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at two dollars per annum, in advance. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING BY A. H. BYINGTON,

- '«;= -i..' -jK^f "ni 51 "l- Jtoolfii ft; JC#r«l 'Am atff Snteffits, 4^ifht( Solelligrarf, ISferBtn^^alif^ Slgrirnltait,%{3MpfJmaira, (jit Jib, tantira, "tx. to?~ »!•. \h oi!» -Vj j '

-><. ' VOLUME XLI.-%TOMBEIt«; NUMBER 527-NEW SERIES. NORWALK, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,1858. • • .• •/:...... 7 i ac ? ;vf—F-'* For the Norwalk Gazette. have just heard of a most melancholy We find in the Danbnry Times render it prudent and consistent withj^a | J. N. LOCKWOOD & CO., Cabinet Ware Rooms at PO ETRY. j NORWALK_GAZETTE. -ruliug - .^ ^ p f A Leaf of an Invalid. finale to one who has kmg km a victim the following interesting history of one of over care of self preservation (Successors to J, P. HANI ORD,) WESTPORT! from the Diary From the Bostrm^rartlUr. New Englands most distinguished sons. The military experience, as wellat^lfr ^ !A. H. BYINGTON, EM or* Proprietor EEP constantly on hand a large and va­ HE Subscriber would respectfully inform December— O-h dPrnr-r ! Winter has to nervous derangement. It is an event K ried assortment of LADIES', GENT'S AND hisfriends and tbe public generally, ..*• Tbe Relief of Lucknow. .. that has aroused ray deBfiflt igmpethies, daring spirit, of Gen. Wooster, CHILDREN'S T come, cold, dreary Winter. No pleas­ ' The Times is indebted to Mis. Harriet | S«|jscrii»tirt|U Rates. that he is still located a few doors north of Wildly ragtd the batfU, . ' but, too afflictive for me Stebbins of Brooklyn, (L. I.) for the fol­ mended him to Congress, when fajfiaf...| All Subscribers, by Carrier, Mail, Post Riders and Gaiters, Soots, Shoes. &c., the turnpike, opposite the Store of Alva Wildly fl«w tb« shot, ant sunshine, nor singing birds, nor fra­ SVaffooera, per year, , . . uu Gray, where may be found * general assort­ Slaying men by bnndrprt^,— May her bereaved friends tMflMftber who lowing record of an army of defence, and among the.f)igp$,; | Those livingout of any Cavner's District, if paid all made under our own personal supervision, grant, flowers to cheer tlie lonely hours! ment ot CABINET FURNITURE. , . Yet they faltered not. it is has said " flfjjt suffi­ one year in advance, :• • of the best material aud in the very best man­ The doors and wiudows are all ciosed, My grace be General David Wooster and Family. Brigadier Generals, .appointed bjjr th^t '15 Single copies 6 cenfc-m wrapper, 6 cents. - . . ner. Our assortment, oi LAWIHS' GAITKRS, Underta/fingin all its department?atten­ Son* of xtaunch old England, cient for thee." I hafe liw| iliw ceased body 011 the 22d of June, lT?5, jj)e iTQfi f: undoubtedly comprises, both in extent and ded to at the shortest notice and upon rea­ arid I feel like a prisoner. All, well; it David Wooster was born in Stratford, sonable terms. 13 ALLEN RENOUD. Hope had long gone hv, 4 • Advertising Rates. quality, a finer assortment than pan be found to trouble myself about thi tim fir man­ the third in rank. The operations of|{ia$. § New would they yield theiri, is all right. I shall probably " learn Connecticut, on the 2d of March, 1710, One Square, odc ius.-rtiOD, . - - .. • $1 00 at, any similar establishment in the County: Better far to die. ~- ner of my departure. MypMsit anx­ year principally confined'to the vicurityxif S do....: two do. . • .V,.:. . 1 25 prices therefor ranging from !! shillings to $4, Connecticut obedience by the things I suffer." It is of very respectable parents. Of his early do ' ' three do. • ' 1 60 B iety is to lire right. Matter - accordiug to quality. In GENT'S OOTS, GAIT­ Saddlery, Harness and Trunk On the field ot alaiighter a most difficult lesson for me, and one Whit how Boston and to an expedition against Can do one montli,. ! •• • • 1 75 ERS, SHOK3, &e., we have a larger and better life little can now be ascertained, as all do two months, : v 3 00 Slept a tioldier's wife, dark a cloud obscures the letting san^ ada and , under the copjn^and of assortment, we are confident, than was ever MANVrACTOftf, which eonld be effectually taught by no the jn three mouths, . < 4 00 ; Dreaming of her birtbland, the family papers were destroyed by do "; six months. . 7 00 before offeree) in Norwalk, ranging in price E^sl side the Bridge, under Conn. Hotel. Night. Gen. Montgomery, who held the; TOC^d Heedless of the strife. other than the severest discipline— do one year, $13,—with paper, 15 00 from $2 to $10. We also are prepared to British when they pillaged the town TEPHEN SWANN, successor to FREDE­ 'Morning—Of what uea to me are the Two Squares, do $23,—with paper, 2ft 00 any article in uvr " So my disciplined spirit shall kiss the rod, rank among the Brigadier Generals.rrrr^ Each additional Square, per, year, manufacture to measure, RICK BRADLEY, returns his sincere thank* Suddenly ih#»tarteth !—; •• ' - > of New Haven iu 1779. We only know 8 00 S , |4 IfMt Oae Halt Column, oue year, 40 00 tine', promplv, at. the shortest notice. , Bendeth eager ear— Of the smltery'i&j Father, tay Friend, and God." divisions of time other M The death ol' their distinguished offiper i to thts inhabitants of Norwalk an neighbor­ that he received a liberal education, and One Column, oue ye,v\ 75 00 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, RUBBERS, '* Courage men ! the pibroch I hood, and his patrons in particular, f i fate wjien it is morning, •ai «UB ftiffct the ? was severely AilTertisera occupying thvee.or moreaquarea}are^ntitle«l Ac., iu endless variety. A line article of In the meantime, I will try to amnse and under wall of Quebec to tvie paper free tjf cliarge, vet'v liberal patronage bestowed upon bin Gallant friends are near. v> graduated in Yale College in the year. SLIPJ-I'ERS for Gents' wear. Several cases of interest myself the best way I can. My cbmef). My old Almaaaa, Irili mp, be felt by the Americans. . -it'teen lift**, or 100 words oiak« a square Fractional during gte past year, and hopes by strict 1738. In the following year when the ptrU of a Spvia.re, charged tor as a whole. superb PATENT-LEATHER BOOTH, GAITERS, and " Nay, I am na dreamint — sitteLtioa to business, to merit a continuance Diary is getting to be quite a monoto­ useless. I shan't take tha tsoaMe to get During the campaign of 1716, d.en^: j tfe»rly advertisers hav* tlie privilege of changing their OXFORD TIES, for Gents' wear, to which we Well 1 know the ca' , Spanish war broke out, he was employed advertisements once per mouth* Advertisements ot iheii support. would invite special attention. A splendid Of Macgregor'a ologan, * " another—can guess when. Sunday cojpen Wooster was ia changed oftener charged as transient. Wveiy description of articles connected nous affair, but then it helps to keep my , , and as ­ employed principally article of Patent Leather Boots, for Fall and Grandeat of them a'." as first lieutenant soon after Cap Transient advertisements must be accompanied with the witt. tke trade, kept constantly on hand,4>f from the fact that we MM bar* *ay , at one COB* cash to insure .insertion. Winter wear, for Gents, only $7 ! mind from rusting, and since I have tain of the vessel built and armed by the Canada and time had the the very best material and workmanship, and Hopefully onemoment Yearly advertisements payable lot ofJanuarv and July, come to be part and parcel of the furni­ dinner—I mean uot till supper time. n if e*rly advertisers restricted to the business contempla­ Special Notice to the Lailiea. at ihe lowest prices. Every eye was raised— " colony as a guard c costa. ^ maud of the Continental troops in that Oh I ted *t the lime of coutraot. We assure the Ladies of Norwalk that we N. B.—Jobbing neatly and promptly at­ Then they aadly whispered, ture of the room, I must take a hint if could only get strong enough . Owing whiajfc C?.rds, Resolutions, Funei\al and all other Special Noti­ Not long after this he married the eld­ quarter to several causes can supply them with Gaiters for themselves tended to on the shortest notice, and most "JeMie'a brain is crazed." out and , ces: 25 per cent, additional on the above. from ;the example of the good housewife,, to go door stand there and it is unnecessary here to enumerate, thei 4£i" Theae terms "Will be inflexibly adhered to, and children, of as good quality and exquisite reasonable terms. est daughter of the Rev. Thomas Clapp, workmanship as can be procured at any staire Norwalk, April 13th, 1857. One* again tipftpoke she— drink my heart and -said fall of the more who shakes her carpets occasionally to President of the Yale College, a young Americans lost iu Canada (hiring the in New York, and at much smaller prices. " Well aay ye I raved— fresh air. Mrs. P. said me one day, keep the moths out, and in like manner to year all that had been guiued in the pre­ BDSINRSS D1RRCT0RY.; REPAIRING in all its branches, done neat­ Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods Heat ye not the Campbell'a ? " - , I ladv not less distinguished for her strength ly, quickly and cheaply. 1 " yoiu will not know how to act when God be thanked ! we're saved I' . : shake the cobwebs out of my brain, let­ of mind than for uncommon reputation, ceding. The small pox, which ucfort?-. We charge nothing for showing our Goods, HEW WINTER STOCK! ting them fall into my Diary, assuming yon get- well enough to go oat." I didn't nately broke out among the American -;...., Norwalk Hotel: , and invite the Ladies and Gentlemen of Nor­ 1 THE Subscriber has just returned Every knee was bended, and he became the father, ^fjwo chijdren Tearful every eye ; ; L think then that I should ever arnkq the D. STEPHENSON, PROPRIETOR. walk and vicinity to give us a call, whether from New York with a new Stock of any shape they please, / troops, and the want of medical Sobs and broken murinur9 • a sonitnd a daughter. r U n -^ they desire to purchase or not. (Fashionable Jewelry, Watches, Pla­ trial, and now it looks to me twj much : v£,>v:':V •, " Notlnog to do but endure— . • t: other accommodations, together with tho *mw I ., A first class Hotel, beautifully located at J. N LOCKWOOD & CO.. ted Ware and Fancy Goods, which be offers Told the soldier's joy. General Wooster had naturally a mil­ Norwalk, Connecticut, and open lor tbe re­ Opposite the Post, Office, Norwalk. Nothing to do but wait.'' like "castle building," when I indulge to hiscitstomers very cheap. • Than a mighty cheering ' itary turn and was first appointed a Cap­ consequent insubordination of men raw ception of guests at all times. In connection Sept. 1st, 1857. 35 Clockt and Watches repaired. My room is a very pleasant one,* and the hope. I shouldn't want' to see any­ with the Hotel is a large Li very Stable, where Burst from all the line, tain in Colonel Burr's (Aaron Burr.s and undisciplined, may te assigned Accordeons tuned and repaired. Whilst the Scots advancing. good Horses and Carriages can at all times be Xfforwalk Machine Shop. > now since I am strong enough to look one until I had learned how to nsemy among priucipal . ; , we ,) , which - the causes Coffin Plates,Spoons, Rings, Ac., neatly en - Sounded "Aiild I.angSrne."' father believe regiment form •procured. tf5 HE subscriber having taken the shop here­ out, the surrounding scenery is per­ freedom, lest they might think Of oae as graved. O.S.CLARK, eel part of the troops Connecticut This rendered the situation of the oflfeer;. • i tofore occupied by Dimon Finch, and tit- Bravely sped the warfare,. ? • , . that T South Norwalk Hotel. T fectly familiar ! I know just where the did the wife of a certain king, who,' ted it up with special reference to a General New Coal Yard. Gallant was the show, .sent in the celebrated expedition against in command "peculiarly trying, unci GjHk . ,P JAMES LUCAS, PKOPRIETOR.X * Machine Jobbing and Repairing Business, when saw^ him ­ For the God of battles fences are crooked, and tbe lots ill shaped. she looked ont and return Wooster on his return, requested Congrejsu would respectfully solicit the orders of all HE subscribers have established a NBW Jjouisbnrg in 1745. He there proved Tjis House has recently been thoroughly COAL YARD at Norwalk, on tbe east side Yielded us tlie fop. ' ' ing, dancing joy, " * who may require his services in Repairing T I have watched the setting snn and in­ and shouting for de to institute an inquiry into his con^oet,^ rebuilt and greatly enlarged and is now ready of the Bridge, on.Smith's Dock below tbe Pot­ |,V ; himself an active and spirited officer and broken or defective Machinery of any des­ • ' ' dulged in all the gloomy reflections which pised him in her ." Iliat be fortiie reception ol guests. It is pleasantly lo­ heart would while he commanded in Canada. JChfc cription. He has Lathes, a Haner, etc., for tery, wbefe they intend to keep constantly on 'Pumpkin Pies, bore a distinguished part in the siege and cated, in immediate proximty to the Depot of hand and are now delivering a very a isolate a: all work appertaining to his business, and superior it suggests, until I have almost forgotten hard fate after being ao long inquiry was made by a committee of tlgat the#. Y. and N. H. Railroad, and in this re­ article of Coat, of tbe different sizes required The near approach of autumn month), capture of that strong fortress. He WRS from his many yearS experience in Manufac­ . it often spect for permanent, or transient boarders pos­ When blooming nature die«, that there is a morning and a rising snn. time But then happens in this body, and the General was honorably ac- turing, and his familiarity with all kinds of for family use, such as tor the furnace, parlor retained among the colonial troops to sesses advantages over any other Hotel in the and kitchen stoveB. Our stock is and . Brings near onto our longing lips, If ever I have been a sluggard, this world of ours, that persons an "des­ Manufacturer's Machinery,he feels confident vWJrtth the quitted of all blame, both by the comn^t* town. A good Stable is k<-:pl in connection Tbe time for pumpkin pies. keep possession of conquest he had as­ pains bavi been taken to secure the^Mt kind* " by ­ with" the Hotel. tf5 that he can cxecute all orders iu a substan­ " visitation" will enre me, Oh if I could pised those who can neither under tee and by Congress. tial and workmanlike manner. Having had known in the market, such as Spring lloant- sisted in effecting, and he was soon after The time to ua, of all moat dear, only see the sun rise ! acts. " "' :1' much experience in the manufacture of Fur ain Lehigh, and tbe Locust Mountain White stand nor appreciate their After this expedition he returned homo Ash; acknowledged by good judges to have When warm before your eves, selected among the American officers, to j J. F, FOOTE, Machinery, Building of Blowers, Ac., he is When first brought here I used to Morning again— coflee as The matron brings with willing hands, toast and and was then appointed First Major Gen­ enabled to give particular attention thereto-. no superior. We have also the Pittston vari­ tak6 charge of a cartel ship for attorney and Counselor at Law, ety, all of which kinds we will sell at fair re­ The wished for pumpkin pies., count time by days, they sodn lengthened usual—snowing by way of variety, like 2 A.C.ARNOLD. and Eogland. He was not permitted to eral of the militia of his State. During.^ i JFFICE O VE U MALL OR V' S STORE munerating prices. A share of the public Rsmembsrest thou, my brother John, „ • into weeks, and then into mo nths and to see the tiny snow-flakes whirl dizzily tbe whole winter of 1776—77 he was en>r N.orwalli., Conu. patronage is respectfully solicited. Tbe happy hours gone by, land in France, but was received in Eng­ ||| New Styles. We also keep the above varieties at oar years, and now I find it convenient to in the air, then fall to earth, fci&ingit Whan yon and I, enjoyed so wall land with distinguished honor. The ployed in.protecting Connecticut against, < VLnow Goods & low prices Yard in Winuipauk. Oar mother's pumpkin pie. keep an Almanac beside me that I may so daintily ! How softlj tt Itfalllllg fi. S. THOMPSON,! American , as called the enemy and particularly the neighbor^. ., HARLES FIELDS has now ouhand as t.f.15 • G. H. & J. C. RANDLE. young officer be was know when Sunday comes, the days all upon the little mounds in tbe cho^cli- C large and varied au assortment of Gen­ I'm dwelling now 'neath other suns, was presented to the King and become hood of Dan'oury, where large magazine! . AMBROTYPE ARTIST, tlemen and Ladies' Gaiters, Boots, and Norwalk Emporium. And bright are otlier skies, • seem so much alike. Occasionally J hear yard ! what a beautiful and apj^ropriftte ihe favorite of the court aud the people. of provisions aud other articles had been, . Slippers, as has ever been presented to the - Vat memory oft brings bcck again, the solemn music of the church bell, re­ ' OVER D. tf- N. DEPOT, covering for the precious sMl^crs ' be­ collected by the Americans. public in this market. The styles are new; jjs.it eo3$S The thoaght of pampkin pies. The King admitted him in the regular He had P NORWALE, CONN. : the workmanship neat and beautiful; while minding me of other- and—shall I say neath t Oh I dreamed socb a ptaskbt i* And though my hair is now grown gray, , with a jnot returned to New Haven from one. of the material is ol tbe finest texture and service and he was presented lad death unto me nigh, happier days ? No, for then my hopes dream last night—it was a dream,'tbongh his tours wheu he heard, on Friday, most durable quality. He has some very PR0YISI0NS, FRUITS, captaincy in Sir W. Pepperell's regiment, tha C. J. GRUMAN, 1relish now as long ago elegant, plain and fancy colored. Ladies and attachments were all of earth. * * I thought that I was awake at tbe time. 26th April 1776, that a .~2000 Vegetables, Fish of All Kinds, with half pay for life. His likeuess at of body of Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Gaiters; also, Gent's Patent Leather'BootH A piece of pumpkin pie. But it seems so strangely to be here so I thought that I was with ibsi/walking from on - and Shoes, with an endless assortment o( Clams, Oysters, Ac. full length was taken and transferred to men sent New York the preced DRY GOODS, CARPETINGS LIFE. long, it is so different from the active life hand in hand through a gatte filled , a . Boys and Misses Shoes, all of which will be As good as themarket affords, constantly to the periodical magazines of that day.— ing day had effected landing between Carriage Trimmings, Cloths, Cassi- sold very low for cash. Thepublicare invi­ befouud at the well known establishment of The days~of Infancy.are all a dreaui, I used to lead, when engaged in the va­ with the most beautiful flower* that my The peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, which took Norwalk and Fairfield for the purpose of . H ted to call and examine his stock for them­ MEEKER A OLMSTEAD. How fair, but oh ! bow short they seem— ried duties of my own household, every tne/es, SaiineUsu Vestings. and Tail­ selves. * t.1'21 ^8®* Goods of the above description re­ eyes ever beheld, and such 4*aafiiiee T— destroying the magazines at Danbury, or's Trimmings, by the Yard, 'Tis Life's sweet opening Spring. place in 1748, restored Lonisburg to ceived daily, and for sale at wholesale and day was marked by its cares, its joys I expressed a wif.h to stay, Ist ou said which v prance,- the young American officer object they accomplished the next ; Piece or Package. J, : Great Bargains in ' retail on tlhe most favorable terms. The days of Touth advance, ; - and—sorf6ws I suppose, thongh I almost and Tb« bounding limb, the ardent glance, ^ - no, I must go, aud she gitbtfad#* wtlb&e daytfaVifig fotirid little or no obstacle,oia f ' "^'^TFKETNJGS, SHIRTIJFGS, JEANS, IJUMB£! R, to private life and his family. He was The kindling soul they bring— forget that life had any trials in those A.t the lowest possible prices. AT SOUTH NORWALK, BY Cheaper than Ever armful of the choicest varieties, and gave their way. " ' It ia life'a burning Summer time. not however, permitted to remain long in V.. .i- - ' NORWALK, CONN. At the South JVorwatk days. I remember so much that was me, which I took and passed out of a THOMAS I. FUCK. Immediately on hearing of this news;, Manhood—matured with wisdom's fruit, pleasant. Somehow I do remember this situation, for the attempts of settling UST RECEIVED, 100.000 ft. Spruce Tim-. aHOCESLY STOftB. gate, over which hung vines and fldwers, rpHESubscriberbasou hand by farthe/ar. ' Reward of Learning's deep pursuit— the boundaries between the French and G enerals Wooster and Arnold set o|f from T. H. WASH, Jber,-all sizes ; 150,000 Spruce Laths, 200,- Succeeds a* Autumn follows Slimmer time. kindness longer than its opposite, and the former filled with the most tempting 000 ft. Boards, 190,000 ft. 1 1-4, 1 1-2, and 2 J. gest and best selection of Family Groce­ the English North American possessions New Haven to join the militia hastfy coir, W WUOLESAT.E A\I» RETAIL DKAI.F.R the bright .spots in the past ore mirrored Tnch Plank, 30,000 ft. Siding,25,000 ft. Spruce ries aud Provisions, to be found iu South And that, and that, alas ! goes by ; frnit in clusters. It was a dream, yet so Norwalk, which he offers to his customers having proved vain, the war of 1756 fol­ lected by Gpn. Silliman. In cosequenc® S T O V E S.r ^ Boards, 25.000 ft. Spruce Plank, 50,000 It.. And what ensues ?. The languid eye, more distinctly than the dark ones, ex­ real do such interviews with loved ones Ilemloek Boards, 50,000 ft. 5-8 Boards, 800 and the public, at greatly reduced prices. The failing frame, the soul o'ercast ; lowed, and 111 this great contest General of a heavy rain the militia .they had;oju . _ . MANDFACTttRKfi OF cept only where death has set his. black His facilities are such that he will be con*-, 'lis Winter's sickening, withering blast, seem, that I think of them' aaa -" comfor­ Bunches Shingles. Wooster was;sqon thought of as a man dered to be sent to them from New Haven THOS. L. PECK. tantly receiving new and fresh supplies of Tin, Sheet Iron & Copper Wares, l ife's blessed season—for it is the last. seal. The waters of Lethe can never table earnest of celestial joja^ Methinks South Norwalk, May -16.1857. 1 goods, as the wants of his Customers may SorTHET. qtiolificd for a higher sphere and was np- did not arrive until the 26th in the eveo* Has constantly on hand alarge assort­ require, which will always be of tbe beat wash that out. " My thought.? still the fragrance of those flowera isuwitli me pbinted Colonel of a regiment raised io ing in the vicinity of Panbriry. Th^nim-^ ment of general Jlouse-heeping mNGS, KO?FS 6L CO., quality and sold at the very lowest possible cling to the mouldering past," to the still. " We are dreamers- alt" Stilling bur of the militia thus collscted w;as aboitt- ' ' furniture, at So. Norwalk, price, and he' would respectfully solicit an loved ones that lie beneath the sod.— Connecticut, and afterwards to the com­ examinationand trial of the same. MISCELLANY. says, " Blessed are they that are home­ Conn. Merchant Tailors & Clothiers, mand of a brigade, in which station he re- six hundred men, and with this sihaD ' successors to Jas. H. Beers, GEO. W.SMITH. Walter Scott, after the death of his wife sick, for they shall get home !" I think The best that can be said for mon­ .mained until the-peace of 1763, when he force it was determined to attack the en- : 174 and 176 Chatham Square. New York. wrote, " what shall I do with that por­ that blessing just suits my case. But > k H. C. RANHI.E, Oils ! Oils ! ey is that it " is a defense." It is a pro­ returned again to his" family, bearing emv on the following morning on their OTF AS. E. YOUNGS, —DEALER IN— OILED and raw Linseed Oil, winter tection against certain imperative wants tion of my thoughts that I have always another, whose example I do try to fol­ LEWIS HOPPS, • , many marks of his valor and intrepidity. treat, and for the purpose a 'part bf tha B strained, bleached Lard and Polar, Lamp and claims of our earthly nature, it is the been in the habit of telling only to her?" low, thongh " afar off," says " All the HENRY FTL. PROWITT. '' 11 men were put nnder the command" of Hats, Caps,—Men's & Boy's and Machine Oil. Boiled Paiat Oil at 75 ct* great and Boon after the close of this war he en­ armor in whicli good causes All, it is a hard matter to direct one's days of my appointed I ; pergallon, pure Neats Foot Oil. The above time will wait . and part .~ ££- 1 WM. ALLEN.. WM. T.CLARK, pursue their course ; it is the vehicle of gaged in mercantile business in New Ha­ Gen Wooster under Gen STRAW GOODS, &e, Oils are of the best quality, and for sale bv thoughts into a new channel, or to shut till my change come." ^ ALLEN & CLARK, the barrel, or retail by W. C. STREET. ends more important than itself. But it ven, and held the office of his Majesty's uoid. With his handful of men; Gen. Ladies. Furs, Gents Gloves, Canes, them all within when the heart is full, " Patience con bless, if not «•!•, Attorneys at Law, Real Estate has no power in and of itself. It creates And God is as good as gnat." collector of the enstoms for that port..— Wooster. the next morning, pursued ai»4 ' % and the stronger the current, the more Land For Sale. nothing. It makes no mnn really great­ ; Umbrellas, ctoc., Brokers and General Land Agents, . ­ attacked the enemy, regardless of the ia- ABOUT eight acres of good Land, near v Almost night again, and I am tired of— He was highly respected both in his pri DAVENPORT, IOWA. »- er or' better. It has no positive or in­ difficult it is to turn it. " " - ? No. a Sfciddv'a Block. ' 'j Main-st.,one mile north of the Bridge,is of­ : equality of numbers. But being unexperi­ trinsic quality, so far as the great purpo­ myself. . - vate and public character. .v AND Warrants bought, sold aud located. fered for saie upon very reasonable term*. The past is enced militia, and the enemy haviugeeve- Farms Houses aud Lots leased. Real ses of life are concerned. A man may Norwalk, December 1851. ~ ":- Having in the two preceding wars, IDentistry. L It. is admirably adapted for building iota, "As those we love decay, ice die in part, , Estate of all kiuds bought aud sold ou Com­ or for gardening purposes, having a quick bold millions of it, and yet, as to his es­ .. i String after string is sever'd from the heart,. mixed much in the world, and formed a ral field pieces, our men, after doing con­ Boctors XEIXiX. & mission. Money invested. Taxes paid for and rich soil, and a large bed of .vegetable sential manhood, be one of tbe most | V Till loosened lite, at last, but breathing clay, numerous acquaintance, both in Europe siderable execution were broken and gave non-residents. Money loaned on unencumber­ mould or compost manure, thereon ; or it ia Surc*°ai & Meunanical shrivelled insects that goes by the name* ! Without one pang is glad to fall away," ; Male •• Flirtation*" ed Real Estate security. H2JJ well calculated for aQrstrate meadow. Iti* and America, and possessed of a generous way. The General was rallying than h of man—a spider with a golden net, were " " ENTISTS, wellfenced, and in.a ve,ry eligible location. I am almost tired of trying to live, While you harmlessly flirting growing plethoric on misery, dilating and liberal mind, his house was the seat when, unfortunately for his family adA L "luSber LUMBER! ~ For further particulars enquire at tbia Of­ with the girl, you knew she loved you— T 1 * * * I have to make a great many Offioe o v1r the Store of C. J.Gruman fice . when other men are compressed, and of hospitality. his»country, he received a mortal wound. ILL & HUBBELL have recently com erasures in my diary, for I often find that her heart would quicken, at tbe sound NORWALK, CONN. sacking their veins at any amount of per A musket ball took him obliquely, broka ' H menced the Lumber Business at* the old In the great contest between the par­ A. HILI - 4• • CHARI.ES FITCH. stand lately occupied by Mr. Charles Thomas, Worsteds! Worsteds! cent, pier month. But when death tears something written that looks very much of your footfall, and the hhish that, she ent county and tbe North American his back bone, lodged within bint and and inteud to keep on sale VERY SnADE, by the Pound or single away the web, and lets out the insect's, like complaining. 1 do not mean it so, could not conceal flesh Into cheek her at never could be fonnd. He was removed E skein, at the Jewelry and Trimming soul, how much better and larger will colonies, General Wooster took no doubt- c. & T3K. LOOK WOOD, &. Go Timber, Lath and Lime, however, but then I cannot help wishing the tones of your voice. Yon knew Store, Main street. O.S. CLAKK. that from the field, had his wound' dressed together with every variety of Lumber sold in that, be for all the money? Money is fur part, and although an officer in the NORWALK. CONN., sometimes that it were otherwise with during a long timevou were drawing ­ , tight Dr. Turner, and was , to > this market. We shall be happy to accommo­ Old Brown Windsor Soap. power as any unconscious implement in British regular establishment, and entitled then conveyed . LNNPACTDRKRS OP me, that I could at least relieve others of er and tighter around the heart of yonr date customers with any thing in our line at tbe hands of man is power: It is the di­ Danbury, tar ?: OW & SONS, genuine for sale by tbe grow to half pay for life, he did uot hesitate to where all possible care was , ist & Copper , liberal prices. M. HILL, dozen, or single Cake, by recting motive in the mind and heart of young and unsuspecting victim 'chains Tin St Iron Wares L the burden of care that- rests so heavily the . : 15 J,C. HUBBELL, take sides with bis country, and . his pen ken of him The surgeonn were from V' : ANI) DEALERS IN KNAPP & LYNES. man that makes it a power for good or upon them. Possibly this is only an ex-: from which she could not release herself the first aware of the danger of the case, Stoves, • Ranges, Furnaces, Cutlery, evil—a symbol of nobje achievements or and iils sword were actively employed in SSTorwalli Iron Foundry. - Just ," cuse to get rid of suffering " His will," without suffering which might be greater Received and informed the General of their appre^ a token of shame—the agent of splen­ the defence of its rights. » Britatnia Porcelain and Wooden VERY description ot CASTING done at the NEW supply of those fine pocket Book* and if I had the ability I might not be to her than you. Don't tell* me yoor in­ shortest, notice and in the best manner, did charities, of mean lasts—the price hensiens, which he beard with the groat-.; ;;i;; IV- re, and Kitchen Furniture E Aand Portmoneas, which will' be sold at he was of , of woman's dishonor— willing " to do." Self-love is noted for tentions were harmless—yon never propos­ After the battle of Lexington as cheap as can be obtained at any other es­ very low prices by KNAPP A-LYNES. honest sweat est composure. Hi3 vrite and - son had . !-r »1 general, Pumps, Sheet tablishment in the Slate. Galvanized Chains, i — . the miser's heap that cannot buy him a its dexterity in framing excuses. ed—never told her yon loved her, aj; a aware that the sword alone must decide been sent for, and arrived, soon Enough to H Chain Pumps.Iron Fence,Pouts,Railings,etc wedding garment to cover his poor with­ Lead Sf Lead Pipe„ Patent Chain pumps. thousand times yon told this, by tone and the contest. Under theie circumstances, furnished to orderi Patterns executed at P. M.—My head aches badly—Moth­ . , K - " fll . NEW and superiorChaipi Pump, tbe beat ered aoul with—the widow's two mites receive his parting benediction He told Crockery, Glass short notice and upon reasonable terms, deed, and look, just as emphatically as General Wooster, as well as other mili­ lyl ALEXANDER AUSTIN. Ain use.for sale by •"W.-C. STREET. that pass current in Heaven. Money, er will you try a cloth wet in cold w&ter them that " he was dying, but with g • and China > : though your lips bad sworn It. And then, tary men of experience, at once saw how I said a little while ago, represensta la* on it? " Yes, and I will remove all the stroug hope and persuasion that his ­ • Celling Off , coun '[ Ware. v . bor, and so It does. Somebody worked aUd cannot how calmly, how courteously, at last, you important it was for the Americans to Horse and Ox Shoeing. LAROrEMot of Dress Trimming*, Vel­ books papers where you get try would g&in its independence." How make . , ­ HE subscriberbaviPgr taken the oldstand to it But like some other repre said farewell to hel-, wishing bar lifetime get. possession of the fortresses of the A vets, Moire Antiques, Fringes, MOM them Again to-day." Very well, I wish gloriously his presentiment has been ye typ­ JETNf INSURANCE COMPANY, formerly occupied by Waterbury and Tr.mruings,ic..at extremely low price*. sentatives, it has often strayed a great T that would stop my thinking too. that happiness which yoar work had ftr- .country, together with the cannon, arms '1: Duncan, in the rear of the old Bakery, i'oot.a'i O. S. CLAKK. way from its constituents, and serves in­ ified ! . ' ; Of Hartford. Mill Hill, devote? his entire attention Ut, the ever blasted. And now, rir, ^tato^pe. and military stores there deposited. The ; terests quite, different from theirs. If * * A pleasant morning, yet my The symptoms soou became alarming, '• careful and judicious shoeing of. Vtorses and Incorpo itcd in 1819. Charter Perpetual. ! Salt! one had a magic power to bid piles of your social position,—-how deep floever be peculiar situation of the fort at Ticondero- head feels like a block, only softer! I and the General died on tbe of , Oxen, for which he has flailed facilities. 1 (Hi SACKSofprimeLiverpoolSaltJu* 2d May Cash 0;pital, - - - - - $1,000,000. From his many years, ft xperiencc, devoting wealth disband and return to their true the coffers of your gold, yoa bat* debased ga, .commanding the great pass between JLUU received and for sale ;also, know "there is bnt a step from thesub- at the age of sixty-seven.' His remains f himself exclusively-^o this branch of butiuess. owners,, there would be a strange rolling Insure gainst loss and damage by Fire, yourself and dishonered yoor ajlhood.— Northern-Atlantic colonies and Can­ to ," the Gil 1 rms adapted to the hazard, and he is confideiiti.'ife can give entire satisfaction Sugars. and clinking of coin in the land—gliding lime the ridiculous for my nerves were deposited iti the clnirch-yard of that to all who- 'may favor him with their patron­ Go forth into the world and let foot car- ada, did not escape his notice. He there­ Cheaperthanever, by A. MOREHOUSE. frea. pampered debtors to starving credi- hurl me from the heights of one to the village, which he had thus volunteered to h aisistent with the laws of age. ^Particular attention paid to shoeing to»—from tlie strong box of fraud to riage be as proud, your air ton woman as fore, with a few others of a kindred spirit, '•compensation•. ^rtjrses with tender and diseased feet. Self-Sharpening Fronimi depths of the other, almost every day. I protect. ^ the coffers of . widows and orphans, from cbivalric, your honor as natatnlshed as early iu May, 177-5, secretly planned an EO. R. COWLES. Sole Agent,^ JAMES D. SHEA. am ' therefore well acquainted with the The historian of that day, (Gordon,) ly'34 For Norwalk and _pci«iity. Norwalk, March 27th, 1857. tfl3 HAW COTTERS. tlie. profits of ijnpudent monopoly, to the ever, but remember Ms Ann u on expedition from Connecticut, to seize up­ way. How often smiles and tears strug­ that HFSE Cutters are the best in use, being of needs ^ of., unacknowledged merit—from in relating this transaction, says of him : ' your soul. You have stolen basely^ delib­ on and retain that fortress, and to enable T little or no expense to keep in repair, peculation gle for the. mastery, when perhaps a par­ fholesale . tbe grasp of to the palm of " The General behaved with great valor; i Hardware and Cutlery doing their work with lees power tbaii any erately stolen, the one prnkastrfuttreof their plans into , holiest toll—from the keeping of legal sing cloud or a streak of sunshine decides them to carry execution Mechanic's Tools, Farming Utensils now made.: This cutter took the first premiua and lost his life gloriously in defending • fl PE E DEALERS, a woman's heart—its privately a of eigh­ at tbe late State Fair. For sale by injustice to the hands of abused confi­ the contest. The nerves, the nerves, some­ they obtained loan the liberties of America,, at thejidyaace^. ! Guns, Pistols, Iron and Steel, dence,-and defrauded . MARSHALL BROTHERS, WM. C. STREET. the heirs of dead body wished the other day that they had have robbed her of her trast In hqman teen hundred dollars from the treasury of age of seventy."f^^::;^j®«^i-.r.| Window Glass, Paints men. . Money certainly imparts nothing goodness and trnth, If be ­ 58 Courtiatidt Street, N. Y„ BUSHELS old Rock Salt, superior lyred come aud thongh she the State for which they became person to man, but over and above its legal su­ and died before they into . ; Om.d. Oils. -• 700 quality , just received and for sale bj a true woman, . she will aunaon pride ally responsible. Such was the secrecy in Duly sensible of the loss tlie country '; (Between Washington and Greenwich-sts.) A. MOREHOUSE. perscription, it takes the impress of his fashion. It was not me, I am afraid to HE Subscriber has now in store.and is enough to her aid, to hide froo the world executing this measure, that on the 1 Oth had sustained in the "death of GenWooa- , ...... ROBKRT T. MARSHALL conscience and will.—Dr. Chapin. wish at all. I am convinced, however, L M constantly receiving direct, from the man ly24 BF.XJ. . ARSAALL. T Iiubbeli & ., its pain, it will not be boraar:: of May, as is well known, this fort was ter, and justly appreciating his " merit* | ufacturerfi, a large supply of Foreign and Co ' they, have deal do with Orders a id oonliguments 'Cipectfully so- that a great to Domestic Goods, under the above denomina­ Would respectfully invite J^In commenting upon Governor You have robbed another of the love surprised and delivered up to Allen and and services," congress on the 11th Juna i lioited. tions, which makes his assortment of articles the attention of the public generallyleomlnM the *' ills that flesh is heir to." The ' , ­ , following " resolved, that a monument ba | suited to this market, equal to any in the to their large assortment of Groceries, Pro­ Packer s inaugural address the Philadel mother of John Wesley used always to and confidence which should have been his Arnold and their brave followers. This ^ B I. BOOTH, state, aud which will be sold either whole­ visions, Teas, Sugars, *c. Also of tbe phia Gazette says, very pertinently,—"he for the heart will never leam the sweet very important step, was at the sole risk erected to the memory of Gen. Wjoetaf g sale or retail,on as favorable terms as can best brands; etc.. etc. pray for a " healthful mind." This is a most be judiciously blind who does not song of youth again, and thongh the wife and responsibility of General Wooster with the following inscription-:. In.:hon"ur i| / ttorney & Counsellor at Law, be purchased iu New York. For list of ar­ matter iittle thought of. There are as ticles and prices, purchasers are requested Paints and Oils for Cash. see that henceforth the old Keystone of his bosom, she sits in tbe shadow of his and other individuals. Congress, when-in­ of David Wooster, Brigadier Getyctal !• | 61 WALL STREET, to call and examine for themselves many unhealthy minds as bodies in the HE subscriber has now in store a full sup­ State will be marshalled on the side of re­ hearth-sone, still the fountain from which formed of. this transaction, recommended the Army of the . In da- NEW YORK. WM. C. STREET. T ply of Paiuts and Oils, which will be World, calling for a far greater amount gulated liberty and popular rights. The you took the. seal, will neve? vle|d. its fresh that an inventory of the cannon and mili­ fending the liberties of America, and brave­ sold at reduced prices, for cash only. of attention and sympathy, than merely Dec. 1st, 1857. WM. C. STREET. Notice. day of southern political dominations has waters.as before. • tary stores found in the fort, should be ly repelling au inroad of Brithish forces AMOsirorJT, — physical suffering. I think, however, iV HANDES having furnished himself with , , . closed in this region, and all tbe indica­ taken, "in order, as they say, that they to Danbury in Connecticut he received General Pension & Patent Agent J• a suitable team for u general Carman House for Sale Cheap the time is fast disappearing in which are there is ill reserve this QUITE A FAMILY .—Captain Li­ may be safely returned when the restora­ a mortal wonnd on the 27th day of April And Prosecutor of Claims before Business, would respecfully solicitthe patron­ A NEW HOUSE, eligibly located, wltb- tions that for nervous sufferers are to be looked upon in three minutes'walk of the Bridge, nus Washburn, Middleboro,MM8., who age of those wanting carting done. Orders great Commonwealth a better to-morrow." of tion of the former harmony between 1777, and died 06 the 2d of May follow* several Departments and v" left, at the store of' Chas. Murry. (Fish Mar­ will be sold at much less than its value, »d . as legitimate subjects of ridicule. Would died a few days ago, was buried by the ket) will befaithfuily and promptly attended for a very small payment down, if applied for Great Britain and these colonies, so ar­ ing. The Congress of the United State* j. .• the Court of Claims, : , The value of reputation is always that the uninitiated could be favored side of his five wives, the last of whom to. soon. For further particulars, enquire of the wished for by latter, slmli. as an acknowledgement of his merit and died one year ago. ••• - dently the Washington, J). C. Norwalk, June 82nd, 1857, " ' tf25 Editor of the Gazette, St 41* dear to great and worthy minds. * ~ with a few lessons on this subject I I

; • v.;; ssaKsSefe x

5?"" ^ P " . * - -i f -v.* >• * C~ rarrir- -• The President's Message. A Figlit in the House of UcprescntaUves. Union Scliodt Examination. Fairfield County Agricultural Sccie' EY TELEGEAPH monument to j misapplied. A note on page 405, Tol. services, have caused this The examination of this institution, The above Society lielil its meeting The Message of President Buchanan, During the protracted session of Friday To the Norwalk Gazette, be erected/ •' | -'f • " II, of Lossing's " Field Book of the Rev­ (which,we predict,will yet live to become Bridgeport on Tuesday last, as i>er adjourn­ submitting the JiCi-oiuptou Constitution night, a fight took place between the no­ olution,''" refuten this error, and removes ment, tor the pnrpoEu <>f preparing •Resolved that the executive power of by all the boast and pride of our village) to ('digress on Tnt'siliiv l.ast, is 1<>o lon^ torious KeitI. of .South (Jarolin.i, am! (i. \sms<;To\, Mo inlay, 5 o'clock, J*. M. the State of Connecticut, be reuucsteu to | a slur i'i'oiu the ruemoi'v of a '.ralbuit offi- •play, Feb. 9, 1868. mium Lists, appointing Committer! 'lo*£ ! fiii' ns to:lT(>-<'i't iu our column;: this week, A. Grow ol Pennsylvania. Tnc Liter commenced yesterday, .Monday. "We ting the tiext Annual Exhibition, etc., ' m A iin ndiiienl, parsed by a vote of carry the foregoing resolutions, into exe­ cer. 5 yet welVust every reader will procure a. had lo knock the former (low.>, when - copy the programme from the Commit­ The several towus iu the Comity, were pret-,. r " it has been erroneously asserted that III lo III, Ihus th Tc:itiu< the Adminis- cution^and that $500 be allowed lor that, fr-rlprn state Ticket, tee's Circular, which has been sent us : ty generally represented. It was voted to copy of it and read it thoughtfully ami upon :i <:;enera! light l< :!•: place, i\ the money war; subsequently put into the was :t \vi ! IIC: tration ! purpose." Monday, P. M.— Latin and Greek hold the next Fair at Norwalk. that town carefully. Wc give below the strictures member of Congress win .hands of Gen Woonter's son, and tluit, it ' UOVERN3R, From some cause, however, unknown to Classes. Tuesday A. M.,Primary Schools. having made the highest bid therefor. A of the Tribuve upon that, official embla­ to the difficulty, gives lln following pa was squandered. This is not triie, as the WILLIAM INGHAM, of Norwich. new aijd important feature was also intro­ . John Calhoun. the author of these sketches, the bones of P. M.—Intermediate Schools. Wednes zonry of falsification, expressed iu terms ticulars : duced in the Premium.Lists, in the classifica­ When Senator Wilson stated, in ilie •that .hero lay inglorins in a country church­ journal of Congress will show. A bill for F.JGQ KOR LIEUT. GOVERNOR, which we could not hope to improve upon : Mr. (jrow objected to |r. Ouilman'; day A. M.—Grammar School. P. M. tion and numbering of articles alter the debate yesterday, that John Calln »i was yard, without even a stone to mark the the purpose passed the House of Repre­ JULIUS CATL1N, of Hartford. The Message of President Buchanan, making any remarks. Junior Class of the High Sehool. Thurs­ plan of the State Society. The following Mr. Kett. said. - if yon are going t< a. traitor—that "God never suffered to sentatives in 1852, but, in consequence of presenting to congress the Lecompton spot, and Connecticut, his native State, FOR SECRETARY OP STATE, day A. M.—Middle Class of the High gentlemen were appointed to act as Judges object, return to your own side of I lit walk his earth a man more richly deserv­ the numerous similiar petitions that were Constitution and urging the admission of ing to die a trailer's death and leave a have neglected unto this day to carry in­ s li JOHN BOYI), of Winchester. ?, School. P. M.—Senior Class of the High upon the respective classes : ' House. Kansas as a Slave State, under and by traitor's name, than lie"—he told just the to effect the resolution passed by Con­ presented after the passag of the resolu- No.l—On Farina—Stephen Ilnyt, New Mr. Grow responded ••Thif-, is a. free FOR TREASURER, School. Friday A. M—Algebra and virtue of that instilment, will be read with Canaan ; B. B. Plumb, Trumbull; J. H. hall, and every man has•; :i rif !i! I i lie truth. This .tohn Calhonn has received gress.* by the Lower House, the Senate did nat Geometry. P. M.—Reading, Spelling, grave and anxious interest. Let not its LUCIUS* ,f?flENDEE, of Hebron. Sherwood,Fairfield. & t where he pleases. and counted the vote of Delaware Cros­ .. The following sketch of Mr. David concur." length deter any one from perusing it. Composition, Declamation. ^ / No. 2—Pairs of Cattle—Piatt Brush, Da.i- Mr. Keitt then enme ii| .Ajr. (Jrow, sing, although the judges and clerk at At the time successful efforts were com­ FOR COMPTROLLER, So monstrous a compendium of fallacies Wooster is copied from a paper in my — bury; Josi th Kellogg, Norwalk ; Davjd and said—-I want to know u init, yon mean that time are ready to swear that the re­ WILLI AM II. BUELL, of Clinton. . f That Calico Ball. and misstatements—of suppression and turn was 4i> instead of '343 when Jack possession in the hand writing of Maria menced to secure the monument now stand­ Beecher, Huntington. by such an answer as that. misrepresentation—has seldom been im­ Henderson took it from their hands, and Clap Turner, grand-daughter of General ing in " Wooster Cemetery," Gov. Sey­ The " boys" havjng completed arrange­ No. 3—Stocks of Cattle—John B. Hyatt, • Mr. Grow replied—1 mean jut w' CONNECTICUT POLITICS. ments for a " blowout" on the 22d " in posed on a long-suffering pnblic. Begin­ I say. This is a free hall, am a man that not more than 43 votes were east. Wooster. Mrs. Mary Clapp Wooster was mour wa3 authorized, or volunteered to Ridgefield ; William Marvin, Norwalk ; sii i The Democratic Party. ning with the deliberate, intentional fraud a right to be where he please,'. Calhoun says he will not go behind the enquire into the fate of the above appro­ honor of Washington," it would hardly be Alanson Lyon, Redding. the widow of Gen. David Wooster, who The most-truthful delineation of mod­ of suppressing the whole domestic history Mr. Keitt (taking Mr. Grow l»y the returns. And yet this same villain has courteous to forestall them by another of No .A—Blooded Stock— Angmtns Mead, of Kansas prior to the assembling of the fell in defence of his country between priation, the result of which enquiry sub­ ern Sham Democracy is contained in one throat)—I will let you know lh;it tat are rejected not, less than 2000 free State the novel and attractive features of the Greenwich ; Georgfe Osborne, Rrdding ; first Topeka Convention, it leaves those Danbury and Bidgefield. She was the stantiates the statement made by the his­ a d—d Black Republican puppy. votes, for some alleged informality in the or the Resolutions of the recent Republi­ Gideon Thompson, Bridgeport. who rely npon it in utter darkness and returns! daughter and only surviving child of Da­ torian Lossing. Although neglect is Calico Hop. But why may not the boys Mr. Grow knocked up his hand, say-, can Convention. It reads as follows : No. 5—Bulls, JVative or Grade—James S, confusion as to the very pivot of all this this By these swindles Calhonn has, it now certainly involved in the long day in suit­ yield to the public desire for this novelty ? injr—J shall occupy such place in vid Clap, formerly President of Yale Col­ 5. Resolved, That, the so-called Democratic Cole, Easton ; John Daveiiport, Wilton ; Da­ Kansas controversy. The rational but ill- hall as 1 please, and no nigger driver appears continued in Carr the Democrat, party of the Norlb^ which defended the Wil- Adopt the rules governing the one in N. informed reader of this Message, seeing so lege. She married at the age of 16 and ably marking the resting place of the re­ rius St. John, New Canaan. shall crack his whip over me. instead of i'arrott, for Congress, and Jhe mot Proviso in 1847, repudiated it in behalf Y. as reported in Saturday's Herald, ap­ No. 6—Milch Coirs and Heifers—Nathan much said in it of rebellion, revolutionary whole Pro-Slavery ticket, and made the was the mother of two children a son and mains of Gen. Wooster, it is yet a subject of squatter sovereignty in 1848, sanctioned Mr. Keitt then again grabbed JVlr. government, resistance to the laws, &e., legislature .stand one majority on joint of congratulation that it has resulted in the compromise measures of 1850 as a final point a committee to scour the towu for Seeley, Bethel; Darins Davenport, New Ca­ Grow by the throat, and Mr. (Jrow knock­ a daughter. The properties of this lady's must, inevitably ask, " Why was this To­ settlement, repudiated them and repealed an articles for distribution,and with proceeds naan ; Wm.Hill, Bridgeport. ed his hand off, and Mr. Keitt coining at ballot for the pro-slavery men. The understanding, and of her heart, were the planting of a more beautiful and ap­ ancient-compremise in 1854, at the moment No. 7—Fat Cattle—Harry Stone, Danbu­ peka organization effected ? Why did House, by his count, stauds tied, 22 to Mm when Freedom was to receive its first benefit lie distributed to the poor, by the present him again, Mr. (Jrow knocked him down. such as are rarely fonnd in the same per- propriate shaft than would been done by ry ; Heman Beers. Newtown; Amzi Rod- the people of Kausas refuse to recognize The light took place at twenty minutes 22, but in the Senate the Democrats.have therefrom, postponed the time when the peo­ managers ? Iu this way they will ensure and respect her earlier Territorial Legis­ 10 to !> Free State men. . son. The power of her mind were strong, the comparitively small sum proposed by ple of the territory might prohibit slavery to gers.New Fairfield. " ' ' to two o'clock, Saturday Morning. latures ? Why did they refuse to vote at The latest, information states, however, active and firm. These were awakened Congress. This satisfaction is increased the period when they should adopt a State a "jammed house" instead of the chances No. 8—Working Oxen, C years old and The Speaker loudly and imperatively certain Territorial Elections ?" Our Constitution, and then endeavored todefraud of " here and there a traveler," as is pos­ upwards—Walter G. Booth, Trumbull ; demanded "order, and called on I he Her- that the pro-slavery ruffian Storer, who ; * euligtened and enlarged by an early, uni­ by the reflection that the citizens of his them even of that last privilege, and which readers, with most Republicans, will readi­ was shot by the Free State men about 'y Alanson F. Lewis, Stratford ; Gilbert Shute, geant-at-Arms to interfere. form and well regulated education. Her native State, and especially of the town now avows through the President, that slave­ sible, under the present arrangement.— ly answer—" Because the Territorial Gov­ one month ago, is dead, and that he wfis. . ry is universal in the territories, and cannot Danbury. ' That functionary, carrying his mace of he lost his life in defending, united in the Thus the public will be pleased, the poor ernment was usurped by invading viilence one of t he 10 Democratic Senators. His understanding was enriched by a great be prohibited therein while they remain such, No. 9—3 years old and upwards—Samuel office, together with his assistants, hur­ benefitted, and the young men made hap­ and fraud at the first Legislative Election death would leave the whole Legislature ' T variety of useful information. Her knowl­ final consummation of the act of jastice. has, bv these "changes, conclusively demon­ A. Seeley, Fairfield ; James Hoyt, New Ca- ried to the scene, and crowded into the 1 Eds. Times. strate-that it acts upon no fixed democratic pier far than by devouring forty suppers. in March, 1855 ; and because the Gov­ thickest of the light, in which at hast, a tied, even on Calhoun's rascally count. edge of New England, particularly Con­ principle, but serves the temporary purposes uaan ; James W. Beardsly, Bridgeport ernment, thus usjpetl, became a pliant in­ 'i'his Calhonn is the man who will be . - dozen members were engaged. necticut, was extensive and minute. She of the, great American Aristocracy and Mo­ No. 10—Horsei—William Finch, West- strument of oppression, iniquity and wale- sent to the United States Senate, if the ^ The greatest preservative of beau­ !i A Narr ow Escape. Some minutes elapsed before this trnly nopoly. . port; Aaron Morehouse, Wilton ; J.C. Kel- sale fraud, such as slaves only could be Democratic schemes succeed and the Le- ^ was conversant with all the Historical ty known to modern science, is Prof. On Friday last, as a wood train was going fearful contest was quieted. And now? alas, all this is true. That ley, Norwalk. expected to iudure." The Government eompton measure is forced through Con­ and natural curiosities of this country.— Wood's Hair Restorative and Cosmetic. up on the Danbury Road, the engineer saw a The members having reluctantly re­ great part.y,1W.hieh once set itself iu the No. 11—Colts—F. F. Farwell, Norwalk; thus seized and perverted was necessarily gress by Federal bribery. What a Sen- " Her society was much sought, and her Among the most important features of wagon on the track, at the crossing near Um- turned to their seats, there was a, dead William Dikeman, Westport; Wm.. Pond, repudiated and defied by the great mass ut.or he will make.—Palladium, Friday. * . female beauty, are a luxuriant*head of van as'the g|ardian of human rights and calm iu comparison with the scene just en­ conversation much enjoyed by men of pawangPond. He immediately took all pos­ Stamford. of the People of Kansas, whose Right, of hair and a fine complexion ; both of which the special aasqrtor of human equality, is acted. literature. Our pleasure in noting these sible measures to avoid a collision, and the No. 12— Sheep—Phineas Close, Green­ Suffrage it crippled by unconstitutional ACCUJIL'J.ATION* OF U. S. SOLDIERS IX should be regarded as sacred treasures, fallen from its'jigh estate to itfi'fhe veri­ Mr. Quitman proposed thai they now person in the wagon made great efforts to Test Oaths and by Election Laws framed characteristics would be much less than for either may be lost by neglect, or pre­ wich ; Frederick T. Betts, Norwalk ; John adjourn and take the question on the ref­ KANSAS.—The N. Y. Evening Post, est tool of th<|iitost attroeious of despo­ " get off the track," but all to no purpose, as to facilitate and give impunity to fraud. it is, were we obliged to stop here. Whit served by the use of the above named ar­ Edwards, Easton. erence of the Kansas Message, on Mon­ speaking of the new practice of stationing his old horse had " baulked," and not com­ The Topeka Convention, Constitution and ticle ; delay is dangerous. We seldom tisms. There hasffnothing as yet, been No. 13—Swine—Albert S. Knapp, Fair­ day, at one o'clock. JS..; most distinguished, most adorned, most prehending liia danger, stubbornly stood his Government were simply a solemn appeal the army among- our own peaceful citi­ undertake, editorially to endorse whalare found base enough to startle the Demo­ field ; Alva Pe'arce, New Fairfield ; Ebenezer Emphatic and general response from ennobled her was the gospel of the Son of ground, until the engine struck the wagon, to Congress by the great mass of the Peo­ zens, savs : • ' " called " Hair Restoratives," as kuowing cracy of the Noyth oven, as a body from J. Richards, New Canaan. the Republican side, "No!" ".No!'' and severed it in twain, throwing the hind ple of Kansas from the slaveholding con­ God. This she professed in early life; full well that the great majority of such No. 14— Poultry—Charles Hoiifh, Bridge­ "No!" This sort of military despotism was be­ its devotion to slavery. Under the spe­ wheels.on one side of the%track, and the for­ spiracy, invasion and fraud wlireby their and from that period to the day of her de­ preparations are entirely worthless. Ex­ port ; Isaac S. Beers, Norwalk ; L. V. St. The confusion fiegan to break out afresh, gun iu Kansas by President. Pierce, and cious names..of "..adhering to the compro­ ward ones with the old horse, on the opposite most precious rights had been wrested ceptions there are, nevertheless, and a- ; John, New Canaan. when the speaker said i'je*wou!d direct the the rapidity with which it has spread cease, lived steadily under its influence. cide. The unharmed, but considerably stirred from and turned against them. The Presi­ mong these we have never hesitated to ex­ mises of the,Constitution," " preserving No. 15—Field , drain and Grass Sergeant-at-Arms to put under arrest, there ought to alarm the country. At Though fervent and animated on all top­ up rosinante, stood " amid the wreck of mat­ dent knows these facts, yet he wiilfully press our conviction that the article known the Union," and the like, it has trampled Seeds—Carmi Lockwood, Norwalk ; John F. those who disregarded, the order of the the end of the first three months of the? ter," and looked on iu mute astonishment, suppresses and ignores them, proceeding in ics;* whenever she opened her lips, on the as " Wood's Hair Restorative" is entitied Beard, Daiibury; D. H. Sherwood, Fairfield. House. year 1855, we had but 351 soldiers i«j on the" Constitution and brought the con­ their absence to heap accusation after ac­ subject of religion, her fervor seemed to to a proud pre-eminence. This article while the driver of the vehicle could no No. 16—Vegetables—George R. Cholwell, Mr. Campbell said he fore saw that Kansas. At the end of six months there federacy into more imminent peril than cusation, wrong after wrong, on the Free- glow, and her animation kindle, in pro­ has told its own story in numberless in­ where be found. On examining the wheels Norwalk ; Gilbert K. Rilter, Stamford ; Pe­ disagreeable feelings would result, here were 912 there. At the commencement ever before/ It -is not eighteen months and brakes of the train,(which he had passed State men of Kansas, whose whole histo­ of the year 1856, we had 1086 there ; al! stances of prematurely gray and bald- ter C. Rowan, Danbury. •* from the exciting questions connected portion to the magnitude of the subject. on several rods,) the man with his cushion ry he distorts, and whose every motive he the commencement of 1851, we had 1342i heads, and the certificates in regard to its since it was shouting for "popular sover­ No. 17—Fruit—Benj. D. Norris, Ridge­ with Kansas. She was eharitable to the poor, sympa­ and buflalo robe, was found on the top of the mis-states and calumniates most wickedly. there, and in October last, onr military^ amazing efficacy have been alike numer­ eignty," and in Connecticut especially field ; George Seymour, Norwalk ; Eliahim Mr. Barksdale -T call the gentleman thetic to the afflicted, and benevolent to cow catcher, (which on this occasion proved From the gigantic falsehood by suppres­ force in Kansas numbered 2516, jnst the\ ous, unsolicited, and emphatic. When were the people told that by the applica­ Hough, Bridgepoit. to order. to be a man catcher,) and so nicely was he sion with which it sets out to the snuffling nnmber, as near as Mr. Stanton can cal- • all: She passed through many scenes.— Senators of the United Staees, and oth­ No. 18—, Dairy and Honey—Stiles Mr Campell wished the gentleman from tion ofj^his new doctrine, not only Kan­ taken up, that not even the brick in his hat cant with which it concludes, ail is sys­ culate, of the pro-slavery party in Kan­ Her early days were strewed with flow­ ers (of the highest standing socially and Judson,Stratford ; AaronOlmstead, Wilton ; Mississippi (Barksdale) to know that he sas, but all the other territories were to was displaced, or the bottle in his pocket bro­ tematic imposture, perversion and villainy. sas. Thus, for every man who desires sla­ politically) openly declare that "Wood's John B. Knapp,Stamford.- (Campbell) was his peer. ers, but the latter part of her life was ken. He was but littie injured but terribly We have iTeither time nor space to ex­ very in tha t territory and the adoption of Hair Restorative" is all, and more than be free.'states.. Now, popular sovereignty No. 19—Preserved Fmits anil Pickles—S. The New York Herald of Sunday mor­ full' of disappointment, and afflictions.— all it pretends to be, we cannot do other­ scared. It was a very narrow escape, and pose this atrocious document in detail.— the LecoinptQU constitution, the govern­ is repndujtgd. the President proclaims in E. Olmstead, Norwalk ; David Judson,Strat­ ning, has the following by telegraph from She lost her hnsband, children and for­ wise than believe them. The article can should be a caution to him in future not to Its labored citation of Gov. Walker's de­ ment provides a soldier to overawe aud a special message that " KANSAS IS AS ford ; J. B. Daskam, Stamford. spatches written ere Walker had sickend Washington : discourage the twelve thousand people tune. Bnt all these troubles she bore be had at all our druggists. See notice trench upon that well established rule in phi­ MUCH A STATE AS SOUTH CAROLINA No. 20—Farming Utensils—Jonathan of being Slavery's jackal and the Presi­ who denonuce that constitution as a fraud. elsewhere.—Rahway Republican. losophy, which teaches that" two bodies can­ Mr. Harris' resolution is considered by with rare equanamity and fortitude. As Camp, Norwalk ; Stephen Hoyt, New Ca­ dent's pliant tool—its toilsome sophistry Sold by all good Druggists. OR G'EORGi^^id that the people of the not occupy the same space at the same time." the members of Congress, and by sagac­ she approached the close of her life, naan ; Talcott B. Wakeman, Westport. designed to prove that the fraudulent, rule SKATING OX JAIIACA POND.—The beau­ :— other.i'erj^togies have no constitutional .. . ious politicians, as involving the fate of her for religion increased, and I®- A correspondent asks the origin Solid Silver at Auction. No. 21- -Domestic Manufactures—Henry of a small minority, upheld by batteries the present government ami the democrat­ tiful weather of yesterday afternoon, and power tp^exclude the accursed system Ik Hoyt, Norwalk; Benj. Heath, New Ca­ and dragoons, is Popular Sovereignty- the indifferent pkating on Jamaca Pond, her relish for everything else abated.— of the phrase " Give us your hand John No one was surprised to find Clark offering ic party. If Mr. Harris' resolution pre­ J- from their, borders, and straightway, up his immense stock of plated goods and other naan ; David M. Marvin, Westport. its preposterous assnmption that the ad­ vails—which is a Douglas Republican had the effect to r;all out frorn six hun­ Her conversation was principally about Boyd." , , dred to a thousand lovers of the most go the cajjs\of the Connecticut Shamoc- articles of Jnealry at Auction, bnt when he No. 22—Ladies Industrial—Miss Gertrude mission of 'Kansas as a Slave State will movement combined—the democratic par­ Heaven and heavenly things. It was the In the Spring of 1854, the Nebraska glorious exercise of the season. The road racy, in lienor of this new phase of their puts up Gold and Silver Watches, and Solid Barnum, Danbury ; Mrs. A. II. Byington, suppress " agitat ion" and localize the Sla­ ty and the administration will be hors du Bill was under discussion in Congress, and about the pond presented a cordon of hors­ result of choice, not of necessity. While Silver Spoons, and lets them go off, wether Norwalk : Mrs. F. C. Hoyt, Danbury ; Mrs. very issue—its attempts to show that fast­ combat ! as the probabilities of its passage grew political creed. . We confess we cannot ening the Lecomptoi*Coustit.utioa .on an es and carriages, with the pond itself, half her body was a prey to disease, her soul they bring half what they are worth, or not, Geo. R. Cholwell, Norwalk ; Miss E. J. Booth There is some doubt, aboirt the result. stronger, the indignation of the people understand how the honest and intelligent indignant, outraged People, is the short­ covered with animated gronps of both sex­ seemed more and more above this world. it becomes a serious question, whether the Trumbull. It is believed that, notwithstanding the grew proportionately, and the old barriers portion of tljat party, men reared in New No. 23—Floriculture—Henry Smith, 2d, est way to enable them to rid themselves scenes of last night, and the previous test, es, as seen from a little distance, bope thp Her exhibition of the realities of religion Selectmen ought not to appoint a Conservator between the Whig, Free Soil and Demo­ England schools, and taught New Eng­ Ridgefield ; J. M. Rqse, Greenwich ; Alfred of its yoke—in short, every feature of this votes, the friends of order ami the Union aspect of a broad play ground in "merne during the last days of her life, made cratic parties lost all power to restrain over him. We warn him in advance. Message—stamp it an elaboration of im­ England." A nearer view was no less in­ land maxims o( Freedom and of right, can Hoyt, Norwalk. will rally on Monday and defeat the mo­ those who conversed with her forget all the people from union. Upon the The Meeting of the Life Members of No. 24— Plowing Match— fThe rules of posture and iniquity such as no false tion of Mr. Harris, ft is, however a spiring Half the beauty and gallantry of legislature to be chosen would devolve any longer cling to the dead carcass of a prophet, ever concocted. Onr columns the suburbs appear to have taken posses­ her former greatness, and proficiency in the Norwalk Institute, called tor last Satur­ the State Society to be adopted.] Edfon most important and somewhat doubtful the duty of electing a U. S. Senator to political organization whoso vitality for show how it was received in Congress—it sion of the glacial oasis, and beauty or day, has been adjourned to Saturday Even­ Hoyt, Danbury ; Lorenzo Hall, Bridgeport ; contest. other things. In the character of the fill the vacBncy caused by the resignation must uivake.n a. still wider and deeper in­ gallant ry rarely appeared to better advan­ anything good is shown to have become ing of the present week, at Mr. Ferry's of­ Chas. E. Booth, Trumbull. At the last hour this morning, when Christian we are willing to forget every of Hon. Truman Smith and also choosing dignation among the People. tage than on this occasion. There were so utterly extinct. Such men, if such No. 25—Discretionary Committee—P. D. the members of the House were 'tjrirt- a successor to Mr. Smith. fice. .oJable parental parents with more snow other conspicuous trait which justly and Crosby, Danbury ; Isaac L. Hoyt, Darien ; ed.'Geu. Quitman succeeded or his no­ The Whigs showed a spirit of gene­ still remain in nominal connection with PLEDGED TO DISUNION.—The Charles- 1 on their heads and whiskers than can be singularly belonged to her. Her light A. car load of 200 bushels of Oysters, George G. Bishop, Norwalk. tion to adjourn the session, <, >• the- cmidi .- rous conciliation and nominated for the that organization, belong really to the passed over the Danbury Railroad on Friday town Mercury makes the following state­ ion that at. one o'clock pti ^iouriay the » • hflf a dozen coun- seemed to be truly that of the just, which State Senate, Clark Greenman of the 7 th No. 26—Committee on Contraets— Stephen lie-, in eaft '.Viuj- :•!iA Republican party ; the party which adopts last, and after our Danbury friends were sup­ Hoyt, New. Canaan ; Wm. C. Street, Nor­ ment: -5 question on the resolution of MI*" Harris shineth jnore and more unto the perfect, district and John Boyd of the 15th, both should be voted upon without debate.— danglit ts. tsfeinfflSfeisUksfc, or #rehonce, • the principles, the watch-words, the names plied, a large quantity was taken "clear up walk ; B. B. Plumb, Trumbull. "Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama day. She was born 1726, and died in well known as distinctive Free Soilers.— On Monday, atone o'clock, therefore, this their .second or thud lesson sfcftifav.' into JVew Fairfield." The days fixed upon for holding the Exhi­ stand pledged to secede from the Union, These pledges of good will were received under which the £reat Republican leaders important question, involving the fate of There were young boys guiui«^ New Haven at the age of 78. bition, are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, should Kansas, applying to Congress for with great satisfaction and led the way of sixty years ago won their laurels and There were in Norwalk the past year, the democratic party, the administration, tecting older sisters, and slightly older and Friday,Sept. 21s't, 22d,23d, and 24th. admission as a slave State, be refused ad­ Her son, Thomas Wooster, was sent to a complete triumph "of the united oppo­ achieved victories of whose consequences 221 Births, 61 Marriages, and 129 Deaths.— -aud perhaps-the Union, will be decided. boys skating attendance on sisters of vic­ N. B.—Should any inaccuracies exist in the mission." ious juveniles, who were thus left free to to Europe; On his return he married sition. - the end is not yet. To such Democrats, Two persons died who were Slaves when that fg^The two Connecticut Shams have The New Haven Palladium in announ­ names of the Judges, they are teqnested to And yet these are three ofihe States skate into holes or suioke abominable ci­ Lydia Sheldon, by whom he had five sons the recent message of the President must " Institution" was tolerated in Connecticut made up their minds to go for Buchanan cing the nomination of Mr. Boyd paid a —Jenny White, familiarly called " Aunt send immediate notice to the Corresponding- that contributed to the success of the gars ad libitum. Solitary old gentlemen, and one daughter. He served as a Colo­ throw, a flood of light npon the motives Secretary, nt this office, that they may be and Slavery, and all. They a"re the only fond of exercise, went, round and round generous tribute to his worth and closed Jenny," and Onesimus Brown, known to ev; great "Union Saving party" in the last nel in the revolutionary war. After the corrected before their publication ip the Pre­ with their overcoats on their arms, and an article urging his unanimous support which, impelled the passage of the Kansas erybody as " On-e." , ones from New England. The Republi­ Presideutiel election—and without whose gentlemen from the purlieus of Conrt-st. war he went with his family to New- Or­ with the remark, " Give us your hand Nebraska Bill.. • Such Democrats cannot mium Lists. cans have met the battle manfully, and John Boyd." The shams took it up in aid that party cprild not have succeeded. stood gravely attentive on the circles of leans. Business rendered it necessary for stand .by the Administration now, with­ The suggestions of a "Looker ridicule, but it was the watchword of The First Fruits and the Second. Our reliance, therefore, upon haying the they are cheered with the results. skaters. Dry goods gentlemen from the him to go to New Haven ; on his return out eating their words, and making them­ over the Bridge" are timely and good, union. Thecompaign resulted in sending The Middletown City Election, result­ Zhiion saved by the election of such a North end said they " loved it," (the skat­ to-New Orleans the ship was lost and he Hons. Francis Gillette and L. F. S. Fos­ selves at once a monument of inconsisten­ but too late for this week's paper. Jt seems that, our suddenly dis­ ing) and smiled with their friends. Ad­ ing in the complete rout of the Sham President as James Buchanan, rests whol­ tinguished fellow ciM^e'is. Mr. J. D. Wil­ was never heard of. His widow with her ter to the U. S. Senate.—Hart. Press cy and miserable servility. mirers of the weed bought sjich cigars ag is The Peak Family had a fine house Democracy, were the first fruit s of the ly on the balance of power maintained liamson, knows iinucii irtf the Investi­ were vended on the spot, anfj retired intp family returned to New York. Four of — SHOEMAKERS WANTED AT THE WEST— New Store. on Saturday evening, and gave general wise action of the recent State Conven­ by the.States pledged to disunion whenev­ ogating c? Committee^ at' • their bell-crowned hats for "a light." the sons went to sea and two were lost.— that they decline to bo enlighten;-'!.- — Horace Greeley writes from Davenport, James Flynn, has just opened a new satisfaction. tion, and we now have another and more er the national policy is shaped against lfjjl.1 "•*•»' revealed the (juality of The fith son, Charles Whitney Wooster, Tjiey brought hipi then in a' rer.v lum­ the Hrfielr, and then vv-^t. out. Skate 111., to the Tribune, that if there were fif­ and fresh Young America looking Gro­ significant bnd of promise, iu the disaffec­ their individual desires. We apprehend inary and unciyii way, lo testis v .r i' ;"t married Fanny Stebbins, daughter of Si­ The communication from our es­ *trfei>* broke an-! men came regularly 4- ty thousand shoemakers transplanted this cery Store, just opposite the Depot at tion ar»d open revolt of a large body of ,that in a few more years the American one extinct Congress, said to have been liieir knrT« r - •?..-> ftyst . skafa mon, who was the son of Theophilns, who teemed correspondent" S." is unavoidably straps be»oa<:*«*d to a fne;;d ot ort^-I ^. winter from New England to the tribu­ South Norwalk. Mr. F. is a gentleman the more intelligent adopted citizens in people will recover from the folly of sa­ bribed with $87,000: bnt when he offer­ A0 was the son of Boni, who built the house crowded out. ed to testify against another one that was we left the scene ^Vitiuco , : taries of the upper Mississippi, there would well calculated to give satisfaction in the New Haven. It appears thajt oil the de­ ving the Union by electing its deadliest now standing in Ridgefield between If 08 bribed with $700,000, more or less, they moonlight of last evening was , be ample work there for the whole of line of his vocation. " - , cease of Dr. Downes, the late Registrar, ene'fnies into position-; of jMace and pow- 1161, (who was the son of Thomas of The Philadelphia banks resumed refused to hear him. We submit that well improved on Jamace Pond. j them, and they would be better recom­ er. .. * , .Huston Journal, Jan. S. j specie payment on Thursday. The Wash­ these citizens asked of the Selectmen the this was treating Mr. "Williamson very Deerfield, Mass., who was the son of Ro The old- Knickerbocker, like bo- • -f :r r }>adiy. We trust, however, that what he pensed than they now can be. Every ington and Baltimore Banks have also re­ appointment of Dr. D's assistant, but this, land, who came to this country in 1628, nuvi vinum, constantly improves with age. We find t'.if. folio wing very extra­ has to say will noi be iost. When the Mr- G ranger of New York made a hort pair of shoes that now nets the maker but sumed. was refused, and the appointment was who was the son of Sir Thomas, of Suf­ We had rather go eupperless to bed than ordinary iutimat m in tVj- Richmond En­ Lecompton question is put aside, as we speech in Congress the other day agiost s ***. . one to two bushels of corn, would com­ given to auotljer. Whereupon the citi­ hope it will be to-day by the appointment, folk County, West of England.) The do without old Kniek. = quirer, an ardent support rof the Admin­ the increase of the United States Ajny, mand from three to six bushels if the ma­ The number of births in Fairfield zens aforesaid in great numbers met of the Select Committee, let the House house in Ridgefield has holes over the during the last year was 11 ; marriages istration, and a jotinial likely to be well which covers nearly the whole grounl.— • ker were located in this land of plenty.— _ We are nnder obligations to the recently, and. resolved that they are order an investigation into the passage of door made by the bullets which were informed upoi Ui» the Tariff of 18-16, and give Mr. William­ Five-sixths of the boots and shoes worn 22 ; deaths 53. three fifths of the party at New Haven, He is reported as fnllows. , /• ~ fired, when the battle was fought in which Hons. Lafayette S.Foster and James W Feb. 1, 1858. son the opportunity to iay his evidence by the farmers of the northwest are made and that they will not be so insulted, Mr. GRANGER (N. Y.j said hat; Gen. Wooster was killed. Dixoiiof the Seuate, and to Wm. D. PATENTS.—(Bliss' Report.)—The fol­ The Lecr-.-Mpion Constitution has arriv before the country. It is said, too, that in New England, where provisions are the administration by their extravaguce Bishop of the House, for Public Docu­ lowing patents were granted to citizens of We shall hear more of this matter ; ed, and wi'i to-day, submitted to Con­ he has some ugly statements to make and folly had increased the expemlitres < Charles W. Wooster had command of respecting Messrs. Cass and Buchanan. much higher than in the west. ments of value, j-.; Connecticut, for the week ending Tuesday gress with a'tspet il message from the eighteen or nineteen millions annudy, the forts around the harbor of New York J r L. A. Papther, who was elected a Let the truth be made known. -V——— Feb. 2. President c-'. ti'. • L nited States. T.'ie fate while the revenue has run down twent or # during the three years war of 1812, under agf The democratic argument for the » Valentines. . Francis Arnold of Middle Haddam, member of the Kansas constitutional con. of the Cc SLitutu u uncertain. Strct Tribune, Monday. thirty. One part of the army is surrond- v ^ ! the title of Major of the Sea Fencibles— admission of Lecompton is made by. the Messrs. Knapp & Lynea have a large and for improvement in clamps for holding la­ convention but refused to take his seat, party dif. 'j iipe fliay parr} t. through the ed by snow and the Mormons ; auotbris • - |f: Pelatiah Perit,. Esq., has offered After the war he went to Chili, and was Richmond Enquirer in-the following con­ beautifnl-assortment'oT Valentines, ready to dies hatr in curl. Senate, «=.'• Honse is a n}a- playing second fiddle to Slavery in Ian- , Thomas B. Butler of Norwalk, for im­ writes a letter to Mr. Cox, member of iu writing the resignation of his member­ clusive manner : . do execution". Will Young America allow us jority of four Us rccepxion, sas, and the remainder are fighting foj- made Admjral of their Navy. He died provement in the mode of formiug the Congress from Ohio, which is published any and all eircnuust.fucesY*s«d vM it h' ship of the N. y., Board of Police Coni- " The opponents of the Lecompton a wocd of advice, (particularly masculine glory and Billy' Bowlegs'. [LapghV.J sit San Francisco in 1848. He had two bat for making felt cloth. in the Washington Slates, declaring his said that Mr. Buchanan .V.-areu AOM lie j mi-doners, and refuses to recall it. Du- And now congrss was called npon to'jiise constitution contend, that in not referring America,) thaUs, do not sacrifice your own son's, one died in infancy, the second Twentyman Wood of Greenwich, for signature to the convention a forgery, and, termination to put it through in j viiig ctit: !nst sessiou, the board were oc­ four regiments. If he should votefor the whole of it for popular approval or manh;oM anii'lfelf-fespect, so far as to take improved method of feeding the bo}t in thirtv days, or burst. These fom votes ,' cupied in cusr.idering the choice of com- them his constituents would find it ouv— j- Charles F. Wooster, was eduacated at condemnation, the convention forces it advantage of this otherwise very inter­ saying i • • • shingle machines. - j*. j may be had, as there are a number of Uv. \ to fd! fr*e vacancy, although Tlie administration is in tronble, anno West Point, served in tile Florida war, npon the people nolens volens. It is true, esting ,?sstom, to wound the feelings of " I am a democrat, and that in the sirable Executive appointments ready to the it ii.H-' no vet been accept­ are the people. The Democratic paly ; and the war with Mexico. At the battle it may be in opposition to the popular others. If you want to perpetrate a joke, broadest sense of the term. I am, also, ed; -•.» • iici.k^';d that he The Hon. Truman Smith, while at give put, bjjt it will require nice party en­ (so called) turned the screw the wi$g will in many of its provisions. But Con­ a Southerner,• from the bosom of old Vir­ of Chihuahua, though Col. Doniphan had or an insult, come out with the;iourage Litchfield, a few days since on profession' gineering. wou' i supiii.- :. » --ifes'- . . " • office. way when they passed the Free Trade }a- gress cannot prove it to le so, without re­ and dignity of a man, let off the cracker, or ginia, and yet so fnuch opposed to the in- command yet it was through his advice al business, was seized with a fit which • Here is a distin.ct intimation, fr.oin a It i. ;»•<.« Itiat/tiifc. iff. If tliev were wise they would restfe turning it to be voted on by the people.,— throw down the glove—don't secretly skulk Lecompton constitution, that, if Congress tend to pi<-•; . ' ON;..' ou . seriously alarmed his friends. He so far friend of the President, that he is deter­ .irivorUv to the country by a j!3disf#J and counsel the victory was gained ; he And we hold that it should not be return­ behind one of those miserable caricatures, undertakes to force it npon us, I will fight recovered however in a day or two, as to and lot, in token u, their a..,Tn-sjvf j P •iii'wiai :>)' '"'ftiital 'protection. 5 I will suffer death rather than submit mined to purchase votes enough to carry t.n. gave the directions for all the movements. ed unless it has been previously proved to which y<5u may think' a cut upon the form, be able to return to New York. his services in the ConiiniNMC! To use the words of Major Porter, " he Congress to misrepresent the popular will. fashion, or occupation of your friend or ad­ •. to the the damnable thing. I ^ i.-the Lecomptou Constitntiou—paying for the great eternal ! that I will resist it Vs a-S-' A -,.Baldvd&: •"3W was to On this ground its acceptance is unavoid­ versary. > • _ * WSf During the Presidential campaign •them in '-'desirable Executive appoint- Should that insane measure suc­ didn't know what fear was." His talents long as I live ; and, if it is not destroyed Si t able." " : -• • — YY '/.J the Democrats denied that Kansas yvould ceed, [the admission of Kansas into the principal. r < • - tint were fine and he had all the qualities of daring my life, I wil1 disinherit my clffl- Hienis." /'• ' This is decidedly more forcible atad Wonderful Devil-opements. _ become a slave state if Buchanan was Union under the Lecompton Constitu­ meeting inHarttoid '.list '•*$&&<>•••r; an officer. He died at Fort Brown, Tex­ drep if they wilt P<* promise frank than the President's manner of ad­ We iifl derstand that on Tuesday last, just elected. Now the President in his mes­ tion,] " the Central Government will The Hartford Press says ; against it after I am gone. . ^ . Almost everybody thinks that he as, on the 14th of Feb'y, 1856, aged 39 before the time for the evening train up on sage says that " KANSAS IS AS MUCH A have arrived at a stage of despotism and vancing the same sophistry. But in eith­ 'could e,dit a pewspaper a little better than Austin Baldwin Esq., wl' ^wSl^ j; years, 8 months, and 12 days. His re­ the Danbury Road, a persop walking on the SLAVE STATE AS GEORGIA OR SOUTH CARO­ contempt of the popular vote and the peo­ iiki.4 earrest and decided of $><%!• Wjn er case the character of the dodge is per­ a|r A correspondent of the New York •.anybody else. Yet histoiians.and essay- mains have been brought hither, and are track between Georgetown and Ridgefield, LINA." Who has deceived the people ? ple, huparallelled exccpt by Louis Napo­ in his vic\Vs, and'the most lor • l ,• svppkiud- : fectly plain. sphere lies the charge of base treachery ? Times, says that Prof. Olmstead, of Yale ists'of high repute have made deplorable leon in his inarch to tlie imperial crown. interred in our family lot in Greenwood : discovered a large stone.near the rail, wfcicb 'College, has proposed a lecture contro­ 4 I, is a decided FiUniore hit n r " he removed. A girl, some eighteen or twen­ - . »• ->-•« failures in this line of literature. They One step more upward, and Mr. iJiichan- only member iroiu New :f tpp Cemetery. His name and his mother's ffjjgy Rev. Daniel Burrowsdied at Mys­ jpgg- Mr. John fitch, President of the verting'some of the statements of Wen­ an virtually becomes an Emperor, sur­ ty years of age, named "Lizzie Gardiner," dell Philips in his lecture on " The Lost have proved unsuccessful even in writing last South American Nation; ( omention (whose remains are also there,) on one tic, a few days since, aged 92. He rep­ (who ia noted as being somewhat " sassy") Mechanics Bank and long knowa as one rounded with a subsidised Court to do at Louisville, where he deplored vuo fanat-, Arts.-'.' ***+ " leaders," and that is by no means the side of the monument, and Stebbens are resented Connecticut in Congress during and who had, in consequence of this weak­ of the most prominent business men of his bidding".— Walerbttry Anerwaii. , . icism of New England and avowed his fi­ New Haven, died on Thursday, at the — great work of Journalism. on the other. By the foregoing, it will the last term of Munroe's administration ; ness, the Saturday night previous, been served There is great reason for JJie in­ delity to the South, we are told, in such,? uge of 11, Unquestionably any man, who, as be apparent that four generations in suc­ was one of the commissioners to define in the manner the maternal resident of the tense feeling in Kansas against the pro- terms as drew tears from the eyes and ap­ -f Mr. Ootbout, for many yeas President The French $mpercr is still be­ President of the United States, would old shoe, wha slavery powers at Washington. The plause from the lips of the famous Par- • cession have been in the service of their the bounds between Massachusetts and of the JJank of New.York died on the pick natiflijal quarrels to please his party, '• Had BO man; young 'riiis "she didn't know what to do," worst of villains hold the most important sieging Agassiz, to induce him to accept son Brownlow, who finally jumped up and country.' L • : Connecticut; was surveyor of the port of same day."" ' • *;'r:;-v.vv / would, as an individual, pick pockets tn IB reported to have served a certain portion offices in {lie territory by the appointment the chair of natural history'in the Jardin embraced hh)i. This was Mr. Baldwin 3 Middletown for twenty-four years, and of her numerous progeny before she " put please himself.— LoiiisciUe Jihiraal. last puMic appearance previous jo tlj?c* * Various impressions have been en­ ' J86T* The examination of Tuckermau of Suchanan. Fred Emery, the murder­ des Plantes,"and now offers him one hun­ an esteemed minister of the gospel for six­ them to bed," Lizzie thougjit that some of er of Pliiiiips, holds the office of receiv­ meeting last, evening. '' ; tertained in relation to the appropriation the Mail Robber is going on, at New Ha­ The most essential point of our in­ the Railroad hands were at the bottom of er at Ogden ; Clark, the leader of tps dred thousand francs ($20,000) salary, by "Congress mentioned Jjere for the pur­ ty years. ven. A-; tercourse with children, is to be truthful i • i ' fl 1£e spanking Bhe received, and ,is suppose^ to gang who killed Barber, is received tit and a seat in tli.o French Senate. ^ Ex-President Fillmore marries ourselv€R. Every other interest ought to pose of a monument for Gen Rooster.— have placed JtJxe. atone on the trac,k in re­ Fort Scott, and the infamous Whitfield rieh and handsome widow of Albany on . jj^»The earnings of the New York and Senator Snmiiey ha3 returned to be sacrificed to that of truth. When we It was at one time currently reported, and venge for the indignity fc.er person had re" holds the same office in the Lecomptoh At Kankakee, 111., a lawyer burns the lltli of February, Mrs. Mcintosh,;-, New Haven Railroad Company for Jan- Washington. in any way deceive a child, we not oniy generally believed, that the sum of $500 ceived, as she was seen halting (jistrict. They got these places as rewards cotn in the'ear in his'stove, finding it whose first husband made a fortnne by nary shosr a decrease of $10,981 over the set a pernitious example, but also loose spot where it was found. She was arrested 'for their crimes, and they use thepi to ex­ cheaper at 25 cts per 100 pounds, than crockery and the railroad eoDSoliaatioj}, . had been appropriated by Congress for MSf Corn js s.ejjing in Indiana, and Il­ our iufluence over him for ever. ; corresponding month of last year. The the next day, and, after an examination, tort money from Cmigrantf purchasers,""® coal at 30 cents for the same weight. ' that purpose, and placed in the hands of linois at ten and fifteen cents p.er bushel. net earning were $55,151.87, lodged in Bridgeport jail. v ; ••'• .ill; J 1, descendant of the General, and by hi.®

I«L I; mJm 1^1 3BWTAI, ES^ASLSSEHSENT, ^•H FOREIGN NEWS. • Utah. Why !*hysicians should use Avttutie, Removal.; ^4: The steamship Arabia, with a week's Dr. IJcmlieisel, the delegate from Utah J A U IILISS' IJYSPEPTTC REMEDY. II;i viny; irnrm.'im.'iitl.y looted himself».« uniive mid ii, later intelligence from Europe, arrived in has had several long interviews with .11 u- I'Vom Kli, OUrKX J: CO. 'i-tJciit'ra 'Advertiflioa : Fr;-;o the.A.irsrt;3iagjGajce,3,"'(Bxoad-ffr.T. . J ^ror Sale or To Set. , rpO the Proprietor cf Bliss Dyspsptic Rea- ?>;$& (Mi til h;r l.u *!i! Vnt •.* j 11 It isI imi-1 <1 ii is .Yor\v;i Ik ]>r;u*l fee, JI.*#••;'? • nil lioiirttiil hi.-; i-i'siueucw, as a.liov lo ja'ilJHm Oil the pni'l of Uie Kiiglisli. It is'stak-il ami but a few r/nis 1 r<>m Ihe N. 'i'. |).Mtainingto \ In- Hentill i YoI'ohkhui , i u allude to RWSS* D1 SPEPTIC REMEDY,) I Patent oh tiie iitil.lioi it.Y «>f passengers from Hong tlio luotsl-jt|»|»:*«»veil ^ciontilic niannor, ami nin.n u It. R. Depot. Tlie ' I loiire is modern leiitl.. 172 Grec.7!v;ii:]i f'tt . Hey/ York. f convenient, and in goml repair. Tin re is would inquire whether there would not be L, •: ^ . • Kong that the nicdiatiou of the Russian any reasonable terms of accommodation, •) '* puicv: tiasis compaiibliMvilli theuse o voi\y Fir.sT rnt.vnu.M t O. S. CLARK,-S.: about one and u-littlf*acres ol bind, with suit­ '| Hiii ]>iii!e ol Bi.nrd ut Hiis jVopuliir House iiioH- of a seeming of a philanthropic £piiit tout mater iali arui tho luoslskiUfuioxoculjun. .All worL FIFTEEN DOLLAR SEWINT MACHINES. .Admiral between England and China and proposes that the Iroops be withdrawn Mas removed his Anntfon Sales lo the Store able. oiil-buililintrs. fruit, shrubbery. «tc. The « was reduced on Ihe 1st of Jaiimry, to $1- on your part were yem to•apprise, if not-the «manatinL»rr had been declined, but (lint the American and a commissioner be dispatched to set­ formerly oceupied'-by Ti. H. UAMiLIO. where location is very sighlly and pleasant, and Ihe 50 per dny. people generally, vonr brethren i<» the pro Wairanted fo excel all other.'Sewing Ma­ accepted. Later dispatches, however *iyes« li.-ruirtinn. in conneeflon with life >;:i1 of property will be sold eh'-;in, and upon accom­ J NO. PATTENT, Ju. $ liENJ. I.YMiEJ'no- les.-ion, id its eomposiriou, ifs properties, and chines tor WiHKmsinship*. Simplicity..f-'i-. ength tle the matter peaceably. The, President, l'ltii'.rons. :!m\5 iugredieiif.M, IInii iln-^ mi-, lit ll.i-ii, eoii-'i ii.-n -| tid D'.tiu! il.iv, I rr'Fiitkring1. Dn?:-Jhiking do not mention this, bntaflirm that the modating terms. If not sold before the 1st Kvei-y I'liysician should rend (lie ad- of April it will then be fm rent to a grind ten- tirnisly, and in gorwl I'uiUi, iferoinmend il. to Family urnt i'lHritution Sewitig it has no HII- ? French Admiral had declared tlu: block­ however, did not accept, the proposal.-- ; verUsr. liliss, in auollicr column. GOODS. "antv/ . Apply to GKOI'CK RAVMONK,' (mason) Cheap Reading. thfiir pat.ients. Vour own cxuc iience in the peiior. Tt;e pi-t pi ii.'tor:- are an.\ ous to esfab- & ade of Canton on the part of France, and What a. bed of thorns the Presidential! f ' 'ie w'ftrWlLlliis week, a Stock of iSonth Norwalk, or of the Subscriber at Dan- TI IK VKItV Htrr F.aMII.Y I'AI'f.t; ITHI.I.^tlll. profession must .ulaiiily i p|iri.-e you that lish Agencies in 1 i pat is .-.if the United Stat'a that Lord Elgin had sent in an ultimatum station, so long coveted, has proved to We would remind oui medical frieiidf.. buvy. AVER (.'AVAIOND, we should be ai ling in vtry b.nl faith towards nod Catin«lai». PeisoiiH with a small capital u TIIK NIvW f*Ii EOSS. our patients, ulio^e lives are eutiusted to our will find lbi.« a profitable business. Address p which (he Celestials were allowed one day that in the purchase of half a dozen or a doz- P. S.—The subscriber haf :i)>;<> foiir shares the "facile" Mr. P>. ! . Utah, Kansas, of Norwalk Lock C mipany Stock, which he P contains 1(1 large closely, printed quarto skill and ran', wwe we to recommend a prep­ 1'ilO.UAo & Co., -lfii? liioadway, New York. to decide upon. Mr. Francis I.jousada on packages of " liliss' Dyspeptic Uemedy," 'Hilly Walker and John McKeon—on ev. will sell at a bargain. Apply as above! ' 7H! I pages, giving during the year one fourth aration which v.e luiow nothing at nil about. Jm4s : has been appointed British Consul at Bos­ when il ia for purpose of exhibilion to their DBY GOODS! more .reading'than any of the Ihiee dollar That it is a valuable preparation, there are cry side he finds that Ins Democratic pli­ monthlies. It is tilled with Ihe very best but few wln> would honestly fttiernpt to deny, Boebboler &L Schmidt, !f^ ton. There had been severe gales along patients, it is soul to :H critics to tlie-inspection of onr unrivalled - ". France, and addresses of congratulation, "; i u 3BTo Money Bown, Canvassers wauled in every town anil city in —Dr. Ayers for instance—to place in the stock of Piano Fortes, w hieh, for tone and da- - i »•-ft had been presented, or which some urged J0gy°Tlic &/. Paul Times of the 24th • ili Card to the ladies. ALSO, TIU8 WE Eh', *, ; ' niitl in small monthly or quarterly payments, the country to solicit subscriptions, to whom hands of ("very respectable practitioner, who rabilif.y of workmaushi[i, have not been ?ur- u. JHU'oxors <;oj.i)i?N l ot: raiAi.r>\ it; the purchaser desires it. a liberal commission will lie given. makes it. mil. only his profession, but duty to­ the adoption of measures looking to the tilt, lias offical returns of the vote for aro in In llible in convetiii;* irregularities, relieviug passed by any in this country. A liberal dis.- 4i ^ D , Apply immediately to Editor of (tie GA- Address, DANIEL A DEI'", wards his fellow meu. lo relieve iheir distres­ expulsion of the political refugees from all palnlnl and tli.stressim? menstruation (particularly count to Clergymen, Si:boi»U and the Trade. Governor in 32 Counties of MIXXHSOTA, at the cluuiire of lifu,) from one to two pilU will SILVER SPOONS, ZK'^TK, who will givi; all needed iiiloniiation. I'.m-jv 211 Centre street, New Vork ses, the formula by which the preparation is iri'M : England. The French minister was said that «U»l>ilii;ltj,1£ complaint, the Whites, relieving *ll compounded, so lhat they may judge r.i the which show aggregates of It; 674 votes ins tress ;tn«] pain. Remove all obstructions arising farmers and C*ardiners propriety of its exhibition in each individual to have demanded this oi the English Ironi colds, or any other cause, ami always suecesjiluf Gold Watches, r ' I'arm I'oi- Sale. : for. Ramsey (Repub.), and 10,444 for KNiiiNt; their P. O. Addres to us will receive case that conies, up before them. Suture—arotice.V-:^ 'Government. It turned out that about as a preventive, and at the same time perfectly harm­ fJJJIE subscriber oilers fur sale his Fa. m, " You must be aware that, scarce a month Sibley (Dem.)—Ramsey a head, -o0.— less 1'i ice $t per box, with full HIH! explicit directions. (containing about. '17 acres of Plow, Mearl- S by mail gratis au Almanac for I85K. and "'Amsm©Tiskss1& • ]50 persons had been wounded by the Sold hy 1.. 1/. RKKBR fc SON, Drug^isti, genertil Silver Hunting Watches, information concerning the CKLKURATED passes but, some remedy is placed before the wholesale agents tor Norwalk and vicinity. will !Pastureaud Wood Land, with a ilowe, a T'AKKIV in a s.f.jlr* w hich lor durability and p projectiles, of whom 6 had died. The ex­ Ten more Counties unofficially heard Tliey Cameo Sets, - MANURES made by •• The Lorli Manufactu­ people lor their trial, and ea:hone advertised supply dealers at J'roprietor's prices, aud aend the Pills go(fc| Bam and out building* standing there- 1 i ''-"'-'cu tion cannot In-exce.lled. amination of the accused had been finish­ ring Company, 110 Com Hand Street. New and recommended as a 'sovereign remedy, from give Ramsy 1,880, Sibley 1,4!)4— by return of mail, (confidentially) hy enclosing thein Sl» Cin. fjUialed in Ridgelield, i.un miles North- The fcubsciiber having taken the old Auaten through the Nor walk Vest Ofiice. " ]y42 ' • GOLD LOCKETS,^;' York." :im-lv and you also aware that nine-tentbs, yr-». 5 _ ed and their trial was expected to take iJasAbf the village, on the main road leading Daguerrean Rooms in the Datibu.-y Depot, at increasing Ramsey's majority to (»I PLATED rORKS, nineteen-tweiitieths of these remedies, pur­ n place in February. The French Legisla­ tfe lXAnbnry, and two mites West from San- porting to be* sure cures.-' &c., an; vile nos- Norwalk Bridge, takes this method to inforiii But there are bogus reports from Pem­ iforrPs Station, ou Ihe Danbnry and Norwalk ture was opened on the 18tli nit. by the CASTORS, EIGHT DAY CLOCKS, WITHIN • titims, sent, out broad cast over the land for the people of. Nonvfilk ana vicinity, that be ®Q : I Railkoad. Said Farm is v'ej-y pleasantly sit- the purpose of gain, to gull the people and is prepared- to take their pictnre3..by the An- Emperor in person, who discussed pend­ bina and eight other.Counties,which give 'T/a dies' Work Baskets, $-c., «tr.. nntdjl'for a country residence, having a large In ltidgefield, Jan. 28th, Mr. Darius Loder fleece them out of their hard earned money, brotypeprocess, which is u'iiversaflv acknowl-" ing questions of politics at length, and al­ variety of choice graded Fruit near the THE MEAHS OF A£&. Sibley 1,176 majority, which of course to Miss Fanny Belts. N. B.—I will sell my stock of Watches, Jew­ aud lean sec no reason why we should nol. edged to be far superior to the *6aguerrec- -.*•• ... luded at the close of his address to the elry, and Silver Ware, at my Store, in Main Howe, and au excellent well ol water, with „~I~VR. E. WILSON, Dentist, Author of fel type, aud equal, to a-Stetl- Eirpravjng. All in f elects him. The manufactures of these In New York, Feb. :td, by Rev. Mr. McAl­ with just the same propriety rccoruinejid any­ criminal attempt upon his life comparing Street, at,n reduction of 40 percent, from for­ gooCSprings near Ihe B'arh, which never \J the " Ilenumbing Apparatus for E\'-T® one of these as your Remedy, for we have no 'want of st .wperrot- likeness, are invited to call, * £ lister, Mr. E. V. Armstrong of New York, to the assassins with those who struck at returns are warned that they can only mer pric*i»; in fact all kinds ol' goods in my freeze or dry up. F< r particulars apply lo K tranting Teeth without Pain," being ex-- knowledge.of (heir ingredient.-?, nor have we examiue :uut judge lor themselves. • AIV MissEuima Loekwpod-, formerly of Nonvalfc I.Ii.- ^subscriber opposite the N. V. As N. 11. Caesar and Henry IY. Several Parisian submit them for the canvass at their peril. line lor title of. about half price. These goods extensively engaged in manufacturing for(© any knowledge'of the ingrediems of your GREAT REDUCTION-IN PRICE! First must and shall be; sold. Clocks f)0cents. A liaifroud. Depot ul South Norwalk. Dentists every variety of Artificial Teeth ^ preparation," etc. class pictures taken by this new process from journals have been suppressed for advoca­ f The Times says there is a return of 85 splendid iron front, striking Clock, for $1.(50 ; ' r ' • JAM ICS FLYNN. {i^uurler" under thotho most extended, and systemali-Rystcmati-u The above is an extract from a physician';: oil cents upwards. The subscriber ia confi­ South Norwalk. Jan. 22d, ]&">8. Iim4 ting Republican principles or for remarks votes for Sibley at Kandihoyi precinct, 8 day striking Clicks, iron fronts, 00 ; and Mcullycally arranged -- facilities: ever before at-at-™ letter received a short, lime since, and I make dent. lie^ can satisfy all who will call and ex­ other goods in proportion. Wtempted in this branch of art, believes© j amine his specimens, of bis ability to ou the attempted assassination. At Mar­ la New Haven, Snnd ly, 7th inst., Grace use of it in this a'dverti ement for the pur­ take the Davis County, when there is proof ready- fflace 1*02' Bale. £|lie may be allowed to say. without feai aj seilles serious failures had taken place— Bnsh, formerly of Greenwich, C:., where her pose of endeavoring to f.how my worthy best aud Most o*it'ect Likenesses. r •if contradiction, that he is thereby ena- fa* „ E.B.THOMPSON, r: . Spain had resolved to take part in the that only \puve. pesons pretended to vote remains will be tuken tor intcrmont. Valentines! Valentines!! IlHESubscriber oilers her place (late the friend, and all other physicians, that instead 1 .1. ^residence ol Anson Quintard, deceased,) bled I o insert for patients who may honor of acting in bad I'ailh towards their patients, Norwalk. An-. l«t.h, 1657. ^ 34 " • contemplated expedition against Cochin there, and none of these were legal voters 'Sri- The funeral will take place at No. 4 "him with their orders direct, b k T t k k JjJ *" ——.in ^ COPin'P. COWER!! for Pali!, upon very reasonable teriii^, if aji- by exhibiting "1'liss' Liyspspfic Remedy.-" China. The Banks of Belgium and Rus­ One of them was a boy 16 years old. It Wooster Ft., NeW Haven .at y o'clock A. M. on lleit for soon. The house is a large two and at suoKTi.i; NOTICH and at i.owt'K they are most assuredly acting directly to. 8, to snit expelleiit garden, fruit trees, shrnbt rbies &'c., W curing perfect lirmness and comtort in ^ dy that enjoys the confidence of almost the ot rliifertut kinds. From S io 10 acres are ; A bitter correspondence betwen the Aus­ will be "the Honorable Henry H. Sibley." attend. Carnages will lie in waiting at the all—coinic and sentimental, with tine shade trees in trout of the house.— wearing and mastication, jaturalaud life - J entire population iu sections of the country woodland. The loeatien is a desirable one, trian and French governments'relative to Depot, to convey them to tlieChnrch. and sentimental and coinic. For further particulars apply to Mrs. POLLY like expression, so as lo defy detection, where it has been introduced—a remedy that b<-ing easy of access: and in the ( >.An early attention is desi­ immediate f?' the free navigation of the Danube had Wft-The commissioners appointed by QUINTARD, on I he premises, or of "KL 1 S. "and perfect cleauliucss. . These have© is acknowledged by bot h I hose in and out ot vicinity -of churches, schools, and Tu New York. Friday morning. F( b. f>, F. rable to secure the first selec­ ruanulac- taken place. QU1NTARD, N. Y. e expressions, /j QQ BOXES Ame riean.Frenrb and £n are never expected to be present at meet­ are not advised how much this same comprises twenty acres of excellent land, range according to style from 50 cts, 75 cts, not second hand distinctions, but remedies.— ytiSfS glish window glass, assorfed,from uilably apportioned for smail farming or 31.00, and so on, per Tooth, being but little t;x8 t o -bx32. for sale at munnfaetnrpi-'s pri- - i-- ings, or in any way interfere in the man­ boundary has cost Connecticut, but trust Something Ifew. He cares not how- lea rued, or how scientific gardening operations, a new and convenient more than is charged by him to the profession his physician may be,-he wauts remedies.-- Wil. C.STREET. agement of the concern, while the real it has not cost us $8500 within the last two and a half story house, good water, tine as wholesale prices. Entire satisfaction war­ It is for these which he pays his money to '".v BOOK BINlDma ranted in all cases. The Steamer: fruit, some very rare varieties, « built Very true, and should you do so you wsuld A all colors. An'entire new stock cf take up pirates from a desert island, or bound in elegant Gilt Case Covers, prepared me, without my consent, oft'the premises now expressly fo|rShoemakers, aud lias ample ac­ Real and Personal Estate ,. be subject to the well merited contempt ot WOOL LONG SHAWLS, - lected cash on note* without making any expressly for them, at the same price as has occupied by my wife, Betsey A. Dikeman, in one so thinly peopled that they can assert commodations for fl or 0' workmen. the whole fraternity, aiul should le expelled ' entries upon Jiis books, to the amount of heretofore been charged lor Speckled Sheep the town ol Westport, under penalty of the 0 ¥ at. a great bargain. » C. J. ©RPMA*. theft dominion over it, although that is­ The Property will be sold cheap, and on ac­ from '• the orcer."- Your patient expects Skin, and Brindle Paper Covers. Kspecial law : Aud also to forbid any and all persons HE Subscriber would announce to the you to be well acquainted with every reme­ % . about $40,000 commodating terms—two-thirds of the pur­ land might belong to another sovereign attention paid to binding Ballon'.", Harper's, trusting for any purpose whatsoever, my said public that he lias established an agency dy vosi administer, nor is.fjiis all. he expects Sarra!, lisley ^ Eitchen, Bonds abstracted, 25,000 chase money can remain on mortgage if desi- T nation, just so can bandits be apprehend­ and Frank Leslie's Piclorials. All orders wife as I will pay no debts of her contracting for the transaction of the above business, be you to possess a knovvlVdgp of every remedy Bank stocks and other securities 33,000 sired. For lurther particulars apply to the MPORTERS and WhoJesala Dealers in ed, as enemies of the human race, by the executed neatly and-quickly—no disappoint­ after this date : And also to forbid my said lieving that the interests ol the employer and that is before the people—this is your busf- choice v-r . Bill own notes, collaterals ab- uiijlersigned. S. Y. ST. JOHN, I armed vesels of a friendly nation, on a ments or noTcn-woKK. wife, Betsey A. Dikeman. from hiiinganyse'r- employed will be mutually promoted thereby. ness— this is the busiuess oi (be "profession '£'**' strWWed, ~ 17,000 vant, or servants, or harboring any such ou wow Canaan, April 1 lib, 1857. l.Otf He has several applications already on haud Unigg, /•:1" . point of a foreign coast, which may be GKOKGE \V. JRNiNIXGS. wuieh you have iuiop(t d --it is your busi'iiefs: Nonva'k News ltoom and Adams Express saitl premises, or selling, or carrying away for desirable tenements, to purchase and to with every new remedy, to receive it. exam- placed uuder circumstances like to those Office. (! any property belonging to me, from said prem­ " X-"8 <3 3F? JES ^ x_a 2E27 rent, and those having such property to dis-, me-U. fry it, test rtrtvwKf j-oir have a' love $115,000 ; of the island mentioned by way of illus­ ises for any purpose whatsoever, without, my M At Westport, €t. pose of. would do well to confer with the for the drofession yon have espoused—-if you Ji,,SPamtsi, Oils, 'j His bond, well secured, is 10,000 consetfti un'dcr penalty of the law as I shall subscriber. : tration. - -- r rpiIE subscriber oilers for sale two good and possess a phiLmthropical spirit, and love 10 - - >-•- Bye Siiifis. &c.f •-" v- VALENTINES! hold all persons violating any the provisions f- L pleasantly located dwelling Houses, on possess your:elf of evety knowledge that The Subscribers would this notice responsible. House Hiring and LeLting. Would respectfully 5 in its the attention of r.--. 'Deficiency, . $105,000 the West side ol Westport Bridge, about 100 will in any way aid you in becoming a re­ Dculejs to iheir vesy Jarge slock now iu ..* A bill has passed the'Rhode Is­ call the attention of the J. B. DIKEMAN rods Iherei'riAii, and about the same distance Particular attention pai-1 to procuring and liever of suffering humanity, you will do it; The ivestigatigation, so far, has devel­ store, and vvhir.li is jonsf antly being replen- " land Senate, providing for the introduc­ public to their Dxted at Westport, this 'ASthdayot Decem­ from the Episcopal Church. There is about letting Houses lo good tcucnts, upon a reas- and. too, uittiout. stopping lo inquire from ber 18")7. SCMS .• liable commission, and all persons having ished by fresh importations weekly. & * oped these facts. All of the securities tion and propagation of fish in the fresh Splendid Stock of one acre of laud, well stocked with choice whence Ihe remedy cams —without stopping fruits, ami there is also a Carpenter's shop on proper.y lo let. or desiring to rent Louses for French, Entilith. aud American Chemicals, -v'.i' have not.yet been examined, but it mnv water streams and ponds of that State. VALENTINES ! ! to inquir? whether it is an "c-ftkial remedv.-"'" New Carriage Shop, the lot. Th.e property will be sold cheap if the ensuing year, should u ake immediate ap­ or a'• pa'ent"—without stopping lo inquire Pure JfeJieiiiil Extip.ets, be that some of them have been changed'. Two hundred and fifty dollars were-ap- which, for applied for soon. Cm2S JOHN MAKER. plication. DIMON FANTON: whether it is approved by '• the order." It LY OR WALK!' Essential Oils. V,*ines, Brandies, Sce.^" propriated towards defraying the expenses RTCHXKSS OF Design- is your duty to think and examine for yo.ur- The capital stock of course has, Yieen ^Toung Ikulies' Seminary, > !-urgieal ln?trnmeiits. PaiDts, !:V-' of the experiment, and a committee "ap­ and 1HE Undersigned having opened a Carriage A 3PIace Wanted, self— to rrc-e'n c aud fry a n nu «!y fervour- . Shop on Camp street, is prepared ts re­ swept away by the direct ^vtj&beries of variety of style, 1 IN EXCHANGE FOR VALUABLE HILLSIDE, NOKWALK. CONN. self, and not be governed by t«j>! ipse diii/ Oilr, Dyu SfuK's, &c.. Jie., - pointed to carry th6 resolution into effect. ceive orders for all kinds of Carriages, Wag­ wjg f a r exceeds any- MRS. LOI ISA A. SMIIIJ.Principal. of an " order." who if n remedy happens fo Together w iflj a full assortment of all J$F. Seytnbur. lie St&cfc notes, 38 per ons. Sleighs, &c. lie is also prepared to do New York City or Western Property. * thing of the kind evet' ESSlONi Annual, commencing on Ihe be a paten'.,"' >.\y tr.ies not come strai^M popular aud rehabie Paieut Pi'opaxatjonF.-*— scent, of which is due, are all we believe J^rThe new decimal coins for Canada before offered in this place. all kinds ol repairing and re-painting. Arc. PARTY is desirous of exchanging for ES5 oown from the professor':; cirir, conceive it Druggisis, Merchants and Physicians visiting All orders left at the Harness establishment S ThirdTb Wednesday of September, closing good, unless some part of Mr. Seymour's are in course of preparation at the Roy­ KNAPP & LYNES. A some desirable resilience in or near Nor­ on the last Tuesday of July. Pupils received t.^ieir imperative duty, in v iew of the innova­ New i ork, are ;:ivi:c-d to ex»mine our stock. al Mint, the designs having been prepared of Stephen Swann, will be punctually atten­ walk, New York City, or a quantity of new tion, and for the k..' o! tin ir " dignify,•*> f We warrant every article fold by us to be a* 112 shall fail. We presume however, ded lo. Work way-anted good, at reasonable at any time when there are vacancies. Char­ for silver coins of the denominations of School Boohs! or unimproved Western Lauds, located in ges commence at the time of entrance. " profession ul usages," and undue assump­ ' represented, and if it prove otherwise,it may prices, , without a s-inglc e.vcptioti lias been several acres of bottom land up to a steep Excelsior Book Store. bill has been placed in my bauds for collec­ would be preferred, or a House in the town are daily, have the same advantages as board­ • tub . AcsS, derer has killed it. But the most prampt a discovery of the [.iirest accident—the blin­ tion, being a tax of twenty-eight rents on the and a plat of Iand near f he village. For fur­ ers. Circulars containing terms fOr hoarders bank. It has how commenced wearing dest chance, and each in its hint was received tja: and efficient steps will be taken to secure tlisgt deceived. I dollar on all the taxable property embraced ther particulars enquire of Hie Editor of Ihe may be had at. the Seminary. • :;ui:; GREAT BEAUTIPIES off that bank and encroaching upon aud duly certified to (if the interest of the depos itors. The result, within the limits of said District, on Assess­ Gazette. ' • lf"!| examined, tested, Su h>ug unsuccessfully sought, the streets pf the city. A writer I.ARGE assortment of Business Enve- truod) by '• the order." Y(.u suow just as lopes, very fine nnd cheap, at ment-list 185G of said town of Redding,and THOMAS R£££3ir, Paund nt Lagt! j ivsi it is pow quite apparent, must be that says, " Six blocks containing twelve city that I will ne at the Shop of Benjamin S. much about •• BLISS' DY.?f EPTIC REME­ A. H.CAMP'S, DY'' as you do any other remedy, before the their loss will not exceed 25 per cent, of lots that originally fronted 011 Fifth Street . ExcelsiorBook Store. Boughton, in said District, oil the LSthday of Merchant Tailor and Draper, TJ^OK IT P.KSTOKES PKRMAXF3>TI."!f RS-ATHAIRTO test, and by subjecting it to ;he suiiio tests X1 its "iig-inal color; covers ii^vH.iantlv the balil are now washed by the river, which is February, 1858, at one o'clock in the after­ No. 3, Phienix Rlock, Norwalk, Conn I,* their deppsits, and we hope that it may noon, .for the purpose of receiving said Tax. that ail other reritedies have feeen subjected bvad : removes all dacdiuri. itchLag, and all scrofula, taking .them off at t lie rate of a foot per Writing ?aper! District of Stamford, .ss. Piobatt Court, HI 11E subscriber wouId respectfully announce to, you will then know its remedial qualities scald head aud ail eruptions , ijmkrs the hair soil! be less than that. All persons not appearing at that time may hcaHhv, and glossy; and preserve it to any imag­ • day. It is a common thing to see a do/.en LETTER AND FOOLSCAP ! expect, legal fees thereafter. P'rbruary la/, 1858. X that having c.eared out all his old stock and-true worth, anil tict In good tiith wheu inable we. removes, as it by mygic, all blotches, r STATE of ROBERT SHEARER, an iu- at his auction sales, he has now on hurui a you advise it to your patient?. ti om the face, and enris &H neuralgia and nervous hwi~ Discharged. square yards drop off at once." One H have just opened a now case of Paper GEORGE B. PHILLTPSj Collector. ache, ito circu^ ar.d ihe lollowing. Redding, Jan. '22, 1858 4 soivvnL debtor of Stamford, in said Dis­ fresh selected stock of seasonable Cloths:. Cas- Simply because it is a " patent/' is no rea­ street, Fifth, is annihilated and the river W righl from the Mill, which is excellent, E son why yo i should discard it. There is not Wm. Walker appeared before the U. S. aud warranted to give satisfaction, at trict. siuv res, Vesvings, Ac., which he is prepared is advancing towards Fourth Street. a tingle remedy on God's earth but is a '' pat­ • • .J - ^ PovEa, N. H.. Tthmttty 2,1867. District Court, nt New Orleans, on Mon- The Court of Probate for Ihe District of to make up in the best anil most fashionable -i0. ,T. WO'JF. £ Co.—Gent*: "Withinafeirdiivf . A. H. CAMP'S. ent" in precisely the same way that "Bliss" S^day mornibg, when Judge McCaleb said Some large manufactories and the depot Stamford, hatli limited and allowed three styles. A completa assortment of ileus and vrv have received «o nmiij- orders usd calls lor Prof. 6. V iC buildings are in danger of being swept off C. |!aide's (Mtnmt. months from the date hereof, for the creditors Loys' CI, U Till A G READY MADE. Dyspeptic Remedy.'' is. Why Bee;\i.sc you J. Weed s Hiir Restorative, that to day we *«re ccm- that tfierelwas nothing against him, the 2132A3E, ESTATE pclle.l to sead to Boston lvr a quantity, (the 6 dotea in a few months. At the present rate of of said instate, in which to exhibit their claims Gratetul for ioug and continued favors. I know iivtbiiig about them untU yon have yi»u lorvvtirdv'l all being ~'.1.) -.vS.ile ive might orders Graud Jury having refused to find a biil For Sale at Auction, thereto ; and has appointed Selleck Seofieln shall endeavor, with renewed exeition. to tried fr.eiu, and teste:! them. There is no quantity t'rc.in you. Jr-very boftU ive .hare sold seems fa progress in four mont hs the channel of the against him. Walker then asked to be IN RIDGEFIELD, CT. and George Lounsbury, both of.suid Stum- merit their continuance. eouueetkm, nu natural relation whatever be­ /uw-e prodc.-.-f;! three orfevr n«wcKj/f.m»v, and theappror- river will be where the depot buildings IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT l'uld, Commissioners to receive and examine tween, disease and drugs. What was known batiaa, and patronage it receiv..-H from tie most sub­ put on trial for violating the neautrality rpHE Subscribers will oiler for sale at Pub- stantial nnd 'v''i-1,v citizens ot our viciuitv, fully con- said claims. about Peruvian L'aik or RLubavb wken lissi (S '' - now stand. • ,, ; i. lie Auction, (unless previously disposed ltfew Millinery Establishment! vince un tbat it is A .MOST VAI.UASIX PlttPARATION^ laws, which the Judge refused, as the TO THE TEOPLE OF NORU'AI.K ASP SL'K- JAMES H. OLMSTEAD, Judge. discovered iu the forestsNothing. What qt* nf private sate,) 011 Saturday. February ^HE Subscriber, having taken the rooms ftnd us a.-; ^ooo us may be, ovs gross of SI size ; nnd, District'Attorney said there was nothing The subserihers give notice that they shall do you knov/ about t$ie?ji BOW V Nothing, ex­ one-dozei 32 s're : and bt-'li1-7? ils voursvervrespectful­ Thg Americans \i-ili present no ticket in lath, 1&58, at 10 o'clock, A. M., all of the Real '1. directly over the Drug store of Kniipp'& ROUN'MN'G COUNTRY. ' meet at the store of George W. Palmer in cept that yj-u have tried Peruvian Bark in ly, (Signed) PAXIKi. LATHOBF * Co. • • it against hitfi unless new instrnctipus were aud Personal Estate of Gould Scott, late of Lynes, in tiubbell's New Uuilding, and per­ NBW Hampshire at the state election next AgViS, and fcnow it will cure it. Yon know ?• j&i^gceijred fropi Washington. Ridgelield, deceased. said Stauiford. oil the 1st duy of March, and manently established her business in Norwalk, lticUory Grc.v?. St. Cliarlw. l"o., 3to., Jf»T 19, 1866. March.—Exchange. nothing about Rhubarb, except you hare PKOF. J W90I)—Tesi Sir : Some time last sain- f~ The Homestead of said deceased is situated 1st day of May, A. D. 1858, at 9 o'clock in would invite attention to her large anfl entire­ tried it, aud found that il moved the-bowels : mer \v2 were induced to me -nue of your Hair KestOla- • . The decay and disappearance of tire about three miles north of the village of the forenoon ou each of said days, for' the Post-Office Robbery, New Business Arrangements ly iiew stock' of FASHIONABLE MILLI­ Was there anything in Ihecolor, shape.smeU. live, and it a effc-cts wer^ so noiiderfnl,ive feel it ou'r Ridgetield, consisting of a House, Barn aud purpose of attedding on the business of said ty to you sad the atHivted, to report it. American Party in all the Free States NERY, consisting ot Wiuier Styles, selected taste, or weight of the Peruvian Bark that %. young man named Robert W. Forty five acres of good Land, well divided appointment. with special care and fidelity to fashion and Our litlle sor.'j litad for some time had been petjkettp- -i ' ought to convince every one of the futility SIf^lkok SCOS-iki-Vi } Commis- even suggested the idea tltat it possessed covered with sores, and some called it scald he&&. Th«; Young, Jr.,- 20 yars of age, has been de­ into Plow, Meadow, Pasture and Wood Land. FOR taste. A share of the public patronage is in­ #1 properties of curing Ague 'I N$>. Their h:iir almost entirely came oil in consequent*, when a of third parties. Truth and Error, Free­ GKOKGE LpV'Nsmiuf, \ siooers. fv'swil, sering his Gutferinga, adv-.sed m tot -*a» jour. K*- tected in stealing money from letters in There is alto a good supply of Fruit Trees on vited, believing that entire satisfaction can properties were ascertained' only by trying, dom aud Slavery, admit of no compromise. the place. ^\11 persons iuuebted to said Estate are re- be given in material, work, ana prices. La­ atbrative : we did so with little hope of success, but, tar ' the Washington Office, D. C., and is un- ouested to make immediate payment, to by tetting $b,eni. Do so by Bliss' Byspep- our surprise, and that of all our fris-jii, a. very' few ap­ One or the other must enlist all men of Sale to take place on the premises. Terms dies' and Children's Huts Of the latest styles, 4t(i FLOYD T. PAMliCR, Trustee. *¥i? Remedy," and you wi'l tfeen know all plications removed the disease epiively, and a new aadT iV der bonds of trial. • made kuowu at time of sale.1 kept constantly on hand, or made lo oyder rational minds and conscientious views.— ;; : - r-,. IMMENSE about-ii. Test is, a,a yen have other reme­ luxuriant ot hair soon stalled out, and we canneib ' " Wkzekuu SCOTT, when preferred. say that our boy nas a* it hy a scalp, and ai luiuri- The trifling aud unprincipled jjjay wayer Dintrict oj JVorwalk, ss. Probate Court, dies—ascent j.iu' T.iiat" its properties are for ^.ancaatfer Condemns.Buchanan, . Cl.ARK SCOTT, aiit a crop of hair a-; ?.ny other "child. We can therefet* i • . between the twp without adhering to eith­ RE DUCTTON IN PRICES January 30///, 1858. LADIES' DRESS AND CLOA$ MAYING. youfsejf—examine it, and judge of it, test it and do hereby ricsjiimeud your Rebtorativo, as a perfaa^ ,r -fhpmas H. Bttrrows, the anti-Lecomp- '" • ' - ' Executors. and think about it lor yourself, and not de­ remedy ftli Obsesses of the sculp and hair. 5 er.' But the brave mau takes his position, Ridgefield, Jan. 8th, lSf.8. 612 STATE ofZENOS WEED, an insolvent Ladies wishing anything in th.'is (iae.fan de­ \Ti-ara, tours respectfully. pend on me for a letter of recital of its prop­ candidate, has been elected mayor of and adaptation of a ; . . E debtor of New Canaan, in said district, pend on buying ih.'ei'r \voyk done satisfactorily. . GEORGE W. HIUCINBOTIUM.. o >' and is known of all men as the friend or assigueil in trust for the benelit. of his credi­ erties and ingredients,or my, or auy o.n^eise's : V A. yiutilXBOrHAM. -.aster, Pa. by a majority of 25 over Auction Sffotice. ' ' CHARLOTTE DENTON. foe of the right,—Albany Jonrnnl. tors. opinion of it, and like the Cock following the ; , ..• . :'t Vr.'.' ij . •German; the present incumbent and , - S T III C T L Y Norwalk, Dec. 7th, 1757. : District of fVestport, ss. Probate Court, Oe.DKBfi).—Thai Commissioners to receive bell-wether, blindly trot gn jji path oth­ Oardiiicfi, Maine. June 22, 18S5L V" juchanan candidate for reelection, PROF. O. J. 'A OOP—ileor Sir : 1 have used two bot' - - J8@° The French spoliation bill report­ December 23d, 1857. aqrT'e'Wnjiiie the claims of Ihe Creditors of ers have tyo{!,. ties of Professor Wosii's Hair Rpstoratite, and can trulr STATE of GILBERT TAYLOR, late of eaid Estate, be appointed at Llie ProbateOffice A Effew Arrival of ' In ifeUey you also say that " il is the ai;v it is the g-^satest discovery of the sigi for restoring V ed by Mr. Crittenden, appropriates five and changing the Huir. Bvimv using it I was a man o£ er Post Office Robberyat Cliicogo. E Westport, in said District, deceased. Cash Principle in Norwalk, on the 20th day of February, 1858. i^tentifiu of several of the fraternity aronud millions of five per cent stock in satisfac­ Pursuant to an order from the Coi-rt of seveijty. My hair has now attained its original color.—. ' > at!) o'clock, forenoon ; of which all persons Uie to do all they can to discourage its use. Toil can recommend it to the world nitbuut the toast ry Wan Geizen, clerk in the Chi- tion of claims. It is accompanied by an Probate for said District', \yill be sold at Pub- in trade! On and after Jannary 1st., 1858, the in interest will take notice, and appear, il _ COAL IpJ and ihey will, I know, do all in their power fear, as my cas-e was uno of the worst kind. jost-offi.ee, has been arrested on able report, ' • jig 4ubtion. to'Vne highest bidder,on tlie 16th Subscriber will make a deduction of they see cause, and be heard thereon. And to lessen its sale." 1 am cerraini v very sor­ i'ours Reppectfully, e of stealing registered letters. He day of February, 1.858, at 2 o'clock, on the the Trustee of said Estate will give public UST received j\t the Y;arii of ry that they should come to any such deter­ O. J. WOOD i CO., Proprietors. 312 Ercadway Sen afternoon (unless previously disposed of at '20 Per Cent. . ... G. H. & J. C. Handle. Yo;k (in the great N.. 1'. Wire Hailing KstsblishmW)', 1 notice thereof, by posting a. copy of tus order J mination, not on my account, however, or Wm-i sees his guilt."' A HOPE FOR THE AFFLICTED.— " While and 114 Market street, St. I.ouis. ,Mii3<>uri. private sale.) so much of the Real Estate of upon all his good* and sell on the public sign nearest t-Jio place my account,.however., or their own, In-fc ua A.nd sold by all good D^jjgists. there is life, there is hope," never was there said deceased, as will raise the sum of six where stycl (iebtordwells' and'within the same Corn Shellers. account ot their poor, pati-enss. i do not iptou Denounced in Hew Jersey. Sohl in NorWatk by BKEB£ & SOX, in Bridgeport a more cheerful or truer saying, its hundred and sixty-six dollars aud eighty-five FOR. CASH ONLY, (."own, and' by publishing the same in a news­ question the ]> i; i ty of the mo live which Slielton & Co. and T. C. V^o^din, and by alt druggist* cents, with incidental charges of sale. Sale EW pattern Corn Shellers, a first-rate ar­ thi-onichout the l?nitad Statesanil British Provinces. tansas resolutinns denouncing ihe truth is proved daily in the case of suf­ paper printed in Fairfield County, at least 14 ticle for sale by W. C. STREET.' prompts.them thy:< to yttempt the achieve to take place on Ihe land at Wolfpit Hill, so believing tlmthiaownand hiscustomers inter- N Sohl here bv ail Brusgists. 3a& •911 constitution passed the New^ y M I'KO'n'L. M.iso.v. Judge. day of January, April, July, and October, i'uil of letters from physicians, attesting t.o Us Book Binding! Sook Bmdin 2 Skidd'tj's Block, Main S'.r»rlx-':l jol. Grossman, winning from New-Or­ blood and inspiring the .system with, uii- The subscribers give notice that they shall will be put. on interest on the fhst day of said remarkable efficacy, and with the ?xception !/i of one or two instances, t\ll are enthusiastic leans to St. Louis, burst her boiler near worited vigor. TrNCJW atl men by these presents that I XtaiWALK, CONN, - meet at. the Probate Office in said Westport, respective moutl'5. ' on the 1st day'of March, and 22d day of May, in itspraise ; and \ presume not one nmong New Madrid Missouri. From 25 to 50 •»oaF.r-n TV". IlunnEr.L, Treasurer Chestnut Wood* L. B. Wright & Co., Prfjpni-tpvp,''' 1858, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon on each the ijvho.\s number ont lhat cotnmenqcd it are feppi'teil lost. t Gloves I Gloves!! tMfj 5 Norwalk Savings.Sockty. ^piIE undersioned will be nappy toreCeiTt- oi her 200 passengers 409 JJroadvi-fiy, N. Y. of snid days, for the purpose cf r;ivei(i\ing:'oiv with a ^reat. deal of distrust, hesitation, and (r : «<» wun N immonse.stock of Gloves, Mittens,,i,ere FORKS I PLATSP FORKS! above kinds ol Wood, in anj quantity and oj It—is -reported, upon what '* does ASSAGE CERTIFICATES quanti-- A of every description, variety, size and '• " -'.JOHN W. T»vf,ou, ) Commis- LATED vanished alter making a thorough trial and J tics. Now is the season to h:i style, bought at Hard Ti:::/'x jPry si oners. • P fol lowing up the direction?. W. W. BLISS: for GASH. 1 JAME3 FINNEY, AgtQt. any part of England, Ireland and - zines bound, at A. H.CAMP'S, sold nt corresponds.- vaieftfut ft'ANDLE'S; All persons indebted to said .Estate are re­ a fearful slave insurrection has broken • flARRAL, RISLEY & KITCHEN, .. '.J-,' "•&? also, Drafts 011 France.Germany,Switzerland ' ? - * ' 17 Main street fiatEmporim • . quested.' to make immediate payment to ' i Silver Spoons. ' out-io Arkansas. Twenty-three persons Italy, Austria, Piussia. . Russia Nor­ 515 ALVA j'.rustee, Westport- •** ' ^ Importers and Wholesale Druggists, W»\: Trench Pomado. I!RE Siiverl^adforstoves and machine- CtlLVER Ware (ir'every description war- ' are said to have been killed before its way, Sweden and Denmark .for. any sumfrom NOTHER Lot of that Beautiful CorrJ for (jruptfji pure, and beautifully engraved.— ' ' 7C Barclay Street, New Yoik, • flSirK GENUINE ARTICLE,^ prepared bjr ry at • ... F..H. NASH'S,. Ladies Skirt?, Just Received $5 upwards—sold at this-OSSee, P A rust Received!»* " T^RIED Apples, Plnmn,Peachesand Cher, Also, Plated Forks, Spoons, ic.. cheap for Sole agents for New England and New York, X Lubin, Piver, Maugeuet und Coadrmy, oi ^ suppression . A. Sn"l\Torwalk,Ct, • ; O, S. CLAHR S. 4^ riea'j'at • MEEKER # 0^^^^ cash, at O. S. CLARK'S. BEEBE & S

-1 -h$. - . aaaa The folloTring remedies arc offered to the public Hudson Rive? Institute and. f{cto frok §U)tatjscii!citts. is the best, most peri'cpf, '.v]#bh medical science can direct plainly to the consignee, placing Jkge of Improvements, i Pure Potaslfin Tin Cans; i ftcfo fork '^tofiscintnts. ifford. AvkV Cvrtf.vkTfC PtT.l.s haVe be,en pre- »pmnts ft MECHANICS. WfJ v«it!) tiic ufiiuj.-t ^kill which the medical pn.- the name of the consignee in one corner. "VFOT a whit behind, hut vns»Uy superior .-to Ciaverack Academy. FRONI VISSCHM', O\VRKN it Co.Aii> . 33. T. BABBITT, / From the Advertising rsiifi T»iou«lw»y, N. V. ,;;«i5 & . N. V. fps>-i:>n of! h.io ;i"<. (.•'i-and their efti:ct:> J3I a-ny thing ever ottered in tins market, is UnuMjj liuiMin; Mii'y liiiv" viifw!,-any £|j£i - .• -• £»/« Illustrated. Common-sense attention lo these rules the assortment which now comprises the ex­ Q AND 70 'Washington-st., N. Y.,, and .38 UO Jndia-st., Boston. The proprietor of MALE AND FEMALE FACULTY. to Of Iter pre'twtatltrtu tensive stock nf Stove?,Heaters, Are., at 1«\ II. 3?iaiio Aortas THE AX. £USS:C«T3SJS. .Culture. .*-....- will often insure twenty-five per rc-iif, high­ this POTJISH has for manyyeam seen the Rnv. AI.ONZD PI.ACJK, A. M. I'iil.NCM-.U., I'N.fes- COWMS'iWi ueiK-or lf«sgoodj 'ml this cures such dungt-i v Nash's, South Nor walk. |M«OM $2.'i to $5011. N. TuiHiMYON & Sonm, ens «.Hiiiil.iinb, to qui..)., mid so surely, as to prove; • ';'BY -». A. BULKEI.EY. er prices than poultry of the same value Let the Philosopher and Inventor come and necessity of having some reliable standard for ,«or of Mental iind Mural riiiloHojiliy, anil Commercial, • >i a oil ii hi uproot disease beyond:* ;•<*> - tin: strength of Potash. The adulteration has wholesale and retail dealer!', in riu.no iMcicanli!'': ''•'Vi be astonished at the extraordinary develop­ Bellas Letties. I A liny Htiii.r «di':rh »«HI have known before. By ie- ;. originally will bring if slovenly dressed Fortes and Melodcons, offer a Isirgc assort­ •'inai'icia I f*f When the blight first came on the po­ ments of science in this particular h:ie ot become so general, that it has, notwithstand­ M. M. GooDENonofi. A. M., Prof, of Nat. Sci­ ami the oMn-etions „( the internal organs audi... and packed, and carelessly directed and ing its valuable properties, gone nearly out ences. ment, of instruments ofl.be best makers of Nii\v> Kiimiibtin^ them into healthy action, they renovate • j- Ht tato in this country, it was suggested that business, aud do better il' they can. New York and Boston, at the very lowest, pri­ Let. the Literary man and Student come of use. The Proprietor has (alien the respon­ IIICHAHKELI.TS, A. M. Professor of Mathematics PNI. lii'licil monthly by i he fountains of life and vigor, — health courses'^*"'".: stupidly forwarded, as often happens.— sibility of subscribing his name to overy^pack­ Civil Engineering aud Greek. ces. Persons wishing a good instrument, can VlSSOIIKli.; OWEN & CO. mien' through the body, awl the sick rnim is well the only wrty to do away the evil, niid and find a friend thai, will nrtike them comfort 1 age, and warrants the strength to be uniform, R. C. FI.ACK A. M. Professor of Latin. select, from a greater variety than at any :Ut> Broadway. N. V. i.nain. fhey are adapted to disease, aud disc<-(. To bring the highest quotations, poultry able aud be free from noise and dust. only, for when taken bv one in health they produce" bring the potato back to its healthfuluess and when used always producing the same re­ MONS. HOMER J. DOUCRT. Professor of Modern other establishment. Mailed to subscribers at must be good, and handled.—Tribune. Let the Rich come; for the faste of the N. THURSTON A'. SONS, but liitle etfect. This is the perfection of medicine. • again, would be to raise them from the most fastidious shall be gratified—not lessen­ sults. Potash mstny times is adulterated with Languages, and Vocal Music. SO CENTS A YEAH, It is antagonistic tu diieasp, and no more. Tenderf salt, which is destruction in making Soap; MATUIAS BUXCK. A. M., Professor of Afathema- 554 Broadway, N. Y. children may take tht-m with impunity. If they ' ­ boll seed taken from the most vigorous ing, but administ ering t o their com Torts. N. B.—Pianos and Melodcons to rent, sly 10 Each number of the Commercial Register Let the poor come ; for 'tis indeed a friend it makes the Ladies soy they did not have tics, and Superintendent of Day School. re sick th") will cure them, ir ihey are well tlifyfi? vines. As I have experimented with that CONVEYANCES. good luck, etc. One other reason that Pot­ DAMKL 1). OWKN, Professor of Commercial will contain a carefully prepared and well di­ will do litem no harm. ' t that will guard the pockets, saving something gested Monetary Article, a reliable Report ol fiive them to some patient, who has been pros-,-' by which other-enjoyments may be obtained. ash has gone out of use, is, it is so unpleasant Department and Registrar, Welling's Compound Arnica object in view, I thought an account of the to handle, being put up in wooden casks, aud W. F. DEHAAS, Drawing, Oil, and Pastel Paint­ the state of the Markets, a correal Bank Note trated wit It bilious complaint : str. |,LS bent-up, tot- * Let whoever will come, and behold a stove List, and generally all i nformatioii relative to tering form straighten with streneth again; see his it mode and success might be of interest to so wonderful the for row, that the earth can be laid up the Passengers from the 3.10 p. M. Accommodation Sal Soda. Corners and take the Hudson aud Bost on lioad. "which the most eminent Physicians ot^. of digestion, assimilation or secretion, till they do Dr. Gray's Unrivalled their otiice ill. Iter blood is vitiated, her health is Train l'rom New York, stopping at all Sta­ ; Norwalk Marble Yard ! Directions for sticking -rubber soles on to Ciaverack. this country and Europe say there is no rows as they grow up, and not to have tions, and arriving at Danbury at 0.35 P. M. PAIN E X T R A C TO R. Aone. (Jive her these fti.t.s to stimulate the vital'.", : JVear he Bridge, JVorwalk, Conn. Shoes. PECULIAR ADVANTAGES. • U; ... - known remedy. The writer has uevoted w Stages from RidgefieldCentrerun to Ridge- principle into renewed vigor, to cast out the oh-"' them too much above ground. After >5©. All the above directions* accompany ^OR Chronic or Inflammatory Rheumatism T* many years to the investigation ot nns _ ^mictions, and infuse a new vitality into the blood.i . Geld Station so as to connect with the 6.10 Ol EPULCHRAL Monuments & Grave Stone the can. Iy20 Ease of acceas, by which the advantages of they take root, they shonld be hoed often, of every, variety of patterns, and of the city and country location nre most tiappi.y . Swelling, Pain, and Cramp in the Limbs disease, and has been directed to a rem-" iow look again — the roses blossom on her cheek,;.. . A. M. and the 3.10'P.M. trains,andreturnon orI Sides, White Swellings and Felons, Frost­ ^edy which has proved a positive and ef-g ml where lately sorrow sat joy bursts from every - mostskilful workmanship. The bestassort- combined. We can enjoy all the conven­ 1 as the runs the first year often grow to thearrivalat theRidgefield Station ofthe 9.20 B. T. Babbitt's fectual cure in the worst and most ma- feature. See the svveet. infant wasted with worms. ;- mentot American audForeigu Marble kept iences of tbe city, and that quiet, healXh, and ed Feet, Chilblains, Corns, Tic Doloreaux, A.M. and 5.25 P.M. trains. : Nervous and Sick Headache. Ear and Tooth­ Its wan, sickly features tell you without disguise,*- \ „ four or five feet in length, or till they constantly on hand.- Ji E S T SAL E R. A T U S, morality of the country. In case of sickness •'•'lignant cases. <6 and painfully distinct, that they are eating its Hie • • HARVEY SMITH, Sup't. ache, Erysipelas. Bites and Stings of poison­ «S Consultation personally or by letter, flower. They should be dug early, or life- Danbury, Dec. 21, 1857. . Persons wishing to procure Monumunlsor S prepared entirely different from other or an emergency of any knd the telegraph is iway. Its pinched-up nose and ears, and restles*!:*i Baleratus. All the deleterious matter ex­ near at band. ous Insects, Flesh Wounds, Cuts, Brimes, may be had at 38ft Broadway, N. } . ileepinRS, tell the dreadful tvuih in language which:^ . any kind of Marble Works, are invited to I Scalds, Sprains, CroSp, and Quinsy. Sold OSmitv R. GOODALE, M D. fore the fall rains and cold nights. Some call and give a personal inspection of his tracted in such a manner as to produce Bread, The bnildings are entirely new and capaci­ •very mother knows. Ciive it. the PII.I.S M LARGER ( Biscuit, and all kinds of Cake, without con­ ous. All the windows areproteeted by Vene­ by Druggists arid Store-keepersgenerally.— loses to sweep these vile parasites from the body.tY years they will grow 2arge enough for the material and workmanship, as this will be Manufactured at 486 Broadway. CONFIDENTIAL LETTER to Married Now turn again and see the ruddy bloom of chikfc-fe* ^ more satisfactory than topurcliasi-oiagents taining a particle of Saleratus when the Bread tian blinds. The roomsare large and furnish­ Women on the voluntary control of the iiood. Is it nothing to do these things? Nay, are:fe- 'table, but are not fit to eat until three or Biscuit, and all kinds of Cake, without con­ ed with convenient clothes presses, hair mat­ M. W. GRAY, Proprietor. withoutan opportunity of testingthe qual­ All orders promptly attended to. sly?.0 maternalA function, strictly moral in its tone. :hev not the marvel of this age ? And yet they ai»r'2,; ' taining a particle of Saleratus when Uie tresses, bedsteads, table &c., and are also Joiie around you every day. » " four years old. Xf. IT. & JBi. ZX. Railroad. ity of the article contracted for. JOHN A. WKKI>, Agent for Norwalk. Ry a Professional Gentleman who has made 5SSft»The Lettering and Ornamental work Bread or Cake is baked,; thereby producing ventilated by Emerson's improved vientila- the Physiology of procreation his special Have you the less serious symptoms of these dis-gilft;,- Each hill shonld be dug by itself, and 1857 WINTER ARRANGEMENT, 1857 wholesome results. Every particle of Sale­ tors. A Library, Reading Room, Philosphieal cuipers, jhey are the easier cured. Jaundice,•' is executed by experienced workmen.and study tbe greater portion of his life. Jtclesu- o.itiveness, Headaehe, Sideache, Heartburn, FonlT 4 all small and' unhealthy tubers thrown Commencing December 21, 1867. can warrant it to give entire satisfaction. ratus is turned to Gases and passes through Apparatus, and flourshing Literay Society are NOH WALK ly rehearses the philosophy of impregnation, the Bread or Biscuit while baking, conse­ attached to the Institution. tomai-h, Nausea, Pain in the Bowels, Flatulency, 5 away, and the good ones labeled and put " Trains to iXew York. J. M. SMITH. and contains a summary of all the inode.s re­ Loss of Appetite, King's Evil, Neuralgia, Gout, and.; 7^ quently nothing remains but common Salt, GRADUATING CUURSE, KT<\ . . . SADDLE, HARNESS & TRUNK sorted to, ta prevent, conception, pointing out •.imb ed complaints all arise from the derangements . " away carefully for another year's planting. From JVew Haveti. Water, and Flour. You will readily perceive A graduating course of study is prescribed for which are eflicient and discussing their vir­ hich these P11.IS rapidly cure. Take them perse- W"/ CCOMMODATION.-At C.I5. and 9.45, Sforwalk Dye Works, by the taste of this Saleratus that it is entire­ both ladies and grutlemen. Ample facilities BMPOAIUM. tues, with recommendations and directions ••eriiigly, and under the counsel of a good Physician ;. Any plants that have" been well cultiva­ A.M., and 4.10 P.M. Foot of Mill Hill, Norwalk, Conn. ly different from other Saleratus. When you are afforded to young men desiring a thor­ M. B. SWAN would return thanks to how to easily forestall conception. Sent un­ can ; if not, take them judiciously by such. A purchase one paper you should take the old' uivice as we give you, and the distressing, danger- ted and only produce small tubers the The 6.15 A. M.and 4.10 P. M. trains receive OHN PICKENS, practical Dyer and Re- ough preparation for college, ns well as to the citizens of Norwalk for their liber­ der seal, by mail free, for $1- , Communica­ paper with you, and be very particular and W iiis diseases "they cure, which afflict so many mil- -fa passengers from the Danbury Railroad at Nor­ finisher of Silk, Cotton, and Woolen goods those wishing to engage in active business al patronage during the la^t 1(» years, and tions strictly private. :: first year, will never afterward ripen in J get the next exactly like the first, (name and ions of the human race, are cast out like the devils ' • *i walk. of every description, begs leave to return his life, or tbe important work to-fsnching. • An will endeavor to deserve its continnance. He ROBERT J. RUSH. M.D., if old — they must burrow in the brutes and in the , - 3 season. It is useless to cultivate a sickly The9.45 A. M. train receiveppassengera from sincere thanks to his friends and the public, picture, twisted Loaf-Bread, with a glass ef­ extensive course of commercial instruction is is constantly manufacturing, and keeps on 3m3v 348 Broadway, N. Y. ea. }'ri«*e ii-i cents per box—5 boxes for$l. fervescing water on tbe top, as you see in the : v family, or one that shows itself so the first the Hartford, Springfield, New London and for the many favors bestowed on hiin since he laid down, which fits the studont immediately hand, a full assortment of Harness, of all de­ Through a trial of many years and through ererjr 1 - Canal Railroads at New Haven, and from commenced business at Winnipauk, and he bill.) for the conting-room. scriptions, comprising all kinds of Buggy, .ation of civilized men, AVAR'S CHBKKY PECTOBAli* ' v Full directions for making Bread with Sour The Magnetic Belt. ;f.s been found to afford more relief and to cure year. The second planting will need care tbe Naugatuck Railroad at Bridgeport; would now inform them that he has removed Students will be required to atend church on Gig, Express, Cart, Coach, Farm and Wagou HE undersigned, after many years of care­ Milk and Tartar, and all kinds of Harness ; also a great variety of Ladies' and noro cases of pulmonary disease than any other^' "--y and close attention through its growth, EXPRESS—AtS.10 P.M. (inconnection with as above, and fitted up a Dye House and Fin­ the Sabbath. Parents and Guardians are so­ ful research and experiment., have dis­ etiiedy known to mankind. Cases of apparently1 ;; Express Train from Boston,) receiving pas­ ishing Room in the most complete manner, Pastry ; also for making Soda Water; also, licited lo pay thirty-three cents per term, to Gentlemen's Riding Saddles, Bridles, Martin­ T directions for making Seidlitz Powders, will covered and perfected a safe, convenient, and .ettleci consumption have been cured hy it, anif's > flowering, and time of the decay, of the sengers from the Canal Railroad with all the latest improvements of the art of apply as church seat rent. Students can at­ gales, Ac.; Collars in great variety and every unexceptionable means of completely con­ iious.-.nils of sufferers who were deemed beyond the at New Haven ; from the Housatonic Dyeing ; and having given up coloring for accompany each package. tend the Reformed Dutch, the Episcopal, or style-of pattern, Fly Nets,Horsecloths,Stable each of human aid have been restored to their vines, that when digging them you have B, T. BABBITT, trolling the maternal function, without em­ Railroad at Bridgeport, stopping at Bridge­ the Winnipauk Company, he will now be.en­ Methodist service, at their eletion. Furniture, Saddler's Hardware, Whips in end­ rieiii's and usefulness, to. sound health and the?~s:r - 68 and 70 Washington-st.,N. Y.,and 38 India ploying any of the unnatural and deleterious njovmcnts of life, by this all-powerful antidote to the history of every hill, for almost every port, Norwalk and Stamford. A19.00P. M. abled to do his work in a manner that cannot The Trustees have pnt a stove in each ot the less variety, Trunks of all sizes and descrip­ stieet. Boston. Iy20 expedients so often resorted to for that pur­ iiseases of the lungs and throat. Here a cold had. stoppingat Bridgeport,Norwalk andStamford be surpassed by any other establishment in Gentlemen's rooms. tions, Valises, Carpet Bags, Satchels, &c. pose. Apart from its specific use ol prevent­ hill is a family by itself. He feels well qualified by his long experi­ .ettled on thp lungs. The dry, hacking cough, the Special train leaves Norwalk at 6.00 A.M., the Country. . EXPENSES. - . ing Conception, it is an infallible means ol ;iassy eye, and the pale, thin features of him Aho There need be no fear of^their mixing for New York. Board and Tuition, in Common English, ence in the business, to judge of the tastes restoring to health and vigor the abused, de­ ,'ns lately lusty and strong, whisper to all hut him Offices for reception and delivery of Goods Trees and requirements of those having occasion to Housatonic Railroad. " $120 per Year or 42 Weeks. ranged, and enfeebled procrealive functions 'oNsr.MCTfoN'* He tries every thing; but the by planting together; the varieties are . At the DyeWorks, foot ot Mill Hill, in the iisease is gnawing at his vitals, and shows its AT THE SOUTH JVORWALK EXTRA EXPENSES PER TERM OF 14 WEEKS. patronize au extensive Saddlery Establish­ of females, and of reinvigorating and restor­ formed -in the blossom, and not by mixing Passengers for Housatonic Railroad will rear of the old Bakery, and at his residence, ment. All in want of anything in his line, atal symptoms more and more overall his frame, take the 9.45 a. in., train for Bridgeport. Higher English, $3 00 ; Higher English and ing tRe general health to its wonted constitu­ tie is'taking the CiiunRY PECTORAT. now; it has Main-st., Norwalk. Conn. N U H S 33 R Y will do well to give him a call. tional integrity. It consists of a Magnetic the tubers, as many suppose. At this Danbury and JVorwalk Raihoud. Latin and Greek, $4,00; Piano and Organ, Orders for any kind of work promptly exe­ topped his cough and made his breathing easy; AGENTS: ' ' rnHE Proprietorswish to calltheattentioK with use of Instrument, each, $15,00 ; French Belt, which encircles the body directly over lis sleep is sound at night; his appetite retitrns, time many sorts can again be rejected, Passengers for the Danbury and Norwalk cuted. Repairing done neatly and cheaply. • nd with it his strength." The dart which pierced Shepard's Bakery, Norwalk. - _L of their customers and the public to and German, each $0,00; Guitar, with use of the os itlium, by tbe magnetic action of which Railroad will take the 6.15a.m., and 4.10 p.m. Instrument, $9,00; Oil Painting, $12,00 ; Pas- WILLIAM B. SWAN, the fecundating power is intercepted and held lis side is broken. Scarcely any neighborhood can- reserving only those that promise good, or G. H. Randle & Brother, Winnipank. their choice stock of Fruit and Ornamental ie found which has not some living trophy like this trains to Norwalk. Lyman Piatt, Maiu-st., Danbury. Painting, $7.00 ; Grecian Oil Painting. Wax First Door from D. 4" R- J?• Depot, in abeyance, aud the vital neuro-magnetic indicate the object in view. I threw away Trees, consisting of Apple, Pear, Plum, currents, otherwise drained off by sexual ex­ o shadow forth the virtues which have won for the David C. Palmer, at Horace Lockwood's, No. Fruit and Flowers, Papier Mache, Ornamental ^HEititv PivOroiiAi. an imperishable.renown. But Trainsfrom JVorwatlc to .IVew York.—At Cherry, Peach, Apricot, Quince. Strawber­ NORWALK, CONX. cesses, are turned back through the system, a great many varieties at every digging 1 Summer-st., Stamford. ries, Gooseberries, White Blackberries, and Leather work, Paper Flowers, and Ornament­ is usefulness does r.nt end here. Nay, it aceom- 6.00, 7.30, and 11.03 A. MI; 3.15 (ex) 5.25 and David Selleck, West Norwalk. al Needle Work, each $5.00; Vocal Music, stimulating all the viscera to a healthy normal ilishes more by prevention than cure. The count­ till the fourth year. I had but three fami­ 10.05 (ex.) p. M. black Naples Currants. tone. In a trne inorut aspect, no valid objec­ ess colds mid' couijiis which it cures are the seed G. B. Bristol, at D. Chapman's, Column's Norway Spruce, White Pine, Balsam Fir, $:i,00; Penmanship and Bookkeeping, each, Fertilizers! Fertilizers! lies, all white skin and flesh, to which I $2,00; Chemistry. $1,50 ; Survevingand Eng­ ERUVIAN and Columbian Guano, tion can be urged against its lawful use, inas­ vhicii would have ripened into a dreadful harvest block, Pittsfield. American Spruce, Arboritas, Weeping wil­ >f iueitrabk- disease i. Influenza, Croup, Bronchi- Trains from New Yorfe Orders sent by Adam's Express or by wag­ ineering $4,00. Board during vacation, $3,00 Super-Phosphate Lime, Poudrette, much as it is designed to subserve a great hn- gave the name of " Stone Hill," the quali­ low, Horse Chestnut, Mountain Ash. P manitary purpose in the reproductive econo­ i-.. Hoarseness, Pleurisy, Whooping Cough, and For JVew Have n. oners, will receive prompt attention. Also, the pure Red Antwerp,which we war­ a week. Land Plaster, &c.,. . li irritations of the throat and lungs are easily ty of which has been well tested by use, Norwalk, March 2 1857. 10 Every bill made payable per term, in constantly on hand, and for sale by my. It is impossible in a brief card to give • toed b. the CftEltRY Pi:<"ioHAl. if taken in sea- ACCOM.—At 7.20A.M., 12.45,3 45 and 4.20 P.M ; rant, and hold ourselves responsible for its the reader an adequate conception ol tbe vir­ EXPRESS TRAINS—At 8.00 A. M. and 3.10 p. M. advanc. CHAS. T. LEONARD. on. Every family should have it- by them, and as they have gone into, almost every State being the pure plant. tues of the discovery and the modus of its hey will Iind ir an' iiivjhi.ihie-proteclfon from the for Boston, via New Haven,Hartford,Spring­ GEO. SEYMOUR&CO. Students take care of their own roopis, fur­ Norwalk, May, 1857. in the Union, and have been exhibited at . Tor Sale very Cheap, nish their own lights, lamps, towels, brooms, action. Accordingly, the proprietors have nsfdi.ius prowler vhis-h carries off the parent sheep field and Worcester; the 8 00 A. M. stopping at B33 We wish to call particular attention to prepared a pamphlet, fully embodying^ the • on: hi-r-'v a hock, the darling lamb from many a Stamford and Bridgeport; the 3.10 P.M. at NE of the best built, most conveniently mirrors, basins ewers and pail. RITTANIA, Japan'd and Sil ver Plated very many fairs, and always attracted arranged, pleasantly, situated residences our large stock, beingthe largestintheState philosophy of its influence upon the genitive .(iiue. r- New Rochelle, Port Chester, Stamford, Nor­ O Books and Stationery will be kept on hand Wares, English and American Knives Piepare.) bv DK. .1. C'. AVER, Practical anc notice, and a premium. • in the Borough of Norwalk. The building is of dwarf Pears, of 30 or 40 choice, varieties. and sold at reasonable pricesby tbe Registrar. function, its uses, tests and results, which walk, Bridgeport and Milford. Band Forks, at F.H.NASH'S. they will forward, upon the receipt of six Analytical Chemist, l.oweli, Mass., and sold by all The 8 00A. M.trainconnectswithHousatonic, of Brick, constructed of the very best materi­ No deduction made for leaving before the close South Norwalk. Iruggists every wheir. I have continued to raise from the boll als and in the most substantial manner. It is Cheap Cash Grocery Store. of the term, except in cases of protracted cents in postage stamps, to any address. Naugatuck, Canal andNew London Railroads The price of the belt is So, sent by mail BEFBK & SON Agents, Norwalk ; N. COMSTOCK in the immediate vicinity of the business por­ HE Subscribers would returntheii thanks illness. - . r seed every year since, and at some sea­ The 3.10 P.M. train connects with Naugatuck SSinc Faints. free. DeCOURSEY, NORTON & CO., & SON, do Wilton. ; ; Railroad. tion of the Bridge, and is peculiarly well to the public for their very liberal patron TERMS AND VACATIONS. sons I have had twelve to fourteen hun­ adapted for a Physician or Merchant, as a por­ T mHE Subscriber offers a full assortment, of :!it; Broadway, New York. lot of Tin, The 12.45 p. M. train connects with Canal age for the last four years, and they hope that The year is divided into three terms of four­ X the celebrated Zinc Paints, comprising E have just received a new wiui jiu, tion of it may easily be converted into a store by strict attention to the wants of the commu­ Address P. O., Box 23-fl. 3mv49 under the new tariff rates, and will dred varieties to plant and look after, Railroad. teen weeks each. Terms open as follows: snow white, white,pearl and brown, ground or office. Possession can be giveiimmediate­ nity, and by "fair and honorable dealing, to .i-ive better bargains than ever, in all kinds The 7.20 A. M. Accommodation, and 3.10 ^September 18th, January 2d, April 15th. in oil, manufactured by the '• New Jersey W with but a few choice hardy families out ly if desired and terms of payment made easy. merit and receive a continuance of their for­ For further information address the Princi­ Fairbauk's* Platform & Counter of Tin Roofs, Conductors, Water Leaders; p. M. trains connect with Danbury & Norwalk Zinc Company," and for sale at their lowest of the whole worth preserving, or those Railroad at Norwalk. For further particulars enquire of the Editor mer custom, believing as they do. tliatthey pal. (iutteis, &c. ^ CO. of the Gazette. tf36 prices. WM. C. STREET. & lockwood & that are good for the table, health and can and do sell all goods in their line, at as FREDERICK MEESICK, AIRBANKS^ CO. have .•• e?! -.nd Imported Cigars. several new varieties from the Rough Chili Seelargebillofadvertisement at theSta- UITABLE for wrapping paper, for sale They are now offering great bargainsin Teas ' REFERENCES. HE subscribers keepconstantly ouhand retail the mostcompl-Me assortmentof WeigJs-. f .F Choice Brands, always on hand at tion Houses and Hotels. cheap at this office. Sugars, Ac.,and would invite anexamina- every description of Feed, which it will ing Apparatus to be found in 'lie Puiied States.- seed, that have proved to be hardy, pro­ S Rev G. W. Belliune, D, D, Brooklyn. T \ f Store of. Supt's Office, 4th Ave. and 27th St., N. Y. tion of theii large and fresh stock of Groce­ " E. S. Porter, Editor of the Christian In­ be a pleasure to sell to their customers at. Among the articles ofl'ered will ht; found up­ KNAPP & LYNES. ductive, and an excellent table potato, Ass't Supt's Office. Station House, New * Dr.X. B. Wright's ries and Provisions. A. MOREHOUSE. telligencer? all times and no growling. (Jive us a call. wards of suventy di Be rent, modiftcal.io .' tl Haven. JAMES H. JJOYT, Sup't. No. 4 Skiddy's Block A. MOREHOUSE. fail-bank's Scales. Also a greut variety of! F you wish i ^ ••lit IU. having been grown now five year with Dr. Strickland, Assist. Editor of ChristianAd- You »! «• > SCROFULOUS ANTIDOTE. vocate. Bakers', Jewelers', Druggists', <-}rocers", and |I Lot k woodf-5 good success. The yield this last season FOR BOSTON. S the most potent remedy ever yet discov­ Agricultural Implements. Rev. I. N. Wyckofi", D. D., Albany. XSTew Stone Yard. other scales. Spring Balances, Patent Beams, to meet - ••pHEregular Mail Line via Stonington, for rpHE subscriber has now in store a full sup- S. R. Gray, Albany, GOOD assortment of Flagging, Curbing, Testers, Weights and Measures, etc. every day ue - >ci.: de. eorop. ..sing was 310 bushels per acre, and perfectly I ered for the following diseases. new 6eed for planting. Frazer, in connection with the Ston ngton and Castings for same, Horse and Hand Rakes, " A. M. Osborn, D. D., Yorkfville. Orders bv mail or otherwise will receive at Nervous- cy Tin Ware. Having many superior work f Providence, and Boston and Providence Rail­ Grain Cradles, with or without Scythes, Pat­ " L. H King, Saugerties, N. Y. ntion. FAIRBANKS CO.. O STONE-HILL FARM, WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. nesss, Convul­ " FVMFS. ~ tention. men, we will receive any orders with pleas-, roads, leaving New York daily, Sundays ex­ sions, all Cutaneous ent and common Scythe Snaths, Silver and " A. Abeel, D. D., Newark. * tflU 189 Broadway.New York. cepted, from Pier No. 2 North River, first Cast Steel Scythes, (a very super or article,). FINE Assortmentof Pumps,consisting ure, and execute them without delay. t Diseases, Dyspepsia, In­ " D. D. Demarest, Hudson. C. & E. K. LOCKWOOD & CO. , • Preparing Poultry for the Market. wharf above Battery place, at 6 o'clock, p m., flammation of the Eyes,Ery­ Rifles, Scythe Stones, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, " L. C. Brown, Mohawk. A of Wei I Pumps, Weather Prooffor Wells and Stonington at 8.30 p.m., or on the arrival sipelas, Gleet, Pimpled Face. &c. WM. C: STREET. Hon. P. S. Wynkoop, Hudson. ofanydeptli, both Force and Suction, Hose Book Binding! Book Binding!! Our reporters of wholesale country pro­ of thd mail train which leaves Boston at 5.30 Norwalk, June 30th, 1857. and Pipe attached i f wanted ; Cistern Pumps ~7moiceand Selected Teas. Spitting and Vomiting of Blood. R. Rossman, M. D., Brooklyn. ' ATHER your Magazines together and do varionssizes ; Brass and Iron Cylendera, A A CHESTS ofGreenand Black Teas. ||| } duce, Messrs. Drew & French, having re- p. m. Piles. Whooping Cough, Dropsies, Hys­ Mr, Peck. Poughkeepsie. have them bound. Styles and prices to TheC. YANDERBILT, from New York, at, • F. H.NASII'S, South JVorwalk. 44: v/ Coffee and Teas, warranted to please terics, Jaundice, and all other Diseasee^of the 3LZME. Rev. Mr. Wallace, Springfield. suitG the times, at the EHCEI.SIO'K BOOK BINDERY eived- a great number of inquiries about Monday, Wednesdav and Friday. From Sto­ Liver.Impotency, Incontinence of Urine, " W. H. Ferris. it priceand duality, they defy superiority. Y the Barrel or smallquantity, at ' A. H. CAMP. ' A. MOREHOUSE. how to prepare poultry, have carefully nington, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Influenza, Chills and Fever. Gravel GEO. W. SMITH'S, " Mr. Tiffany, Ciaverack. OSIERY, Hosiery, Hosiery. Ladies will , , No. 17 Main st. The PLYMOUTH ROCK fromN. Y., Tues­ B or Stone in the Bladder, Disea­ South Norwalk. -Messrs. Mellen, Banks & Co.. 372 Broadway, H find it to their advantage to call and see prepared the following directions, which day , Thursday and Saturday From Stoning­ ses of the Kidneys, Lumba­ New York. our stock before purchasing. Sew Silks. Prof.Wm. B.Silver,New York Free Academy. O. S. CLARK. we most earnestly beg our readers to care­ ton, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. go and all forms of Great Reduction! cf Prices!!! riTFII" day received, a large assortment of Passengers proceed from Stonington per - Rheumatism, Ma­ D»f GOODS. " John Newman, Union College. An entire new stock of DRESS SILKS ; an ; I Dross Silks, black aud colored, some new fully preserve and rigidly follow. Poul­ Railroad to Providence and Boston, in the rasmus and Mr. Buck, Newburgh. tf51 ITarns. Hard Times! Panic Prices! aud beautiful styles, and 1 ome great bargains. Express Mail Train,reaching said place seve­ Summer entire new stock of DE LAINES, Plaid Pop­ C. J. GRUMAN. try for this market, to bring the best pri­ ral hours in advance of these by other route.s, HAVE now on hand a large stock of the EAD our List of Prices and see who sells Complaints, Palpitation of the Heart. Tumors lins, Valentia Phuds, Plaid and Plain Meri- WOOSTER HOUSE, real Quaker Yarns, and am the sole agent ces, mpst be prepared as follows : and in ample tims for all the early morning and Abscesses, Anemia, or Deficiency of I K the cheapest. - lines connecting North and East. Passengers noes, Prints, and an endless variety of other DANBURY, CONN. for the sale of the same, also the WHITE FI.AN- BEST STONE CHINA : RIME Country Geese Feathers, Tubs, First. Give no for twenty-four Blood, Atrophy or wasting of the NK1 C. J. GRCMAN. that prefer it remain onboard the steamer Goods. Tea and Dinner sets combined, including HvJ P Washboards, and all kinds of Wooden Body, Boils and Carbuncles, HE Subscribe!;, having purchased the Ware ; Table, Butchers, Pocket, and all kind hours previous to killing. Food in the enjoy a night's rest undisturbed, breakfast if . • Disease of the Spleen, Diz­ SHAWLS: pieces, as enumerated, for only $9, viz T above named Hotel, is prepared to re­ $500 Wanted. l'-i pieces of Knives; Brittania and Silver Plated crop is liable to sour, and always injures desired, and leave Stonington in the 7.15 a. ziness, of the Head, An entire new stonif of Shawls. * . ceive permanent and transient boarders, and I doz. Dinner Plates. m. train, connecting at Providence with the OR one or two years, on unencumbered 1 doz. Tea Plates. 12 do. Wares, Summer Ranges. Oven Fronts, Iron Shortness of the BROADCLOTHS: to entertain Travellers and the Public gener­ Heaters, &c., at Lockwood's Fnrnishing Store the sale. Purchasers object to pay for II a. m. train tor Boston. Breath, Flatulence, Sick Headache, Discolo­ and improved Real Estate worth double 1 doz. Preserve Plates, do. An entire new stock of the beat make of ally. Tbe Hotel is large, commodious, and F do. undigested food. A Baggage Master accompaniesthe steamer ration of the Skin, Ulcers and Sores general­ is fitted up with the conveniences of modern the amount. For particulars enquire at the 1 doz. Cup Plates. and train through each way. ly, and all impurities of the system whatev­ French Cloths. A Bargain. office of the Norwalk Gazette. 1 doz. Coffee Cups aud Saucers, do. Norwalk News Depot, Hotels; it is abundantly supplied with pure do. Second. " Sticking" in the neck with a For passage, berths, state-rooms or freight er. For all diseases of the Chest, Lungs and LADIES' CLOTHS:. Spriug Water, and is pleasantly located, on 1 doz. Ten Cups aud Saucers, SUA VIXG AND IlAlR DRESSING SALOON. • ! apply on board the steamer, or at the freight Throat, it may be relied on as the most effi­ 1 Tea Pot. Sugai, Creamer, and r pen-knife is the best mode of killing. If A large assortment. Cheap. the Main Street, within a very few rods of the (Evas. Gas. Ctas. do. I^HE Subactiber still continues at his old office, Pier No. 2 North River, or at the of­ cacious medicine ever used. For all diseases Railroad Depot. Slop Bowl, L Stand, the general Newspaper and Peri­ the head is cut off, the skin recedes, and fice No. 10 Batterv place. of the Womb and female weaknesses it is a Embroideries, Hosiery and Gloves, HE Gas Fitting business will hereafter 2 Cake Plates, do. Danbury is one of the finest and largtst in- be carried on by us. Gas Pipes put in at do. odical business. All tbe New York Dailies de­ the neck-bone looks repulsive. sovereign remedy. It may be relied on for and au endless variety of Goods, all of which land towns in Connecticut; healthy, pleasant; T 2 Hi inch Dinner Platter livered to subscribers on the arrival of the all diseases for which it is recommended. very low prices, by a New York Gas^ Fittei 2 large Covered Dishes, do. FOURTH YEAR will be sold at extremely low prices- and is generally admired for its fine shade that thoroughly understands the business he cars, and Magazines and Periodicals supplied Third. Most of the poultry comiug to 1 Boat, : ; do. ; OF THE Many Great Bargains. C. J. GRUMAN. trees and beautiful scenery. There are also do. at, the lowest market prices.' Shaving and this market'is badly "scalded," or " wet NEW YORK, Oct. 19th. 1854, established a number of good Boarding Schools is following. "l Pickles, . Hair Dressing continued as heretofore. L. B. WRIGHT—Dear Sir: I have lor many picked.'' " Dry picked" is preferred, and Cosmopolitan Art Association! ALBERT K(ERPEL for Boys and Girls. Gas Fixtures. 113 pieces. Also Agent for Norwalk of Adam's & Co's years been acquainted with the medicinal vir­ The undersigned will spare no pains to give E have a good selection of newest pat­ Express Co. GKORGR W. JENNINGS. sells a little higher, other things being . / .J - ' • THE FAMOUS tues of your syrup, " The Scrolulous Anti­ AfferoHant Tailor. satisfaction to his Guests, and solicits the pat­ W terns of Chandeliers and Gas Fixtures, The above splendid set for only $9; usual Norwalk, Sept. 1st, 1857. tf ; Dusscldorf Gallery of Paintings, dote," have used it myself, employed it in (Adjoining Stoje of Knapp & Lynes, Main st.) ronage of his Friends and the Public. which we now offer to the public at thft whole- price, $15. equal. Great care should be taken in my family, and frequently recommended it to NORWALK, CONN., K WILLIAM P. STEVENS. Purchased at a Cost of $180,000, sale price, which will afford great induce­ Tea Seta, 44 pieces, only $2.25, usual price Koops! Hoops!! Hoops!!! picking to remove all the pin-feathers and my friends and acquaintance, when suffering HE Public are respectfully invited to call ments for those in want of Gas Fixtures, toi $3.50; Tea Sets. Glass Sugar, $2.37, usual AND from an obstinate cough and other symptoms T CLARK'S may be found all the styles r? to avoid tearing the skin, particularly up­ Tand examine the large and varied assort' WESTFORT there will probably not be such inducements price, $3.75 ; Cut Goblets, only $2.50. usual in market, Brass, Whalebone, Reei1 - , •• ^ of incessant or even decided and long con­ ment of • offered again, as those Fixtures not sold we price $4.50; Cut Wines, $1.75, usual price Powers' Greek Slave, tinued pulmonary diseases. I have watched Steel Spring. &c. on the legs, where it is most likely to be READY MADE CLOTHING, . Saddlery, Harness and Trunk are to return to the manufacturers, and we, in $2.50; Castors, $1.00, usual price S2 00 ; Cas- Re-Purchased for Six Thousand Dollars. its operation and .effects very closely, and consequence, offer the above advantages to tors, cut bottles, $2.25, usual price $4.00; broken. If properly scalded it looks never knew.it to act injuriously. In almost emporium ! OODEN Ware and Mats. Sheet L' - f ..5" ~ HE above Premiums to Tje awarded to the French Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestimgsk the- public. Cast ors Pressed, $0.62, usual pi ice $1.25. every instance when I have used-it, or seen it HE Subscriber keeps constantly on hand, c & R k; lockwood & co> w Lead Pipe, at F. H. NAS ^ best. T Subscribers of the Association, who sub­ Also, a general assortment of gentlemen's and will make to order, all articles apper­ All of our magnificent stock will be sold at scribe before the Deployed, it has worked charmingly and ben­ furnishing goods, consisting in part of Hats T the same low rates, as long as the "hard South N' Fourth. The intestines should not be eficially—never failing to give some relief, taining to his line of business, of the best ma­ 25th Day cf March, ^858, 'J and Caps, Umbrellas, Shirts. Collars, Craj terial and workmanship, and at low prices.— ^ School Boohs. times" last. Do not fail to give us a call and drawn. After picking, the head may be and generally doing decided good. It is, A rine Clock that Strikes, f which time the above awards will take place. vats. Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, &c. Every description of Harness constantly on COMPLETE assortment of School Books test the truth of what we say. moreover, pleasant to the taste. I cheerfully Cloths, Cassimeres aud Vestings by th$ C. & E. K. LOCKWOOD &• CO. taken off and the skin drawn over the neck- TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION : recommend it for the cases it is designed to hand, or made to order; also a great, variety kept constantly on hand by ND a large assortment of . yard or pattern, and cut tree of charge. A V benefit,.believing it really a very desirable of Saddles, Bridles, MartingaleR, etc., also, KNAPP SL LYNES. A styles in market. O. S IL.-iR n bone and tied. This is best, though much Every subscriber of $3 is entitled to a large Particular attention paid to Children's Gar­ and splendid steel engraving, entitled " MANI­ compound, and a medicine that needs only Fly Nets, Horse-cloths, Whips in endless va­ Fancy Goods. ments. riety. Trunks of all srtzes and descriptions, comes with the heads on. FEST DESTINT*" also, to a copy of the Cosmo­ to be properly tried to be highly appreciated. M. KNIGHT & CO., Importers aud - Thermometer? ; Valises, Carpet Bags, Satchels, etc., etc. Re­ Fifth. Next in order it should be politan Art Journal one year; a certificate in Yours respectfully and gratefully, 1858. 1858. D• Wholesale Dealers in English, French NEW supply jnsl- received 1 the award of premiums; also, a free admission Rev, J, R. STONE. M. D. v ' Cash at a Premium. . . , pairing done neatly and. promptly on:.. the IDDLF.BROOK'S ALMANACS, by the aud German Fancy Goods, Nos. 26 and 28 KNAPP •: iiXV-lA " plumped" by being dipped about two to the Dusseldorf and Cosmopolitan Galleries. Pastor of the Baptist Church, Providence,R.I. shortest noticc,and most reasonable^erms. Every thing else at a Discount. WILLIAM S. JONESi^ M Gross, Dozen, or at Retail. Vesey street, (up stairs,) between Broadway Thus it is shown, that for every $3 paid, the For a proof this, read the testimonials an­ ByO.S. CLARK. and Church street, New York. seconds 'into water, nearly or quite boil­ East side the Bridge, Westport. subscriber not only receives a splendid engra­ nexed to the Treatise on Tubercular Diseases, Combs—Buffalo, Rubber aud Horn Back Salt! "Salt! ing hot, and then at once into cold water ving, but also a two dollarMagazine one year. which may be had-gratia at any drug store |HAOTORBSCOXT, I Another Invoice. Combs, in great variety ; Twist, Dressing, 500 Bushels Oi.d GRF.Y ST Kms .8*-' Any of. the leading $3 Magazines is fur­ where'the medicine is sold. These testimoni­ 5*reSh Groceries. - andlvory Combs. Buttons—Whalebone,Gilt, about the same length of time. Some Importer and Wholesale Dealer in 1^ that fine Note Paper and Envelopes, for sale at the lowest market , nished instead of engraving, if desired: Em­ als are from the most respectable part of '"PHE subscriber keeps constantly ^on hand Lasting, Monair,'Twist, Bone, Metal, Silk, think the hot plunge sufficient withoui the erson's, Atlantic, Harper's, Godey's, Gra­ the community in my neighborhood, andmay O just received by Cigars, Wines, Brandies, Gins, 1 and is daily receiving supplies of - KNAPP & LYNES. Thread, .Agate, etc. Brushes—Hair, Tooth, •HU'. SKLii* " 's, Blackwood's, Knickerbocker, &c. be consulted personally by any who desire so Nail, etc. Linen Thread, Spool Cotton, Nee­ cold. It should be lntirely cold, but not Subscriptions received by C. A. DURAND, to do. These cures are almost miraculous.— &c., No. 17' James Slip, Superior and Fresh Family Groceries, One door from South-st., New York. OARSE (Gray) Rock Salt, for sale in any dles, Pins, Hooks aud Eyes, Hair Pins. Elas­ frozen, before being packed. If it reach­ at G. R. COWLEB' office. 6t49 Try it, and you will not be disappointed. which he is prepared to sell as cheap as the tics, Whalebone, Linen und Cotton Tapes, 1858. Middlebrook's k ittaaesr Sold, wholesale, and-retail, at 409 Broad­ Liquors of the choicest brands, warranted quautity. by HUBBELL & CO. es market sound, without freezing, it will most inferior qualities can be purchased else­ C Linen and Cotton Bobbing, Sci?sors, Thim­ "1\ /riDDLEBROOK'S ALK^AC% ATCHES and Jewelry neatly repaired way, New York, and at all respectable drug­ to be pure, for medicinal, mechanical or sac­ where for Cash. He invites an examination ramental purposes continually on hand, and bles, and a great variety of faucy Goods aud ill for sale hy the gtolk <***%"' / sell all the better ' and warranted to give satisfaction. gists throughout the Union. of fiw stock of Staple Groceries, satisfied that USEE! 1&MEI Fans, etc., all cheap for Cash. ly'-C one, at. A. .-f ' W N. B.—Dr. Wright can be consulted free of all orders through the mail, captains of slooA Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware sold at the public will discern it to be for their own LENS FALLI3, Wood'sand Hill's Lime, Book Em, *•" Sixth. For packing, if practicable, use very low prices. Call before purchasing. charge, at 409 Broadway, from 2 to 6 o'clock, or steamboat John Hart, promptly attended to. interest to buy the first qualities of goods for for sale by the Bushel, Barrel or Load, ; t/iii. till clean hand-threshed rye straw. If this O. S. CLARK P.M., daily. , 3m 30 In consequence of the increased value of Cn«A,"wl>sn they can do betterthan they can G Corn Shelters. Molssse delivered if desired, at as low pricea aa cau be . Siifi.r-s-n:- KNAPP & LYNES, Agents for Norwalk. money, a large reduction will be made from elsewhere on credit. Give him,a call as he is OVEY'S double and single balance wheel* MKKKK can not be had, or oat straw will former prices. had from the kiln's, by Skates. determined not to be outdone either in quali­ CHAS. T.LEONARD. H Corn Shelters, for sale by n '•. answer,-if clean and free from dnst.— WM. C. STREET. HE SHOALS AND QIICKSAN'PS OL' MERICAN and German Skates, with or Cameo Fins ! Cameo Pins !! ty or price, aud as he buys for Cash, and sel­ Published, the 2J K.lition. Oil >. BVXXJ>ma MATERIALS. ling for Cash, he intends to maintain the abil­ T Place a layer of straw at the bottom of A without straps, for sale by T The Jewelry and Trimming Store, near ALM of a Thousand Flowers. WM. C. STREET. ity to redeem all be promises. Balm of X Thousand Flowers, for sale by ARION HARLAND'S N«V Book-— and perlVct euro of Nervous Mj the box, then alternate layers of poultry A the Spring, may be found the largest and Pressed and Common Brick, 1 C.T.CORNWALL. B Weakling, Ifivnlnntiiry Emissions, -• " richest assortment of these goods ever offered KNAPP & LYNES. ' MOSS-SIDE; by MAKUIS' HARLANO, suiting Iruin vicious lialiits acquue , „ £ • ORCELAIN Kettles. Sauce Pans, French . Ziime, Cement, Calcined Plas­ Opposite D. & N. R. R. Depot. tfll M rL and straw—taking carc to stow snugly, to the Ladies of this Town. Some entirely Author of " Hidden Path,'' "Alone," at pnssagPlV.ini Vuulh U.JIauho ^ ^ ; of R,. , . Tin Ware, Brass Kettles, Fry Pans, Bird Member of the Ko>al C(llp„e ind 30y*«r» ; " • •• , P new and rich designs .. ter, Hair, and Marble Bust. CAMP'S. 1 back upward, filling vacancies with straw Cages, Mats, Brooms, Brushes, Pails, Churns; Plastering ZZair. New Books. • - ,182?), l.ivMittot'' ol tlie Hnll £ •,0 .vf; and filling the package so that the cover Feather and Naimo Dusters and Fancy Goods HE Subscriber having dissolvedhis con­ ,F a superior quality, atwholesale or retail "Vf OSS Side, by author of Aloneand Hidden APER DOLLS: PAPER FURNITURE! [leiillli, , • d JI ur,ieil I.lie." &e. • at Lockwoods Furnishing Warerooms. nection with W. C. STREET, ESQ. in the 1 ItJ. Path, Fresh Leaves, by Fanny Fern, Cement, Flaster, Sic. T by CHAS. T.LEONARD. uioirs ,.! MH9l« ana ™ vaiu#Ue Tr".it>se. written fcv s Something new-for children; very pleas­ 1 will draw down snugly upon the contents. P business, will continui it on his own ac- 0 Phelps' N. Y. City Guide, with a new and ac­ EMENT.Calcined Plasterand Marble Dust, This sm»H, but Jng: ^ , SnrgMin, point-, ont jlUB : ing and instructive. An endless variety at ffo.iarennwiiC't ™.) - . , diseases resultai» ; Boxes not holding over 300 lbs are the Crockery, China & Glass Ware. A. H. CAMP'S count^and will keep a good assortment of curate Map. bv the Bushel, Barrel or Load ; for sale nt |tll al the above named articles constantly on hand, For Sale or Exchange, Paper dolls, how to make them. Paper Cby CHAS. T.LEONARD. only sure ami peiiu- . pu|,lication of its kit. !, NE of the largest,richest andbest select­ Excelsior Book,Emporium. «t^by aacientiBc mr best packages. which will be sold cheap for Cash. NEAT, convenient Dwelling House, con­ dolls furniture, how to make it. Just re­ o ed stocks of Crockery, Glass & China .vntie"1U a. ^; hamj3Sf „!) who value their life a Seventh. Number the packages ; mark O 15 CHAS. T.LEONARD. A taining eight or ten rooms, in tbe imme­ ceived by ". ''Kd hereafter. Wares, to be found in Norwalk, can now be OW is the time to have your Binding Office removed to Sellick's Packet Office.- diate vicinity of the Bridge. For further Sledges and Hammers. piireV cent?, or 4 stamps, at the rcceipt of whi. :> seen at the store of the subscriber at South ' - ( - KNAPP, & LYNES. the contents of each on the cover : place done, when it can be done cheap, at the particulars, inquire of C. T. LEONARD, or TONE andB'lacksmith'a Sledges and ham­ , LNN;F. .-eDt PO5T 1'R^ AND well secured, hy DR. CI Norwalk, together with a generalassortment N TEAMBOATS and Locomotives at the KXLVE, -NO. 42U, 1st Aveaue, Box 4586, Newtork. (8/9 EXCELSIOR BOOS: BIJVDERY. Do you wQjit a-superb Soft Fur Hat ? W.G.SfREET. S mers, all sizes, just received by the invoice of the lot in one package, of Groceries, &e., all ofwhich will be sold at Fancy Store of 4; O. S, CLARK. WM. C. STREET. Large discounts made on large quantities- Go to HANDLE'S. Nov. 24,'1857. t(47 S marked " bill," exceedingly low prices. G. W.SMITH.

' '. - -iv ' ; v - :

•i - ...... Vr