YOU ARE NOT A NIGGER! '~'" 7~Ua ~' 7le 1Q~d, &4t 'J::eta.~, Z'eta'~ 10:11 n,n~ t· mn" ~15:-16 ftiiD IDMOII NOIIIGi GIIIHI lt:ot~a saoe :10 aoe ~~~S ~ ~B ~ppoiJt ~/, ~~ ~/, 1A1()u i1111991N Y .LON !BY nOA YOU ARE NOT A NIGGER i11 il' -nX ilY l y lXil ilX JIJ "The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord i11 i1 ., (YAHWEH)." Isaiah 11:9 ORIGINAL WORK COPYRIGHT 1981, 1983, 1985, 1994 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher. If we may assist you in learning more about illiP 1::::1 illil"' (Yahweh Ben Yahweh) and the Nation of illil"' (Yahweh), please write us without obligation: PEESS Foundation P.O. Box 1768 Seguin, Texas 78155 WWW http://www.yahwehbenyahweh .com email-
[email protected] Shalom Aleichem. I am the Grand Master of the Celestial Lodge, Architect of the Universe, the Blessed and only Potentate, and I am the Founder of the Nation of 17717' (Yahweh), True Holiness and Righteousness. I am come to establish the Kingdom of Shalom, which is the most powerful knowledge of peace in existence. ~--~------------------------------------------------~=======·~-- "FOR THUS SAITH THE LORD, illil' (YAHWEH), YE HAVE SOLD YOURSELVES FOR NOUGHT; AND YE SHALL BE REDEEMED WITHOUT MONEY" (Isaiah 52:3). "BUY THE TRUTH, AND SELL IT NOT; ALSO WISDOM, AND INSTRUCTION, AND UNDERSTANDING" (Proverbs 23:23). If you would like to send a contribution to help us print more books to reach our brothers and sisters walking in darkness, please do so.