Concepts and Vision

The Origins of the Buddha Gautama Sidhartha (born 586 bce) a prince of the Sakya people. At age 29 saw four troubling sights: old man, an ill person, a corpse, & a hermit. At age 35 (in 551 bce) meditated under the Bodhi tree and found enlightenment. Lived as a teacher helping others find their enlightenment At age 80, departed this world in 506 bce.

Buddhist Revolution

Siddhartha' revolution in faith was the idea that the goal of ones faith should be attaining enlightenment. Something that each individual must search for themselves.

Buddha wrote nothing and all we know is recorded by his followers. It would appear he rejected formal and spoke in the vernacular, Prakrit.

Four Noble Truths

1. Nothing is permanent and we live in sorrow and , 2. The cause of suffering is the desire for existence in the world, 3. Suffering ceases when people are freed of their desires, 4. Eliminate suffering by following the eight-fold path. Buddhism Expands

Mauryan Emperor (273-232 BCE) converts to Buddhism after uniting most of northern India. Buddha’s remains are divided up and hundreds of places of worship are built.

Hellenistic Kingdoms 4th to 3rd c. BCE

Mauryan Empire 3rd to 1st c. CE


toranas harmika

Stupa at Sanchi c. 250 BCE

Kapilavastu Bodhi Gaya

Sanchi Stupa

Amaravati Stupa Buddhist Stupa

Mandala Mt. Meru Umbrella

Tantric Buddhism Tibetan Sand

Buddhist Stupa

The Great Departure

Relief carving on torana.

Changes in Buddhism

Theravada - begun c. 350 BCE Kunshan Dynasty (50-320 CE) Mathura Gandhara Gupta Dynasty (319-500 CE) Gandhara


Mathura School

Gandhara School

Gupta Empire 5th to 6th c. CE

Xuan-Zang (602-664 CE) Active abroad between 629-645 CE. Gupta Style 5th century CE

Characteristics that define the Buddha •!Foot prints •!Wheel •!White elephant •!Long earlobes •!Strong elephant-like shoulders •!Monk’s robes •!Hair in an ascetic bun •!Bulge on head (ushnisha) •!bump between the eyes (urna) •!Lotus eyes •!Meditative stance or teaching