Relating advances in knowledge to faith within April 20 10 No. 48 In this issue: • Medical' Ethics - Playing God Terence Mitchell, Charles Foster, Caroline Berry, Andrew Fergusson and Duncan Vere FAITH and THOUGHT Faith and Thought is the operating name of The Victoria Institute or Philosophical Society o/Great Britain established in 1865, charity No. 285871 OFFICERS AND COUNCIL PRFSIDENT Sir John Houghton CBE, FRS VICE-P.RESIDENI'S Professor Malcolm A. Jeeves, CBE, MA, Ph.D (Cantab), Hon DSc (Edin) Hon D.Uni (Stir), Hon DSc.(St.Andrews) FBPsS, FMedSc, PPRSE, FRSE. Professor K.A. Kitchen, Ph.D Professor A.R. Millard, MA, MPhil. Professor D.C. Laine Ph.D, D.Sc, CEng, FIEE, CPhys, FlnstP Professor J. W. Montgomery MA, BO, Ph.D, DTheol, LLD LLM COUNCIL (in order ofelection) Rev. Michael J. Collis, BA, BSc, MTh, PhD. A.B.Robins BSc, PhD. (Editorial Consultant) Rev. R.H. Allaway BSc, MA, Ph.D.(Chairman) Professor C.J. Humphreys, CBE, BSc, MA. Ph.D Professor D.W. Vere, MD, FRCP, FFPM Rev. J.D.Buxton MA (Honorary Treasurer) Rev. Rodney Holder MA, D.Phil, FRAS, FIMA Reg Luhman B.D. (Hons), MA IDITORIALADDRESS Reg Luhman BO (Hons), MA, 110, Flemming Avenue, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 3AX ADMINISTRATIVE ADDRESS Rev. J.D.Buxton MA, 15, The Drive, Harlow, Essex CM20 3QD E-mail:
[email protected] HONORARY SECRETARY Brian H. T. Weller, 41, MarneAvenue, Welling, Kent DA 16 2EY BANKERS Barclays Bank pie, Westminster Branch, 2 Victoria St. SWIH ONO April 2010 Contents Editorial I Symposium 2010 2 Obituary - Professor Donald John Wiseman Terence Mitchell 3 AGM 2009 7 A Brief Look at Ps.139 Terence Mitchell 7 The Tyranny of Ethics in Medical Ethics and Law Charles Foster 10 Ethical Issues in Early Life Caroline Berry 12 'Trust me, I'm a doctor'! Historic Abuses and Lessons to be Learned Andrew Fergusson 19 Whence are Ethics, Whither go they and Why Do Medical Ethics Matter? Duncan Vere 29 Book Reviews 37 Application for Enrolment 43 Editorial Advances in medical research have fuelled unrealistic expectations concerning the beginning and end of life.