Hello everyone, welcome to issue 8 of (IN)SECURE. We’re happy to report that our subscriber list is growing strong. This, combined with the e-mails and quality article submissions, is a clear indication that the security community has embraced this concept and found it to be a valuable resource. This issue is packed full with material for every knowledge level and will especially be of interest to those that want to know more about the inner workings of the Payment Card Industry since we got two articles related to the topic. Mirko Zorz Chief Editor Visit the magazine website at www.insecuremag.com (IN)SECURE Magazine contacts Feedback and contributions: Mirko Zorz, Chief Editor -
[email protected] Marketing: Berislav Kucan, Director of Marketing -
[email protected] Distribution (IN)SECURE Magazine can be freely distributed in the form of the original, non modified PDF document. Distribution of modified versions of (IN)SECURE Magazine content is prohibited without the explicit permission from the editor. For reprinting information please send an email to
[email protected] or send a fax to 1-866-420-2598. Copyright HNS Consulting Ltd. 2006. www.insecuremag.com Defend Windows web servers with ThreatSentry 3.0 ThreatSentry 3.0 is a Host Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) specifically designed to address internal and external unauthorized system access and cyber-criminal threats on Web servers utilizing Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). Since its introduction, IIS has grown in popularity and ranks as one of the most widely used platforms for enabling simple to sophisticated Web sites and Web-based applications.