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Symposium Proceedings— in the Southwest: A Compendium of Our Knowledge Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center (1995) for

April 1995


James E. Bowns Southern University and Utah State University, Cedar City, Utah

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Bowns, James E., "INTERPRETING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE OF COYOTE PREDATION" (1995). Symposium Proceedings—Coyotes in the Southwest: A Compendium of Our Knowledge (1995). 39.

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JAMES E. BOWNS, Southern Utah University and Utah State Univers~ty,Cedar C~ty,UT 84720

Abstract: There are situations where it is necessary to determine the cause of death of , , or other wildlife. Cnta~aused for recognizing predator kills are well known and scientifically documented. These criteria include the attack, killing and feeding behavior of predators as well as the characterist~csof the~rtracks, droppmgs, and canlne teeth size and spacing. Diagnostic criteria for recognizing coyote ( latrans), domestic , ( cinereoargenteus, vulpes), ( concolor) , ( mfus), ( spp ), and (mostly Aqiirla ck~ysaetos)predation are presented in th~spaper.

Predation and its impacts on livestock and carcass, as well as by the position or orientation of wildlife continue to generate interest and controversy the carcass. Identification of specific predators among livestock producers, environrnenta! groups, assumes that each predator follows a general wildlife managers, hunters, researchers, students and patte~nof killing and feeding, and therefore, leaves the general publ~c.An accurate assessment of the similar evidence. However, it must be recognized damage actually done by each predator species is that individual predators valy in their behavioral prerequisite for reconciling the concerns of these patterns. diverse interests, and for developing effective predator management and control policies. Such A suspected predator k~llshould be approached cause-specific diagnoses require the ability to carefully to avoid unnecessary disturbance taking recognize predation events and the respective care to not disturb tracks or droppings that may be predators involved found near the carcass, along ti-ads, fence lines, creeks, water holes or dy washes. Note the position Predation is usually a secretlve event that occurs of the carcass, look for drag trails, blood on the in areas remote fioni hab~tat~on,thus it IS growld or on vegetation, and if the carcass has been rarely witnessed. Thercforc, it is necessary to use co\rered by soil and/or plants Look for obvious physical evidence to document that (I) a kill has wounds which are often located on the neck, head or occurred and (2) to detelmine which predator shoulders. Examine the carcass for the feeding species was involved. The purpose of this paper is pattern, especially check the udder, viscera, to present detailed desci-iptions of predator shoulders and hind quarters Skin the carcass and characteristics and behaviors that can be used to (I) look for tooth punctures, subcutaneous distinguish predator kills from other causes of death, hemon-hag~ng,tissue damage, bruising and broken and (2) identify the predator when a kill has bones, espec~allybroken necks. Where punctures occurred are found, note their number, size, depth and location.

Interpreting physical evidence of predation Coyotes Animals dle from many causes, e.g., starvation, exposure, parasites, , bloat, suffocation, Coyotes are the most common and the most poisonous plants, and lightning, all of which can be serious predator of l~vestockin the western U.S. determined by appropriate esamination of the (Wade and Bowns 1982). Connolly et a1 (1 976) carcass and the kill site Often, however, a considered coyote predation on as a serious vetennanan or other espelt is needed for an accurate economlc and polit~calproblem dete~mination In such a case, the carcass and nearby soil and vegetation should not be disturbed In attacks on adult sheep, goats and older lambs, coyotes typically bite the throat just behind the jaws Death caused by predation can be recogn~zedby and below the ear (Wade and Bowns 1982). On characteristic wounds and consumption of the smaller prey, such as small lambs and kids, coyotes may bite the head, neck, or back, causing massive animals can be treated with a combination of tissue and bone damage. antibiot~cs,pine tar, and repellents.

Connolly et al. (1 976) considered the sheep Coyotes normally begin feeding on lambs in the killing technique of coyotes to be remarkably flank or just behind the ribs. They often consume consistent. Each coyote ran alongside the fleeing the vim-afu-st; a -filled stomach is a preferred sheep, clamped its jaws on the neck laterally item. Multiple kills me common but many carcasses (sometimes dorsally) just behind the ear, and braced are not eaten its feet to stop the sheep The coyote's grip then sMed to the lqnx region, and it simply held on and Calves are also vulnerable to coyote predation. waited for the sheep to succumb (primarily by Evaluations are often difficult because everything suffocation). Sheep killed by coyotes exhibited tooth but the skeleton and part of the hide may be marks and hemorrhaging (sometimes only consumed. Subcutaneous hemorrhage, blood on the subcutaneously) In the lalynx reglon. ground and vegetation, and bloody drag trails help to characterize coyote predation. Some dead calves Bowns (1976) concluded that blood on the have tooth punctures in the nose or have the nose thsoat wool waspr.itrra facie ev~denceof predation chcwed off Where external bleeding was not apparent, the hide should be sklnned fsom the neck, thsoat, and head of Calves that have been bitten, but not killed, the carcass. A coyote kill reveals subcutaneous often have wounds in the flank, hindqualters or front hemo~~hages,tooth punctures in the hide, and tissue shoulders "Bob-tailed" calves are often common damage. The tooth punctures are usually located when coyotes are involved. Dead calves and severe below the ear and on the throat ~mmediatelybehind injuries to the genital 01-gans and hindquarters of the mandibles. On vely small lambs, however, the cows are characteris~icwhen coyotes attack cows coyote's upper jaw may penetrate the top of the neck while they are giving bilth. This is most common or the skull w~thfirst-calf heifers.

It IS often diflicult, if not impossible, to ( spp ), especially fawns, are detelmine the cause of death if the carcass has common prey for coyotes. Nielsen (1975) reached an advanced stage of . concluded that most fawns were killed in However, if the head is positioned highel- than the a mannel- sim~larto the way coyotes kill sheep rest of the body and the b~ttenside has not touched Bowns (1 976) examined a fawn that had extensive the gsound, evidence of the bite may still be tissue damage to the forepast of the neck and tooth distingu~shable Blood on the ground near a long- punctuscs in the hide. This fawn was bitten on both dead IS also indicative of predation. sides of the neck ii-om below rather than from the side as occurs with most lamb kills. Fawn carcasses Young, inexperienced coyotes may not bite the ase olien completely dismembered and eaten which throat but tear the flank 01-hindqualters of the sheep. makes verification dilficult. Mature mule deer (0. Other atypical attacks may occur in late winter or hrnrionus) are ol'ten pulled down fsom behind, but early sprlng when sheep arc attacked fsequently at some carcasses show bites or bivises in the neck. the hindqualters It 1s assumed that this behavior occurs because the winter wool is long and thick on White (1 973) I-ecognized coyote predation as the neck while the hind qualters are exposed and the major mo~talityfactor for young white-tailed (0. wlnerablc. virginiar7us) fawns in south . These fawns were frequently bitten in the head or neck, but some Bitten 01- wounded lambs are commonly had bites in the back or elsewhere. Sometimes the observed in herds that are exposed to coyote only remaining evidence of a kill was blood, hair, predation. These lambs usually have blood on their and bits of flesh, bone, and fat. He concluded that neck or throat, and often trail along at the rear of the coyotes stalled feeding at the abdomen and ate the herd. These b~ttenlambs can be identified by stomach of young fawns whlch contained mainly drooplng ears, and a stil'f neck carried in a low milk. hor~zontalposition Actual damage may valy fsom little or no e\?emal blood to severed trachea, broken Prongholn (Atiti1ocapr.a arrrericaria) fawns are jaws, 01- hide tom fsom the sides 01- legs. These common prey of coyotes and other predators. Neff and Woolsey (1979) used hounds to locate lead to Indiscriminate mutilat~on. True feral kills. The hounds were able to locate are more apt to kill for food. buried caches of meat, scat, coyote dens and sleeplng coyotes. Without hounds they would not have Sheep-killing dogs usually work in palrs or located the meager evidence of hall- and bone chips larger groups and can inflict considerable damage. left after a coyote had consumed a fawn. Knowlton Sheep are lkely to be bitten in the head, neck, flank, (1968) reported that fi-equently there was little ribs, and front shoulders, and the ears of mature evidence that remains after a fawn has been killed by sheep are often badly tom. Often sheep attacked by a large predator. Fawns killed by coyotes may be dogs are not killed but are mutilated to the point totally consumed, leaving little more than blood where they must be destroyed. The external spots on the grass. appearance of some dog bites may not look serious but a necropsy reveals serious tissue damage Tucker and Gamer (1 980) developed several (Bowns 1976). criteria which they used to determine coyote predation on pronghorn. These criteria included (1) Domestic dogs can also be a serious problem carcasses lying in the open with no attempt to w~thwintering deer herds. Dogs often harass or conceal the carcass 01-sometimes the carcass was attack deer that are already stressed by cold burled, (2) carcass remalns are scattered, (3) skull temperatures, deep , and lack of forage punctured 01- clashed, (4) underside of the neck bruised but w~thoutpuncture wounds, (5) broad bruises on the back of the neck and throat, and (6) Foses Both red and gay may prey on the entire carcass consuli~edexcept for the scattered livestock and poult~y.Foxes usually kill only young leg bones, bone fragments, etc or small animals, but red foxes may kill larger lambs and kids, adult sheep and goats, and small calves Spacing of the teeth of an average coyote is Foxes usually attack the throat of lambs and kids, but 1 118 to 1 318 inches between the upper canines and sometimes i~lflictmultiple bites to the neck and 1 to 1 114 inches between the lower canlnes. This back. They do not have the size and strength to hold spacing of punctures obse~vedin the h~de01- tissue and immobil~zeadult animals, therefore repeated may be an a~dIn contimi~ngcoyote predation. b~tesmay be required to subdue their prey. Coyotes may also unnate, defecate and scratch after feeding Foxes generally prefer the viscera and begin feeding behind the ribs, but some prefer the nose and Coyote tracks are more oval and compact than tongue, and may even consume the head of small tracks of dogs. Na~lmarks are less prominent on prey Red foxes are known to cany small carcasses coyote tracks and the tracks tend to follow a straight back to the~rdens, which probably accounts for the line more closely than dogs A normal coyote track d~sappearanceof some prey. is about 2 inches w~deand 2 1/2 inches long, with the h~ndtrack slightly smaller than the front The spacing of the canlne teeth IS narrower than m coyotes Upper canlnes are approximately 112 to 314 Inches apa1-1on gray foxes and 11/16 to 1 inch Other predators apart on red foxes. 'They rarely cause severe bone damage, wh~chhelps to dlstlngulsh fox kills from Although thls 1s a coyote symposium, we should coyotes or other large ca~nivores also discuss the characteristics of other predatol-s In order to illustrate the differences between them, and Fox tracks are typ~callysmaller than coyotes make ver~ficatlonsof predator ~nvoltlement more and foses have a shorter stride. tracks are accurate normally about 1 314 inches wide and 2 114 Inches long; gay fox tracks are sl~ghtlysmaller (Wade and Bowns 1982) Dogs. Domest~cdogs are a serious problem when they are pennitted to roam fieely This problem is increas~ngas housing subdivisions expand into . Cougars usually klll sheep and goats by histor~csheep-producing areas , Domestic dogs do biting the top of the neck or head. Removing the not no~mallykill for food and their attacks usually h~dewill expose large holes made by the canine teeth. The cougar bite often breaks the neck. back of the neck. There may be claw marks on any Cougars may hll older cwcs by biting the side of the part of the body, but they are usually concentrated on neck or the throat. Cougars also may kill by the neck, shoulders and ribs On larger prey, they grasping the head of a shecp, goat or deer and leap on the back and shoulders which also leaves pull~ngthe head unt~lthe neck is broken. Cougars claw marks kill calves in the same manner as sheep and goats. also bite the neck or throat where they Multiple hlls of shccp and goats by cougars are secure a lethal hold on the prey until it stops common; cases of 100 or more an~malsin a single st~uggling.This grip over the suffocates the incident have been recorded. The U.S. and animal quickly and there IS little bleeding. They Wildlife Service Animal Damage Control in Utah generally begin feeding on the viscera by entering documented an incident In June 1985 where cougars behind the ribs. Bobcats, like cougars, also tend to killed 6 adult sheep and 1 12 lambs in one incident cover their prey. Usually only 1 or 2 of the sheep are fed upon by the cougar. Bobcats are serious predators of pronghorn Beale and Sm~th(1 973) found that bobcats were by Larger animals such as deer, (Celvis far the most s~gnificantcause of mortality among catiadetisis), , , and probably bighorn pronghorn fawns in the All fawns sheep ( spp ) are killed by cougars leaping on killed by bobcats, except the vely young, had the shoulders or back and breaking the neck. Claw numerous tooth punctures on the neck just behind marks on the neck, face, back, and shoulders are the head. Death apparently resulted from charactei-ist~cof these k~lls The neck may be strangulation and canlnc tooth punctures in the neck. broken by the b~teor when the animal falls.

Cougars often cany or drag their kills to a Most kills (66%) took place near some type of secluded area to feed, leaving frequently leaving diy wash or drainage channel In every instance drag marks at kill s~tes. They may feed on the fawn carcasses were e~therdragged or can-ied from viscera, neck, shoulders or h~ndqua~tel-s.Like most the kill sites Small fawns were carr~edto shrub or canivores, the fceding pattcln varies from ~ndiv~dual h-ce cover and thc only I-emalns were the legs, bits of to individual They frequently tly to cover their k~lls sk~n,and skull fragments. Larger fawns were w~thsoil, vegetatlon, or snow The vlscera, draggcd mto or toward a wash particularly the rumen, may be covered separately. "Scrapes" or "scratches" composed of mounds of About half thc time attempts were made to soil, grass, leaves, or snow are often found around cover the carcass with vegetation, gravel, sand, and carcasses and trails hail-. Usually the head and h~ndquarters were the only parts covered. The carcass may be covered, A cougar's canme tceth are massive compared moved and eaten, and covered again. The neck and to coyotes or bobcats The uppel- canlnes of an adult hind quarters, pa~ticularlythe anal area were fed cougar are approsunatcly 1 112 to 2 114 inches apai-t, upon most often Seventy five percent of the time the lower teeth are approximately 318 to 112 inch the bobcat returned to feed again on the carcass. nan-owes Adult bobcat canine teeth are normally 314 to 1 Cougar tracks are relat~velyround and rarely ~nchapart and the spacing is easier to see than on show claw marks Tracks of the front feet of a large fox or coyote kills because bobcats no~mallydo not adult male may be 4 inches or more long and about b~terepeatedly the same or slightly less In width; hind tracks are slightly smaller The rear pads of the feet are Like cougar tracks, bobcat tracks are round and d~stinctlyd~lferent fi-om those of other lack claw marks, but are only 2 to 3 inches in Typically there are 2 lobes on the anterior and 3 on d~arneter.The rear pad is relat~velystraight in front, the poster~ol-poltion of the rear pads w~tha lobe at each side of the posterior end (Wade and Bowns 1982). Bobcats A bobcat's and k~llingbehav~or is similar to that of the cougar's On small prey such Rear:s Grizzly (U. ar.ctos) are omnivorous as lambs, kids and Ih\vns, thcy bite inlo the skull or and consume large quantit~esof vegetation and wild fruits in addition to carrlon and prey. They will kill Black bears commonly bite and claw the top of any domestic an~malbut cattle and sheep are their the neck and back of cattle, but smaller prey are most common prey. sometimes killed with a blow to the head or neck. G~fllnand Basile (1 98 1 ) reported more claw marks Roy and Dorance (1976) found that grizzly on black bear kills than gsi-izzly bear kllls, and Roy bears usually kill with a blow to the anterior region and Dorrance (1 976) reported that black bears also of large prey which results In a broken skull, neck or readily feed on can-ion. shoulder bones. Cattle may have claw marks on the face or shoulders and tooth malks on their head, Bear tracks are d~stinctivewith 5 toes and a neck and back. Smaller prey are killed by a bite to broad, sholt pad on the front foot and 5 toes with a the head or neck. Murie ( 1948) insisted that the triangular pad on the rear foot The rear foot @y bear does not attack by striking with its paws, oversteps the front foot in nolmal travel but instead selzes and holds its victim with its "arms" so as to adminlstel- the killing bite. Both bald (Haliaeefus leucocephalus) and golden eagles are known to prey on livestock. Grizzly bears PI-efer meat over viscera They Eagles are eficlent predators and can cause severe characteistically cover their prey and readily feed on losses to livestock. Genesally they prey on young can-ion (Roy and Don-ance 1 976). annuals, plimaily sheep and goats, although they are capable of kill~ngadults. Black bears (U. an~er.lcana) are also omnivorous and vegetation IS a s~gn~ficantpart of Talon punctures are typ~callydeeper than those their d~et They attack adult cattle and horses but caused by canine teeth and are somewhat triangular seem to prefer sheep, goats, calves and pigs. Griffel to oblong in shape. Compress~onfractures of the and Basille (I 98 I) found that sheep killed by bears skulls of small animals may occur and bruises are typically had 2 or more puncture wounds in the nape common. Small lambs or kids are seized anywhere and/or skull accompanied by subcutaneous on the head, neck or body; lambs are frequently hemosshage. Apparently a deep bite to the nasal or grasped from the front or side. Larger an~malsare facial regions of sheep Induces shock and paralysis. killed by multiple talon stabs into the ribs and back. In this respect, the biting and killing method of a The talons punctuse the large internal altenes and/or bear differ fi-om that of other marnrnal~anpredators lungs causlng masslve ~ntelnalhemon-hage (Wade which lnvolves e~thersulTocation or brain and sp~nal and Bowns 1982) cord damage Eagles skln out the carcasses, tu~ningthe hide GriJTel and Bas11 (1981) made reference to ~nsideout On ve~yyoung animals the r~bsare neatly obselvations made by sheepmen and predator cl~pped off close to the backbone and eaten. conisol agents where: 1 ) bears straddle and claw the Somet~mesthey cl~poff and eat the mandible, nose, backs of sheep, 2) there were bites to the neck, and and eass. Often, the palate and floor pan of the skull 3) there was evidence of claw~ngand batting One are removed and the brain consumed. agent reported that he had seen more sheep killed by powe~fulblows than had been killed by neck bites. Eagles may defecate around a carcass, leaving They concluded that the usual mode of attack in their charactel-istic white streaks of on the soil and study had been a gl-asplng actlon rather than a their tracks may be visible in soft or dusty soil strhng blow. All subcutaneous hemol~hageswere associated w~thbite wounds, and evely bear-k~lled Bcale and Smith (1973) found a 12 day-old carcass bore claw-~nfl~ctedlacel-at~ons over the pronghorn fawn that had been killed by a golden cervical, thol-acic or lumbar regions. eagle. They observed eagle feathers, wing marks and foot tracks in the sand. The fawn had talon Gr~ffel and Basil (1981) reported that the punctures on the back and side and about 2 pounds feeding point of ently was the udder (74%) or the of tissue had been eaten fi-om the neck, chest and leg. flank (26%); on all lactating ewes the uddcr was consumed first The heal-t and liver were eaten next Goodwin (1 977) obselved eagles in the process and then the fleshy parts. Bears tend to skin their of killing pronghorn fawns in Wyom~ng. He pl-ey, leav~ngthe invested skin attached to the bones concluded that the fawns d~ed from shock, eshaust~on,and ~n~t~alfeeding attempts comb~ned with muscle and possiblc spinal damage. Deep talon Connolly, G.E., R M. Tlmrn, W.E. Howard, and cuts were obsc~vcdIn the thoracic and lumbar W M. Longhusst. 1976. Sheep killlng behavior regions. of captive coyotes J Wildl. Manage. 40:400- 407. M~scellaiieolrsi~i.edutoi.s Other species including ravens (Co~vzrs spp ), crows (Corvzrs spp.), Goodwin, G.A. 1977 predation on magpies, hawks, gulls, hogs and PI-onghomantelope. Auk. 94,789-790. (Cro~alzrsspp ) may cause locallzed problems. It is beyond the scope of this paper to describe these Griffel, D.E., and J.V Basile. 198 1. Identifying predators In detail sheep killed by bears. Intermountain For. and Range Esp. Sta Res. Note. INT-3 13. 4pp.

Conclusions Knowlton, F.W. 1968. Coyote predation as a factor in management of antelope in fenced pastures. The intent of this paper has been to compile and Proc. Bien. Antelope States Workshop. 3:65- PI-esentthe killlng and feedlng charactel-istics of the 74. major North Amel-ican predators as they apply to domest~c livestock and game specles. The Munr, A. 1948 Cattle on gr~zzlybear range. J. descript~ons presented hcre can be used in Wlldl. Managc. 12.57-72. conjunction with the sllde sel-les developed by Bowns and Wade (1980,Revised), and thc NclT, D J., and N.G Woolsey. 1979. Effect of photogl-aphs In Pi~ocetir~i~esJOT Evalziat~t~g prcdat~onby coyotes on sul-v~valof antelope Preclatioti oti Livestock arid Il'rl~il'life(Wade and fawns on Andel-son Mesa. Spec Rep. 8. Bowns 1982). Res Branch. AI-IZ.Gane and F~shDep. 36pp.

It is often diticult to dete~minethe cause of Nielscn, D.B. 1975 Coyotes and deer. Utah Sci death of an animal and to d~stlngulshbetween the 36'87-90. killing and reeding patteins of the different predator spccles. However, expel-ience and knowledge of Roy, L D., and M J. Donance. 1976. Methods of physical evidence, such as presented here, should investigating predation of domest~clivestock. provide a level of proficiency and confidence in the Albelta Agri. Dept. Edmonton, . Can. verificat~onof predator kllls 54~~

Tucker, R.D., and G W. Gamer. 1980. Mortality of prongho~nantelope fawns In Brewster County, Tesas Proc. Annu Conf West. Assoc Fish and Wildl Agencies 12pp. Literature Citcd Wade, D.A., and J E Bowns 1982 Procedmes for Beale, D.M., and A D Smith 1973. MOI-talityof evaluating predat~onon l~vestockand wlldlife pronghorn antelope fawns in western Utah J B- 1429 Texas Agr. Ex- Selv , College Station Wlldl Manage 37.343-352. 42 PP

Bowns, J E. 1976 Field CI-lter~afor predator Wh~te,M. 1973 Description of I-emains of deer damagc assessment. Utah SCI.37 26-30 fawns klllcd by coyotes J. . 54:29-293.