Annual Report 2007/2008

Storm warning North and South Local Medical Committees Ltd Contents

Chief Executive’s Report 2-3

North Essex Vice Chairman’s Report 4-5

South Essex Vice Chairman’s Report 6-7

Standards for Better General Practice 8-9

GMS Contract Negotiations - Essex Meetings 10-11

Essex Practice Manager Conference 2008 12-13

Move to Limited Company Status 14

Priorities 2008/09 15

North Essex List of Members 16-17

South Essex List of Members 18-19

Accounts 2007/2008 20 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT

There are few things that genuinely affected morale provision could damage has traditionally been low, see patients’ health needs other potential benefits when it eventually arrives. and have provided training are constant in primary in general practice, and local primary care, but it the needs of the population addressed. It is a shame to patients. The insanity Another example of joint on management issues. We care. Patients are seen, which might undermine may also introduce a new are great, and same that this is merely a hope surrounding extended working is the planning have also held a number in their millions, and the the foundation of our “corporate” commissioning population is expanding and that DH policy appears hours is a prime example of in Essex for Pandemic Flu. of joint PBC seminars with vast majority receive and NHS, namely primary model which treats patients through the Thames to contain little that is how political interference All practices have received a variety of PCTs. The appreciate an excellent care. The “Darzi” review like raw materials and Gateway developments. centred on patient need. in the NHS can produce a business continuity plan Essex LMCs Ltd are always standard of care. of the NHS has provided factory output units and the maximum effort and which was introduced by open to suggestions on Governments and Health us with a surgeon’s eye health workers like drones. At the time of writing we Access has been the major disharmony, in order to an Essex GP, and the IT how we can best serve Departments or Authorities view of primary care do not know who will be political issue in primary gain perhaps a tiny benefit support for this issue has our constituents, and on want more to be done in which for all its good The “Darzi” centres, or GP- providing services from care in recent months. for a minority of patients. been purchased by the possible new ventures. primary care, and morale points, such as increased led health centres, will be these centres. The DH There is no doubt that SHA and is available to all has never been lower. I clinical involvement and established in each of our would like its corporate access is important and that The Essex Appraisal practices. I believe that the values of name but three. It is worth leadership and a renewed PCTs. Essex will therefore friends to gain a foothold primary care can improve, Scheme continues to run general practice, and the noting that morale, like one emphasis on Practice have five. We should be with who knows what but the obsessive drive successfully, and is one of The LMCs continue to carry dedication of those working or two other substances, Based Commissioning thankful that the thirteen consequences in primary to push this agenda, and the best examples of joint out their statutory and within, will see us through always goes downhill. (PBC), has also forced the PCTs were reduced to five care, but our PCTs and local the pressure on practices working across primary care representative duties, and these difficult times. procurement of additional in 2006. Essex probably providers may yet produce and PCT management to organisations. It is hoped we have added several other The last year has seen primary care capacity could benefit from one such a solution which is locally produce improvements, that five appraisals under functions to our work. We Brian Balmer Government proposals without any regard for local centre in where acceptable and minimises has been to the detriment the Essex model will equip support and host the Essex Chief Executive/Secretary and actions which have need or input. This over- primary care investment disruption. We might even of good relationships and our GPs for revalidation Practice Managers Group,

2 North and South Essex Local Medical Committees Ltd Annual Report 2007/2008 3 NORTH ESSEX VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT

As I sit here writing this wondered what this was Centres and Extended knowing that we could adopt to deliver the service, As we now look back on fail to appreciate that the I hope to be able to report article in September 2008 leading to. Why were we Hours. The latter took up still opt to take a pay cut whilst achieving equally the last days of the 2007/8 GP contract negotiations next year that these fears early 2007 seems light being softened up? an enormous amount of and forsake the additional superb outcomes. One size year, the majority of us will of 3 years ago did not were after all unfounded. years away. How our the combined energy of work. It was felt that we does not fit all, and patients be looking at our accounts result in a pay rise for world has changed. It was We did not have to wait the LMC office, particularly could afford to yield on have a choice of the style for that year and noting GPs. They merely allowed In finishing I would like to, gradually becoming clear too long to find out. The when it became apparent this particular battle in the of practice with whom they with increasing concern us to catch up with peer on behalf of you all, thank that we were no longer old rules of negotiation that we were about to have hope of winning the longer wish to register in most that practice profits are professions. Primary Care my predecessor Dr Richard regarded as the pearl in were dispensed with. the thing imposed through term war. The biggest parts of the country. The falling off alarmingly. We once again became a Wright for his excellent the oyster of the NHS by None of this nonsense a Hobson’s Choice: “Would concern of the LMC was Darzi approach will unpick are now in the third year popular career choice for stewardship during 3 years this Government. Indeed about “win / win”. Our you prefer a gastroscopy whether this “clunking fist” that rich tapestry of care, of what is purportedly eager medical students. as LMC Chair for North there was a concerted negotiators were sidelined or a colonoscopy doctor? approach to negotiating and must be resisted. We a pay freeze, but which These donkeys need to Essex. A hard act to follow and focused Government- and a more aggressive No medical indication of would set a precedent for all recognised the threat is in actuality a pay cut. appreciate that if they do but, with the help of my Vice fed media campaign to approach adopted. As course. We just want you future negotiating rounds. and wondered why our The majority of us, being not start to value General Chair Dr John Guy, I intend to undermine our credibility the year moved on the to suffer. How much is up As you read this article our leaders were not fighting kindly souls, will have paid Practice in this country give it a try. I would also like in the eyes of the public. Committee advanced from to you!” A number of GPC negotiating team is back. They have at last our staff at least a cost of they will soon become the to thank Dr Brian Balmer and We were now lazy, gentle discussions about very well attended “road finding out. got their act together in a living pay increase. The vultures feeding on the his team in the LMC office overpaid and feckless. PBC incentive schemes and shows” were arranged and very effective campaign of income:expenditure gap malnourished carcass of who work so tirelessly and In this atmosphere we enhanced services floors the stark choice laid out One of the many strengths public engagement. Will is narrowing. This is not what was once the most effectively on your behalf. seemed to accept a second into defensive discussions for us. The majority of us, of Primary Care in this the government listen to sustainable. The moronic efficient and effective year of income freeze with about PCT practice in a controversial ballot, country is the variety of its own electorate? political donkeys now system for delivery of Dr Gary Sweeney barely a whimper. We all assessment schemes, Darzi went for the gastroscopy, approaches that practices braying at our discomfiture Primary Care in the world. North Essex Vice Chairman

4 North and South Essex Local Medical Committees Ltd Annual Report 2007/2008 5 SOUTH ESSEX VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT

In 2004, we were all what we were being paid are still not where we most cost effective aspect privatisation through the the LMC. I would also celebrating that we had won for ‘OOHs’. We had been want to be just yet, and of the NHS, GP led primary ‘backdoor’ scheme. But do like to congratulate him the battle, and that there strongly subsidising the this is through no lack of care. This beggars belief not despair, remember the for becoming one of our My dear colleagues, was no better profession service. effort on our negotiators’ and the only conclusion BMA campaign, and the representatives to the than ours, we were truly the part. In fact, they should we can draw from these support our patients gave GPC. I would also like I write to you at the most ‘Jewel in the NHS Crown’. In the midst of all the be commended for their insane changes is that the us. As long as we keep to take this opportunity difficult of times for our We felt appreciated, after bad press and bullying perseverance and efforts. Government has an ulterior working for and with our to thank Brian, Andrew, profession. I would firstly years of neglect, respected tactics of the government, motive. I suspect time will patients, we can see this Cathy, Sarah and Annette like to say a big thank you and valued not just by our patients stood firm Darzi Centres, playing tell. thing through. The LMC, for all the work they do on for electing me, unopposed, our patients (who have by us, they knew more by different rules than GPC and BMA will keep our behalf, without them, as your chairman, after never wavered in their about what we did than we do and given a carte We are currently expecting working tirelessly on your we could not function. I serving three years as vice support), but also by the government. We blanche ticket to steal a flu pandemic, drop in pay behalf. sincerely hope that next chairman. I feel that it is a our ‘Employers’. We did also managed to win a our patients; ‘Polyclinics’; for most GPs to the tune of year’s report will paint great honour, but at the not realise the bad press small battle as regards Choose and Book; Practice 7-10%, changes in Practice Finally, I would like to a much better picture. same time, a stupendous and onslaught that was our pensions, when Based Commissioning; Assessments, changes in take this opportunity to burden and responsibility coming. We are accused the government was Extended Hours; PCT QOF and most importantly, thank my predecessor I bid you all a Happy to be your chair; and I shall of stopping ‘OOHs’ for a desperately trying to Reorganisations; all of a suspicion that the Dr Deshpande for all his Christmas and a Prosperous Dr Mike Saad endeavour to do my utmost mere six thousand pounds renege on the agreed these designed badly and Government is hoping to excellent years and service New Year. South Essex Vice Chairman best at all times. dock in our pay, but that is contract. However, we created to destroy the make us the culprit in their to the chairmanship of

6 North and South Essex Local Medical Committees Ltd Annual Report 2007/2008 7 STANDARDS FOR BETTER GENERAL PRACTICE

Standards for Better General Practice - A development Essex LMCs and EQUIP for use by practices in Essex. SUPPORT TO PRACTICES framework designed to help practices comply with The Framework was developed taking full account of The Framework is intended to support practices to ♦ Standards receive a straight yes or no answer on Standards for Better Health. the statutory requirements of the new GMS Contract, put in place “a system of clinical governance which the basis of supporting evidence. Any serious the GMC’s Good Medical Practice and the new national enables quality assurance of its services and promotes concerns that arise about performance will be dealt with through performance management INTRODUCTION standards which are mandatory for all health care quality improvement and enhanced patient safety”. procedures that are in line with professional The document “Standards for Better Health” organisations including GP practices. The structure of the standards and new contract regulations. produced by the Department of Health aims to move Framework is based on the requirements of “Standards KEY BENEFITS the health care system from one that is driven by for Better Health” and the different sections reflect each For Practices For LMCs targets to one in which standards are the means of the standards as follows:- ♦ The Framework is developmental and allows ♦ Demonstrates a continuing commitment to to deliver continuous improvement in quality. practices and PCTs to performance manage work constructively with PCTs in supporting the new contractual arrangements in a more ♦ safety practices to provide a range of high quality, supportive environment. It is acknowledged that As a consequence of this change in direction accessible services for patients. ♦ clinical and cost effectiveness practices may not have all components in place and emphasis, PCTs in Essex began to explore ♦ governance but this document identifies areas to be tackled. ways of supporting the introduction of quality and performance standards to general practice. ♦ patient focus ♦ PCTs will be able to identify and prioritise ♦ accessible and responsive care the additional resources, facilitation and THE FRAMEWORK ♦ care environment and amenities educational support required in a consistent way This Framework was originally produced by the LMC and ♦ public health to enable practices to implement Development PCT in Liverpool and was modified by North and South Plans agreed as part of the document.

8 North and South Essex Local Medical Committees Ltd Annual Report 2007/2008 9 GMS CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS - ESSEX MEETINGS

Three meetings were held in Essex Delegates were aware that the main How is the Government able to change EXTENDED HOURS PROPOSALS traditional general practice and its Negotiations/tactics of this nature by to discuss the current GMS Contract purpose of the meetings was to allow a contract unilaterally? It cannot be Will practices be able to shift existing replacement by private companies/ the Government should be considered Negotiations for 2008/9. them the opportunity of providing a legally binding contract. surgeries or are extended hours for large corporations. to be a resignation issue for GPs. feedback to the GPC. Discussion was additional surgeries/capacity? The meetings were held on 31st wide ranging and a large number of DARZI CENTRES There must be more information THE BMA/LMC January 2008 at The Hilton Hotel, issues were raised. Irrespective of the results of the Will support services be available in the public domain regarding the The BMA must continue to work Stansted, 5th February 2008 at Poll, PCTs will still have to fund the during the extended hours periods, effectiveness and current value for to unite the profession and stop The Holiday Inn, and 7th Detailed below are a sample of the recurring costs of the Darzi Centres eg X-Ray, blood tests, etc. money provided by independent GPs. the divide and rule tactics being February 2008 at The issues that were raised both at the from existing resources. Money will employed by the Government. Hotel, . meetings and on the Evaluation/ in any event be redirected away What happens if practices don’t wish THE POLL Feedback forms completed by from schemes that currently benefit to do extended hours? Will it be GPs need to know exactly what is Are BMA thinking strategically In total the three meetings were delegates. practices and their patients. voluntary? proposed under Imposition A. The and long term about the threats to attended by 327 delegates including service specification for the DES, the traditional general practice? 289 GPs and 31 Practice Managers. LEGAL ISSUES Are the locations for the Darzi PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN basis on which it will be priced and Is the imposition proposed by Centres already known? The profession must get its message any strings attached to the additional The LMCs will have an important The format of the three meetings was the the Government legal? Can it be across quickly. Privatisation of the 1.5% all need to be clear. role to play in helping practices deal same. Delegates had the opportunity challenged in the Courts? The Darzi Report outlines the future NHS, loss of GP practices is a very with the implications of whichever of hearing the GPC presentation, which direction of primary care. Practices powerful message. Concerned about not what is imposed arrangements are imposed. was given by Dr Balmer, the Chief If the profession rejects both the need to respond and consider opening but how it is imposed. There is no Executive of North & South Essex LMCs impositions, will they be in dispute at times that obviate the threat to Patients need to be aware that guarantee that further impositions Ltd, followed by a question and answer/ with the Government? themselves, and their patients, from extended hours is not the real issue. won’t be imposed in 6 months, i.e. discussion session. What is the legal position? private providers The threat is the destruction of increasing access further.

10 North and South Essex Local Medical Committees Ltd Annual Report 2007/2008 11 ESSEX PRACTICE MANAGER CONFERENCE 2008

Evaluation of Speakers 20th February 2008 The LMCs were pleased to host thier potential as successful business men Additionally with the support of the first Practice Manager Conference and women. LMCs a selection of managers have at the Ivy Hill Hotel, Margaretting in formed an all Essex group. Managers February this year. The conference Feedback via the evaluation forms generally are dealing with the same welcomed over 60 Practice Managers was extremely positive and gives us daily issues and it is hoped that this from all over Essex. a platform on which we can build forum can share experiences and 98 97 next year. offer solutions to problems which Speakers at the conference included can then be fed back to the local Dr Andrew Dearden, GPC lead on NHS The LMCs have also been working groups. pensions. Andrew spoke eloquently to strengthen links with Practice and with great wit and humour on Managers across the county. Cathy is The LMCs look forward to developing what can be a very dry subject. Linda now a regular attendee at a number of further links with managers in the Millington from the BMA presented Practice Manager groups. The office forthcoming year and to supporting on media communications and we has certainly seen the benefit of this you in any way we can. were also pleased to welcome Darren and hopefully managers and therefore Hasell, an ex practice manager practices have too. If your local 97 from Kent who spoke positively and managers group would like Cathy to passionately about his experiences attend any planned meetings please do and how managers can realise their not hesitate to contact the LMC office. Was the content relevant to your job? Did the content include all you had expected? Were questions from delegates well answered?

12 North and South Essex Local Medical Committees Ltd Annual Report 2007/2008 13 MOVE TO LIMITED COMPANY STATUS PRIORITIES 2008/09

Historically LMCs have been seen as ‘incorporated this structural change should not in any way adversely To work closely with practices and PCTs in ensuring the Undertake a re mandating exercise for contributions to introduction of flexible, well resourced local arrangements the GPDF. Provide practices with information detailing associations’ and are not legal entities in their own right. affect the nature, range or quality of services currently for extended opening hours. the range of services funded by the subscription. It became apparent during the current year that, as such, provided by the LMCs to representative members. The

the two LMCs offered no legal protection to members five officers personally employed by the LMCs became Update the LMC’s information leaflet. Continue to (LMC representatives). As the range of services and advice employees of the new limited company. As previously Provide strong local support for the BMA’s national provide practices with timely relevant information on all campaign. Assist practices in increasing patient contractual matters. the LMCs provided to constituent practices continued to and without change, LMC representatives continue to be awareness. Make campaign materials available via the increase, LMC representatives could therefore be faced elected to the existing geographical constituencies and LMCs’ website. Arrange a Conference for all Essex GPs in first half of with significant personal liability. salaried/sessional GP constituencies by constituent GPs. 2009. The Conference will aim to update GPs on contract Ensure that the LMCs remain fit for purpose. Obtain negotiations and other important issues likely to affect feedback from practices on the effectiveness of the LMCs general practice. Having taken appropriate advice the only way to provide and future work priorities. Continue to promote the role and benefits of LMC comprehensive protection for members was for the two membership. Undertake a recruitment campaign in the LMCs to create a new Company Limited by Guarantee. areas where GPs are under represented. Update the LMCs’ document Standards for Better General The two LMCs which are established by statute remain Practice. Work with PCTs to ensure that Scorecards in their current form and continue as non profit making properly reflect the high level of clinical outcomes achieved by practices. organisations. There are no shareholders.

The new company North and South Essex Local Medical Continue to develop strong links with Practice Managers, utilise dedicated area on LMCs’ website, attend Managers Committees Limited became operational on 1st November meetings on a regular basis and arrange training events 2007. Members were keen throughout to ensure that on the basis of needs identified by practice managers.

14 North and South Essex Local Medical Committees Ltd Annual Report 2007/2008 15 LIST OF MEMBERS - NORTH ESSEX

CHELMSFORD TENDRING Dr D C WIJEKOON SALARIED & SESSIONAL GP Dr H JAMES 30 Brook Hill, Little Waltham, CM3 3LL REPRESENTATIVES Dr C DANN 23 Cambridge Road, CO3 3NS Dr C G W LOXLEY Dr J GUILLE (Tel: 01245 360253) Rivermead Gate Med Cen, CM1 1TR (Tel: 07775 838676 ) Church Langley Medical Practice, Harlow Crusader Business Park, Clacton-on-Sea CO15 Email: [email protected] Three Vacancies (Tel: 01245 348688) Email: [email protected] (Tel: 01279 629707) 4TN (Tel: 01255 688805) Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Dr R ROSS-MARRS Dr J GUY , Colchester CO5 7HP Dr S A FIRTH Dr P LETTON OPHTHALMIC MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVE OF GP Strutt Close, Hatfield Peverel, CM3 2HB (Tel: 01206 728585) Foxton Cottage, , Harlow CM17 Colne Med Centre, Brightlingsea CO7 0BT PRACTITIONER REGISTRARS (Tel: 01245 380324) Email: [email protected] 0QS (Tel: 01279 731396) (Tel: 01206 302522) Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Dr V R RAO Dr R WRIGHT 66 Chignal Road, Chelmsford CM1 2JB Vacancy Dr E WOOD 122 Shrub End Road, Colchester CO3 4RY Dr G SWEENEY Email: [email protected] The Writtle Surgery, Chelmsford CM1 3EH (Tel: 01206 573605) 103 Pier Avenue, Clacton-on-Sea CO15 1NJ (Tel: 01245 421205) Email: [email protected] (Tel: 01255 422587) Dr H MONTAGUE-BROWN Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Hawsted Med Centre, Mayland, CM3 6AB GENERAL PRACTITIONERS WITH (Tel: 08444 773310) Email: herb.montague-brown@midessexpct. SPECIAL EXPERIENCE COLCHESTER EPPING FOREST Dr N STROWBRIDGE NO REPRESENTATION Dr H TAYLOR Dr R ROPER Regional Clincial Director Dr HM CHOWHAN Bansons Lane, Ongar CM5 9AR Blackwater Med Centre, Maldon CM9 5GP Army Primary Healthcare Service 43 Weyland Drive, Colchester, CO3 0RG (Tel: 08444 771777) (Tel: 08444 996635) Ypres Road, Colchester CO2 7NL (Tel: 01206 570371) Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] WITHAM, BRAINTREE & (Tel: 01206 817110) Email: [email protected] Dr R GREW Dr M HARGREAVES 129 Newland Street, Witham CM8 1BH 35a Parsons Heath, Colchester, CO4 3HS (Tel: 01376 502108) (Tel: 01206 864395) Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

16 North and South Essex Local Medical Committees Ltd Annual Report 2007/2008 17 LIST OF MEMBERS - SOUTH ESSEX

BASILDON Dr HU DIN Dr D S TAYLOR THURROCK GP REPRESENTATIVES WITH CO-OPTED MEMBERS The Surgery, 58 Road, , CM12 Audley Mills Surgery, Rayleigh SS6 7JF Dr N L B HERATH 9LD (Tel: 08444 773619) (Tel: 08444 778596) Email: steve.taylor@nhs. SPECIAL EXPERIENCE Clayhill Med Pra, Basildon SS16 4HD (Tel: net Dr P AMBIKAPATHY Mr M A IMANA Dr M J HUNT Dr T J McCARTHY 01268 533151) Email: [email protected] The Dilip Sabnis Medical Centre, Linford Road, Directorate of Accident & Emergency, Basildon Highwood Surgery, Brentwood CM15 9DY (Tel 01268 696198) or [email protected] Chadwell St Mary RM16 4JD Hospital, Basildon SS16 5NL Email: mike. (Tel: 01277 302439) Email: practice. Email: [email protected] SOUTHEND-ON-SEA (Tel: 01375 851578) Email: aonedoctor@hotmail. [email protected] Dr D STAUNTON [email protected] com Dr M H STUART Laindon HC, Basildon SS15 5TR Dr K CHATURVEDI Dr P RICHARDS Hockley (Tel: 01702 201322) (Tel: 01268 546411) Email: david.staunton@ 314 Southbourne Grove, Westcliff-on-Sea London Rd Surgery, SS12 0AN (Tel: Dr A BOSE SS0 0AF (Tel: 01702 344074) Email: krishna. 01268 765533 Email: [email protected] Oak Cottage,Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 7RL (Tel: [email protected] 01708 891007) Email: [email protected] DR P K SINGH & REPRESENTATIVE OF GP Fryerns MC, Basildon, SS14 3SS Dr A DESHPANDE (Tel: 01268 532344) Email: pksingh@blueyonder. Dr B S DAVIES REGISTRARS Dr R JENA 12 West Road, Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 9DA (Tel: Neera MC, Stanford-le-Hope SS17 0BY (Tel: Vacancy The Island Surgery, Canvey Island SS8 7BW 01702 344492 ) Email: [email protected] 01375 672109) Email [email protected] (Tel: 01268 696800)Email [email protected] Dr S A MALIK Dr R CHANDEL BILLERICAY BRENTWOOD & Dr G P KITTLE Kent Elms HC, Leigh-on-Sea, SS9 5UU (Tel: Sai Med Centre, 105 Calcutta Road, Grays, REPRESENTATIVES OF SALARIED WICKFORD Burley House, Rayleigh SS6 7DY 01702 529333) Email: [email protected] RM18 7QA (Tel: 01375 855643) (Tel: 01268 774477 ) Email geoffrey.kittle@. & SESSIONAL GPs Dr H SIDDIQUE Dr S ARIYANAYAGAM 99 Tyrone Road, Thorpe Bay SS1 3HD Dr D G SINGH 8 Kilmington Close, Brentwood, CM13 2JZ OPHTHALMIC MEDICAL Dr D NANDA (Tel: 01702 582670) Email: haroon.siddique@ (South East Essex) Email: [email protected] PRACTITIONER Puzey Family Practice, Rochford SS4 1AY 1 Hayes Barton, Thorpe Bay, Southend-on-Sea (Tel: 08454 081277) Dr T AUNG Dr A TAYO Email: [email protected] 12 Western Road, Rayleigh, SS6 7AX (Tel: The Tile House, Brentwood, CM15 8AQ (Tel: Dr M A SAAD 08448 151150) 01277 227711) Email: [email protected]. Health Centre, Gt Wakering SS3 0HX (Tel: 08444 772549) Email:[email protected]

18 North and South Essex Local Medical Committees Ltd Annual Report 2007/2008 19 North Essex & South Essex Local Medical Committees Ltd


2006/07 2007/08 2006/07 2007/08 £ £ £ £ 443,664.77 Statutory Levy 528,194.79 321,099.95 Salaries/NI/Pensions 368,461.08 5,340.13 Bank Interest 14829.71 24,852.81 Rent/Rates/Service Charge 25,611.60 18,600.00 Levy PCT employed doctors 37264.00 2884.41 Telephone/Mobile Phones 6,284.88 605.99 Ballot Fees 163.18 2932.89 Postage 4,322.50 125.00 Lecture Recepits 0.00 5320.13 Photocopier/Stationery/Printing 10,308.62 4080.00 Phamaceutical Sponsorship 26,174.20 13,809.78 Office Equipment & Maintenance 15,114.70 A cc ou n t s 2007/08 0.00 Inland Revenue Incentive 400.00 1,094.81 Office/Fire Insurances 902.63 367.65 Bank Charges 108.18 5,997.43 Information Technology 2334.57 2,736.83 Accountancy Fees 2532.33 150.00 Legal and Professional Fees 2439.03 742.66 Subscriptions 637.33 3,126.46 Premises Expenses 1,837.89 1,116.32 Vehicle Insurances 1,144.30 4,210.76 Sponsored Events 18,283.18 329.00 Training Costs 1,895.55 1,471.18 Meeting Expenses 1,183.95 9,509.52 Travelling Expenses 9,335.52 5,125.52 Conference Expenses 5,448.38 14,080.00 Chairman’s Honoraria/Expenses 14,498.00 25,965.29 Members’ Payments 27,320.00 0.00 Corporation Tax 1,014.60 669.28 Recruitment Expenses 0.00 447,592.68 521,018.82 Excess of receipts over payments 24,823.21 Excess of receipts over payments 86,007.06 472,415.89 607,025.88 472,415.89 607,025.88 Image of Southend on Sea Pier courtesy of Ian Mcgraw Photography:

North & South Essex Local Medical Committees Ltd 5 Whitelands, Terling Road, Hatfield Peverel, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 2AG Tel: 01245 383430 Fax: 01245 383439 Email: [email protected] Web: