General Index Vols. XLI-L, Third Series
GENERAL INDEX OF VOLUMES XLI-L OF THE THIRD SERIES. WInthe references to volumes xli to I, only the numerals i to ir we given. NOTE.-The names of mineral8 nre inaerted under the head ol' ~~IBERALB:all ohitllary notices are referred to under OBITUARY. Under the heads BO'PANY,CHK~I~TRY, OEOLO~Y, Roo~s,the refereuces to the topics in these department8 are grouped together; in many cases, the same references appear also elsewhere. Alabama, geological survey, see GEOL. REPORTSand SURVEYS. Abbe, C., atmospheric radiation of Industrial and Scientific Society, heat, iii, 364 ; RIechnnics of the i. 267. Earth's Atmosphere, v, 442. Alnska, expedition to, Russell, ii, 171. Aberration, Rayleigh, iii, 432. Albirnpean studies, Uhler, iv, 333. Absorption by alum, Hutchins, iii, Alps, section of, Rothpletz, vii, 482. 526--. Alternating currents. Bedell and Cre- Absorption fipectra, Julius, v, 254. hore, v, 435 ; reronance analysis, ilcadeiny of Sciences, French, ix, 328. Pupin, viii, 379, 473. academy, National, meeting at Al- Altitudes in the United States, dic- bany, vi, 483: Baltimore, iv, ,504 : tionary of, Gannett, iv. 262. New Haven, viii, 513 ; New York, Alum crystals, anomalies in the ii. 523: Washington, i, 521, iii, growth, JIiers, viii, 350. 441, v, 527, vii, 484, ix, 428. Aluminum, Tvave length of ultra-violet on electrical measurements, ix, lines of, Runge, 1, 71. 236, 316. American Association of Chemists, i, Texas, Transactions, v, 78. 927 . Acoustics, rrsearchesin, RIayer, vii, 1. Geological Society, see GEOL. Acton, E. H., Practical physiology of SOCIETYof AMERICA. plants, ix, 77. Nuseu~nof Sat. Hist., bulletin, Adams, F.
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