Islamisation in Policy Documents A digital historical research on migration and integration policies in the Netherlands between 1994 and 2006 Neel van Roessel | Master’s Thesis History of Society Masther’s Thesis Neel van Roessel Student number: 486398 Email:
[email protected] Supervisor: prof.dr. Dick Douwes Second reader: prof.dr. Alex van Stipriaan Luiscius Rotterdam, July 04, 2019 MA Global History and International Relations Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication Erasmus University Rotterdam Cover artwork: New Dutch Views #24 (2019) Artist: Marwan Bassiouni, Italian-American, Egyptian background, currently residing in the Netherlands. The artwork on the cover is part of a photoseries that captures the Dutch landscapes through the windows of mosques. ‘New Dutch Views is a symbolic portret of his double cultural background which shows that a new Western-Islamic identity is developing.’1 1 “New Dutch Views,” Fotomuseum Den Haag, March 22, 2019, 2 Table of Contents List of figures and abbreviations 4 Introduction 5 1. Theory and Method 10 1.1 Theoretical concepts 10 1.2 Method 17 2. Historiography 23 3. Developments and incidents in migration and integration debates 35 3.1 Policy frameworks 1960s to 1990 36 3.2 Socio-economic participation (1990s) 40 3.3 Socio-cultural adjustment (after 2000) 49 3.4 Conclusion 56 4. Distant reading analysis policy of documents 60 4.1 Selection sources distant reading 60 4.2 Islam and Muslim word frequencies 63 4.3 Islam and Muslim word collocations 65 4.4 Conclusion 71 5. Close reading analysis of policy documents 73 5.1 Selection sources close reading 74 5.2 Common topics 75 5.3 Other documents 81 5.4 Conclusion 85 Conclusion 88 Parliamentary policy documents 93 Bibliography 95 Appendix 1 - List of policy documents for distant reading 104 Appendix 2 – Stopwords list 112 Appendix 3 – Word collocations of all years 116 3 List of figures and abbreviations Figure 1: Timeline, Reports, Developments and Incidents.