TPC Minutes February 2018

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TPC Minutes February 2018 TUDDENHAM ST MARY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Tuddenham St Mary Parish Council Held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 20th February 2018 at 7.30pm Councillors Present: Cllr. A. Long (AL), Cllr. M. Fitzjohn (MF), Cllr. N. Crockford (NC), Cllr. G. Loveday (GL) & Cllr. J. Kendall (JK). Present: Vicky Bright - Parish Clerk & Graham Dudley – VHC. Item Action Public Forum – LGA 1972, Section 100(1): No members of public were in attendance. 18/02/1 Accepted Apologies for absence – LGA 1972, Section 85(1) and (2): Cllr. M. Dunnett & Cllr. K. Soons. Absent: None. 18/02/2 Declarations of Members’ Interests (for items on the agenda) – LGA 2000 Part III: None. 18/02/3 Reports from Outside Bodies: i) Suffolk County Council None. Cllr. Colin Noble sent apologies. ii) Forest Heath District Council Cllr. Rona Burt sent apologies and the following report; One Council Proposal to create a new West Suffolk Council has been backed by Government. The draft Order will be heard by Parliament, that will give the go ahead for both Authorities to get ready for the 2019 Elections. There will be a lot of updates coming out over the next few months which I will bring to you as and when possible. The Governance Review Group are meeting on a weekly basis as there are a great deal of issues that have to be discussed. Hatchfield Farm No update at present, but we are meeting with Matthew Hancock at the end of next week, where this is certainly one of the items we will be raising with him, along with traffic issues. Mildenhall Base No update available. Local Plan We still haven’t heard if this plan is sound. We are now 2 months overdue with the decision for this plan to be adopted. We are hoping it won’t be too long before we have confirmation. Boundary Commission No date at present as to when they will be coming into West Suffolk. I have had my interview with West Suffolk Conservative Association and I am now on the approved Candidates list. Meetings attended Delegation Panel x 2, Governance Review Group x4, Chaired Joint Staff Consultative Group West Suffolk House, Performance and Audit Committee West Suffolk House, TUDDENHAM ST MARY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Tuddenham St Mary Parish Council Held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 20th February 2018 at 7.30pm Chaired Members Development Group. No Planning Committee or Site visits in iii) February. SNT (Police) The latest edition of your local Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) newsletter is now available to view on the Suffolk Constabulary website 18/02/4 Minutes of the last meeting – LGA 1972, Schedule 12, para41(2): Resolved 18/02/4.01 The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 16th January 2018 were adopted as a true statement and signed by Chair (AL). 18/01/5 Clerks Report: The Clerk is to look into the statistics and figures for the benefit of a Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk reported the damaged Road sign on the slip road to the A14. The Clerk requested that due to personal reasons, the day of the meetings be changed from the 3rd Tuesday to the 3rd Thursday of the month. This was agreed and the Clerk is to publish new meeting dates for 2018. 18/02/6 Highway Matters: i) Update on Tuddenham Crossroads Highways Improvements Scheme The Clerk presented the proposed design for the improvements. It was discussed that the Give Way signs should be changed to Stop signs. The Council would like clarification on the issue of surface water and flooding being addressed, the timeframe for works and the cost comparison to Double White (No Overtaking) white lining. It was suggested that the Clerk feedback to Cllr. Noble and request a site visit with him and a Highways Engineer, and his attendance at the next Parish Council meeting. The Clerk is also to chase the pothole repairs in the village. ii) Update on with Meeting with Nature England & SCC Ref: Bridge Surfacing The meeting was held on Thursday 18th January 2018 at 9:30am, Cllr. Crockford and Cllr. Dunnett attended. It was agreed by Claire Dickson (PROW) that Highways should honour the original commitment to replace the temporary bridge. It was concluded that the bridge is unsuitable for horses and Claire is hoping to get Highways to replace the unsatisfactory temporary bridge over the weir, with a proper horse friendly bridge across the original site of the bridge (where it is nice and quiet), putting the unsightly sewage pipe under the river bed (assuming the technology has moved on in the last decade to make this feasible). Regards the issue of the speed limit on Icklingham Road, she’ll aim to get advisory signs regarding the speed limit put up the Icklingham road towards the heath, beyond the current national speed limit TUDDENHAM ST MARY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Tuddenham St Mary Parish Council Held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 20th February 2018 at 7.30pm sign by Longwood Farm. Also signs saying that motorbikes are not permitted across the bridge, as that little bit is only a bridleway, not a byway nor part of the highway. iii) VAS (Vehicle Activated Speed Sign) Update The Clerk advised that the application had now been approved and the poles would be arranged. The Clerk is to sign and return the agreement with SCC and obtain quotes for the Sid unit. The Clerk is to advertise in the Umbrella for volunteers to help move the SID unit around the village on a fortnightly basis. 18/02/7 Correspondence: The FHDC Parish & Town Forum will be held on Thursday 22nd February 2018 at 6:30pm, at the Gazeley Village Hall, Gazeley. The Clerk presented the SCC Highways ‘Community Self Help’ Survey. This scheme will enable local community groups and Parish/Town Councils to undertake work that Highways does not have the budget to undertake., The survey th will close on Wednesday 28 February 2018. The Clerk advised that Highways England had sent a letter advising that Landscaping and Visual Improvement works would be carried out along the A11 verges between the A14/A11 junction and the Fiveways Roundabout at Barton Mills. Work will begin during the week of 5th February 2018 until 27th March 2018, this works will be carried out between 8pm and 6am. There will also be works for road marking renewal on the A11 between Fiveways Roundabout and the A134 Thetford. Work will begin on 13th February 2018 until 6th March 2018. 18/02/8 Planning Matters (For Information Only): None. 18/02/9 Finance & Policies: i) Parish Council Bank Balances and Reconciliation from list of payments and receipts Resolved 18/02/9.01 That the bank balances and reconciliation of payments and receipts be received and adopted and initialled & signed as such by the Chair (AL). The bank account balance as of 31st January 2018 is £16,979.97 ii) Cheques for Signing and Approval Resolved 18/02/9.02 It was agreed to approve the payments of the following outstanding invoices and the cheques were approved and signed by Cllr. A. Long. The Clerk is to obtain a second signatory after the meeting. SCC Street lights 939 £576.38 Village Hall Hall Hire 940 £48.00 Mrs. V Bright Mileage & expenses 941 £9.35 SALC Councillor Training (GL) 942 £132.00 LCPAS Planning Training 943 £190.00 TUDDENHAM ST MARY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of Tuddenham St Mary Parish Council Held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 20th February 2018 at 7.30pm Mildenhall Skip Hire Skip for village clean up 944 £200.00 Mr. C Hall Defibrillator installation 945 £288.69 iii) Update on General Data Protection Regulation The Clerk advised that further update received from DPO Centre advised that the costs may now be reduced to £600, but this is still to be formally confirmed. The Clerk is to attend a presentation on the GDPR at the FHDC Parish & Town Forum on 22nd February 2018. iv) Renewal of Street Light Maintenance Contract and Check Inventory Resolved 18/02/9.03 It was agreed to renew the contract with SCC for maintenance and electricity supply for the street lighting. The Clerk confirmed she had checked and confirmed the inventory with SCC. v) Renewal of Play Area Inspections Contract Resolved 18/02/9.04 It was agreed to renew the contract for the monthly play area inspections and Annual RoSPA inspection with West Suffolk Parks Team. vi) Quarterly Asset Risk & Maintenance Assessment Report The Clerk presented the quarterly Asset inspection report, and advised that the bench outside the Village Hall, in memory of Margaret Bird is looking in a bit of a state. It was suggested the Clerk place a notice in the Umbrella to establish the owner, if no one can be found the Parish Council will adopt and maintain the bench. The Clerk advised that she will ask Garry Holland to remove the Xmas lights and to store them until next year. The Clerk presented costs for replacing the Traffic Mirror at the entrance to the Playing Field and suggested that the Parish Council should look at purchasing a replacement to ensure safety of the users of the field and play area. Resolved 18/02/9.05 It was agreed to purchase a replacement Traffic Mirror at a cost of £25 + Delivery. The Clerk advised that the Phone is awaiting repair and now has a repair reference number.
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