Mariposas Del Biomuseo Agosto De 2016 195 Especies

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Mariposas Del Biomuseo Agosto De 2016 195 Especies Mariposas del Biomuseo Agosto de 2016 195 especies Familia Papilionidae Subfamilia Papilioninae Luminarias y Cometas Swallowtails Cometa Mayor Luminaria Polidamante Luminaria de Dyar Great Kite-Swallowtail Polydamas Swallowtail Dyar's Swallowtail Protesilaus protesilaus Battus polydamas Battus ingenuus Feroze Omardeen / CC BY 2.0 Darién Montañez (DM) Andrew Neild / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Luminaria de Cramer Sangre de Toro Punto de Cuña Cometa Manchirrubí Cometa Toante Cramer’s Swallowtail Wedge-spotted Cattleheart Ruby-spotted Swallowtail Thoas Swallowtail Battus lycidas Parides panares Heraclides anchisiades Heraclides thoas Adrián Mendoza DM Angie Baré William Warby / CC BY 2.0 Familia Pieridae Subfamilia Dismorphiinae Falsas Blancas Mimic Whites Falsa Blanca Pulcra Clean Mimic-White Pseudopieris nehemia Andrew Neild / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Familia Pieridae Subfamilia Coliadinae Azufres y Amarillas Sulphurs and Yellows Amarilla Barreteada Amarilla Agave Amarilla Fantasma Barred Yellow Agave Yellow White Yellow Eurema daira Eurema agave Eurema albula DM DM DM 1 Mariposas del Biomuseo Agosto de 2016 195 especies Naranja Coluda Amarilla Dina Amarilla Pálida Amarilla Mimosa Tailed Orange Dina Yellow Pale Yellow Mimosa Yellow Pyrisitia proterpia Pyrisitia dina Pyrisitia venusta Pyrisitia nise DM DM DM DM Azufre Pálida Azufre Barrinaranja Azufre Albaricoque Azufre Naranja Mayor Cloudless Sulphur Orange-barred Sulphur Dark Apricot Sulphur Large Orange Sulphur Phoebis sennae Phoebis philea Phoebis argante Phoebis agarithe Vicki DeLoach / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DM Andrew Neild / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 gailhampshire / CC BY 2.0 Azufre Lineada Azufre Estatira Straight-lined Sulphur Statira Sulphur Rhabdodryas trite Aphrissa statira Benito De Gracia DM Familia Pieridae Subfamilia Pierinae Blancas Whites Blanca de Godart Blanca Bandinegra Blanca Dorada Godart’s White Black-banded White Golden White Ganyra phaloe Itaballia demophile Melete polyhymnia DM Ameet / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DM 2 Mariposas del Biomuseo Agosto de 2016 195 especies Blanca de Florida (macho) Blanca de Florida (hembra) Florida White (male) Florida White (female) Glutophrissa drusilla Glutophrissa drusilla DM DM Familia Lycaenidae Subfamilia Theclinae Teclas Hairstreaks Cícada Puntiblanca Tecla Regia Tecla Mirona White-tipped Cycadian Regal Hairstreak Spying Hairstreak Eumaeus godartii Evenus regalis Atlides inachus DM Andrew Neild / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DM Tecla Rustan Tecla Celeste Tecla Ojo de Tigre Tecla Bordidorada Rustan Hairstreak Sky-blue Hairstreak Meton Hairstreak Gold-bordered Hairstreak Atlides rustan Pseudolycaena damo Rekoa meton Rekoa palegon DM DM DM DM Tecla Mario Tecla Tiznada Tecla Ligurina Tecla Lyde Marius Hairstreak Smudged Hairstreak Ligurina Hairstreak Lyde Hairstreak Rekoa marius Rekoa stagira Kolana ligurina Kolana lyde DM DM Rodolfo Alemán Adrián Mendoza 3 Mariposas del Biomuseo Agosto de 2016 195 especies Tecla Verde Amíntor Tecla Verde Tropical Tecla Estrofio Tecla Bicolor Amyntor Greenstreak Tropical Greenstreak Strophius Hairstreak Two-toned Hairstreak Cyanophrys amyntor Cyanophrys herodotus Allosmaitia strophius Lamprospilus collucia DM DM DM Susana Castillo Tecla Nicaragüense Tecla Rojiza Tecla de Mathew Tecla Origo Red-based Groundstreak Ruddy Hairstreak Mathew’s Hairstreak Origo Groundstreak Arumecla galliena Electrostrymon hugon Rubroserrata mathewi Allosmaitia strophius DM DM DM DM Tecla Lantana Tecla Ziba Minitecla Clitia Minitecla Manchicuadrada Lantana Scrub-Hairstreak Ziba Scrub-Hairstreak Clytie Ministreak Square-spotted Ministreak Strymon bazochii Strymon ziba Ministrymon clytie Ministrymon zilda Rocío Sánchez DM Alan Schmierer / CC0 1.0 DM Tecla Manchirroja Tecla Ambrax Tecla Cebrada Tecla Aguamarina Red-spotted Hairstreak Ambrax Hairstreak Zebra-striped Hairstreak Aquamarine Hairstreak Tmolus echion Strephonota ambrax Panthiades bathildis Oenomaus ortygnus Adrián Mendoza Adrián Mendoza DM DM 4 Mariposas del Biomuseo Agosto de 2016 195 especies Tecla Ambibandeada Two-banded Hairstreak Michaelus phoenissa Adrián Mendoza Familia Lycaenidae Subfamilia Polyommatinae Azules Blues Azul Casio Azul Coluda Oriental Azul de Huntington Cassius Blue Eastern Tailed-Blue Huntington's Blue Leptotes cassius Cupido comyntas Hemiargus huntingtoni DM Katja Schulz / CC BY 2.0 DM Familia Riodinidae Subfamilia Riodininae Metálicas True Metalmarks Metálica Ocelada Violácea Calephelis de Schaus Turquesilla Azul Violet-washed Eyed-Metalmark Schaus' Calephelis Blue Lasaia Mesosemia telegone Calephelis schausi Lasaia sula DM Benito De Gracia Benito De Gracia Onyx Metálica Albina Metálica Albina Turmalina Común Pixie Albinus Metalmark Albinus Metalmark Blue-based Theope Melanis pixe Ariconias albinus Ariconias albinus Theope virgilius Anne Toal / CC BY 2.0 Benito De Gracia DM DM 5 Mariposas del Biomuseo Agosto de 2016 195 especies Turmalina Pálida Faded Theope Theope leucanthe DM Familia Nymphalidae Subfamilia Danainae Monarcas Monarchs Soldado Reina Monarca Soldier Queen Monarch Danaus eresimus Danaus gilippus Danaus plexippus DM DM Ken Slade / CC BY-NC 2.0 Ala de Tigre Confundida Ala de Tigre Trastornada Lysimnia Tigerwing Polymnia Tigerwing Mechanitis lysimnia Mechanitis polymnia Bernard Dupont / CC BY-SA 2.0 Kevin Martínez Familia Nymphalidae Subfamilia Heliconiinae Alalargas Longwings Pasionaria Moteada Alalarga Bandeada Alalarga Flama Gulf Fritillary Banded Longwing Julia Agraulis vanillae Dryadula phaetusa Dryas iulia Ken Slade / CC BY-NC 2.0 Adam Skowronski / CC BY-ND 2.0 Kenneth Cole Schneider / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 6 Mariposas del Biomuseo Agosto de 2016 195 especies Alalarga Julieta Alalarga Vibilia Alalarga Cebra Alalarga Bordiblanca Juliette Vibilia Longwing Zebra Longwing White-edged Longwing Eueides aliphera Eueides vibilia Heliconius charithonia Heliconius eleuchia DM DM Vicky DeLoach / CC BY-NC 2.0 William Chapman Hewitson Alalarga Erató Alalarga Hecale Alalarga Safo Alalarga Sara Erato Longwing Hecale Longwing Sapho Longwing Sara Longwing Heliconius erato Heliconius hecale Heliconius sapho Heliconius sara Benito De Gracia Angie Baré Olmedo Muñoz DM Pasionaria Mexicana Mexican Fritillary Euptoieta hegesia DM Familia Nymphalidae Subfamilia Limenitidinae Alalargas Longwings Monja Celdipunteada Monja Confusa Monja Puntero Spot-celled Sister Iphicleola Sister Iphiclus Sister Adelpha basiloides Adelpha iphicleola Adelpha iphiclus edcastro01 / CC BY-NC 2.0 DM DM 7 Mariposas del Biomuseo Agosto de 2016 195 especies Familia Nymphalidae Subfamilia Biblidinae Tropicales Tropicals Capitán Rayada Capitán Deslucida Capitán Ciega Rayed Purplewing Pusilla Purplewing Blind Purplewing Eunica malvina Eunica pusilla Eunica mygdonia Andrew Neild / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DM Mirielle Robles Tronadora Roja Tronadora Gris Tronadora Variable Bandera Menor Red Cracker Gray Cracker Variable Cracker Little Banner Hamadryas amphinome Hamadryas februa Hamadryas feronia Nica flavilla Mirielle Robles Katja Schulz / CC BY 2.0 DM Mirielle Robles Bandera Ambibandeada Bandera Naranja Marinero Mexicana Double-banded Banner Orange Banner Mexican Salilor Pyrrhogyra otolais Temenis laothoe Dynamine postverta DM DM DM Familia Nymphalidae Subfamilia Cyrestinae Dagas Daggerwings Daga Bandeada Daga Rojiza Many-banded Daggerwing Ruddy Daggerwing Marpesia chiron Marpesia petreus DM Mirielle Robles 8 Mariposas del Biomuseo Agosto de 2016 195 especies Familia Nymphalidae Subfamilia Nymphalinae Ninfas Brushfoots Lumbrera Coluda Lumbrera Orión Belleza Dirce Tailed Cecropian Orion Cecropian Dirce Beauty Historis acheronta Historis odius Colobura dirce Andrew Neild / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DM DM Belleza de Blomfild Ninfa Bandeada Ninfa Blanca Ninfa Malaquita Blomfild's Beauty Banded Peacock White Peacock Malachite Smyrna blomfildia Anartia fatima Anartia jatrophae Siproeta stelenes Olmedo Muñoz DM DM Jesse Virden Jr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Ojo de Venado Tropical Parche Bordeada Elfo Creciente Bandipálida Tropical Buckeye Bordered Patch Elf Pale-banded Crescent Junonia evarete Chlosyne lacinia Microtia elva Anthanassa tulcis Adrián Mendoza DM DM DM Familia Nymphalidae Subfamilia Charaxinae Hojas Leafwings Hoja Tigre Hoja Oscura Hoja Aguda Tiger Leafwing Blackened Leafwing Pointed Leafwing Consul fabius Consul panariste Fountainea eurypyle DM Adrián Mendoza DM 9 Mariposas del Biomuseo Agosto de 2016 195 especies Prepona Menor Least Prepona Prepona dexamenus DM Familia Nymphalidae Subfamilia Satyrinae Búhos y Canelas Owls and Satyrs Búho Punteada Búho Oscura Búho de Cassia Small-spotted Owl-Butterfly Dusky Owl-Butterfly Cassia’s Owl-Butterfly Brassolis isthmia Caligo illioneus Opsiphanes cassiae Adrián Mendoza DM Angie Baré Sátiro Hermes Sátiro Azul-gris Sátiro de Cramer Sátiro Kerea Hermes Satyr Blue-gray Satyr Cramer’s Satyr Kerea Satyr Hermeuptychia hermes Magneuptychia libye Megeuptychia antonoe Taygetina kerea DM DM DM Angie Baré Familia Hesperiidae Subfamilia Eudaminae Coludas Longtails Saltarina Belus Phanus Vítrea Phanus Común Belus Skipper Widespread Phanus Common Phanus Phocides belus Phanus vitreus Phanus marshallii Angie Baré DM DM 10 Mariposas del Biomuseo Agosto de 2016 195 especies Crinisus Skipper Saltarina Mercurio Gota de Plata Rota Gota de Plata Sencilla Saltarina Criniso Mercurial Skipper Broken Silverdrop Spineless Silverdrop Augiades crinisus Proteides mercurius Epargyreus exadeus Epargyreus aspina Angie Baré DM Mirielle Robles DM Gota de Plata Punteada Saltarina León Saltarina de Manuel Coluda Bandiblanca Small-spotted Silverdrop Hammock Skipper Manuel’s Skipper Blurry-striped Longtail Epargyreus clavicornis Polygonus leo
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