Robert Bernstein,Jerry Siegel,Leo Dorfman,Edmond Hamilton | 544 pages | 09 Sep 2008 | DC Comics | 9781401218478 | English | United States Showcase Presents: Superman, Vol. 1 by Jerry Siegel

The story formulas remain basically the same from previous volumes, Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 the quality of the stories continues to improve with each collection. For example, in Supermanour hero and travel to the bottled city of . The two adopt new costumed identities inside the city, and . And in the s, as Dick Grayson was growing out of the identity, he would adopt the new costumed identity of Nightwing as a tribute to the role that Superman had in his life growing up. Grayson would use Nightwing as his code name for nearly 30 years. Likewise, the adventures of Superman Red and Superman Blue, from Supermanwas revised in the s by Karl Kessel and friends when Superman was split into two separate electrical beings. Why should these stories be Showcased? Most of these stories can be read in any order. But we finally get a moment in this volume, Supermanwhere things change forever. Yes, although not reprinted here, but the Kents remained quite alive and active in the pages of Superboywhich recounted his teenage adventures. The death of his adoptive parents forced the creative teams to start changing the stories. Suddenly, Clark no longer had the excuse of going back to Smallville to see his parents. Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 these two characters which lasted until the John Byrne reboot of the Superman franchise following Crisis on Multiple Earths changed the dynamics for the creators, forcing them to tell NEW stories rather than just rehashing previous stories. Written by Kurt Busiek with Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 by Stuart Immonen, this four-issue series follows the life of a young man from Kansas, Clark Kent, growing up in a world where the only super-heroes exist in comic books. So all of his life, Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 has to endure every Superman joke ever told. Each year on his birthday, he receives numerous gifts all emblazoned with the Superman logo. Clark just wants to lead a normal, quiet life. Until one day when Clark actually starts developing powers. This is hands-down one of my all-time favorite Superman stories, and it should be part of every collection. Kurt Busiek has proven multiple times that he is a master storyteller, whether it be his own characters in Astro Cityor managing the corporate characters from Marvels to Avengers to Superman: Secret Identity. Pingback: Showcase Presents Superman Vol. Pingback: Showcase Presents Supergirl Vol. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 email. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Essential Man-Thing Vol. Essential Hulk Vol. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4. Name required. Post to Cancel. Showcase Presents: Superman, Vol. 4 by Jerry Siegel

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Showcase Presents by Jerry Siegel. Showcase Presents: Superman Family, Vol. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Friend Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Showcase Presentsplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Apr 09, Alyssa rated it really liked it. So many wonky tales. What even is this fandom. I love it. Aug 13, Skjam! Shelves: adventureanthologiesauthor-scomedycomicspublishedpublishedromancechildren- ssuperhero. Lois appeared in the first Superman story in 1a snarky but skilled reporter who initially had little use for Clark Kent but admired the mysterious superhero. Jimmy appeared first in the radio adaptation infirst as a copy boy and then as a cub re Comic Book Review: Showcase Presents: Superman Family Volume 4 edited by Mort Weisenger and Jimmy Olsen are two of the most enduring characters in comic books, thanks to being attached to the one and only Superman. As you can tell by the titles, Superman was the co-star of each of these series, appearing in every story. Eventually, the series, along with Supergirl and some other Superman-related characters, were merged into an anthology comic titled Superman Family. He would figure out some way of using this, until he got cocky and needed Superman to bail him out of the resulting trouble. Jimmy had an ultrasonic signal watch which he could use to summon Superman in case of trouble, though the watch itself often caused trouble, or Jimmy would misuse it. Lois also got temporary superpowers often, but her stories focused much more on her relationship with Superman. She often tried to trick him into marrying her or discover his secret identity. She also met quite a few men that were ready to marry her right away, though all of them turned out to be flawed in one way or another. Sadly, the period where Lois initially got her own series was also when she reached the nadir of her characterization. Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 remained a crackerjack reporter, though. Half of the danger she got in was because of her successful investigative journalism. Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4, those lessons never stuck. It is important to remember that these stories this volume covers were aimed at children, who were expected to only read comics for a few years. They were never meant to be read all in a row by adults. All that said, these are fun stories with inventive ideas, often having more plot packed into eight pages than many modern superhero comics do in eight issues. Highly recommended for the nostalgic Superman fan, moderately recommended for other fans check your local library. Feb 28, B rated it liked it Shelves: ownwestend. Only a couple of these were good. Jun 16, John Kirk rated it really liked it. You definitely get value for money from these Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4, and they have a lot of charm. The artwork Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 really good: even in black and white, you can easily recognise the distinct characters. The only snag is that some of the disguises don't work very well, e. This does suffer a bit from "Scooby Doo syndrome": once you've read enough of the stories, you can start to guess the plot twists. However, they were aimed at children, a You definitely get value for money from these editions, and they have Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 lot of charm. However, they were aimed at children, and the original audience wouldn't have read them all in quick succession. Really, it's the opposite of some modern comics which feel padded out to fit a paperback: each individual issue in this volume typically has 3 stories about 8 pages long eachwhich are intended to be read in isolation. Still, it does demonstrate how much things have changed. For instance, in one issue Jimmy Olsen wants to ask a "Rocket stewardess" on a date, but she tells him that she's married; this was supposed to demonstrate how different Kandor was from Earth, because she hadn't had to give Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 her job after she got married! Jul Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4, Pat Sul rated it it was amazing Shelves: Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4. Martin Maenza rated it liked it May 22, JP Gilbert rated it really liked it Nov 28, Zachary Krishef rated it liked it Aug 27, Siddhant Nath rated it liked it Oct 31, John Yingling rated it it was amazing Aug 15, Yosef Shapiro rated it liked it Jul 20, Fletch rated Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 liked it Jun 30, GA rated it it was ok Jun 07, Sean rated it really liked it Dec 19, Brad Dwyer rated it really liked it Aug 11, Daniel Taylor rated it really liked it Aug 01, Strait rated it really liked it Jul 22, Stephanie rated it it was amazing Nov 16, Darrel A Lantz rated it it was amazing Dec 25, Acton Northrop rated it really liked it Mar 27, Hektor Vokshi rated it it was amazing Mar 03, Richard Gombert rated it liked it Aug 24, Philip rated it really liked it Jul 15, Steve rated it it was ok Jun 24, Paul rated it it was amazing Jul 01, Heather rated it it was amazing Sep 18, Michael Poirier rated it really liked it Aug 17, Trent Hunsaker rated it it was ok Dec 26, Bruce Brocka rated it really liked it Jul 26, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Jerry Siegel. Jerry Siegel. Fine, was the American co-creator of Superman along with Joe Shusterthe first of the great comic book superheroes and one of the most recognizable icons of the 20th century. Other books in the series. Showcase Presents 1 - 10 of books. Books by Jerry Siegel. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 case, we can't Read more Trivia About Showcase Presents Showcase Presents: Superman #4 - Volume 4 (Issue)

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 to Book Page. Preview — Showcase Presents by Jerry Siegel. Showcase Presents: Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4, Vol. Edmond Hamilton. Leo Dorfman. Illustrator. Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 Klein Illustrator. Al Plastino Illustrator. Superman faces trial, participates in the Interplanetary Olympics, teams up with the Legion of Super-Heroes, builds some experimental robots, and takes on the might of a Lex Luthor and Brainiac team-up and more. Originally published in single magazine form in Action Comics and Supermanfrom Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4. To ask other readers questions about Showcase Presentsplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Showcase Presents: Superman, Vol. Mar 29, Michael rated it liked it Shelves: loeg- archives. Kennedy, two months after his assassination, disguising himself as Clark Kent to protect Superman's identity. Then there are the not-so memorable stories: "Superman Meets the Goliath-Hercules," which seems like the writer literally made up a few half-ass Among the highlights in this volume: a few fairly legitimate classics: "The Amazing Story of Superman-Red and Superman-Blue! Then there are the not-so memorable stories: "Superman Meets the Goliath-Hercules," which seems like the writer literally made up a few half-ass sequences, then realized he was out of pages and decided to end the story without any resolution or coherence. Traveling with Lana and her archaeologist father, Clark falls into a sand whirlpool in the desert, which sends him back in time into an alternate reality, where the Biblical Goliath and the Greek Hercules legends are the same person. Superman helps Goliath-Hercules with three of his six quests, which are all rigged to be failures because the king sending him on the quests wants him to fail. G-H, by the way, was weakened by parallel universe Red K. Without resolving the quests or his conflict with the Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4, Superman abandons G-H, saves a kid from a lightning bolt and is thrown back to his own time, where he thinks, guess I'll put on my Clark clothes and pretend I climbed out of the sand whirlpool. Lots of Red K. Lots of Perry White and Superman staging incredibly and ludicrously elaborate schemes to capture crime bosses or those nefarious fifth columnists. Lots of puzzle "how will he save his secret identity this time? Kind of charming, but utterly, utterly stupid. Jun 12, Jason Luna rated it really Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 it. This is gets a higher grade by comparison, not by being Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 good. Superman uses his powers to convoluted detail to sort out of his issues. I used my super breath to modify that painting, then used my x-ray vision to alert Jimmy, etc. He also experiences red kryptonite a lot. It's this magical piece of kryptonite that does a different effect on Superman each time. Isn't inhe This is gets a higher grade by comparison, not by being particularly good. Isn't inherently a bad premise, but after like 20 issues of "Oh man, that's red kryptonite, what will it do this time? And those imaginary novels! The premise: things that are outside the already insane continuity of Superman, theoretical adventures like "Superman has kids, and 30 pages later and it's really convoluted. Utopian Bleech! The absolute worst. What's better in this book is a slight improvement in storytelling. The aformentioned bad plots have a bunch more along with, but Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 are some improvements. A story about an alternate universe where Hercules resembles Goliath was also convoluted, but more fun than I'm used to with these cheesy long winded novels. There is hope! Also, there's this amazing artist, Al Plastino Swanny does this hyper-realistic face thing that is boring, partly because it's kind of ugly, but also because who wants a guy who flies through space and has a super dog with realistic faces? Al Plastino, on the other hand, has a vibrant pen that really makes Superman look like a full bodied body, but with the buoyancy of a cartoon. He gets about half the issues in this volume maybe 40 percent? All in all, if DC does volume 5, I'm hoping probably incorrectly, that I could somehow give it 5 stars. Assuming Swanny is still there, it will still suck a little. Feb 21, Stephen Theaker rated it liked it Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 comics. I'm never going to read a Superman book that I don't enjoy at least a bit, but with this volume the series is beginning to struggle. Almost every other story here either features red kryptonite or is an imaginary story, or relies on Superman needing to keep his identity secret for all its drama. Nothing can challenge t I'm never going to read a Superman book that I don't enjoy at least a bit, but with this volume the series is beginning to struggle. Nothing can challenge the man who can do everything. Funnily enough, the final panel is Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 the saddest and the one that points the way forward for the character. In the short term, that would leave Superman looking like a relic from a different age, but eventually writers would realise that no matter how big his muscles, ethical and moral dilemmas hit a Superman as hard as any of us. On a lighter note, Superman shows off a couple of interesting powers in this volume: super-smoking, in "The Goofy Superman", and super-kissing, in "The Great Superman Impersonation". You have to wonder how pleasant it would be to kiss him. For example we learn in the Goliath-Hercules story that he cannot tan, because the sun cannot damage his skin that way; presumably his lips would be pretty much rock hard. He would be forced to mimic softness by reacting to the movements of your lips at super-speed, but such a calculated procedure could only ever have the illusion of passion! Adam Pritchard rated it really liked it May 26, Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 Salo rated it really liked it Apr 23, Stephen rated it liked it Sep 26, Brian rated it it was amazing Aug 12, Felicity rated it it was amazing Nov 14, Paul McNamee rated it it was ok Feb 08, Jonny Russell rated it really liked it Feb 03, Meredith Offenbacher rated it it was amazing Aug 04, Hal Johnson rated it it was amazing Aug 12, Doctor Doom rated it it was amazing Sep 15, Greg Hatcher rated it really liked it Dec 12, Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 rated it really liked it Jul 26, John Desmarais rated it liked it Oct 21, Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 rated it it was amazing Dec 19, Scott Showcase Presents Superman: Volume 4 it really liked it Aug 12, John Smith rated it really liked it Dec 15, Hektor Vokshi rated it it was amazing Mar 03, Brenda rated it really liked it Apr 06,