Descriptions Many Specimens by the Collecting of Syrphid Especially
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STUDIES ON THE FAUNA OF SURINAME AND OTHER GUYANAS: No. 35. Syrphidae from Suriname Additional records and descriptions by P.H. van Doesburg Sr. (Baarn, Nederland) This intended study is as a continuation of the “Preliminary List of Syrphidae” published in volume V of this journal. As no further flies of the other Guianas has information on the Syrphid come to these countries can be left out of consideration here. my knowledge Since the dispatch of the manuscript of the “Preliminary List” to the editors several species not yet known from Suriname have been received. Once of these flies collected again a large part were by my D. son Drs. P. H. van Doesburg junior. Dr. C. Geijskes, Director of the Suriname Museum, Paramaribo, has also sent me big lots of To Syrphids in which many interesting species were represented. I to heartfelt Moreover both gentlemen wish express appreciation. for his my son deserves special thanks interrupting own demanding work to produce the beautiful, exact illustrations. Many specimens sent by Dr. GEIJSKES have been collected by the useful use of a “Malaise trap”. It is evident that these traps are very for the collecting of Syrphid flies too, especially the small species be in which could otherwise easily overlooked a dense, tropical We are also indebted to forest, e.g. Mesograpta, Ubristes, Neplas spp. this for the small of and trap very specimens Ubristes puerilis n. sp. Ceratophya minutula n. sp. In contrast to the "Preliminary List" each species recordedbelow At the end the is followed by a reference to its original description. of study an extensive, general literature list is given. 62 TABLE 1 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE SYRPHID SPECIES RECORDED FROM SURINAME Franpaise Also known Species Guiana Indies Salvador from: Suriname British Guyane Guatemala Panamd Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Bolivia Paraguay Argentina Uruguay West Mexico El Peru Brasil Chile Allograpta aperta.' I X X .....obliqua.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx North America scutellata ..... I x xxx Mesograpta basilaris:::::: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx confusa XX XX ..... ..... costalis X ..... ..... .....duplicata2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .....floralisr::::::::: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .....funesta'• X X xxx ..... lacrimosa. :::::::: XX X :::::::: xxx .....maculata X XX X ..... marginata xx X North America ..... .....musica.....XXX XX ..... nymphalia X X ..... .....picta X X X X X X .....: .....polita X X North America .....producta X X X X X X X ..... : X .....taenia X XX Baccha atypica.::: XXX X X XX .....bigoti • : :::::::: .....braziliensis X X ..... callida X X ..........:::::::::: .....clavata xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx North America .....cordelia ::::::::: X X ..... crocata-::::::::: X ? ? XX .....crocea ..... X XX ..... cultrata .....XX X ..... diffusa.....X X dimidiata xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ..... ..... ..........fervida..... X X T: ::::::::: .....filii X X XX .....flavipennis ..... T:: :::::: .....funebris xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .....gastrostacta.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .....geijskesi.....X .....johnsoni ..... X X .....lineata .1 X X Texas .....norina ..... X X X X X .....ochreolinea.....X X .....ovipositoria. .....X X r~:::::::: .....pictula X X ::::::::: .....princeps X XX ::::::::: X .....prudens X .....pumila. .....X X .....shropshirei : X X ..... wilhelmina :::::::: X ..... zeteki .....x xxx Honduras X X Honduras Calostigma hyalipennis .... .....obliqua . •: X X Salpingogaster nigra ..... X XXX XX X X Xanthandrus mexicanus . ... Microdon angustiventris .... X X angustus xxx ..... ..... ::::::::: X .....bidens XX .....brutus ..... ? X flavofascium X X ..... ..... .....fulgens■■ X X Florida 63 Frangaise Also known Species Guiana Indies Salvador from: Suriname British Guyane West Mexico Guatemala Panamd Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Bolivia Paraguay Argentina Uruguay j El Peru Brasil Chile geijskesi I x :::::::: granulatus x x lanei ..... x x mixtus..... x x :::::: nigrispinosus x x normalis VT::::::: x x ..... x x panamensis..... trivittatum JJ x x Ubristes fraudator x x ..... : goettei x x lacteipennis X x ..... mackiei :.::::::: X X ::::::::: .....puerilis X simillima. ? X :-.-,. Pseudomicrodon beebei X X ■ • , • Rhopalosyrphus güntheri. •:: xx x Texas Ceratophya minutula 7 ::: x Schizoceratomyia barretoi ::: x x Trichopsomyia polita x x ..... ortalina ::::: Lepidostola x xx Volucella alcedoides ..... x Trinidad brevifacies XX x .....:::::::: claripennis xx x cyanescens ::::::: x x cyanoprocta i xx x emeralda ..... x x : • erythroccphala. x ■ ■■■■■. X X florella. ■ fracta ..... X X fumipennis :::::::: X X guianica .....X X musicana X X ..... nigrifrons :::::::: X X obliquicornis ..... X X pallens..... x xxx x xxx Texas pallida x ? ? "Guiana" ..... picta .....XXX XX .....pusilla X X ..... tympanitis X X X X X ..... i XX vaga • X vitripennis :::::::: X X Ornidia aemula ::::::: X X obesa .....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Trop. Africa; ..... obesoides.....xx X Madagascar; Neplas azteca :::::::: X Nw. Caledonia palitarsis :: X x .....smarti . .....X x :: :::: x vagans • xx x Acrochordonodes dentipes" ... x x "Neotropical and arethusa :: x Ceriogaster • nearctic" scutellata x x ..... •..-:/ Crepidomyia plagiata xx x ..... Quichuana aurata : x xx .....knabi ..... x x picadoi ..... x x Costa Rica Eristalis agrorum ..... x x x x x x x albifrons ..... X x X X X Curasao argyropila .....x x conica .....xx x xx doris :::::::::: x x ::::::::: erratica X X X X X X fasciata ::::::::: XX XX XX XX :: ..... ■ X X florea fuscipennis : : : : : : : :i X 64 Fran^aise Also known Species Guiana Indies Salvador from: Suriname British Guyane West Mexico Guatemala Panama Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Brasil Bolivia Paraguay Argentina Uruguay Chile El Perti hortorum i X x inversa..... X langi ..... xx x mus.....xx xx nigripes .....x xx obsoleta .....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx penaltis .....X X precipua ..... X XXX pygmaea.....X rufiventris.....x xx xxx Honduras .....scutellaris xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ..... spectabilis .....XX X vinetorum .....xxxxx xxx Meromacrus brunneus ::::: X X fucatus. ..... X niger XX X X X * X ..... ..... pratorum XX X X X X X ■,•:. Lycastrirrhyncha quinta ::: -l X total | '40| I I I II A filled row does not mean that the is recorded from N.B.: totally species every country mentioned, but that it has a wide distribution from "Mexico to Chile". The abbreviations and symbols are the same as used in the has been "Preliminary List". The symbol + before a species name of the the author's omitted since all species mentioned are in collection. The new abbreviation: "PL : 6" refers to the "Pre- where the in liminary List", page 6, species question was already "K 8" recorded from Suriname. (or C) = Camp 8, Mapane area, Commewijne district. Subfamily SYRPHINAE Genus Allograpta Osten-Sacken Allograpta aperta Fluke FLUKE 1942, Amer. Mus. Novit. 1201: 19, fig. 48. SURINAME! 2 <J, Wilhelmina Mts., Camp 3, 3.8.1963 (H. Pijpers coll.). These two males with the that agree exactly description except there is an oblique, short, narrow, yellow spot in the hind corners of the 2nd abdominal segment. The the third their bases and spots upon segment are oblique, are widely separated touching the base of the segment. I should like to call this variety notata. FLUKE'S holotype, a single male, was from British Guiana, Kaieteur, Savannah, and is in the British Museum. Allograpta obliqua (Say) SAY 1823, J. Acad. Phil. 3: 89 ( Scaeva obliqua). SURINAME! 1 <J, Dirkshoop, Paramaribo, swept in 1962 (no further date). 65 North and South but not recorded from of the America, to my knowledge yet one Guianas. To the list of references in FLUKE'S be added: SACK long given Catalogue may 1921, Arch. Naturg. 8y: 130 (Paraguay), and SACK 1928, Konowia 7.' 183 (Paraguay, Bolivia). Allograpta scutellata Sack — PL : 6 SACK 1941, Beitr. Fauna Perus I: 99; 1951,id. II: 95. From the 1941 edition all but six copies were destroyed in the war; the work was re-issued in 1951 as Vol. II, with the same text but removed pagination. Genus Mesograpta Loew Mesograpta basilaris (Wiedeman) — PL : 6 WIEDEMAN 1830, Auss. Zweifl. Ins. 2: 143 ( Syrphus). var. flavocunea Hull HULL, 1940, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 30: 433. SURINAME! 1 §, Charlesburg, near Paramaribo, 29.4.1963; 1 §, Mapane area, Camp 8, 28.5.1963. Mesograpta confusa (Schiner) — PL : 6 SCHINER 1868, Reise Novara Dipt.: 349 (Mesogramma). Mesograpta costalis (Wiedemann) — PL : 6 WIEDEMANN 1830, Auss. Zweifl. Ins. 2: 140 (Syrphus). Mesograpta duplicata (Wiedemann) — PL : 7 WIEDEMAN 1830, Auss. Zweifl. Ins. 2: 142 (Syrphus). 7 Mesograpta floralis (Fabricius) — PI : FABRICIUS 1798, Suppl. Ent. Syst.: 563 ( Scaeva). Mesograpta funesta n. sp. Fig. 56 Thorax, scutellum and abdomen shining black; mesonotum without yellow lateral margins; abdomen with twelve dull, velvet- black spots. Female - about 5mm. Head. Vertex and half Length upper of front black with lower half of front shining cupreous reflections; less shining, irregularly wrinkled, narrowly bordered by white pollen upwards along the eyes to level of the front ocellus. Ocellar triangle equilateral. Face reddish in ground color, heavily dusted by the white pollen, pubescence very short; the very broad, median, black vitta is connected with the black of the front and reaches the 66 Fig. 56. Mesograpta funesta n. sp. from SURINAME, paratype, . oral margin. Facial tubercle moderately large but only slightly projecting. Lower occiput strongly dusted by grey pollen. Antennae the arista blackish. Cheeks blackish. Proboscis orange, narrow, projecting, black with reddish tip. Thorax shining black, the humeri a little paler,