Murder by an Unprivileged Belligerent Is Not a War Crime
THE UNILATERALUNILATERAL CREATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW DURINGDURING THE "WAR"WAR ONON TERROR": MURDER BY AN UNPRIVILEGEDUNPRIVILEGED BELLIGERENT IS NOT AA WARWAR CRIMECRIME Noman Goheer*Goheer* INTRODUCTION On July 4, 2006,just2006, just fivefive days days after after the the Supreme Supreme CourtCourt ruledruled in Hamdan v.v. Rumsfeld,'Rumsfeld,' prosecuting attorneysattorneys ProfessorProfessor NealNeal KatyalKatyal of Georgetown University Law Law Center Center and and LieutenantLieutenant CommanderCommander Charles Swift flewflew toto Guant~namoGuantanamo Bay,Bay, CubaCuba (Guantdnamo)(Guantanamo) to meet their client,client, Salim Hamdan, and tell him the Supreme Court declared the militarymilitary commissions hehe waswas to to be be tried tried underunder uncon- stitutional.2 WhileWhile explainingexplaining theirtheir seminalseminal victoryvictory to Hamdan,Hamdan, they said that "[i]"[i]n n 50 to 100100 years, law studentsstudents willwill bebe readingreading this case and reading your name."'name."3 HamdanHamdan respondedresponded that that " "[m]aybe[m] aybe I'll change my II just want to go home."'home."4 While Hamdan's resignationresignation isis understandableunderstandable consideringconsidering his five-year confinement confinement atat Guantnamo,Guantanamo, the legal communitycommunity be- lieved Katyal andand SwiftSwift did did thethe impossible.impossible.'5 TheyThey wonwon aa casecase strik-strik- ing downdown aa judicialjudicial systemsystem thatthat depriveddeprived itsits participantsparticipants ofof constitutional rights.6 In eighteight MilitaryMilitary Commissions Instructions (MCI(MCI No. 1-8), the Department ofof Defense (DOD) delineateddelineated procedures to guide the * J.D. CandidateCandidate (2008),(2008), WashingtonWashington CollegeCollege of of Law, Law, AmericanAmerican University;University; M.A.M.A. Candidate (2008),(2008), SchoolSchool of of International International Service Service — - AmericanAmerican University;University; B.A., Emory University, 2005.2005.
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