Music, Peace building and Reconciliation

Jigyasa Gulati has been growing literature on its practice in executing peace building projects and To believe in healing is to believe in the especially, bottom-up approaches with creative act.” - John Paul Lederach numbers of NGOs and INGOs utilizing its Music has always been a part of cultures. benefits. With its impact realized, the track Without any discrimination it has served the one diplomacy is also looking towards it, as humankind in various forms. From providing seen in states, like Uganda. However, it has relaxation to entertainment, where it has been a less explored field in . There is a emerged as a separate field, it has also proven dearth of practitioners as well as academics its utilization in many other paradigms such and research. Nonetheless, India with its rich as medical and psychology. There is a vast musical heritage offers an avenue to adopt and growing amount of research, writing, such creative approaches. A place like experimentation and application of music as a and where most of the population healing tool with broad potential to increase suffers from various mental health issues as a an individual’s health, well-being and life result of the ongoing unrest, music could situation. Music is incorporated in treatment provide a way forward. Jammu and Kashmir plans for dementia, depression, and anxiety as with its unique blend of musical influence well as to improve motor coordination in from Central Asia, near East and the West, people suffering from Parkinson’s, Cerebral holds a rich culture of Sufiana Mausiqi. The Palsy and autism. Music is increasingly used melodies of Rabab, , Surnai, Sitar, to boost the quality of life of those impacted Tumbaknari, and Noot are praised worldwide. by serious medical conditions including Amid all the chaos and conflict in the former PTSD and cancer (Music for Everyone, n.d.). state, music has always found its place. In At the same time, music therapy has emerged such a context, mixing music with as an effective treatment to provide holistic peacebuilding approaches could prove an treatment to patients. Combining its health effective intervention catering to the general benefits along with its impact on the and mental health needs, healing, and, emotional and social development of an developing a culture of peace among the individual, it has greatly served in peace community. The paper discusses the potential building and conflict transformation. There of music in peacebuilding and sheds light on

the current state of music in the erstwhile participants in these programs feel they state. Moreover, it offers certain policy possess and can deploy without the need for recommendations to incorporate music-based extensive formal training” (Pruitt, 2011, pg. approaches for the well-being of the people. 89) (Heble, 2020). Several of the artist groups observed that the Music Festival offered The paper discusses the role of music in artists a space where they could engage with peacebuilding and afterwards, sheds light on each other as musicians and artists, rather the current state of music in the erstwhile than as representatives of their ethnic group, state. Moreover, it offers certain policy mentions one of the participants in the recommendations to emphasize that its SLNMC, a music festival organized Norway benefits could be utilized in the erstwhile Music Corporation in the post-conflict period state to propagate a culture of peace. to strengthen reconciliation through music activities. The process of music-making itself helps in inculcating the values essential for Music and Peacebuilding building peaceful communities. Making There has been a growing recognition of music together, as happens in congregational creative approaches in peacebuilding. Whilst singing, creates beauty and builds it has been acknowledged that creative relationships in several ways. Whenever we approaches have limited application, for sing with others, whether in unison or in instance, at track one level of diplomacy, parts, we must listen as we sing. This teaches nevertheless, they have been extremely us not only to make sound, but to hear sound helpful in providing an enabling environment and respond to what we hear. This dialogical to initiate and facilitate formal practices such foundation also stands at the core of as facilitating dialogue, especially, at the transforming conflict, peacebuilding, and community level. As Kenneth Bruscia states, worship itself. (Bergey, 2020) The Nai “Music can provide a nonverbal means of Children’s Choir in Canada have adapted this self-expression and communication, or it can approach and have been providing free serve as a bridge connecting nonverbal and weekly music classes to children and youth verbal channels of communication. This Syrian refugee arriving in Canada, to provide could provide a medium for participation in them a space where they can express their peacebuilding projects by “de-emphasizing of feelings such as grief, yearning, love and rational, academic modes of intelligence and hope to foster their better integration, a shift to the kind of knowledge that the language development and trauma healing.

The unique part of the art-based youth Ashok Seth. (Rahman, 2013) Therefore, it empowerment approach is that, members sing could be said that music could prove wonders in both their mother tongue as well as in the in releasing emotions such as stress, anger official language of the new home and thus, and frustration. MusicWorks in South Africa, preserving their own cultural heritage while has been using music therapy to foster critical promoting diversity. As aesthetic early childhood development to sponsor engagements enliven people; they can support social and emotional development with their communities to confront painful history and VIP approach. But what is more important assist them in grappling with change. here, is the context in which they operate. Individuals and communities can find sources They are providing music therapy classes to of power that are non-violent and non- children living in Cape Flats where crimes, coercive. (Cohen et al., n.d.) The Heartbeat- gang-fights, abuse are a course of the day. In New Sound Foundation, an NGO from such a scenario, Music Works offers a safe Lebanon has been trying to train youth environment to these children where they can through music education as a medium for express themselves for instance, telling their transferable learning, to build bridges and stories through songs and dealing with strong critical awareness between communities emotions such as grief or anger by playing divided by conflict, racism and injustice. musical instruments. This helps to build They create spaces and opportunities for coping mechanisms to develop trust and have youth musicians to develop agency and the faith in possibilities. Women have always critical skills to challenge the structures of been among the most vulnerable groups in protracted conflict, inequality, and any crisis given their political, social, discrimination within their communities as economic, and cultural marginalization. empowered grassroots cultural and When employed effectively, music could community leaders. become a path towards empowerment. Womansong, a group of 75 women, offers an Music therapy has proven to be effective in outstanding example of empowerment with providing holistic treatment to patients. their vision of “singing together to nurture “Music helps relieve stress, and therefore and uplift ourselves and our community”. The works wonders for the cardiovascular system. chorus promotes unity and honors cultural I tell my patients that while it may not always diversity with songs that celebrate many be possible to ward off stress, taking regular themes in women’s lives, including breaks and pursuing a hobby, like music, empowerment, spirituality, healing and helps manage it”, says Eminent cardiologist

humor. They also started the New Start Fund Sufiana Mausiqi is the classical Sufi that collects money from the concerts and ensemble music of the Kashmir region. This provides financial support to women in musical form developed through the Indo/ Western North Carolina in the form of grants Central Asian cultural exchange that took and scholarships and thereby, extending place after the arrival of Islam and Sufism in benefits to the community at large. It built the region during the 14th century. self-confidence of women by making them (Mir,2016) The principal concept in Sufiana markers of change in the community. Mausiqi is that of Maqam, a melodic mode and the counterpart of Indian Raga. Like the Through these examples, it could be observed Hindustani ragas, maqams are also believed that Music can play a significant role in the to be useful in treating various ailments & establishment of positive peace in the diseases. In Tarana-i- Saroor written in community by addressing various factors Persian by Daya Ram Khushdil, the such as inter-group differences, supporting description of the temperament and the dialogue and integration, spreading awareness therapeutic characteristics of different and knowledge, providing mechanisms for Maqams is given. As stressed by Jaan Nissar non-violent conflict resolution and fostering Lone, divine music could be instrumental in values such as empathy, understanding and healing and resolving the bitterness. And with healing. the inherent nature of Sufi music to heal and provide peace, it’s essential to revive its culture in the region which has undergone a Music and Jammu & Kashmir straight decline. As Prof. Shabir Ahmad Mir Kashmir has a rich cultural legacy and highlights, there are very few competent musical heritage spanning over years. The practitioners left, and they are struggling to rich blend comes from its internal diversity in pass on the tradition to future generations. terms of language, tradition and religion as Earlier there were a number of gharanas of well as from the external influence poured Sufiana Mausiqi in most parts of Kashmir, from Central Asia, near East and the West however only four of these have survived. On due to its geographical location. From their the other hand, where some prominent artists unique music to indigenous musical such as Santoor players like Pandit Bhajan instruments and traditions music is embedded Sopori and his son Abhay Sopori are keeping in the soul. the traditions alive, traditional music instruments like Rabab, Surnai, Santoor,

Sitar, Tumbaknari, Noot, Rabab etc. have also known as the ‘first female rapper from seen a decline in its popularity. In addition, Kashmir’ is an emerging name. In a folk music such as Chakri, are also vanishing. conservative society of the erstwhile state, One of the main reasons mostly stated, is the opting for music as a career has not been declining interest among the youth due to the easy. The all women band ‘A Sufiyana growing influence of western music. Group’ which is on a journey to revive However, there exist two divergent views on Sufiyana Mosiqui, is again, a rare case. In this point. On the one hand, where some addition, lack of consideration by the state states that its exposure has robbed the essence government seems to be the other factor. "The of traditional music, some have supported the government is not fully promoting the blend of western influence. Haq, a musician, traditional music which is part of our cultural who is concerned about the extinction of the heritage,” said top-grade, Sufiyana artist, Kashmiri language, states that he appreciates Ustad Muhammad Yaqoob Shaikh. The the westernization of Kashmiri songs saying negligence could be observed in terms of lack that youth at his place is able to better connect of infrastructural facilities like music studios, with Kashmiri when it’s fused with western art galleries, recording rooms and the nominal musical instruments like guitar, piano and or no financial support to music artists. A violin. He further says that “westernizing the Kashmiri Singer, Raja Bilal blamed the state Kashmiri music has become a necessity to government for shortage of affordable keep the language alive. Chaker and Ghazals studios, poor funding and lack of cultural are not preferred much anymore”. There are policy, which according to him threatens the many young artists who are blending modern future of the artists and creative workforce. with traditional discourse. Yawar Abda, The project to construct Tehzeeb Mahal, a blends modern music and technology with multi-storage art gallery that was in the native Kashmiri poetry to spread the message pipeline for years, was recently shelved after of peace, love, and harmony, through the spending around eight crores, with no words of legendary poets Mirza Ghalib, introduction of any future initiative. Along Mahjoor, and Amir Khusrow, as he stated. with limited livelihood opportunities music is (Kedia, 2019) Artists like MC Kash, Ahmer often not seen as a preferable career choice. Javed, Muazzam Bhat, Ali Saiffudin, and The current state of music education is in Zeeshan Nabi have already earned fame and crisis states Prof. Shabir Ahmad Mir. His are well known in the industry. Joining the all paper “Music Education in Kashmir: Present man group of male rappers, Mehak Ashraf State and the Way forward”, offers some

valuable insights in this regard. He sheds light provide music education along with other on the absence of music subjects in almost all subjects to children in the village area. But the educational institutions of the region with the non-payment of the maintenance fees except a few government schools and to ISRO, the system is not in use since 2013. colleges. He further adds that absence of Therefore, there is a need to take immediate music from curriculum of primary and steps to preserve the musical legacy. secondary schools, and its confinement However, it is also important to discuss mostly to women colleges and girls' higher certain events that are sowing seeds of hope. secondary schools, is depriving the male Shahzad Asim is the first Kashmiri to students of access to music education. Lack complete a doctorate in music which has been of awareness is another concern posed by acknowledged by the Paris based him. Music is “looked down”, thus generally International Music council. Raj kumar Doger those students who don't get admission in is not only a musician but also a music subjects like science opt for music. There therapist. He has done a number of mediation have been no attempts to elevate the status of therapy and workshops for students, soldiers, music and it is treated at par with the other and patients in and out J&K. Aabha Hanjura, subjects like science, commerce, and arts. a and an online music There had been huge discussions to draft a sensation has been mixing folk Kashmiri cultural policy for the former state and a draft songs with western music. Not only was realized in 2017 as well for the public promoting the culture but also making review. The document provides a complex Muslims and Pandits sing in unison. In 2017, framework to adopt. But no developments Kashmir’s biggest music festival, ‘Shashrang’ have since been made in this regard. In 2018, that includes all three categories – Sufiyana, renowned Prof. Amitabh Mattoo, also the folk and light music, brought in huge talent former advisor to the Chief Minister, held a from both inside and outside of the valley. meeting with different representatives from One of the major attractions is the various dept. to review academic structure for participation from Kashmiri Pandits who music initiative. It resulted in the first music migrated in the ‘90s. (Mirani, 2017) The same journal published by the state. However, since event also took place last year witnessing its first release no further publication has huge participation and holding interactive come out and no steps have been taken on sessions on topics like, “Ways and means to other discussed points. The utilization of promote and preserve the Kashmiri music’. In online platform Edusat, was also discussed to February 2020, the Indian Army organized a

concert near Dal Lake to celebrate the Sufi General Recommendations music, Kashmiri culture and ‘Kashmiriat’ and 1. Policy-Making- There is a need to to felicitate young talent. Such events not adopt a ‘Cultural Policy’. The 2016 document only foster talent but also helps other is a complex document that addresses various industries such as tourism and hospitality. aspects from implementation to evaluation With Covid-19 posing restrictions, artists framework, etc. and could provide a blueprint from J&K found a way to keep the art alive. for systemic development. They recently organized Kashmir’s first ever online music concert. There are multiple of 2. Research- To promote research in this these examples that is enough to suggest that area, as a first step, the quarterly Journal- JK there is absolutely no dearth either of love for Music Initiative that was first published by music or talented musicians, what is lacking the Department of Higher Education should is adequate support. be released as decided to give a platform to scholars and researchers. Policy Recommendations 3. Online Platform- Edusat should be The first and foremost step to utilize music installed in educational institutions to provide for its various benefits, it is imperative to education and music education to those establish structures for the perseverance and located in remote areas. Currently the service promotion of music among the masses. is unavailable and requires the state govt. to Secondly, it is also significant to accept the sign an MoU with the Department of influence of the external culture and Education and ISRO and pay the maintenance channelize it, in the right direction by fees. As a further step, the service could be building a bridge between traditional and extended to the school education system. modern art forms. 4. Civic Infrastructure- There is a dire need to Despite the efforts of multiple institutions of propose a new plan since the cancellation of culture and art, DD Kashir, AIR , Tehzeeb Mahal. Art galleries, music studios, Print and Electronic Media, Cultural research galleries and museums should be Academy, Cultural Wing of Directorate of established to provide the adequate physical School Education Kashmir (DSEK) that have space for artistic expression. been working to preserve and promote the culture of the region, more substantial steps need to be taken.

5. Identify and support indigenous talent 11. Adopting a gendered approach and with financial assistance in the form of tax specially recognizing and supporting female incentives, grants, and scholarships. artists to help them counter societal pressure and flourish their talent. 6. Generating employment opportunities for instance, by creating more shows on TV and 12. In terms of formal education, following radio and hiring young talent to motivate steps are essential: youth.  Introducing music as a subject in the 7. Cultural collaborations should be made curriculum at primary and secondary with national institutions such as Sangeet level Natak Academy to gain funds and learning  Introduction of music as a core subject opportunities such as inviting guest lecturers  Increasing the number of sanctioned in universities. posts for music faculty in institutions 8. Collaborations could also be established  Upgrade the existing and provide with organizations such as SaMaPa Academy, modern facilities like Music Studio, Funkar International and Kashmir Music Research Library, etc. Club, tirelessly promoting indigenous talent To promote informal education - at national and international level, to reach the knowledge persons, organize concerts, Training programs, workshops and seminars seminars and training programmes. should be conducted in universities, seminar halls, etc. 9. A multi-sector approach should be undertaken by linking the preservation and 13. Creating community groups/social promotion of traditional music with tourism centres/counselling centres and adopting folk and promotion of language. music- Where counselling centres could directly address the issues, other physical 10. Regular concerts, band shows, talent spaces could be created to gather community hunts should be organized by the state govt. members and introduce them with music- to provide a platform to the emerging talent. making to adopt a gradual shift from Regular music concerts, and band shows entertainment to healing. Music is a clear conducted by the police and army personnel reflection of the sum totality of human is a welcome step. behavior. It is a part of a man’s ethnicity, customs and social legacy. Folk music

particularly provides a stimulating knowledge recruiting trained professionals. A person like of history, literature, and culture of a country Meenakshi Ravi could be of help. A music evident in its lyrics and composition style. therapist, once appointed as the trainer for Therefore, dwelling into folk music such as anganwadi workers in Karnataka, she began Chakri and Vanvun, musical safe spaces using music to heal and help them in caring could be introduced that could be further for rural women. Later, with her appointment utilized for peacebuilding projects such as as a family counsellor, she helped in creating spaces for dialogue. establishing 18 counselling centres across the state and currently runs a Music Therapy Chakkri is sung on various occasions and tells Centre in Bangalore. stories usually based on love, devotion, peace, etc. It is sung collectively with the lead singer, singing and others playing the Conclusion instrument. It leads to a melodious surrounding in which everyone can be a part Interpersonal conciliatory processes and enjoy music. complement the structural and political processes that produce change at the societal Vanvun is sung by women, both Pandit and level (Howell, 2019) and therefore, it is Muslim Kashmiri women. It is a prayer in the imperative to adopt such bottom-up form of folk music and commences with a processes. There have been number of formal prayer to God. The subjects of vanvun also attempts towards reconciliation with limited refer to the events of the Vedic period. Both results. With the rich cultural legacy of music Hindus and Muslims have added distinct and the need for preserving this legacy, religious colour and aesthetic essence to this incorporating peacebuilding approaches along style of singing. This could serve as a ground with music could help at both individual as to bring the women folk together through well as community level. However, the music-making and further intervention could foremost step is to provide the essential be adopted. environment required to flourish the emerging 14. Music and Anganwadis- To foster early artists, this will not only help the individuals childhood development, music should be to channelize their energy in positive introduced in existing Anganwadi Centres to engagements but could also help the state to provide holistic development to children. gain economically by linking it to industries However, this requires training to workers or such as tourism.

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