Intrusive igneous rocks pdf

Continue Intrusive, or plutonium, vigneric rocks are formed when magma slowly cools beneath the Earth's surface. Most intrusive rocks have large, well-formed crystals. Examples include granite, gabbro, diorite and blowite. Mineral Photos courtesy of R. Weller /Cochise College Rock formed by cooling and solidifying magma or lava Geological Provinces of the World (USGS) Shield Platform Orogen Basin Great delightful province Extended crust oceanic crust: 0-20 Ma 20-65 Ma zgt;65 Magneous rock (derived from the Latin word ignis meaning of fire), or magmatically is one of the three main types of rocks, the rest sedimentary and metamorphic. Vignyus rock is formed as a result of cooling and hardening of magma or lava. Magma can be derived from the partial melting of existing rocks in the mantle or crust of the planet. As a rule, melting is caused by one or more of three processes: temperature increase, reduced pressure or change in composition. The hardening in the rock occurs either below the surface, as intrusive rocks or on the surface as an excrusted rock. can form with crystallization to form granular, crystalline rocks, or without crystallization to form natural glasses. Vigneous rocks are found in a wide range of geological conditions: shields, platforms, orogens, basins, large vigneous provinces, dilated bark and oceanic crust. Volcanic eruptions of lava are the main sources of vigneric rocks. (Mayon Volcano in the Philippines, eruption in 2009) Natural columns of vignette rock separated from each other by columns of joints, in Madeira Geological value Igneous and metamorphic rocks make up 90-95% of the upper 16 km of the Earth's crust by volume. Vignyus rocks make up about 15% of the current Earth's surface. (Note 1) Most of the Earth's oceanic crust consists of vignettes of rock. Vigneous rocks also have geological significance because: their minerals and global chemistry provide information on the composition of the mantle from which some vigneous rocks are extracted, and the temperature and pressure conditions that allowed this prey, and/or other pre- existing rocks that have melted; their absolute age can be derived from different forms of radiometric dating and thus can be compared to neighboring geological layers, allowing a sequence of event time; their features are usually characteristic of a specific tectonic environment, which allows tectonics to recreate (see plate tectonics); in some special circumstances, they contain important mineral deposits (ore): for example, tungsten, tin and uranium are commonly associated with granites and diorites, while uranium and platinum are commonly associated with Geological settings Formation of vigner rock in terms of the modes of occurrence, vignette rocks can be either intrusive (plutobic and hypabissal) or exclusive (volcanic). Obsessive Obsessive Invasion types: 1. Lakkolit 2. Little Dam 3. Batolite 4. 5. Sill 6. Volcanic neck, trumpet 7. Lopolith Note: Typically, unlike the smouldering volcanic vents in the picture, these names refer to fully chilled and usually millions of years of rock formations, which are the result of the shown underground magmatic activity. Intrusive vigneous rocks make up the majority of vigne rocks and are formed from magma, which cools and hardens in the crust of the planet (known as plutonium), surrounded by an existing rock (called country rock); magma is slowly cooled and, as a result, these rocks are coarse-grained. Mineral grains in such rocks can usually be identified with the naked eye. Intrusive breeds can also be classified depending on the shape and size of the intrusive body and its connection with other formations in which it invades. Typical intrusive formations are batolites, stocks, lacolites, windowsills and dams. When the magma hardens in the earth's crust, it is cooled slowly forming rough textured rocks such as granite, gabbro or diorite. The central cores of large mountain ranges consist of intrusive vigneous rocks, usually granite. When exposed to erosion, these nuclei (called banoliths) can occupy vast areas of the Earth's surface. Intrusive wine rocks, which are formed at depth inside the bark, are called plutonium (or abyssal) rocks and, as a rule, coarse- grained. Intrusive wine breeds that form near the surface are called subvolcanic or hypabissal rocks, and they are usually medium-grained. Gipabissal rocks are less common than plutonium or volcanic rocks, and often form dams, windowsills, lacoliths, lopolites or phalolites. The extrasy section needs additional quotes to check. Please help improve this article by adding quotes to reliable sources. Non-sources of materials can be challenged and removed. (October 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this pattern message) The extrusive vignerate rock is made from lava produced by the sample (extrusive vignevat rock) found in Massachusetts of Extrusive vignevat rocks, also known as volcanic rocks, formed on the surface of the crust as a result of partial melting of the rock in the mantle and bark. Extrasy vignette rocks are cooled and hardened faster than intrusive vignettes. They are formed by cooling molten magma on the Earth's surface. Magma, which is spread to the surface as a result of cracks or volcanic eruptions, hardens at a faster rate. Therefore, such breeds are smooth, crystalline and fine-grained. Basalt is a common extrusive vignette rock and forms lava flows, lava sheets and lava Some types of basalt harden to form long polygonal columns. An example is a giant cause in Antrim, Northern Ireland. The molten rock, with or without suspended crystals and gas bubbles, is called magma. She rises because she she less dense than the rock from which it was created. When magma reaches a surface of water or air, it is called lava. Volcanic eruptions in the air are called subaeriums, while those that occur under the ocean are called submarines. Black smokers and basalt of the mid-ocean ridge are examples of volcanic activity of submarines. The volume of extrosea rock, annually erupted by volcanoes, varies depending on the tectonic environment of the plates. The extrusive breed is produced in the following proportions: 73% of the converged boundary (subduction zone): 15% of hotspots: 12%. The behavior of lava magma, erupted from a volcano, depends on its viscosity, which is determined by temperature, composition, content of the crystal and the amount of silica content in it. Long, thin basalt streams with paho surfaces are common. The intermediate composition of magma, such as assitis, tends to form slagococons intertwined with ash, tuff and lava, and can have viscosity similar to thick, cold molasses or even rubber when erupting. Magma , like rhyolite, usually erupts at low temperatures and up to 10,000 times viscous as basalt. Volcanoes with riolytic magma usually erupt explosively, and riolytic lava flows tend to be of limited scale and have steep edges because magma is so viscous. Felsic and the intermediate magma that erupt often do so violently, with explosions caused by the release of dissolved gases, usually water vapor, but also carbon dioxide. Explosive pyroclastic material is called tefra and includes tuf, agglomerate and ignimbrit. Small volcanic ash also erupts and forms deposits of tuff ash, which can often cover vast areas. Because lava usually cools quickly and crystallizes, it is usually fine-grained. If the cooling was so fast as to prevent even small crystals from forming after extrusion, the resulting rock could be mostly glass (e.g. rock obsidian). If the lava cooling was slower, the rock would be coarse-grained. Since minerals are mostly fine-grained, it is much more difficult to distinguish between different types of extrusive curly rocks than between different types of intrusive vignette rocks. Typically, the mineral components of fine-grained extrusive vignette rocks can only be determined by examining thin areas of rock under a microscope, so that only an approximate classification can usually be done in a field. Classification Additional information: A list of rock species close-up of granite (intrusive vigneus rock) exposed in Chennai, India. Vigneous breeds are classified in from the mode of origin, texture, mineralogy, chemical composition and geometry of the vignette of the organ. Classifying many types vigneous breeds can provide us with important information about the conditions in which they were formed. The two important variables used to classify vigneous rocks are particle size, which largely depends on the cooling history and mineral composition of the rock. Feldspars, quartz or feldspastoids, olivines, pyroxen, amphibolics and mixes are important minerals in the formation of almost all delightful breeds, and they are essential for the classification of these breeds. All other minerals present are considered inconsequential in almost all delightful rocks and are called minerals. Types of species with other important minerals are very rare, and these rare breeds include those with essential carbonates. In the simplified classification, the present types of rocks are divided based on the type of feldspar present, the presence or absence of quartz, and in breeds without feldspar or quartz, the type of iron or magnesium minerals present. Rocks containing quartz (silicon in composition) are silica oversaturated. The feldspotoid rocks are silica-undersaturated because feldspastoids cannot coexist in a stable relationship with quartz. Igneous rocks that are crystals large enough to be seen with the naked eye are called phaneritic; those with crystals too small to be seen are called aphanotic. Generally speaking, phanerite implies an obsessive origin; apchanic extrousive. Vignerus rock with larger, clearly discernible crystals embedded in a thinner grainy matrix is called porphyria. The porphyric texture develops when some crystals grow to significant sizes before the bulk of the magma crystallizes as a thinner, evener material. Vignyus breeds are classified by texture and composition. The texture refers to the size, shape and location of the mineral grains or crystals that make up the rock. The texture of the Gabbro sample, showing a plyeurytic texture; Rock Creek Canyon, Eastern Sierra Nevada, California. Main article: The texture of the microstructure of rocks is an important criterion for the name of volcanic rocks. The texture of volcanic rocks, including the size, shape, orientation and distribution of mineral grains and intergrain relationships, will determine whether the rock is called tuf, pyroclastic lava or plain lava. However, texture is only a subordinate part of the classification of volcanic rocks, as most often requires chemical information derived from rocks with extremely fine-grained ground pulp or from air tufes that can form from volcanic ash. Textural criteria are less important in classifying intrusive rocks where most minerals will be visible to the naked eye or at least using a hand-held lens, magnifying glass or Plutonic rocks also tend to be less texturally diverse and less prone to receiving structural tissues. Textural terms can be used for various intrusive phases of large plutonium, such as porphyritic fields for large intrusive bodies, reserves and subvulcanic dams (apophysis). Mineralogic classification is most often used to classify plutonium rocks. Chemical classifications prefer to classify volcanic rocks, with phenocryst species being used as a prefix, such as olivine-carrying picrit or ortoklass-firik-riolite. See also the List of Rock Textures and Igneous Textures Basic Classification Schemes for vignettes of rocks on their mineralogy. If you know the approximate proportions of minerals in the breed, the name of the breed and the content of silica can be read from the chart. This is not an exact method, because the classification of delightful rocks also depends on other components than silica, but in most cases this is a good first guess. Chemical classification and petrology total alkaline compared to the silica classification scheme (TAS), as proposed in Le Maitre in 2002 Igneous Rocks - classification and glossary terms :4':237 Blue area roughly where alkaline rocks plot; yellow area where subalcaline rocks the plot. Vigneous rocks can be classified by chemical or mineralogic parameters. Chemical: The total content of alkaline-silnesem (TAC chart) for the classification of volcanic rocks used in the use of modal or mineralogic data cannot be determined due to the small size of the grain. excellent, high-silica, more than 63% SiO2 (examples of granite and riolite), intermediate delights of breeds containing 52 to 63% SiO2 (example of acesite and dacyte), mafiko-vignium breeds have low silica 45-52% and, typically high iron content - magnesium (example gabbro and basalt), ultramaphyonic breeds with less than 45% silica (examples, piquita, comatitis and peridotitis), alkaline delightful breeds with 5-15% alkaline (K2O and Na2O) or with a mollium ratio of silt to silica more than 1:6 (phonolitis and trawlate). The chemical classification also applies to the differentiation of breeds that are chemically similar in the TAS chart, for example: Ultra-sweated rocks containing molar K2O/Na2O zgt;3. Peralkaline - breeds containing molar (K2O and Na2O)/Al2O3 Peraluminous - breeds containing molar (K2O and Na2O)/Al2O3 zlt;1. Idealized mineralogy (regulatory mineralogy) can be calculated from a chemical composition, and the calculation is useful for rocks too small-grain or too modified to identify minerals crystallized from the melt. For example, regulatory quartz classifies the breed as silica oversaturated; an example is riolite. In older terminology, silica oversaturated breeds were called silicic or acidic where SiO2 was more than 66% and the term family quartzolite was to most silicic. Regulatory feldspatoid classifies the breed as silica-undersaturated; nephelinite is an example. The main AFM chart showing ratios of Na2O and K2O (A for alkaline terrestrial metals), FeO and Fe2O3 (F) and MgO (M) with arrows showing the path of chemical variations in choletic and calc-alkaline magma are divided into three series: choleitical series - basalt areites and adesites. Calc-alkaline series - adesites. Alkaline series - subgroups of alkaline and rare, very high potassium (i.e. shoshonotic) lava. These three series of magma are found in various tectonic plate installations. The tholeiitic magma cliffs are found, for example, in the mid-ocean ridges, rear arc basins, oceanic islands formed by hot spots, island arcs and continental large, delightful provinces. All three series are relatively close to each other in subduction zones, where their distribution is related to the depth and age of the subduction zone. The series of choletic magma is well represented over young subduction zones formed by magma with relatively little depth. The calc alkaline and alkaline series are visible in mature subduction zones, and are associated with magma of great depths. Aesite and basalt aessite are the most common volcanic rocks in the island arc, indicating calc-alkaline magma. Some island arcs have spread volcanic rows, as can be seen in the Japanese island arc system, where volcanic rocks change from choleite to alkaline with increasing distance from the trench. In 1902, a group of American petrographs proposed to abandon all existing classifications of admiring breeds and replace them with a quantitative classification based on chemical analysis. They showed how vague and often unscientific much of the existing terminology was and argued that, since the chemical composition of the delightful rock was its most fundamental characteristic, it should be elevated to its basic position. The geological phenomenon, structure, mineralogic constitution - the criteria for discrimination against rock species so far - have been sidelined. The completed mountain analysis can first be interpreted from the point of view of rock-forming minerals, which, as one might expect, will be formed when the magma crystallizes, for example, quartz feldspar, olivine, ackermanite, feldspatoids, magnetite, corundum and so on, and the rocks are divided into groups strictly depending on the relative proportion of these minerals. The mineralogic classification of mineralogy volcanic rocks is important for the classification and naming of lava. The most important criterion is the species phenocrist and then the mineralogy of the soil. Often, when the earth is an a chanitical, chemical classification should be used to correctly identify volcanic rock. Mineralogic content - felsic vs mafic felsic high silicon content, with predominance alkaline feldspar and/or feldspatoids: feistic minerals; these rocks (e.g. granite, riolite) are usually light in color, and have low density. a maphic breed, a smaller silicon content in relation to felic breeds, with the predominance of mafia minerals pyroxen, olivine and calcium plagioclase; These breeds (e.g. basalt, gabbro) are usually dark in color, and have a higher density than felsic rocks. ultra-mafia breed, the smallest content of silicon, with more than 90% mafia minerals (e.g. doomit). For intrusive, plutonium and usually plyary veyal rocks (where all minerals are visible at least with a microscope), mineralogy is used to classify the rock. This usually occurs in diagrams where the relative proportions of three minerals are used to classify the rock. The following table presents it as a simple division of vigner rocks, depending on their composition and the way of origin. Felsic Intermediate Mafic Ultramafic Intrusive Granite Dioritis Diorit Peridot Peridot Extrusive Rhyolite Andesite Basalt Komatiite For a more detailed classification see the chart of the APF. An example of the granit classification is the delightful intrusive rock (crystallized at depth), with a felistic composition (rich in silicon and mostly quartz plus potassium-rich feldspar plus sodium-rich plagioclase) and plyateritical, subechedral texture (minerals are visible to the naked eye and usually some of them retain original crystal). The magma origin of the Earth's crust is on average about 35 kilometers thick under the continents, but on average only about 7-10 kilometers under the oceans. The continental crust consists mainly of sedimentary rocks, relying on a crystal cellar formed from a wide variety of metamorphic and venemic rocks, including granulite and granite. The oceanic crust consists mainly of basalt and gabbro. Both continental and oceanic crusts rely on peridot mantle. Rocks can melt in response to reduced pressure, change in composition (e.g. adding water), temperature increase, or a combination of these processes. Other mechanisms, such as melting from a meteorite impact, are less important today, but the impacts during the Earth's accretion have led to extensive melting, and the outer several hundred kilometers of our early Earth may have been an ocean of magma. The impact of large meteorites over the past few hundred million years has been proposed as one of the mechanisms responsible for the extensive basalt magmatism of several large vignette provinces. Decompression decompression melting occurs due to reduced pressure. The temperature of the solid in most rocks (the temperature below which they are completely solid) increases with the increase in pressure in the absence of water. Peridotitis on Earth's mantle may be hotter than its solid-body temperature in some some Level. If such a rock rises during the convection of the hard mantle, it will cool down a bit as the adiabatic process expands, but the cooling is only about 0.3 degrees Celsius per kilometer. Experimental studies of the corresponding peridotite samples indicate that the temperature of the solid body rises by 3 degrees Celsius to 4 degrees Celsius per kilometer. If the rock rises far enough, it will begin to melt. Melt the droplets can merge into large volumes and invade upwards. This process of melting from the ascending movement of the solid mantle is crucial in the evolution of the Earth. Decompression melting creates an oceanic crust on the mid-ocean ridges. It also causes volcanism in inradededebaled regions such as Europe, Africa and the Pacific seabed. There it is differently due to either the growth of the mantle feathers (Plim Hypothesis) or the intraplate extension (Plate hypothesis). The effects of water and carbon dioxide Change the composition of the rock most responsible for the creation of magma is the addition of water. Water lowers the hard temperature of the rocks at this pressure. For example, at a depth of about 100 kilometers peridotite begins to melt about 800 degrees Celsius in the presence of excess water, but near or above about 1500 degrees Celsius in the absence of water. The water is released from the oceanic lithosphere in subduction zones, and this causes melting in the excessive mantle. Hydro-magmas, consisting of basalt and andesite, are produced directly or indirectly as a result of dehydration during subduction. Such magma, and those that are derived from them, build an island arc, such as in the Pacific Ring of Fire. These magmas form the rocks of the calc-alkaline series, an important part of the continental crust. The addition of carbon dioxide is a relatively much less important cause of magma formation than the addition of water, but the genesis of some silica-undersaturated magma has been associated with the dominance of carbon dioxide over water in their mantle- sourced regions. In the presence of carbon dioxide, experiments document that the temperature of peridotite solidus decreases by about 200 degrees Celsius at a narrow pressure interval at a pressure corresponding to a depth of about 70 km. At high depths, carbon dioxide can have a greater effect: at depths of up to 200 km, the temperature of the initial melting of the carbonized peridot composition was determined to be 450 degrees lower than for the same carbon dioxide composition. Magma rocks, such as nephelinite, carbonatitis and kimberlite, are among those that can be obtained after the inflow of carbon dioxide into the mantle at depths of more than 70 km. Temperature increase is the most typical mechanism of magma formation in the continental crust. This increase in temperature can occur due to the upward invasion of magma from the mantle. Temperatures can also The solid cow breed in the continental crust thickens when compressed at the edge of the plate. The plate boundary between the Indian and Asian continental masses is a well-studied example, as the Tibetan plateau north of the border has a crust about 80 kilometers thick, which is about twice the thickness of the normal continental crust. Electrical resistance studies derived from magnetotellus data have identified a layer that appears to contain a silicate melt that extends at least 1,000 kilometers within the middle crust along the southern edge of the Tibetan plateau. Granite and riolite are types of vigneous rocks, commonly interpreted as products of melting of the continental crust due to rising temperatures. Rising temperatures can also contribute to the melting of the lithosphere, which is tightened into the subduction zone. A scheme of magma evolution showing the principles of fractional crystallization of magma. During cooling, the magma develops in the composition, because different minerals crystallize from the melt. 1: olivine crystallizes; 2: olivine and pyroxen crystallize; 3: pyroxen and plagioclaise crystallize; 4: Plagioclase crystallizes. At the bottom of the magma is formed cumulative rock. Main article: Igneous differentiation Most magma only completely melt for small parts of its history. Most often it is a mixture of melt and crystals, and sometimes gas bubbles. Melt, crystals and bubbles usually have different density, and so they can separate as magma develops. As magma cools, minerals usually crystallize from the melt at different temperatures (fractional crystallization). As minerals crystallize, the composition of the residual melt usually changes. If the crystals are separated from the melt, the residual melt will differ in composition from the parent magma. For example, the magma of the gabbra composition can lead to a residual melting of the granite composition if the early crystals are separated from the magma. Gabbro can have a liquid temperature of about 1200 degrees Celsius, and the melt of the derivative granite composition can have a liquid temperature of up to 700 degrees Celsius. Incompatible elements are concentrated in the last remnants of magma during fractional crystallization and in the first melts produced during partial melting: any process can form a magma that crystallizes into pegmatite, a type of rock usually enriched with incompatible elements. Bowen's series of reactions is important for understanding the idealized sequence of fractional crystallization of magma. The composition of magma can be determined by other processes, besides partial melting and fractional crystallization. For example, magma usually interacts with the rocks they invade, both by melting these rocks and by reacting with them. Magmas of different compositions can mix with each other. In rare cases non-binding melts of contrast compositions. There are relatively few minerals that are important in the formation of common etched rocks, because the magma from which minerals crystallize is rich only in certain elements: silicon, oxygen, aluminum, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. These are elements that combine to form silicate minerals, which account for more than ninety percent of all delightful rocks. Chemistry of the species is expressed differently for basic and small elements and for trace elements. The contents of the main and small elements are usually expressed as a percentage of the oxide weight (e.g. 51% SiO2 and 1.50% TiO2). The abundance of trace elements is usually expressed as a part per million by weight (e.g. 420 ppm Ni and 5.1 ppm Sm). The term micronutrient is commonly used for elements present in most rocks in abundance of less than 100 ppm or so, but some trace elements may be present in some breeds at an abundance of more than 1,000 ppm. The variety of rock compositions has been determined by a huge mass of analytical data - more than 230,000 analysis of rocks can be obtained on the Internet through a site sponsored by the Us National Science Foundation (see External Communications with EarthChem). The etymology of the word igneous comes from Latin ignis, which means fire. Volcanic rocks are named after Vulcan, the Roman name for the god of fire. Intrusive rocks are also called pluton rocks, named after Pluto, the Roman god of the underworld. The Kanaga Volcano Gallery on the Aleutian Islands with 1906 lava flow in the foreground of the sky hole, About 6 m (20 feet) across, the hardened lava bark shows the molten lava below (flowing toward the upper right) in the eruption of Kalauea at Hawaii Devils Tower, erosion of laccolite in the Black Hills of Wyoming Cascade of molten lava flowing into the Aloha Crater during the 1969-1971 Mauna Ulu volcanic eruption of The Kyla , Sicily has a laccolite of granite (light color) that has been invaded by old sedimentary rocks (dark-colored) in Cuernos del Paine, Torres del Payne National Park, Chile's vignette invasion cut into pegmatite dams, which in turn is cut by dolerite dam See also List of rock types - List of types of rocks recognized by geologists Metamorphic rocks - Rock that has been subjected to heat and pressures of migmatite - a mixture of metamorphic rocks and vignette rock-petrology - that studies the origin, composition, distribution and structure of rocks Sedimentary rock - Rock formed by deposition and subsequent cementing of the material Notes - 15% - is the arithmetic amount of area for intrusive plutonium rock (7%) Plus area of exclusive volcanic rocks (8%). References - Protero, Donald R.; Schwab, Fred (2004). Sedimentary geology : introduction to sedimentary rocks and stratigraphy a.d.). New York: Freeman. page 12. ISBN 978-0-7167-3905-0. Bruce Wilkinson; Brandon J. McElroy; Steven E. Kesler; Peters, Shanan E.; Rothman, Edward D. (2008). Global geological maps are tectonic speedometers - the speed of riding on rocks from the frequencies of the area era. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 121 (5–6): 760–779. Bibkod:2009GSAB. 121..760W. doi:10.1130/B26457.1. - Fisher, R.W.I. Schminke H.-U., (1984) Pyroclastic Rocks, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, Ridley, W.I., 2012, Petrology Igneous Rocks, Vulcanogenic Massive Models of Sulphide, USGS Scientific Report 2010-5070-C, Chapter 15. - 20439%20Lecture%2014%20slides.pdf Jill, J.B. Asdesites: ogogenic adesites and related breeds. Geochemics and Cosmochemism Act. 46 (12): 2688. doi:10.1016/0016-7037 (82)90392-1. ISSN 0016-7037. Pierce, J; Pete, D (1995). Tectonic effects of the composition of the volcanic ARC Magmas. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 23 (1): 251–285. Bibkod:1995AREPS. 23..251P. doi:10.1146/annurev.ea.23.050195.001343. b One or more previous sentences include text from a publication currently on the public domain website: Flett, John Smith (1911). Petrology. In Chisholm, Hugh.k. Encyclopedia britannica. 21 (11th - Cambridge University Press. p. 330. Cross, W. et al. (1903) Quantitative Classification of Igneous Rocks, Chicago, University of Chicago Press - Jeff K. Brown; C. Jay Hawksworth; R. C. L. Wilson (1992). ISBN 0-521-42740-1. Folger, G.R. (2010). Plates vs. Plumes: Geological Controversy. Wylie Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-4051-6148-0. Grove, T.L.; Chatterjee, N.; Parman, S.V.; Medard, E. (2006). The effect of H2O on the melting of the mantle wedge. Letters about Earth and Planetary Science. 249 (1–2): 74–89. Bibkod:2006E-PSL.249... 74G. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2006.06.043. Dasgupta, R.; Hirschmann, M.M. (2007). Effect of variable carbonate concentration on solid peridot mantle. American minera. 92 (2–3): 370–379. Bibkod:2007AmMin. 92..370D. doi:10.2138/am.2007.2201. - Unsworth, M. J.; et al. (2005). The crystal reology of the Himalayas and southern Tibet is derived from magnetotelary data. Nature. 438 (7064): 78–81. Bibkod:2005Natur.438... 78U. doi:10.1038/nature04154. PMID 16267552. Further reading by R. W. Le Maitre (Editor) (2002) Igneous Rocks: Classification and Glossary of Terms, Recommendations of the International Union of Geological Sciences, Sub-Commission of the Igneous Rocks System., Cambridge University Press ISBN 0-521-66215-X External Links Wikibook Historical Geology has a page on the theme: Igneous rocks and stratigraphy Wikibook Historical Geology has a page on the theme: Igneous rocks IGNE Rocks IGNE Rocks Igneous Rock flowchart Igneous Rocks Tour, an introduction to the Igneous Rocks Systems IUGS vignettes Wikimedia Commons has media related to Igneous rocks. 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