Congressional Record—House H614
H614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 22, 2010 The yeas and nays were ordered. Ms. MARKEY of Colorado. Madam Greeley, Colorado as the W.D. Farr The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. Post Office Building. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the 4238, a bill to designate a facility in William Davin ‘‘W.D.’’ Farr was once Chair’s prior announcement, further Greeley as the W.D. Farr Post Office described by the president of Colorado proceedings on this motion will be Building. State University as ‘‘one of the true gi- postponed. During his lifetime, W.D. Farr was a ants in Colorado history and in the his- tory of the modern American West.’’ f pioneer rancher, water expert, and banker who made immense contribu- Mr. Farr was born in Greeley, Colo- W.D. FARR POST OFFICE BUILDING tions to Greeley, helping make the city rado, in 1910 and was proudly a third- what it is today. William Davin Farr generation Coloradan, pioneer rancher, Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, I move statesman, and banker. When he was 15 to suspend the rules and pass the bill was a third-generation Coloradan, born in Greeley in 1910. Farr came from an years old, he began working on a cattle (H.R. 4238) to designate the facility of ranch in western Colorado. This job the United States Postal Service lo- established farming family. He grew up working with sheep and cattle on the was the first of many during his life- cated at 930 39th Avenue in Greeley, time of work in agriculture.
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