SUBSCRIPTION WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 2014 RAJAB 29, 1435 AH Premier Indian PM to visit Modi holds China talks with next month3 Pakistan15 rival 3 Filipinos convicted Max 42º Min 29º High Tide of espionage in Qatar 00:05 & 11:03 Low Tide 05:27 & 18:29 40 PAGES NO: 16179 150 FILS Philippines denies spying on Gulf state MANILA: The Philippines denied yes- death had spied for a “state security conspiracy theories terday it was spying on Qatar, after force” in the Philippines, the newspa- three Filipinos were convicted of espi- per added. He had reportedly passed onage in the Gulf state. One man was copies of project tenders to other com- What a show! sentenced to death and two to life in panies, as well as classified information jail after a court found them guilty of about a Qatari Air Force base to Filipino leaking information that could threat- officials, the Doha News website said, en Qatari national security, foreign citing a source close to the case. department spokesman Charles Jose Al-Raya identified him as a lieu- said. “We are categorically denying that tenant in the Philippines’ state security we are engaged in espionage,” Jose force, which sent him to Qatar, saying By Badrya Darwish said when asked about the case. he was trained under the supervision Jose declined to give any further of another officer at Manila information on the case but Qatari International Airport. He provided media published some details about state security with information he hid, the trial. The three men had been in along with secret documents, in pres-
[email protected] custody for five years, Qatar’s Al-Raya ents sent to the officer he worked for daily reported, and were charged with via mediators at Manila Airport, the leaking information about weaponry, newspaper said.