431 Subpart H—Elephants, Hippo- Potami, Rhinoceroses, and Tapirs
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Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 93.802 Subpart H—Elephants, Hippo- (3) Parts of several national entities potami, Rhinoceroses, and combined into an area; or Tapirs (4) A group of national entities (coun- tries) combined into a single area. § 93.800 Definitions. United States. All of the several States of the United States, the Dis- The following terms, when used in trict of Columbia, Guam, the Northern this part, shall be construed as defined. Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, the Vir- Those terms used in the singular form gin Islands of the United States, and in this part shall be construed as the all other territories and possessions of plural form and vice versa, as the case the United States. may demand. United States health certificate. An of- A veteri- Accredited veterinarian. ficial document issued by an APHIS narian approved by the Administrator representative or an accredited veteri- in accordance with part 161 of this narian at the point of origin of a move- chapter to perform functions specified ment of animals. It must show the in parts 1, 2, 3, and 11 of this chapter, identification tag, tattoo, or registra- and subchapters B, C, and D of this tion number of each animal to be chapter; and to perform functions re- moved; the age and sex of each animal quired by cooperative State-Federal to be moved; the number of animals disease control and eradication pro- covered by the document; the points of grams. origin and destination; the consignor; Administrator. The Administrator, and the consignee. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Veterinary Services. The Veterinary Service, or any person authorized to Services unit of the Animal and Plant act for the Administrator. Health Inspection Service of the United Animal and Plant Health Inspection States Department of Agriculture. Service. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States [52 FR 29502, Aug. 10, 1987, as amended at 57 Department of Agriculture (APHIS). FR 23048, 23049, June 1, 1992. Redesignated APHIS representative. A veterinarian and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56021, Oct. 28, or other person employed by APHIS in 1997] animal health activities, who is au- § 93.801 Prohibitions. thorized to perform the function in- volved. Elephants, hippopotami, rhinoc- Enter (entered, entry) into the United eroses, or tapirs shall not be imported States. To introduce into the commerce or entered into the United States un- of the United States after release from less in accordance with this part. government detention. [52 FR 29502, Aug. 10, 1987. Redesignated at 62 Import (imported, importation) into the FR 56012, Oct. 28, 1997] United States. To bring into the terri- torial limits of the United States. § 93.802 Import permit. Incinerate (incinerated). To reduce to (a) An elephant, hippopotamus, rhi- ash by burning. noceros, or tapir shall not be imported Inspector. An employee of APHIS who into the United States unless accom- is authorized to perform the function panied by an import permit issued by involved. APHIS and unless imported into the Person. Any individual, corporation, United States within 30 days after the company, association, firm, partner- proposed date of arrival stated in the ship, society, joint stock company, or import permit. The port veterinarian any other legal entity. must be notified of the date of arrival Region. Any defined geographic land at least 72 hours before the animal ar- area identifiable by geological, polit- rives in the United States. ical, or surveyed boundaries. A region (b) An application for an import per- may consist of any of the following: mit must be submitted to the Animal (1) A national entity (country); and Plant Health Inspection Service, (2) Part of a national entity (zone, Veterinary Services, National Center county, department, municipality, par- for Import-Export, 4700 River Road ish, Province, State, etc.) Unit 38, Riverdale, Maryland 20737–1231. 431 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 07:58 Mar 06, 2001 Jkt 194026 PO 00000 Frm 00431 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\194026T.XXX pfrm13 PsN: 194026T § 93.803 9 CFR Ch. I (1–1–01 Edition) pplication forms for import permits § 93.803 Health certificate. may be obtained from this staff. (a) An elephant, hippopotamus, rhi- (c) The completed application shall noceros, or tapir shall not be imported include the following information: into the United States unless accom- (1) The name and address of the per- panied by a health certificate either son intending to export an elephant, signed by a salaried veterinarian of the hippopotamus, rhinoceros, or tapir to national veterinary services of the re- the United States; gion where the inspection and treat- (2) The name and address of the per- ment required by this section occurred son intending to import an elephant, or signed by a veterinarian authorized hippopotamus, rhinoceros, or tapir into by the national veterinary services of the United States; such region and endorsed by a salaried (3) The species, breed, and number of veterinarian of the national veterinary elephants, hippopotami, rhinoceroses, services of such region (the endorse- or tapirs to be imported; ment representing that the veteri- (4) The purpose of the importation; narian signing the health certificate (5) The port of embarkation; was authorized to do so), certifying: (6) The name and concentration of (1) That the elephant, hippopotamus, the pesticide intended to be used to rhinoceros, or tapir was inspected by treat the elephant, hippopotamus, rhi- the individual signing the health cer- tificate and found free of any noceros, or tapir for ectoparasites prior ectoparasites not more than 72 hours to the animal being transported to the before being loaded on the means of United States; conveyance which transported the ani- (7) The mode of transportation; mal to the United States; and (8) The route of travel; (2) That the elephant, hippopotamus, (9) The port of entry in the United rhinoceros, or tapir was treated for States and, if applicable, the address of ectoparasites at least 3 days but not the facility to be provided by the im- more than 14 days before being loaded porter for inspection, treatment, and on the means of conveyance which incineration pursuant to § 93.6 of this transported the animal to the United part; States. The animal shall have been (10) The proposed date of arrival in treated, under the supervision of the the United States; and individual signing the health certifi- (11) The name and address of the per- cate, by being thoroughly wetted with son to whom the elephant, hippo- a pesticide applied with either a spray- potamus, rhinoceros, or tapir will be er with a hand-held nozzle, a spray-dip delivered in the United States. machine, or a dip vat; and (d) After receipt and review of the ap- (3) That the elephant, hippopotamus, plication by APHIS, an import permit rhinoceros, or tapir, after being treated indicating the applicable conditions for ectoparasites in accordance with under this part for importation into paragraph (a)(2) of this section, did not have physical contact with or share a the United States shall be issued for pen or bedding materials with any ele- the importation of the elephant, hippo- phant, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, or potamus, rhinoceros, or tapir described tapir not in the same shipment to the in the application if such animal ap- United States; and pears to be eligible to be imported. (4) The name and concentration of Even though an import permit has the pesticide used to treat the animal been issued for the importation of an (such pesticide and the concentration elephant, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, or used must be adequate to kill the types tapir, the animal may be imported only of ectoparasites likely to infest the if all applicable requirements of this animal to be imported; a list of rec- part are met. ommended pesticides and concentra- [52 FR 29502, Aug. 10, 1987, as amended at 57 tions may be obtained from the Animal FR 23049, June 1, 1992; 59 FR 67615, Dec. 30, and Plant Health Inspection Service, 1994. Redesignated at 62 FR 56012, Oct. 28, Veterinary Services, National Center 1997] for Import-Export, 4700 River Road 432 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 07:58 Mar 06, 2001 Jkt 194026 PO 00000 Frm 00432 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\194026T.XXX pfrm13 PsN: 194026T.