THE SUN DIAL Winter 2018 The Magazine of The Ethel Walker School AN UNCHARTED JOURNEY Designing a Career in a New Era of Work Traditions • Science and Engineering • 100 Years in Simsbury PUBLISHED BY The Ethel Walker School 230 Bushy Hill Road, Simsbury, CT 06070 +1 (860) 658-4467 | Dr. Meera Viswanathan HEAD OF SCHOOL EDITORIAL BOARD Gretchen Orschiedt DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Marion Paterson P’17, ’19 DIRECTOR OF ALUMNAE RELATIONS Michelle Helmin P’19 DIRECTOR OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS CONTRIBUTORS Carlin Carr, Calista Duggan ’18, Margaret Gooch P’24, Michelle G. Helmin P’19, Theresa Jo ’18, Gretchen Orschiedt, Marion Paterson P’17, ’19, Matt Sawyers, Laura Schmelter, and Tyler Varsell TAKE NOTE Margaret Gooch P’24 PHOTOGRAPHY Corina Alvarezdelugo, Ben Barker, Matt Branscombe, Isabel Ceballos, Jenna Dunn P’19, ’20, Mimi Duran ’18, Addie Friedlander ’18, Elizabeth Greenberg ’10, Jim Healey, Michelle G. Helmin P’19, Rose Lincoln, Genie Lomba P’13, ’16, ’18, Andrew Mason, John Monagan, Monique Pace ’18, Marion Paterson P’17, ’19, Cheri Soule, and Tyler Varsell ADDRESS CLASS NOTES TO: Advancement Office The Ethel Walker School 230 Bushy Hill Road Simsbury, CT 06070 Or submit via email to:
[email protected] DESIGN John Johnson Art Direction & Design PRINTING Pyne-Davidson Company THE SUNDIAL MAGAZINE IS PRINTED WITH VEGETABLE BASED INKS ON FSC CERTIFIED 10% POST-CONSUMER FIBER CHLORINE-FREE PAPER STOCK. We make every attempt to publish accurate information. If you notice an error, please let us know so that we can fix it.