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1010ththth AnniversaryAnniversary ofof GraceGrace VineyardVineyard 怡园酒庄成立十周年怡园酒庄成立十周年

Spanish Guest Chef Guillermo Trullas 西班牙客座主厨威利

Champagne parties with Mr. Pierre Emmanuel Taittinger 与皮埃尔.泰亭哲先生 共同分享香槟的美妙时刻 ExpertExpert AdviceAdvice byby SommelierSommelier YvonneYvonne ChiongChiong 和专业品酒师钟荔娜一起了解我们的产品和专业和专业品酒师酒师钟荔娜钟荔娜一起了解我们的产品一起了解我们的产品 ForewordFOREWORD by GM BY GENERAL MANAGER 总经理致辞

It’s taken us a while but we’re glad to finally present in your hands our very first newsletter edition! We felt somehow that our current development in this industry should be embodied in a quarterly publication. As all of you have helped us enormously to promote culture in China, you deserve our attention and recognition. Within the next pages, you will find the latest and greatest happenings with TORRES CHINA and the wine industry such as the exicting new partial acquisition of TORRES CHINA by Baron Philippe de Rothschild, S.A., our important achievements in wine distribution, a special feature on Grace and interview with its owner Judy Leissner, gastronomic marvels from our Spanish Resident Chef “Willy”, reports on our Pinot Noirs by Yvonne Chiong, a summary of our recent events and so much more... In a time where wine is also suffering the effects of globalization, we are proud to keep our portfolio exclusively 100% family-owned. Families that represent in their region both tradition and innovation. Families that are behind the label, families that have been making for generations great wine for you to enjoy!

Salud amigos!

ளਭጙࣤဟମࡼไೆLjᆸඣࡼ࢒ጙ໐ݫፙᄰ኶ᒫ᎖߆ሚ Ᏼิࡼෂ༄೫! ୂ᎖ᆸඣᏴᑚৈቲጓࡼखᐱᓨౚLjᆸඣ ৊ࡍଜăܭഺखܠଈࣞ஠ቲږ௥ᄏࡼ஠ᐱڳገܘᆐᎌཱྀ

৉ᆡጙᒇጲ౶࣒ᏴᆐᆸඣᏴᒦਪᅎਓ໅჻ௌᆪછऎ૩૵ไ ೆLjᆸඣऻޟಘፀ߆࿟ࠥᄰ኶ጲܭာᆸඣߋᒕࡼਈᓖă

ᒋࡻਈᓖLjྙǖजޟ໐ᄰ኶ดLjฝ્ఘࡵࡼቧᇦऻ۾Ᏼ ऑࡺช௺ௌᓣߒᎌ೫ჼಘႋᒦਪࡼݝॊ৹॑Ăޏਪ൜ႈ ᆸඣᏴ໅჻ௌᅎਓऱෂནࡻࡼጙቋᒮገ߅ਫĂᤷᏊௌᓣ လᒲฤᓜᄌۨࡸૺᤷᏊௌᓣᔐݡ޾रๆိᓜषLj഍ᅪᎌ ዀఱᔭᓍߴᆆಽࡼගအቧᇦĂᓜጓອௌနۂਈ᎖ᆸඣᇝ ᒩವข࣪ᆸඣ੨܈ํ໅჻ௌࡼᇨቦ࢛ຶĂ࣪༄ࣤဟମ૚ ࣅࡼᔐஉLjጲૺৎࣶறݨดྏă

ࡩ༄໅჻ௌቲጓᑵߌ၊ᓹཝཆછཋဴჅࡒ౶ࡼ፬ሰLjᆸ ཌᎁ೜สௌࠅޘ৉ܭອ౶ᔈࡔޘඣᆐဪᒫถ৫ۣߒཝݝ ᄻਜ਼ࠎቤறခࡼଜᔙອ๞ऎ۶ঢᔈ੎ăᏴᑚቋອ๞ࡼ۳ ઁဵกቋီࡔᆐิสᐆᎁᒠ໅჻ௌࡼଜᔙă

ƽ ॅዳګ຋ᎍඣLjཱུᆸඣᆐ೫߅৖ऎ௟ۭ General Manager - TORRES CHINA Alberto Fernandezჼಘႋᒦਪᔐளಯ FOREWORD BY GENERAL MANAGER EVENTS & PRESS REVIEW 01 Proudly distributing famous family-owned from: 总经理致辞 活动 & 新闻报道 TORRES . BARON PHILIPPE DE ROTHSCHILD . TAITTINGER

JOSEPH DROUHIN . M.CHAPOUTIER . GRACE VINEYARD HESS COLLECTION . PETER LEHMANN . VASSE FELIX . HENSCHKE parties GROSSET . REDBANK . ROCHFORD . TE MATA . KLEINE ZALZE BREAKING NEWS & EVENTS GASTRONOMY 16 with Mr. Pierre SALENTEIN . BODEGAS CALLIA . ZONIN . PIO CESARE . FIRRIATO 大事记 MARCO FELLUGA . QUERCETO . ALEXANDER . FOSS MARAI Emmanuel Taittinger 25 美食 VEGA-SICILIA . JEAN LEON . GRAHAM'S . OREMUS . 04 We made it to “Shangri-La” 与皮埃尔 泰亭哲先生共同分享 Spanish Guest Chef Guillermo Trullas (aka “Willy”) 桃乐丝中国与香格里拉的合作 西班牙客座主厨威利 尘埃落定 香槟的美妙时刻 Torres China Shanghai Office 04 Baron Philippe de Rothschild ࿟਱ჼಘႋ໅჻ௌඏጵᎌሢ৛ႊ acquires 10% of TORRES CHINA Floor 3, Building 4, No. 990 法国罗思柴尔德男爵酒庄 18 Moments 活动回顾 持有了桃乐丝中国的10%股份 Chang Ping Road, Shanghai, 200042 上海市昌平路990号4号楼3楼, 200042 目 录 Tel 电话: +86 21 6267 7979 BRAND NEWS FEATURE 专题 Fax 传真: +86 21 6271 6834 06 品牌速递 19 10th Anniversary of Grace Vineyard selects Torres China Beijing Office TORRES as the most 怡园酒庄成立十周年 ۱யჼಘႋ໅჻ௌඏጵᎌሢ৛ႊ Powerful Wine Brand in Room 1408/9, Prime Tower, INDEX Europe in 2007; 26 OUR TEAM 我们的团队 22 Chaowai Street, Mr. Miguel A. Torres ranked No. 19 Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 in Power List 北京市朝阳区朝外大街22号 27 INDUSTRY NEWS 业内视点 泛利大厦1408-9室, 100020 《品醇客》杂志评选 International Wine Centre Launched Tel 电话: +86 10 5165 5519 “桃乐丝”为2007年 Fax 传真: +86 10 6551 5709 欧洲年度最有影响力 in Shanghai 葡萄酒品牌, 国际葡萄酒学校在上海开幕 同时米高.A.桃乐丝先生 在“年度最有影响力葡 Torres China Guangzhou Office ࠀူێ萄酒界人物”评选中 WE RECOMMEND... ࿟਱ჼಘႋ໅჻ௌඏጵᎌሢ৛ႊਓᒳ 名列第十九位 下一站 Room G, 6F, Jian He Center, 28 No.111-115, Tiyu Road West, Hamilton House, Shanghai 上海汉弥尔敦餐厅 Tianhe, Guangzhou, 510620 PRODUCTS 产品 广州市天河西路111-115号 建和中心6楼G室, 510620 08 Upcoming Product Tel 电话: +86 20 3887 0367 即将上市产品 Fax 传真: +86 20 3887 0429

09 Expert Advice by Sommelier Yvonne Chiong Torres China Shenzhen Office 和专业品酒师钟荔娜 21 10 QUESTIONS TO ࠀူێ࿟਱ჼಘႋ໅჻ௌඏጵᎌሢ৛ႊ࿾ᚆ 一起了解我们的产品 JUDY LEISSNER Room F, 11F, International Trade Commercial Building, 访问陈芳女士的十个问题 Nanhu Road, Luohu, Shenzhen, 508014 深圳市罗湖区南湖路 国贸商业大厦11楼11F单位, 508014 Tel 电话: +86 20 3887 0367 Fax 传真: +86 20 3887 0429

02 03 BREAKING NEWS & DATES Breaking大事记 News & Dates BARON PHILIPPE DE ROTHSCHILD ACQUIRES 10% OF TORRES CHINA WE MADE IT TO 法国罗思柴尔德男爵酒庄持有了 “SHANGRI-LA”! 桃乐丝中国的 10% 股份 桃乐丝中国与 香格里拉的合作 Baron Philippe de Rothschild, one of the most renowned producers with ventures in both Chile and 尘埃落定 California, has recently teamed up with TORRES CHINA. On February 1st, TORRES CHINA and Shangri-la Hotel & Resorts signed a two-year contract in conjunction with the This significant decision for both parties will strengthen the commitment and passion for China between these two hotel’s successful “Wines By the Glass” scheme. This is legendary wine families. Baron Philippe de Rothschild the third time this program has been implemented. embarked the collaboration with Torres China in 2003.

The contract covers 32 Shangri-la hotels throughout China; The wine range of Baron Philippe de Rothschild includes by the end of 2009 Shangri-La will be running 40 Varietals from Languedoc-Roussillon, Mouton Cadet, properties under Shangri-La Hotels,” Kerry and Traders Réserve Mouton Cadet and Château including such famous labels of Château Mouton Rothschild. TORRES brands. Twelve wines from portfolio of TORRES CHINA CHINA also presents wines from Baron Philippe de have been listed, including labels from Torres, Baron Rothschild Maipo Chile with Escudo Rojo as their flagship Philippe de Rothschild, Zonin, Grace Vineyard, wine. M.Chapoutier, Russiz Superiore, Peter Lehmann, Henschke and the Hess Collection.

Comprising 1/3 of the “Wines by the Glass” list, TORRES CHINA has thus become the second most important wine supplier for this program. In exchange, TORRES CHINA has committed to organizing gastronomic promotions, educational wine lectures, winery trips abroad and stays at Grace Vineyard in China. With such services, we hope to support the Shangri-la Group with all their wine needs for their associates and patrons alike.

”ჼಘႋᒦਪᔢதᎧሧৃಱ౯ௌࢢ਌ಯૹᅍ௓“ۭ၉໅჻ௌ ሲ෹໽ࢿ೫ᆐ໐ೝฤࡼ੝ᄴăক੝ᄴ᎖2008ฤ2Ꮬ1྇໦ᑵ ါည቉Ljᑚဵকሲ෹࢒ྯࠨঈᓄဣဗă ൜ႈޏऑࡺช௺ௌᓣ௼ࢾ৪൰ჼಘႋᒦਪ 10% ࡼ৹॑Lj߅ ऑࡺช௺ဵ݆ऑࣶᔢᓎޏক੝ᄴ۞౪೫ཝᒦਪࡼ32ଜሧৃಱ౯ௌࢢLjࡵ2009ฤฤ ᆐჼಘႋᒦਪࡼ৹ࣁᒄጙă൜ႈ ࢏ᒄ༄ሧৃಱ౯ௌࢢ਌ಯૹᅍ୓્፱ᎌިਭ40ଜௌࢢLj ෗໅჻ௌᓣᒄጙLj݀ᄴဟᏴᒝಽਜ਼ගਪଝᒳᄾᓾቭ୐೫ௌ ॊܰᏴሧৃಱ౯Ljଘಱਜ਼ਪඏອ๞໢ሆă౶ᔈჼಘႋᒦ ᓣă ೰ྜྷকሲ෹Lj۞౪౶ᔈጲሆଜᔙௌᓣۻਪࡼ12౒໅჻ௌ ࡼறኡ໅჻ௌǖჼಘႋLj൜ႈޏऑࡺช௺Ljᓳ೶Ljᤷ ᑚৈ௼ࢾ࣪᎖൜ႈޏऑࡺช௺ௌᓣਜ਼ჼಘႋᒦਪ౶ႁ࣒ᒗ ᏊLj྿໋࢑ऑLjപᇝႅLj܋ࡻ.ಽඥLjੀႅపLj੣ႅறኡ ਈᒮገLjፐᆐᑚ୓ࡍࡍᐐଝೝৈ๏ᒴࠅໜቶ໅჻ௌଜᔙ࣪ ऑࡺช௺ௌޏᇹ೰ࢀLjᐴ໚ۭ၉ࡼཝݝ໅჻ௌࡼྯॊᒄጙă Ᏼᒦਪखᐱ໅჻ௌူጓࡼߌํਜ਼ེ༽ă൜ႈ ᓣ᎖ 2003 ฤఎဪᎧჼಘႋᒦਪ੝ᔫă ᎅࠥLjჼಘႋᒦਪ߅ᆐকሲ෹ࡼ࢒औࡍ໅჻ௌ৙።࿜ăჼ ऑࡺช௺ࡼ໅჻ௌᇹ೰۞౪࡝ອᒬ໅჻࢐ཌݫௌLjޏಘႋᒦਪߌํ୓ᆐሧৃಱ౯ௌࢢ਌ಯૹᅍᔝᒅගအ࠳ሾĂ ൜ႈ ໅჻ௌ๸ኵల߈ĂஹᅪௌᏊുᎊૺᏴ၃૝ဟஂݬ਋ᤷᏊௌ ෸ᄱଘ᭶Lj෸ᄱଘ᭶ᑜݶLj೰଀ௌۤᇹ೰ಿྙጲጳၣࠎፀ ޏᓎ߂᎖ီࡼ෸ᄱۤăჼಘႋᒦਪᄴဟથࡔಯ൜ႈܪᓣࢀ૚ࣅăᆸඣ୓ጲᎁᒠࡼॲᇗLjᒘೆ᎖ཝෂ൸ᔗሧৃಱ ࡼௌ ౯ௌࢢ਌ಯૹᅍჅᎌᎧ໅჻ௌሤਈࡼኊཇă ऑࡺช௺ጲĐ੺ࣲđᆐ໢୊ޘອࡼᒝಽ൱ຸᇹ೰ă



Decanter Selects TORRES as the Most Powerful European Wine Brand in 2007 《品醇客》杂志将桃乐丝评为“2007年欧洲年度最有影响力的葡萄酒品牌”

঱ቭ࢐ኝݚLjĐჼಘႋđᏴီஏཚᆆ໅჻ௌᏭޟTORRES CHINA is pleased to announce that Decanter ჼಘႋᒦਪऻ magazine has selected TORRES as the “15TH MOST ᒔĖອࠖఱėᔝᒅࡼĐ2007ฤฤࣞᔢᎌ፬ሰೆ໅჻ௌອ๞ຶ BrandsDecanter News ۂᒦLjᇝއPOWERFUL WINE BRAND IN THE WORLD” in 2007. In ኡđᒦ෗೰࢒15ᆡăࠥࠨĐ፬ሰೆ༄100෗đࢯ ਻ঙ೫ᎅᓾއ࿟ᎌ෗ăকࢯۓthe survey conducted by magazine – The Power ዀჼಘႋᔪᆐ๏ᒴᆎጙࡼອ๞ 100, composed by brand consultants of “Intangible ࿾ອ๞ॊᇜᓽኯနᅍࣩ࿸ࢾࡼჅᎌੰ೟Đᇄተᓾޘđࡼᒎ Business Limited” - TORRES from Spain led the European ܪă brands, ranking at number 15.

ࡼᔏ੝ຶࢾࡻ߲Lj۞౪ܪThe Power 100 is determined by the share of market, brand Đ፬ሰೆ༄100෗đᄰਭ࣪ၫሲᒎ growth, priceDecanter positioning and market scope, plus less tangible ှޝ॑ऄLjອ๞ᐐޠLjޘອଥৃࢾᆡጲૺှޝ਻ঙपᆍLj഍ ອ๞ᒀ෗ࣞਜ਼ອ๞ཱྀᒀăྙܪcriteria such as brand awareness and perception. ᅪથ۞౪ጙቋ୷ߥሷࡼᒎ

In ’s July 2007 issue, Miguel A. Torres, President of த໐Ljჼಘႋௌᓣથ፩౶೫഍ጙሲၐྋLjᏴ2007ฤ6ᏜĖອ Miguel Torres S.A. and Chief Winemaker of Torres Winery, đᒦLj UpcomingUpcoming ProductProductۓࠖఱėᏭᒔఓࡿࡼ࢒औஔၷฤࣞĐ፬ሰೆཽᇕ๝ቲ was selected as the first Spanish winemaker of the second ዀඳ঱ჼಘႋ৛ႊᔐݡରჼಘႋۂඳ঱.A.ჼಘႋሌညDŽᇝ biennial ‘Power List’, among wine's 50 top power brokers. 即将上市产品即将上市产品 ௌᏊ၅ᇳสௌနDž߅ᆐ࢒ጙৈ೰ྜྷီஏ༄61෗ࢻବ፬ሰཽᇕ After the first ‘Power List’ appeared in July 2005, Decanter ߲ഭઁLjۓዀสௌနă2007ฤᏴ࢒ጙஔ๝ቲۂࡼᇝۓasked dozens of international critics, merchants and wine ๝ቲ insiders to give their opinion on who, in their view, had the ĖອࠖఱėᏭᒔ௓Đࡩங໅჻ௌጓஏᒦᔢ௥፬ሰೆཽᇕđᑚ ExpertExpertExpert AdviceAdviceAdvice most influence in the wine world today. Miguel A. Torres has ৈᆰᄌᓽኯ೫኏ࣶਪଔຶ൙ଜLjඏጵ࿜ਜ਼ጓดཽိLjඳ঱.A. been credited with revolutionizing Spain's wine industry ჼಘႋሌညᒰᆃჅਙLjྜྷኡᏇፐဵჇᑽߒ݀૩૵ݧནࡅဗۣ bybyby SommelierSommelierSommelier YvonneYvonneYvonne ChiongChiongChiong putting Catalonia on the map and championing local Catalan ઐଝდ൜ป዇ࡼࠅᄻ໅჻ອᒬLjဧক࢐ཌ፛໦ီཽࡼᒮ၁Lj ဥᇄ༄ಿࡼখুă 和专业品酒师钟荔娜一起了解我们的产品和专业品酒师钟荔娜一起了解我们的产品和专业品酒师钟荔娜一起了解我们的产品ޝዀࡼ໅჻ௌቲጓሊ໦೫ጙۂgrape varieties. Ᏼᇝ

06 UPCOMING PRODUCT EXPERT ADVICE 即将上市产品 BY SOMMELIER YVONNE CHIONG 和专业品酒师钟荔娜一起了解我们的产品 GROSSET WINES 格罗斯葡萄酒 For our very first issue, Sommelier Ms. Yvonne Chiong has PRODUCTS PRODUCTScommented on a selection of different Pinot Noirs from Clare Valley, South Australia TORRES CHINA’s portfolio. 克莱尔谷,南澳大利亚 Yvonne Chiong is one of the few Established in 1981 by Jeffrey Grosset, Grosset Wines is an in Shanghai, working independently owned winery set in the Clare Valley at WHM Group as Wine Director producing just six highly regarded premium wines. since August 2007. She has been Despite the small production, the wine's quality is the Sommelier at Jean Georges internationally acknowledged. James Halliday has rated the restaurant Shanghai for nearly four last two of Grosset Polish Hill higher than years, which acquired a Wine any other Australian from these vintages. It is Spectator Award of Excellence in the only Riesling to be rated 'Outstanding' on the Langton 2007. In 2005, she was invited as a Classification of Australian Wines. representative from Asia to be one of the Judges of STARWINE ৃ൜ႅௌᓣᏴ1981ฤᎅสௌန஄ॷಱ.ৃ൜ႅ߅ೂLj჈ᔬ ങ౒۸၊ᏸ International Wine Competition inޘࡍಽ዇ࡼయ౵ऑ৸Ljඛৈฤ॑ஞ߲ڦൢ᎖ฉ Ꮊࡼᎁᒠ໅჻ௌă New York City.

("ࡍ Côte d'Or ("Slope of Goldڦ೟LjௌᏊ྆཭ནࡻ೫୦ཽࡼ߅૲ăޘ஧਌ዏৃ఼ᒜฤ ಽ዇ᓎ෗ௌຶཽJames Halliday࣪᎖ৃ൜ႅ݆ಽ࿍ಙႊഎছ ໅჻ௌ KLEINE ZALZE WINES The first specific variety of Vinifera (Species of Grapes) toڹࡍಽ዇ڦ੏ݙ೿ᇫᏸᎺᒄࠡLj৊Ꭷ೫໚Ⴧྀੜڹ be recognized and named was a Pinot in Burgundy in ܪࡍಽ዇໅჻ௌອຶڦ࣒ᇄज໩ૺࡼ঱ຶଥăᄴဟকௌᏴ 柯林茨酒窖 ڹᓰ౾࣯ࢀ଀ᒦ߅ᆐᆎጙጙ౒೰ྜྷĐᓳᏗđࢀ଀ࡼಙႊഎ 1375. Throughout the next five centuries, the grapes then ໅჻ௌă Stellenbosch Mountain, South Africa 塞伦布什, 南非 slowly established themselves as botanical entities and were finally named by winemakers and wine drinkers. It Wine has been produced on this family-owned wine estate has taken us a long time to actually understand that since 1695. The combination of exceptional , growing these grape varietals is not as easy as any other situated on perfect aspects along the Stellenbosch grapes. The vast amount of complexity and diversity this Mountains, provide the basic ingredients for the wines. The grape gives us is unbelievable. relentless effort of the wine-making team, a commitment to the highest quality, along with international experience, There are a few places where the ’terroir’ is perfect for has positioned the wines amongst the best from South growing : Burgundy in France, Victoria in Africa. Often they are referred to as the “Kleine Miracle“. Australia, Sonoma in California and Baden in Germany for instance. Kleine Zalze swept the field at the 2007 International Wine and Spirit Competition in London, where it entered seven wines taking home all medals. The event was capped by In Burgundy’s region of Côte de Nuits there are very Kleine Zalze winning the ‘ Producer of famous wines like Romanée Conti, Domaine Comte the Year’. Georges de Vogüé and so on...

ᐁᏴ1695ฤLjద೶ࠞଜᔙ௓ጯளᏴᑚຢᅉ࢐࿟สᐆ໅჻ௌ In this tasting, I will be reviewing the Rochford Macedon ೫ă೜ੑࡼज़ᅉᄟୈଝ࿟ྭൕݚဠ࿍൴ᎌಽࡼ࢐ተᄟୈLj Range Pinot Noir and the Portree Pinot Noir. Both are ገႤăสௌᅍࣩࡼᇄႉॢ situated in a sub region called the Macedon Range of۾ᄋ৙೫ᏪᎹᎁᒠ໅჻ௌࡼ૥ ማLj࣪᎖ᔢ঱ᒠ೟ܪᓰࡼᔂᔂᓫཇLjଝ࿟ॕ঍ࡼਪଔછள Victoria, Australia. It is termed the ‘sharp end’ of Australian ፦ಯศLjဧద೶ࠞௌ୹߅ޠᆐฉऻᔢᓳᏗࡼௌᏊLjཽඣᏸ cool climate . The match of climate produces Ꮊ໚ᆐĐద೶ࠞࠅໜđă wines of unimpeachable varietals character. These are ద೶ࠞௌ୹Ᏼ2007ฤ᎖፞ਪൕ࣮௟ቲࡼਪଔ໅჻ௌೲௌࡍ wines of exceptional merit in the overall style of Australian .ᒦጙᑼࣖኅLj໚றኡࡼ໕౒໅჻ௌཝݝᏲᎺऎਙăద೶ Pinotsྮ ڹမฉ2005ฤ॑ݙঌᒰᆃLj૝ࡻ“ီஏᔢଛڹࠞௌᏊறኡ မฉ”߂੓ăऎࡩద೶ࠞௌ୹ྋᤝ“ฤࣞฉऻᔢᓳᏗௌᓣ”ᒄ Another place that is world renowned for its Pinots is ଔLjৎ୓ࠥࠨࡍྮᅎሶ঱ޭă Oregon in the United States. Joseph Drouhin had then

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venturedPRODUCTS out of France and settled into a region with ᎌቋ࢐ऱࡼᅉིᄟୈऻޟး੝ᒬᒈ੨܈ํLjಿྙजਪࡼ݈ ࡍಽ዇ࡼᆒࣶಽ዇ĂගਪଝᒳࡼჃํ൨Ljࡺਪࡼڦsimilar climatic conditions as Burgundy. Domaine Drouhin Ᾰ࢒Ă ……ࡿگ on the “Red Hills “30 miles south of Portland. In the 1970’s, an Oregon Pinot won a burgundy pinot in a tasting held in Paris and that was what caught the interest of Ᏼजਪ݈Ᾰ࢒ࡼไጞ࠿࢐ཌLjጙቋௌᓣสᐆ೫኏ࣶᓎ෗ࡼ Robert Drouhin. ੨܈ํ໅჻ௌྙ൜ൺำఙ࢑ᓣᏊĂ݌௺༛ᒤࡺᓣᏊࢀă

ࡍಽ዇ᆒࣶಽ዇ڦᒦLjᆸ୓࣪ጲሆೝ౒౶ᔈޞIt is without doubt that wines complement food. Pinot Noir Ᏼᑚࠨࡼອ is well suited to pair with poultry, beef, fish, ham, lamb ൫໚࣯࿍ཌࡼೝ౒੨܈ํ໅჻ௌLjॊܰ౶ᔈ൜঍ਜ਼݆ᄂಽ Yvonne’s Pinot Noir review Ꭷᒩቃ஋ጙ໦౶ອᆜᆸඣࡼ੨܈ํǖ ࡍಽ዇భᒬᒈ໅჻ཌᎮᒦ໮઀ᔢᆐڦand pork. Any meat or pasta with a creamy sauce, spicy ௌᓣă൫໚࣯࿍ཌဵ ࿽ࡼᄂቶᎧࡩ࢐໮઀ࡼග්உ۾໅჻ํ܈seasoning would also go well. And my personal favorite, ೙ၸࡼ࢐ཌă੨ :ํ܈Pinot Noirs from Burgundy, France ౶ᔈजਪ݈Ᾰ࢒ࡼ੨ ڦroasted duck – a perfect combination! Pinot Noir is such a ੝ཱུᑚೝ౒໅჻ௌᐱာ߲ᇄቚభૣࡼৈቶLjཝෂᐱሚ߲ versatile food wine, you can pair anything with it or just ࡍಽ዇੨܈ํ໅჻ௌज़ৃ 2005 is a great . enjoy it on its own. Joseph Drouhin ᒦᔢ஄߲ࡼᎁ࢛ă Sight: Clear bright ruby red, good viscosity with stains in Laforet Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2005 the legs. Nose: Red fruits, cherries, raspberries … slight hint of ੺໅჻ௌํ܈౯।ྡྷ੨ڔऎሱ Ꮦྺ०ࣛറํ܈Cheers and enjoy the wine ഍ጙৈጲᎁᒠ੨ spice, showing a clean and clear straight Pinot Noir. and the pairing! Ꮊཝီஏࡼ࢐ཌဵගਪࡼ Palate: Good fruits with velvety tannins, well balanced with acidity ڔःಗদᒳăᏖྺ०ࣛറ ௌᓣ၅ࠨᏴजਪᒄᅪࡼ࢐ ᓜጓອௌနᒩವขቃ஋࠭ Touch of spice makes the wine well balanced with a ཌᄾᓾ໅჻ᏊLj݀ኡᐋ೫ medium length. A good wine to enjoy anytime. ჼಘႋᒦਪࡼޘອᒦᇨቦ Ꭷ݈Ᾰ࢒ᎌᓹሤ႒໮઀ᄂ ࡼฤ॑ăۖޟ੺໅ ᑚ౒ௌ໵ᒋ݈Ᾰ࢒࢐ཌऻํ܈ᄞኡ೫ጙᇹ೰੨ ௌڔᑯࡼःಗদᒳăࣛറ ဝྻLj༵༵઺ࣅௌۭLjးࣞࡼĐਂۦ჻ௌᎧࡍଜॊሱă ఘ: ༹ᇠීೡࡼ੺ ᓣᆡ᎖ගਪ݆ᄂ౾ฉݝ30 ! ۭđᄏሚ߲೜ੑࡼᐫߩࣞă ፞ಱᅪࡼ“੺ང”ă20ီଗ ᆫ: ᎌ੺ྻၺਫྙ፟ჼLj঄຀ᔇࡼሧ໮Ljࡒᓹጙ෢ባ ăํ܈ᒩವขဵ࿟਱ᆐၫݙࣶࡼ ! ౳-!ဵጙ౒ছு༹ၸࡼ੨ 70ฤࡔLjጙ౒౶ᔈःಗদ ၿLjႭࣞຳੰྒྷۅᓜጓອௌနᒄጙLjᔈ ອ: ాঢ࿟ᎌᓹጩཽࡼਫᆜLj࡝ุႋ ಪ௟ !૵ଛăگᏴጙࠨํ܈ᒳࡼ੨ ฤ8Ꮬ໦ྀ࡛ቃฉਪૹᅍ2007 ቲࡼອௌ્࿟ᐵဒ೫഍ጙ ໅჻ௌଆၣᔐପăᏴࠥᒄ কௌ൒ࡒባ౳ᆜLj᎜ᆜးᒦLjຳੰቶ૵ଛLjဵጙ౒ྀੜဟ ౒౶ᔈ݈Ᾰ࢒ࡼ੨܈ํ໅ ༄Lj჉Ᏼ࿟਱ᅪნྯ੓ज ઀࣒းፙࡼᎁᒠ໅჻ௌă ჻ௌLjࠥူ፛໦೫൜݌ᄂ ਪݫᄦྀ࡛၅ᇳອௌန୓ ሌညᏴᑚಱᄾᓾ໅ڔࣛറ த႐ฤLjকݫᄦࡼ໅჻ௌ ჻Ꮚࡼቭབă Joseph Drouhin ࡝᎖ 2007ฤྋᤝĖ໅჻ௌ Cote De Nuits Villages 2005 Sight: Brilliant ruby, little rim variation. Medium to heavy ୂ࿝ଜėຶኡࡼ viscosity with staining in the legs shows good .ไጞ࠿ছ੺໅჻ௌ intensityڔ໅჻ອᒬ Ꮦྺ०ࣛറํ܈੏ᇄጧᆰLj໅჻ௌభጲਜ਼အᇕᅲගࡈ๼ă੨ ගਪ฾Ꮦࡼ “ᔢଛௌ࡝ ”߂੓ă Nose: Ripe blackberries and cranberries with medium STARWINE 2005 భጲᎧ੪ࣶအᇕࡈ๼Ljྙଜ༱Lj฻ྔLj᎟Lj૜ᅐLjዲྔਜ਼ ᆐ዇ᒴࡼᆎጙࡔܭ߅ᆐຶᆕ્߅Ꮛăਪଔ໅჻ௌீྮᔝᆕ્ࡼዻ༿LjᔫฤLj჉୻၊ᆡ᎖ plus toast almost peppery. ᓃྔăࡒᎌฆᎉᆜ૞ᑗሧ౳ࢯᆜ೯ࡼྔಢ૞ᑗፀࡍಽෂጐ Palate: Good ripe red fruits, very smooth tannins not harsh భጲᎧᒄࡈ๼ă഍ᅪᆸඣݙࡻݙᄋLjᔢᅲගࡼࡈ๼ဵఢ .ཀྵஏࢾࡼ໅჻ອ at all. A harmonious wine with persistent lengthීۻဵ1375ฤᏴजਪ݈Ᾰ࢒࢒ጙৈํ܈੨ ໅჻ௌᏴအᇕࡈ๼࿟ଂઃํ܈ă੨ڐᑗࡼᔢ܊ኼLjᑚጐဵ ᒬăᏴ୻ሆ౶ࡼ5ৈီଗಱLj໚჈ࡼ໅჻ອᒬݣᓆ୍ጲᒈ છLjᏴௌۭࡼܤᏏྻࢯᎌ༵ᆈࡼܟဝྻLjۦఘ: ኤಅࡼ੺ ဵᅺถࡼLjฝభጲ፿჈౶ࡈ๼ྀੜအᇕLj૾ဧ࡝ࣖሱ፿ጐ ඣჅᒬᒈLj݀ᔢᒫᎅสௌနਜ਼ፙௌཽိ ! Đਂۭđ࠭ᒦࢀࡵเᒮࡼᐫߩࣞመာ߲೜ੑࡼ༓ࣞăཽۻᇕဣᄏࡼተါ ᑚቋสௌ໅჻ອ എཽᎠᏝă ᆫ: ᎌ߅ၚࡼ੨᜖ਜ਼Ⴍਫ൹ਫဣࡼሧ໮LjႲઁభঢ၊ࡵڹጙࣤဟମઁݣ୍୍ීޠෘ෗ăᆸඣᏴ੪ ! ੴఢଂதባ౳ࡼᆜࡸă ໅჻ࡼํ܈ᒬࡼᏮ๸݀ݙሷ໋ᄰ໅჻ອᒬกඐྏጵLjऎ੨ ອ: ࡒᎌ߅ၚ੺ྻၺਫࡼᆜࡸLj࡝ุၿઘᏌྥLjాᆜຳ ᆸඣ௟ۭLj౶ሱ၊ගအᎧගௌࡼࡈ๼ࡒ৊ᆸඣࡼᇄགಘཱུ Ꮾ๸ਭ߈ࡒ৊ᆸඣࡼ૵ࡍࡼআᏭቶਜ਼ތፊቶဵᆸඣဪ೯ᆚ ! ੰLj᎜ᆜᎂޠă ƽګૺࡼă བ

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PRODUCTSPinot Noirs from Burgundy ౶ᔈजਪ݈Ᾰ࢒ࡼ੨܈ํ: 2003 is an exceptional vintage. Rochford Sight: Brilliant deep ruby red with light rim variation showing bottle age. Medium plus to heavy viscosity Macedon Ranges Pinot Noir 2005 with staining on the legs shows concentration. ൜঍੨܈ํ੺໅჻ௌ Nose: Bursting with warm ripe fruits: plums, red cherries and prunes integrated with smoky aromas. Palate: On the palate it’s full of complexity, red fruits and raspberries, wild cherries to almost stewed fruits with layers of spices. Medium plus with flavors Sight: Interesting brick red color with very of black pepper. Finish with well-balanced silky little rim variation, medium to heavy tannins. Joseph Drouhin viscosity. An exuberant wine! With lingering length, beautiful to Nose: This wine is so ripe that it full of Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru 2003 enjoy now and will be developing even more in time to luscious ripe fruits. Stewed plums, ༛॰ᄂᓣᏊᄂ଀໅჻ௌ come. cherries and indeed oak and also theڔᏖྺ०ࣛറ deep intense nose of earth. ᑚ౒ௌ߲ᔈ᎖݈Ᾰ࢒࢐ཌިઃኰޟࡼੑฤ॑ă ,છመာকௌ Palate: Wine is rich with velvety tanninsܤᏏࡼ༵ᆈྻࢯܟဝྻLjۦఘ: ೡಸࡼ࿾੺ .ᏴௌີᒦጯளࡀहጙࣤဟମăᏴௌۭࡼĐਂۭđ࠭ dark chocolates showing bottle age ! ! ᒦࢀࡵเᒮࡼᐫߩࣞመာ߲೜ੑࡼเࣞă Long finish with warm alcoholic ᆫ: ແ܇ऎ౶ࡼဵᆨ็߅ၚࡼၺਫᆜྙರᔇLj੺፟ჼਜ਼ strength. A sophisticated Pinot Noir. ! ਐ෸Ljྌ੝೫ዌኬࡼሧ໮ă ອ: ాঢআᏭLj࠭੺ྻၺਫLj঄຀ᔇLjጎ፟ჼࡵ߅ၚၺ છLjᒦܤᏏྻࢯ൒ᎌܟਫLjࡒᓹݙᄴࡼባ౳ᆜăሴ෸ଚᏭᓹ੨ઈୟࡼᆜࡸ ఘ: ධཽࡼᓝ੺ྻLj ! ! းᒦLj࡝ุႋઘLjຳੰቶଛă ! ༓ᐫߩࣞă! ᆫ: ऻޟ߅ၚLj঍਺৉ᒬాᆜজගࡼ߅ၚ ᎜ᆜᎂޠLjး੝૾ፙLjྙถࡀहጙࣤဟମాঢৎଛLjဵጙ ! ၺਫሧ໮Ljྙ߅ၚರᔇLj፟ჼLjሴ ౒঍ᎌ૚ೆਜ਼ৈቶࡼ໅჻ௌă ! ෸LjጲૺเᎰĂ༹ቤࡼบᅉᆜă ၿLj੨༝ྒྷۅ൸ߠဣLj࡝ุႋۥອ: ాঢ ! యೆࡼᆜࡸመာີᒦ޾ฤጯᎌጙࣤဟ Ljဵጙ౒আᏭ߅ၚࡼ੨ޠମăૄᆜᎂ ! :ํ܈ࡍಽ዇ᆒࣶಽ዇ࡼ੨ڦPinot Noirs from Victoria, Australia ౶ᔈ !܈ํă

Portree Pinot Noir 2003 Sight: Ruby red with half inch rim variation. Medium plus viscosity showing good finesse. ݆ᄂಽ੨܈ํছ੺໅჻ௌ Nose: This wine is perfumed with dried flowers and fruits with an undertone of aromatic herbs… violets and mint and so on. Palate: Fresh red fruits red cherries and black cherries with lively acidity to it. Young and fresh but round.

છLjᐫߩࣞးᒦLjܤᏏྻࢯܟဝྻLjࡒᓹቋ኏ࡼۦఘ: ੺ ! ज़ৃᎁዅă ᆫ: ঍਺ছઔਜ਼ၺਫࡼሧ໮LjႲᒄऎ౶ࡼဵݻ෸Ăᔃ൜ ౾ਜ਼ۡ੗ࡼॆरă ! ອ: ੺ྻၺਫྙ੺፟ჼਜ਼੨፟ჼࡼᆜࡸLjࡒᓹຳੰညࣅ ൸ăۥࡼႭࣞăฤ༵Lj༹ቤLjࡣᏌྥ !

Vintage 2003, The best Piont Noir in the world over £10, DECANTER magazine ໅჻ௌํ܈ĖອࠖఱėᏸᎺᆐ঱᎖10፞ۗࡼᔢଛ੨ۻ2003ฤ॑

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PRODUCTSPinot Noirs from the USA ౶ᔈගਪࡼ੨܈ํ: Marimar Pinot Noir 2003 Sight: Deep garnet with very little rim variation. Medium to heavy viscosity. Torres Family Estate, Nose: This wine is showing a good amount fruits with Sonoma County, California notes of spice. ൨ऑ൨੨܈ํ Palate: Full bodied wine lined with fine tannins .Fruits like ჼಘႋଜᔙௌᏊLjჃํ൨ሜLjଝᒳ black cherries, blackberries. With tannins of fine black tea, undertones of earth in line with bottle age.

Long length for an elegant wine. A very delicate wine to enjoy.

ఘ: ࿾ဝ഑੺ྻLjܟᏏྻࢯ൒ᎌܤછăᒦ༓ᐫߩࣞă ᆫ: ঍਺ਫሧLjࡒጙ෢ባ౳ᆜă ອ: ௌᄏ੿ᒮLjᎧ೜ੑࡼ࡝ุሤຳੰăਫሧเᎰLj੨፟ ࡼ࡝ุLjۅކჼਜ਼੨᜖ࡼᆜࡸᎄᆐීመăᎌᎁᒠ੺ ! ፐᏴີᒦ߼ݶऎࡒ౶༹ቤࡼบᅉᆜă !


Domaine Drouhin Pinot Noir 2002 Sight: Brick red, with little rim variation. Medium to heavy viscosity. Oregon Nose: Fragrance with flowers and layers of soft yet rich .੺໅჻ௌ fruitsํ܈Ᾰ੨ྡྷڤ Palate: On the palate this wine shows deep intensity of the soil. Prunes, cherries and mocha. This is a developing full bodied Pinot Noir.

This wine is showing the complexity of a solid Pinot with good potential in the coming years.

ఘ: ᓝ੺ྻLjܟᏏྻࢯ൒ᎌܤછ-!ᒦ༓ᐫߩࣞă ᆫ: ঍਺ॆरࡼਫሧLjྒྷၿࡼ߅ၚၺਫᆜă ອ: ᐱာ೫ःಗদᄂᎌࡼᅉིᄂ࢛Ljభঢ၊ࡵዳರছĂ ! ፟ჼਜ਼෠ఌࡼሧ໮Ljဵጙ౒ᑵࠀ᎖߅ၚ୿ࣤLjௌᄏ ! ੿ᒮࡼ੨܈ํă

ࠥ౒໅჻ௌߠॊመာ೫੨܈ํআᏭऎࣶዹછࡼాᆜLj௥ᎌ ऻޟੑࡼ޾ฤ༅ೆă

14 21 Mr. Pierre Emmanuel Taittinger with EVENTS & PRESS REVIEW a group of Champagne lovers ੑᑗඣ 活动 & 新闻报道ڐऑ/დᄬᑔᎧሧᮔڅບ EventsOn June 13th, 2007, we had the honor& of hosting Mr. PierrePress 2007ฤ6Ꮬ13྇Ljჼಘႋᒦਪྋቴࡼ୻ࡗ೫დᄬᑔௌᓣࡼ review ऑ.დᄬᑔሌညăდᄬᑔဵᆐၫݙࣶࡼᎅᔈڅEmmanuel Taittinger, the man behind one of the most ሚྀᓣᓍບ famous and few remaining family-owned Champagne ଄ଜᔙ፱ᎌ݀਌ಯࡼီஏᓎ෗ሧᮔௌᓣᒄጙă houses: Mr. Pierre Emmanuel Taittinger. დᄬᑔௌᓣ୐ೂ᎖1734ฤLjጲ໚ᆮࢾ߲ྻࡼᒠ೟ᓎ߂᎖ Established in 1734, Taittinger Champagne is known for its ăდᄬᑔࡼਖ਼ቦፐႤဵ༓ࡍࡼଜᔙ۳ஶLjࡍෂ૩ࡼௌီ quality and regularity. The key assets of Taittinger are a strong family presence, the large size of its , the ᏊLj૵໚ᆮࢾࡼޘອᒠ೟ਜ਼޾สဟମLjޘອࡼᎌኔߒኚቶ extreme consistency and ageing time, the controlled खᐱLjૺሚࡔછࡼອ๞ᆪછăᑚቋ࣒ဧࡻდᄬᑔᇹ೰ሧᮔ product development, and the modernity of a brand which ௌ௥ᎌறᒘᎁዅࡼాঢă produces a very refined and elegant wine. დᄬᑔࡼ഍ጙৈᄂྻဵጲሀࣶಸᆐᓍገสᐆ໅჻ອᒬăሱ ሧᮔ௓ဵᔢੑࡼಿᔇLj჈ᅲཝጲሀڹᒦڹTaittinger is also very much characterized by the Ꮊီஏࡼᔤਣࡼ predominance of the . The well-known ࣶಸ໅჻สᒜऎ߅Ljऎสᒜᑚ౒ሧᮔࡼჅᎌ໅჻࣒౶ᔈ᎖ Prestige Cuvée Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs is ࢐ăޘ࢐ཌLjᑚಱᑵဵሧᮔཌᔢᓎ෗ࡼሀࣶಸژڹ made exclusively with Chardonnay grapes from the most renowned vineyards of the Côte de Blancs! Ᏼ࿟਱ਜ਼۱யࡼ࣢᏷࣐ഔ໐ମLjდᄬᑔሌညᎧݫፙஏਜ਼඙ ਜ਼۱யګDuring his visit to Shanghai and Beijing, Mr. Taittinger ᄏཽိጙ໦ݬଝ೫ሧᮔ௡્ăჇથᏴ࿟਱₼ೆௌ participated in various gatherings with trade and media. He ஘ྌ୾ᆆႅᄩࡍௌࢢ༫ᔈᓍߒ೫ೝޝ঍ᎌࠎፀࡼሧᮔတ also hosted two fabulous parties at the “Glamour Bar” in ્ăᎌިਭ300ᆡఱཽሱ፿೫დᄬᑔ࿭ખሧᮔLj݀૝ࡻ೫ Shanghai and at the Westin Hotel in Beijing, where over Ꭷდᄬᑔሌညෂ࣪ෂ༫ම୻߿ࡼ૦્ă 300 people were glad to enjoy his luxury and meet personally with him over a “Taittinger Moment”. ቢ࿝ᒦਪᑚৈᑵᏴຆ݈ᢨ໦ࡼှޟऑ.დᄬᑔሌညऻڅບ Mr. Pierre Emmanuel Taittinger is very keen to promote the ޝLjེ݀ᒪ᎖Ᏼࠥᅎਓდᄬᑔሧᮔອ๞ăჇࡼएᔇయൣᆒ ‘Taittinger’ brand in the emerging Champagne market of ႅ.დᄬᑔሌညLjდᄬᑔଜᔙࡼฤ༵ጙࡔLjጐ᎖2007ฤ11 ଐચषᆰᒦਪăږChina. His son Mr. Clovis Taittinger, the younger generation Ꮬ of the Taittinger family, also visited China in November. ƽګࡼ߅৖Ljཱུᆸඣৢᄴ௟ۭޝᆐ೫დᄬᑔሧᮔᏴᒦਪှ Let’s raise our flutes to toast ‘Taittinger’ commitment to the China market! Ꮇ೫ஊৎࣶდᄬᑔሧᮔတ્ጲૺອ๞ࡼቧᇦLj༿ݬᏞྙሆ ඙ᄏۨࡸǖ 2007ฤ6Ꮬ22྇Ė۱ய༴ฤۨėlj დᄬᑔሌညᓜष ฤ 7 ᏜఓĖௌ࿠ė lj დᄬᑔሌညူ૭ۨࡸ 2007 2007 ฤ 8 ᏜఓĖ࿟਱࿜ጓຶ൙ė lj დᄬᑔሧᮔࡼອ๞৺ူਜ਼ள፦਌ಯऱါ ChampagneChampagne partiesparties withwith Mr.Mr. PierrePierre EmmanuelEmmanuel TaittingerTaittinger 与皮埃尔与皮埃尔.泰亭哲先生共同分享香槟的美妙时刻泰亭哲先生共同分享香槟的美妙时刻

Press review dates of these two Champagne parties, please find details below: Interview with Mr. Pierre Emmanuel Taittinger in ‘Beijing Youth Daily’ on June 22nd, 2007 Interview with Mr. Taittinger in ‘Vino Vogue’ July issue Report of Taittinger Champagne in ‘Shanghai Business Review’ August issue

17 MOMENTS 活动回顾 FEATURE 专题 Taste of the Nations གྷଈઓᅪອୂ્ October 13th, 2007 @ Radisson Plaza Xing Guo Hotel, Shanghai 2007ฤ10Ꮬ13྇᎖࿟਱ቭਪܶ਍

Mr.Mr. MiguelMiguel A.A. TorresTorres andand Ms.Ms. EvaEva HoHo ඳ঱ඳ঱!. A . ჼಘႋሌညਜ਼ဂ࡜ॗๆိჼಘႋჼಘႋሌညਜ਼ဂ࡜ॗๆိሌညਜ਼ဂ࡜ॗๆိ April 21st, 2007 @ T8 restaurant, Shanghai 2007ฤ4Ꮬ21྇᎖࿟਱T8ݫᄦ

PeterPeter LehmannLehmann WineWine DinnerDinner th ܋ࡻ܋ࡻ!. ಽඥ໅჻ௌᅵዧಽඥ໅჻ௌᅵዧ VegaVega SiciliaSicilia WineWine DinnerDinner 10 Anniversary of Grace Vineyard September 4th, 2007 @ The Westin Guangzhou 2007ฤ9Ꮬ4྇᎖ਓᒳᄖᎺᆆႅᄩௌࢢ ۴ଝᇝᇝಽ዇໅჻ௌ⃆⃅ᅵዧ۴ଝᇝᇝಽ዇໅჻ௌ⃆⃅ᅵዧ November 16th, 2007 怡园酒庄成立十周年 @ My Humble House, Beijing 2007ฤ11Ꮬ16྇᎖۱ய਼၀ݫᄦ

18 GRACE VINEYARD CELEBRATES 10 YEARS 怡园酒庄成立十周年 JUDY LEISSNER ON TEN YEARS OF Grace Vineyard was jointly founded in 1997 by Mr. GRACE VINEYARD Chan with the assistance of famous Bordeaux oenologist 访问陈芳女士的十个问题 Denis Boubals. Located on the Taigu Plateau, 40km south of Taiyuan, the capital city of Shanxi Province, TORRES CHINA: Firstly congratulations on your 10th Grace Vineyard offers a perfect terroir for producing 1. Anniversary. Ten years is a short time for old-world premium-quality wines. Low yield wines are made only , but that’s the entire history of Grace Vineyard. from typical Bordeaux grape varieties, aged in American What’s the most important fact you would like to share and French oak and released after final bottle fining. with us on this special occasion?

Grace Vineyard has continually been received Judy Leissner: Thank you. Ten years is indeed short for any international acclaim from authoritative international winery. However, I always find it amazing how much we wine media, including famous wine writers Jancis have achieved in just 10 years. We have built a reputation Robinson and professional wine publications such as within the industry; we are (as such a small winery) able to ‘Wine Spectator’. Managed by Judy Leissner, Grace be listed in all these famous hotels & restaurants (of course Vineyard has been considered the finest Chinese wine with the help of TORRES CHINA); we have built a firm producer of its time. foundation for our future development. All these are quite significant achievements. On August 27th and 28th, the Chan family hosted Grace ჼಘႋᒦਪǖ၅ሌৗᇶิLjஙᄖᤷᏊௌᓣጯளလႶ೫ăလ Vineyard’s ‘10th Anniversary Celebration’. The winery “I think our mission is to inspire people to ฤࡼဟମ࣪᎖಑ီஏज़ৃࡼ໅჻ௌᓣᏊ౶ႁဵ੪࣢᏷ࡼLj invited over 200 guests including clients. The program ࡣᑚསဵᤷᏊௌᓣࡼ಼ဥăᏴᑚৈᄂၐࡼဟరLj࣪᎖ᤷᏊ included a visit of the winery and other local tourist better their lives. ௌᓣࡼ಼ဥਜ਼ሚᓨิᎌဠඐሯਜ਼ࡍଜॊሱࡼ൮? spots, ending with a Gala Dinner on the evening of Quality always comes first.” August 27th. “我们的使命就是激励人们 ޾रǖቝቝฝࡼᓗ੦ăࡼཀྵLjလฤࡼဟମ࣪᎖ྀੜጙৈௌ Ꮚ౶ႁ࣒ဵऻޟ࣢᏷ࡼăࡣဵLjඛඛૄ৻ᑚလฤ౶ᆸඣན An interview with Judy Leissner, President of Grace 去改善他们的生活, ࡻࡼரཽ߅௓Ljူဣᔐဵഎཽቢᆥࡼăᔫᆐጙৈቃਖෝࡼ Vineyard by TORRES CHINA Communications Manager றອௌᏊLjᆸඣ߅৖ࡼ୐ೂ೫ᔈ଄ࡼဉᎺLjᆸඣࡼ໅჻ௌ Joyce Guo. ೰ྜྷਪดᒰࣶᓎ෗ௌࢢਜ਼ݫᄦࡼௌ࡝)ࡩ཭ᑚࡻঢۻ质量永远是处于第一位的。” ถ৫ ᓐ*Ǘᆸඣᆐ୓౶ࡼखᐱࢤࢾ೫ۑJudy Leissner 陈芳 ቝฝඣ . ჼಘႋᒦਪࡼ - Ᏼᓎ෗݆ऑࣶ໅჻ௌኧᑗDenis Boubalsࡼᓜጓ቏ᓐሆLj ଫဣࡼ૥߻ăჅᎌᑚቋ࣪᎖ᆸඣ࣒ဵፀፃऻदࡼ߅௓ă ޾஠༓ሌည᎖1997ฤࠎೂᤷᏊௌᓣăᤷᏊௌᓣᆡ᎖௦࿍ ᇝဏဏ્ვᏇှጲฉ40৛ಱࡼვ৸ሜLjᑚಱࡼज़ᅉᄟୈ ᆐสௌ໅჻ࡼᒬᒈਜ਼ညޠᄋ৙೫ࡻᄖࣖ੿ࡼᄟୈăᑚಱ 2. TORRES CHINA: What is the philosophy of Grace ?೟੪ Vineyardޘࡼ໅჻ௌᒑݧ፿ࠅᄻࡼ݆ऑࣶ໅჻ອᒬ౶สᐆLj ࢅăᏴගਪਜ਼जਪሴ෸ᄸ޾สઁLjளਭᔢઁࡼີสਭ߈ ݣᄾह࿟ှă Judy Leissner: I think our mission is to inspire people to better their lives. Quality always comes first. Then, there is ஙᄖࡼᤷᏊௌᓣ૝ࡻ೫ਪଔ໅჻ௌஏࡼਓमੑຶLj໚ᒦ۞ also integrity. This includes our commitment to serve our ౪ᓎ෗ࡼ໅჻ௌຶ൙ଜJancis RobinsonጲૺĖ໅჻ௌ਋ފ clients better, to take care of people who work for us, and ଜėࢀᓜጓ໅჻ௌᏭᒔăᏴ޾रๆိࡼ਌ಯሆLjᤷᏊ also the environment that gives all these fantastic grapes. ௌᓣጯள߅ᆐᒦਪᔢ၊ళࢾࡼ໅჻ௌညޘᑗă ჼಘႋᒦਪǖᤷᏊௌᓣࡼள፦ಯศဵဠඐ? 2007ฤ8Ꮬ27྇ᒗ28྇Lj޾ွଜᔙᆐᤷᏊௌᓣ߅ೂလᒲ ࣶᆡ࿷્৉ ޾रǖᆸඣࡼဧෘ௓ဵ૮಺ཽඣབྷখ࿖Ⴧඣࡼည૚ăᒠ೟ڻฤ௟ቲ೫တࡍࡼཀᓗ૚ࣅăௌᏊዻ༿೫औ ๝ߠ൸ፀབLj۞౪ ፼Ꮠဵࠀ᎖࢒ጙᆡࡼă໚ࠨဵߋဣᑵᒇLjᆸඣߌํᆐᆸඣܠஏཽိݬଝࠥࠨཀ࢜ăᑳৈ૚ࣅࡼ ݬ਋ௌᏊLjᎊಂ࿍ᇝࡩ࢐ുᎊ෗ဒLj݀᎖27྇ࡩᅵ௟ቲ ࡼఱઓᄋ৙ৎੑࡼॲᇗǗ੕ઐกቋᆐௌᓣࡼखᐱऎॐ࣍ࡼ ೫ടᒮࡼઢཀᅵዧă Ꮛ৔ǗۣઐᆐᆸඣᏪᎹᑚቋ௾්໅჻ອᒬࡼᔈ཭ણஹă

20 21 FEATURE 专题

Feature are serious about wine-making and Grace Vineyard’s wine TORRES CHINA: Your new winemaker is Ken Murchison ޾रǖ2004ฤ࣪᎖ᆸඣࡼ໅჻ࡼညޠᒬᒈ౶ႁဵጙৈऻޟ .from Australia. Why did you decide to change from a ۖࡼฤ॑Ljࡩฤᆸඣᎌ੪ࣶ໅჻ௌࡼອᒠ࣒ިᏗ೫ᆁฤᑜ is a high-quality one .3 .Ljᆸඣ௼ࢾࠎ We have a dedicated team who takes care of all our guestsޘFrenchman to an Aussie?How is this going to reflect in the style ݶᇹ೰ࡼၺᓰăᎅ᎖ᓣᓍᑜݶဣቲሢ೟߲ ອăᑚ౒ௌᎧᓣ There are 8 guestrooms in the winery and a café with anޘof your future vintages? ᐆጙৈ஑᎖ᑜݶᇹ೰ਜ਼ᓣᓍᑜݶᒄମࡼ ᓍᑜݶݙᄴLj໚ᓍገᏇፐᏴ᎖࿾౸ጲගಘ໅჻ᆐᓍገสᐆ outdoor patio. Staying at Grace Vineyard, one can feel relaxed being away from the city’s hustle and bustle. Judy Leissner: It is just a coincidence. Ken was introduced to us ອᒬLj݀༦჈း੝Ᏼฤ༵ဟ઀ሱ፿ă Additionally, one can enjoy a nice meal accompanied by by a mutual friend who is very respectable in the wine industry. Grace Vineyard’s full-range of wines. It’s a very memorable Ken is very experienced in both viticulture and wine-making (old TORRES CHINA: What would be the characteristic experience. world + new world style). Since we were expanding our vineyard 5. of Shanxi ‘terroir’?Which of your wines is the and looking for new sites & new varieties to grow, Ken’s all-round most representative for that? ჼಘႋᒦਪǖฝཱྀᆐௌᓣࡼ෾ጙݝॊᔢᆐᒮገLjభጲཱུݬ ability matched our needs. ੜ౒ࡗ౶षࡼྙۅ਋ࡼᎊఱಯஊௌᓣࡼள፦ಯศ?ௌᏊጙ In term of style, Ken and I agree that we won’t alternate Grace’s Judy Leissner: Shanxi is unique. A lot of places like to ᎊఱฒ? current style, but will make improvements – color, body and aging advocate that they are like Bordeaux, but there is only one potential. Bordeaux and that can’t be duplicated. Shanxi is dry with ޾रǖࡩᎊఱݬ਋ᤷᏊௌᓣLjᆸඣ્၅ሌࡒഌჇඣབྷఘᆸ abundant sunshine; the day and night-time temperatures ඣࡼ໅჻Ꮚăᆸඣཱྀᆐጙ౒໅჻ௌࡼၺᓰᆁᆁ၊໅჻ᒠ೟ ࡍಽ዇ࡼKen are quite different and the soil is sandy. ࡼ፬ሰᔢࡍLjፐࠥᆸඣઔॅ೫௤ࡍࡼᓾᏎਜ਼றೆᇨቦ੕ઐڦჼಘႋᒦਪǖ௣ᇨฝඣቤࡼสௌနဵ౶ᔈ றቦ਌ಯࡼဟۻI think it’s difficult to say which grape is most suitable in ᆸඣࡼௌᏊăࡩᎊఱ༫ዛ୅ᑺᆸඣࡼௌᏊ ڦMurchisonሌညăᆐဠඐฝඣ௼ࢾᄐધ༄ྀजਪཽฒ?ኡᐋጙ෗ ᒴࡼสௌနLj્࣪୓౶ࡼ໅჻ௌࡼज़ৃᎌੜ፬ሰ? Shanxi. We are still experimenting with several new ઀LjᆸሤቧჇඣጙࢾ્ಯஊᆸඣสௌዏႬཱྀᑞࡼზࣞLjጐ varietals. At the moment, I think , ᎅࠥሤቧᤷᏊௌᓣࡼ໅჻ௌᇹ೰ᎌᓹᎁ೜ࡼອᒠă ޾रǖKen Murchisonଝྜྷᆸඣࡼᅍࣩ࠙࠼ဵጙࠨ༝੝ăᆸඣጙ and Chardonnay seem to be very good. ᆡৢᄴࡼੑ຋ᎍဵ໅჻ௌቲጓดࡼᓾ࿾༄۲LjKen௓ဵᎅჇ፛ୀ ࡼăKenᏴ໅჻Ꮾ๸ਜ਼สௌଆၣऱෂ)ᇄ൙ဵ௏ီஏથဵቤီஏ* ჼಘႋᒦਪǖ࿍ᇝࡼज़ᅉᄟୈᎌੜᄂ࢛?ฝඣࡼޘອᇹ೰ ᎌᓹॕ঍ࡼளዩăᆸඣገ౫ࡍௌᏊෂ૩Ljથገኰᑊቤࡼᒬᒈ࢐࢛Ă ᒦLj෾ጙ౒໅჻ௌᔢถᄏሚᑚቋᄂቶฒ? ๸Ꮉቤࡼ໅჻ອᒬLjKenཝෂࡼ໅჻ௌᓜጓݣถ੪း੝ᆸඣࡼኊ ገă ޾रǖ࿍ᇝဵ੪ࣖᄂࡼă੪ࣶ࢐ऱ࣒ᇶઢ৴ࠏ჈ඣਜ਼݆ऑ আۻሚᎌࡼ ࣶ੪ಢ႒Ljࡣဵီஏ࿟ᒑᎌጙৈ݆ऑࣶLjऎ༦ጐᇄजܤᏴज़ৃऱෂLjᆸਜ਼Kenࡉ߅೫ৢဤLjก௓ဵᆸඣݙ્খ ތज़ৃLjࡣဵ્Ᏼ෭ቋऱෂଝጲখ஠Lj۞౪໅჻ௌࡼዕྻLjௌᄏጲ ᒜă࿍ᇝࡼᄖ໮੪ছᐉLjᎌᓹߠᔗࡼዴ਒྇࿉Ljᒽ጗ᆨ ૺ୹ݶ༅ೆࢀࢀă ੪ࡍLj݀༦ᅉིဵ࿃ᒠࡼă ᆸཱྀᆐ੪ซႁ෾ጙৈ໅჻ອᒬᔢး੝࿍ᇝࡼज़ᅉᄟୈLjሚ Ᏼᆸඣ྆཭Ᏼ၂ዩ੪ࣶቤࡼອᒬă஀ᒗ෹༄Ljᆸཱྀᆐߜሀ 7. TORRES CHINA: When you were at middle school, ᒿLjອಸᒿਜ਼ሀࣶಸᏴᑚಱ࣒ညޠࡼऻޟੑă what were your career dreams? What would you be TORRES CHINA: Can you please say something about your if you weren’t the CEO of Grace Vineyard? 4. new wine Grace Vineyard Deep Blue?Why did you decide to produce this new wine? TORRES CHINA: Once at your winery, which is Judy Leissner: I wanted to be a writer. No, I never imagined 6. the most important part allowing visitors to truly I would be who I am today. I didn’t even know my father Judy Leissner: 2004 is a fantastic vintage. We have a lot of great understand the concept of Grace Vineyard?And what sort was that interested in wine. If not, perhaps I would be a wines that year which exceeded the level of Tasya’s Reserve. of hospitality can they expect while staying at Grace human-rights advocate or a sociology professor. Given that Chairman’s Reserve is a limited edition wine, we Vineyard? decided to produce something in between Tasya’s and Chairman’s. ჼಘႋᒦਪǖᆸඣሤቧ੪ࣶࣗᑗ࣪ฝࡼৈཽ߅ޠள಼ጐሤ This wine is different from Chairman’s Reserve mainly because it is Judy Leissner: The first thing we want to show our visitors ࡩᎌቭབăࡩฝᏴᒦኧࡼဟ઀Ljฝࡼᒆጓಯሯဵဠඐ-ྙ ?a -dominated wine; and it’s also a wine that can be enjoyed is our vineyards. We believe the quality of a wine is mostly ਫฝݙဵᤷᏊௌᓣࡼᔐݡLjฝ્࠭ူဠඐቲጓฒ at a younger age. affected by the quality of the grape. As a result, we spend enormous amount of resources and energy in looking after ޾रǖᆸᐒளඪሯ߅ᆐጙৈᔫଜăᆸ࠭ᆚሯਭᆸ્୻၄ௌ ჼಘႋᒦਪǖௌᓣᔢቤखݚ೫ጙ౒ቤௌĐᤷᏊ࿾౸đLjฝถႁႁ our vineyards. When visitors come and see how well our ᓣLjᆸစᒗ࣒ݙᒀࡸᆸঊ༫࣪໅჻ௌᎌቭབăྙਫ඗ᎌᤷ ᏊௌᓣLjᆸሯᆸ્ဵጙৈཽཚᓍፃᑗ૞ᑗဵ࿷્ኧ୴၈ă ሤਈࡼቧᇦ൮?ฝᆐੜ௼ࢾညޘᑚ౒ௌ? vineyards are managed, I am sure they can understand we


FeatureTORRES CHINA: Are you planning to keep Grace 美食 8. Vineyard “family-owned”? Will you expect one of Gastronomy your daughters to take over your responsibility? SPANISH GUEST CHEF GUILLERMO TRULLAS 西班牙客座主厨威利 (aka “Willy”) Judy Leissner: I hope my daughters will be interested in ൜ก29Ⴖࡼฤ༵ߴနLjᏴᒦਪྭگዀۂIn 2007’s ‘The Year of Spain in China’, Guillermo Trullas, a ᆆಽLjጙᆡ౶ᔈᇝ carrying on this family legacy. We, as parents, can’t force 29-year-old Chef from Barcelona, traveled around China to ኏ࣶሱᎌတᎺࡼௌࢢਜ਼঱଀ݫᄦᐱာჇ঱ިࡼߴጳLj݀Ᏼ ዀࡼගအᆪછăᔈۂዀฤďᒄଔሶཽඣኝࠅᇝۂthem. Yet we can influence them by bringing them to the prestigious hotels and restaurants to spread the word of Ďᒦਪᇝ ዀගအۂwinery since they were babies. Spanish gastronomic culture. Since his arrival on March 1st, ࠭2007ฤ3Ꮬ1྇౶ࡵᒦਪLjჇጯளᓍߒ೫ၫࠨᇝ he has hosted a series of gastronomic festivals and wine ஂਜ਼໅჻ௌᅵዧă :ჼಘႋᒦਪǖฝ્ۣߒᤷᏊௌᓣጙᒇဵĐଜᔙ፱ᎌđ൮? dinners such as ᄴဟฝဵ॥໐ᆃฝࡼๆए୓౶્୻၄ฝࡼᒆᐊLjથဵཱུ჉ March 9th-17th, Grand Hyatt Beijing; 3Ꮬ9྇-17྇Lj۱யࣁऱఃᏝࡍௌࢢ ඣᔈ଄௼ࢾฒ? May 11th, St. Regis Hotel, Shanghai 5Ꮬ11྇Lj࿟਱ྡྷ૴੺჊ࡍௌࢢ th th ዀගအஂ--۱ய఑ܶႅ૥ௌࢢۂJune 27 - July 7 , Kranzler's restaurant at Kempinski 6Ꮬ27྇ᒗ7Ꮬ7྇Ljᇝ ޾रǖᆸᇧᆃᆸࡼๆएඣ્੪ᎌቭབଖߌଜᔙጣࠅሆ౶ࡼ Hotel, Beijing th th ఱ౶ႈಗݫᄦ ज༓຾჉ඣǗࡣဵࡩ჉ඣથဵ July 24 – 28 , Sasha’s restaurant & bar, Shanghaiێጓăᔫᆐෲ༫Ljᆸ඗ᎌޘ November 5th – 11th, Aria restaurant at China World Hotel, 7Ꮬ24྇-28྇Lj࿟਱ྪ࿃ݫᄦ ჉ඣࡒࡵௌᏊབྷݬ਋Lj݀ጲࠥ౶፬ڳਰᔇࡼဟ઀Ljᆸభጲ ಸዅݫᄦڄBeijing 11Ꮬ5྇-11྇Ljᒦਪࡍभࢢ ሰ჉ඣă ...... Willy has received training in some of the world’s finest ໐୻၊ᓜጓࡼߴጳ๸ኵLjޠrestaurants, including Petit-fours and summer desserts ᆆಽᐒᏴጙቋီஏᒀ෗ࡼݫᄦ course at El Bulli. Afterwards, he matured in his homeland ऑݚಽለଈᄚອల߈ăᒄઁჇᏴᔈڎTORRES CHINA: What do you think is the future of ۞౪ઔྻቃࡨ঴ጲૺ of Spain. Willy has managed to establish a personal cuisine ዀ୓ߴጳࣣೖ߅ၚăᆆಽጯளᄰਭଆၣ၂ۂdomestically-produced wines and how will Grace ଄ࡼᔚਪᇝ .9 dialogue through technical experimentation, creativity and ࡼ໅჻ௌࡼ୓౶ᎌੜఘजLjᤷ ዩĂݩ᱔ࠎቤĂᔤߣအᇕࡼᔈ཭றႴૺ࣪ᓍገအᇕᏇ೯ᆜޘVineyard fit into that picture?Tell us please also which ჼಘႋᒦਪǖฝ࣪ᒦਪ߲ the essence of nature, while maintaining a full respect for ڳtrends you see from the Chinese consumer’s perspective. ࡸࡼཝෂ೫ஊ୐ೂ೫ጙᄁ૵௥ৈཽᄂྻࡼߴጳᄏᇹăჇ Ꮚௌᓣ્Ᏼᑚ७ᆚ౶౸ᅄᒦࠀ᎖ဠඐᆡᒙǛᐶᏴᒦਪሿॅ the flavors of the main ingredients. With his perfect culinary ᑗࡼ୯ࣞLj༿ฝტტ୓౶ࡼቲጓᔓဴă technique, he imbues each and every details of his work, ᔈ଄தઃᅲගࡼ຃᣽ଆ༝ဈᅀࡵჇ৔ᔫࡼඛጙৈᇼஂLjଝ Judy Leissner: I believe the Chinese consumers will only making him one of the indispensable chefs because of his ࿟Ⴧ࣪࿟ഗ࿷્࿭ખတዧࡼᅲගᘇျLjᑚጙ༤࣒ဧჇ߅ᆐ get more and more sophisticated. They will demand better ຃᣽ஏጙᆡݙభ૞ལࡼߴနă ޾रǖᆸཱྀᆐᒦਪࡼሿॅᑗ୓౶ܘ཭્Ꮧ౶ᏗීᒝăჇඣ genuine understanding of haute cuisine. wines, and as a result, the producers will pay more ્ገཇৎੑࡼ໅჻ௌLjᑵፐᆐྙࠥLj໅჻ௌညޘᑗᒑ્ৎ attention to the quality and honesty-issue. ߋဣ݀ઔॅৎࣶறೆᏴ໅჻ௌࡼᒠ೟࿟ă Our plan for Grace Vineyard is to build a few small, yet ᤷᏊௌᓣࡼଐચဵᏴખ۱୐ೂጙቋ঱ᒠ೟Ljࣖᄂࡼறອௌ high-quality and unique wineries around northern China. ăޝᏊăᆸඣ୓્ዓኚሚᏴࡼݽ൒Lj௓ဵ௡ୡ঱࣡ࡼሿॅှ We will continue to focus on the high-end consumer market.

TORRES CHINA: Finally, when you don’t drink 10. your own wine, which type of wines do you also enjoy sharing with your family or friends?

Judy Leissner: I like good wines. I would prefer to have a different wine everyday if I am not drinking mine.

ჼಘႋᒦਪǖᔢઁጙৈᆰᄌLjྙਫฝኊገኡᐋ໅჻ௌᎧฝ ࡼଜᄭ߅Ꮛ૞ᑗ຋ᎍጙ໦ሱ፿Lj߹བྷᔈ଄ௌᓣ߲ޘࡼ໅჻ ௌLjฝ્ኡᐋ෾ᒬ໅჻ௌ?

޾रǖᆸᇶઢᎁᒠࡼ໅჻ௌLjభጲࡼજᆸᇧᆃඛᄖ࣒ޞ၂ ݙᄴࡼ໅჻ௌă

24 25 OUR TEAM INDUSTRY NEWS 业内视点 我们的团队Our Team Industry News Our Team is made up of experienced individuals with expertise in related fields. Each and every one of them has made dedicated efforts to the growth and development of TORRES CHINA. In this edition, we have selected two independent specialists. INTERNATIONAL WINE CENTRE 国际葡萄酒学校 ໐ᆸ LAUNCHED IN SHANGHAI 在上海开幕۾ჼಘႋᒦਪࡼᅍࣩᎅᏴ৉ᔈഌᎮ঍ᎌளዩࡼᓜଜᔝ߅ăᆐ೫ჼಘႋᒦਪࡼखᐱ஠ݛLjඛጙᆡᏋ৔࣒ཝቦཝፀࡼॢማă ඣᄞኡ೫ೝᆡჼಘႋᒦਪࡼᎁኅᏋ৔ǖ On July 24th, 2007, Simon Tam launched the International 2007ฤ7Ꮬ24྇Lj໅჻ௌ৻ᆰĂ୴ᎹଜૺᔫଜSimon Tam

ඡڦ೫ጙჅࣖೂࡼ໅჻ௌኧቅLjᑚဵଖሧভĂێMark Ruan Hugo Arango Wine Centre in Shanghai, the third branch after Hong Kong Ᏼ࿟਱ఎ General Manager, Marketing Coordinator and Macau. Tam opened the first International Wine Centre ጲ౶ࡼ࢒ྯჅᄴಢቯኧቅăTam᎖1999ฤێShenzhen Office & Wine Educator, North China ໅჻ௌኧቅఎ in Hong Kong in 1999. 阮奇, 总经理-深圳办事处 雨果, 华北区市场协调 葡萄酒培训师 Ᏼሧভ߅ೂ೫࢒ጙჅ໅჻ௌኧቅă After nine years working for the Around 50 members of the wine trade, including Hugo Arango joined the TORRES Portman Ritz Carlton Hotel, restaurateurs, distributors, and merchants attended the CHINA team in March 2007 in ࡩᄖࡼఎᐽጥါ࿟Ljᎌ۞౪ݫፙጓጓᓍĂ໅჻ௌளሾ࿜Ă Shanghai, Mark Ruan joined opening of the International Wine Centre in Asia under the Shanghai. He was once in charge of TORRES CHINA in October aegis of wine writer, consultant and educator Simon Tam. ஠ా࿜ࢀ໅჻ௌඏጵቲጓཽိᏴดࡼࡍᏖ50෗ఱཽ߲ᇳă the Petit Futé wine guidebook 2007. With over 20 years of extensive experience in the co-published by Carrefour and Sinomaps. During his seven Simon TamᏴఎᐽጥါ࿟ႁǖ“ऻޟঢቝ࿟਱໅჻ௌቲጓࡼ food & beverage industry, he has unique insight on months working in Shanghai, he made great steps with wine “I would like to thank the Shanghai hospitality industry for ࡍೆᑽߒăᒦਪࡼ໅჻ௌቲጓལ࿩ဠඐฒǛལ࿩৛ᑵૺ promoting wine culture in China. Mark Ruan is setting up training, event organization, and wine accessories management. its magnificent support and I am looking forward to serving operations for TORRES CHINA in Shenzhen and Last November, he moved on to our Beijing office, carrying with it with what is lacking in China? That is unbiased, objective ဟĂݙມݙጮࡼቧᇦLjᆸᇧᆃᄰਭᑚჅኧቅᆐࡍଜᄋ৙ጙ him the same passion for success in his wine career. information,” said Tam at the opening ceremony. Dongguan. ৈୣഗࡼຳგLjࠅࡉఱ਋ᎌ቉ࡼቧᇦă” ᔈ2007ฤ3Ꮬ໦LjHugoଝྜྷჼಘႋᒦਪ࿟਱ᅍࣩăჇᐒܠ Mark᎖2007ฤ10ᏜଝྜྷჼಘႋᒦਪLjᏴࠥᒄ༄ჇᏴ࿟਱ ࢐ॵ໅჻ As Mainland China’s first independent wine school, theڻࡼĖۈ࿷ৢᄴ߲ۈ૷ਭᎅଜಘॵਜ਼ᒦਪ࢐ᅄ߲ ࡉ9ฤဟମăᏴݫፙޠᒆྀށᄂൺಸଘௌࢢݫፙݝ਌ಯ݆ ௌ৪൰ᒎฉėăᏴ࿟਱ࡼ7ৈᏜดLjჇᏴ໅჻ௌ๸ኵĂ૚ࣅ centre will serve as a hub providing Chinese market ᔫᆐᒦਪࡍ഻ࡼ࢒ጙଜࣖೂࡼ໅჻ௌኧቅLj࿟਱ᒦቦᓍገ ஏ20᎜ฤࡼॕ঍ளዩཱུჇ࣪ྙੜᏴᒦਪᅎਓ໅჻ௌᆪછᎌ intelligence and transmitting consumer feedback to ອࡼ਌ಯࢀऱෂ૝ࡻ೫ᄴူਜ਼ఱ ᄋ৙໅჻ௌ୴Ꮉల߈Ljࠥᅪથᆐௌᓣਜ਼สௌနඣᄋ৙౶ᔈޘᔝᒅݽચĂ໅჻ௌএଝ winemakers, although it is primarily focused on providing ူێᓹᔈ଄ࣖᄂࡼ၁୯ăMark୓ঌᐊჼಘႋᒦਪᏴ࿾ᚆਜ਼ࣁᜠ ઓࡼᏸ኏ăᄴฤ11ᏜLjࡒᓹᄴዹࡼེ޼LjჇଝྜྷ۱ய ᒦਪှޝࡼቧᇦૺሿॅᑗፀ୅नౣࢀॲᇗă .ࠀࡼ߫୐ਜ਼Ꮵ፦ă ࠀLjᆸඣ໐ࡗᓹჇᏴ໅჻ௌᒆጓညዄᒦ૝ࡻ᎒ጙࠨ߅৖ă wine educationူێ

26 27 We RecommendHAMILTON HOUSE, SHANGHAI 137 Fuzhou Lu, near Jiangxi Lu 上海汉弥尔敦餐厅 福州路137号, 近江西路 Tel: 021 6321-0586

Hamilton House takes its name from the heritage Art Deco building in which it is located on the corner of Fuzhou Road and Jiangxi Road, Shanghai, two blocks off the Bund.

The building was designed by architects Palmer and Turner and completed in 1934. The space, designed by artist-architects SciSKEW Collaborative (an architectural and design practice based in New York, Singapore, Shanghai) embodied with flashes of inspiration by Shanghai couturier Lu Kun, recalling the effervescent romance of 1930’s Shanghai.

The sweeping cocktail bar is the centerpiece of Hamilton House and affords great views of a classic art deco streetscape, while the grand dining space recalls the glamour of old WE RECOMMEND 下一站 Shanghai in the 1930’s. In November 2007, Hamilton House was launched as a brasserie and bar serving French comfort food in the traditional way. Drop by and sit for a while and try some of Hamilton House’s bistro cuisine with a glass of Baron Philippe de Rothschild Viognier; you will find it to be an amazing venue.

඲ऑ࣮ݫᄦࡼ෗ᔊ౶Ꮞ᎖ੈ඲ऑ࣮ࡍሇLjጙࠋࠅᄻऎ૵ੈ ঍ጳၣ໮ᇦࡼ୐ᓔLjᆡ᎖࿟਱ှॵᒳവਜ਼୕ᇝവവాLjಭ ᓎ෗ࡼᅪნஞሤ৆ೝৈ୾ཌă

ੈ඲ऑ࣮ࡍሇᎅ௥ᎌች੿ࡼ࿸ଐဣೆĂऔလီଗऔྯလฤ ࡔ߂ች࿟਱ࡼᔢࡍ࿸ଐ૦৩!.!৛ਜ਼ዳቲ࿸ଐ୐ᐆLj݀᎖1934 ฤఆ৔ăHamilton Houseࡼดݝᎅມ୐ူᇗჅ࿸ଐ)ጙଜᎅ ጙཬฤ༵ࡼ୐ᓔနᔝ߅LjᏴ฾ᏖĂቤଝຸਜ਼ᒦਪ࿟਱௿ᎌ ࠀ*LjHamilton Houseเೲࡼart decoज़ৃLj૵঍಼ဥঢူێ ,߂ᆐ࿟਱ᔢගಸࡼ୾୯Ljཱཽུೊሯ໦࿟ 2005 Barossa Art Series Shirazۻࡼྯࠋ಑୐ᓔLj

ီଗྯလฤࡔ࿟਱ნࡼખಸஶሷă 91pts by WINE SPECTATOR

გLjᏴᑚಱฝభጲఘࡵݫᄦᅪګᔢཽࣷዛཆࡼࡩၢᑚಱࡼ ள࢜༦૵঍ጳၣঢࡼஶྻLjऎࡍᄦࡼ፿ݫཌᎮ્ཱཽུඣೊ ሯ໦1930ฤࡼ಑࿟਱ࡼ₼૟ज़༽ăᏴ2007ฤ11ᏜLjੈ඲ऑ ࣮ݫᄦᑵါ࣪ᅪ፦ጓLjݫᄦಱᎌᓹݧ፿ࠅᄻ຃᣽ऱါறቦ ࢯᒜࡼजါගအăྙਫฝᑵ༝വਭLj༿஠౶ቿᇦຢరLj၄ ᑚಱࡼᆨᚺޞ໅჻ௌLjອڹऑࡺช௺ᆒ๏ปޏᆻጙۭ൜ႈ ݩ᱔Ljฝጙࢾ્खሚᑚဵጙৈഎฝഗೌᆄऩࡼ࢐ऱă 2003 & 2006 International Winemaker of the Year International Wine and Spirit Competition 28