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bindex.qxd 6/30/04 8:44 AM Page 251 INDEX Acción International, 182 Bloomberg, Michael, 219, 225 Adler, Jack, 55–56, 79, 85, 196, 202 Bloomingdale’s, Chicago (Dick Tracy AIDS patients, community outreach party), 54 programs, 125–126, 134 Boetcker, William J. H., 63 Alcohol prohibition, 45 Boston Opera House, 54 Allegheny Child Care Academy (ACCA), Boston visitor’s bureau (Restaurant Week), 180 157 Allen, Woody, 217 Bradley, Christopher, 180 American Academy of Pediatrics, 60 Brainstorming, 235 Americana Hotel, Bal Harbour, Florida, Branding/co-branding, 142–149, 236–237 9–10, 28, 40 Brennan, Dick and Ella, 87 American Airlines, 149, 150 Brock, Paul, 91 American Apparel, 67–68 Brown, Ron, 184 “American Experiment, The” (Gardner Bulova Corporation, 45 essay), 222–223 Burger King, 17, 170 American Express, 155, 167, 216 Burke, Edmund, 189 American Hotel and Lodging Association Bush, George W., and administration, 60, (AH&LA), 151, 152 112, 166–167, 174, 182 American Society of Association Business: Executives (ASAE), 54, 151–152, 218 defining nature of your, 200 America Works, 18 idealism and, 2 AmeriHost Inn, 94 myth of go-it-alone business hero, 6 Anatole Hotel, Dallas (Loews), 42, 150–151 partnering with, 141–161 Animal rescue service, 133 association partnerships, 142, Annapolis Hotel (Loews), 78 149–154 ARC Gospel Choir, 221 civic partnerships, 142, 154–159 Association partnerships, 142, 149–154 co-branding partnerships, 142–149 Atassi, Maria, 27 profits vs. social responsibility, 20, 122 Atlanta Loews Theatre, 42 purpose of (short-term profit vs. long- Atlantic City, Traymore Hotel, 40 term value), 190, 194 Australia, 165 Business of hotels vs.
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