Doctor Who ideas for children

Games involving their dog and children's favourite TV programme can help build their relationship.

The three activities could be set up without asking children to take part and you practicing with the dog to see if they want to get involved or can be printed off and left around the house to see if children want to have a go.

There is also themed dog merchandise that can be used to help build their relationship to first get their interest:

Personalised Doctor Who dog tag that could be attached to the collar / harness / lead and Doctor Who collars (available on Ebay).

Keeping the dog’s treats / toys in Doctor Who themed bags / boxes.

Doctor Who stickers or pictures could be printed off that could be stuck on the dog’s food bowls, feeding mats, treat jar etc.

Top trumps cards can also be used to make games involving the dog, such as the dog picking cards if they have been taught to put their paw on it.

© 2010 Copyright Dogs for the Disabled

© 2010 Copyright Dogs for the Disabled

Doctor Who games with your dog Level 1 challenge - Teach your dog to find their K-9 friends K-9 is the name of The Fourth Doctor’s dog. His name comes from the word canine which is another word for dog. K-9 travelled along- side and then stayed to live with The Doctor’s female companion. K-9 was a very useful companion, he has a powerful laser weapon hidden in his nose. He helped The Doctor find and fight and Cybermen.

Dogs like having other dog friends so you can teach your dog to look for lots of K-9s. Here is how:

 Cut out the K-9s at the bottom of the page.  Without your dog seeing, put them in around a room with a dog treat on top of them in easy to spot places.  Time how long it takes your dog to go to all the K-9s. You can pick the K-9 pictures up as your dog finds them. Stop the clock when you have got them all.  You can help your dog by pointing at the pictures but don’t pull your dog towards the pictures as this is cheating.  You need to get all the K-9 pictures in 5 minutes or less to go to the next level.

Once you have taught your dog how to do this, have another go and see if you can find the K-9s quicker and beat your time! Level 1 score table Your name...... Your dog’s name......

Time taken to find 4 K-9s 1st go 2nd go

3rd go 4th go

5th go

© 2010 Copyright Dogs for the Disabled

© 2010 Copyright Dogs for the Disabled

Doctor Who games with your dog Level 2 challenge - Teach your dog to help you defeat Cybermen Cybermen are enemies of The Doctor. They can be immobilised using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) by disabling their emotional inhibitor.

Teach your dog to find the EMP Bomb to help you defeat this Cyberman. Here is how:

= Tennis ball is your EMP Bomb

 Find a tennis ball. This is your EMP Bomb to defeat the Cyberman.  Without your dog seeing, hide it in a room with a dog treat next to it. Put it in a place that is more difficult for your dog to find than in Level 1. Such as hid- ing it under something.  Time how long it takes your dog to find the EMP Bomb. You can stop the clock when you or your dog has the Bomb.  You can help your dog by pointing in the direction on where the bomb is hidden but pulling your dog towards it is not allowed as it is cheating.  You need to get the Bomb in 5 minutes or less before the Cyberman gets you and you can go onto the next level.

Once you have taught your dog how to do this, have another go and time it. Practice over a week to see if you can beat your time! Level 2 score table

Your name………………………...... Your dog’s name......

Time taken to find the EMP Bomb 1st go 2nd go 3rd go 4th go th 5 go

© 2010 Copyright Dogs for the Disabled

© 2010 Copyright Dogs for the Disabled

Doctor Who games with your dog Level 3 challenge - Teach your dog to help you defeat Daleks Daleks are enemies of The Doctor

Teach your dog to defeat Daleks by knocking them over. Here is how:


 Find 3 flower pots.  Cut out the Daleks on the next page.  Stick 1 on each pot.  Without your dog seeing, place a nice treat under each pot, and put the pots in a line.  Bring your dog into the room and encourage them to nudge over the pots to knock the Daleks over to get their treat.  You can point at the Daleks but you are not allowed to touch your dog or the pots as this is cheating.  Time how long it takes your dog to nudge over the Daleks.  All the Daleks must be knocked over and defeated in 5 minutes or less to complete this challenge.

Once you have taught your dog how to do this, have another go and time it. Practice over a week to see if you can beat your time! Level 3 score table Your name………………………...... Your dog’s name......

Time taken to find defeat all the Daleks 1st go 2nd go 3rd go 4th go th 5 go

© 2010 Copyright Dogs for the Disabled

© 2010 Copyright Dogs for the Disabled

Doctor Who games with your dog Level 3 Challenge Daleks

Really important things to remember when training your dog

 Using treats is a really good way to get your dog’s attention. They need treats to tell them they have done the right thing.

 Sometimes dogs may wander away from you, this is not because they don’t like you, it is because they can’t concentrate on things they are doing for as long as we can. To help your dog, keep your training sessions short.

 They need to practice a new trick many times before they can do it all the time, they will need a treat every time when they first learn something.

 Sometimes you can use the normal food that they are fed in their bowl but sometimes when you are teaching new things you will need more exciting treats, like bits of cheese or hot dog. Ask your parents for help with this.

© 2010 Copyright Dogs for the Disabled