J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1998;65:29–33 29 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.65.1.29 on 1 July 1998. Downloaded from Prevalence of Alzheimer plaques in AIDS

Margaret M Esiri, Simon C Biddolph, Christine S Morris

Abstract According to the hypothesis for the Objectives—Both genetic and environ- pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease, diVuse mental risk factors for Alzheimer’s dis- plaques are the initial manifestation of the dis- ease have been identified. The best ease, with neuritic or classic plaques and burnt established environmental risk factor, out plaques developing later.910 Concurrent head trauma, is thought to act through the with plaque accumulation and progression, triggering of an inflammatory response. neurofibrillary tangles, initially appearing only Another stimulus to an inflammatory in the transentorhinal region, become more response in the brain is AIDS. Whether numerous and widespread in the there is an increased prevalence of â/A4 and eventually in the and certain amyloid deposits in the form of argy- subcortical nuclei.11 Typically, the progression rophilic plaques in the brains of patients of disease from the initial, diVuse, plaque stage with AIDS has therefore been investi- to the advanced state with widespread neocor- gated. tical neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary tan- Methods—The prevalence of argyrophilic gles is estimated to take at least 20 years. This amyloid plaques in the cerebral cortex of is based on findings on the prevalence of these frontal and temporal lobes was compared changes in brains from patients of diVering in 97 cases of AIDS dying at ages 30–69 ages with adult Down’s syndrome, who almost years with that in 125 age matched, invariably develop the pathology of Alzheimer’s non-HIV infected controls. disease by late middle age,12 and in elderly Results—In the control group, and in populations.13 14 The early stages of this patho- AIDS, the prevalence of plaques increased logical sequence, before the widespread devel- with age (p=0.005 and 0.048 respectively). opment of neuritic pathology, are largely There was a significantly greater preva- subclinical. lence of argyrophilic plaques in the AIDS Although there is indubitable evidence for an group as a whole (29%) (p< 0.004) and in important genetic influence in the develop- those in the fourth decade (18%) (p<0.014) ment of these changes, both in familial and than in control subjects (13% and 0% sporadic Alzheimer’s disease,15–20 it is also respectively). thought likely that environmental factors play a Conclusion—There is a predisposition to significant part in their development. Three argyrophilic plaque formation in the separate epidemiological studies, among nine brain in AIDS. The findings support the that considered the possibility, have pointed to view that a stimulus to an inflammatory the importance of previous head injury in http://jnnp.bmj.com/ response in the brain favours argyrophilic increasing the risk of developing clinical Alzhe- plaque formation. The clinical relevance imer’s disease.21 One reason for this might be of our findings is, as yet, unclear. that head injury produces irreversible damage (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1998;65:29–33) to the brain which reduces its reserve capacity Keywords: AIDS; Alzheimer’s disease; amyloid plaques and makes symptoms develop at an earlier stage in the evolution of the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease.22 However, it is also possi- on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Alzheimer’s disease is characterised pathologi- ble that head injury accelerates, or makes more cally chiefly by the presence of widely distrib- likely, the development of Alzheimer’s disease uted cerebral argyrophilic plaques and neurofi- pathology itself. Thus, in pugilistica, brillary tangles.1 A principal component of pathological features resembling those seen in Department of argyrophilic plaques is â/A4 amyloid, a peptide Alzheimer’s disease develop in boxers sub- Neuropathology and derived from the metabolic processing of a jected to repeated head injury.23 Recent patho- Neurology, RadcliVe larger, glycosylated membrane , amy- logical studies exploring a possible link be- Infirmary, Oxford, UK 23 tween head injury and Alzheimer’s disease have M M Esiri loid precursor protein. Argyrophilic plaques S C Biddolph have diVerent morphological forms, classified found an increased prevalence of â/A4 amyloid 4 C S Morris as diVuse, classic, and “burnt out”. DiVuse deposits in subjects dying four hours to 2.5 plaques consist of focal but dispersed deposits years after severe head injury compared with Correspondence to: of â/A4 amyloid, well demonstrated immuno- age matched controls with no history of previ- Professor MM Esiri, 24 25 Neuropathology cytochemically with antibodies to â/A4 protein ous head injury. Possession of the apolipo- 5–8 Department, RadcliVe and with the methenamine silver stain. Clas- protein E gene allele å4 increases both the risk Infirmary, Oxford OX2 6HE, sic plaques have a central, dense core of â/A4 of developing Alzheimer’s disease,19 20 particu- UK. Telephone 0044 1865 larly after head injury,26 and the risk of having 224 403; fax 0044 1865 224 amyloid and a surrounding corona of abnormal 508. neuritic and glial cell processes. Burnt out â/A4 amyloid deposits in the brain after head plaques consist of a dense deposit of â/A4 injury.27 It is hypothesised28 that head injury Received 16 September 1997 amyloid resembling the core of classic plaques provokes enhanced production of amyloid pre- and in revised form 14 November 1997 without the surrounding neuritic and other cell cursor protein as part of an acute phase Accepted 25 November 1997 processes. response, possibly mediated by interleukin-1, 30 Esiri, Biddolph, Morris J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.65.1.29 on 1 July 1998. Downloaded from

Table 1 Plaque distribution and density in HIV infected cases and controls of temporal lobe/hippocampus and frontal lobes, or of hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, HIV + HIV− and temporal lobe were stained with the meth- Temporal lobe and frontal lobe plaques 17 12 enamine silver stain for argyrophilic plaques Only temporal lobe plaques 11* 2 (which stains all â/A4 amyloid plaques)7 and Plaque profile densities (mean (SD))† 2.14 (3.17) 3.40 (3.89) systematically scanned for the presence of *In six cases a frontal lobe section was not available for examination. argyrophilic plaques, without knowledge of †DiVerence NS by Mann-Whitney non-parametric test (p=0.78). the age of each case. All sections were mounted which has been shown to upregulate produc- on APTES (3-aminopropyl-triethoxysilane)- tion of amyloid precursor protein in cultured coated slides and adjacent sections to those cells.29–32 This enhanced production of amyloid used for methenamine from HIV precursor protein, it is suggested, in turn infected patients and a random selection of results in increased /A4 amyloid deposits in controls were processed for HIV p24 . â + + the brain. Randomly selected HIV , methenamine silver , − + If this hypothesis is correct it might be and control HIV , methenamine silver cases anticipated that other disease processes predis- were also immunostained for âA4. All sections posing to increased interleukin-1 production in were rehydrated, treated with 3% aqueous the brain may likewise result in an enhanced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to block endog- risk of developing â/A4 amyloid deposits. The enous peroxidase. Then antigen retrieval for chronic viral infection that causes AIDS, HIV p24 was performed by microwaving for HIV-1, is estimated to infect the brain in 20%– 3×5 minutes on “high” in an 800 W microwave 80% of AIDS cases, depending on the popula- oven, and by pretreating with 98% formic acid tions studied and the sensitivity of the method for five minutes for âA4. After washes in phos- used to detect such infection.33 Furthermore, phate buVered saline containing 0.01% Triton interleukin-1 is one of several cytokines that X-100 (PBST), non-specific binding was has been shown to be produced in increased blocked by incubation with foetal calf serum at amounts in the brain in AIDS.34 These findings 1:20 for 20 minutes, followed immediately by suggest the possibility that patients with AIDS, incubation in the primary antibodies, mouse like those with head injury, may be at increased monoclonal anti-HIV p24 (Dako) diluted 1:20 risk of developing amyloid plaques in the and rabbit anti-âA4 (Insight Biotechnology), cerebral cortex. We have therefore examined diluted 1:100, for one hour. After further sections of cerebral cortex from patients with washes as before, biotinylated goat antimouse AIDS dying from 30 to 69 years of age and immunoglobulins (at 1:200) and biotinylated compared the prevalence of argyrophilic amy- goat antirabbit immunoglobulins at 1:400 loid deposits in those patients with that in age (both from Dako) were applied as the second- matched controls without HIV infection. ary reagents for HIV p24 and âA4 respectively, for 30 minutes. After further washes in PBST, the tertiary reagent, streptavidin horseradish Materials and methods peroxidase (Dako), diluted at 1:300, was Material from 97 patients with HIV-1 infection applied for 30 minutes. The reactions were (10 pre-AIDS, 87 AIDS) (91 men, five visualised with 3-amino-9-ethylcarbazone http://jnnp.bmj.com/ women), aged over 29 years at death (mean (AEC) and lightly counterstained with Mayer’s (SD) 47.6 (10.2), range 30–67 years) was haemalum (Merck, BDH) and mounted in obtained from the MRC AIDS brain bank at glycerol gelatin (Sigma). In sections that the Institute of Psychiatry, London and at its contained plaques, the mean density of plaque satellites in Oxford and Edinburgh, or from the profiles per field averaged from an examination Institute of Neurology, London. Age matched of 20 fields at ×200 magnification was calcu- controls (mean (SD) 49.8 (10.1), range 30–68 lated, in each lobe. years) without cerebral disease (77 men, 48 The prevalence of patients with any argy- on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. women), were obtained from 125 necropsies, rophilic plaques in male and female controls most of which were performed before the onset and in AIDS was compared with Fisher’s exact of the AIDS epidemic, from Runwell Hospital, test. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to Essex (Corsellis collection) (n=110) and from examine the relation between prevalence oV the RadcliVe Infirmary, Oxford (n=15). These plaques and age in both groups of cases. were selected on the basis that they had shown Analysis was made with Instat 2 for PCs no evidence in life of disease of the CNS and (Graphpad). had no CNS macroscopic pathology on neuropathological examination. Large sections Results Table 2 Risk category for HIV in relation to prevalence of argyrophilic plaques As men predominated in the AIDS series of patients whereas men and women were more Argyrophilic plaques evenly represented in the age matched control series,we first compared â/A4 plaque preva- Risk factor for HIV Age (y) mean (SD) Present Absent Total lence between men and women in the control Homosexual 50† (9.7) 14* 22 36 series. We found no significant eVect of sex in Haemophiliac 47 (9.7) 5 13 18 this comparison (men, mean 2.9; women, Drug misuser 35† (3.8) 2* 17 19 Uncertain 7 17 24 mean 4.1) and therefore considered the control Total 28 69 97 group as a whole appropriate to compare with the patients with AIDS for plaque prevalence. *DiVerence between these two rows significant at p=0.03. †DiVerence between these two rows significant at p=0.0001 (Mann-Whitney non-parametric Figure 1 shows the prevalence of cases test). showing any argyrophilic amyloid deposits in Prevalence of Alzheimer plaques in AIDS 31 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.65.1.29 on 1 July 1998. Downloaded from

Table 3 Argyrophilic plaque prevalence relative to neuropathology in HIV infection average age of the drug misusers being 35 years and of homosexuals and haemophiliacs 50 Neuropathology Plaque+ (%) Plaque− Total years and 47 years respectively. InsuYcient HIV encephalitis 7 (33) 14 21 information was available about cognitive Opportunistic infections 5 (29) 12 17 function in life for us to be able to search for a Lymphoma 4 (20) 12 16 Other pathology, not known 3 (33) 6 9 correlation between presence of dementia in Non-specific or no pathology 16 (32) 33 49 life and plaque pathology. Twenty five HIV Total 112 infected patients had HIV encephalitis with HIV p24 core protein detected in the brain, each decade in the AIDS cases and controls. seven of which had cortical argyrophilic The â/A4 confirmed that all plaques (aged 32, 39, 48, 52, 53, 56, and 59 the silver positive deposits contained this anti- years). This was not significantly diVerent from gen in cases infected with HIV and control the prevalence of plaques in patients with cases examined. Age was significantly corre- AIDS without detectable HIV p24 core lated with prevalence of plaques for controls protein. No HIV p24 core protein was detected (p=0.005) and for AIDS cases (p=0.048). The in sections from control patients. The presence prevalence of cases with plaques rose from 18% of additional neuropathology in the form of in the fourth decade to 50% in the seventh opportunistic infections, CNS lymphoma, or decade in AIDS cases. In controls the equiva- non-specific pathology (glial nodules, mild lent figures were none in the fourth decade and perivascular inflammatory cell infiltration, 36% in the seventh decade. In the series as a haemorrhages, and infarctions) did not signifi- whole 29% of AIDS cases and 14% of controls cantly influence the prevalence of argyrophilic had plaques. The diVerences between AIDS plaques (table 3). In the few cases (n=36) for and controls in the fourth decade and in the which information was available about whether series as a whole were significant (p 0.014 and anti-HIV treatment was given or not, treatment 0.004 respectively). In most of the cases did not influence risk of formation of plaques plaques were sparse and of the diVuse variety in (data not shown). Of the few patients (n=10) both AIDS and control groups. The distribu- who had not developed clinical AIDS two tion of plaques between the temporal and fron- (aged 39 and 44 years) showed some diVuse tal cortex did not diVer between AIDS and argyrophilic plaques. Brain weights between control groups and the overall mean density of HIV infected men (mean (SD) 1444 (148) g) plaque profiles did not diVer either (table 1). and controls (mean (SD) 1475 (127) g) did not Neuritic elements in plaques, or well defined diVer significantly. Brain weights in the HIV cores, were found rarely in six AIDS cases and infected subgroup with argyrophilic plaques in three of the controls. In some AIDS cases (mean (SD) 1458 (142) g) and without and controls plaques showed a distribution argyrophilic plaques (mean (SD) 1420 (159) g) closely related to perikarya, as has been were likewise not significantly diVerent. described in Down’s syndrome.7 In no case among either the AIDS or control group were there suYcient neuritic plaques to diagnose Discussion

Alzheimer’s disease with CERAD neuropatho- The prevalence of argyrophilic â/A4- http://jnnp.bmj.com/ logical criteria.1 The duration of known HIV containing plaques in the control series in this positive status in the AIDS cases, where study in the younger age groups was compara- known, was not related to presence of argy- ble with that found in previous large necropsy rophilic plaques (data not shown). Table 2 series,5 35–37 and rose significantly with age, as shows the influence of the risk category for expected. AIDS on prevalence of plaques. Plaques were We found a significantly higher prevalence of significantly more prevalent in homosexuals cortical argyrophilic plaques in patients with

than drug misusers and haemophiliacs had an AIDS dying in the fourth decade and in the on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. intermediate plaque prevalence. However, this series as a whole than in age matched control diVerence between homosexuals and drug subjects. This is the first study, as far as we are misusers is attributable to the diVerent age at aware, that has shown a relation between AIDS death of those in the diVerent risk groups, the and argyrophilic plaque deposition. Many patients with AIDS die at an age when the n = 12 50 prevalence of â/A4 deposits is normally negligi- ble. However, the present finding of argy- HIV cases with 40 plaques (n = 97) rophilic plaques in 18% of those aged 30–39 n = 22 Control cases with n = 41 years with AIDS means that plaque prevalence plaques (n = 125) 30 in AIDS is increased to levels approaching those found in Down’s syndrome.12 Plaque prevalence in the age group studied here was n = 28 n = 16 20 36 n = 36 also increased in another study of epilepsy. The present study does not clarify when in the Cases positive for 10 n = 32 amyloid plaques (%) stage of HIV-1 infection enhanced argyrophilic

n = 35 plaque formation occurs, but it is noteworthy 0 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 that of 10 patients in the present series who had Age in decades not developed clinical AIDS, two (aged 39 and 44 years) had plaques. Thus there seems to be Age distribution of amyloid plaques in HIV cases v controls. Numbers over the columns indicate the number of cases in the potential for plaques to develop in the brain each category. before the onset of clinical AIDS. 32 Esiri, Biddolph, Morris J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.65.1.29 on 1 July 1998. Downloaded from

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