September, 2006 I wrote the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors because I am quite concerned with the proposed establishment of Narconon in Bouquet Canyon near Leona Valley and Green Valley. I am the former Executive Director of Narconon Connecti- cut and I am also the former Director of Rehabilitation for the Church of . I spent over 27 years in the Church and for many of those years I worked for Scientology’s intelligence branch so I am quite familiar with much of their internal workings, including their methods of decep- tion and cover up. By their standards I was a very good ED. I was a ruthless, heartless bitch that pushed for stats and money! As a former Executive Director of Narconon I can attest to the complete lack of success of the Narconon program. A more scholarly report on the lack of success in the Narconon program can be found here: I write to you, residents of Leona Valley, Green Valley and Bouquet Canyon, not because I oppose treatment for those addicted to drugs, but because I am opposed to this unsuccessful Scientology front group setting up shop to funnel government and private funding into their coffers and lure the unsuspecting into their coercive cult. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Patricia Pieniadz EDUCATE YOURSELF MORE: New London, CT. Learn at this website how residents are saying no to Narconon. You can help.

NEW PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED OCTOBER 4th. BE THERE! 9 a.m. Los Angeles Department of Regional Planning , 320 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, California 90012 * Narconon, The are registered names and trademarks and all legal rights apply. Paid for by Leona Valley/Lakes Residents and Businesses for Safe and Peaceful Communities.


n January 4, 2006, Narconon also failed for day treatment numerous violations in OLos Angeles County to disclose problems • takes in adolescents regard to the mainte- Regional Planning held associated with their which are housed in nance of the property a CUP Hearing where other California neighboring communi- which made it a fire haz- Narconon representa- facilities. ties and then treated at ard. They have facilities tives testified, under the facility in several neighbor- oath, regarding the ADP RECORDS • gives addicts passes to hoods which spread out safety and efficacy of SHOW NARCONON: leave facility the addicts and disrupt the still unapproved • takes in court ordered • has Sundays scheduled other residential neigh- drug rehabilitation facil- cases for outside visitors or borhoods. ity they want located on • takes in addicts with student outings Then, there is the Bouquet Canyon Road. psychiatric issues • takes out of state clients Watsonville civil rape Since much of the • takes in felons who are case, staff members information Narconon on parole NARCONON NOT and addicts leaving the provided seemed “too • has no reliable method “GOOD NEIGHBORS” facility to go drinking, good to be true,” an in- to comply with require- Fact: Narconon has staff members and ad- vestigation was initiated ments to screen out established a history of dicts having sex, stor- to determine the valid- violent criminals or sex not being good neigh- ing alcoholic beverages ity of the information offenders bors. There have been on the premises, male Narconon presented to • doesn’t screen coun- reports of trespassing and female addicts the Commissioners and selors for criminal and loud noise which being housed together, the community. records echo through the coun- employees not being The investigation • has no staff criminal try side from yelling and tested for Tuberculosis, revealed the testimony record clearance screaming. A Narconon unqualified staff, fa- provided by Narconon requirement for these employee was arrested cilities not clean and in to the Regional Planning facilities. for felony drunk driv- good repair, admission Commissioners and • has an assigned court ing after crashing into agreements not statements by Narconon liaison for the addicts a CHP patrol car and on the amount being at Town Council meet- • keeps additional ad- injuring the officer. The charged, dirty mat- ings conflicted with of- dicts at neighborhood fire department found tresses... and more.

ficial documents from residences, then trans- the Narconon Watson- EDUCATE YOURSELF MORE: the State of California. ports them to the facility ville facility to have NARCONON NOT APPROVED! IT’S UP TO YOU TO KEEP THEM OUT. NEW PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED OCTOBER 4th. BE THERE! 9 a.m. Los Angeles Department of Regional Planning, 320 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, California 90012 * Narconon, The Church of Scientology are registered names and trademarks and all legal rights apply. Paid for by Leona Valley/Lakes Residents and Businesses for Safe and Peaceful Communities.