PRICE SQUEEZES, FORECLOSURE AND COMPETITION LAW PRINCIPLES AND GUIDELINES Pietro Crocioni & Cento Veljanovski* Case Associates Abstract This article looks at the definition, conditions and evidence necessary to establish that a price squeeze is an exclusionary abuse, and thus an infringement of EC competition law. It shows that the necessary conditions are demanding, and that the empirical test for a price squeeze must be carried out carefully. It offers practical guidelines for determining whether an exclusionary price squeeze is present, and particularly on the appropriate calculation of downstream margins (the “imputation test”) that should be employed. 1. INTRODUCTION A price or margin squeeze is an exclusionary practice used by a vertically integrated firm to leverage its market power in the upstream market to squeeze the margins of its downstream competitors. Competition law investigations on alleged price squeezes have been few, relatively unsuccessful, and largely confined to raw materials. However, with the increasing application of competition law to network industries, the number of price squeeze allegations has increased.1 The issue looms large in regulated industries where a network * Snr. Economist, and Managing Partner & Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London respectively, Case Associates (Competition and Regulatory Economists Both authors have assisted on price squeeze investigations including the EC Commission Article 82 investigation on behalf of KPN (Case No. COMP/C- 1/37.704 – KPN Mobile Termination Rates). The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of Case’s clients. Contacts: Cento Veljanovski (
[email protected]) and Pietro Crocioni (
[email protected]). 1 EC Commission, Directive on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services 2002/21/EC, 2 April 2002.