Topological Representation of Precontact Algebras and a Connected Version of the Stone Duality Theorem – Ii*
Serdica Math. J. 44 (2018), 31–80 Serdica Mathematical Journal Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Mathematics and Informatics TOPOLOGICAL REPRESENTATION OF PRECONTACT ALGEBRAS AND A CONNECTED VERSION OF THE STONE DUALITY THEOREM – II* Georgi Dimov, Dimiter Vakarelov Communicated by V. Valov Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Stoyan Nedev Abstract. The notions of extensional (and other kinds) 3-precontact and 3-contact spaces are introduced. Using them, new representation theorems for precontact and contact algebras, satisfying some additional axioms, are proved. They incorporate and strengthen both the discrete and topological representation theorems from [11, 6, 7, 12, 22]. It is shown that there are bijective correspondences between such kinds of algebras and such kinds of spaces. In particular, such a bijective correspondence for the RCC systems of [19] is obtained, strengthening in this way the previous representation theorems from [12, 6]. As applications of the obtained results, we prove several Smirnov-type theorems for different kinds of compact semiregular 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54E05, 54H10, 54D80, 06E15, 03G05, 54D30, 54D10, 54D05, 54D35, 54G05, 54C25. Key words: (pre)contact algebra, 2-(pre)contact space, 3-(pre)contact space, (C-)semiregular space, (C-)weakly regular space, (C)N-regular space, (C-)regular space, compact Hausdorff space, compact T0-extension, Stone space, (complete) Boolean algebra, Stone adjacency space, absolute, 2-combinatorial embedding, open combinatorial embedding. *The authors gratefully acknowledge support by the Bulgarian National Fund of Science, contract DN02/15/19.12.2016. 32 G. Dimov, D. Vakarelov T0-extensions of compact Hausdorff extremally disconnected spaces. Also, for every compact Hausdorff space X, we construct a compact semireg- ular T0-extension (κX, κ) of X which is characterized as the unique, up to equivalence, C-semiregular extension (cX,c) of X such that c(X) is 2- combinatorially embedded in cX; moreover, κX contains as a dense sub- space the absolute EX of X.
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