Janice Pease (315)328-5793
[email protected] 130 Beebe Rd, Potsdam, N.Y. 13676 July 27, 2018 Via Email Honorable Kathleen H. Burgess, Secretary to the PSC Re: Case 16- F-0268, Application of Atlantic Wind LLC for a certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need Pursuant to Article 10 for Construction of the North Ridge Wind Energy Project in the Towns of Parishville and Hopkinton, St. Lawrence County. Dear Secretary Burgess: Fires have made the headlines across the country in the last few years. Wind facilities are contributing to & exacerbating the fire danger we are experiencing due to hot weather and dry conditions. Actions by the wind companies demonstrate their apparent lack of respect for the land and people. These corporations are not using appropriate precautions to avoid loss of forested areas, private property, habitat, and wild life. A major forest fire broke out around July 23rd on the eastern shores of Georgian Bay. The fire engulfed 5,600 hectares/ 13837.9 acres of land… and is growing. 6,760 hectares as of 7/27 = 16,704.32 “Potentially” responsible is the U.S.-based Pattern Energy Group who is developing the provinces largest wind facility, Henvey Inlet First Nation wind facility, in Ontario, CA. At the time of the fire there was a region-wide fire ban due to the dry conditions. According to workers on the construction crews, the company has been pushing them to work seven-day work weeks and potentially nights as well. The workers say there have been numerous fires earlier in the week due to blasting of rock and the use of heavy equipment.