March-April, 1982 Newsletter of the Adirondack Mountain Club

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March-April, 1982 Newsletter of the Adirondack Mountain Club LONG ISLAND MOUNTAINEER MARCH-APRIL, 1982 NEWSLETTER OF THE ADIRONDACK MOUNTAIN CLUB LEARN SELF-SUFFICIENCY BEYOND THE TRAILHEAD: BACKPACKING INSTRUCTION CAN OPEN THE WAY! There are over Zh million acres of land Boots, and Care Thereof; 3) Clothing with over 900 miles of marked trails in the from the Skin Out Plus Rain Gear; 4) Forest Preserve of the Adirondack and Cat- Sleeping Systems and Shelter; 5) Food skill Mountains. There are 34 mountains and Cooking; 6) Maps, Trail Guides, and over 3500 feet in the Catskills and 42 the Compass; 7) Trail and Camp Safety; mountains over 4000 feet high in the and 8) Trip Planning. The instructor will Adirondacks. There are many 2 or 3 day be Dick Furman, an experienced outdoorsman weekend trips or week-long trips that can qualified to teach you how to travel be planned to cover any degree of challenge comfortably and safely in a wilderness to suit everyone's ability or desire. At situation. a lower elevation there is a trail running Registration information: a minimum for 130 miles with an elevation gain of age of 18; a fee of $10 for Adirondack less than 200 feet that takes an average Mountain Clab members; a fee of $15 for of 19 days to complete. So, if hiking and non-members; maximum enrollment of 30; climbing are your desires, this backpacking and payment in person no later than the course is for youi second class session on March 11. Make The course is designed to encourage your check payable to ADK, Long Island and support the novice in getting started Chapter; collected money will support and to broaden the more experienced educational and conservational goals of campers' abilities to enjoy the pleasures the ADK. of wilderness travel. Learn to travel Persons interested in an Adirondack light and easy, to live in comfort and Mountain Club membership should write to harmony with nature and to camp without Betty Keegan, 30' Lenox Road, Apt. 2L, leaving a sign of your presence there. Rockville Centre, New York 11570. Eight Thursday night sessions are scheduled to meet in room 110 at Hunt­ ington High School from 7:30-9:30. Huntington High is located at the north­ east corner of Oakwood and McKay Roads. It is five traffic lights north on Oakwood from its intersection with Jericho Turnpike. The class dates are March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1, 22, 29, and May 6. Class topics will prepare you for your outdoor adventures: Class 1) Introduction to Care and Use of the Wilderness; 2) The Backpack, FROM THE PRESIDENT'S PEN - Bill Crump ** THOSE ADK TAX DEDUCTIONS CAN ADD UP #* When the time comes for you to compile The schedule below shows typical deduc­ your itemized Income tax deductions be sure tions for food, tolls, and mileage (IRS to take into consideration your contributions allows 9<fc per mile) as figured from the to ADK. An active ADKer can often take ad­ carpool location. Any passenger reimburse­ vantage of the non-profit, educational status ments should be subtracted from these of ADK beyond the tax deductible membership amounts by drivers. Passengers, of course, fees. I have outlined below a short dis­ should use their carpool fare plus meals as cussion of acceptable deduction practices. their out-of-pocket expenses. These de­ Receipts or personal journals will be re­ ductions should be inserted on Line 22 quired to substantiate deductions. (Other than Cash Contributions) of Schedule 1) ADK Membership Fees - As shown in the A of your tax form. table below, the tax deductible portion of 3) ADK Main Club Committee Meetings - your membership fee is what remains after Attendance at ADK committee meetings, subtracting the 35% chapter membership fee generally scheduled during a weekend, are and the $3.60 Adirondac Magazine subscrip­ a tax deductible service and can be a re­ tion fee. This amount is inserted on line warding experience. Anyone interested in 21a (Cash Contributions) of Schedule A of pursuing participation in these activities your tax form (1040). should see me for information about up­ 2) Trail and Facility Maintenance coming meetings. Meetings can be held any­ Outings - Besides having a great time and where in NY State, but are usually located helping to further the cause of conserva­ in Albany, Glens Falls, Westchester or the tion, you can have the pleasure of knowing Adirondack areas. The table below contains that Uncle Sam is willing to foot part of typical deductions for a committee the bill for these events. Out-of-pocket meeting held in Glens Falls. These expenses associated with participation in deductions also go on Line 22 of the following outings are deductible. Schedule A of your tax form. a)NY/NJ Trail Conference sanctioned Why not start tax planning for 1982 "Litter Days" in Harrirnan Park. right now. Plan to participate in some b) ADK trail maintenance outings such new ADK activities and reap the rewards as the Long Path in the Catskills of a better club and a better environ­ and "The Brothers" trail near ment plus the added bonus of a break on Keene Valley. next year's taxes. Those ADK tax c) ADK Loj and John's Brook Loj deductions really do add up. cleanup weekends. Cash Contributions (line 21a) Membership to Adirondack Mountain Club, Inc. and Types of Membership: Active + Contributing •+ Ac t ive Associate Contributing Associate Membership Fee $20.00 $ 25.00 $ 30.00 $ 35.00 Total Deduction $ 9-^0 $ 12.65 $ 15.90 $ 19.15 "Other Than Cash Contributions" (Line 22) Approximate Miles Food Tolls Total Deduction Spring Litter Day - Harridan Park 120 1 meal f3T50 $ 15.00 Fall Litter Day - Harrirnan Park 120 1 meal 3.50 15.00 Catskill Trail Maintenance 300 3 meals 4.50 41.00 Adirondack Trail Maintenance 600 8 meals 7.00 81.00 "The Brothers" ADK Loj Cleanup Weekend 600 2 meals 7.00 66.00 JBL Cleanup Weekend 600 2 meals 7.00 66.00 ADK Committee Mtg at Glens Falls $20 1 meal 4.50 45.00 3 CONSERVATION - Paul Lanzillotta posing the technical errors had held off the inevitable introduction of the pro­ Lobbyists are again gearing up for a posal several times since August 1980. fight over a New York State bottle bill An entirely new dues schedule drawn up which is expected to pass this year. by Walt Hayes (Schenectady) was presented Passage will not come without planning and and approved after many attempts to dras­ strategy, however; as environmentalists tically alter it. The final vote of expect that a substantial 'grass roots' 28-5 was a victory for the entire club. campaign will be needed to assure that Classification Current Revised legislators know what the public expects. Active $20 $22 Opponents have already begun to act, and Over 65 10 10 have come up with an alternative program. Associate 8 Senator William T. Smith, who has opposed 5 10 12.50 the bill for years, has introduced alter­ Student native legislation which has provisions Contributing 30 50 •100 for programs to set up grants for litter Sustaining 75 control, implement recycling, and to set The increase for the active class is up a state litter abatement patrol by minimal. A 10% increase over four years of teenagers and other unemployed individuals double digit inflation is almost unheard for minimum wage. of. The over 65 people can celebrate. Assembly Speaker Stanley Fink wanted They will have no increase. The basic to assign the bottle bill to the Environ­ family membership (active + associate) mental Conservation Committee which would will rise only $5. have greatly improved its chances for The schedule is designed to encourage passage. However, objections by the the more highly dedicated/affluent mem­ Assembly caused him to have second thoughts bers to shoulder a greater share of the about doing so. Another positive aspect is dues burden and relieve the young and that Sen. Fred J. Eckert, an opponent of less affluent members. This innovative the bill, resigned as chairman of the schedule will maintain the Club's mem­ Senate Conservation and Environment Commit­ bership base, and attract new members tee and was replaced by Li's own Senator to keep the Club young and vital. John Dunne, who was a sponsor of the bill This dues schedule must pass a second last year. vote at the Aug. BoG meeting. Should it The public showed much interest in the be approved then, it will become the dues bill last year which resulted in the schedule for 1983. strongest support year. It is not too early SEARCH OOMM FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - to begin writing to State Senators and SC chair, Don Berens, announced over 220 Assemblymen. With our help, cleaner streets applicants had responded so far. He was and parks can be possible in 1982. happy to report many are promising and The Main Club Conservation Committee several are 'highly desirable.* The SC passed two resolutions at its January ninth will have completed Its work by March meeting. One calls for the removal of James 16. The BoG votes on the SC selection Watt from the position of Secretary of the and a new Executive Director may be Interior due to his land management policies approved as early as March 27. which threaten the environment. The second NOMINATING COMM - Larry is an appointee resolution petitions State Conservation Positions of president and three vice Commissioner Robert Flacke to deny permits presidents must be filled. Any sugges­ for power plant conversion to coal where tions? Contact Larry. (516 35^ 8507) effective flue gas desulfurlzation and NEW CARETAKER'S BUILDING - It has particulate removal systems are not provided been erected at Heart Lake.
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