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11 Ubicaciones indicadas

Seattle Chinatown-International District "Melting Pot"

You could be forgiven for forgetting you are in Seattle while walking through the Seattle Chinatown-International District. Brimming over with Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Burmese and Laotian Americans, this district feels like South East Asia. This area boasts a diverse range of by Joe Mabel eating options and nightlife. Chinese New Year is the biggest event in this area and is awaited by everyone!

+1 206 461 5800 (Tourist www.cidbia.org/ [email protected] South King Street, Seattle Information) WA

International Fountain "Cool Off"

Nestled amidst numerous attractions and landmarks like Space Needle, Seattle Center, IMAX Theater and Chihuly Gardens, the never fails to capture the attention of the visitors. Join in the fun with kids and beat the summer heat by playing in the water. Else, you can sit on the rim and watch as the spacecraft-like art installation at the center by Nicola since 1972 throws out water at jet speed. The fountain is bound to bring out the kid in you.

+1 206 684 7200 www.seattlecenter.com/locations/d 305 Harrison Street, Seattle WA etail.aspx?id=8

Olympic Sculpture Park "Free Outdoor Modern Art"

The began as a commitment between the Seattle Art Museum and the Trust for Public Land, and quickly grew into a green mecca of architectural art and beautifully crafted landscapes. The park contains mathematical sculptures, new-wave basket weaving and the artistic greenhouse designed by the likes of artists Tony Smith, Pedro by Daniel Stockman Reyes and Mark Dion. The Olympic Sculpture Park is nestled besides the Puget Sound and is managed by the Seattle Art Museum. The views include both the Seattle port and the Olympic mountain range. Admission is free all year long.

+1 206 654 3100 www.seattleartmuseum.org/visit/oly 2901 Western Avenue, Seattle WA mpic-sculpture-park by PFHLai Kerry Park "Vistas al Horizonte de la Ciudad"

Situado en la ladera sur de Queen Anne Hill, el Kerry Park es un parque popular en Seattle muy famoso por ofrecer vistas panorámicas de la ciudad. Con el Monte Rainier como escenario, este parque es muy popular entre lugareños y turistas por igual. Por la noche, la vista de la ciudad desde el parque es impresionante, un escenario perfecto para las fotos.

+1 206 684 4075 www.seattle.gov/parks/park_detail. 211 West Highland Drive, Seattle WA asp?id=342

Lake "Importante Atracción Turística"

Al igual que el estado en el que reside, el lago Washington lleva el nombre del primer presidente de los Estados Unidos, George Washington. Este es el segundo lago más grande de Washington, y atrae a numerosos visitantes diariamente. Mientras que el lago es un lugar perfecto para pasar el rato, las personas más activas pueden también disfrutar de by alexfiles paseos en bote, kayak, vela y otras actividades deportivas que se ofrecen en la orilla del lago. Aquí se puede comer un pic nic con la familia y dejar que el sol les cubra, mientras disfrutan de uno de los lugares más famosos de Seattle.

+1 866 732 2695 (Tourist Information) www.kingcounty.gov/environment/ Howell Place, Seattle WA waterandland/lakes/lakes-of-king- county/lake-washington.aspx

Washington Park Arboretum "One of The City's Finest Parks"

This 200-acre (80.93 hectare) park is a must-see for every Seattle visitor with even an hour of free time. With its lush green spaces, its breathtaking Japanese Garden (open 10a daily), and its abundance of rare trees, plants and flowers (more than 40,000 species), it is one of the brightest jewels in the Emerald City. Scenic and aptly named Azalea Way cuts a path through by bobosh_t the park. The Graham Visitor's Center can be rented for social events, meetings and seminars for 45-75 guests. Rates include kitchen and audio- visual equipment. Call or visit the web site for detailed information and hours.

+1 206 543 8800 depts.washington.edu/uw [email protected] 2300 Arboretum Drive East, bg/gardens/wpa.shtml University of Washington, Seattle WA

Alki Beach Park

"Popular Playa del Oeste de Seattle"

Esta porción de playa de dos kilómetros y medio kilómetros es una de las más populares de la zona, y es también el lugar donde los primeros colonos no nativos pasaron su primer invierno. Cuando hace buen tiempo, Alki Beach está llena de visitantes, nadadores y familias. Los atléticos pueden jugar voleibol. La playa también está rodeada por un sendero, by Seattle Parks & Recreation ideal para caminar, trotar, andar en bicicleta y patinar. Al otro lado de la calle hay varios cafés y restaurantes donde se puede parar para un comer un bocado después de un día de aire de mar.

+1 206 684 4075 www.seattle.gov/parks/park_detail. 1702 Alki Avenue Southwest, Seattle asp?ID=445 WA Fremont Troll "Lurking in the Shadows"

Crouched under the is an 18-foot tall, two-ton sculpture of a troll clutching a VW Bus, and glaring at passersby. Created in 1990 by four Seattle-based sculptors, this quirky public art piece exemplifies the free spirit of the people living in the Fremont district. These funky natives dress their beloved troll up every Halloween to thank him for protecting by David Herrera them from the 1996 mudslide. On an average day, tourists and locals alike hang from his shaggy hair, and make a seat out of his hands and head. Only a three to four block walk from Fremont's business district, it is perhaps the best souvenir photo one can take.

fremont.com/about/fremonttroll-html/ Troll Avenue North, Seattle WA

Fremont "Lots to See & Do"

Fremont, which up until 1891 used to be a city in itself, is now a neighborhood of Seattle bordered by others like Queen Anne and Ballard. The statue of Lenin and the Fremont Troll are two of the main attractions of this area, and there is lots more to see and do as well. If you're in the mood to shop, you would definitely like to check out the many, varied by Joe Mabel stores in the area. The Sunday street market is another highlight of the area.

+1 206 632 1500 fremont.com/ [email protected] Greenwood Avenue North, Seattle WA

Hiram M. Chittenden Locks "Esclusa para Barcos y Escalera de Salmones"

Las esclusas Hiram M. Chittenden, conocidas localmente como las esclusas de Ballard, es un lugar único e histórico de Seattle. Este sitio de interés turístico fue terminado en 1917, y conecta las aguas del lago Washington, el lago Union y el Puget Sound. Ver los barcos navegar por las esclusas es bastante interesante, pero aquí también se puede apreciar by pfly una inusual escala de peces que conecta el agua salada y la dulce para el Salmón del Pacífico. El lugar tiene un centro de visitantes, y un jardín botánico llamado Carl S. English, Jr.

+1 206 780 2500 www.nws.usace.army.mil/Missions/ 3015 Northwest 54th Street, Seattle CivilWorks/LocksandDams/Chittend WA enLocks.aspx

Kubota Gardens "Beautiful Japanese Gardens"

If one were to speculate the least likely thing to appear at the corner of South 55th and Renton avenues, Japanese gardens may be one thing that comes to mind. Nevertheless, these splendid acres of lush greenery, feeding ponds and footbridges painted bright red with gold accents provide a beautiful escape. Fujito Kubota, a master gardener and by Chas Redmond landscaper, gave the park to the city of Seattle in 1987. Admission is free.

+1 206 725 5060 www.kubotagarden.org/ 9817 55th Avenue South, Seattle WA

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