94 ■PROGRESS IN "FLYING MACHINES j a The American Engineer and Railroad Journal 47 Cedar Street, New York T L <*7o *5 ,C 5 / 614- .i 5/- .-.'B V h INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Those marked with a * have been tested by experiment. Fig. Page x Sir G. Cayley, 1809. Diagram of bird gliding...»* 6 a Leonardo da Vinci, 1500. Wing-flapping device. xi 3 *Besnier, 1678. Alleged artificial wings. 13 4 *Marquis de Bacqueville, 1742. Alleged artificial wings. 14 5 *Bourcart, 1866. Experimental feathering wings. 15 6 *Dandrieux, 1879. Experimental figure of 8 wingp. 15 7 *Degen, 1812. Umbrella-like, valvular wings.... 18 8 *Letur, 1853. Parachute-like wings..*... 19 9 *De Groof, 1864. Winged parachute. 30 xo Bréant, 1854. Valvular-flapping wings. 21 xi *Le Bris, 1857. Flapping wings. 22 la Gérard, 1784. Flapping wings. 34 X3 Struvé and Telescheff, 1864. Multiple-flapping wings. 2s 14 *Kaufmann, 1867. Aerial steam machine. 26 15 Prigent, 1871. Machine, like dragon fly.,. 27 16 *Jobert, 1871. Artificial bird. 28 17 ♦Penaud, 1872. Artificial bird. 28 18 ♦flureau de Villeneuve, 1872. Artificial bird. 29 19 ♦Jobert, 1872. Artificial bird. 30 30 ♦Pichancourt, 1889. Artificial bird. 31 21 De Louvrié, 1877. Flapping wings, “ Anthropornis.”. 32 sa ♦Frost, 1890. Steam bird machine. 34 23 ♦Trouvé, 1870. Artificial bird, driven by explosives. 36 24 Method of starting Trouvé’s bird. 37 25 *Launoy and Bienvenu, 1784. Ascending superposed screws. 49 26 Cossus, X845. Project for screw flying machine. 51 27 ♦Bright, 1859. Superposed screws under a balloon. 52 28 *Ponton d’Amecourt, 1863. Steam driven superposed screws.
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