BODC update Marine Facilities Advisory Board April 2016

GRAHAM ALLEN HEAD OF BODC Where are we going ? BODC Vision The leading marine science data centre

BODC Mission To make all UK marine science data open data

BODC 2016 Objectives

 More user-centric

 Our data is easy to discover and access

 A centre of excellence in marine data management

 Learn, achieve and have fun doing it!

 It is easy to submit data to BODC

Funding Funding source %

NERC National Capability 50

NERC Strategic Research & Discovery Science 25

Non-NERC External Projects 25



NERC NC NERC Projects External From MFAB April 2015

User centric: • BODC culture change: data archive  data delivery

• Establish a BODC Strategic Advisory Group

• Engage with MFAB

• Include user input to web application design  Secure File Transfer Application

• Solicit feedback from user community From MFAB April 2015 From MFAB April 2015

Our data is easy to discover and access:

• BODC culture change: usable website

• BODC culture change: focus on the important stuff

From MFAB April 2015 Data access directly From search results Our data is easy to discover and access: • Begin an interim redesign of web discovery and access

From MFAB April 2015

Our data is easy to discover and access:

• Complete some long running projects:  Express Banking Project

 Vault Update Project

 Configurable Discovery Views

 Samples delivery Project

• Longer term review of the website 2015 Metrics

Annual stats Downloads- web 75,500 Downloads-SeadataNet 47,100 NVS calls 344,700 Submissions 288 BODC Projects = Data management + system projects

OCEAN ACIDIFICATION GEOTRACES Gauge Data Management RAPID AMOC BODC OGP SIMORC MACRO Nutrients GEBCO Carbon Ops - pCO2 Data OSMOSIS MASSMO ENVRIPLUS NERC Discovery Science Projects NERC NC-Science FixO3 SNOMS - Ships of opportunity MERP Module 1 LIFE + Celtic Seas OSNAP DIMES Green House RAGNORoCC ARCTIC Programme EMODNet Bathymetry Ice Sheet Stability SenseOcean GUT-3 Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry BODC System EMODNET- CHEMISTRY II MERMAN iGLASS CLIPC EUMETSAT Jason-CS SAR BRIDGES Bias AtlantOS Installation MEDIN EMSODEV SeaDataNet II LearnEO NERC - Environment Research CRYOCEAN -QCV ODIP Workbench NERC Vocabulary Server Graham’s first 18 months

---- 6 months ------6 months ------6 months ----


WHAT Looking forward: 2016

Data IN Data OUT


Environment Looking forward: 2016

Data IN – Ingestion, curation and storing

Deck to desktop  Closer working with Sea Systems: • Underway data initiative • Near Real Time System (Marine Autonomous Systems)

 Increasing Argo system development

 High Volume Storage Strategy implementation • Underwater Sound Data Centre

 Marine geophysics MAS MAS R & D Projects Delivery Projects

DST -Science Groups NMF- BODC OTE NMF- BODC SS Science SS Dev Ops community

NMF-SS MAS Develop Deploy Products


DATA Services

Deck to desktop input UK Marine Science Community DST NMF

OTE Technology Looking forward: 2016

Data OUT – Discovery and delivery  Usability of Search and Download Data Portal

 Interoperability:  Search API – Linked Open Data

Looking forward: 2016 SeaDataNet


 EMODNET Data Ingestion Portal Project

 SeadataNet 3 Project

 NERC Vocab Server

 Sensor Web Enablement (SWE)

 Standards definition

 Academic partner to further data science Vocab Server Environment Looking forward: 2016

 NC evaluation & Commissioning of NERC Env Data Centres (EDCs)

1. Evaluation 2. Service definition 3. Commission

 1. Evaluation

 5 individual EDC submissions + Joint-EDC submission  3. Commissioning:  NERC will commission a combined Data Centre service  Co-ordinated by Stephen Mobbs, NCAS  April 2017 BODC Projects = Data management + system projects

OCEAN ACIDIFICATION GEOTRACES Tide Gauge Data Management RAPID AMOC BODC OGP SIMORC MACRO Nutrients ARGO GEBCO Carbon Ops - pCO2 Data OSMOSIS MASSMO ENVRIPLUS NERC Discovery Science Projects NERC NC-Science FixO3 SNOMS - Ships of opportunity MERP Module 1 LIFE + Celtic Seas OSNAP DIMES Green House RAGNORoCC SenseOcean ARCTIC Programme MEDIN EMODNet Bathymetry Ice Sheet Stability GUT-3 Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry Discovery and download Portal Improvements BRIDGES EMODNET- CHEMISTRY II MERMAN iGLASS CLIPC EUMETSAT Jason-CS SAR Sea State Near Real Time System Development Bias AtlantOS High Volume Strategy Implementation SeaDataNet II LearnEO EMSODEV NERC - Environment Research CRYOCEAN -QCV ODIP Workbench EMODNET Data Ingestion Portal NERC Vocabulary Server Looking forward: 2016

 Operationalize the Near Real Time System – MAS

 Deploy a better Data Portal – usability

 Implement the High Volume Data Strategy (Big Data)

 Complete NC evaluation & Commissioning

 Respond to Ownership & Governance

 Maximize effectiveness of NOC Structure