Volume Xxi. No. 42. • Red Bank, N. J., Wednesday,'April 12,1899
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VOLUME XXI. NO. 42. • RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY,'APRIL 12,1899. PAGES 1 TO 8 observer at the Highlands he became ac- den and was an only child. He gradu- BROKE INTO JAIL. FOUND DEAD IN HIS HOUSE. quainted with all the ships that entered ated two years ago from Princeton college NEWS FROM Friends of a Prisoner Succeed in New York harbor. His life story has and accepted a position in the First RICHARD BOWWE OF CHAPEL Getting n'htskcy to. Him. INTERESTING ITEMS PROM BE- been written up a score or more times by National bank of Manasquan. He had HILL DIES OF APOPLEXY. John Johnson of Eatontown has bpen YOND THE SHREWSBURY. the New York papers, but Mr. Havens to give up his position some time ago on sent to the county jail for Bixty days, did not like to see his name in print and account of poor health. The Catch of Shad Getting Larger— Mrs. Sarah C, Potter, Who for fif- for creating a disturbance on a trolley teen years Hail Been Connected reporters who went to interview him al- William Hoop of Belford Hurt car, and swearing on the streets With The Register, Dies of ,Con- ways had a hard time*getting him to Charles Dibble. While Unloading Pound Poles—A ' sumption—Other Deaths. of Red Bank. Johnson came to Red Port Monnioulh Hotel Leased. talk. Charles Dibble, son of the late Mrs. Richard Bowne of Chapel Hill, who Bank last Saturday night aridgofe'drank. The catch of shad is better this week The funeral was held on Sunday at Anna Dibble of Red Bank, died at New lived alone in a little two-room house, About ten o'clock he got on a trolley car than it was last week. On Monday two o'clock from the house. The service York last Wednesday of pneumonia. He was found dead in the house on Thurs- at the fountain and when Conductor lharles Davis of Belford caught 115. was conducted by Rev. J. S. Eussel of was 82 years old and had been sick but day morning by his nephew, Charles H. George Jones took up fares he refused to Daniel Finnigan of the same place caught Atlantic Highlands, assisted by Rev. J. a few days. He was unmarried. Two 1 "Woodward. Mr. Bowne was last seen pay. eighty the same day. Yesterday Mr. W. Nickelson of Navesink and Rev. Wil- sisters and one brother survive him. alive on Wednesday afternoon by some He became abusive and at the railroad Finnigan caught seventy. Shad are liam B. Harris. The body was buried at They are Mrs. John Beyers and William of the members of the Woodward family. crossing he was put off the car. He bringing from eighty cents to a dollar a Fair View cemetery. O. Dibble of Red Bank and Miss Florence He was then trimming trees about his Dibble of Newark. The funeral was continued to swear and use indecent pair. house. Mr. Bowne was married and language, and William E.' Ginnevan, William Roop of Belford was hurt on Daniel Carroll. held on Friday and the body was buried leaves a widow and two children. His at Bordentown. , manager of the trolley, had him arrested Monday while unloading pound poles family did not live with him but made Daniel Carroll died suddenly at his by Marshal Walsh. Johnson was locked from a wngon. ..One of the poles slipped their home in Brooklyn. Mr. BOwne's home at New Monmouth last Wednesday Isaac Xorci-ons. up in the town hall. On Sunday morn- from Mr. Roop's grasp and fell on. his death was caused by apoplexy. He was afternoon of heart disease. Mr. Carroll Isaac Norcross of the Highlands died ing he was taken before Justice Child. leg. No boties were broken, but his leg fifty years old and had lived in Middle- ate a very hearty dinner and seemed in on Tuesday, March 28th, aged 73 years, For being drunk he was fined $5 and was severely bruised. very good spirits. Shortly after eating town township alibis life. He was a Death was.caused by a general breaking costs, amounting to §9.20; and forswear- Luke Melee of Keansburg has leased' "the meal he was taken sick and died brother of Mrs.* Caleb Post and. Mrs. up of his health on accouut of old age. ing and using indecent language he .was James Carroll's hotel at Port Monmouth before medical assistance could be sum- Charles M. Woodward of Chapel Hill. Mr. Norcross was born at Speedville,N. J.. fined §3 and costs, amounting to ,$8.20 ; for a year. Mr. Melee is Mr. Carroll's moned. He was 77 years old and<was The funeral was held on Saturday after- He served in the civil war as a private in making a total in both cases of §17.40. brother-in-law. Mr. Carroll will con- born in Ireland. About 55 years ago.he noon at two o'clock at Mrs. Woodward's Company I, 39th regiment New Jersey Johnson could not pay the fines and he tinue to make his home at the hotel. came to America and settled in Middle- home. The service was conducted hy' volunteers. He leaves several children. was sentenced to the county jail for Mr. and Mrs. 0'. C. Halliday of Brook- town township, For a long time be had Rev. William Harris of Atlantic High- His wife died about two years ago. Mrs. sixty days. lyn, summer residents of Atlantic. High- a shoemaker shop in New Monmouth, lands. Tlic pall bearers were Daniel Calvin W. Miller of Atlantic Highlands lands, spent part' of last week at the biit he retired from accive work some When Marshal Walsh went to get John- Irwin, Charles.Carhart, Daniel Bennett is a granddaughter. latter place. Mr. Halliday Will make years ago. A widow and three children son on Mpnday morning to take him to nnd Ira Antonides, Sr. The body was the county jail, he found that some per- some improvements to his house. survive him. The. children are Mrs. Mrs. Wiiinifi-cd A. Ken run. buried at Fair View cemetery, son had broken into the jail during the Presiding Elder J. L. Roe conducted Luke Malee and James Carroll of Port Mrs, Winnifred A. Kearns, wife of Monmouth, and Henry Carroll of Red night and had given Johnson a quart of the service in the Methodist church at John Kearns of Freehold, died on-'Fri- rum. Johnson was very drunk and Navesink last Sunday night. Next Sun- Mrs. Sarah C. rotter. Bank. The funeral was held on Satur- day, March 31st, froai consumption. could not have got to the station without day night Rev. George W. S. Wenrick of Sirs. Sarah Carlisle Potter died at her day morning at ten o'clock from St. She was 27 years old. Mrs. Kearns was home on • Broad street last Wednesday Mary's church at New Monmouth. The having been curried there. He was put Atlantic Highlands will preach. the daughter of Martin and Bridget Malia back in the cell and kept there until yes- afternoon. Death was caused by con-service was conducted by Rev. John of Freehold; She bad been married only A. H. Randall, T. F. Bardon, Mrs. E. terday morning. By that time he had sumption, with which she had suffered O'Connor. The body was buried««t Mt. two years and leaves no children." H. Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Demmert for the past three years. Her health and Olivet cemetery at Headdon's Corner. partially sobered up, and he was taken of New York, who have summer homes strength had been fuiling rapidly for the JUrs. Marti JE. V<t,nXotc. to Freehold to serve out his sentence. at Locust Point, have been spending a past year, but she was confined to the Charles Morris. Marvi^Ellen VanNole, wife of John few days at that place. house only a little over three weeks, and Charles Morris of Keausburg died very VanNote, died at Branch port on Tuesday A BRAKEMAN INJURED. E, H. Cook of Atlantic Highlands gave was confined to her bed about ten days. suddenly last Saturday night, after a of last week. She was 37 years old and a moving picture exhibition in the Nave- For five days previous to her death she Charles Emmons of Atlantic High- sink Methodist church last Saturday sickness of less than two days. He wasdeath was caused by paresis. Mrs. Van- lands Crushed by a Moving Car. was unconscious. The funeral was held Note leaves a husband and three daugh- night. About $15 was cleared by the a mason by trade and on Friday morn- Charles Emmons of Atlantic High- on Thursday night-, and was conducted ing he went to. work on a house at ters. • show. • by Rev. Robert MacKellar. Two lands, a brakeman enployed by the Cen- Nut Swamp. He was taken sick during Thomas Jlott. William Cogsgrovehas left the employ anthems were .sung at the, service. The tral railroad company, was caught be- of Capt. William H. Seeley at Belford. the morning and was removed to his Thomas Mott of Long Branch died at tween the platform of the freight station burial took place at Trinity burying home. He grew steadily worse and died James Reddington is now employed in - ground on Friday morning. the Long Branch hospital on Saturday, and a moving car on Saturday afternoon Cogsgrove's place. at half-past nine on Saturday-night. He April 1st, from Bright's disease.