בעזרת ה ' יתבר

A Tzaddik, or righteous person , makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits. Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1)



he Ba’al Shem Tov desired very much to go to Eretz Yisrael, saying that if he would meet the holy Rav Chaim Ben Attar, author of the famed sefer , the Ohr HaChaim , that together T they could bring Moshiach . Unfortunately, in Shomayim they had other plans and the journey did not succeed. There are many stories regarding the journey that the Ba’al Shem Tov undertook together with his daughter Adel; here is one that pertains to our parsha : On Chol HaMoed , the Ba’al Shem Tov hired a boat to take them to Eretz Yisrael from Istanbul, Turkey. The Toldos Yaakov Yosef relates how the Ba’al Shem Tov ’s and spiritual mentor, Achiya HaShiloni , appeared to him and demonstrated to the Ba’al Shem where his journey corresponded to the forty )two journeys and encampments of Bnei Yisrael in the Midbar . While they were at sea, a great storm struck the ship, the tempest waves tossing it to and fro. According to some versions of the story, his daughter Adel was cast overboard and the sh ip itself was almost lost; according to other versions of the story, it was shipwrecked and smashed to smithereens, leaving only planks. Throughout all this chaos, the sailors turned to the Ba’al Shem Tov to save them. Heaven decreed, however, that all of the Ba’al Shem ’s powers would be taken away and his spiritual capabilities were reduced to naught! He could remember no tefillos , no Torah – not even the Alef )Bais ! The Ba’al Shem was sorely distressed, until his Rebbe , Achiya HaShiloni , reappeared to him and showed him through which supernal worlds he was now traveling and which Divine names corresponded to his current place and journey. The Ba’al Shem Tov was comforted and Heaven began to sweeten the harsh decree.

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Just then his son Rav Tzvi (others say it was Adel) turned and cried in distress that he too could remember nothing but the Alef )Bais . “Quick!” responded the Ba’al Shem Tov , “say them with me now!” Attaching his soul to the power of the Hebrew letters of the holy Alef )Bais , the Ba’al Shem Tov repeated them after his son, “ Alef , Bais , Gimmel , Daled ,” until slowly his powers and knowledge returned and he was able to save the travelers. The Ba’al Shem Tov never did make it to Eretz Yisrael; rather, he returned safely to Europe. We learn from the Toldos Yaakov Yosef that all of our journeys correspond to the journeys and encampments that Bnei Yisrael encountered in the Midbar . This teaching is further elaborated on by the Degel Machane Ephraim , grandson of the holy Ba’al Shem Tov , which he writes in his grandfather’s name in this week’s parsha on the following pasuk : “Moshe wrote down their departures, according to their journeys at the command of Hashem , and these are their journeys according to their departures” (33:2). “I heard in the name of my grandfather, the Ba’al Shem Tov , that all the journeys together add up to forty)two. Every person in his life, from the day of his birth when he [begins the journey with a point of departure and] leaves his mother’s womb which is an aspect corresponding to the Exodus from Egypt as is known, afterward journeys from camp to camp, from destination to destination until he arrives at his destination in Eretz HaChaim in the upper, supernal worlds [after he passes on after his petira ] as I wrote in my commentary to the pasuk (Bamidbar 9:20):‘According to Hashem they encamped and according to Hashem they journeyed forth.’ . . .Surely all these trips and journeys were recorded in the Torah to teach us how to conduct ourselves on our life’s journey on the proper path, for each Jew to know the correct way to go all the days of our lives from journey to journey, from destination to destination.” The Degel Machane Ephraim is teaching us in the name of the Ba’al Shem Tov , that just as Bnei Yisrael traveled and journeyed forty)two times in the Midbar , each of us has to correspondingly also journey and travel to forty)two camps and destinations in our lives. May Hashem guide us on the proper path during our journeys through the lessons of His Torah , Amen! nnn


THE CRIMINAL NO ONE ARRESTED whatever comes to hand, is arrested, “They journeyed from Kivros handcuffed and jailed! HaTa’avah – the Graves of Desire” (33:17). “And surely if a robber terrorizes the Rav Aryeh Leib, known as the Shpola townspeople, breaking into their homes and Zeide , once said: snatching whatever he wants, the police will corner him, capture him and throw him in “Surely a thief who runs through the prison! city at night, down crooked alleyways, stealing

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“I am therefore very surprised at you!” “Rebbe , who is this murderer?” asked exclaimed the Shpola Zeide to his Chassidim . the bewildered Chassidim . “The Yetzer Hora !” “Here goes a murderer, free as a bird, cried the Shpola Zeide . “He ensnares us all and murdering good, righteous citizens left and buries us in pleasures and desires – and they right! Can no one stop him? Does no one care? are our grave! Is there no worse murderer? How can this be?!” Why does no one stop him?” nnn Y FROM THE MAGGID'S TABLE Z

THROUGH THE PEEPHOLE knocking. However, if the peephole grows Rav Elimelech Biderman offered the dark, then it is clear that someone is standing following moshol to illustrate emuna in gazing out through the peephole, watching hashgocha pratis : him knock and seeing who is at the door. Similarly, a person must keep in mind, if things When someone approaches his friend’s get dark, he must have faith, knowing that door to knock, he sees the “ Kooker ” – the someone – our Father in Heaven – is standing peephole. As long as the peephole is brightly by the door watching him and waiting to open illuminated, it means that there is no one there the door. behind it looking out and no one hears his


LOSHON HORA ))) A MATTER OF LIFE AND agent and, later, manager at the Population, DEATH Immigration and Border Authority, when she tried to access the institution's services at its Our Segula speaks of the positive Tel Aviv location. She posted her accusation of power of holy speech, words of Torah . The discrimination on Facebook. What followed opposite, however, may also be true, Heaven was a wave of sympathy toward her case and forbid. “ Movess VeChaim BeYad Loshon – thousands (approximately 6,000!) posts of Death and life are in the power of the tongue” accusations and slanderous, hurtful posts (Mishlei 18:21). Often we hear how terrible against Ronis, as the Facebook post accusing the aveira of Loshon Hora is; how forbidden him of racism went viral. Without judging speech, slander and gossip hurt others and whether her accusation was true or false, let’s how much the Chofetz Chaim tried to get us to just examine the aftermath. Ronis felt hunted, internalize this point. Sometimes the message hurt and that his reputation had been ruined is too clear to ignore. I am talking about a sad to the point where it could never be rectified story that some of you may have heard in the and he could never be redeemed. The last current events here in Eretz Yisrael. Facebook post written by Ariel Ronis before he The story goes that a black Israeli committed suicide was: “I understand that this woman felt she was discriminated against by will be my fate from now on… I can't get over Ariel Ronis, forty)seven, a former Shin Bet

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it.” deadly sin. Here are clear ramifications of evil, How sad, and how horrible! Just think: hurtful speech: the loss of human life. over six thousand people contributed to hi s At this time of Bein HaMetzorim (The death by slandering and ruining the reputation three weeks), when we introspect at the loss of of someone accused and judged without a fair our Bais HaMikdosh due to Sinas Chinom hearing, trial or jury. Now, I am not saying (baseless hatred), we need to hear the message whether he was or was not guilty of racism; in loud and clear: hurtful words kill and hateful fact I have no idea, and that is not my point. speech is deadly; may Hashem forgive us and And I am certainly not condoning suicide – accept our teshuva . May our mouths speak Halacha condemns taking one’s life. What I am words of praise, chizuk (encouragement), saying is that we need to internalize one clear berachos , Torah and tefilla –Amen message: Loshon Hora , written or verbal, is a nnn Y Hillula De'TzaddikDe'Tzaddikaaaa Z WHAT’S BEHIND YAHRZEIT MEANINGS & CUSTOMS

Source of Customs – The Chochmas Adam taught that most of our Yahrzeit customs are a tradition based on the Rokeach who in turn received them from Eliyahu HaNavi .

Lighting Candles – The Alef HaMagen comments to Mateh Ephraim ( Dinei Kaddish Yasom

Shaar 3) that on the day of passi ng known as the Yahrzeit, the soul is allowed to come down to this

world and she comes to the Bais Knesses (shul ). When the soul observes that there have been

candles lit for her, the soul rejoices and delights in this. This is why there were seven lights burning in the menorah in the holy temple, for the souls of the departed ones of Klal Yisrael. There are seven stages that each soul passes through after its death and departure from this world and thus seven corresponding candles or flames in the menorah .

Y GEDOLIM BE'MISASAM YOSER Z YAHRZEITS FOR WEEK FOLLOWING PARSHAS MATTOS - MASEI Av Biographical information and yahrzeits compiled by Reb Manny Saltiel and rdrdrd + 333 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Motzai Shabbos (Jul 18th )  Rav Shimshon ben Rav Pesach Ostropoli , (5408/1648);  Rav Gedalia Aharon Rabinowitz of Monastrich ben Rav Yehoshua , killed in a pogrom in Unman with seven hundred others, (5679/1919);  Rav Dovid Shapira ben Rav Pinchas Leib, (5694/1934) ;  Rav EEEpEppphhhhrrrraaaaiiiimmmm Taub of Kuzmir ben Rav Yechezkel of Kuzmir, (5664/1904);

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 Rav Yitzchok ben Rav Mordechai Twersky of -Kishinev, the first Skverer Rebbe in America, (5701/1941);  Rav Yehoshua Heschel HaLevi Horowitz ben Rav Chaim Shmuel, a descendant of the Chozeh of , (5703/1943). ththth + 444 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Sunday Night (Jul 19 th )  Rav Menachem Azaria ben Yitzchok Berechya Rama MiPano, (5380/1620);  Rav Tzvi Meir HaKohen Rabinowitz , Av Bais Din of . His father was the Tiferes Shlomo , Rav Shlomo HaKohen of Radomsk, (5662/1902);  Rav Ephraim Taub of Kuzmir ben Rav Yechezkel, (5664/1904);  Rav Benzion Halberstam ben Rav Shlomo, Bobover Rebbe , author of Kedushas Tzion , (5701/1941). ththth + 555 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Monday Night (Jul 20 th )  Rav MeiMeirr Berabi , Rav of Pressburg, author of Chiddushei Maharam Berabi , (5549/1789);  Rav Yitzchok ben Rav Shlomo Luria Ashkenazi, known as the Arizal . The Chida said about him that the way he reached such a high level was that Eliyahu HaNovi purified him with the ashes of a Para Aduma . The Arizal is respected and accepted by all the great Rabbonim of the Ashkenazim (Chassidim and non-Chassidim ), Sefardim and Teimanim . Beside Kabbalistic seforim , the Arizal is very often quoted in halachic works, such as the Mogen Avrohom , Be'er Heiteiv and Mishna Berura , (5332/1572);  Rav Gedalya Chiyun , founder of Yeshiva Bais El which studied Kabbala based on the Arizal , (5510/1750);  Rav Chaim of Krasna, talmid of the Ba’al Shem Tov ,(5553/1793);  Rav Yisrael Ezriel Hildesheimer (1820-1899), Rav in Germany, talmid of the Aruch La'Ner , (5659/1899); Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky of Vilna, author of Achiezer . One of the Gedolei HaDor of his time, he was very close with the Chofetz Chaim . He was a great Tzaddik and an absolute genius, with a reputation for, among other things, being able to write two separate things at a time using his right and left hands simultaneously, (5700/1940);  Rav Binyomin ben Rav Yitzchok Paler, talmid of the Brisker Rav , and founder of Yeshiva Bais HaTalmud and Yeshiva Mekor Chaim , (5760/2000);  Rav Yechiel Michel Dorfman , one of the leaders of . Married the granddaughter of Rav Avrohom Sternhartz. He used to risk his life to take people to Rav Nachman's tziun in Uman. He spent time in Russian prisons and Siberia. Until his petira he had a rigorous schedule of Torah and Avoda , (5766/2006). ththth + 666 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Tuesday Night (Jul 21 th )  Rav Yehoshua Greenwald , Av Bais Din of Chust;  Rav Shlomo Zalman Hanau of Frankfurt-on-Main, author of Binyan Shlomo , (5506/1746).

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ththth + 777 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Wednesday Night (Jul 22 th )  Rav Pinchas of Sokolivka ben Rav Gedalia Aharon of Linitz. He was killed by the Ukrainians, (5679/1919);  Rav Sholom Noach ben Rav Moshe Avrohom Brazovsky, Slonimer Rebbe and author of Nesivos Sholom , one of the most popular Chassidishe seforim of our time. He was a son-in-law of the previous Rebbe , the Birchas Avrohom , (5760/2000);  Rav Moshe ben Rav Amrom Greenwald of Chust, the Arugas HaBosem , (5670/1910);  Rav Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld of Mattersdorf, (5686/1926). ththth + 888 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Thursday Night (Jul 23 th )  Rav Shlomo Zalman Levi , Rav of Zlotchov, (5591/1831);  Rav Shmuel Shmelke Toibish , Rav of Yas (Jassi), author of Chayei Olam , Milchemos Hashem , and Mitzvas Chalitza , (5625/1865);  Rav Yehuda HaLevi of Ragoza, founder of the Jewish Yishuv in Yaffo, (5638/1878);  Rav Simcha Zissel Ziv , the Alter from Kelm (1824-1898). After his marriage, he moved from Kelm to Kovno where he became a talmid muvhok of Rav Yisrael Salanter. In 1862, he opened the Talmud Torah of Kelm, in order to combat the growing influence of the Haskala . About fifteen years later, he and his Yeshiva were denounced as “anti-government,” and Rav Simcha Zissel had to change his last name from Broide to Ziv. His talmidim included Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel (the Alter of Slobodka), Rav Yosef Yoizel Horowitz (the Alter of Novardok), Rav Aharon Bakst, Rav Reuven Dessler, and his son Rav Nachum Zev. The Yeshiva was always highly restricted and at most it held thirty to thirty-five talmidim , (5658/1898);  Rav Shmuel Luvtzar , author of Olas Shmuel , (5658/1898);  Rav Shimon Agassi , born in Baghdad (1852-1914). His family originated in Persia. Rav Agassi was the author of Shem MiShimon , (5674/1914);  Rav Meilech Silber , Menahel of the Yeshiva of Eastern Parkway, (5730/1970);  Rav Chanoch Henich Dov ben Rav Meshulom Zalman Yosef Zilberfarb, the Koidenover Rebbe , (5738/1978). ththth + 999 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Friday Night (Jul 24 th )  Rav Moshe Dovid Lida Of Weisslitz, author of Migdal Dovid , (5588/1828);  Rav Yaakov Yitzchok ben Rav Avrohom Eliezer HaLevi , the holy Chozeh of Lublin , talmid of the Mezeritcher, one of the most important early Chassidic . Many stories are told of his gadlus , (5575/1815);  Rav Gavriel "Malach " ben Rav Dovid Horowitz of Moglenitza, a talmid of the Ohev Yisrael of , Maggid of Koznitz and his son, Rav Moshe Elyokim Briah and Rav Chaim Meir of Moglenitza. He helped put together the writings of the Maggid of Koznitz, (5618/1858);  Rav Yitzchok Nissim ben Rachamim, Sephardi Chief Rav of Eretz Yisrael ( Rishon LeTzion ) from

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1955 to 1972,and Rebbe of Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, (5741/1981).

Y GEDOLIM BE’MASAYHEM Z STORIES & ANECDOTES rdrdrd RaRaRavRa vvv Shimshon of Ostropoli ,,, 333 ofofof Menachem Av 5408 / 1648 By: R’ Dovid Bitton revealed and hidden parts of Torah . A few of Rav Shimshon of Ostropoli, born in his Divrei Torah that are printed today are approximately the year 1599, was one of the thanks to the notes of his Talmidim . greatest Torah giants and Mekubolim of his Rav Shimshon’s greatness in both the time. He was named after his grandfather, Rav revealed and hidden parts of Torah , coupled Shimshon of Kremnitz, one of the four with his exalted levels of Kedusha and his brothers who were all Gedolei HaDor , the most brilliant mind, caused his fame to spread well)known of whom was the Maharal of across Europe. We can catch a glimpse of his Prague. greatness by seeing some of the unparalleled During the forty)eight short years that praises the Gedolim of his time wrote about Rav Shimshon lived, he reached levels in Torah him. They testified that he learned with, and and Kedusha that were nothing short of merited many revelations in the secrets of legendary. As a youngster, he began studying Torah from, Eliyahu HaNovi . He also learned Torah under his father’s tutelage. He is also with Malachim and Maggidim , who taught assumed to have learned under Rav Nosson him many secrets. Some Gedolim even wrote: Nota of Austra, the author of the Tzon “All of his words are prophecy”. He also Kodoshim on Seder Kodshim . merited many revelations of the secrets of the Rav Shimshon’s entry into the study of Torah in dreams. In one place, Rav Shimshon writes how the Megaleh Amukos , Rav Nosson the hidden parts of Torah began when he was Nota of Krakow, appeared to him in a dream relatively young, as he himself writes ( Don and explained to him a difficult piece of Yodin ): “I began learning Kabbala at a young age and toiled immensely to master the liturgy. ‘Chochma ’. Eventually, he became one of the foremost Mekubolim of his time. His Torah Ostropoli, a town situated in the plains Rav Shimshon’s ability to explain the of Eastern Ukraine, became Rav Shimshon’s most cryptic passages of Gemora and Zohar home when he was appointed as the town’s gained him unique recognition worldwide, Maggid . He was fondly known by all as “Rav and many Talmidei Chachomim sent him Shimshon Maggid ” (the preacher). Rav letters asking him to enlighten them on Shimshon also headed a Yeshiva in Ostropoli difficult passages they had come across. The in which he taught his Talmidim both the majority of Rav Shimshon’s writings that exist

7  Mattos - Masei / [email protected] today are derived from the many letters Rav ultimately hasten the Final Redemption. Rav Shimshon wrote to those who entreated him to Shimshon ends off by writing: May Hashem explain difficult passages in the Torah . The forgive me for revealing this. These almost) most famous of all Rav Shimshon’s writings is prophetic words were written some time his letter called “ Ma’amar Sod Etzba Elokim ” before the year 1648! Amazingly, during the that many study on Erev Pesach . (This letter year 1888 (5648), after extensive research, the will be discussed shortly.) Radziner Rebbe claimed to have found Aside from his many letters, Rav techeiles resulting in many people wearing the Shimshon authored many works, which newly found techeiles . But, as Rav Shimshon include: Don Yodin , Machaneh Don , Ben wrote many years earlier, most of the Torah Mano’ach , Nezer Elokim , Shemesh U’Mogen , luminaries of that time acted passively toward Shemesh Nogah , VaYizrach HaShemesh , his find. Mincha Shelucha , and Ateres Paz . Sadly, only Many seforim use Rav Shimshon’s the small work Don Yodin survived the Torah as an example of the wondrous secrets pogroms of 1648)49. Rav Shimshon’s hinted to in every word of Torah (as can be magnum opus was his commentary on the seen from the Ma’amar Sod Etzba Elokim ). Zohar , Machaneh Don . While this sefer is Wherever there is a vort from Rav Shimshon, reported to have been printed once, the all the Torah greats after him expound on writes that there is a tradition them and use his words to explain many other that it mysteriously vanished off the face of the concepts, as his words always open new earth, and all those people searching for it worlds. These Gedolim include the Chida , the have all turned up empty)handed. The B’nei Vilna Gaon , the Chasam Sofer , the Bnei Yissoschor writes that the reason Rav Yissoschor and many others. Today, the Shimshon’s Torah was lost was due to the majority of Rav Shimshon’s Divrei Torah on generation’s inadequate worth to receive such the parshi’os have been collected into one revelations. The Ba’al Shem Tov (1698)1760) volume called Nitzotzei Shimshon by a said that the mere study of the Machaneh Don descendant of Rav Shimshon, Rav Avrohom has the power to bring the Final Redemption Yaakov Bumbach of Yerushalayim. closer; many Gedolim went to great lengths to try to find it, but were unsuccessful. Tach VeTat It is worthwhile to quote one excerpt As the years tragically referred to as that does exist from Sefer Machaneh Don . Rav Tach VeTat (5408)09/1648)49) approached, Shimshon writes, almost prophetically Rav Shimshon repeatedly preached that the (Machaneh Don 295b), based on an Arizal and year 5408 (1648) was very apropos for the a series of gematrios , that in the seventh Final Redemption. In fact, the Zohar (Toldos century of the fifth millennium (sometime in 139b) clearly speaks about this year as the the 5600s/1840)1940) a certain Rav will year of the Geula . However, the Gemara claim to have rediscovered the long)lost (Sanhedrin 97a) teaches that the Final techeiles but his claims will not be so quickly Redemption will only come with teshuva and or unanimously accepted. This find will

8  Mattos - Masei / [email protected] therefore, regardless of how appropriate a allow themselves to die, each one would atone given year may be for redemption – if the Jews for one fourth of the number of Jews who were do not repent, the Geula will not come. supposed to be killed. The story goes that one Moreover, the seforim write that if a year is of the Gedolim refused, saying that he still had fitting for Moshiach to come and the a major contribution in Halacha to give to the opportunity is missed, that year becomes one Jews. Some of the names of the four Gedolim of catastrophe for the Jewish people. This is mentioned have been proven by historians to what Rav Shimshon preached during the years be highly improbable for many reasons preceding 1648, begging the Jews to do (Shach ); others, deemed simply impossible teshuva . Rav Shimshon found sources for this (Rav Lieber HaGodol of Berditchev). Thus, year in the Torah (see Nitzotzei Shimshon , although the legend is believed to be true, it Vayikra 16:3) and even said that Haman’s plot remains unknown as to who these Gedolim to annihilate the Jews was pushed off to the were and who actually refused. year 5408 (1648) – and should the Jews not do teshuva , the year would be catastrophic. The third of AvAvAv This too Rav Shimshon found hinted at in the On the bitter day of the third of Av in Megilla (see Nitzotzei Shimshon , Beshalach the year 1648, the Cossacks and Tartar forces 17:16). Unfortunately, even with the conquered the fortified city of Polnoa with the awakening that Rav Shimshon’s impassioned help of the Ukrainian guards who were preaching brought about, the years 1648)49 supposed to be guarding the cities from the became known in the annals of history as one invaders. According to the testimony of Rav of the bloodiest times for the Jews since the Nosson Nota Hanover, Rav Shimshon was in destruction of the Bais HaMikdosh . the city of Polnoa at the time, since many Jews The Ramchal writes ( Derech Eitz had fled there seeking protection within its Chaim ) that Rav Shimshon asked the Soton fortified walls. The murderous hordes headed why the Jewish nation is more persecuted than straight for the shul . Rav Shimshon was in the any other nation. The Soton answered that if shul with three hundred followers, all of the Jews would give up the Mitzvos of whom are said to have been “ Chachomim Shabbos , Mila , and the study of Torah , he Gedolim ”. They were all dressed in burial would leave them alone. Rav Shimshon’s shrouds and wrapped in talleisim ; they were response was that thousands upon thousands butchered Al Kiddush Hashem in the midst of of Jews would die and not one word of the davening . Torah would be nullified. There is a Matzeiva for Rav Shimshon Although it seems that Rav Shimshon’s in the center of Ostropoli and it seems that his sermons did not arouse the people enough, or coffin was transferred to Ostropoli once calm perhaps the decree had already been approved returned to the area. by the Heavenly Court (there seems to be an About the murder of Rav Shimshon, the agreement about this in the seforim ), Rav Chozeh of Lublin writes that Rav Shimshon Shimshon was informed in a dream that if four was Moshiach ben Yosef and was therefore of the Torah giants of that generation would

9  Mattos - Masei / [email protected] killed, as we know will happen to Moshiach things. He will be saved from all misfortunes ben Yosef. (The Neshoma of Moshiach is found and will not die a strange death. No man will in every generation.) The Chozeh even writes dominate him, all his enemies will fall before that since Moshiach ben Yosef (Rav Shimshon) him, and he will tread in all of their high was killed, this misfortune will not repeat itself places. In every direction he turns, he will be when Moshiach finally comes. His words are successful and will prosper in all of his quoted by Rav Tzoddok HaKohen of Lublin and endeavors, until the coming of Moshiach .” the Damesek Eliezer of Komarna. The truth is, Learning through this letter on the Erev that even while Rav Shimshon was alive, it was Pesach has become a custom of many, as Rav known that he possessed the Neshoma of Shimshon prescribes, and many attest to Moshiach ben Yosef. Had his generation only having merited blessings and salvation owing merited… to its study. Many of Rav Shimshon’s desendants In an astonishing testimony, the were great Rabbonim in their own rights. individual who reprinted this Ma’amar after Some of the more well)known ones include: the Second World War testifies as follows: “I, Rav Yoel Ba’al Shem of Zamotch; Rav Leiber the one printing this, witnessed with my own HaGodol of Berditchev; Rav Yaakov Yosef of eyes, how in the year 1944 in Hungary, the Polnoa, one of the greatest disciples of the Ba’al times were very dark because of the Nazis. Shem Tov ; Rav Yaakov Shimshon of Shpotivka; However, all those who said this Ma’amar and Rav Shlomo Eliyashiv known as the were saved.” Leshem (Rav Eliyashiv’s grandfather), to name In fact, the Ga’avad of Erloi, Rav just a few. Yochonon Sofer, attributes his salvation from the concentration camps to the merit of Ma’amar Sod Etzba Elokim ––– The Erev Pesach learning the Ma’amar . He tells how, on Erev Letter Pesach in the year 1944, due to the panic and Among the letters that survived from confusion that reigned, he and his grandfather, Rav Shimshon’s correspondence is the well) Rav Shimon Sofer, then the chief Rav of Erloi, known “ Ma’amar Sod Etzba Elokim ”. This forgot to adhere to their yearly practice of lengthy and complex, yet enlightening, reciting the Ma’amar . Rav Yochonon Ma’amar (exposition) was written to explain a remembered on Erev Rosh HaShana and cryptic passage written by the Arizal immediately recited the Ma’amar . His concerning the Ten Plagues. grandfather did not remember – and was The Ma’amar was revealed to Rav murdered by the Nazis. Shimshon in a dream. At the end of the In the year 1891, Rav Choviv Chaim Ma’amar , Rav Shimshon writes: “After this (the Dovid Sutton, the Av Bais Din of Teveria and revelation of the Ma’amar ), I was informed of Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Eliyahu HaNovi , the following secret: anyone who studies this published a sefer called Shemesh U’Mogen on Ma’amar properly at least once a year and this wondrous letter of Rav Shimshon, written especially on Erev Pesach , will merit great solely to explain the deep concepts discussed

10  Mattos - Masei / [email protected] by Rav Shimshon. These explanations are times, he realized that what was staring back necessary to fully understand the depths of Rav at him was none other than Rashi ’s Shimshon’s words in his Ma’amar . This work commentary on the Torah . In fact, there are a has recently been translated into English. few instances where Rav Shimshon explains Rashi ’s words based on Kabbalistic ideas. Stories ~ There was a rich man from the city ~ The Shivchei HaBa’al Shem Tov of Ostropoli who had an only daughter. When relates how the Ba’al Shem Tov one passed the time came to marry her off, her wealthy through Ostropoli and kept on looking intently father searched for a worthy Torah scholar at a certain garbage heap. He later explained whom he would enable to continue his Torah that that site was the place where Rav studies, undisturbed by financial worries. Soon Shimshon’s Bais Medrash once stood and he enough, such a young man came along; the was able to see the pillar of Rav Shimshon’s couple married and settled in Ostropoli. The Torah , which he said rose from the ground to young Talmid Chochom , who was blessed with the very heavens. a sharp mind, studied Torah diligently day and night. His proud father)in)law wanted to ~ Rav Yosef Shaul Natanzon (the Sho’el show him off to Rav Shimshon and asked his U’Meishiv ) of Levov would tell the following son)in)law to strike up a conversation in story: It was revealed to Rav Shimshon that in learning with Rav Shimshon to show him the the World to Come, he would be next to the extent of his Torah knowledge and his deep not)yet)famous Rav Hershele of Krakow. Rav grasp of everything he learned. The son)in) Shimshon wanted to see exactly what Rav law, however, was not willing to do so, since Hershele was like, so he disguised himself as a he held that Rav Shimshon was not a Lamdon simpleton and made his way to Krakow. When (learned person), and the conversation would he arrived at Rav Hershele’s house, he told Rav not bring his proud father)in)law any honor. Hershele that he was not well and proceeded The father)in)law, though, did not relent, and to throw himself on Rav Hershele’s bed with eventually this young man agreed, making his his dirty and mud)splattered clothes. Without way to Rav Shimshon, to show him what a showing any signs of being upset, Rav Hershele Talmid Chochom he was. tended to all the “sick” man’s various needs. At midnight, Rav Hershele began to recite Tikkun When he came to Rav Shimshon’s Chatzos with such devotion and amid such house, Rav Shimshon asked him who he was. tears that Rav Shimshon realized what a He answered that he was the son)in)law of so) worthy individual Rav Hershele was; Rav and)so, the town’s gevir, and he wanted to Shimshon then revealed his true identity. speak to Rav Shimshon in learning. Rav Shimshon understood what the man’s real ~ The Brisker Rav would tell the intention was and excused himself for a following story: Rav Shimshon of Ostropoli minute, saying he would be back shortly. decided to write a commentary on Chumash (some say Shas ) based on Kabbala . After The young man waited and waited for modifying the first few pieces a number of Rav Shimshon to return – but Rav Shimshon

11  Mattos - Masei / [email protected] simply did not come back. The young man glass and calling him inside to discuss the topic decided to go for a walk in front of Rav he had come to talk about. Glancing at his Shimshon’s house. Lost in thought, he walked watch he realized that no more than a few until he entered a forest. Before he knew it, he minutes had passed, and this whole vision that was lost. He tried retracing his steps, but every seemed to span a few years was, in reality, the turn he made just took him deeper and deeper doing of Rav Shimshon. Embarrassed, the into the forest. As night fell, he reached the young man realized that he should not have edge of the woods and entered a large town tried belittling Rav Shimshon, and left without that seemed to host a large Jewish population. saying anything. The Ba’al Shem Tov is said to A Jewish man approached him and asked have commented that he was able to where he was from. He answered that he was accomplish such a feat while someone was from the nearby town of Ostropoli. The man asleep but to cause someone to envision had never heard of Ostropoli and invited him something while he was awake – that, he was to eat something and sleep in his house for the unable to do. night. Having nowhere to go, and not ~ Rav Shimshon once met the Soton remembering that he was married, the young during the month of Elul and the Soton was man accepted the offer of this generous not wearing a happy expression. Rav individual. The next morning, he woke up and Shimshon asked him what the matter was and went to learn in the local Bais Medrash . At he responded that business was at a standstill, night, his host invited him again to eat and with all the Jews repenting for all the bad sleep in his house. This continued for close to a things he had made them do throughout the month until his benefactor, who had taken a year. All his hard work was going up in smoke. strong liking to this young man, offered him Rav Shimshon met the Soton again his daughter in marriage. Having forgotten his during the Asseres Yemei Teshuva , but this past, our young friend readily agreed and time the Soton seemed excited. Confused, Rav married his benefactor’s daughter. He lived Shimshon inquired about the change of the happily near his in)laws and soon his wife Soton ’s mood; if anything, the teshuva of the gave birth to a son. A few years later, another Jewish people only intensifies during these son was born to him. Time passed and this days! The Soton explained that not being one young family once went on an outing near a to sit back and let his endeavors go to waste, he river. The two boys were playing near the filed a complaint in the Heavenly Court that it water and before their parents could do wasn’t fair that the Jews could get away so anything, they were suddenly swept away by easily; he was thus given permission to cause the current. Their father jumped in to try to the ship that was carrying their Esrogim to save them but could not find them! After much sink, not allowing any of the Jews to fulfill the fruitless searching, he found himself on the precious Mitzva of the Arba Minim . Needless other side of the river, standing in front of a to say, the Soton was very pleased with himself. familiar)looking house. During Sukkos , Rav Shimshon met the Looking up at the window, he saw none Soton a third time – this time, the Soton looked other than Rav Shimshon knocking on the

12  Mattos - Masei / [email protected] gloomy again. When Rav Shimshon asked the shake “broke his bones”. Soton what the matter was this time, the Soton ~ Rav Shimshon was once asked via a explained to him that his plan had backfired. heavenly agent if he would prefer meriting Now that there were almost no Esrogim in the children who would be world)famous in their whole country, the Jews had paid astronomical greatness, or that his merit be divided amounts of money to buy the few Esrogim that throughout the generations to protect the were available. Not only that, but people were Jewish people until the coming of Moshiach . standing on line waiting for hours every day to He chose the latter. May his merit indeed serve get a turn to shake the Arba Minim for a few as a shield over all of Klal Yisrael until the seconds. The Soton ended by saying that each coming of Moshiach , speedily in our days.        rdrdrd RaRaRavRa vvv Ephraim Taub of Kuzmir ,,, 333 of Menachem Av 5664/1904 Rav Ephraim Taub was the son of Rav Ephraim were published in the seforim of his Yechezkel of Kuzmir and the son)in)law of father. Rav Nosson Dovid Rabinowitz of Shidlovtza. Rav Ephraim was niftar on the fourth After the petira of his father on the of Av 5664/1904. fifteenth of Shevat 5616/1856, Rav Ephraim His sons were Rav Menachem Dovid, was appointed Rav . Rav in Prague; Rav Eliezer Shlomo, Rav in Rav Ephraim lived in Shenenah, then Walmin; and Rav Yerachmiel Tzvi, Rav in later in Kuzmir. Later, he moved on to other Shenenah. cities. He lived in Bloina, Nadrazin, Yablona Zechuso yagen aleinu. and Prague. Some of the Divrei Torah of Rav        Rav Meir BerabiBerabi,, 555ththth of Menachem Av Rav of Pressburg and author of Chiddushei Maharam Berabi ~ 5549/1789 Rav Meir was born in 5485/1725 in Frankfurt)am)Main. He stayed in this Yeshiva Berabi, near Halberstadt in Germany. His for two years, advancing in Torah . After a two) parents were Rav Shaul and Rebbetzin year stay in Frankfurt, he returned to Yentlichi. Halberstadt. At a young age, his father sent him to At the age of thirteen, in 5498/1738, learn under Rav Tzvi Hirsh Charif, Rav of Rav Meir married Rebbetzin Elkeli, the Halberstadt, who put immense efforts into this daughter of Rav Michel of Halberstadt. He talmid . dedicated himself solely to learning Torah , From there, Rav Meir continued on to thanks to the support of his brother)in)law, the Yeshiva of Rav Yaakov Paprish, Rav of Rav Nosson.

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Even at this young age, Rav Meir was with them she’eilos , most notably with the already known as an outstanding Talmid Noda B’Yehuda . Chochom . Eventually, he was appointed Dayan Rav Meir was known as a Rav who in the city, and in 5517/1757, when Rav always sought peace and harmony in all the Moshe Brisk, the local Rav , was niftar , Rav communities where he officiated. It is related Meir was asked to fill his place, which he did that one year, on Yom Kippur night, the for the next six years, until 5523/1763. inhabitants of the city were waiting for Rav In 5523/1763, Rav Meir was accepted Meir to arrive in shul for davening . In the as Rav in Hali, Germany, but this was for one meantime, he was standing outside, trying to year. Afterward, Rav Meir became Rav of make peace between two long)time enemies, Pressburg, Hungary, a position he held for the telling them that davening wouldn’t begin next twenty)five years, until his passing in until they made peace; they heeded his words 5549/1789. and Kol Nidrei commenced. Rav Meir was zocheh to teach many In 5549/1789, Rav Meir took ill. He talmidim in all the communities where he was was niftar on the fifth of Av 5549/1789, at the Rav . Many of them went on to become leading age of sixty)four. Rabbonim and Gedolim . Zechuso yagen aleinu. Rav Meir was close with many of the generation’s Gedolim and frequently discussed        Rav Yitzchak LuriaLuria,, 555ththth of Menachem Av The Arizal – 1534 - 1572

Rav Yitzchak Luria, renowned as the The AriZal was born in Yerushalayim greatest Mekubol of modern times, is in 1534. By the time he was eight, he was commonly known as the ARI ZAL , an acronym recognized as a wonder)child, a prodigy who standing for Elohi Rav Yitzchok ) the G)dly already outshone the greatest minds of Rav Yitzchok Z”l . No other master or sage ever Yerushalayim. At this tender age, he had had this extra letter, standing for Elohi , already mastered the intricacies of the Talmud prefaced to his name. This is a sign of what his and committed dozens of volumes to memory. contemporaries thought of him. Later The AriZal 's father passed away while generations, fearsome that this appellation he was still a child. Under the pressure of might be misunderstood, said that this alef poverty, his mother went to Egypt, where they stood for Ashkenazi , indicating that his family lived with her brother, Mordechai Frances, a had originated in Germany, as indeed it had. wealthy tax agent. The Ari 's brilliance But the original meaning is the correct one, continued to shine. The young prodigy was and to this day Rav Yitzchok Luria is placed under the tutelage of Rav Betzalel universally referred to as the " Ari HaKodosh ) Ashkenazi (1520)1592), best known for his Holy Ari ". important Talmudic commentary, the Shita

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Mekubetzes (Embracing System).There is also summer of 1570, and began by concealing his evidence that the young lad also studied under gifts completely. He was only there a short the great Radbaz , Rav Dovid ben Zimri (1480) time when the Ramak (Rav Moshe Cordovero, 1573), who was then the chief Rav of Cairo. By 1522)1570), head of the Tzefas Mekubolim , the time he was fifteen, his expertise in Talmud was niftar on the twenty)third of Tammuz , had overwhelmed all the sages in Egypt. 5330(June 26, 1570). By identifying the According to a reliable account, the Ari himself heavenly pillar of fire that followed the great also wrote a large Talmudic commentary Mekubol ’s funeral procession, the AriZal around this time. Had he remained nothing established himself as the new leader. more than a Talmudic scholar, he would have The AriZal passed away on the fifth of joined the ranks of the greatest of all times. Av , 5332 (July 15, 1572), barely two years At this time he married his uncle's after he had arrived in Tzefas. During his brief daughter. At age seventeen, he discovered the stay there, he had assembled a group of Zohar , obtaining his own manuscript copy. approximately a dozen disciples, with Rav Later, he spent fifteen years meditating, at first Chaim Vital at their head, and they continued with his master, Rav Betzalel Ashkenazi, and to review his teachings. For the most part, it then alone, reaching the highest levels of was Rav Chaim who put them into writing. kedusha . Eventually, he spent two years The main works are: Eitz Chaim (Tree of Life) meditating in a hut near the Nile, utterly and Pri Eitz Chaim (Fruit of the Tree of Life), as isolated, not speaking to any human being. The well as the Eight Gates , which deal with only time he would return home would be on everything from Bible commentary to divine Erev Shabbos , just before dark. But even at inspiration and reincarnation. home, he would not speak. When it was The AriZal also authored the liturgical absolutely necessary for him to say something, poems " Azamer Bishvachin" , "Assader he would say it in the fewest possible words, Lis’udossa" and "Benei Heichola ", sung at the and only in Loshon HaKodesh . three Shabbos meals respectively and included It is accepted that the AriZal became in nearly every Chassidic and Sephardi Siddur. worthy of Ruach HaKodesh . At times, Eliyahu The teachings of the AriZal have been HaNovi revealed himself to him and taught afforded status as a primary authority, on the him the mysteries of the Torah . Every night his same level as the Zohar itself. Every custom of soul ascended to heaven. Angels would escort the AriZal was scrutinized, and many were him, asking which academy he chose to visit. accepted, even against previous practice. The Sometimes it would be that of Rav Shimon bar great Polish codifier, Rav Avrohom Gombiner Yochai. He also visited the academies of Rav (1635)1683), author of the Mogen Avrohom Akiva and Rav Eliezer HaGodol , and on (Shield of Avrohom), takes the AriZal 's occasion the academies of the Nevi’im . personal customs as legally binding At the end of this period, he received a precedents. In deciding disputes that had command from Eliyahu HaNovi to go to Eretz remained unresolved for centuries, he often Yisrael. He arrived in Tzefas during the cites the AriZal 's custom as the final authority.

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The fact that the AriZal had acted in a certain time. He could look at a person and tell him manner was enough to convince this tough) how he was connected to higher spiritual minded legalist that this was the correct levels, and his original root in Adam. The opinion. AriZal could read wondrous things [about people] in the light of a candle or in the flame There are a select number of of a fire. With his eyes, he gazed and was able individuals who live on a plane so high above to see the souls of the righteous, both those the rest of humanity that it seems that they are who had passed away recently and those who a completely different, higher species of being. had lived in ancient times. With these departed They teach, yet we grasp but little, and from souls, he studied the true mysteries. the few crumbs that we catch, we can build From a person's scent, he was able to mountains. Such a person was Rav Yitzchok know all that he had done (see Zohar , Yenuka Luria, the holy AriZal , the Lion of Tzefas. Volume III page 188a). It was as if the answers (Compiled from Meditation and to all these mysteries lay dormant within him, Kabbala by Rav Aryeh Kaplan and from other waiting to be activated whenever he desired. sources.) He did not have to seclude himself to seek them out. Rav Chaim Vital writes in the All this we saw with our own eyes. Introduction to Sha’ar HaHakdomos: These are not things that we heard from The AriZal overflowed with Torah . He others. They were wondrous things that had was thoroughly expert in Scripture, Mishna , not been seen on earth since the time of Rav Talmud , Pilpul , Medrash , Aggada , Ma’aseh Shimon bar Yochai. None of this was attained Bereishis and Ma'aseh Merkova . He was expert through magic, Heaven forbid. There is a in the language of trees, the language of birds, strong prohibition against these arts. Instead, it and the speech of angels. He could read faces came automatically, as a result of his in the manner outlined in the Zohar (Volume saintliness and asceticism, after many years of II, page 74b). He could discern all that any study in both the ancient and the newer individual had done, and could see what they Kabbalistic texts. He then increased his piety, would do in the future. He could read people's asceticism, purity and holiness until he thoughts, often before the thought even reached a level where Eliyahu HaNovi would entered their minds. He knew future events, constantly reveal himself to him, speaking to was aware of everything happening here on him "mouth to mouth", teaching him these earth, and what was decreed in Heaven. mysteries and secrets. He knew the mysteries of gilgul (reincarnation), who had been born (translated by Rav Moshe Miller) previously, and who was here for the first        Rav Shalom Noach BrazovskyBrazovsky,,,, 777ththth ofofof Menachem Av Slonimer Rebbe ~ Author of Nesivos Shalom

Through his voluminous writings, Rav Brazovsky was among the most influential of

16  Mattos - Masei / [email protected] contemporary Chassidic Rebbes, and his Shabbos . These notes later became the sefer impact was felt among Chassidim and non) Bais Avrohom . Shortly before his own passing Chassidim alike. A leading Lithuanian (i.e. in 1933, the Bais Avrohom recommended to non)Chassidic ) Rosh Yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael his cousin, Rav Avrohom Weinberg of reportedly referred to Rav Brazovsky's work Teveryah that he take Rav Brazovsky as a son) Nesivos Shalom as the " Mesillas Yeshorim of in)law. (Teveryah was home to many Slonimer our times". ( Mesillas Yeshorim is a classic Chassidim , including Rav Avrohom's brother, mussar work written in the eighteenth the father of Rav Yaakov Weinberg, the late century.) Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisrael, and Rav Noach Rav Brazovsky was born on the Weinberg, the late founder of Aish HaTorah .) fourteenth of Av , 5671 (August 8, 1911) in In 1940, Rav Brazovsky was appointed Baranovichi (today in Belarus), where his Rosh Yeshiva of the Lubavitcher Yeshiva Achai father, Rav Moshe Avrohom, was the Rosh Temimim in Tel Aviv. On Rosh Chodesh HaKohol (president of the Jewish community). Cheshvan 5702 (October 21, 1941), he Baranovichi is best)known to many as the opened the Slonimer Yeshiva in Yerushalayim home of Rav Elchonon Wasserman and his with five students. As had been the case in Yeshiva , but it was also the home of the Baranovichi, the Yeshiva offered traditional Slonimer Rebbe , Rav Avrohom Weinberg, and Chassidic teachings alongside Talmudic his famed Yeshiva , Toras Chessed . (Rav lectures, using the Lithuanian style of analysis. Weinberg, known as the Bais Avrohom , was a Rav Brazovsky also could be found sitting with great)grandson and namesake of the first the students for hours on end, especially on Slonimer Rebbe , known as the Yesod Ha’avoda . Friday night, teaching them the traditional Rav Brazovsky's mother was a granddaughter Slonimer melodies. of Rav Hillel, a brother of the Yesod Ha’avoda .) Rav Brazovsky's Yeshiva served as the The future Rav Brazovsky studied in kernel for the rebirth of Slonimer Chassidus Yeshiva Toras Chessed under its Rosh Yeshiva , after the group's near)destruction in the Rav Avrohom Shmuel Hirshovitz (a grandson Holocaust. The last pre)war Slonimer Rebbe , of Rav Eliezer Gordon of Telz) and its Rav Shlomo Dovid Yehoshua Weinberg, was mashgiach , Rav Moshe Midner (a grandson of killed in 1944, and for ten years, no successor the Yesod Ha’avoda and a student of Rav was named. In 1954, Rav Brazovsky's father) Chaim "Brisker" Soloveitchik). With such in)law agreed to assume the mantle of Rebbe . leaders, the Slonimer Yeshiva was virtually (His teachings are collected – again, by Rav unique in combining Talmudic studies in the Brazovsky – in the work Birchas Avrohom , and Lithuanian style with traditional Chassidic he is known by that name.) teachings. With the exception of the Yesod In approximately 1930, the Bais Ha’avoda , none of the Slonimer Rebbes or their Avrohom appointed Rav Brazovsky to commit predecessors, the Rebbes of Lechovitch to writing (after Shabbos , of course) the Torah (Lyakhovichi) and Kobrin, committed their lessons that he (the Rebbe ) delivered every teachings to writing. As part of his effort to

17  Mattos - Masei / [email protected] rejuvenate Slonimer Chassidus, Rav Brazovsky Rebbe after his father)in)law's petira on the was responsible for collecting the oral twelfth of Sivan 5741 (1981). He was traditions ascribed to these leaders in works succeeded by his son, Rav Shmuel. such as Divrei Shmuel and Toras Avos (in (Sources: Hamodia , August 18, 2000, p. addition to the works already mentioned). Rav 24; Marbitzei Torah Me'olam Ha'Chassidus Brazovsky also authored many volumes of his Volume I, page 177; ibid, Volume III, page own teachings, including the seven)volume 167) Nesivos Sholom and many smaller works on Sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Irving Katz educational topics, marital harmony and other in memory of father Moshe Aharon ben issues. One distinguishing feature of those Menashe Reiss a"h works is Rav Brazovsky's practice of deriving By: Shlomo Katz and Project Genesis, practical, moral and ethical teachings from Inc. pesukim , using traditional Chassidic methods of interpretation. Rav Brazovsky served as the Slonimer        Rav Shlomo Zalman LeviLevi,,,, 888ththth of Menachem Av Rav of Zlotchov ~ 5591/1831 Rav Shlomo Zalman Levi was the oldest An outstanding masmid , he also son of Rav Avrohom Levi. He was named for secretly did many acts of tzedaka and chessed . his paternal grandfather, Rav Shlomo Zalman, Rav Shlomo Zalman was considered to who was niftar when Rav Avrohom was still have Ruach HaKodesh . It is related that one young. His brothers were Rav Nachum of time, during his shiur in his Yeshiva in Shadik (Shadika), who later lived in Zlotchov, a group of six doves landed on the Yerushalayim; Rav Asher Lemel of Galin; Rav window of the Bais Medrash ; one flew away. Yaakov Yehuda of Sleshin; and Rav Yisrael. Rav Shlomo Zalman instructed the talmidim to Rav Shlomo Zalman was born in continue to learn on their own, while he Warsaw during the time that his father himself set out to gather his brothers and learned there with Rav Shlomo Zalman travel to the home of their sister in Kletshev Lifshitz, the Chemdas Shlomo . Later, Rav who had passed away. They arrived just in Avrohom returned to his native Posen. time for the kevura . When asked how he had Rav Shlomo Zalman married the known, Rav Shlomo Zalman replied that the daughter of Rav Chaim Nachum Margulies, six doves on the window corresponded to his the son)in)law of Rav Ephraim Segal, Rav of family T five brothers and one sister T and Kviel. His zivug sheini was the daughter of Rav when one bird flew away, he understood that Binyomin Wolf Traube, Rav of Kalish. his sister had passed on. Rav Shlomo Zalman was appointed Rav Another time, after a shiur , Rav Shlomo in Zlotchov, near Kalish. Zalman instructed one of the bochurim to recite Kaddish. Then he told the bochur to

18  Mattos - Masei / [email protected] return home, and the bochur found that his not printed. Some of his chiddushim are mother had passed away. When asked how he quoted in other seforim . knew, Rav Shlomo Zalman replied that his eyes Rav Shlomo Zalman had one son)in) saw further than the eyes of other people. law, Rav Michoel Dov Weingott, Rav in Rav Shlomo Zalman was niftar on the Loivitch and mechaber of Agudas Ezov eighth of Av 5591/1831, during a cholera Midbari. outbreak. Zecher tzaddik livrachah Rav Shlomo Zalman left manuscripts of chiddushim on many masechtos , but they were        Rav Simcha Zissel ZivZiv,, 888ththth ofofof Menachem Av The Alter of Kelm

Of the three leading students of Rav to the essence of the topic. Yisrael Salanter, founder of the mussar Rav Simcha Zissel taught that the movement, Rav Simcha Zissel was the one who whole world is a classroom where one can Rav Yisrael expected to carry on the learn to improve his character and increase his movement. Rav Simcha Zissel devoted his belief in Hashem . Such study was not limited entire adult life to Rav Yisrael's teachings. to books or to Torah sources. Of course, Though he never held any official position, worthwhile lessons do not come merely from when he was offered the rabbinate of Saint observation. Rather, intense reflection is Petersburg, he recommended his friend Rav required. Also, one must realize that this study Yitzchok Blazer instead. His students included never ends. This is why Torah scholars are many of the mussar greats of the next called Talmidei Chachomim (students of wise generation: Rav Nosson Zvi Finkel of Slobodka, men).Rav Simcha Zissel used to quote Socrates, Rav Yosef Yoizel Horowitz of Novardok, Rav who said that true wisdom is knowing that one Aharon Bakst, Rav Reuven Dessler (whose son doesn't know. authored the classic Michtav M’Eliyahu ), Rav Rav Simcha Zissel was very sickly his Nachum Ziv, and Rav Hirsch Broida. whole life. Therefore, much of his teaching The historian, Rav Dov Katz, was through letters that he wrote to his summarized Rav Simcha Zissel's approach to students, rather than in person. (He also mussar (character improvement) as consisting encouraged his followers to establish groups to of three guiding principles: (1) One should strengthen each other and review his become emotionally involved in his studies, teachings.) Only a small portion of his written whether joyful or sad; (2) One should ask legacy has been published (based on T’nuat himself after everything he learns, "What did I HaMussar ). think before, and what do I know differently now?"; and (3) One's study should always px?id=1289&language=english include stripping away the veneer and getting

19  Mattos - Masei / [email protected]

No Movement Without Reason even the slightest movement without first Wondrous stories circulated in Kelm having thought about it. The Alter did nothing about the amazing degree of control that the without forethought. He didn’t open an eye or Alter had over his every limb and over each of move his little finger without a reason or his senses. Rav Yeruchom would extol this without preparation. Everything was ability, describing how every movement that calculated, befitting the level of an earlier the Alter made was the result of forethought. generation. Even the movements of his eyes were carefully “‘So,’ Rav Doniel concluded, ‘how can controlled. we imagine that we are capable of fathoming For example, the Alter never let his someone who didn’t move his little finger gaze wander sideways. When he needed to without thinking about it first?’ ” look at something that was to one side of him, Among Rav Yeruchom’s discourses, we he turned his whole body in that direction and find the following comments on this subject: looked at it straight on. Generally in Kelm, “The Alter of Kelm explained the turning one’s head to the side, unless it was for meaning of the terms kallus rosh (irreverence) a very good reason, was considered something and koved rosh (decorum) as being simple to be ashamed of. translations. Kallus rosh , he said, is exactly Rav Nosson Wachtfogel, who was that: having a light head, while koved rosh is mashgiach in Lakewood, related the following: also just that: having a heavy head. A person “My teacher, Rav Doniel Movshovitz, whose head is full of wisdom doesn’t turn it who was one of the leaders of the Kelm sideways and he doesn’t laugh readily. When Talmud Torah , never refrained from looking at a layabout, however, one sees what discussing any topic that cropped up, even he’s like in a moment. From the way he moves, when there was a widely held preconceived it’s clear that he isn’t weighed down with any view on the matter . . . Whatever the subject, kind of content. His head is quite simply light. Rav Doniel would examine and argue and At every rumor and every slight noise, his head would try to establish the truth. Yet, when the wags” ( Da’as Torah , cheilek III, 117). discussion turned to some aspect of the Alter ’s conduct or outlook, he would annul his own The Alter: A Brief Biography opinion and would stake his very soul in order Despite the fact that there is scarcely a to fathom the Alter ’s thinking. He toiled in Yeshiva bochur or seminary graduate who has order to comprehend the Alter , whom he not heard of the Alter of Kelm, relatively few considered to be someone that it was know much about him, for example, what his imperative to understand. family name was. “When asked to explain his special Rav Simcha Zissel was born in 5584 approach to the Alter ’s conduct, Rav Doniel (1824) in Kelm. His father, Rav Yisrael, said that his great admiration for him arose belonged to the well)known Lithuanian Broide after he had monitored his movements and family. His mother, Chaya, was descended actions and had discovered that he never made from Rav Tzvi Ashkenazi, author of Shu”t

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Chacham Tzvi . However, just a few short years later, in 5636 Rav Simcha Zissel married Chaya Leah, (1876), trouble began when the institution daughter of Rav Mordechai of Vidzh, a small was denounced to the authorities, which began town adjacent to Kelm. Following his marriage, to watch it closely and to hound it. The Alter he traveled to Kovno, where he studied Torah decided to open elsewhere, in Grobin, in the and mussar under his foremost mentor, Rav Kurland province. He arranged for the Yisrael Salanter, in Rav Tzvi Neviezer’s Bais purchase of a fine building, situated in a Medrash . Rav Yisrael later sent him to Zagor, spacious yard. There was a main study hall, to reinforce the Bais HaMussar that had been smaller rooms for shiurim , a dining room and opened there. For a time, he delivered shiurim dormitories. in the town of Kretinga. Five years later, the Alter had to return After he had spent almost a year in to Kelm. This time, the move was dictated by Saint Petersburg, then the largest city in his failing health, which began to deteriorate Czarist Russia, the communal leaders brought in 5641 (1881), and which necessitated his Rav Simcha Zissel a signed document of spending long periods in his home, which was appointment as their Rav . He was unwilling to in Kelm. Bochurim from the town and the accept a rabbinical position, however, and he surrounding areas gathered around him and proposed his friend, with whom he had the town once again became a mussar center. learned in Kovno, Rav Yitzchok Blaser, for the From his home in Kelm, the Alter position. continued operating the Talmud Torah in When he was almost forty years old, Grobin, where he put his distinguished son, Rav Simcha Zissel resolved to open the Talmud Rav Nochum Zev Ziv, in charge. However, Torah of Kelm. The Haskola was gaining running the institution from a distance proved ground everywhere and there was a real too difficult and Rav Simcha Zissel decided to danger of mass defection from religious life in close the Yeshiva . He sent a member of his Lithuania where, just fifty years earlier, the family to consult Rav Yisrael Salanter who was Gaon of Vilna and his immediate disciples had then in Germany. lived and worked. Rav Yisrael dismissed the idea out of The Talmud Torah opened in hand and the Talmud Torah remained open in approximately 5622 (1862) and it attracted Grobin until 5646 (1886). In that year, the young students, thirteen and fourteen years state of the Alter ’s health almost collapsed and old. The Alter wanted to shape the his doctors warned him that there was real personalities of his students and develop both danger to his life if he continued making the their Torah knowledge and their progress in supreme effort that the continued running of mussar so that they would be able to resist the the institution in Grobin demanded. The Alter harsh spiritual winds that were then blowing. was instructed to rest a lot and to go for walks. Some ten years later, in 5632 (1872), At this point, he was forced to close the he purchased a plot of land upon which he Talmud Torah in Grobin. erected a building for the Talmud Torah . With the closure of Grobin, the focus of

21  Mattos - Masei / [email protected] his work shifted back to Kelm, which now conduct as his own and try to follow in his reassumed its former prominence. The Alter path in at least some small degree, he should established a group that was known as Devek not regard himself as his talmid . Out of Tov , comprised of his foremost talmidim . He respect, Rav Simcha Zissel would refer to Rav shared a special relationship with the group’s Yisrael as Der Alter , meaning “the Elder”. members, and he worked on writing out his Eventually, Rav Simcha Zissel’s own discourses for them, which demanded more talmidim started referring to him by this name. strength than he had. Far from Kelm, the town’s name was added. A number of his talmidim settled in The Alter himself writes: “Not everyone Eretz Yisrael in 5652 (1892), opening the Bais who listens to a great man can be called his HaMussar in Yerushalayim, under the Alte r’s talmid , as I heard about Rav Chaim [of aegis and with his support. Several years later, Volozhin], who said that he could not be called in 5657 (1897), the famous Yeshiva Or a talmid of the Gaon . This is because a talmid Chodosh was opened in Chotzer Strauss in the is one who receives wisdom from him in the Old City. The Yeshiva was headed by the Rav proportion that a talmid receives from his of Yerushalayim, Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld. teacher, as opposed to one who receives only a The Alter passed away on Erev Tisha little. It is impossible to call the one the Rebbe B’Av 5758 (1898), shortly after having recited and the other his talmid , for there is a great the morning Krias Shema . He was niftar while gap between them.” in the middle of Ezras Avoseinu , bringing the By: Tzvi Munk)Shema Yisrael Network first glorious chapter of the history of Kelm ~ Matzav .com Newscenter mussar to a close. Alter Of Kelm ))) The Torah Is Yekkish And The Why Was He Called “The Alter ”?”?”? Hadas Is A Shoteh The source of the title Der Alter , by The Alter of Kelm, Rav Simcha Zissel which most people refer to Rav Simcha Zissel, Ziv (Broide) was zealous about punctuality and is not generally known. One of the Talmud order. This is one of the things that clearly Tora h’s best)known talmidim , Rav Chatzkel marked a talmid from Kelm. Rav Chaim Levenstein, once explained the name’s Zaitchek says ( HaMe’oros HaGedolim ) that we significance: see this over and over in the Torah . A moment The Alter of Kelm didn’t feel worthy of in time marks the difference between Shabbos being considered a talmid of Rav Yisrael and Chol (weekday), between Skila (the death Salanter, despite the fact that the latter was penalty of stoning) and life. The width of a hair universally regarded as having been his main makes all the difference in rendering an Rebbe . Rav Simcha Zissel was of the opinion animal kosher or treif . One step separated that only someone who has acquired Torah between the Machaneh Levia and Machaneh from his Rebbe can be counted as a talmid . Shechina , which had life)threatening Although he esteemed Rav Yisrael highly, he implications. A Kohen could not do a Levi 's job felt that so long as he did not adopt his Rebbe ’s and a Levi could not do a Kohen 's. Order and

22  Mattos - Masei / [email protected] exactness is a pattern that is seen throughout sefer as she spoke. The Alter of Kelm on the the Torah . other hand paid careful attention and The Alter of Kelm once commented that interjected from time to time with questions a Hadas must have each row of three leaves and comments. coming out from the same exact place on the When they were about to leave and branch. If two leaves come out from the same offered to pay, the hostess refused their place but the third comes out just above the payment, saying that it was a great honor for other two, it is not called a Hadas Posul but her to serve them. After they left, the Alter rather a Hadas Shoteh . Step out of line and you asked his companion, "Are you not worried are not posul , you are an absolute fool! about stealing, since you ate and did not pay?"Surprised, he reminded the Alter that she Torah-Is-Yekkish-And-The-Hadas-Is-A-Shoteh/4658 refused to let them pay and that the honor was her payment. The Alter Of Kelm Pays A Heavy Price With A "True" said the Alter , "but if you noticed, Smile she was flattered by all the attention she Rav Simcha Zissel and another famous received while telling her stories. This was her Rav were traveling together when they came payment. You, by not listening, did not pay across an inn. The proprietor of the inn came anything!" ( Holchei Nesivos ) Rav Yitzchok running out excitedly, screaming, "The great Ovadia) Rabbonim are here!" Surely the Alter of Kelm who was " Kulo She led them into the inn and prepared Torah " would have gladly paid the price of the for them a hearty meal. During the meal, she meal in order to learn, as did his companion. sat with them and recounted to them in great What he did not trade for the opportunity to detail about how her fruits were blossoming learn a Blatt Gemora , was the chance to make and the calves were growing, as well as the another Jew feel important. For him, that was welfare of her ducks and chickens and her worth the precious time that he spent listening onion and potato harvest. to farm life from another Jew. The other Rav did not pay much attention to her idle chatter and looked into a Kelm-Pays-A-Heavy-Price-With-A-Smile/3858        Rav Moshe Dovid Lida Of WeisslitzWeisslitz,, 999ththth ofofof Menachem Av Author of Migdal Dovid ~ 5588/1828

Rav Moshe Dovid Lida was born in Rav Moshe Dovid traveled to the court 5540/1780. He was a grandson and namesake of the Rebbe Reb , and of Rav Moshe Lida, Rav of Amsterdam, noted became his devoted Chassid . After the petira of mekubol and author of several seforim . the Rebbe Reb Elimelech, Rav Moshe Dovid From his youth, he was noted for his became the Chassid of the Chozeh of Lublin. intense tefilla and Avodas Hashem . He was also a Chassid of the Yid HaKodosh of

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Pshis'cha. Altendorf, in Hungary, where he suddenly The Chozeh would send many young passed away on the night of Tishah B’Av , at the Chassidim to learn from the ways and teaching age of just forty)eight. It has been noted that of Rav Moshe Dovid. Among his talmidim were he thus shares the same yahrzeit as his Rebbe , Rav Yitzchok of Vorka; Rav Klonimus Kalman, the Chozeh of Lublin. the Ma’or VaShemesh ; and Rav Meir of Apta, Rav Moshe Dovid was buried there, the Or LaShamayim . and his kever became a noted place of tefilla . Later, Rav Moshe Dovid was appointed His son was Rav Chaim, while his son) Rav in Weisslitz, near Krakow. Although the in)law, Rav Aryeh Leibish of Zhelichov, town was small, it became famous due to the succeeded him as Rav in Weisslitz. Tzaddik who resided there. Many of his Torah thoughts and talks Rav Moshe Dovid was noted for his were compiled and published as Sefer Migdal emotional tefillos and for his tzedaka works. Dovid . Many traveled to him to receive his berachos , Zechuso yagen aleinu . which were known to work wonders. In the summer of 5588/1828, Rav Moshe Dovid traveled to the resort city        Rav Yaakov YitzchokYitzchok,, 999ththth of Menachem AvAvAv The Heilige Chozeh or Holy Seer of Lublin

Rav Yaakov Yitzchok, the Chozeh of After he moved from Lanzut to Lublin, Lublin, is one of the truly beloved figures of thousands of Chassidim flocked to him to savor Chassidus . He merited the title of Chozeh , his teachings and to be warmed by his saintly which means “seer”. The Chozeh was able to presence. Among his ardent followers were look into the future. He could see, it was said, such Chassidic luminaries as Rav Ya’akov from one end of the world to the other. He Yitzchok( Yid HaKodosh ), Rav Simcha Bunim of could see events taking place far away from Pshis'cha, Rav Meir of Apta, Rav Dovid of where he was sitting. On the day he left the Lellov, Rav Moshe Teitelbaum of Ujhel world (ninth of Av ), he prophesied that a (Yismach Moshe), Rav Tzvi Elimelech of , hundred years from that day, the Russians Rav Naftoli of Ropshitz, Rav Klonymos Kalman would lose their rule over . And so it of Krakow ( Ma’or VaShemesh ), Rav Sholom of was to the date: on July 20, 1915 (ninth of Av ), , and many others. the Austrians conquered Lublin, and the His writings are contained in three Chozeh 's prophecy was noted in the Polish seforim : Divrei Emes , Zos Zikaron , and newspapers. Zikaron Zos . A disciple of the Maggid of Mezeritch, he continued his studies under Rav Shmelke of chozeh_of_lublin.aspx?id=1175&language=english Nikolsburg and Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk.

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The One That Nearly Got Away of this unobtrusive sign. By: Rav Shlomo Yosef Zevin At the Shabbos table, Zalmanyu Rav Yaakov Yitzchok was visiting watched the waiters closely, and sure enough, Mezeritch for the first time. He was still a very the marked piece was being served to some young man, not yet renowned as the Chozeh of stranger who was seated next to the Lublin, and his intention was to study at the newcomer. But no sooner did he take it up feet of Rav Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezeritch. than he was overcome by a feverish trembling, and was unable to eat. He pushed his plate As soon as he arrived, on a Friday asideTright in front of the newcomer, who afternoon, he went straight into the kitchen duly ate it. and told those who were busy cooking the Shabbos meals: “I am accustomed to personally And that is how Ba’al HaTanya taking some part in the preparation of the fish removed all doubts as to the stature of his new that I am to eat on Shabbos . With your colleague. permission, I would like to maintain that Reproduced from: A Treasury of custom today too.” Chassidic Tales by Rav S. Y. Zevin, with He then took up a piece of fish, salted it, permission of the copyright holders, ArtScroll put it down, and went on his way. The /Mesorah Publications, Ltd. disciples of the Maggid who had watched this That-Nearly-Got-Away.htm little incident were somewhat surprised, and asked each other: “What makes this young man think that precisely this piece of fish is The Clock of the Chozeh going to be served to him? Obviously, it will be In one of his travels, Chassidic master mixed up among all the other pieces. They are Rav Dov Ber of Radoshitz happened to stay the all being cooked together, and it will all be night at a wayside inn. In the morning, he divided up and served by the waiters to the sought out the innkeeper. various people who will be sitting at the "The clock," he asked excitedly, "the Rebbe ’s table!” clock you have hanging in my room – where is And so they dismissed the newcomer’s it from? Where did you get that wonderful action as bizarre, or worse: pretentious. Now, clock?" one of these disciples was a young man known "Why," said the surprised innkeeper, affectionately by his colleagues as ZalmanyuT "it's quite an ordinary clock. There are the same who was later to become famous as hundreds like it hanging in homes throughout Rav Schneur Zalman of , the author of the the country." Tanya . This young man tied a short piece of "No, no," insisted Rav Dov Ber. "This is thread to that chunk of fish, in order to be able no ordinary clock. You must find out for me to trace it – as is done with certain other where this clock comes from." species of migratory fish – to its precise If only to humor his guest, the destination at the table. The newcomer, of innkeeper made some inquiries, which yielded course, having left the kitchen, knew nothing the information that this clock had once 25  Mattos - Masei / [email protected] belonged to the famed "Seer of Lublin", Rav upper worlds at this crucial time. Yaakov Yitzchok Horowitz. An heir of the The Chozeh of Lublin lived constantly "Seer" had been forced by poverty to sell all his in a state of expecting Moshiach . Now, he possessions, and so the clock had passed from decided, had come the time for the final effort. owner to owner until it came to hang in one of He engaged in special prayers, meditations and the guestrooms of the inn. unifications of the Holy Name, and linked his "Of course!" exclaimed Rav Dov Ber endeavors with those of another great Rebbe upon hearing the clock's history. "This clock and his close friend from Yeshiva days, the could only have belonged to the Chozeh of great Maggid of Koznitz, and two of their Lublin. Only the Chozeh ’s clock could mark disciples, the Ma’or VaShemesh and Rav time in such a manner! Naftoli Hertz of Borizan. Together, the four "Your standard clock," he explained to Tzaddikim decided the propitious moment his host, "strikes such a mournful tone.' would be on Simchas Torah , when all Jews Another hour of your life has passed you by,' it would be in a state of merit, after passing says. 'You are now one hour closer to the through the Days of Awe and Judgment. grave.' But this clock proclaims: 'Another hour “When we have a good Simchas Torah , of golus (exile) has gone by. You are now one then we will also have a good Tisha B’Av ,” the hour closer to the coming of Moshiach and the Chozeh remarked…. Ge’ula ...' During the day of Shemini Atzeres , the "All through the night," concluded Rav Chassidim made many " L'Chaims " (toasts) at Dov Ber, "whenever this clock sounded the the Chozeh of Lublin's house. The empty hour, I leaped from my bed and danced for bottles were lined up on the ledge of the joy." window in the Rav 's room. "When we have a good Simchas Torah , then we will also have a Clock.htm good Tisha B’Av ," the Chozeh remarked cryptically. Empty Bottles on a Window Ledge After the hakofos on Simchas Torah By: Yerachmiel Tilles night, the Chozeh told the Chassidim who The year was 1814. Moshiach fever were in the large shul adjacent to his room was in the air! The evil Napoleon had been that they should keep a careful eye on him. But defeated and imprisoned. Rav Levi Yitzchok of everything that happens is from Hashem , and Berdichev had passed away a few years earlier, it was as if the happy, celebrating Chassidim and beforehand he had sworn that he would were deaf; not one paid attention to the Rav 's give the righteous in Heaven no peace and request. Seeing this, the Rav told his wife she would refuse to enter Paradise until the should watch over him in his room. But "if coming of Moshiach was decreed. The Yid Hashem is not guarding the city, a guard is of HaKodosh of Pshis'cha had also recently passed no use" ( Tehillim 127:1). away, just months before. The Chassidim knew Unbeknownst to the Chozeh , the it was so he could be their advocate in the Maggid of Koznitz had passed away on Erev

26  Mattos - Masei / [email protected]

Sukkos . After the immediate uproar, the leading At the house of the Ma’or VaShemesh a Chassidim held a lottery among themselves for stone was thrown, shattering the glass of the who would hold the Tzaddik 's feet, who his window. His reaction: "Who can imagine what arms, and who his head, as they carried him to the house. The Chassid who merited to hold his is happening in Lublin?" head saw that his lips were moving. He bent While Rav Naftoli Hertz was dancing over him and realized the Rav was murmuring and singing with his followers, in the manner Tikkun Leah from the Midnight Prayer, prescribed by the Holy AriZal of Tzefas, a fire lamenting the destruction of the Bais broke out suddenly in his house. Everyone HaMikdosh . He looked at the clock and saw it managed to run out safely, but one young girl was exactly 11:00 PM, the hour that the Rav was badly burned. personally would always start the Midnight The Rav was nowhere to be Prayer. "Look how the Rav serves Hashem, even found….Back in Lublin, the Chozeh was in such a situation," he whispered to his immersed in prayer, alone in his room, with companions. tears flowing down his cheeks. Suddenly, the The Chozeh was in critical condition. Rav 's wife, the Rebbetzin , who had been He revealed that he had been called into standing near his door, thought she heard a judgment for attempting to force Heaven to child crying and knocking at the front door. allow the Redemption, and it had been decreed She went to open it, but no one was there. that he be slammed to the ground. Fortunately, When she returned to her post, the Rav was he said, the Maggid of Koznitz had spread his nowhere to be found – neither in his room nor cloak and eased his fall; otherwise there would anywhere else in the house. The only not be an unbroken bone in his body. That is possibility was that he had gone out of the how he became aware that the Maggid had window, on his own, or ....The Rebbetzin began passed on. "If Heaven hadn't prevented me to scream. The Chassidim came running from knowing," he said, "I would never have immediately. They realized this was no simple started." matter. The Rav couldn't have fallen or jumped When the opponents of the Chozeh – in the entire fifteen years he had lived there, heard of the Rav 's "accident", they drank wine he had never even once gone next to the in celebration of his demise. When the Chozeh window to look out. Besides, the ledge of the was told of this, he said, "On the day I actually window was higher than the height of a leave this world, they won't even drink water." person, and the empty bottles were also still standing there, undisturbed. The Chozeh never recovered from his "fall". He passed away the following Tisha b’Av They searched around the house for . several hours. Finally, one Chassid heard a groan nearly a hundred feet (thirty meters) First published in Kfar Chabad from the house. He approached in the dark Magazine from Sipurei Chassidim)Moadim, and asked, "Who is there?" Back came the page 367)8 ) not included in the English frightening answer, "Yaakov Yitzchok ben edition!) Mittel." The Chozeh lay in a heap on the ground, severely injured. /Empty-Bottles-on-a-Window-Ledge.htm

27  Mattos - Masei / [email protected]

Y SEGULOS YISRAEL Z A HOLY MOUTH HaMikdosh ! This teaches us that the segula of sanctifying our mouths with Torah and The Ohr HaChaim HaKodosh in avoiding forbidden speech as well as even Parshas Pinchas cites an amazing Alshich mundane, idle chatter, sanctifies the mouth, HaKodosh (Tetzaveh 28:31). Since there is no transforming it into a vessel for Divine Service greater sanctity than that of Torah , the mouth – a keli shoreis for the Bais HaMikdosh ! of a Torah scholar is sanctified as a keli shoreis – a vessel used in the service of the Bais

nnn לרפואה שלימה גילה בת ציפורה פראנס יס

לרפואה שלימה ציפורה בת גילה לזכר ולעילוי נשמת ר ' שלו ב חיה רחל ומרת יוטא בת דבורה מרת ליבא חיה בת ר ' דוד ע ה" In Loving Memory of Our Dear Father and Teacher Refuah Sheleimah HaRav HaChassid מרדכי צבי ב מינדל אסתר לאה Avraham Chaim ben Sholom and Frumit יחיאל מיכל ב דבורה of Micula, ל''ז Goldenberg זיסל בת אידל סומא A beloved talmid of רבקה בת מלכה – גיטל בת דבורה ל''זצ HaRav Yechezkel Shraga Schonfeld פסח גרשו ב שיינא דבורה , and of the Holy Satmar Rav צילא בת חיה שרה ע''זי ”Ba’al “Divrei Yoel אלטר שמעו יחזקאל ב רחל חנה

רב ראוב אלטר מרדכי ב מלכה לעילוי נשמת הרה ח'' ר' אברה חיי ר''ב שלו ל''ז נפטר מוצש ק'' ''כ א שבט תשס ו'' ת נ. צ. ב. .ה. שמואל בצלאל ב לאה רבקה

Besoch She'ar Cholei Yisrael לעילוי נשמת

ר ' שמעו ב ר ' ישראל ז ל"

Reb Shimon was a . ד ' אייר Reb Shimon’s Yahrzeit is on לעילוי נשמת special man who welcomed all with a smi le and a hug. Yaakov Naftali ben Avraham Hy”d Although he suffered terribly, he never uttered any Gilad Michael ben Ofir H y”d complaints. May he be a Meilitz Yosher for his family and friends. Eyal ben Uriel Hy”d

Elaine bas Gabriel Sassoon Moshe ben Gabr iel Sassoon David ben Gabriel Sassoon Sara bas Gabriel Sassoon Rivkah bas Gabriel Sassoon Yaakob ben Gabriel Sassoon .ת נ .ה.ב.צ. Yeshua ben Gabriel Sassoon

28  Mattos - Masei / [email protected]