Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society Deliverable D4.1 Analysis of mechanisms for securing federated infrastructure Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union Grant Agreement Number 825532 ICT-11-2018-2019 (IA - Innovation Action) DELIVERABLE ID | TITLE D4.1 | Analysis of mechanisms for securing federated infrastructure RESPONSIBLE AUTHOR Frédéric Donnat (O24) WORKPACKAGE ID | TITLE WP4 | Orchestration and Secure Cloud/HPC Services Provisioning WORKPACKAGE LEADER LINKS DATE OF DELIVERY (CONTRACTUAL) 30/09/2019 (M09) DATE OF DELIVERY (SUBMITTED) 17/10/2019 (M10) VERSION | STATUS V1.3.2 | Final TYPE OF DELIVERABLE R (Report) DISSEMINATION LEVEL PU(Public) AUTHORS (PARTNER) O24; LINKS; IT4I; LRZ INTERNAL REVIEW Martin Golasowski (IT4I); Roberto Peveri (TESEO) Project Coordinator: Dr. Jan Martinovič – IT4Innovations, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava E-mail:
[email protected], Phone: +420 597 329 598, Web: LEXIS: Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society DOCUMENT VERSION VERSION MODIFICATION(S) DATE AUTHOR(S) 0.1 Defined the Table of Content; first 31/07/2019 Donnat F. (O24), Scionti A. (LINKS) draft of the document 0.2 Improving text also in connection 18/09/2019 Colucci A. (O24), Donnat F. (O24), Scionti A. with D2.2 (LINKS) 0.3 Final draft completed, ready for 19/09/2019 Colucci A. (O24), Donnat F. (O24), Scionti A. internal review (LINKS) 0.4 Last check and cleaning of the text 20/09/2019 Scionti A. (LINKS) before internal reviews 0.5 Internal review 26/09/2019 Golasowski M. (IT4I), Roberto Peveri (TESEO) 0.6 Answering comments 28/09/2019 Scionti A.