Ceylon Government Gazette
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THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 8,283— FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1937. Published by Authority. PART I.—GENERAL. {Separate paging is given to each Part in order that it may be filed separately.) PAGE PAGE Proclamations by the Governor Local Government Notices 570 Appointments by tbe Governor 556 Road Committee. Notices.. • • • • 571 Appointments, &o., of Registrars .. .. — Trade Mark Notifications.. • • • • 575 Government Notifications .. 557 Patents Notifications • • • • — Revenue and Expenditure Returns.. .. — “Excise Ordinance ” Notices • • ■ • — Currenoy Commissioners’ Notices .. .. — Sales of Unclaimed and Unserviceable Articles, &c. 577 Notices calling for Tenders 564 Notices to Mariners • • . — Unofficial Announcements 565 Sales of Toll and Other Rents __ Miscellaneous Departmental Notices 566 Meteorological Returns .. • • , . — Municipal Council Notices .. 570 Books registered under Ordinance No. 1 of 1885 .. — PRINTED AT THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT PRESS, COLOMBO. 555------J. N. 65058-769 (4/37) A 1 556 Part I. (General) — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — April 16, 1937 APPOINTMENTS, &o., BY THE J 2/36 GOVERNOR. Mr. L. V. B. de Jaoolyn to be an Additional District Judge, Avissawella, to try D. C., Avissawella, case N o. 211 o f 1937. No. 2,222 on April 28, 1937. C 2 J 35/36 IT is notified for general information that His M r. M . H . Jayatilaka to act as Commissioner of E xcellency the Governor has been pleased, in Requests and Police Magistrate, Panadure, and Addi terms of Article 35 (3) of the Ceylon (State Council) tional District Judge, Colombo and Kalutara, during Order in Council, 1931, to appoint Mr. Charles the absence of Mr. Mervyn J osefh, on June 2, 1937. B at u wantudawe to act in the place of the Minister for Home Affairs with effect from April 15, 1937, until J 15/36 S ir D . B. Jayatilaka shall resume the exercise of the functions of that office. M r. E . C . R atnatke to act as Commissioner of Requests and Police Magistrate, Gampaha, and Addi B y His Excellency’s command, tional District Judge, Negombo, and Additional Police E . R . Sudbury, Magistrate, Colombo and Negombo, during the absence Governor’s Office, Secretary to the Governor. of Mr. K . D. de Silva, on April 19 and 28, 1937. Colombo, A pril 15, 1937. J 23/36 M r. S . M . D o t e to be, in addition to his other duties, N o . 212 o f 1937. an Additional Commissioner of Requests, Kandy, on H IS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to April 12,1937, to enable judgment to be delivered in make the following appointments:— C. R ., Kandy, case No. 20,029. H 500/37 J 26/36 M r. J. M . P erera, Chief Clerk, Office of the Secretary M r. Frank Markus to act as Commissioner of to the Minister for Home Affairs, to act, in addition to Requests, Police Magistrate, and Additional District his own duties, as Additional Secretary to the Minister Judge, Kurunegala, during the absence of Mr. N. S in n e - for Home Affairs from April 16 to 30, i937. tamby, J 79/36 on April 14, 19, and 20, 1937. J 39/36 Mr. R. S. V. P ouleer to act as Government Agent, Province of Sabaragffonuwa ; Fiscal for the Province of M r. L . G . Poulier to be an Additional Police Sabaragamuwa ;^AdditionalT/)istrict Judge, Ratnapura ; Magistrate, Tangalla, on April 15, 1937, to hear P. C., Local Authority under the XJfetroleum Ordinance for the Tangalla, case No. 3,283. Province of S^hS?agamuwa ; and Member of the Board J 37/36 of Health fbi/ the Province of Sabaragamuwa, from M r. W . A . Muttucumaru to be Additional Police A pril 10, 1(137, unfil further orders. Magistrate, Puttalam, on April 20 and 21, 1937, to try At / J 73/35 ■ P. C., Puttalam, cases Nos. 23,070 and 23,071. Mr. J. T. P arajvianathan , Chief Clerk, Nuwara Eliya F 64/36 Kachcheri, to be-, in ^addition to his own duties, Extra M r. D . Jansze to act as Crown Counsel for the Island Office Assistant, Nuwara/Eliya Kachcheri, on April 19 from March 24, 1937, until further orders. and 20, 1937. ' J ' A \ ■ : \ ' J 69/37 F 64/36 M r. S . P. A merasinghe, Assistant Government Agent, M r. S . Allbs to act as Crown Counsel for the Island Colombo, under section 1 of Ordinance No. 22 of 1889, from April 1, 1937, until further orders. to examine the accounts Af the Village Committee of the Kotte-Galkissa subdivision./ B y His Excellency’s command, v I 160/37 Legal Secretary’s Office, J. C . H oward, M r. R . Schokman, Inspector, Valuation Department) Colombo, April 14, 1937. Legal Secretary. General Treasury, to act as Government Valuer with effect from A pril 14, 1937/ during the absence on leave N o. 215 of 1937. of Mr. J. G. Mokley. G 4/36 1 297/37 In pursuance of the powers delegated to me by M r. E . P . Perera, Jailer, to act, in addition to his own H is Excellency the Governor in that behalf, Mr. duties, as Superintendent io i Prison, Mahara, with N . Cyril Cooray has— effect from A pril 15, 1937, (Mrirring the absence on leave of (i.) been appointed, under section 120 of the Criminal M r. C . P . Brohier. Procedure Code, 1898, to be an Inquirer for the B y His Excellency’s command, Colomho Mudaliyar’s division of the Salpiti Chief Secretary’s Office, M. M. W eddekbtjkn, korale, Colombo D istrict, with effect from April Colombo, April 14, 1937. Chief Secretary. 5, 1937 ; and (ii.) heen granted authority under section 365 (l) of that Code, to order post-mortem examination No. 213 of 1937. 958/16 (CB) when necessary. E xcellency the Governor H IS has been pleased Legal Secretary’s Office, J. C . H oward, to make the following appointment with effect from Colombo, April 5, 1937. Legal Secretary. June 27, 1932 :— M r. T . Carthigaser, Clerk, Forest Department, in No. 216 of 1937. ClgjSS II. of the General Clerical Service, to be Office G 40/36 Assistant and Accountant, Forest Department,- in Class IV . of the Scheme for Accountants and Audit IN pursuance of the powers delegated to me by H is O fficers. Excellency the Governor in that behalf, Mr. Heras By His Excellency’s command, WlJESUNDERA has— . General Treasury, C. H . Collins, (1) been appointed, under section 120 of the Crim inal Colombo, April 12, 1937. Acting Financial Secretary. Procedure Code, 1898, to act as an Inquirer for Udugaha and Meda pattus of Hewagam No. 214 of 1937. korale, with effect from April 6, 1937, until further orders, vice Mr. J. P. W eltwita H IS Excellency the Governor has been pleased resigned ; and to make the following appointments :— (2) been granted authority under section 365 (1) of J 1/36 tha-t Code, to order post-mortem examination M r. V . R amaswamy to act as District Judge, Com when necessary. missioner of Requests, and Police Magistrate, Anuradha- pura, during the absence of .Mr- S. S. J. Goonesekera, Legal Secretary’s Office, J. C. Howard, from April 18 to 20, 1937. Colombo, April 6/1937. • Legal Secretary. Part I. (General) — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — April 16, 1937 557 No. 217 of 1937. No. 223 o f 1937. G 36/36 IN pursuance of the powers delegated to me by His HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased Excellency the Governor in that behalf, to appoint Mr. Mahamarakkalage Cyril Christopher Mr. R. B. Meddagama has— Stembo to be a Notary Public throughout the judicial division of Panadure, and to practise as such in the (1) been appointed under section 120 of the Criminal English language. Procedure Code, 1898, to he an Inquirer for Meda pattu of Atakalan korale in the Ratnapura R. Sri Pathmanathan, District, while holding the office of Korala of Acting Minister for Labour, Industry and Commerce. the said pattu, with effect from April 6, 1937, Colombo, April 10, 1937. vice Mr. G. A. P. Ematiyagoda, retired ; and (2) been granted authority under section 365 (1) of that Code, to order post-mortem examination when necessary. No. 224 o f 1937. HIS E xcellency the Governor has been pleased Legal Secretary’s Office, J. C. H oward, to appoint Mr. Mohamed Alt Marikar Mohamed Colombo, April 13, 1937. Legal Secretary. Sultan to be a Notary'Public throughout the judicial division of Jaffna, and to practise as such in the English language. , No. 218 of 1937. R. Sri Pathmanathan, I 676 Acting Minister for Labour, Industry and Commerce. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased, Colombo, April 10, 1937. under the proviso to section 23 of Ordinance No. 10 of 1861, to appoint Mr. M. I. Abdul R asool to be an additional member of the District Road Committee, Trincomalee, for the years 1937, 1938, and 1939. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATIONS. S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike, ^ , G 49/37 Minister for Local, Administration. APPLICATIONS form General 187 (E 2) from Colombo, April 14, 1937. officers in Cla.ss T of the Clerical Service for transfer to the post oPChiiff Interpreter, Jaffna Kachcheri, w ill be considered" if forwarded through ' the Head of the No. 219 of 1937. applicant’s Department and received in the Secretariat I 38/7.4.37 on or before A pril 27*41)37. HIS -Excellency the Governor has been pleased, r] ( By His Excellency’s command, under section 5 (1) (b) of Ordinance No. 18 of 1892, to nominate Dr. R. W. C. T hamblah, Medical Officer of Chief Secretary’s Office, M. M. W eddekburn, Health, North-Western Province, to be a member of the Colombo, April 12, 1937.