A chess Master taking in information at a faster rate not memorize moves from previous said. He painstakingly studies books Master. And at 12 years and 10 himself in his youth-before he than ever before,” he says. matches because it “is not neces- and chess computer programs, and months, the youngest US decided to take up “other inter- “There is information out there sary.” Instead, he closely studies key as well as getting advice from International Master. ests”-he is eager for his son not to on the Internet that’s fun and easy positions of the game-opening, Kasparov, and meets international The secret to his success? become “a chess freak.” “I’ve tried to read. There are tactics trainer middle and closing moves-prefer- Grandmaster Alexander Chernin Practice. A lot of it. He spends his to steer him away to something programs that the top children are ring a more tactical approach. “You every two or three months. — AFP

Davydenko Pistorius has ‘to pay’ ends career MOSCOW: Former world for killing Steenkamp number three Nikolay Davydenko announced his retirement yesterday at the PRETORIA: A cousin of slain model who are seeking revenge, we just “broken man”, wracked by guilt facilities that will cater for his dis- age of 33. The Russian, who Reeva Steenkamp made a tearful feel that to take someone’s life, to about accidentally shooting his ability,” said Modise. “There should won the ATP World Tour plea yesterday for Oscar Pistorius to shoot somebody behind a door, lover four times with hollow point be no doubt in the minds of South Finals title in 2009 and “pay for what he has done,” as the that is unarmed, that is harmless, bullets, believing her to be a bur- Africans that Mr. Pistorius or any helped his country win the prosecution sought to ensure the needs sufficient punishment. glar. They have argued the double other person with disabilities should Davis Cup in 2006, said Paralympic athlete goes to jail. “Everybody has suffered here, and I amputee would be vulnerable in be accommodated.” injuries had forced him to Battling tears and with her voice really think we need to send a mes- prison and should receive a commu- end his 15-year career. “I had trembling, Kim Martin told a sen- sage to society that you can’t do this nity service instead. Reeva’s voice tencing hearing that she was “very and get away with it.” Prosecutor Gerrie Nel has On Wednesday, Nel called Martin a lot of injuries over the last fearful” of the South African Pistorius has been found guilty of slammed that suggestion as “shock- to the stand in a bid to shift the few years,” Davydenko told a Paralympic and Olympic sprinter manslaughter for shooting ingly inappropriate,” and warned spotlight back on to the devastating news conference in Moscow. and did not believe his apology for Steenkamp dead on Valentine’s Day that “if the court sentence is too impact of Pistorius’s actions, saying “They are still causing me dis- killing her cherished cousin was 2013. He could be sentenced as light, and society loses trust in the Steenkamp’s death had “ruined” her comfort. The time has come: I genuine. soon as Friday, but with no manda- court, they will take the law into family. “I had to do this for Reeva, I am officially announcing my “Pistorius needs to pay for what tory minimum sentence, Judge their own hands.” The defense has owe it to her,” Martin said, describ- retirement as a professional he has done, for taking Reeva’s life, Thokozile Masipa will have to decide warned that a jail term would ing Steenkamp as a thoughtful, car- sportsman.” for what he’s done to my uncle, to whether he deserves to go to jail or “break” the 27-year-old star sprinter- ing young woman whose death felt Davydenko, never one of my aunt and the rest of my family,” stay free. Pistorius’s defence team who inspired millions when he like “the end of the world.” She the sport’s great showmen, she said. “My family are not people has painted the “Blade Runner” as a became the first double amputee to recalled Reeva was the first baby she consistently mixed it with the compete against able-bodied ath- ever held, and recounted a joyful big guns and famously beat letes in an Olympics-and that he shared childhood filled with horse- Roger Federer at the 13th could fall victim to prison violence, riding, school homework and time time of asking in the semi- including gang rape. “Without legs with family. finals of the Tour Finals in he will be vulnerable and a lot more As Martin recounted her cher- London five years ago vulnerable than the normal man,” ished memories, Steenkamp’s father before downing Argentina’s said probation officer Annette Barry, who suffered a near-fatal Vergeer. stroke after Reeva’s death, wept in Juan Martin del Potro in the The state worked to cast doubt court, his shoulders shaking. final. His best year on tour, on Vergeer’s testimony, calling act- Pistorius sat in the dock, also wiping however, was in 2006 when ing correctional services commis- away tears. Martin recalled she was he won five titles and sioner Zach Modise to testify that in a car when she heard on the radio reached the US Open semi- South African prisons are able to that Pistorius appeared to have shot final, rising to third in the provide the specialized physical and his girlfriend. “I remember saying to world rankings. He also psychological care Pistorius needs my husband: ‘I hope to God he’s reached the US Open semi- for his rehabilitation. The commis- cheating on Reeva.’” But when finals the following year and sioner said there are no better pris- Martin saw her distraught mother made the last four at Roland ons in Africa than in South Africa, she knew it was not so. “For me it Garros in 2005 and 2007. In whose facilities compare was the end of the world,” she told total, the baseline specialist “favourably” with those in Britain or the court. Pistorius was found guilty known for his speed around the United States. “Modise said he last month of culpable homicide the court and durability can “confirm confidently” that if over the killing of the 29-year-old won 21 titles.—Reuters PRETORIA: Oscar Pistorius gestures at the end of the fourth day of sen- Pistorius is sent to prison he will not law graduate, but was acquitted of tencing proceedings in the high court in Pretoria yesterday. — AP be abused or mistreated. “We have murder.— AFP Sports FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Chelsea jet-setters return to local business

LONDON: In case they needed it, the short trip to south east London. A 1-0 defeat at Palace in late win is one of the driving forces behind their blistering Crystal Palace will re-focus Chelsea’s globe-trotting March, when John Terry’s own goal sealed their fate, early season form. “To him, finishing second is a fail- players on matters at home as the Premier League slips put a serious dent in Chelsea’s title ambitions last sea- ure,” the 23-year-old told Bild. “He doesn’t know the back into gear this weekend after the second interna- son and had Mourinho accusing some of his players of word ‘losing’. That’s how he holds his talk before the tional break of the season. Like most of their Premier “disappearing” against certain low-key opponents. It is matches. His thinking is impressive- as impressive as League rivals, Chelsea’s squad was scattered far and unlikely to happen again, given the improvements the way he gets his message across. “He challenges wide after their 2-0 home win over Arsenal on Oct. 5, a Mourinho has made to his squad during the close-sea- you to be robust on the pitch, to play like a man. To result that left them five points clear after six wins and son and the clear hunger of his side to reclaim the commit a foul. I feel much better since joining Chelsea a draw from their opening seven matches. Premier League trophy after an absence of four sea- and I have become much more confident.” Yet The leaders will need no reminding, however, that sons. Mourinho would still have been anxious as he counted modest Palace will have scant regard for Chelsea’s Chelsea’s German World Cup-winning forward his players back in through the training ground gates clear squad superiority come Saturday afternoon in Andre Schuerrle said Mourinho’s unrelenting will to this week.—Reuters

Australia’s sports criticized over ‘unhealthy’ sponsors

BRISBANE: The biggest and most influential sporting groups in Australia are being criticized for signing “unhealthy” and high- profile sponsorship deals with beer and liquor companies, gam- bling agencies and fast-food chains. A study by the University of Sydney’s School of Public Health reveals nearly three-quarters of national and state government-funded sporting bodies are sponsored by companies promoting “harmful” products. In a sports-mad country, that’s not the best of news. Companies promoting unhealthy food and drink were the most prevalent, sponsoring nearly 50 percent of Australia’s main sporting groups, followed by alcohol and gambling com- panies. “Our research revealed a pervasive level of unhealthy sponsorship across our sporting codes,” study researcher Rona Macniven said. “Associating these harmful products with posi- tive aspects of sport normalizes associated activities.” The findings of the study were released a day after A- League football’s Western Sydney Wanderers were criticized over a sponsorship deal with a fast food company which will see a meal named after the club served in dozens of locations in the western Sydney region. The “Wanderers Meal” will include chicken nuggets, a large hamburger, large french fries and a large sugary drink. Food experts said the meal accounts for 70 to 75 percent of an average person’s recommended daily calo- rie intake, and twice the amount of salt. The critics said a 10- year-old child would have to play football or another similarly active sport for 10 hours to burn off the calories from that meal. Despite an international reputation for its sporting success and ABUJA: Sudan’s defenders Ali El Rayah (left) and Kamal Amir (right) jump next to Nigeria’s forward Emmanuel Emenike during outdoor lifestyle, Australia has experienced a surge in the rate the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations qualifying football match between Nigeria and Sudan on October 15, 2014 in Abuja. — AFP of obesity. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reports that three in five adults in Australia are overweight or obese, and the overall number of obese or overweight people Keshi fired; Nigeria put has increased by 5 percent since 1995. The institute said one in four Australian children were overweight or obese. Macniven said the University of Sydney-funded study into ‘consortium’ in charge sports sponsorship used a set of criteria developed by 12 health experts from government and non-government organizations to determine what constituted an unhealthy food or drink. “It CAPE TOWN: Stephen Keshi has been removed as head coach of four points behind leaders South Africa and three behind second- included representatives from the cancer council and heart Nigeria and replaced by a “consortium” of coaches for the side’s final placed Congo in their qualification group with the top two sides, as foundation who were looking at the main nutritional content of two African Nations Cup qualifiers next month. The Nigeria Football well as the best third-place finisher, advancing to the finals in the foods that were prominently produced by the company,” Federation (NFF) confirmed the move in a statement yesterday, Morocco. — Reuters Macniven said in a telephone interview Thursday with The despite Keshi leading the Super Eagles to a 3-1 victory over Sudan in Associated Press. “In some cases, the companies involved did Abuja the previous evening, a result that got their qualification cam- produce healthy mineral water, but their main product streams paign back on track. The consortium will be led by Shaibu Amodu, were unhealthy.” who returns to the helm for a fifth time, having qualified the side for Macniven said there were 14 mainstream Australian sports the 2010 World Cup finals in South Africa before being replaced by groups which had no unhealthy sponsorship tie-ins, including Swede Lars Lagerback. cycling, swimming and triathlon. Cricket Australia, which fea- Salisu Yusuf, Gbenga Ogunbote and Aloysius Agu are the other tures a large beer company logo on the shirts of its limited- coaches involved in the group to lead the reigning African champi- overs international team, was considered by the study to be the ons. They will be in charge for next month’s final two qualifiers away worst offender. A check of major Australian sports websites at Congo and home to South Africa-but will then be replaced by an backs up the study. Cricket Australia’s website has a prominent overseas coach, the NFF also confirmed. “The committee, unanimous- beer company logo as one of its “platinum” sponsors, while ly, praised the contributions of the technical crew of the senior nation- smaller logos of companies representing a gambling agency, al team, led by Stephen Keshi, to the glorious accomplishments of the fast-food fried chicken and sugary drinks also appear. team in the past three years and hailed Keshi, Daniel Amokachi and The fast-food fried chicken company is the major naming- Ike Shorounmu as true national heroes,” the NFF statement said. rights sponsor for the domestic Twenty20 cricket league. “However, in the interest of Nigeria football and the desire to Cricket Australia said in an emailed statement to the AP that its ensure qualification for the 2015 African Nations Cup finals, the com- commercial sponsors “provide critical financial support for the mittee decided to relieve them of their duties with immediate effect.” game at all levels, from the grassroots to elite competition.” It Keshi, a former captain of the national team, led the side to the 2013 defended its association with an alcohol sponsors by saying it Nations Cup title in South Africa and also qualified the Super Eagles has a responsible drinking campaign called “Know When to for the World Cup in Brazil this year, where they reached the second Declare.” —AP round before losing to France. Nigeria’s victory over Sudan left them Nigeria’s coach Stephen Keshi Sports FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Vanishing spray to make Bundesliga debut FRANKFURT: The vanishing spray used by although the referees themselves were fielders, has not played in 14 months overcome its slump. Former star and referees in free kick situations is making its skeptical about its benefits. It is used to because of back problems. Germany international Marco Bode will debut in the Bundesliga this weekend keep the wall at the proper distance from take over before the end of the year as despite a recent study that called it poten- the ball at free kicks. “The spray is nothing Schalke’s new coach president of the supervisory board from tially unsafe. revolutionary, it is not going to change Schalke is also hoping for a fresh start Willi Lemke. Bode’s promotion is expected Borussia is hoping its prob- football,” said Lutz Michael Froehlich, chief under new coach Roberto Di Matteo. Di to draw more local sponsors to the club. lems will vanish too after the international of the refereeing section of the DFB. “If a Matteo, who won the Champions League break so it can start catching up with can malfunctions, the match will not be title in 2012 when Chelsea beats Bayern on Thiago’s injury Bayern Munich, which hosts bottom-place interrupted. But it could lead to calming penalties in the final in Munich, was hired Bayern Munich’s director of sport Werder Bremen. Dortmund visits Cologne, the situation in the penalty area during during the international break after the fir- Matthias Sammer says the club is “shocked while Schalke hosts Hertha Berlin under a free-kick situations.” ing of Jens Keller. Schalke is off to a shaky and sad” over the new injury sustained by new coach and second place Hoffenheim start and is only 11th in the 18-team midfielder Thiago Alacantara. Just days visits Hamburg. Here are some things to Dortmund’s fresh start league. It beat great rival Dortmund but after returning from a long-term injury know about the weekend matches in the Seven matches into the season, Borussia then lost to Hoffenheim. The inconsistency break, Thiago requires another operation Bundesliga: Dortmund finds itself only in 13th place cost Keller his job. Captain Benedikt after reinjuring the ligaments in his right and, more importantly, already 10 points Hoewedes has praised Di Matteo. “He gives knee. “Thiago was so close to his come- Vanishing spray here to stay behind leader Bayern Munich. Dortmund clear instructions, has clear ideas and a back after a long time,” Sammer said. “But A recent study commissioned by one of has lost three of its last four, with one draw. clear system he wants to use,” he said. he should know that the entire club is Germany’s newspapers recently showed - Now, after the break, Dortmund is hoping there for him. We’ll do everything that he rather vaguely - that vanishing spray could to resurrect its campaign. “We’ve sworn to Still winless recovers and wins many titles with us.” potentially be a health hazard and that it each other that this will be a restart now,” Werder Bremen and Freiburg are still Thiago partially tore the ligaments in was not properly labeled. However, a tech- defender Kevin Grosskreutz said. “We want without victories. It would be a major sur- practice on Tuesday. The Spaniard nical inspection agency, which incidentally to show our real football again. We haven’t prise if Bremen notched its first in Munich, returned to team practice last week, and sponsors Germany’s referees, found noth- played well until now.” The reason for but Freiburg has a better chance at home faces another lengthy recovery. He proba- ing wrong with the spray and certified the Dortmund’s optimism is the return of three against Wolfsburg. Bremen, which played bly won’t play until March. He was injured product made in Argentina that was used stars from injuries. Forward Marco Reus, in the Champions League five straight sea- in March and returned to training in May, at the World Cup in Brazil. The German midfielder Henrikh Mkhitayran and mid- sons starting in 2004, has fallen on hard only to suffer a setback and required sur- Football Federation (DFB) is introducing fielder Ilkay Gundogan are available again. times. But a recent fresh injection of cash gery on his right knee that ruled him out the spray at the urging of the clubs, Gundogan, one of Bundesliga’s best mid- by its chief sponsor could help the team of the World Cup. — AP

Germany in state of shock after poor Euro 2016 start

BERLIN: Just three months after their World Cup triumph, Germany are in a state of shock following the poor start to their Euro 2016 qualifiers with Joachim Loew vowing to make amends. With four point from their first three qualifiers, including their shock defeat to Poland and draw with the Republic of Ireland, Germany find themselves in the unusual position of third in Group D. They are already three points adrift of leaders Poland and the second-placed Irish with fans wondering where it all went wrong. German supporters were still in a state of World Cup euphoria after the Brazil triumph in July when the Euro quali- fiers began as the world champions laboured to a 2-1 win over Scotland in September. The reasons were obvious. The retirements of defenders Philipp Lahm, Per Mertesacker and goal-machine Miroslav Klose took a combined tally of more MADRID: This comb image shows Barcelona’s Argentinean Leo Messi celebrating his goals. — AFP than 350-caps worth of experience with them. Injuries to midfielders Bastian Schweinsteiger and Sami Khedira meant head coach Loew had to pack new talent around the skeleton of the team which won the World Cup. Messi targeting La But there was still no cause for concern. After all, Loew retained the nucleus of goalkeeper Manuel Neuer, centre- backs Mats Hummels and Jerome Boateng. Midfield stars Mario Goetze, Mesut Ozil, Toni Kroos and Thomas Mueller all Liga goals record have experience beyond their tender years with memories of that fabulous night in Rio de Janeiro still fresh. But having spluttered badly against Scotland and in the 4-2 friendly MADRID: Lionel Messi will have another chance to match or surpass ‘Clasico’ at Real Madrid a week later. The match falls the day after Luis defeat to Argentina, Loew’s finely-tuned machine finally Telmo Zarra’s six-decade-old La Liga scoring record of 251 goals Suarez’s ban for biting an opponent at the World Cup expires and the broke down in Warsaw last Saturday. when Barcelona host promoted Eibar tomorrow. The Argentina cap- Uruguay forward could make his official Barca debut at the Bernabeu. tain and four-times World Player of the Year has netted 249 times in Woeful finishing the Spanish top flight since he played his first match exactly 10 years Solid start The mis-firing attack was made to pay for woeful finishing ago - aged 17. Barca are looking to bounce back this season after missing out on and wasted chances as Poland earned an historic first win Messi’s goals-he has 361 overall in 434 official games- have helped major silverware last season for the first time in six years. They have over Germany at the 19th attempt in a shock 2-0 victory. the Catalan club win 21 trophies during the past decade, including six made a solid start under new coach Luis Enrique and are two points La Liga titles and three Champions League crowns. Widely considered clear of Valencia at the top of the standings after seven matches. Loew’s side lost their proud record of 33 qualification match- one of the best players in soccer history, the 27-year-old has been Messi has six goals in those seven outings and it is a measure of how es unbeaten dating back to October 2007. Despite an air of showered with praises in the run up to the anniversary although his high he has set the bar in recent years that his tally this term is con- steely determination, amidst talk of “putting things right”, father Jorge insists his son is unaffected either by acclaim or criticism. sidered a meagre one by his standards. Cristiano Ronaldo, who ended Loew’s side then threw away a 1-0 lead as John O’Shea cele- “There are times when there is too much praise and other moments Messi’s four-year reign as World Player by winning the latest award, brated his 100th cap with the 94th-minute winner in Ireland’s when the criticism is excessive,” Jorge Messi said in an interview with has a jaw-dropping 13 goals in six La Liga appearances for Real and 1-1 draw in Gelsenkirchen on Tuesday. Spanish radio yesterday. will be gunning for more when they visit Levante tomorrow. Real, It was one of only three chances the Irish had all game, “You have to stop somewhere in the middle and simply look for- who appear to have recovered from an early-season wobble, are four just like Poland, who had scored twice despite just four clear ward,” he added. “He (Lionel) reads and listens to everyone and I points behind Barca in fourth place, with Valencia, who play at chances. The stats from both games paint a stark picture of don’t know how he does it but he doesn’t attach much importance to Deportivo La Coruna on Sunday, in second and Sevilla, who are at Germany failing to capitalise despite dominating. In both either the good or the bad. “People don’t know him. He is a very nor- Elche also on Sunday, third. Champions Atletico Madrid are fifth, five matches, they controlled two third of possession and made mal lad, like any other. He spends time with his family, he has fun, he points adrift of Barca, ahead of their game at home to Espanyol on two passes for each of their opponents’ one. —AFP tries to enjoy life. He isn’t any different.” If Messi fails to equal or over- Sunday. Diego Simeone’s side slipped to a 3-1 reverse at Valencia in take Zarra’s mark tomorrow, his next chance will be in the La Liga their last match, their first defeat of the campaign. — Reuters Sports FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

French League Preview Ex-coach Kombouare plotting PSG downfall

PARIS: Champions Paris Saint-Germain will look to close the his old club to one side. “I would have liked to have stayed gap on Ligue 1 leaders today when they face a but it in some ways it was a relief to leave. I will always be French League table Lens side coached by a familiar face at the Stade de France. grateful to PSG and will always be a big fan of the club,” he Paris remain unbeaten this season but six draws in their said. “But now we have a game to play and three points to opening nine games left them in third place over the inter- go looking for, so there will be no room for sentiment.” PARIS: French League 1 table ahead of this weekend’s matches (played, national break, seven points behind Marseille. Standing in won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): their way this weekend are Lens and coach Antoine Injury worries Kombouare, who won a host of honours with PSG as a play- Paris coach Laurent Blanc continues to sweat over the Marseille 9 7 1 1 23 8 22 er in the 1990s and then coached the capital side for two- fitness of Zlatan Ibrahimovic (heel) and Thiago Silva (thigh), and-a-half years before being unceremoniously sacked in and while the latter has returned to training after two Bordeaux 9 5 2 2 15 9 17 December 2011 with the team top of the league. months out, he remains a doubt for this weekend. With Paris SG 9 3 6 0 15 6 15 Kombouare would dearly love to get one over his old side, Marquinhos out and David Luiz picking up a thigh injury Lille 9 4 3 2 7 5 15 but a Lens win would be a huge shock. playing for Brazil, the champions have problems in defence Nantes 9 4 3 2 7 6 15 While PSG have become one of Europe’s wealthiest with a trip to face APOEL in the Champions League to come clubs under their Qatari owners, Azerbaijan-owned Lens are next Tuesday. On Sunday, Marseille host Toulouse at the Lyon 9 4 2 3 15 8 14 plagued by huge financial problems and have not been Stade Velodrome chasing an eighth consecutive win. The Montpellier 9 4 2 3 8 5 14 able to sign any new players since winning promotion in focus there will be on Andre-Pierre Gignac, the former Toulouse 9 4 2 3 13 11 14 the summer. In addition, refurbishment work at their Stade Toulouse striker who is currently the leading scorer in Ligue Metz 9 4 2 3 10 9 14 Bollaert-Delelis means they must play home games else- 1 and starred in France’s friendly win in Armenia in mid- where, so this weekend’s match has been moved nearly 200 week. Second-placed Bordeaux host Caen, while fourth- Saint-Etienne 9 4 2 3 9 10 14 kilometers to the Stade de France, in the Paris suburb of placed Lille host Guingamp looking for a boost before they Nice 9 4 2 3 9 12 14 Saint-Denis. A crowd of around 60,000 is expected for the face Everton in the Europa League. Rennes 9 3 2 4 11 13 11 first Ligue 1 game to be played at the national stadium Tomorrow, Monaco will be without the injured Dimitar since 2009, but only a minority will be backing a Lens side in Berbatov as they entertain Evian, who have won three in a Monaco 9 3 2 4 8 11 11 the relegation zone. row. Leonardo Jardim’s side are 13th in the table, and while Lorient 9 3 1 5 8 11 10 “I don’t like the way we have to work here, I am frustrat- they have claimed respectable draws with Zenit St Evian 9 3 1 5 11 16 10 ed, especially for the competitor that I am,” said Petersburg and Paris in their last two outings, they could Reims 9 3 1 5 9 19 10 Kombouare. “But we are in Ligue 1 and I have a motivated find this match more complicated. “This season, we have group of players. We mustn’t forget that we are playing at played well against teams who attack and defend at the Caen 9 2 2 5 9 10 8 home, even if it will be in Saint-Denis. “I hope we don’t get same time and leave space for us to construct,” said Jardim. Lens 9 2 2 5 7 10 8 thrashed, but frankly we have a lot to lose. PSG will wake up “It is harder when our opponents close down the space, sit Bastia 9 1 4 4 7 13 7 soon, so we need to hope that they don’t wake up against deep and look to hit us on the break. Especially if they score Guingamp 9 2 0 7 4 13 6 us.” Kombouare admitted that he must put any feelings for first.”— AFP

Adapt or die, Thohir tells Italian League Preview the Serie A league chiefs Juventus visit Sassuolo MILAN: Inter Milan owner Erick Thohir were European champions in 2007 that has called on Serie A bosses to think an Italian side has gone beyond the globally or risk seeing the beleaguered Champions League quarter-finals. Italian top flight dropping further Italy has also been hit with a steady looking to extend lead down football’s pecking order. “Italy stream of match-fixing scandals with won’t be number two, not three, or Calcioscommesse following on from MILAN: Still reeling from what it considers an unfair loss four years in charge. Rafa Benitez - his replacement at even fourth. We will be ninth and lose Calciopoli and Thohir believes another to Juventus in Serie A, Roma’s players need to turn their Napoli - is breathing easier after back-to-back wins ground to countries like Portugal and such would kill Italian football. And he attention back to the league after returning from interna- brought a halt to talk about his dismissal following a poor Holland,” Thohir said in an interview called on fellow club presidents to take tional duty. Roma trails three-time defending champion start to the season. Benitez also has an added incentive with cnn.com published yesterday. a more global approach to promoting Juventus by three points. Roma hosts Chievo Verona as he was fired by Inter in 2012 after just a few months in Thohir, who bought a 70 percent stake the Italian game in key markets such as tomorrow, while Juventus visits winless Sassuolo. Also, charge. in Inter a year ago, is primarily con- Asia. That would mean taking a leaf out Inter Milan will host Napoli in a match which pits both Controversy continues cerned with seeing the Nerazzurri- of the English Premier League book coaches against their former clubs. Here are some things Juventus heads into tomorrow’s match at Sassuolo Italy’s last Champions League winners, and adapting kick-off times to Asian to know about this weekend’s matches in the Italian alone at the top of the Serie A standings but still with the in 2010 — become competitive again audiences. “Serie A has to more aggres- league: shadow of the controversy of the win against Roma hang- on the domestic front after failing to sive. I specifically tell people if we do ing over the club. Three points separate the three-time qualify for the Champions League another Calciopoli, Serie A will be Injured Roma defending champions and Roma following Juventus’ 3 2 three years in a row. dead,” he said. “It’s important to look at Roma coach Rudi Garcia has a host of injury problems victory, in which all three of its goals were debatable. “The But the Indonesian tycoon has also the world globally and not just Italy. heading into Sunday’s match against Chievo Verona. thing that harmed Italian football the most is that people fired a warning shot to league officials: The (other club) presidents are open- Juan Iturbe, who missed three league matches with an talked so much about the incidents and little about the adapt and change, or lose fans-and minded when we talk. A lot of things injured groin earlier this season, has still not recovered game,” Juventus coach Massimiliano Allegri said. therefore potential marketing revenue- have to be done.” from a knee problem he picked up in the Juventus match. “Technically, it was nice, intense and lovely to watch. to rival leagues. Italian football suffered Thohir added: “A lot of fans in differ- The striker is joined on the sidelines by midfielder Seydou “People always highlight the bad things. Everyone says a huge blow with the Calciopoli match- ent regions want to see the real live Keita after the Mali international injured his calf. Keita is ‘Italian football is awful,’ but no one does anything to fixing scandal which notably saw game rather than on their television or also almost certain to miss Roma’s Champions League improve it. Everyone says ‘Italian referees are the worst,’ Juventus relegated to Serie B and lose computer.” The marketing revenue match against Bayern Munich. Kevin Strootman is still but then we see them refereeing the World Cup final.” their league titles from 2005 and 2006. from Italy’s biggest clubs trail well injured and midfielder Daniel De Rossi is a doubt. Even if And it has been in decline ever since behind those generated by their De Rossi recovers in time, Garcia may not want to risk Last chance? as the country continues to reel from a English Premier League counterparts. playing him ahead of the Bayern match. Federico Palermo president Maurizio Zamparini insists financial crisis that has prompted hun- According to Forbes, the 2014-2015 Balzaretti is also still out, while defender Kostas Manolas is Giuseppe Iachini will not be fired if he fails to steer the dreds of thousands of Italians to leave turnover forecast for Inter is $240 mil- suspended. Sicilian team to victory on Sunday against Cesena. in search of work elsewhere. The lucra- lion-less than half of Manchester Palermo is without a win this season and has lost its past tive salaries once on offer at Inter, AC United’s current $551 million revenue. Battle of the exes two matches but Zamparini, who is notorious for his ruth- Milan and Juventus-except to the rela- Thohir added: “The English Premier Walter Mazzarri’s time in charge at Inter Milan could less treatment of his coaches, said Iachini will be at the tively few-are now a thing of the past, League has become bigger and bigger, be brought to an end by his former club, Napoli. Inter has club for years to come. “It’s all nonsense, it’s not the last meaning the game’s biggest stars have but Serie A can become the second lost its past two matches - including a 4-1 setback at chance at all,” Zamparini said. “Iachini is like a son to me, opted to chase more lucrative con- league in the world. “We still have a home against Cagliari - and Mazzarri will be desperate to he will stay with me for another four to five years. Also tracts elsewhere. The impact had been good foundation and can compete avoid completing a hat trick of losses on Sunday night. because I’m convinced that we will win our next five felt on the field where Inter’s run in with Germany’s Bundesliga and Spain’s The 53-year-old coach left Napoli for Inter in 2013 after games.” 2010 is the only time since AC Milan La Liga.”— AFP 2014.— AFP October 15, River Arenaon NHL gameatGila first periodofthe Oilers duringthe the Edmonton Taylor Hall#4cof puck aheadof skates withthe Arizona Coyotes Hanzal #11ofthe ARIZONA: Martin FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 Coyotes knockoff Coyotes knockoff winless Oilers 7-4 winless Oilers 7-4 www.kuwaittimes.net Page 42