Malliavin and Dirichlet structures for independent random variables Helène Halconruy

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Helène Halconruy. and Dirichlet structures for independent random variables. Probability [math.PR]. Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 2020. English. ￿NNT : 2020IPPAT016￿. ￿tel- 03099427￿

HAL Id: tel-03099427 Submitted on 6 Jan 2021

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2 Contents

Remerciements 5

Introduction 9 Introduction(inEnglish)...... 9 Introduction(enFrançais)...... 23

IMalliavincalculusandDirichletstructuresforindependentrandom variables 35

1FromStein’stoStein-Dirichlet-Malliavinmethod 37 1.1 Stein’smethodprinciple ...... 37 1.1.1 Taxonomyonprobabilitymetrics ...... 37 1.1.2 Stein’smethodprinciple ...... 39 1.2 TheStein-Dirichletstructure ...... 40 1.2.1 Conversionoftheinitialproblem ...... 40 1.2.2 TheDirichletstructurepointofview ...... 41 1.3 Dirichlet-Malliavinstructures ...... 46 1.3.1 SomewordsaboutMalliavincalculus ...... 46 1.3.2 Malliavin calculus and Dirichlet structures: an intrisic connection . . . . 51 1.3.3 Examples and applications of Dirichlet-Malliavin structures ...... 52 1.4 Stein-Malliavin criterion on a Gaussian space ...... 56

2DiscreteDirichlet-Malliavincalculus 59 2.1 Malliavin calculus for independent random variables ...... 60 2.1.1 Divergence ...... 63 2.1.2 Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semi-group and generator ...... 64 2.2 Functionalidentities ...... 66 2.3 Dirichletstructures...... 70 2.3.1 Brownianmotion...... 70 2.3.2 Poissonpointprocess...... 72 2.4 Proofsofchapter2 ...... 75 2.4.1 ProofsofSection2.1 ...... 75 2.4.2 ProofsofSection2.2 ...... 78


3Applications 85 3.1 Representations...... 85 3.2 Discrete Stein-Malliavin criterion ...... 88 3.3 FinanceandMalliavincalculus ...... 94 3.4 Proofsofchapter3 ...... 96 3.4.1 ProofsofSection3.1 ...... 96 3.4.2 ProofsofSection3.2 ...... 100 3.4.3 ProofsofSection3.3 ...... 105

II Malliavin calculus and enlargement of filtrations in discrete time: additionalutilityofaninsiderinaternarymodel 107

4InsidermodelandgeometricMalliavincalculus 111 4.1 Insider’stradingandinitialenlargement ...... 111 4.2 Hedging and portfolio’s optimization in incomplete markets ...... 115 4.3 Malliavin calculus for jump processes ...... 119 4.4 Conclusion...... 121

5GeometricMalliavincalculus 123 5.1 Compound geometric processes ...... 123 5.2 Stochasticintegrals...... 125 5.3 Modifiedchaosrepresentation ...... 128 5.4 Functionalidentities ...... 132 5.5 LinkwithRademacherandPoissonsettings ...... 134 5.6 Proofsofchapter5 ...... 136 5.6.1 ProofsofSection5.2 ...... 136 5.6.2 ProofsofSection5.3 ...... 137 5.6.3 ProofsofSection5.4 ...... 140

6Theinsiderproblemintheternarymodel 143 6.1 Framework:theternarymodel ...... 143 6.1.1 Martingales measures in the ternary market model ...... 145 6.2 Enlargementoffiltration...... 146 6.2.1 Theinformationdriftprocess ...... 146 6.2.2 Themartingalepreservingmeasure ...... 148 6.3 Hedgingformulainaternarymodel ...... 149 6.4 Additional utility of the insider in a ternary model ...... 151 6.4.1 Theoricalresults ...... 151 6.4.2 Comparison with the binomial and the Black-Scholes models ...... 154

6.4.3 Computations in the case G 1 ST 0,S0 ...... 154 “ t Pr su 6.5 Proofsofchapter6 ...... 158 6.5.1 ProofsofSection6.2 ...... 158 6.5.2 ProofsofSection6.3 ...... 160 6.5.3 ProofsofSection6.4 ...... 161 Remerciements

Si c’est seule en scène qu’il faut me défendre ce travail, nombreux sont ceux qui m’ont aidée au montage, ou qui des coulisses continuent à me donner du courage. Aussi c’est de bonne grâce que je me plie à l’exercice des remerciements.

Les premiers que j’adresse vont à mon directeur de thèse, et metteur en scène d’un jour, Laurent Decreusefond. Un immense merci Laurent de n’avoir eu égard à l’atypicité de mon profil pour me suggérer la définition d’un gradient discrètement efficace, point de dé- part de l’expérience mathématique enthousiasmante que tu m’as donné la chance de vivre. Depuis les après-midis de début de thèse à noircir tableaux et feuilles de papier, jusqu’à cette soutenance finale, merci d’avoir distribué pendant ces années traits d’humour et pléthore d’encouragements, et de m’avoir fait visiter un monde pas toujours chaotique mais souvent intégrable par parties, pour qu’à la question de Leonard Gross : How far can you go with integration by parts? Je réponde finalement - et presque en chanson - Far far away.

À ses côtés le jour de la soutenance, cinq membres du jury que je tiens à remercier très chaleureusement pour le privilège qu’ils m’offrent d’en faire partie. I would like to thank Elisa Alòs for kindly agreeing to review this thesis. I am both pleased and honoured that you accepted to read my modest contributions. Un grand merci à Raphäel Lachièze-Rey d’avoir également accepté de rapporter cette thèse et de m’avoir suggéré au détour d’une conversation d’après séminaire à Descartes, de mettre en regard des points de vue "Hoeffding" et "Malli- avin". Thank you both for writing a report on the current difficult working conditions of confinement; all the more generous! Merci à François Roueff pour son suivi en tant que directeur adjoint de l’EDMH, dont j’ai apprécié conseils avisés et bienveillants et les agréables discussions que nous avons notamment eues à ces moments-là. Je tiens aussi à remercier Laure Coutin pour son chaleureux accueil à l’université Paul Sabatier lors d’un séjour très agréablement logistique à Toulouse. Je suis également honorée et très reconnaissante à Francesco Russo d’avoir gracieusement accepté de prendre part à mon jury. Enfin un très grand merci à Ivan Nourdin dont les travaux ont été particulièrement inspirants tout au long de cette thèse et dont je me réjouis d’honorer la généreuse invitation à exposer à l’Université du Luxembourg.

La grande modestie de mes travaux ne reflète pas la fascination que les mathématiques exercent en moi. J’y associe l’esthétique, pour ne pas dire l’artistique. Abstraites et distillées comme une statue de Giacometti, elles exhortent à une création dynamique et un remodelage infini. Symboliques aussi, si bien que la recherche en mathématique est une Invitation au voyage que

5 6 CONTENTS m’évoquent les deux derniers vers du poème éponyme de Charles Baudelaire Les Fleurs du Mal (1857) :

Là, tout n’est qu’ordre et beauté, Calme, luxe et volupté.

Je suis d’ailleurs infiniment reconnaissante à mon ami et collègue Nicolas Marie d’avoir été le véritable instigateur de ce projet (de voyage). Depuis l’idée de thèse que nos discussions a fait germer et tu t’es employé à semer en organisant la rencontre avec Laurent, jusqu’à ces invitations à participer à quelques de tes activités (RMR en 2018, cours dans la majeure finance etc.) et cette collaboration que tu me proposes aujourd’hui, un immense merci Nicolas !

Ma seule sortie mathématique hors du périphérique m’a conduite à Toulouse. En dépit d’une information pas encore tout à fait mutuelle et de quelques problèmes logistiques persistants et prometteurs de biens des tableaux encore à noircir, mille mercis à Anthony Réveillac et Lorick Huang pour leur accueil incomparable et un séjour exquis à bien des égards !

Mener cette thèse en parallèle de mon activité salariée de responsable pédagogique et en- seignante à l’ESME Sudria fut un défi ; je remercie chaleureusement Marc Sellam, PDG de IONIS Education Group et Véronique Bonnet, directrice générale déléguée de l’ESME Sudria, d’avoir accompagné ce projet par leur confiance et leur soutien financier. J’en profite pour adresser un clin d’oeil à mes collègues de la Team Montparnasse, à nos discussions enflammées en "salle de réu", nos apéros du QG d’origine de la BAC à Falguière et qui se déclinent tem- porairement en virtuel ! Un grand merci également à son coach Hervé Coum, directeur des études du cycle prépa, qui par un cocktail détonant de confiance, de bienveillance, d’écoute attentive et de questions subtilement posées donne à chacun les clefs pour qu’il dessine ses objectifs et y apporte ses propres solutions ; ceci en toute agilité et sans mais.

Anaïs Nin écrit dans son Journal (1947-1955) :

Les moments de courage et de divination sont tous nés de la passion. Les déserts qui suivent, je ne m’y attarde pas.

J’ai eu la chance de croiser le chemin d’enseignants qui au-delà de l’expertise disciplinaire et des qualités de pédagogues que je leur ai toujours prêtées, m’ont aidée à ne pas trop m’attarder dans le désert. Je pense en particulier à Claire Laurent, avec qui les moments partagés, depuis les discussions passionnantes d’après-cours de géopolitique jusqu’à une inoubliable visite au musée Granet, en passant par les soirées mémorables en terre lettreuse ont scellé une amitié fidèle et complice. À Guillermo Moreno-Socías et Otared Kavian pour leur soutien constant et aussi précieux. À Rachel Ollivier, à nos discussions inspirantes d’il y a quelques années et au souvenir indélébile qu’il en reste aujourd’hui. À Martin Andler et Mourad Besbes, qui ont accompagné mes années d’étudiante, et ont aujourd’hui délicatement substitué à leur cas- quette de mentor celle d’ami fidèle cher à mes yeux.

Je n’oublie pas ceux et celles qui ont accompagné ces années (et celles d’avant!) par leur humour, sourires, diatribes et affection, et avec qui j’ai eu la joie de partager : soirées au Parc des Princes ou à l’Opéra, balades en forêt de Chantilly ou dans la cache à Luce, verres de Graves ou de Coup Franc, expositions, dîners confidentiels ou après-midis à refaire le monde, CONTENTS 7 soirées chez Paul, Sofia à la Belle Époque ou au Circus, signatures, théâtres ou (inclusif voire à l’intersection de) cinémas. . . Sur une frise presque-chronologique prennent place : Yvonne et Jacques Desvergez, Théo, Mathilde et Wallerand, la famille Laurent, Damien, Laure et Xavier, Florence, Lee, Camille, Camiche et Ming, Ingrid, Jean, Carole, la famille Larebière-Ducasse, Marie-Pascale, Julie et Fred, Adrien, la famille Bourgeois, Aurore, Jennifer, François, Béné- dicte.

Les derniers remerciements sont destinés à ma famille pour son irremplaçable présence. Merci à mes oncle et tantes Marie-Pascale, Nicolas et Isabelle pour leurs encouragements et soutien toujours affectueux. Pensée toute particulière pour mon oncle Bernard, le premier à m’avoir parlé de Paul Malliavin lors d’une de nos discussions hebdomadaires ! Un grand merci en- fin... À Antonin pour la (presque familiale) entité encadrant notre amitié, dont on trouve au dénominateur : Rachmaninoff et Dream Koala, matrices de Pauli et paire duale (et une topologie discutable), joutes verbales au bureau, au Zango ou sur Teams/Whatsapp/Outlook, à Tignes et au Revest, conférences du samedi et cinés du dimanche. . . et dont il m’est donné de mesurer quotidiennement (mais pas quantiquement) l’inestimable richesse ! À ma Doc- Soeur Stéphanie, dont j’admire les compétences professionnelles, suis une inconditionnelle des inégalables réparties, et apprécie le tempérament complémentaire, partition de nos jeux d’hier, de nos discussions d’aujourd’hui et de notre complicité de toujours. À mes parents pour leur soutien indéfectible, leur affection, tous les délicieux moments en famille dont ils ont été les instigateurs, et - si je ne pourrai jamais leur rendre - pour ce qu’ils m’ont donné : presque sûrement tout. 8 CONTENTS Introduction (in English)

Malliavin’s tree

Malliavin calculus is at the heart of our work. Or rather, it is the trunk of the tree by which we choose to draw the outlines of this thesis. The anatomy of Malliavin’s tree is described in the following sections; the ground on which it flourishes is made of analysis and probability theories. Malliavin calculus takes its roots in processes characterized by (semi/normal) mar- tingales, sample-paths and/or independence of increments properties. Its formalism sits on what embodies its basement /cornerstone: the integration by parts formula. The meeting with other branches of analysis or probability has produced much fruit: the applications of Malliavin calculus.

Roots and basement: Malliavin’s framework and integration by parts Historically, its initial development was not really to provide an infinite-dimensional differ- ential calculus on the Wiener space, but rather to elaborate a probabilistic toolbox from an application perspective. The first ones were to prove the ellipticity of Hörmander operators and to rule on the existence and regularity of the density function of random vectors. The criterions stated by Paul Malliavin (see [85]) in both cases were based on what would become the cornerstone of his eponymous calculus: the integration by parts formula. Many works leaning on the seminal paper of Paul Malliavin were led around the hypoellipticity of second order degenerate elliptic differential operators; see for instance that of Jean-Michel Bismut [19], Hiroshi Kunita [77], Daniel W. Stroock [133] or Shinzo Watanabe [138]. In the same time, other probabilists focused on another perspective that it suggested: the possibility to formalize a differentiation on the Wiener space W and to connect it with the preexisting integration notion.

Two main approaches lead to Malliavin calculus on the classical Wiener space supported by the Banach space C0 T ; R (where T 0,T or T R ) and equipped with the Wiener p q “r s “ ` measure P. Apossiblevariational approach consists in coupling the Wiener space with aseparableHilbert space H L2 T, B, , where is the Lebesgue measure on T. As explained in the reference “ p q books of David Nualart [98] or Svante Janson [71], there exists thus aGaussianrandom measure W A , A B, A † independent on any family of disjoint subsets of T,such t p q P p q 8u that W A has variance A , and that the paths of the Brownian motion can be reconstructed p q p q via the Centsov representation:

Bt W 0,t W 1 0,t ; t T. “ pr sq “ r s P ` ˘ 9 10 CONTENTS

In fact, W h coincides with the Wiener of the function h H with respect to B. The p q P Wiener space is thus entirely characterized by the so-called associated isonormal W h ,h H . Even if the Wiener integral naturally connects the Wiener space and t p q P u a notion of integration, the challenge remains to construct a differentiation operator applicable to a wide class of Wiener functionals. A definition as a Fréchet derivative, if it seems natural at first, is not relevant: usual Wiener functionals such as Wiener or solutions of stochastic differential equations with smooth coefficients are not even continuous with respect to the norm of the Wiener space. The suitable definition of a on Lp P p q derives from the Cameron-Martin theorem that indicates - implicitly - that it makes sense only if the increases generating the derivative are performed in the directions of the eponymous vector space. The derivative operator D is thus defined on the space S of cylindrical random variables composed of smooth random variables F of the form

F f W h1 , , W hn ; h1, ,hn H, (0.0.1) “ p p q ¨¨¨ p qq ¨¨¨ P where f belongs to the Schwartz space S Rn . It is then extended to its domain D1,2,by p q density of the class S in the space of square integrable Wiener functionals. The adjoint of the operator D, called divergence and denoted by , coincides with the Wiener (resp. Skorohod) integral when applied to adapted (resp. non-adapted) processes. The operators D and are connected by the relationship:

1,2 E DF, U H E F U ;F D , U Dom . rx y s“ r s P P As detailed for instance in the books of Paul-André Meyer [89] or Nobuaki Obata [107], an alternative approach, lying on the Wiener-Itô chaotic representation property, can also lead to Malliavin calculus. It is based on the development of an infinite dimensional analogue of the Schwartz theory where the Gaussian measure µ on the dual E˚ of a nuclear space E S R would supersede the Lebesgue measure on Rn. The space E (resp. E )oftest “ p q ˚ (resp. generalized) functionals is constructed by a continuous and dense embedding 2 in L E˚,µ (resp. by duality): p q 2 E Ä L E˚,µ Ä E˚. p q The space L2 E ,µ is in fact canonically isomorphic to the Fock space over L2 R through p ˚ q p q the Wiener-Itô-Sega isomorphism. Thus, any square integrable Wiener functionals admits a unique expansion in terms of multiple Wiener integrals. The so-called chaotic decomposition characterizes this alternative approach. In the general context of a Fock space the operators D and coincide respectively with the annihilation operator and the creation operator met in quantum probability and satisfy a generalized canonical commutation relation. The equiv- alence of the approaches lies on the intrinsic relation between the standard Brownian motion and Hermite polynomials. Paul-André Meyer stated in [88] the equivalence of the norms as- sociated to the different Sobolev spaces thus defined.

Even if the Malliavin calculus was associated with the Wiener space in a first place, it has since been extended to other classes of processes; to name just a few, Gaussian processes in general (see Nualart [98],Nourdin and Peccati [94]), Poisson processes (see Bichteler et al. [18] for a variational approach, Nualart and Vives [103] or Privault [116] for a chaotic approach), Lévy processes (see Nualart and Schoutens [102]) and Rademacher processes (see Privault [117]). The terminology of classical differential calculus in Banach spaces can be declined in the CONTENTS 11 paradigm of Malliavin calculus: the paths of the canonical process replace vectors, the func- tionals operating on the space of the paths take the place of functions, while the two key operators are called by the same names of gradient and divergence. The fundamental relation- ship between these latter appears as the basement of this calculus and conceptualizes the notion of integration by parts in Malliavin’s sense:

E DF, U R E F U , (0.0.2) rx y s“ r s where Ω, A, P is the canonical probability space and R is a generic Hilbert space seen as the p q perturbations space when DF is interpreted as a directional derivative (for instance R is the Cameron-Martin’s space for Brownian motion). During the preparation of this thesis work, we found two frameworks equipped with a Malli- avin structure and of particular interest: the Poisson space and the Rademacher space. Their Malliavin formalism will be described and compared to our contributions later.

Branches and fruits: applications of Mallavin calculus

The use of Malliavin’s powerful toolbox in other branches of analysis or probability has been particularly fruitful for years.

Partial/Stochastic differential equations and anticipative calculus

Having in mind the results of the seminal work of Paul Malliavin many authors re-used the non-degeneracy condition to study the regularity of solutions of partial differential equations and stochastic differential equations. This led to many applications reviewed for instance by Martha Sanz-Solé in [128] (resp. by Hu, Huang, Lê, Nualart and Tindel [65]) for partial differential equations driven by coloured noises (resp. by a white noise in time/rough noise in space with Hurst index H 1 4, 1 2 ). We can cite the works of Vlad Bally and Denis Pp{ { q Talay [13], Yaozhong Hu, David Nualart and Jian Song [66], or Shigeo Kusuoka and Daniel W. Stroock [78] for stochastic differential equations driven by a Brownian motion and that of David Nualart and Bruno Sausserau [101] for SDEs driven by a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index H 1 2, 1 . Pp { q Malliavin calculus results were also exploited to tackle with non-causal stochastic differential equations formulated in terms of anticipating stochastic integrals. Indeed the divergence operator allows to define an extension of Itô’s stochastic integral to anticipating integrands in Brownian motion case (see Skorohod [131]). An anticipating formula is presented by David Nualart and Pardoux in [99] or in its earlier (and very unknown) version by Masayuki Hitsuda in [64]. Elisa Alòs and David Nualart improved it in [4]. An anticipative calculus was thus first designed through this approach for Brownian motion (see Berger [17] or the chapter 3 of Nualart [98]) and has since been extended to Poisson processes (see Decreusefond and Savy [40], Nualart and Vives [103]) and Lévy processes (see [3],[105]). Elisa Alòs, Olivier Mazet and David Nualart used also Malliavin calculus (in particular the divergence) to give a sense to stochastic integrals with respect to the fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index H 0, 1 2 and then to design a in that framework. Pp { q 12 CONTENTS

Statistics A wide range of Malliavin tools were also used for statistical purposes. We give a quick overview through some examples. For instance, Ciprian A. Tudor and Frederi G. Viens [135] used the chaotic decomposition to provide an estimator of the self-similarity parameter H of the Rosenblatt process. Fabienne Comte and Nicolas Marie [29] showed that Skorohod’s integral (defined from the divergence) was the only suitable extension of Itô’s integral to study nonparametric estimation in SDEs driven by a fractional Brownian motion of Hurst index H 1 2, 1 . José M. Corcuera and Arturo Kohatsu-Higa [31] wielded Malliavin integration Pp { q by parts to study asymptotic inference of stochastic (jump) processes. Nicolas Privault and Anthony Réveillac also used it with another aim: to provide estimators of Stein-type estimators of the drift of some Gaussian processes [118].

Finance A wide range of the fruits born of the intersection of Malliavin calculus and finance can be found in the monograph of Paul Malliavin and Anton Thalmaier (see [86]). Among them, three have sparked special interest throughout our work: the calculation of Greeks, portfolios hedging and insider’s trading. In order to frame our point in the vast universe of financial mathematics, we restrict first our frame to a simple financial market model composed of two assets: one risk-free asset A At t T and one risky asset S St t T.WeassumethatA is defined by an interest “p q P “p q P rate and that S satisfies a stochastic differential equation (in the Black-Scholes model for instance) or an equation in differences (in discrete models) on the trading interval T. The derivatives, namely the financial products which value derives from the performance of S,we are focused on are called vanilla options. An option is a contract which gives the buyer (the owner or holder of the option) the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the risky asset at a specified strike price K and at a specified date T . The value of an option at expiry, i.e. what the holder will receive, is called payoff ; this is given for a vanilla option by a random variable Φ ST . On this market act buyers and sellers who are considered as regular agents p q (resp. insiders) if decisions as to the composition of their portfolio (with both types of assets at their disposal) are made based on public information (resp. with extra information). The Greeks, so-called in reminiscence of the Greek letters by which they are denoted, designate the sensitivities of the price of an option with respect to a change in the underlying parameters on which its value depends. They are of capital use for the trader giving him the power to control his risk exposure. For instance, Delta and Rho are the first-order Greeks measuring respectively the sensitivity to the underlying asset price and to the interest rate whereas Gamma designates the second-order Greek quantifying the rate of change in the Delta with respect to changes in the underlying price. For a long time, these computations were the only prerogative of analysts who were treating them with finite difference methods in a Monte- Carlo frame. Without precisely introducing the formalism (that will be done in chapter 4) consider an option of payoff K Φ ST where St t T is the price of a risky asset defined by “ p q p q P the Black-Scholes model: t t St 1 rSu du Su dBu,t T, (0.0.3) “ ` ` P ª0 ª0 where the parameters r and stand respectively for the risk-free interest rate and the volatility of returns of S. The value of the option is given by Vt at time t T. Delta can be expressed P CONTENTS 13

(in the Black-Scholes model) as

V0 rT ST ∆ B e´ EQ Φ1 ST B , (0.0.4) “ S0 “ p q S0 B „ B ⇢ where Q denotes the risk-neutral probability measure. Generally, the function Φ is not deriv- able; for instance the payoff of a european call is Φ ST ST K . Therefore, it would rT p q“p ´ q` be wise to write ∆ e EQ Φ ST ⇡ , where the weight ⇡ does not depend of the pay- “ ´ r p q s off. The basic idea introduced first by Éric Fournié, Jean-Michel Lasry, Jérôme Lebuchoux, Pierre-Louis Lions and Nizar Touzi in [54] and [55] making use of the integration by parts and the chain rule formulas leads to

rT ∆ e´ EQ Φ ST u , “ r p q p qs so that the weight can be expressed as the Skorohod integral of a generator u, here deter- ministic and constant equal to T 1. Éric Benamou gave in [16] necessary and sufficient p q´ conditions on u so that it generates a weight for the Greeks simulation. The pioneer work [54] was restated and transposed to financial jump models driven by Poisson processes by Nicolas Privault et al. (see [50],[121]) and by Lévy processes by (in particular) Marie-Pierre Bavouzet-Morel and Marouen Messaoud in [15]. Strongly connected to the semi-martingales theory, the valuation of options and in particular hedging problems have also benefited from the contributions of Malliavin calculus. Hedging is crucial since it gives an understanding of how sellers or buyers can manage dynamically and compose their portfolio to replicate the payoff of the option, i.e. to attain its value at maturity. Mathematically, this boils down to determine a R2-valued process satisfying the self-financing condition (see chapter 4 for its expression in the Black-Scholes and the Cox- Ross-Rubinstein models) such that

VT Φ ST . p q“ p q In discrete time models, the additional condition

Vt • 0, ; t NT , P a.s., p q @ P ´ is required. In complete markets, where all claims are reachable, and in which the underlying model is equipped with a Malliavin structure, the process can be elegantly described in terms of Malliavin derivative; this was suggested by the contemporary works (both published in 1991) of Ioannis Karatzas and Daniel Ocone [73] on the one hand and with Jinlu Li [108] on the other hand. The so-called Karatzas-Ocone hedging formula is actually derived from the Clark-Ocone one. Analogue formulas were provided for Poisson processes by Günter Last and Matthew Penrose [81] and for Lévy processes by Giulia Di Nunno [104]. Insider trading is a related topic to portfolio optimization. The frame is that of a financial market where trade two agents with different levels of information: an ordinary agent whose decisions are made in light of public flow and an insider enjoying an additional information from the start of the trading period. Two questions arise: how to quantify insider’s additional expected utility? Does the additional information produce an arbitrage? This latter can be traduced by an enrichment of the filtration on which the insider can base his portfolio decisions and leads then to the theory of enlargement of filtrations. Following the pioneer work of Igor Pikovsky and Ioannis Karatzas [115], Jürgen Amendinger et al. [7],[6],[5], Axel Grorud and 14 CONTENTS

Monique Pontier [61] precised criterions for optimization and computed the additional utility of the insider in their respective works. Peter Imkeller connected it to Malliavin calculus in [68] by expressing the information drift as the logarithmic Malliavin trace of a conditional density characterizing insider’s advantage. Jorge A. León, Reyla Navarro and David Nualart use in [83] some techniques of Malliavin calculus to analyze the properties the forward integral (introduced by Russo and Vallois in [127]) and to maximize the expected logarithmic utility of the insider. In some extensions of the Black-Scholes model allowing the volatility to be a (see for instance Hull and White[67], or Heston [63]), in particular in some stochastic volatil- ity diffusion models, where the volatility also follows a diffusion process, it can be observed that the implied volatility (forward-looking measure to estimate the future fluctuations of the underlying asset) behaves roughly at any reasonable timescale. Malliavin’s toolbox whose ef- fectiveness in anticipative calculus was mentioned, is also efficient to analyze future volatilities, which are non-adapted processes. In [2], Elisa Alòs, Jorge León and Josep Vives, on a seminal work on the nowadays named rough volatilities, give an expression for the short-time behavior of the implied volatility in a jump-diffusion models in terms of the Malliavin derivative of it.

Stein’s method

In a seminal paper ([132]), Charles Stein described a process to quantify the errors in the Normal approximation by sums of random variables having a stationary dependence struc- ture. By the same, he laid the foundations of a very powerful method whose perspectives of application very quickly exceeded the framework of its birth; Stein’s method notably stood out as one (not to say the one) efficient way to compute distance between two probability measures of the form

distH P‹, Q sup h dP‹ h dQ , p q“h H F ´ F P ˇª ª ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ where P‹ stands for the target measure (to approximate)ˇ and Q theˇ initial measure, both de- fined on the same metric space F,c and H is a set of test functions. Even if Stein’s method p q keeps a special bond with the Normal approximation for which it was born (refer to the ref- erence book of Louis H.Y. Chen, Larry Goldstein and Qi-Man Shao [27]), its principles could be to transposed to other target distributions. It first gave birth to Stein-Chen method for Poisson convergence (see Chen [26]). Many approximation criterions of more general random variables by varied distributions followed: Gamma (Arras and Swan [8], Döbler and Peccati [44], Peköz, Röllin and Ross [114]), Exponential (Chatterjee, Fulman and Röllin [25], Peköz and Röllin [112]), Geometric (Peköz, Röllin and Ross [113])... Besides, in the Section Taxon- omy of the webpage Stein’s method he has dedicated to it, Yvik Swan reviews all distributions which approximation can be quantified through this method. Many surveys were published to teach the proselyte and initiate the layman with the effectiveness of the concept. If it remains impossible to give an exhaustive list, we recommend the reference and pedagogical works of Benjamin Arras and Yvik Swan, [8], Andrew D. Barbour [14] or Nathan Ross [125]. Stein’s method seems to be split in two stages; the first one consists in converting the prob- lem of bounding the error in the approximation of the measure P‹ by Q into a problem of bounding an expression of the form

EQ L' X E L1' X E L2' X , (0.0.5) r p qs “ r p qs ` r p qs CONTENTS 15 where L (resp. the class of ') is determined to characterize the target measure P‹ (resp. P‹ and H), and X is a random variable of law Q. The second component of Stein’s method gathers techniques to bound (0.0.13); by taking into account how X is defined this consists into transforming L1' X into L2' X remainder. This remainder is what gives the bound p q ´ p q` of the distance and in a problem of convergence, provides its rate. To make the transformation of L1' X , several approaches appeared along the years. One of the most popular approach p q (see for instance Barbour and Chen [14]) is to use exchangeable pairs. Alternative to it, are the size-biased (see Chen, Goldstein and Shao [27]) or zero biased (see Goldstein and Reinert [58]) couplings, which again conveniently transform L1'. In a path-breaking work, Ivan Nourdin and Giovanni Peccati (see [93],[94]) showed that the transformation step can be advantageously made simple using integration by parts in the sense of Malliavin calculus, and by the same gave an intersection to the two theories. This approach is efficient provided there exists a Malliavin gradient on the space on which X is defined. It was in particular applied to functionals of Rademacher (see Nourdin, Peccati and Reinert [96], Zheng [143], Poisson (see for instance Decreusefond, Schulte and Thäle [41], Lachièze-Rey and Peccati [79], Peccati, Solé, Taqqu and Utzet [111]) or Gaussian random variables (see Nualart and Peccati [100]) or processes (see Coutin and Decreusefond [32, 33]). A review of the works resulting from the Malliavin-Stein approach can be retrieved in the webpage designed by Ivan Nourdin.

Dirichlet forms Parallel to its connection with Stein’s method, Malliavin calculus meets profitably Dirichlet forms in the frame of error calculus (see Bouleau and Hirsch [23]). The related topics have generated considerable interest (among the analyst community before probabilists take it) since the beginning of XX-th century. The use of Dirichlet forms is particularly efficient to perform those computations when errors are supposed to be infinitesimal and probabilistic. If Y stands for a scalar erroneous quantity, the error propagates by the function f according to the formulas:

1 bias of error on f Y bias of error on Y f 1 Y 2 var of error on Y f 2 Y E1 p q“p q 2p q` p q p qpq var of error on f Y var of error on Y f Y E2 " p q“p q 1 p qpq where, if the variance is of the same order of magnitude as the bias or if the bias is negligible with respect to the variance, the calculus has to be • for the bias of error: a second order differential equation with variance and bias (E1), • for the variance of error: a first order differential equation for the calculus of the variance which does not involve the bias (E2).

By considering up to now a quantity F F XA (A Ä N ) function of the erroneous quantities “ p q ˚ Xk,k A (supposed to be known, small and independent) the potential quadratic error to t P u 2 expect on F denoted F can be written as:

2 L F2 2F L F , (0.0.6) F “ p q´ p q where L is the differential operator

1 2 L 2 B 2 k X2 “ k A k ÿP B 16 CONTENTS

2 and ,k A is the family of quadratic errors on Xk,k A . Actually, the quadratic error t k P u t P u can be expressed as 2 Γ F Γ F, F , F “ p q“ p q where Γ is the carré du champ operator defined by 1 Γ F, G L FG G LF F LG . (0.0.7) p q“2 p q´ ´ ´ ¯ The use of these tools makes most sense when tackling with the estimation of the convergence rate of a sequence Xn n N˚ towards a random variable X, all assumed to be defined on a p q P probability space Ω, A, P . Indeed, if the form Γ is closed, the error calculus theory deploys in p q this context by lying on the following principle: if the sequence of pairs Xn, error on Xn con- p q verges suitably, it converges necessarily to a pair X, error on X . When the underlying space p q is provided with a Malliavin structure the operator L appearing in (0.0.15) coincides with the Laplacian/number operator L D. This key fact will be explained in Section 1.3.2 and il- “´ lustrated in the case of the Wiener space in Example 1.3.6. This suggests that Dirichlet forms implicitly operate in the Stein-Malliavin combination to lead to a Stein-Dirichlet-Malliavin method (see Decreusefond [36]). Besides, Ehsan Azmoodeh, Simon Campese and Guillaume Poly exploited the connection between the three theories to revisit the fourth moment theorem in [11].

We conclude this state of the art by drawing Malliavin’s tree. CONTENTS 17

Malliavin’s tree

Noncausal Enlargment Equation of Filtration Insider (Non)parametric estimation Trading in fractional SDE’s (Conditional) Singular Greeks densities PDE’s, SDE’s Error Anticipative Calculus Clark-Ocone calculus (hedding) formula Kantorovitch -Rubinstein Dirichlet distance Log-Sob., Finance structure concentration inequalities

Functional Stein’s identities method

Malliavin calculus

Analysis... IBP ...Probability

Normal/Semi Brownian Motion Martingales

Poisson Point Lévy Process Rademacher Process Geometric Compound Process

Independent Fractional Random Brownian motion Variables Independent Sample paths Increments 18 CONTENTS


By grabbing the tree metaphor again, we could sum up the contributions of this thesis to the addition of two roots: the construction of a Malliavin calculus for independent random variables on the one hand, and for compound geometric processes on the other one. The fruits resulting from these two formalisms are displayed in colour in the above figure: in purple for those relating to independent random variables framework, in blue for those relating to compound geometric processes framework.

Malliavin calculus and Dirichlet structures for independent random variables The motivation to develop a Malliavin calculus for independent random variables was twofold. As mentioned above, after some years of development, the Malliavin calculus has reached a certain maturity. The most complete and fruitful theories are for Wiener (see for instance Nu- alart [98]) and Poisson point processes (see for instance Albeverio, Kondratiev and Röckner [1], Privault[117]). The only Malliavin’s foray in discrete settings had been so far for Rademacher processes (see Privault [117]); our initial aim was to generalize it. Malliavin calculus can be constructed in the three aforementioned frameworks (Gaussian, Poisson, Rademacher) via a chaotic approach. In those, the existence of normal martingales as solutions of structure equa- tions (see Émery [51], Privault, Solé and Vives [120] for the continuous time, Privault [117] for Rademacher processes) entails directly a chaotic decomposition by induction of the martingale representation property (see Émery [51]). The existence of structure equations is not necessary to state a chaotic decomposition (see for instance Dasgupt and Kallianpur [35], Eddhabi and Vives [49] for chaotic decomposition and Clark formula for the fractional Brownian motion with index H 1 2, 1 ); but it considerably facilitates it. The independence and stationarity Pp { q of increments seems to play a major role in the resolution of the so-called structure equations and thus in the effectiveness of the concepts. This motivated to investigate and explore what we can inherit in the simplest situation of all with independence (without requiring stationar- ity): that of a family of independent, non necessarily identically distributed, random variables. The closest situation to our investigations is that of the Rademacher space, namely 1, 1 N, t´ u equipped with the product probability k Nµk where µk is a Bernoulli probability on 1, 1 . b P t´ u The chaotic approach that leads to a Malliavin calculus on it is intrinsically linked to the existence of a normal martingale or novation (in Emery’s terminology [52]) coupled with the canonical process X. The existence of a normal martingale in a discrete setting also requires that the law of the random variables be only supported by two points (see Émery [51],[52], Privault and Schoutens [119]). This is also reflected in the very definition of the gradient (see Nourdin, Peccati and Reinert [96] or Privault [117]), usually defined as

DkF X1, , Xn p ¨¨¨ q E Xk F X1, , Xn X`, ` k (0.0.8) p “ r p ¨¨¨ q| ‰ s P Xk 1 F X1, , 1 , , Xn P Xk 1 F X1, , 1 , , Xn , “ p “ q p ¨¨¨ ` ¨¨¨ q´ p “´ q p ¨¨¨ ´ ¨¨¨ q k th k th ´ ´ loomoon loomoon and that implies to be meaningful, either that the random variables are real valued or that they only have two possible outcomes. Our initial aim was to provide any countable product of probability spaces with a Malliavin structure; it must be clear that in the present work all the random variables may leave on different spaces, which are then only supposed to be Polish CONTENTS 19 spaces. That means that in the definition of the gradient, we can not use any algebraic prop- erty of the underlying spaces. Although some of our applications do concern random variables with finite number of outcomes, it did not seem straightforward to devise what should be the weights, replacing P Xk 1 and P Xk 1 . In that respect, we introduce a discrete p “ q ´ p “´q gradient D as a difference operator which can be interpreted as the measure of the "influence" of the k-th component of the process X on F. The definition of the divergence operator , as the adjoint of D, satisfies a discrete version of integration by parts formula (1.3.1). Last the introduction of the operator number L D, also generator of a Markovian semi-group “´ Pt t R` , completes the definition of the modicum of Malliavin operators. We bring kind of p q P legitimacy to our formalism from several perspectives. We connect our formalism to its elder, the Rademacher framework; not with the gradient but with the number operator. Indeed, many applications, notably those revolving around functional identities, rely not directly on the gradient D but rather on the operator number L. It turns out that for the Rademacher space, the operators L D defined according to (0.0.8) and L defined in our construction “´ do coincide. Besides, we attach our construction to preexisting continuous time theories. Ac- tually, we bring to lightp thatp thep usual Poisson and Brownian Dirichlet structures associated to their respective gradient, could be retrieved as limits of the structures induced by our formal- ism. We obtained versions of almost all the classical functional inequalities in discrete settings, and revisit some of them to which we give a new point of view. To mention just a few, we show that the Efron-Stein inequality can be interpreted as a Poincaré inequality or that the Hoeffding decomposition of U-statistics can be viewed as an avatar of the Clark representation formula. We transpose the classical covariance identity, log-Sobolev inequality, and deviation inequality in our framework. Then our formalism finds its place within Malliavin’s landscape; it fully generalizes what is known about Rademacher spaces, and connects with Brownian and Poisson frameworks with both limit procedure and similar functional identities. The second main motivation of our first work came from a branch of the tree with which such formalism would be likely to combine advantageously: Stein’s method. We provide here a "Stein-Malliavin criterion" analogue to the eponymous results in the Gaussian and Pois- son cases (see Nourdin and Peccati [93], Peccati, Solé, Taqqu and Utzet [111]), or in the Rademacher space (see Nourdin, Peccati and Reinert [96]) giving a "Berry-Esseen" general bound for the Kolmogorov-Rubinstein distance between the law of a functional of indepen- dent random variables (without any additional hypothesis on the initial laws) and the Normal distribution, and this in terms of Malliavin operators. We establish a similar criterion for the Gamma approximation. Applied to the particular case of degenerate U-statistics of order two, it allows to provide a de Jong type estimate in the Gamma approximation of those U-statistics (see Döbler and Peccati [48]). To the best of our knowledge, there does not yet exist a Stein criterion for Gaussian or Gamma approximation which does not rely on exchangeable pairs or any other sort of coupling. Our results appear as a natural continuation of those stated by Ivan Nourdin, Giovanni Peccati and Gesine Reinert [96] for Rademacher functionals; we generalize thus the use of the Nourdin-Peccati approach (Nourdin and Peccati [94]) to general discrete settings. For all these reasons, it seems that our Dirichlet-Malliavin structure gives a unified framework for many results scattered in the literature so that we hope to bring new insights on why these apparently disjoint results (Efron-Stein, exchangeable pairs, etc.) are in fact multiple sides of the same coin... with the "effigy" of the integration by parts formula. 20 CONTENTS

Malliavin calculus for compound geometric processes and insider trading in a ternary model

The initial aim of the second work was not to design a stochastic calculus for geometric com- pound processes but rather to use our discrete Malliavin calculus to address insider’s trading issues. This is also the reason why the title of the thesis does not mention it. Indeed, we first tried to deploy our artillery to hit an identified target: the computation of the additional logarithmic expected utility of an insider in the trinomial model. This problem is of partic- ular interest in several respects; first, and as mentioned above, financial mathematics is the flagship scope of Malliavin calculus. If option hedging has already been studied in the Cox- Ross-Rubinstein model (see chapter 1 in Privault [117]) using the Malliavin equipment in the Rademacher space, no similar project has been carried out so far in the framework of multino- mial trees (with at least three branches at each stage). Moreover, while many works deal with enlargement of filtrations and insider issues in continuous time (see the works of Amendinger, Imkeller and Schweizer ([7]), very few were carried on discrete settings. Some results already exist for the enlargement of filtrations in discrete time. Catherine Blanchet-Scalliet, Monique Jeanblanc and Roméo Romo Romero showed in [20] that the results known in continuous time extend immediately in a discrete time setting. Most of them are easily obtained as a result of Doob’s decomposition. In this respect, we wanted to discuss the possibility to inter- pret the increasing of Doob’s decomposition as the information drift and to express it in terms of Malliavin derivative, as done by Peter Imkeller in continuous time [69].

The results of our investigations follow; while our formalism lends itself very well to the compu- tation of Greeks in the trinomial model, it turns out to be impossible to state a Karatzas-Ocone hedging formula in this context. This is a direct consequence of the absence of a martingale representation theorem which requires that the law of the random variables be only supported by two points (see Émery [52]). Without completely losing sight of our original goal, we chose thus to substitute what we have called aternarymodelto the trinomial one. Equivalent in law to the initial one, it is supported by a compound . This is based on a jump structure as the , and thereby inherits number of properties from this latter. In particular, the definition of the measurable space Ω, A on which it is defined is p q a crucial point to characterize the compound geometric process. Following the frame designed by Laurent Decreusefond and Nicolas Savy for filtered Poisson processes [40], we describe Ω as the set composed of the couple t, k where t stands for the jump time and k the height of the p q corresponding jump. This definition plays a major role in the effectiveness of the concepts; the so-called ternary model lying on this new structure, yet equivalent in law to the trinomial model, best suits for hedging problems. As expected, it remains impossible to state a chaotic decomposition from a normal martingale (for the reasons evoked above); nevertheless this new paradigm enables to establish a modified chaotic decomposition in terms of multiple integrals with respect to an non-orthogonal family of random variables. The gradient is thus introduced as the annihilation operator acting on this pseudo-chaotic decomposition and such that the stochastic integral defined appears - up to a linear transformation - as the "inverse" operation of it and as its adjoint. These latters are linked via an integration by parts formula so that we equip compound geometric processes with a Malliavin calculus. Besides, the gradient co- incides with a difference operator more prone to state functional identities from which derives the expected Clark-Ocone-Karatzas formula. CONTENTS 21

The second part of the work consists in making use of this new formalism to compute the additional utility of an insider in the new ternary model. The insider benefits from an extra information hidden in a Γ-valued random variable G. The insider’s filtration G does not coin- cide with the initial one, so that we need to use the techniques of enlargement of filtrations in a discrete setting. Using the toolbox of Catherine Blanchet-Scalliet, Monique Jeanblanc and Roméo Romo Romero [20], we define an analogue of the information drift. We express it by means of the Malliavin gradient (for compound geometric processes) applied to the conditional density processes pc (c Γ). Besides, we focus on a particular process 1 pG from wich we P { define the martingale preserving measure Qt t T. Following the method of Freddy Delbaen p q P et Walter Schachermayer [42], we compute and express the insider’s optimal portfolio in terms of the G-martingale Qt t T. We show that the insider’s additional expected logarithmic util- p q P ity can be expressed as the relative entropy of the initial measure P with respect to Qt;we retrieve exactly the result of Jürgen Amendinger, Peter Imkeller and Martin Schweizer [7] stated in the continuous case. We end the work by doing explicit computations in the specific case where the insider gets an extra information on the terminal value of the risky asset.

Manuscript The manuscript is organized as follows; it consists of two parts, each of which refers to one of the above-mentioned works. The first one, entitled Malliavin and Dirichlet structures for independent random variables is a collaboration with Laurent Decreusefond and was pub- lished in Stochastic Processes and their Applications in 2019 (see [38]). The second one will be submitted soon. Both parts are deployed according to the same scheme; they start with an introductory chapter where is giving the state of the art and presenting the formalism that need to be developed to respond to an identified problematic. The necessary tools are built in the chapters immediatly following them whereas the fruits are harvested in the last chapter of each part, as the response provided to the initial problem.

Before ending this introduction, let me mention that any new contribution (original definition or result) is flagged with a symbol ‹ . Despite my poor English (I apologize for that), I p q really enjoyed preparing this manuscript; I wish you a pleasant reading! 22 CONTENTS Introduction (en français)


L’arbre de Malliavin

Au coeur de notre travail, se situe le calcul de Malliavin. Ou plutôt, il constitue le tronc de l’arbre par lequel nous avons choisi de dessiner les contours de cette thèse. L’anatomie de cet arbre de Malliavin se décline au travers des sections suivantes ; la composition du sol sur lequel il s’érige a en héritage les théories analytique et probabiliste. Il prend ses racines dans les familles de processus caractérisés par des propriétés de (semi/normales) martingales, trajectorielles ou d’indépendance des incréments. Son formalisme repose sur un(e) pierre angulaire/socle qu’incarne la formule d’intégration par parties. Enfin, sa rencontre avec d’autres branches de l’analyse ou des probabilités a donné de nombreux fruits, les applications du calcul de Malliavin.

Racines et socle : le cadre du calcul de Malliavin et la formule d’intégration par parties Historiquement, le développement du calcul de Malliavin était davantage motivé par la con- ception d’outils probabilistes à des fins applicatives que par l’élaboration - à proprement parler - d’un calcul différentiel en dimension infinie sur l’espace de Wiener. Dans cette perspective d’applications, les premiers résultats de Malliavin furent utilisés pour fournir une preuve prob- abiliste du théorème de Hörmander et statuer sur l’existence et la régularité de la densité de vecteurs aléatoires. Les critères établis par Paul Malliavin (voir [85]) dans le cadre de ces deux études reposaient sur ce qui deviendrait la pierre angulaire de sa théorie éponyme : la formule d’intégration par parties. Ce travail pionner de Paul Malliavin inspira peu après de nombreux travaux autour de l’hypoellipticité d’opérateurs différentiels elliptiques dégénérés d’ordre 2 ; on peut notamment citer les travaux de Jean-Michel Bismut Jean-Michel Bismut [19], Hi- roshi Kunita [77], Daniel W. Stroock [133] or Shinzo Watanabe [138]. En parallèle, d’autres probabilistes s’intéressèrent alors à ce qu’impliquait notamment ce nouveau formalisme : la possibilité de construire une différentiation sur l’espace de Wiener W et de la connecter avec la précédente notion d’intégration.

Deux approches principales menant au calcul de Malliavin classique sur l’espace de Wiener (supporté par l’espace de Banach C0 T ; R avec T 0,T ou T R , et équipé de la p q “r s “ ` mesure de Wiener P) peuvent être identifiées. Une première approche, dite variationnelle, consiste à coupler l’espace de Wiener à un espace de Hilbert séparable du type H L2 T, B, ,où est la mesure de Lebesgue sur T. Comme “ p q 23 24 CONTENTS expliqué dans les ouvrages de référence de David Nualart [98] ou Svante Janson [71], il existe alors une mesure Gaussienne W A , A B, A † indépendante sur toute famille de t p q P p q 8u sous-ensembles disjoints de T, telle que la variance de W A est égale à A et que les tra- p q p q jectoires du mouvement brownien peuvent être reconstruites via la formule de représentation de Centsov : Bt W 0,t W 1 0,t ; t T. “ pr sq “ r s P En fait, W h coïncide avec l’intégrale de Wiener` de˘ la fonction h H relativement à B. p q P L’espace de Wiener est donc entièrement caractérisé par le processus isonormal Gaussien W h ,h H qui peut lui être associé. Même si l’intégrale de Wiener lie naturellement t p q P u l’espace de Wiener à une notion d’intégration dans le sens qui vient d’être défini, la possibilité de définir un opérateur de différentiation pour une large classe de fonctionnelles de Wiener est restée longtemps obscure. En effet, la définition en tant que dérivée de Fréchet, aussi naturelle qu’elle puisse paraître au premier abord, n’est pas pertinente : les fonctionnelles de Wiener usuelles comme les intégrales de Wiener ou les solutions d’équations différentielles stochastiques avec des coefficients réguliers ne sont même pas continues pour la norme de l’espace de Wiener. La définition appropriée d’une dérivée directionnelle dans Lp P provient p q du théorème de Cameron-Martin qui indique - implicitement - qu’elle n’a de sens que si les accroissements générant la dérivée sont réalisés dans les directions de l’espace vectoriel du même nom. L’opérateur D est alors défini sur l’espace S variables aléatoires cylindriques de la forme F f W h1 , , W hn ; h1, ,hn H, (0.0.9) “ p p q ¨¨¨ p qq ¨¨¨ P où f appartient à l’espace de Schwartz S Rn . Par densité de l’espace S dans l’espace des p q fonctionnelles de Wiener intégrables, cette définition peut être étendue au domaine de D,noté D1,2. L’adjoint de l’opérateur D, appelé divergence et noté , coïncide avec l’intégrale de Wiener (resp. de Skorohod) pour des processus adaptés (resp. non-adaptés). Les opérateurs D et sont liés par l’identité fondamentale :

1,2 E DF, U H E F U ;F D , U Dom . rx y s “ r s P P Comme cela est détaillé notamment dans les ouvrages de Paul-André Meyer [89] ou Nobuaki Obata [107], il existe une approche alternative menant au calcul de Malliavin et reposant sur la représentation chaotique de Wiener-Itô. Elle est basée sur le développement de ce qui serait l’analogue (en dimension infinie) de la théorie de Schwartz où la mesure Gaussienne µ sur le dual E d’un espace nucléaire E S R se substituerait à la mesure de Lebesgue sur Rn. ˚ “ p q L’espace E (resp. E˚) des fonctionnelles de bruit blanc test (resp. généralisées) est construit par un plongement dense et continu dans L2 E ,µ (resp. par dualité) : p ˚ q 2 E Ä L E˚,µ Ä E˚. p q L’espace L2 E ,µ est en fait canoniquement isomorphe à l’espace de Fock sur L2 R à travers p ˚ q p q l’isomorphisme de Wiener-Itô-Sega. Ainsi toute fonctionnelle de Wiener de carré intégrable admet une unique décomposition en termes d’intégrales de Wiener, de sorte à ce que cette décomposition chaotique caractérise cette approche alternative. Dans le contexte général des espaces de Fock, D et coïncident respectivement avec l’opérateur d’annihilation et l’opérateur de création que l’on rencontre en théorie des probabilités quantique et satisfont une relation canonique de commutation généralisée. L’équivalence de ces deux approches repose sur la relation intrinsèque entre le mouvement Brownien standard et les polynômes de Hermite. CONTENTS 25

Paul-André Meyer met en lumière dans [88] l’équivalence des normes associées aux différents espaces de Sobolev ainsi définis.

Si le formalisme de Malliavin était circonscrit à l’espace Wiener à ses débuts il fut par la suite étendu à d’autres types de processus ; pour n’en citer que quelques uns, les processus Gaussiens en général (voir Nualart [98], Nourdin et Peccati [94]), les processus de Poisson (voir Bichteler et al. [18] pour un point de vue variationnel, Nualart and Vives [103] ou Privault [116] dans le cadre d’une approche chaotique), les processus de Lévy (voir Nualart and Schoutens [102]) et les processus de Rademacher (voir Privault [117]). La multiplicité des approches et la variété des espaces canoniques sur lesquels il opère donc, semblent dissuader l’éventuel projet d’un travail unificateur. Si la formalisation d’une con- struction universelle parait donc compromise, il demeure envisageable d’identifier un dénom- inateur commun à tous ces formalismes. Celui-ci serait plutôt à chercher du côté de la ter- minologie du calcul de Malliavin qui peut être introduite par analogie avec celle du calcul différentiel classique dans les espaces de Banach : aux vecteurs se substituent les trajectoires (indexées par le temps ou un espace de Hilbert) du processus canonique, aux fonctions les fonctionnelles opérant sur l’espace des trajectoires, tandis qu’on désigne volontiers par les ter- mes gradient et divergence, les deux opérateurs phares de cette théorie : la dérivée au sens de Malliavin et son adjoint. Le semi-groupe d’Ornstein-Uhlenbeck et son générateur complètent la famille des opérateurs de Malliavin. L’existence d’une relation fondamentale liant gradient et divergence parachève la description du champ lexical du calcul Malliavin et apparaît comme sa pierre angulaire : la formule d’intégration par parties au sens de Malliavin,

E DF, U R E F U , (0.0.10) rx y s“ r s où Ω, A, P est l’espace de probabilité canonique et R est un espace de Hilbert générique à p q voir comme l’espace des perturbations lorsque DF est interprété comme une dérivée direction- nelle (par exemple R est l’espace de Cameron-Martin pour le mouvement Brownien). Au cours de la préparation de cette thèse, deux espaces munis d’une structure de Malliavin suscitèrent spécialement notre intérêt : l’espace de Poisson et l’espace de Rademacher. Le formalisme de Malliavin développé dans ces deux cadres sera décrit puis comparé à nos con- tributions à la fin de cette introduction.

Branches et fruits : les applications du calcul de Malliavin La rencontre détonante du calcul de Malliavin avec d’autres branches des probabilités ou de l’analyse a fait entrevoir la puissance de cet outil et l’étendue des applications dont il est garant des bases théoriques. Nombreux sont les champs dans lesquels le calcul de Malliavin a trouvé sa place ; à titre d’exemple on peut citer l’étude des opérateurs de Hörmander (qui est l’application « historique »), plus généralement l’étude de la régularité des lois de probabilité de solutions d’EDS/EDPs, la finance, la méthode de Stein, le calcul d’erreur, le calcul anticipatif et plus récemment l’inférence statistique.

Équations differentilles sotchatiques, équations aux dérivées partielles et calcul anticipatif Gardant à l’esprit les résultats du papier pionner de Paul Malliavin, de nombreux auteurs ré- utilisèrent la condition de non-dégénérescence pour étudier la régularité des solutions d’équations 26 CONTENTS aux dérivées partielles et d’équations différentielles stochastiques. Cela donna lieu à de nom- breuses applications passées en revue notamment par Martha Sanz-Solé dans [128] (resp. par Hu, Huang, Lê, Nualart and Tindel [65]) pour les EDP dirigées par un bruit coloré (resp. par un bruit blanc en temps /bruit rugueux en espace avec un indice de Hurst H 1 4, 1 2 ). Pp{ { q On peut également citer les travaux de Vlad Bally et Denis Talay [13], Yaozhong Hu, David Nualart et Jian Song [66], ou Shigeo Kusuoka et Daniel W. Stroock [78] pour des équations différentielles stochastiques dirigées par le mouvement Brownien et ceux de David Nualart et Bruno Sausserau [101] pour les EDS dirigées par un mouvement Brownien fractionnaire avec un indice de Hurst H 1 2, 1 . Pp { q Les résultats du calcul de Malliavin furent également exploités pour étudier des équations différentielles stochastiques non-causales formulées en termes d’intégrales stochastiques an- ticipatives. En effet l’opérateur divergence permet de définir une extension de l’intégrale stochastique d’Itô à des intégrandes anticipatifs dans le cas du mouvement Brownien (voir Skorohod [131]). Une formule d’anticipation est donnée dans Nualart et Pardoux [99] ou dans une version antérieure (et méconnue) par Masayuki Hitsuda [64] qu’Elisa Alòs et David Nu- alart améliorèrent dans [4]. Un calcul anticipatif d’abord développé selon cette approche pour le mouvement Brownien (voir Berger [17] ou dans le chapitre 3 de Nualart [98]) a depuis été étendu aux processus de Poisson (voir Decreusefond and Savy [40], Nualart et Vives [103]) et aux processus de Lévy (voir [3],[105]). Elisa Alòs, Olivier Mazet et David Nualart util- isèrent également le calcul de Malliavin (en particulier la divergence) pour donner un sens à l’intégrale stochastique par rapport au mouvement Brownien fractionnaire avec un indice de Hurst H 0, 1 2 et construire un calcul stochastique dans ce contexte. Pp { q


Un large éventail d’outils issus du calcul de Malliavin trouvèrent leur place dans des travaux en statistique ; nous en donnons un bref aperçu dans ce paragraphe. Par exemple, Ciprian A. Tudor et Frederi G. Viens [135] utilisèrent la décomposition chaotique pour proposer un adap- tateur pour le paramètre d’auto-similarité H du processus de Rosenblatt. Fabienne Comte et Nicolas Marie [29] montrèrent que l’intégrale de Skorohod (définie à partir de la divergence) est l’unique extension de l’intégrale d’Itô valable pour l’estimation non-paramétrique dans des EDS dirigées par un mouvement Brownien fractionnaire d’indice de Hurst H 1 2, 1 .José Pp { q M. Corcuera et Arturo Kohatsu-Higa [31] tirèrent profit de la formule d’intégration par par- ties pour étudier l’inférence asymptotique d’un processus (à sauts) stochastique, tandis que Nicolas Privault et Anthony Réveillac l’utilisèrent à une autre fin : celle de d’estimer le drift de processus Gaussiens à l’aide d’estimateurs de type Stein [118].


Une grande variété des fruits nés de la rencontre du calcul de Malliavin et de la finance sont décrits la monographie de Paul Malliavin et Anton Thalmaier (voir [86]). Trois de ces applications ont particulièrement éveillé notre intérêt : le calcul de Grecques, la gestion de portefeuille, et le délit d’initié. Afin de placer ces points d’intérêt dans le vaste univers des mathématiques financières, re- streignons d’abord le cadre d’étude à celui d’un marché composé simplement de deux actifs : un actif sans risque modélisé par une suite déterministe A At t T et un actif risqué dont “p q P la suite des cours est donnée par S St t T.Supposonsd’abordqueA est défini par une “p q P CONTENTS 27 suite rt t T de taux d’intérêt et que S satisfait une équation différentielle stochastique (dans p q P le cadre du modèle de Black-Scholes par exemple) ou une équation aux différences (dans le cadre de modèles discrets) sur l’intervalle de trading T. Nous nous intéressons à certains pro- duits dérivés particuliers, dont la valeur dérive donc des performances de S, appelés options (vanille). Une option est un contrat qui donne à l’acheteur (le propriétaire ou détenteur) le droit mais non l’obligation, d’acheter ou de vendre un actif risqué à un prix fixé d’avance K et à une date spécifique T . La valeur d’une option à échéance, correspondant à ce qui est finale- ment perçu par l’acheteur, est appelée payoff ; pour une option, cette valeur est modélisée par une variable aléatoire Φ ST . Enfin, on considère que sur ce marché agissent des vendeurs p q et acheteurs considérés comme des investisseurs ordinaires (resp. des initiés) si les décisions relatives à la composition de leur portefeuille (avec les deux types d’actifs à leur disposition) sont prises sur la base d’informations publiques (resp. en bénéficiant d’informations supplé- mentaires). Les Grecques, ainsi dénommées par allusion aux lettres grecques par lesquelles elles sont désignées, sont des instruments de calcul de sensibilité du prix d’un actif relativement à la modification de paramètres sous-jacents dont sa valeur dépend. Elles sont d’une utilité capi- tale pour l’agent car elle lui confèrent des éléments de contrôle de son exposition aux risques. Par exemple, Delta et Rho sont les Grecques mesurant respectivement la sensibilité au prix de l’actif sous-jacent et au taux d’intérêt alors que Gamma désigne un indicateur du second ordre quantifiant la variation du Delta relativement à une variation du prix sous-jacent. Pendant longtemps, le calcul de ces indicateurs a été la seule prérogative des analystes qui s’y employ- aient par des méthodes de différences finies dans le cadre de la méthode de Monte-Carlo. Sans introduire précisément le formalisme (ce qui sera fait au chapitre 4) considérons une option de payoff K Φ ST et dont la dynamique de la suite de prix de l’actif risqué sous-jacent St t T “ p q p q P est donnée par le modèle de Black-Scholes :

t t St 1 rSu du Su dBu,t T, (0.0.11) “ ` ` P ª0 ª0 où les paramètres r et représentent respectivement le taux d’intérêt sans risque et la volatilité des profits générés par l’actif risqué. La valeur de l’option à un instant donné t T est notée P Vt . Le Delta s’exprime (dans le modèle Black-Scholes) par

V0 rT ST ∆ B e´ EQ Φ1 ST B , (0.0.12) “ S0 “ p q S0 B „ B ⇢ où Q correspond à la mesure de probabilité risque neutre. En général, la fonction Φ n’est pas dérivable ; par exemple, le payoff d’un call européen (option d’achat à une date déterminée) est Φ ST ST K . Il serait donc accommodant de pouvoir réécrire ∆ sous la forme p rTq“p ´ q` ∆ e EQ Φ ST ⇡ ,oùlepoids ⇡ ne dépendrait pas du payoff. L’idée de base fut d’abord “ ´ r p q s introduite par Éric Fournié, Jean-Michel Lasry, Jérôme Lebuchoux, Pierre-Louis Lions et Nizar Touzi dans [54] et [55] qui, tirant avantage de la formule d’intégration par parties d’une part, de la chain rule ("règle de dérivation en chaîne") d’autre part, ont prouvé que

rT ∆ e´ EQ Φ ST u , “ r p q p qs de telle sorte que le poids s’exprime comme l’intégrale de Skorohod de générateur u, ici déter- ministe et constant égal à T 1. Éric Benamou ajouta dans [16] des conditions nécessaires p q´ et suffisantes sur u permettant d’automatiser la génération d’un poids dans la perspective 28 CONTENTS de simuler les Grecques. Le travail pionner de Fournier et al. [54] a été transposé pour les modèles à sauts (en finance) dirigés par des processus de Poisson par Nicolas Privault et al. (voir [50],[121]) et par des processus de Lévy (notamment) par Marie-Pierre Bavouzet-Morel et Marouen Messaoud dans [15]. Fortement connectée à la théorie des semi-martingales, l’évaluation des options et en partic- ulier les problèmes de couverture ont également tiré bénéfice des contributions du calcul de Malliavin. La réponse à la question de hedging ("couverture") est cruciale dans la mesure où elle donne des éléments de compréhension aux acheteurs ou vendeurs pour composer et ajuster de façon dynamique leur portefeuille dans le but de répliquer cette option, i.e. atteindre sa valeur à échéance. Mathématiquement, cela revient à déterminer un processus à valeurs dans R2 satisfaisant une condition d’auto-financement (voir le chapitre 4 du manuscrit pour son expression dans les modèles de Black-Scholes et de Cox-Ross-Rubinstein)

VT Φ ST . p q“ p q À noter que dans les modèles à temps discret l’hypothèse supplémentaire,

Vt • 0, ; t NT , P a.s., p q @ P ´ est requise. Dans les marchés complets où toutes les options sont réplicables, et dans lesquels l’espace probabilisé sous-jacent est muni d’une structure de Malliavin, le processus s’exprime élégamment à l’aide de la dérivée de Malliavin ; cela fut suggéré dans les deux travaux indépen- dants et contemporains (tous deux publiés en 1991) de Ioannis Karatzas et Daniel Ocone [73] d’une part et avec Jinlu Li [108] d’autre part. La formule de couverture de Karatzas-Ocone hedging est en effet dérivée de celle de Clark-Ocone. Des formules analogues furent établies pour les processus de Poisson par Günter Last et Matthew Penrose [81] et pour les processus de Lévy par Giulia Di Nunno [104]. Le délit d’initié est un sujet intrinsèquement lié à l’optimisation de portefeuille. Le cadre est celui d’un marché financier où deux agents ayant des niveaux différents d’information coexis- tent : un agent ordinaire dont les décisions sont prises à la lumière des informations publiques et un initié bénéficiant d’un surplus d’information (confidentielle) dès le début de la période d’échanges. Deux questions se posent naturellement : comment quantifier l’utilité supplémen- taire espérée par l’initié ? L’information additionnelle dont il bénéficie produit-elle un arbitrage ? Ce surplus d’information peut se traduire mathématiquement par un élargissement de la filtration sur lequel l’initié fonde ses décisions de gestion de portefeuille et conduit donc alors à la théorie de grossissement de filtrations. Suite aux travaux pionniers d’Igor Pikovsky et de Ioannis Karatzas [115] dans le domaine, Jürgen Amendinger et al. [7],[6],[5], Axel Grorud et Monique Pontier [61] précisèrent les critères pour l’optimisation de portefeuille et calculèrent l’utilité additionnelle de l’initié dans leur travaux respectifs. Peter Imkeller connecta cette utilité au calcul de Malliavin dans [68] en exprimant le drift d’information comme la trace de Malliavin logarithmique de densités conditionelles caractérisant le bénéfice de l’initié. Jorge A. León, Reyla Navarro et David Nualart utilisèrent dans [83] certaines techniques du calcul de Malliavin pour analyser les propriétés de l’intégrale anticipative (introduite par Russo et Vallois dans [127]) et pour maximiser l’utilité logarithmique espérée de l’initié. Dans certaines extensions du modèle de Black-Scholes où la volatilité peut être un processus stochastique (voir par exemple Hull et White[67], ou Heston [63]), en particulier dans certains modèles de diffusion à volatilité stochastique, où la volatilité suit également un processus de diffusion, on peut observer que le volatilité implicite (mesure prospective pour estimer les CONTENTS 29

fluctuations futures de l’actif sous-jacent) se comporte rugueusement à toute échelle de temps raisonnable. La boîte à outils de Malliavin, dont l’efficacité en matière de calcul anticipatif a déjà été mentionnée, est alors également efficace pour analyser les volatilités futures, qui sont des processus non adaptés. Dans un travail précurseur sur les volatilités rugueuses [2], Elisa Alòs, Jorge León et Josep Vives, donnent une expression pour le comportement à court terme de la volatilité implicite dans un modèle de diffusion à sauts en fonction de sa dérivée de Malliavin.

La méthode de Stein Dans son article fondateur ([132]), Charles Stein décrivit une procédure visant à quantifier les erreurs commises dans l’approximation Normale par des sommes de variables aléatoires ayant une structure de dépendance stationnaire. Par la même, il posa les bases d’une méthode très puissante dont les perspectives d’application dépassèrent rapidement le cadre de sa naissance ; la méthode de Stein est devenue l’une des (pour ne pas dire la) façons les plus efficaces de calculer la distance entre deux mesures de probabilité s’écrivant sous la forme :

distH P‹, Q sup h dP‹ h dQ , p q“h H F ´ F P ˇª ª ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ où P‹ représente la mesure cible (à approximer)ˇ et Q la mesureˇ initiale, toutes deux étant définies sur le même espace métrique F,c et H est un ensemble de fonctions test. Même si la p q méthode de Stein conserve un lien particulier avec les questions d’approximation Normale qui ont motivé son développement (se référer au livre de référence de Louis H.Y. Chen, Larry Gold- stein et Qi-Man Shao [27]), ses principes ont pu être transposés à d’autres distributions cibles. En particulier, la méthode de Stein-Chen a été conçue pour traiter les cas d’approximation de la loi Poisson (voir Chen [26]). De nombreux critères d’approximation plus généraux d’autres lois de variables aléatoires par des distributions variées ont suivi : Gamma (Arras et Swan [8], Döbler et Peccati [44], Peköz, Röllin et Ross [114]), Exponentiel (Chatterjee, Fulman et Röllin [25], Peköz et Röllin [112]), Géométrique (Peköz, Röllin et Ross [113]) ... En outre, dans la section Taxonomie de la page web Malliavin-Stein approach qu’il lui a consacré, Yvik Swan passe en revue toutes les distributions dont l’approximation peut être quantifiée par cette méthode. De nombreuses études ont été publiées pour enseigner au prosélyte et initier le profane à l’efficacité du concept. S’il reste impossible d’en donner une liste exhaustive, nous recommandons les ouvrages de référence et particulièrement pédagogiques de Benjamin Arras et Yvik Swan, [8], Andrew D. Barbour [14] ou Nathan Ross [125]. La méthode de Stein semble se déployer en deux étapes ; la première consiste à convertir le problème initial (difficile) de borne de l’erreur dans l’approximation de la mesure P‹ par Q en celui du contôle d’une expression de la forme :

EQ L' X E L1' X E L2' X , (0.0.13) r p qs “ r p qs` r p qs où L (resp. la classe d’appartenance de ') est déterminé par un procédé de caractérisation de P‹ (resp. P‹ et H), et X est une variable aléatoire de loi Q. La seconde composante de la méthode de Stein regroupe des techniques permettant de borner (0.0.13) ; se basant sur la définition même de X, cela revient à transformer L1' X en L2' X reste. C’est ce reste p q ´ p q` qui donne une borne pour la distance entre lois et dans le cas d’un problème de convergence, en fournit la vitesse. Plusieurs approches ont émergé au fil des années pour indiquer comment 30 CONTENTS effectuer la transformation de L1' X . L’une des approches les plus populaires (voir par exem- p q ple Barbour et Chen [14]) consiste à utiliser des paires échangeables. Des solutions cousines, appelées size-biased (coupling) (voir Chen, Goldstein et Shao [27]) ou zero-biased (coupling) (voir Chen, Goldstein et Shao [27]) basées également sur des couplages tirent bénéfice des propriétés de la mesure initiale (voir Goldstein et Reinert [58]), pour, là encore, transformer commodément L1'. Dans un travail inédit, Ivan Nourdin et Giovanni Peccati (voir [93],[94] ont montré que l’étape de transformation pouvait être avantageusement simplifiée en util- isant l’intégration par parties au sens de Malliavin ; ils ont donné par la même occasion une intersection aux deux théories. Cette approche est efficace sous couvert de l’existence d’un gradient de Malliavin sur l’espace sur lequel X est défini. Elle a notamment été appliquée aux fonctionnelles de Rademacher (voir Nourdin, Peccati and Reinert [96], Zheng [143], Poisson (voir par exemple Decreusefond, Schulte et Thäle [41], Lachièze-Rey et Peccati [79], Peccati, Solé, Taqqu et Utzet [111]) ou Gaussienne variables aléatoires (voir Nualart et Peccati [100]) ou processus (voir Coutin et Decreusefond [32, 33]). Une liste des travaux se rapportant à l’ approche de Stein-Malliavin est disponible sur la page web entretenue par Ivan Nourdin.

Les formes de Dirichlet En parallèle de sa connexion avec la méthode de Stein, le langage du calcul Malliavin se mêle avantageusement à celui des formes de Dirichlet le cadre du calcul d’erreur (voir Bouleau et Hirsch [23]). Les sujets connexes ont généré un intérêt croissant (au sein de la communauté des analystes avant que les probabilistes ne s’en emparent) depuis le début du XXe siècle. L’utilisation des formes Dirichlet s’avère particulièrement efficace pour effectuer des calculs d’erreurs lorsque celles-ci sont supposées être infinitésimales et probabilistes. Si Y représente une quantité scalaire erronée, la propagation de l’erreur par la fonction f est caractérisée par les formules :

1 biais de l1erreur sur f Y biais de l1erreur sur Y f 1 Y 2 var de l1erreur sur Y f 2 Y E1 p q“p q 2 p q` p q p qpq , var de l erreur sur f Y var de l erreur sur Y f Y E2 " 1 p q“p 1 q 1 p qpq qui deviennent, si la variance est de même ordre de magnitude que le biais ou si le biais est négligeable par rapport à la variance : • pour le biais de l’erreur : une équation différentielle du second ordre avec biais et variance (E1), • pour la variance de l’erreur : une équation différentielle du premier ordre pour la variance n’incluant pour de terme de biais (E2).

Considérant F F XA (A Ä N˚) fonction de quantités erronées Xk,k A (supposées “ p q t P u 2 connues, petites et indépendantes) l’erreur quadratique potentielle à espérer sur F notée F peut être écrite comme suit : 2 L F2 2F L F , (0.0.14) F “ p q´ p q où L est l’opérateur différentiel 1 2 L 2 B 2 k X2 “ k A k ÿP B 2 et ,k A est la famille des erreurs quadratiques sur Xk,k A . En fait, l’erreur t k P u t P u quadratique peut s’exprimer 2 Γ F Γ F, F , F “ p q“ p q CONTENTS 31 où Γ est l’ opérateur carré du champ défini par 1 Γ F, G L FG G LF F LG . (0.0.15) p q“2 p q´ ´ ´ ¯ L’utilisation de ces outils est plus pertinente lorsqu’il s’agit d’estimer la vitesse de convergence d’une suite de variables aléatoires Xn n N˚ vers une variable aléatoire X, toutes supposées p q P être définies sur un espace de probabilité Ω, A, P .Eneffet, si la forme Γ est fermée, la p q théorie du calcul d’erreur se déploie en s’appuyant sur le principe suivant : si la suite de couples Xn, erreur sur Xn converge convenablement, elle converge nécessairement vers un p q couple X, erreur sur X . Lorsque l’espace sous-jacent est muni d’une structure de Malliavin, p q l’opérateur L apparaissant dans (0.0.15) coïncide avec l’opérateur Laplacien/nombre L D. “´ Ce point clef sera expliqué dans la section 1.3.2 et illustré dans le cas de l’espace Wiener à travers l’exemple 1.3.6. Cette relation suggère en fait que les formes de Dirichlet s’insèrent implicitement dans la combinaison Stein-Malliavin pour aboutir à une méthode de Stein- Dirichlet-Malliavin (voir Decreusefond [36]). En outre, Ehsan Azmoodeh, Simon Campese et Guillaume Poly ont exploité le lien entre les trois théories pour revisiter le théorème du moment d’ordre 4 dans [11].

La version dessinée de cet état de l’ar-bre se trouve page 17 et conclut cette partie. En reprenant cette métaphore, nous pouvons résumer les contributions de cette thèse à l’addition de deux racines à cet arbre : la construction d’un calcul de Malliavin pour les suites de variables aléatoires indépendantes d’une part, et pour les processus géométriques composés d’autre part. Au delà de l’intérêt propre que chaque construction a pu susciter, notre choix de développer un formalisme dans ces deux cas a été tout ou partie motivé par les perspectives d’applications qu’il laissait entrevoir. Aussi, les fruits résultant de ces deux formalismes sont représentés en couleur dans la figure page 17 : couleur pourpre pour ceux relatifs au cadre des variables aléatoires indépendantes, et en bleu pour ceux relatifs au cadre des processus géométriques composés.

Calcul de Malliavin et structures de Dirichlet pour des variables aléatoires in- dépendentes La motivation d’élaborer un calcul de Malliavin pour des variables aléatoires indépendantes était double ; d’une part, pour lui-même et pour généraliser ce qui avait été exploré jusqu’alors dans un cadre discret, et d’autre part pour les applications potentielles au contrôle des suites de variables aléatoires indépendantes auxquelles son élaboration pourrait conduire. Jusqu’ici l’incursion du calcul de Malliavin dans un contexte discret était circonscrite à l’espace de Rademacher. L’approche chaotique par laquelle est développé un calcul de Malliavin dans cet espace s’appuie sur l’existence de martingales normales ou novations (pour reprendre la terminologie de Émery) associées au processus canonique. L’existence de novations requiert que les lois des variables aléatoires ne soient supportées que par deux points. L’expression du gradient (0.0.8) de Rademacher n’a d’ailleurs de sens que si les variables aléatoires sont réelles ou que leur espace d’état est réduit à deux points. Dans le cas général que nous avons choisi d’investiguer, celui de suites de variables aléatoires sur lesquelles une simple hypothèse d’indépendance est émise, il convient de préciser que les espaces d’états sous-jacents peuvent être différents (simplement supposés Polonais). Devant l’impossibilité de définir l’opérateur 32 CONTENTS gradient comme opérateur d’annihilation opérant sur un espace décomposable en chaos, nous définissions le gradient discret comme un opérateur différence dont la k-ème coordonnée traduit l’idée de mesure de l’influence de la k-ème composante du processus initial sur la fonction qui s’y applique. S’en suit la définition de son adjoint, appelé divergence (s’exprime comme somme des dérivées partielles) et qui satisfait une formule d’intégration par parties discrète. La définition de l’opérateur nombre (appelé Laplacien dans le cas Gaussien), qui est égale- ment générateur d’un semi-groupe de Markov, complète alors la définition des opérateurs de Malliavin. Nous justifions notre construction à plusieurs égards et lui conférons ainsi une forme de légitim- ité. Tout d’abord, en la connectant à son aînée sur l’espace de Rademacher. Bien que les définitions de gradient soient distinctes (pour les raisons précédemment évoquées), il apparaît que les opérateurs nombre définis dans les deux contextes coïncident. L’opérateur nombre joue par ailleurs au rôle prépondérant dans l’établissement d’inégalités fonctionnelles. C’est donc par cette correspondance que nous pouvons en revisiter certaines. D’autre part, notre formalisme se raccorde aux théories préexistantes en temps continu par les structures de Dirichlet. De telles structures sont de facto définies sur tout espace canonique muni d’un calcul de Malliavin formalisant ainsi le concept de structure de Dirichlet-Malliavin. En effet, les structures de Dirichlet Poissonienne et Brownienne usuelles associées à leur gra- dient respectif s’écrivent comme limites des structures induites par notre formalisme. Enfin, nous dérivons de notre construction nombre d’identités fonctionnelles. Nous trans- posons ainsi l’identité de covariance, l’inégalité de log-Sobolev et l’inégalité de déviation clas- siques dans notre contexte. Nous revisitons d’autres auxquelles nous donnons une nouvelle interprétation. Par exemple, nous montrons que l’inégalité d’Efron-Stein peut être interprétée comme une inégalité de Poincaré ou que la décomposition de Hoeffding des U-statistiques peut être vue comme un avatar de la formule de représentation de Clark. Ainsi, notre formalisme trouve sa place dans le paysage du calcul de Malliavin ; il généralise ce qui avait été théorisé dans le cas Rademacher et se connecte avec les contextes Brownien et Poissonien par approx- imation des structures de Dirichlet induites d’une part, et par la ressemblances des identités fonctionnelles (comme la formule de Clark, inégalité de Poincaré. . . ) obtenues dans les trois cas d’autre part. La seconde motivation pour élaborer cette construction provenait de la méthode de Stein, avec qui, comme évoqué précédemment, branche des un tel formalisme serait susceptible de se combiner avantageusement. Nous donnons une borne générale de type "Berry-Esseen" pour la distance de Wasserstein entre la loi de fonctionnelles de variables aléatoires indépen- dantes et la loi Normale ; et par la même d’établir un critère de "Stein-Malliavin" analogue à celui rencontré dans les cas Gaussien et Poisson. Nous formulons un critère similaire pour l’approximation de la loi Gamma que nous appliquons au cas particulier de U-statistiques d’ordre 2 et en obtenons une estimation de type de Jong. Pour toutes ces raisons, il semble que notre structure de Dirichlet-Malliavin donne un cadre unificateur à de nombreux résultats disséminés dans la littérature et suggère que des résultats sans lien apparent (Efron-Stein, paires échangeables etc.) sont en réalité les faces d’une même pièce... à "l’effigie" de la formule d’intégration par parties. CONTENTS 33

Calcul de Malliavin pour des processus géométriques composés et délit d’initié dans un modèle ternaire

L’objectif initial du second travail n’était pas de concevoir un calcul stochastique pour les processus composés géométriques mais plutôt d’utiliser notre calcul discret de Malliavin pour traiter des problèmes de délit d’initié. C’est également la raison pour laquelle le titre de la thèse n’en fait pas mention. En effet, nous avons d’abord essayé de déployer notre artillerie pour at- teindre une cible identifiée : le calcul de la valeur logarithmique additionnelle attendue l’utilité d’un initié dans le modèle trinomial. Ce problème présente un intérêt particulier à plusieurs égards ; tout d’abord, et comme mentionné plus haut, les mathématiques financières sont le champ d’application phare du calcul de Malliavin. Si la couverture d’options avait déjà été étudiée dans le modèle Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (voir le chapitre 1 dans Privault [117]) en utilisant la structure de Malliavin dont est équipé l’espace Rademacher, aucun projet similaire n’avait été réalisé jusqu’alors dans le cadre des arbres multinomiaux (avec au moins trois branches à chaque étape). En outre, si de nombreux travaux traitent de l’élargissement de filtrations et des questions de délit d’initié en temps continu (voir les travaux d’Amendinger, Imkeller et Schweizer ([7]), très peu ont été réalisés dans des modèles discrets. Certains résultats ex- istent déjà pour l’élargissement de filtrations en temps discret. Catherine Blanchet-Scalliet, Monique Jeanblanc et Roméo Romo Romero ont montré dans [20] que les résultats connus en temps continu s’étendent immédiatement dans un contexte discret. La plupart d’entre eux sont facilement obtenus grâce à la décomposition de Doob. À cet égard, nous souhaitions discuter de la possibilité d’interpréter le processus prévisible croissant apparaissant dans la décomposition de Doob comme le drift d’information associé à l’initié et l’exprimer à l’aide de la dérivée de Malliavin, à l’instar du travail de Peter Imkeller en temps continu [69]. Si notre formalisme se prête bien au calcul de Grecques dans le modèle trinomial, il demeure en effet impossible d’en dériver une formule de Karatzas-Ocone pour la stratégie couverture et donc d’en tirer avantage pour l’évaluation d’options. Celle-ci est une conséquence directe du théorème de représentation de martingale qui ne peut être statué quand les lois des vari- ables aléatoires (discrètes) sont portées par au moins trois points. Ce constat a motivé le développement d’un calcul de Malliavin pour les processus géométriques composés (dont les variables i.i.d. correspondantes sont à valeurs dans 1, 0, 1 ), sur lesquels baser un modèle t´ u ternaire équivalent en loi au modèle trinomial. De par la structure de saut qui les sous-tend, les processus géométriques héritent de nom- breuses propriétés des processus de Poisson, source d’inspiration pour élaborer un calcul de Malliavin. S’il demeure, comme attendu, impossible d’établir une décomposition en chaos à partir de martingales normales, (le carré des variables aléatoires i.i.d. étant constant), il ex- iste une décomposition en pseudo-chaos au moyen d’intégrales multiples relatives à une famille non-orthogonale (mais orthogonalisable) de variables aléatoires. Le gradient géométrique est alors défini comme l’opérateur d’annihilation agissant sur cette pseudo-décomposition chao- tique et tel que l’intégration stochastique (définie par rapport à la famille orthogonalisable) apparaît - à une transformation linéaire près - comme l’opération "inverse". En outre, cet opérateur coïncide avec un opérateur différence dont l’expression est plus propice à statuer des identités fonctionnelles comme la formule de représentation martingale, la formule d’Itô, et la formule de Ocone-Karatzas espérée. Nous appliquons alors ce formalisme au calcul de l’utilité additionnelle d’un initié dans un modèle ternaire construit sur la dynamique d’un processus géométrique composé. Reprenant 34 CONTENTS les outils développés pour l’élargissement de filtration en temps discret par Catherine Blanchet- Scalliett, Monique Jeanblanc et Roméo Romo Romero, nous définissons l’analogue du drift d’information dont nous donnons une expression en termes de gradient géométrique. Nous montrons alors que l’utilité logarithmique espérée additionnelle de l’initié au temps t peut être exprimée comme l’entropie relative de la mesure initiale par rapport à la mesure préser- vant les martingales sur 0,t . Nous retrouvons ainsi exactement le résultat établi par Jürgen r s Amendinger, Peter Imkeller et Martin Schweizer dans le cas continu. Nous illustrons ce ré- sultat et achevons ce travail en effectuant des calculs explicites dans le cas précis où l’initié obtient une information supplémentaire sur la valeur finale de l’actif risqué.

Manuscrit Le manuscrit est organisé comme suit ; il se compose de deux parties, chacune d’entre elles se référant à l’un des travaux mentionnés ci-dessus. La première, intitulée Structures de Malliavin et Dirichlet pour les variables aléatoires indépendantes renvoit à un travail mené en collabo- ration avec Laurent Decreusefond et publié dans Stochastic Processes and their Applications en 2019 (voir [38]). La deuxième sera soumise prochainement. Les deux parties se déploient selon le même schéma ; elles commencent par un chapitre où est présenté l’état de l’art et où l’on identifie le formalisme à développer pour répondre à une problématique donnée. Les outils nécessaires sont construits dans les chapitres qui suivent immédiatement alors que les fruits sont récoltés dans le dernier chapitre de chaque partie, comme la réponse apportée au problème initial.

Avant de clore cette introduction, je signale que toute nouvelle contribution (définition ou résultat original) sera signalée dans le manuscrit par le symbole ‹ . Malgré la piètre qualité p q de l’anglais dont souffre la rédaction (et pour laquelle je présent par avance mes excuses aux lecteurs), j’ai beaucoup apprécié la préparation de ce manuscrit de thèse et vous en souhaite une agréable lecture ! Part I

Malliavin calculus and Dirichlet structures for independent random variables


Chapter 1

From Stein’s to Stein-Dirichlet-Malliavin method

Stein’s method, initially developed to quantify the rate of convergence in the [132] and then for Poisson convergence [26], has become a very popular not to say the most famous procedure to assess distances between two probability measures. Associated to a collection of probability metrics, it seems to deploy by two main stages: the first one consists in converting the initial problem into a more tractable expression before developping in the second one tools to derive from it the bound on the distance.

As announced by the title of the chapter, we are to start from Stein’s method to get to the Stein-Dirichlet-Malliavin structure. The chapter is organized as follows; the first leg of our journey, by stating the principle of Stein’s method, will be an opportunity to underscore its two identified main steps. We stop at Dirichlet theory in the second section and explain why the conversion of the initial problem means the existence of an underlying Dirichlet structure on both initial and target spaces. In the third section, we make a detour via Malliavin calculus. We show then its relevance to tract the second step in Stein’s method (fourth section). The last section is devoted to detail one of the abundant results stated by following this path: a Stein-Malliavin criterion on the Gaussian space.

1.1 Stein’s method principle

This first section is charged with bringing to light the efficiency of Stein’s method in the estimation of distances between two probability measures.

1.1.1 Taxonomy on probability metrics In order to provide a mathematical sense to the notion "of proximity" between two probability measures, we give in this first part some elements of classification of probability metrics. The framework is that of two probability measures P‹ and Q, respectively the target and the initial measures, defined on a same metric space F,c . The associated Borel -field is denoted B F . p q p q It appears that we can basically pigeonhole the numerous existing metrics between probability measures in three classes.


The first distance we introduce, which is capital since its associated topology is precisely the one of the convergence in distribution is called Prokhorov distance:

" " distPro P‹, Q inf " ° 0:P‹ A § Q A " and Q A § P‹ A ", A B F , p q“ t p q p q` p q p q` @ P p qu where A" stands for the "-neighborhood of A and is defined by A" y F : x A,dx, y § “t P D P p q " . The set M1 F of probability measures on F is usually equipped with the weak convergence u p q generated by the semi-norms

pf P‹ fdP‹ , p q“ ˇªF ˇ ˇ ˇ for any function f bounded and continuous fromˇ F toˇ R. The separability of F enables to ˇ ˇ find a countable family of bounded continuous functions fn,n N which generates the t P ˚u Borel -field on F and the topology of the weak convergence is metrizable by considering the distance: 8 n ⇢ P‹, Q 2´ pfn P‹ Q distPro P‹, Q , p q“n 1 p p ´ qq “ p q ÿ“ where the function is defined on R by x x 1 x . This definition is not prone to p q“ {p ` q calculations in practice such that the possibility to propose alternatives has been investigated.

The second category of probability metrics are expressed as u divergences which definition ´ follows:

Definition 1.1.1. Let u be a convex function on R such that u 1 0,andP and Q be p q“ ‹ two measures defined on the same Polish space F. The u-divergence of Q with respect to P‹ is defined by: dP‹ u u dQ if P‹ Q , D P‹ Q F dQ ! p || q“$ ª ´ ¯ otherwise. & 8 Total variation between absolutely% continuous measures is obtained when u : x fi x 1 , Ñ| ´ | whereas by letting u : x fi x log x we get the Kullback-Leibler distance which is of key Ñ p q importance in information theory. Besides, we will meet once more the latter distance when estimating the additional utility of an insider who holds extra... information (see part II).

The last class we deal with is related to the optimal transportation theory. The Monge- Kantorovitch problem between P and Q translates into the determination of

inf c x, y d x, y , (1.1.1) Γ P‹,Q F F p q p q P p q ª ˆ where Γ P , Q denotes the space of probability measures on F F with first marginal P p ‹ q ˆ ‹ and second marginal Q,andc is a cost function, semi-continuous from F F to R . ˆ ` Yt8u To connect it with the notion of probabilistic metric, we introduce, by letting c cp, where c “ is a distance on F and p a positive real number, the p-th Wasserstein distance distWp between the measures P‹ and Q by

1 p p { distWp P‹, Q inf c x, y d x, y . p q“ Γ P‹,Q F F p q p q ˆ P p q ª ˆ ˙ 1.1. STEIN’S METHOD PRINCIPLE 39

By taking p 1, the underlying metric c on space F can be viewed through the optimal “ transportation problem as a cost function, which argument of the minimum is realized by the best "coupling" between the measures P‹ and Q or, from this point of view, their distance. The compactness of F,c ensures, via the duality theorem of Kantorovitch and Rubinstein p q (1958), or more precisely its extension to separable metric spaces by Dudley (see [45]) that

distW1 P‹, Q inf c x, y d x, y sup h dP‹ h dQ , Γ ‹ p q“ P ,Q F F p q p q“h Lip1 F ´ F P p q ª ˆ P "ˇ ª ª ˇ* ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ where Lip is the set Lip h RF : h x h y § c x, y , x, y F2 . That makes 1 1 “ P | p q´ p q| p q @p qP the 1-Wasserstein distance the dual representation of (1.1.1). Besides Theorem 11.3.1 of [45] ( states that the distances distW1 and ⇢ yield the same topology, and legitimizes the choice to retain this definition. In the case where F Rn, for technical reasons, it is often assumed “ that the test functions are more regular than simply Lipschitz continuous and we are led to compute

dk P‹, Q sup h dP‹ h dQ , p q“h Lip F ´ F P k ˇª ª ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ff where Lipk is a space included in Lip1 likeˇ the set of k-times diˇ erentiable functions with derivatives up to order k bounded by 1.Notethatd1 coincides with the 1-Wasserstein distance. More broadly, we can define many other probabilistic metrics in the similar fashion as to say by letting

distH P‹, Q sup h dP‹ h dQ , (1.1.2) p q“h H F ´ F P ˇ ª ª ˇ ˇ ˇ where H is a class of real-valued test functionsˇ which is separating, inˇ the sense that h dP F ‹ “ h dQ for all h H if and only if Q P . To recite nobody else but them : if the set F P “ ‹ ≥ H 1A, A B F , distH is the total-variation distance,ifF R and H 1 ,z ,z R , ≥ “t P p qu “ “t p´8 s P u distH coincides with the Kolmogorov distance.

1.1.2 Stein’s method principle

Stein’s method turns out to be particularly suitable to give upper bounds to distances between probability measures of the form (1.1.2). In particular, when F R,itisoneefficient way to “ compute the distance between a real-valued measure and the Gaussian distribution.

In addition to the objects introduced above, we may consider two random variables W and Z respectively distributed by Q and P‹. When specified, the measure P‹ could designate the normal distribution on R. Basically, we can identify two main steps through which Stein’s method seems to deploy:

1. The conversion of the difficult initial problem (1.1.2) of the approximation of a target measure P‹ by another one Q into a simpler one with a more tractable expression.

2. The development of tools to derive an upper-bound from the control of the new expres- sion. 40 CHAPTER 1. FROM STEIN’S TO STEIN-DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN METHOD

1.2 The Stein-Dirichlet structure

1.2.1 Conversion of the initial problem In its very essence, Stein’s method carries the idea that the laws of two random variables are close if they verify similar identities. The firts step, which aims at the conversion of the initial problem is based on this idea. It comes in three stages : the characterization of the target distribution, the resolution of the so-called Stein’s equation, and the reduction of the expression (1.1.2). By identities we mean functional identities characterizing the target laws. For instance it is well-known that the random variable Z is a standard Gaussian on R if and only if E Zh Z r p qs “ E h Z , for any function h of a class of real-valued test functions H. By this, we introduce r 1p qs the operator L, the so-called Stein’s operator which acts on H.ForthestandardNormal distribution, Stein’s lemma yields such an operator:

Lh x Lh x xh x h1 x ; x R. p q“ p q“ p q´ p q @ P In order to avoid any future confusion, when it designates the operator associated to the standard Gaussian law on R, the Stein operator will be noted L. In other cases, we keep the notation L. The underlying idea is the following: if the laws of the variables Y and Z are "near" each other, the quantity E h Y E h Z r p qs ´ r p qs may be small for a wide range of functions h. Then, if Z N 0, 1 , we can expect the quantity „ p q

E Yh Y h1 Y E Lh Y p q´ p q “ r p qs to be small. We come then to solve“ the Stein equation.‰ i.e. to rule on the existence and the regularity of the functions ' satisfying :

L' y h y E h Z ; y F. (1.2.1) p q“ p q´ r p qs @ P The class of test functions solutions of (1.2.1) satisfying

h H  ' T , P ñ P is called the Stein class. For instance, the Stein class associated to the Normal distribution and for the Wasserstein distance, denoted by TW, is the class of twice differentiable functions, whose first derivative is bounded by 1 and whose second derivative is bounded by 2.

By integrating then equation (1.2.1) with respect to Q and taking the supremum over the class T we get:

sup h dP‹ h dQ sup E L' Y where Y Q. (1.2.2) h H F ´ F “ ' T r p qs „ P ˇª ª ˇ P ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ Thus, the initial problemˇ of approximationˇ of aˇ target measureˇ by an initial one has been converted into a simpler expression: that of the expectation of a certain functional on the initial space. This is in fact easier to handle ; various identities and couplings can be applied advantageously. 1.2. THE STEIN-DIRICHLET STRUCTURE 41

1.2.2 The Dirichlet structure point of view Actually, we can address the problem from a distinct point of view. The computation of dist P , Q can be interpreted as the measure of the error made by approximating P by Q. p ‹ q ‹ It turns out that the difficult steps of the functional characterization of P‹ and the resolution of the Stein equation can be got around by following a smart-paths approach. In fact, the target measure P‹ can be viewed as the stationary ditribution of a Markovian semi-group

Pt t R` and of generator L. p q P Language elements of Dirichlet structures We give some elements of terminology of Dirichlet structures by introducing some basic notions on Markov semigroups. A substantiated presentation on the subject can be find in the books of Bouleau and Hirsch [23] or Fukushima, Oshima and Takeda [56]. In the first part of this subsection, we successively provide the definitions of Markov semi-group, Markov process and infinitesimal generator before focusing on the fundamental relations that connect them to A each other. Consider a measurable space E, . Let Pt t R` be the family of operators p q p q P defined on some set of real-valued measurable functions on E, A and satisfying the following p q conditions:

1. For any t R , Pt is a linear operator; it sends bounded measurable functions on E, A P ` p q to bounded measurable real functions.

2. P0 Id where Id is the identity operator (initial condition). “ 3. For every s, t R Pt s Pt Ps (semi-group property). P ` ` “ ˝ 4. For any t R , Pt conserves the mass and preserves positivity (): P ` Pt 1 1 and, for any positive function f, Ptf is positive. p q“ A Definition 1.2.1 (Invariant measure). Let a familly Pt t R` of operators defined on E, p q P p q and satisfying the properties (1)-(4). A positive -finite measure µ on E, A is invariant for p q Pt t R` , if for every bounded positive measurable function F:E R and t R , p q P Ñ P `

PtFdµ Fdµ. “ ªE ªE

Definition 1.2.2 (Markov semi-group). A family Pt t R` of operators defined on the set of p q P bounded measurable functions on E, A with invariant positive -finite measure µ satisfying p q the properties (1)-(4) as well as the continuity property: 2 2 2 5. For any F L µ L E,µ , PtF converges to F in L E as t tends to 0 (continuity P p q“ p q p q property). The semi-group is symmetric with respect to the invariant measure µ, if for all F, G elements of E and t R , P ` F PtG dµ PtF Gdµ. p q “ p q ªE ªE Remark 1.2.3. Thus defined, the Markov semi-group Pt t R` is a semi-group of contractions p q P on L2 Ω (for more details on the subject refer to the Hille-Yosida theory) and satisfies the p q property of contraction and strong continuity:

PtF L2 µ § F L2 µ (contraction) and lim PtF F (strong continuity). } } p q } } p q t 0 “ Ñ 42 CHAPTER 1. FROM STEIN’S TO STEIN-DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN METHOD

Up to now, consider a probability space Ω, F, P . Let E L2 Ω, P and µ P . p ‹q “ p ‹q “ ‹ x Ω F Definition 1.2.4 (Markov process). Consider a measurable process Xt t R` on , , P‹ F X p q P p q starting from x E at time t 0. Denote by t t R` the filtration generated by the process x P x “ p q P Xt t R` . The process Xt t R` is a Markov process if it sastifies the Markov property: for p q P 2 p q P x X x any s, t R such that t ° s, the lew of Xt given Fs is the same as the law of Xt given x p qPp `q x x Xs as well as the law of Xt s given X0. ´

In view of remark 1.2.3, the Markov semi-group Pt t R` can be seen as a contraction semi- p q P goup; so that its infinitesimal generator can be introduced in the setting of Hille-Yosida theory.

Definition 1.2.5 (Infinitesimal generator). The generator of a contraction semi-group Pt t R` p q P on L2 Ω is defined by p q

PtF F PtF F DL F:lim ´ exists and LF lim ´ ; F DL, “ t 0 t “ t 0 t @ P " Ñ * Ñ 2 and such that DL is dense in L Ω . p q

Remark 1.2.6. There exists a correspondence between the Markov semi-group Pt t R` (def- x p q P inition 1.2.2), the Markov process Xt t R` (definition 1.2.4) and the infinitesimal generator p q P x (definition 1.2.5) in the sense that the knowledge of one of Pt t R` , Xt t R` or L implies p q P p q P the existence and gives the expression of the two others.

dP F ¨ t PtF E F Xt X0 LF dt 0 ›› › ›“ › ›r ›p › ›q| › › ›“¨s › ››››››››“ t“ Ñ Ñ Xt¨ t R` Pt t R` ˇ L p q P –››››››››››››› p q P –› › › › › › ›ˇ › ›› ˚ ˚ tL X P Pt ⌫ PtF e t “p q “ A In fact, by duality the semi-goup Pt t R` acts on the set of measures ⌫ on via the formula p q P

PtFd⌫ Fd Pt ˚⌫ , “ pp q q ªE ªE so that if ⌫ denotes the law of X0, Pt ⌫ is the law of the variable Xt. p q˚ In order to introduce the carré du champ operator as well as the Dirichlet forms, assume the existence of a vector subspace K of DL such that for any F, G K K, the product FG is p qP ˆ an element of DL.

Definition 1.2.7 (Carré du champ operator). The bilinear map defined on DΓ K K by “ ˆ 1 Γ F, G L FG G LF F LG , p q“2 p q´ ´ ´ ¯ is the carré du champ operator associated to the Markov generator L.

We can now transpose all this framework into the Dirichlet forms language. Consider a Markov semi-group Pt t R` , symmetric with respect to a finite -measure µ P‹, with inifinitesimal p q P “ generator L and carré du champ operator Γ. 1.2. THE STEIN-DIRICHLET STRUCTURE 43

Definition 1.2.8. Under previous assumptions, the energy function E F is defined for any p q random variable F L2 µ such that the limit P p q 1 lim F F PtF dµ t 0 t p ´ q Ñ ªE

exists; that shapes the domain DE of E. The Dirichlet form E (similarly denoted for the purposes of notation) is the bilinear symmetric operator on DE defined by

E F, F E F and E F, G Γ F, G dµ ; F, G DE DE . (1.2.3) p q“ p q p q“ p q @p qP ˆ ªE Remark 1.2.9. The possibility to define E in the fashion (1.2.3) is consequent of the integra- tion by parts formula satisfied for any F, G DΓ DΓ by p qP ˆ

Γ F, G dµ F LG dµ LF Gdµ. (1.2.4) p q “ p´ q “ p´ q ªE ªE ªE

and the relations connecting the Markov semi-group Pt t R` and its generator L (see remark p q P 1.2.6). Nevertheless, the domain of the Dirichlet form E is bigger than DΓ. The identity E F E F, F ensures that E can be defined on a set DE such that DΓ Ä DL Ä DE Ä p q“ p q L2 Ω E. p q“ Within this definition, we can verify that E thus defined is a non-negative definite symmetric 2 2 form on L Ω which domain DE is dense in L Ω . It is moreover closed in the sense that p q p q DE equipped with the norm

1 2 2 F DE F L2 Ω E F , } } “ } } p q ` p q ´ ¯ is a Hilbert space.

Theorem 1.2.10. The generator of a closed form E is defined by

2 DL F DE : G L Ω , H DE , E F, H G, H L2 Ω and LF G. “t P D P p q @ P p q“´x y p qu “

Moreover, if L is a negative self-adjoint operator and DE D? L,then “ ´ 2 E F ? LF L2 Ω ; F DE . (1.2.5) p q“} ´ } p q @ P Remark 1.2.11. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the family of closed symmetric forms on L2 Ω and the family of non-positive definite self-adjoint operators on L2 E and p q p q which is determined through Theorem 1.2.10.

Definition 1.2.12 (Dirichlet form and Dirichlet structure). A Dirichlet form on Ω, F, P is p q a symmetric closed form E, Markovian in the following sense :

F DE F 1 DE and E F 1, F 1 § E F, F . P ñ ^ P p ^ ^ q p q

The quintuplet Ω, F, P, DE , E is a Dirichlet structure. p q 44 CHAPTER 1. FROM STEIN’S TO STEIN-DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN METHOD

Example 1.2.13. The quintuplet R, B R , P, DE , E where P denotes the standard Gaus- p p q q sian measure on R,

2 2 2 DE u L Ω : u1 L Ω and E F E F1 , “t P p q w P p qu p q“ | | “ ‰ (uw1 stands for the derivative taken in the sense of distributions) defines the 1-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck structure.

Definition 1.2.14 (Carré du champ operator). Let Pt t R` a symmetric semi-group of p q P generator L and E a Dirichlet form defined as in (1.2.5). The carré du champ operator Γ associated to E is defined on DE DE by ˆ 1 Γ F, G L FG G LF F LG . p q“2 p q´ ´ ` ˘ The quintuplet Ω, F, P, DE , Γ is an error structure. p q Example 1.2.15. Within the notations of example (1.2.13), Γ F, G F G . p q“ 1 1 Dirichlet structures: a solution to the initial problem We can now address the initial problem in terms of Dirichlet structures. As evokated above, x there exists a strong ergodic Markov process Xt t R` of invariant measure P‹ and generator p q P L. These ones are connected by the relations

dPt' x x x L' x p q and Pt' x E ' Xt X0 x . (1.2.6) p q“ dt t 0 p q“ r p q| “ s ˇ “ Example 1.2.16 (Gaussian measureˇ on R). Let µ denote the standard Gaussian on E R, ˇ “ then X Xt t R` is the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process defined by “p q P

dXt Xt ?2dBt and X0 x, “´ ` “

where Bt t R` is a standard one-dimensional Brownian motion. It can be shown, via the p q P Mehler representation formula, that the semi-group Pt t R` is defined by p q P

t 2t Pt' x ' e´ x 1 e´ y dµ y . (1.2.7) p q“ R ` ´ p q ª ´ a ¯ Its generator, the operator L, satifies the reminding relation: for ' C2 R; R , P b p q L' x x'1 x '2 x ; x R. p q“ p q´ p q @ P

In the general case, using (1.2.6) and noting that P ' EP‹ ' , P0' ',andtakingthe 8 “ r s “ expectation with respect to Q of the two members of the equality

8 dPt P ' ! P0' ! ' ! dt, 8 p q´ p q“ dt p q ª0 we can state the so-called Stein representation formula or smart-path formula

8 EP‹ ' EQ ' L Pt' dt dQ (1.2.8) r s´ r s“ p q ªF ª0 1.2. THE STEIN-DIRICHLET STRUCTURE 45

It turns out that the reduction of the problem in the fashion of (1.2.2) which implies to characterize the target measure through a functional identity and to solve the Stein equation can be done here without all this work. In fact we are to bound

8 EQ L Pt' dt . (1.2.9) p q „ª0 ⇢ In other words, this "smart-path"-like method gives another interpretation to the computa- tion of distances between measures via Stein’s method: that of the estimation of the distance between the underlying ergodic Markov process to its stationary measure. This will be illus- trated in Subsection 1.3.2 through the example of the Normal approximation by a Poisson distribution (in dimension 1).

Remark 1.2.17. By reminiscence of Dirichlet forms vocabulary, we can interperate P ' 8 ´ P0' as the error made in the approximation of the measure P‹ by Q. In this same setting (see Bouleau and Hirsch [23]) the carré du champ operator Γ (resp. the symmetric operator L) represents the variance (resp. the bias) of the error. Thus, some convergence results proved by Stein’s method can be interpreted in the language of error calculus. As the matter of fact, one of the exisiting proofs of the famous Fourth Moment Theorem stated by David Nualart and Giovanni Peccati (see [100]) lies on the existence of a deterministic constant c such that

2 var Γ F § c E F4 3E F2 , p p qq ´ where Γ is the carré du champ operator` associated“ ‰ with“ ‰ the˘ generator of the Ornstein- Uhlenbeck semi-group and F a random variable in a Wiener chaos. The use of the Stein- Malliavin method (see Nourdin and Peccati [93]) yields another proof ot the theorem and provides a estimation in the total variation distance w.r.t. the Normal distribution P‹

2 4 distTV F, P‹ § E F 3. p q ?3 r s´ a The reader can refer to the work of Louis H.Y. Chen and Guillaume Poly (see [28]) for a statement of the links between Stein’s method, Dirichlet forms and Malliavin’s calculus through the Fourth Moment theorem. 46 CHAPTER 1. FROM STEIN’S TO STEIN-DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN METHOD

1.3 Dirichlet-Malliavin structures

1.3.1 Some words about Malliavin calculus

As recalled in the introduction, the Malliavin calculus is a finite-dimensional stochastic vari- ational calculus initially developped on the Wiener space. One way to introduce the tools of Malliavin calculus is to transpose the terminology of classical differential calculus in Banach spaces to Malliavin’s one. We choose to give the analogues for three processes families for which the theories are the most complete: the standard Brownian ˚ motion Bt t 0,1 , the standard Poisson process Nt t R` and a Rademacher process Xn n N . p q Pr s p q P p q P In any case, we assume the existence of a probability space Ω, A, P on which each process is p q defined. We denote the Hilbert space H L2 T where T is the parameter space: 0, 1 for the “ p q r s Brownian motion B, R for the Poisson N and N˚ for the Rademacher process X. `

Wiener/Poisson/Rademacher spaces Wiener/Poisson/Rademacher spaces Differential Calculus Malliavin Calculus on on Rn, , Wiener/Poisson/Rademacher spaces p x¨ ¨yq Wiener/Poisson/Rademacher spaces Wiener/Poisson/Rademacher spaces Vectors Paths of the process (! Ω) P x1 . . t fi Bt ! , t fi Nt ! , n fi Xn ! ¨ . ˛ Ñ p q Ñ p q Ñ p q x ˚ n‹ ˝ ‚ Functions defined on Rn Random variables = Functionals of the paths

Gradient Malliavin derivative f n f B r F B X h ,...,X h h x h x 1 n i 1 “ i 1 i p p q p qq r ¨ B . ˛ ÿ“ B f . DtF N F N t F N “ p q“ p ` q´ p q ˚ f ‹ DkF X1, , Xn ?pkqk ˚ B ‹ p ¨¨¨ q“ ˆ ˚ xn ‹ F X1,.., 1,..,Xn F X1,.., 1,..,Xn ˚B ‹ p ` q´ p ´ q Integration˝ by parts‚ Malliavin IBP

∆f g dx rf,rg E F U E DF, U H Dp q “´ Dx y r s“ rx y s ª ª f B gd where is the adjoint of D ` D n ªB B

We briefly present the main facts about Malliavin calculus on the Wiener space before giving some complementary elements in the more general case of Gaussian spaces. A more detailed discussion can be found in Nualart [98], or Üstünel and Zakai [137]. We hold the construction of Malliavin calculus for the jump processes in the second part of the manuscript as a motivation for our second work. 1.3. DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN STRUCTURES 47

The historical Malliavin calculus: the Wiener space case As mentioned in the introduction, two approaches were developped to lead to a differential calculus on the Wiener space: a variationnal approach and a chaotic approach. In the first one, the derivative is defined for a class of smooth variables and then extended to the space of square integrable Wiener functionals by density. This can be interpreted as a directional derivative but only in certain directions: that of Cameron-Martin’s space. In an alternative construction, the Malliavin derivative is obtained as an annihilation operator acting on square integrable random variables, for which a preliminary chaotic decomposition has been stated. The operators defined through these two different approaches coincide in the Gaussian space; this equivalence is due in particular to the intrinsec relation between the standard Brownian motion and the Hermite polynomials.

0 Consider the classical Wiener space supported by the Banach space WB C 0, 1 ; R and “ pr s q equipped with the Wiener measure P. Let B Bt t 0,1 the standard Brownian motion “p q Pr s defined on the probability space WB, AB, P . Consider the family p q E t ,t 0, 1 , “t ^¨ Pr su such that the closure with respect to the norm H1 induced by the scalar product }¨} 9 f,g H1 f,g9 L2 T , x y “x y p q is a Hilbert space, called the Cameron-Martin space defined by

t 1 9 2 9 9 H f : 0, 1 R, f L T with f t f s ds and f H1 f L2 T . (1.3.1) “ r sÑ D P p q p q“ p q } } “} } p q " ª0 * Define the mapping E › WB Ñ 1 W : 9 h fi› h s dBs Ñ p q ª0 1 Within W,themapping1 0,t fi Bt naturally extend to an isometry between H and the 2 r s Ñ space L WB, P . In particular we can retrieve the canonical process as the Wiener integral p q B t W t ; t T. (1.3.2) p q“ p ^¨q P

The process W h h H1 defined by p p qq P W h W h ; h H1, p q“ p q P is an isonormal Gaussian process associated with the Hilbert space H1. The aim is to define the derivative rF of a square integrable random variable F:WB R. Ñ A natural idea is to explore the possibility to define it as a Fréchet derivative F ! "! F ! lim p ` 1q´ p q. " 0 " Ñ Consider the stochastic differential equation defined for any t 0,T by Pr s t t Xt x b Xs ds Xs dBs, (1.3.3) “ ` p q ` p q ª0 ª0 48 CHAPTER 1. FROM STEIN’S TO STEIN-DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN METHOD where b, C0 R ,andx R. The application I:R C0 R2, R Ω C0 0,T , R which P p q P ˆ p qˆ Ñ pr s q associates x, b, , ! with - if it exists - the unique solution X of (1.3.3) is called the Itô map. p p q q This is not continuous on WB and a fortiori not Fréchet differentiable. The Cameron-Martin theorem which states that for two random variables F, G:Ω R Ñ F G a.s. F B h G B h ; h H1, “ ùñ p ` q“ p ` q @ P is prone to explore the possibility to narrow the set of admissible differentiation directions to a smaller one, the Cameron-Martin’s space H1.LetS denote the class of smooth random variables F of the form F f W h1 , , W hn “ p p q ¨¨¨ p qq n 1 where f belongs to the Schwartz space S T and h1, ,hn are elements of H . The p q ¨¨¨ derivative of F is the element of H1 defined by

n f rF B W h , , W h h , (1.3.4) x 1 n k “ k 1 k p p q ¨¨¨ p qq ÿ“ B which can be interpreted as a directional derivative:

f W h1 " h1,h H1 , , W hn " hn,h H1 f W h1 , , W hn rF,h H1 lim p q` x y ¨¨¨ p q` x y ´ p p q ¨¨¨ p qq x y “ " 0 " Ñ ` ˘ 2 2 2 The map r is closable from L WB to L WB ; H1 L WB T . Thus, it is meaningful to 1,2 p q p q“ p ˆ q define DB as the closure of cylindrical functions for the norm

1 2 2 2 2 r 2 F 1,2 F L WB F L WB ; H1 . } } “ } } p q `} } p q ´ ¯ The derivative operator satisfies the useful chain rule.

n Theorem 1.3.1 (Chain rule). Let ' R ,andarandomvectorF F1, , Fn which Pp q “p ¨¨¨ q components belong to D1,q for some q N .Then' F belongs to D1,q and P ˚ p q n ' r 'F B DF . (1.3.5) x i p q“i 1 i ÿ“ B In the same way, it is possible to define for p • 1, F S,thep-th Malliavin derivative of F as 2 1 p 1 p P 1 the element of L WB ; H ( H is the p-th symmetric tensor product of H ) defined p p qd q p qd by p rp f F B W h1 , , W hn hi1 hip , “ p xi1 xip p q ¨¨¨ p q b¨¨¨b i1, ,ip n B ¨¨¨B p ¨¨¨ ÿqPr s ` ˘ where n 1, ,n .Foranyq 1, and p N , the set Dp,q denotes the closure of S r s“t ¨¨¨ u Pr 8q P ˚ B with respect to the norm

1 q r rp q q F p,q E F E F Lq H E F Lq Hbp } } “ r| | s ` } } p q `¨¨¨` } } p q ´ ” ı¯ Theorem 1.3.2 (Integration by parts“ formula).‰ For any cylindrical random variable F and h element of H1, E rF,h H1 E FW h (1.3.6) rx y s“ r p qs 1.3. DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN STRUCTURES 49

The second operator in stake called divergence operator is defined as the adjoint of the deriva- tive operator. Definition 1.3.3. The adjoint of the derivative operator r, denoted is the unbounded oper- 2 1 ator on L WB ; H1 which domain is the set of H -valued square integrable random variables p q u such that r 1 2 E F,u H § cu F L WB , | rx y s| } } p q 1,2 2 for all F element of D .Foranyu Dom , u is the element of L WB characterized by B P p q p q 1,2 E F u E rF,u H1 ; F D . (1.3.7) r p qs “ rx y s @ P B Remark 1.3.4. The divergence operator coincides with the Wiener integral on H1 as high- lighted in (1.3.6). Moreover, the special feature of Malliavin integration by parts is to include the adjoint of the derivative operator. The Malliavin calculus on the Wiener space can be elaborated in a different but equivalent way; as a reminder, the family of Hermite polynomials Hn ,n N is such that the associated t P u polynomial functions satisfy

H0 1 and H1 nHn,n N˚. “ n “ P The so-called Wiener chaos are designed in the following fashion; H0 is the set of constants 2 and for any n • 1,then-th Wiener chaos, denoted Hn linear subspace of L WB, AB, P 1 p q generated by the random variables Hn W h ,h H such that the remarkable chaotic t p p qq P u decomposition can be stated: 2 8 L WB, AB, P Hn p q“n 0 “ 1 à Note in particular that H1 W h ,h H W. Consequence of this decomposition, any 2 “t p q P u“ random variable F L WB , admits an unique expansion of the form P p q F E F Jn fn , (1.3.8) “ r s`n N p q ÿP 2 n n n 1 n n,2 where fn L T , B ,µ (equal to n! E r F if F D )andthemultiplestochastic P p b q p q´ p q P integral of a function f L2 Tn, Bn,µ n of the form P p b q “ ‰ 1 f ai1 in Ai1 Ain t1, ,tn , “ n ¨¨¨ ˆ¨¨¨ˆ p ¨¨¨ q i1, ,in m p ¨¨¨ ÿqPr s ffi with A1, A2, , An pairwise-disjoint sets belonging to B0, and the coe cients ai1 in are zero ¨¨¨ ¨¨¨ if any two of the indices i1, ,in are equal, is defined by ¨¨¨

Jn f ai1 im W Ai1 W Ain p q“ n ¨¨¨ p q¨¨¨ p q i1, ,in m p ¨¨¨ ÿqPr s The derivative operator r coincides on S with the annihilation operator (in reference to its usual name in the Fock space theory met in quantum probability) r such that

rt Jn fn nJn 1 fn ,t , p q“ ´ p p‹ qq r 2 n for any fn element of L 0, 1 and t 0, 1 . Its adjoint ˜, called creation operator is such pr sq˝ r Pr s that n Hn ˜ 1 . “ p q 50 CHAPTER 1. FROM STEIN’S TO STEIN-DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN METHOD

Remark 1.3.5. The very close connection between the standard Brownian motion and the Hermite polynomials is at the heart of the equivalence of variational and chaotic approaches. Indeed, the Wiener chaos are intrinsically produced by Hermite polynomials; on the other hand, the first Hermite polynomial subtly appears in the Cameron-Martin theorem

1 2 2 1 2 2 tW h t h 1 tH1 W h t h 1 E F B th E Fe p q´ 2 } }H E Fe p p qq´ 2 } }H , r p ` qs “ “ ” ı ” ı and gives rise to the integration by parts formula.

The Malliavin calculus on infinite-dimensional Gaussian fields A Malliavin calculus can be constructed in the same fashion on infinite-dimensional Gaussian fields i.e. for families Y Yt,t T (T is a parameter set ) of real random variables de- “t P u fined on a probability space Ω, A, P such that any linear combination of the variables is a p q centered Gaussian variable. To encrypt the properties of a given Gaussian field Y, we con- sider its associated Gaussian subspace H Ä L2 Ω, A, P generated by the equivalence classes p q of Y. Then, Kolmogorov’s theorem ensures the existence of an isonormal Gaussian pro- cess over H, denoted X; that is a centered Gaussian family X X h ,h H defined on “t p q P u Ω, A, P and which covariance structure is encoded by the inner product of H via the identity p q E X h X g g,h H,(g,h H). We set F X and assume that A F. r p q p qs “ x y P “ p q “ In this framework, the space S of cylindrical random variables is composed of the variables F of the form F f X h1 , , X hn , “ p p q ¨¨¨ p qq n where f belongs to the Schwartz space S R and h1, ,hn are elements of H. The space p q ¨¨¨ S is dense in Lq Ω for any q N . p q P ˚ For any p N and F element of S,thep-th Malliavin derivative of F (with respect to X)is P ˚ the element of L2 Ω, H p (H p is the p-th symmetric tensor product of H) defined by p d q d p p f D F B X h1 , , X hn hi1 hip . “ p xi1 xip p q ¨¨¨ p q b¨¨¨b i1, ,ip n B ¨¨¨B p ¨¨¨ ÿqPr s ` ˘ For any q 1, and p N , the set Dp,q denotes the closure of S with respect to the norm Pr 8q P ˚ 1 q q p q q F p,q E F E DF E D F bp } } “ r| | s` } }H `¨¨¨` } }H ´ “ ‰ ” ı¯ The analogues of the Wiener chaos in this setting are designed in the following fashion; H0 is the set of constants and for any n N˚,then-th Wiener chaos, denoted Hn linear subspace of 2 P L Ω, A, P generated by the random variables Hn X h ,h H . Thus any random variable p q t p p qq P u F L2 Ω can be expanded in a unique way P p q

F E F ProjHn F , “ r s`n•1 p q ÿ p,2 where ProjH F designates the projection of F on the n-th chaos. If additionally F D n p q P for some p N , this can be equivalently written as (via Stroock’s formula) P ˚ 1 F E F n E r n F . n! p q “ r s`n•1 ÿ ´ “ ‰¯ 1.3. DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN STRUCTURES 51

1.3.2 Malliavin calculus and Dirichlet structures: an intrisic connection Due to the existence of an underlying Markovian frame, on which they both rest, Malliavin calculus and Dirichlet structures appear to be the two sides of the same coin. By construc- tion, a Dirichlet structure is naturally induced when we are provided by a Malliavin frame. It becomes possible to express the integration by parts formula by means of the carré du champ operator associated in the coupled Dirichlet structure.

Let a probability space Ω, A, P supposed to be endowed by a Malliavin structure on a Hilbert p q space H, , that is, a gradient operator D, a divergence operator , an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck p x¨ ¨yq operator satisfying L D and a integration by parts formula including (1.3.1). Let “´ 1,2 2 D F L Ω : F 1,2 F L2 Ω DF L2 Ω;H “t P p q } } “} } p q `} } p q be the closure of cylindrical functions for the norm 1,2. Then the quintuplet Ω, A, P, DE , E }¨} p q where 1,2 DE D and E F, G E DF, DG H ;F, G DE (1.3.9) “ p q“ rx y s P is a Dirichlet structure. The associated carré du champ operator is defined on DE by

Γ F, G DF, DG H p q“x y The integration by parts formula is retrieved through

1,2 E Γ F, G E DF, DG H E F DG E F LG ; F, G D . r p qs “ rx y s“ r p qs “ ´ r s @ P The "reverse" construction as to say the elaboration of a Malliavin calculus from a given Dirichlet structure Ω, A, P, DE , E is due to Gabriel Mokobodzki (see [90]). p q Example 1.3.6. (Dirichlet structure on the Wiener space) We now consider P as the Wiener measure on WB C0 0, 1 ; R . The aim is to construct a Dirichlet structure of the form “ pr s q WB, AB, P, DE , E . As a remainder (see Subsection 1.3.1), for any F S of the form p q P F f W h1 , , W hn , (1.3.10) “ p p q ¨¨¨ p qq n 1 where f belongs to the Schwartz space S R and h1, ,hn belong to H , p q ¨¨¨ n f rF B W h , , W h h , x 1 n k “ k 1 k p p q ¨¨¨ p qq ÿ“ B 1,2 and DB as the closure of cylindrical functions for the norm

2 r 2 F 1,2 F L WB F L WB;H1 . } } “} } p q `} } p q The Wiener space is endowed with the Dirichlet structure

S WB, AB, P, DE , E . “p q n n It is constructed as the infinite product n8 1 S ;foranyn N˚ where S is the product struc- n n B n n n E“n P B E ture i 1 Si R , R , i 1Pi, DE , and Si is the Dirichlet form R, R , Pi, DEi , i “ “p p q b “ ± q p p q q with Pi the standard Gaussian measure on R, ± 2 n f 2 f DE F S,f S R : B L R and Ei F E B . i “ P P p q x P p q p q“ x " i * «ˇ i ˇ B ˇB ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 52 CHAPTER 1. FROM STEIN’S TO STEIN-DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN METHOD

Then we can define for F of the form (1.3.10)

n n n n f f Γ F, F Γk F, F B B vj,vk L2 0,1 ;R x x pr s q p q“i 1 p q“j 1 k 1 j k x y ÿ“ ÿ“ ÿ“ B B and for any F, G D1,2 by a limit procedure, p qP B Γ F, G rF.rG and E F, G E rF.rG p q“ p q“ r s In order to manifest the intimate link between Malliavin calculus and Dirichlet forms, we introduce the definition of Dirichlet-Malliavin structure.

Definition 1.3.7 (‹ Dirichlet-Malliavin structure). Consider a probability space Ω, A, P p q endowed by a Malliavin framework, i.e. the modicum of operators derivative D, diver-

gence , Laplacian L, Markov semi-group Pt t R` defined and connected to each other p q P by (1.3.1), (1.3.2). Define a Dirichlet form satisfying on Ω, A, P (1.3.9). The quintuplet E p q D, , L, Pt t R` , thus defined is a Dirichlet-Malliavin structure. p p q P q Example 1.3.8 (Dirichlet-Malliavin structure on the Wiener space). On the one hand, con- sider the Malliavin frame on the Wiener space described by the operators Malliavin derivative r (2.3.1), divergence (see Definition 1.3.3), Laplacian L and the relationships that bind them to each other, as to say the integration by parts formula (1.3.6) and the identity L D.On “´ the other hand, consider the functional operator L as the infinitesimal generator of a Marko-

vian semi-group Pt t R` (the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck one) and define the Dirichlet form (from a p q P potentialist point of view) DE , E by p q 1,2 1,2 DE D and E F, G E Γ F, G E LF G ;F, G D , “ B p q“ r p qs “ r´ s P B where Γ is the associated carré du champ operator. Thus, the association of a Malliavin apparatus and a Dirichlet structure provides what we call a Dirichlet-Malliavin structure on E the Wiener space described by the quintuplet D, , L, Pt t R` , and which the operator L p p q P q and the integration by parts are the keystones via the identity

E F, G E LF G E rFrG ;F, G D1,2. p q“ r´ s“ r s P B

Last, note in this frame, that the semi-group Pt t R` satifies the usual commutation property: 1,2 p q P for any F DB , P t rPtF e´ PtrF. (1.3.11) “ 1.3.3 Examples and applications of Dirichlet-Malliavin structures This close connection of construction is found at the level of the applications which it generates. In other words, most probability theorems have their analogues in terms of Dirichlet structures. In particular we can revisit some results initially established using Malliavin calculus tools, from a Dirichlet structures point of view. Pick two examples as an illustration. The first one (example 1.3.3), is due to Paul Malliavin and remains the famous result of his seminal paper. It provides a criteria for the absolute continuity of a random vector defined on a Gaussian space. The second one illustrates the combination of Stein’s method and Dirichlet-Malliavin calculus in the (one-dimensional) example of the Normal approximation by a Poisson distribution. 1.3. DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN STRUCTURES 53

Absolute continuity of a random vector Consider a random vector F F1, , FN measurable with respect to an underlying isonor- “p ¨¨¨ q mal Gaussian process W h ,h H . t p q P u 1,1 Theorem 1.3.9 (Malliavin). Assume that F belongs to Dloc componentwise and satisfies the following conditions: 1. Fi D2,p for all i 1, , N,forsomep ° 0, P loc “ ¨¨¨ i j 2. The Malliavin covariance matrix F F , F H is invertible a.s. “ x y 1§i,j§N Then, the law of F is absolutely continuous with` respect˘ to the Lebesgue measure. The analogue of theorem 1.3.9 in terms of Dirichlet structures lies on the notion of admissible elements; by definition an element ⇠ Ω is admissible if ⇠ 0 and, for any t R, ⌧t⇠ P,the P ‰ P p q˚ pullback measure of P by the translation application ⌧⇠ : ! fi ! ⇠ is equivalent to P. The Ñ ` element ! is additionally said to be strictly admissible, if ⇠ is admissible and, for almost every ! Ω, the function t fi k⇠ ! t⇠ , where k⇠ denotes a strictly positive Borel representative P Ñ p ` q of the density of the measure ⌧t⇠ P with respect to P, is locally integrable on R for the p q˚ Lebesgue measure. It is thus possible to define (see Bouleau and Hirsch section 4.2 chapter II for more details) the Fréchet derivative r⇠F for certain functions F defined on Ω and to set, given a sequence ⇠n n•0 such that p q 2 Ω1, ⇠n † , @ P n•0 | p q| 8 ÿ the Dirichlet form DE , E and its associated carré du champ operator Γ by p q 1 2 2 E F r F 2 and Γ F, G r F r G ; F, G D (1.3.12) 2 ⇠n L Ω ⇠n ⇠n E p q“ n•0 } } p q p q“n•0p qp q @p qP ÿ ÿ Within those assumptions we get an absolute continuity criterion expressible in terms of Malliavin derivative (see [23]):

Theorem 1.3.10 (Bouleau, Hirsch). Let DE , E aDirichletformwhichassociatedcarrédu p q champ operator Γ is of the form (1.3.12).Then,forallF DN,themeasure P E t F˚ det Γ F, F P p q is absolutely continuous with respect to“` the Lebesgue measu˘ ‰ re on RN.

Stein’s method and Malliavin integration by parts: a perfect match As seen in the subsequent sections, the conversion of the initial problem leads to deal with

sup E L' Y where Y Q, ' T r p qs „ P 8 ˇ ˇ or E L Pt' Y dt by addressingˇ the problemˇ in terms of Dirichlet structures. In both 0 p p qq cases,” ª we can write ı

sup E L' Y sup E L1' Y E L2' Y , ' T r p qs “ ' T r p qs ` r p qs P ˇ ˇ P ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 54 CHAPTER 1. FROM STEIN’S TO STEIN-DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN METHOD where L1 and L2 are two operators acting on F and such that L L1 L2. For instance, if “ ` the target distribution is the Gaussian law on R,

L1' x L1' x x'1 x and L2' x L2' x '2 x . p q“ p q“ p q p q“ p q“´ p q

In the next step, we have to take into account how Y is defined and transform L1' Y such p q that it can be written as L2' Y remainder. This remainder is what gives the rate of ´ p q` convergence. To make the transformation of L1' Y , several approaches appeared along the p q years. One of the most popular approach (see for instance [14]) is to use exchangeable pairs: construct a copy Y of Y with good properties which gives another expression of L1' Y , 1 p q suitable to a comparison with L2' Y . To be more specific, for the proof of the CLT, it is p q n necessary to create an exchangeable pair S, S1 with S i 1 Yi. This is usually done by first, p q “ “ choosing uniformly an index I 1, ,n and then, replacing YI with Y1 an independent Pt ¨¨¨ u ∞ copy of XI , so that the couple S, S S YI Y is an exchangeable pair. This means that p 1 “ ´ ` 1q

E F S1 I a;Yb,b a E F S Yb,b a . (1.3.13) p q| “ “ “ r p q| “ s Actually, it is the right-hand-side“ of (1.3.13) which‰ gave us some clue on how to proceed when dealing with functionals more general than the sum of random variables. An alternative to ex- changeable pairs, is the size-biased [27] or zero biased [58] couplings, which again conveniently transform L1' Y L1' Y . For Gaussian approximation, it amounts to find a distribution p q“ p q Y˚ such that E L1' Y E '2 Y˚ . r p qs “ p q Note that for S as above, one can choose S S“ .Ifthedistributionof‰ W is absolutely ˚ “ 1 ˚ continuous with respect to that of W , with Radon derivative Λ,weobtain

E L1' Y E '2 Y Λ Y , r p qs “ p q p q which means that we are reduced to estimate how“ far Λ is from‰ the constant random variable equal to 1. This kind of identity, where the second order derivative is multiplied by a weight factor, is reminiscent to what can be obtained via integration by parts. Actually, Nourdin and Peccati (see [94]) showed that the transformation step can be advantageously made simple using integration by parts in the sense of Malliavin calculus. This works well only if there exists a Malliavin gradient on the space on which W is defined (see for instance [41]). That is to say, that up to now, this approach is restricted to functionals of Rademacher [96], Poisson [41, 111] or Gaussian random variables [100] or processes [32, 33]. Then, strangely enough, the first example of applications of the Stein’s method which was the CLT, cannot be handled through this approach. On the one hand, exchangeable pairs or size-biased coupling have the main drawback to have to be adapted to each particular version of Y. On the other hand, Malliavin integration by parts are in some sense more automatic but we need to be provided with a Malliavin structure. The setting in which we need to compute a KR distance is very often the situation in which we have another Polish space E with a probability measure Q˜ and a random variable T with ˜ value in F. The objective is then to compare some measure P‹ on F and T˚Q the distribution of T, i.e. the push-forward of Q˜ by the application T. This means that we have to compute

sup ' TdQ˜ ' dP‹ . (1.3.14) ' T E ˝ ´ F P ˇª ª ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ


I.P.P. E Z ' Z E DZ ' Z p q “ p q p q ” ı E ”DT Z D ' ıT Z p p “ r pp q pp ˝ qp qs E ' T Z 1 ' T Z “ rp ˝ qp ` q´p ˝ qp qs 1 ? E ' Z ' Z “ ` ? ´ p q „ ⇢ ´ 1 ¯ E '1 Z p O E pL2' Z remainder. “ p q` ? “ p q ` ” ` ˘ı ” ı 1 We conclude that the rate of convergencep in (1.3.15) is of order p? ´ . p q It is possible to retrieve by using the smart-path formula (1.2.8). With the notations of Example 1.2.16, as explained in [36], we get

˜ 8 distT Q, P‹ sup E Z Pt' 1 Z Pt' 2 Z dt p q“' T 0 p q p q´p q p q P ˇ „ª ⇢ ˇ ˇ 8 1 ˇ ?ˇsup E Pt' 1 Z Pt' 1 ˇZ Pt' 2 Z dt “ ' T 0 p q ` ? ´p q p q´p q p q P ˇ „ª 1 ´ ¯ ⇢ ˇ 1 ˇ 8 3 1 ˇ supˇ E 1 pr Pt' p q Z p dr dt , ˇ “ ? ' T 0 0 p ´ qp q ` ? P ˇ „ª ª ´ ¯ ⇢ ˇ ˇ ˇ where we use the integration byˇ parts formula in the secondp line, and the Taylorˇ expansion of Pt' which is thrice differentiable for any t ° 0 by the regularizing properties of Pt. Then by choosing 2 T ' Cb : ' C2 § 1 , “t P } } b u and using the Mehler formula representation (1.2.7) of Pt', the commutation property, we get for any t R , P ` 3t 3 e´ Pt' p q § x dP‹ x p q ?1 e 2t | | p q 8 ´ ªR ˇ ˇ ´ so that ˇ ˇ ?⇡ distT Q˜ , P‹ § . p q 4?2? Last, note that the ditance can be expressed in the language of Dirichlet forms

8 distT Q˜ , P‹ E LPt' dt p q“ r s ª0 1.4 As a conclusion: Stein-Malliavin criterion on a Gaussian space

As an illustration of the path taken from Stein’s method to Malliavin calculus we choose to present in the last section of this chapter one significant and particularly inspiring infinite- dimensional result: a Stein-Malliavin criterion on a Gaussian space. It provides a "Berry- Esseen" general bound for the Wasserstein distance between the law of a functional of indepen- dent random variables (without any hypothesis on the laws of the sequence of initial variables) and the Normal distribution, and this in terms of Malliavin operators (see Nourdin and Pec- cati [93]). Throuhghout this section, we consider a Gaussian field embedded in an isonormal 1.4. STEIN-MALLIAVIN CRITERION ON A GAUSSIAN SPACE 57 process X X h ,h H where H Ä L2 Ω, A, P is its associated Gaussian subspace. We “t p q P u p q assume that A X and denote Q its distribution. The elaboration of Malliavin calculus “ p q within this framework is detailed in subsection 1.3.1 and we keep the notations introduced there.

Theorem 1.4.1 (Nourdin, Peccati - 2009). Let P‹ denote the standard Gaussian distribution on R.ForanyF D1,4 such that E F 0, P r s“

r r 1 2 d1 F˚Q, P‹ § E 1 F , L´ F H . (1.4.1) c | ´x ´ y | ` ˘ ” ı A look to the proof allows to extract the ingredients to gather to establish the result. As explained in the section devoted to Stein’s method, the reduction of problem leads to tackle with E L1' F E F' F , r p qs“ r p qs that we want to transform into E L2' F remainder. Using the relations between the ´ r p qs` main Malliavin-type operators D, and L, we get:

1 1 E F' F E L L´ F ' F E DL´ F ' F r p qs “ p q p q “ ´ p q p q 1 E D' F , DL´ F H IPP formula “ ‰ “ “x p q ´ ‰y p q 1 E '1 F DF , DL´ F H chain rule “ “ p qx ´ y‰ p q L2' F remainder “´ p q ‰ 1 E '1 F '1 F 1 DF , DL´ F H “ p q ´ p q `x ´ y hkkikkj hkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkj ” ` ˘ ı The last step which consists in using Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and requires that F D1,4 P to use the regularizing property of the semi-group Pt t R` , i.e. p q P 4 1 4 8 t E DL´ F E e´ PtDF dt } }H “ «›ª0 ›H “ ‰ › › § E ›DF 4 . › }› }H › As suggested in blue, the statement of this result“ requires‰ to gather the following ingredients:

• A characterization of P in terms of 1st-order differential operators.

• An underlying Dirichlet-Malliavin structure D, , L, Pt t•0, E . p p q q • An integration by parts formula including .

One of the challenges of the next chapter is to develop the aforementioned tools to state an analogue of the Stein-Malliavin criterion in any countable product of probability spaces. 58 CHAPTER 1. FROM STEIN’S TO STEIN-DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN METHOD Chapter 2

Malliavin calculus and Dirichlet structures for independent random variables

In the first chapter we notably investigated the possibility to derive probabilistic approxi- mations by regular functionals of processes for which there exists a Malliavin calculus. This means exploiting the underlying Dirichlet-Malliavin structure. The motivation of this second chapter is to shape the suitable tools to be able - in the third one - to provide an analogue of the "Stein-Malliavin criterion" for functionals of independent random variables. As suggested earlier, we need to define a modicum of Malliavin-type operators - such as derivative, diver- gence and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators - and the yielded Dirichlet strucure in the general discrete context we choose to investigate: that of a family of independent, non necessarily identically distributed, random variables. The design of our stochastic calculus of variations on any countable product of probability spaces enables to generalize to a certain extent what is known about Rademacher spaces N (see Privault [117]), i.e. 1, 1 endowed by the probability product k Nµk where µk is a t´ u b P Bernoulli distribution on 1, 1 . Despite apparent similarities in their patterns (countable t´ u product of probability spaces in either case), the two approaches of constructing a Malliavin calculus nevertheless remain very different from each other. The Rademacher space, as prod- uct of two-components state spaces, shows a good range of algebraic specifical properties which enable to define a normal martingale Yn n N satisfying a structure equation of the form p q P 2 Y 1 'n Yn. (2.0.1) n “ ` where 'n n N is F-predictable process. This one satisfies a "discrete" predictable represen- p q P tation property such that any square integrable Rademacher functional can be expanded into chaos. The gradient operator expression comes thus from the definition of the annihilation operator as it is introduced. The gradient on the Rademacher space (see Nourdin, Peccati and Reinert [96], Privault [117]) is usually defined as

DkF X1, , Xn E Xk F X1, , Xn X`, ` k (2.0.2) p ¨¨¨ q“ r p ¨¨¨ q| ‰ s P Xk 1 F X1, , 1, , Xn P Xk 1 F X1, , 1, , Xn , p “ p “ q p ¨¨¨ ` ¨¨¨ q´ p “´ q p ¨¨¨ ´ ¨¨¨ q where the 1 are put in the k-th coordinate. It requires, for its very definition to be meaningful, ˘ either that the random variables are real valued or that they only have two possible outcomes.


Moreover, as highlighted by Privault and Schoutens there exists a discrete structure equation if and only if the law of Xk is supported by two points (see proposition 3 in Privault and Schoutens [119]). This leads, in a general context of unspecified Polish spaces, to the obvious impossibility of stating a chaotic decomposition and drives us to define an ad hoc gradient, which does not coincide with the usual one on the Rademacher space (2.0.2). We proceed as follows. In Section 2.1, we define the gradient D and its adjoint , which we call divergence as it appears as the sum of the partial derivatives,asinRn. It is defined thanks to what may arise as the Malliavin calculus cornerstone: the integration by parts formula. The following section is devoted to the exploitation of this new formalism to the statement of representation formulas and functional identities. We establish a Clark representation formula of square integrable random variables and an Helmholtz decomposition of vector fields. We establish a log-Sobolev inequality, strongly reminding that obtained for Poisson processes (see [140]), together with a concentration inequality. Then, we define the number operator L D. It coincides with the generator of a Markov process whose stationary distribution “´ is the tensor probability we started with. We show in Section 2.3 that we can retrieve the classical Dirichlet-Malliavin structures for Poisson processes and Brownian motion as limits of our structures. In that respect, our theory seems to find its place in the pre-existing Malliavin’s landscape.

2.1 Malliavin calculus for independent random variables

Let A be an at most countable set equipped with the counting measure :

2 2 L A u :A R, ua † and u, v L2 A uava. p q p q“# Ñ a A | | 8+ x y “ a A ÿP ÿP Let (Ea,a A) be a family of Polish spaces. For any a A, let Ea and Pa be respectively P P a -field and a probability measure defined on Ea. We consider the probability space EA “ a A Ea equipped with the product -field EA Ea and the tensor product measure P “_a A P P Pa. ±“ba A P The coordinate random variables are denoted by Xa,a A .ForanyB Ä A, XB denotes p P q the random vector Xa,a B , defined on EB a B Ea equipped with the probability p P q “ P PB Pa. “ba B ± P For any a A, let Ga and Fa be the -files defined by P

Ga Xb,b a , Fa Xb,b§ a , “ p ‰ q “ p q

and assume that EA Fa a A. “p q P A process U is a measurable random variable defined on EA A, P A EA . 2 p ˆ p qb q We denote by L EA A the Hilbert space of processes which are square integrable with p ˆ q respect to the measure a A "a PA (where "a is the Dirac measure at point a): P b 2 2 2 ∞ 2 U L EA A E Ua and U, V L EA A E UaVa . p ˆ q } } p ˆ q “ a A x y “ a A r s ÿP “ ‰ ÿP Our presentation follows closely the usual construction of Malliavin calculus from the class of cylindrical functionals, denoted in the following by S. 2.1. MALLIAVIN CALCULUS FOR INDEPENDENT RANDOM VARIABLES 61

Definition 2.1.1. ArandomvariableF is said to be cylindrical if there exist a finite subset 2 B Ä A and a function FB :EB › L A such that F FB rB, where rB is the restriction Ñ p q “ ˝ operator :

rB :EA › EB Ñ xa,a A fi› xa,a B . p P q Ñp P q

This means that F only depends on the finite set of random variables Xa,a B . It is clear 2 p P q that S is dense in L EA . p q The very first tool to be considered is the discrete gradient, whose form is motivated by what follows ; throughout this work, it must be made clear that all the random variables may leave on different spaces, which are only supposed to be Polish spaces. That means that in the definition of the gradient, we cannot use any algebraic property of the underlying spaces. Though some of our applications does concern random variables with finite number of outcomes, it does not seem obvious to exhibit what should be the weights, replacing P Xk 1 p “ q and P Xk 1 appearing in (2.0.2). We offer an alternative definition. ´ p “´ q We first define the gradient of cylindrical functionals, for there is no question of integrability and then extend the domain of the gradient to a larger set of functionals by a limit procedure. In functional analysis terminology, we need to verify the closability of the gradient : If a sequence of functionals converges to 0 and the sequence of their gradients converges, then it should also converges to 0. This is the only way to guarantee in the limit procedure that the limit does not depend on the chosen sequence.

2 Definition 2.1.2 (‹ Discrete gradient). For F S, DF is the process of L EA A defined P p ˆ q by one of the following equivalent formulations : for all a A, P

DaF XA F XA E F XA Ga p q“ p q´ r p q| s F XA F XAra, Xa dPa Xa “ p q´ p q p q ªEa F XA E1 F XAra, X1 , “ p q´ p aq “ ‰ where Xa1 is an independent copy of Xa. Remark 2.1.3. During the preparation of this work, we found strong reminiscences of our gradient with the map ∆, introduced by Stéphane Boucheron, Gábor Lugosi and Pascal Mas- sart in [21], or WanSoo T. Rhee and Michel Talagrand in [124] for the proof of the Efron-Stein inequality, defined by

∆kF X1, , Xn E F X1, , Xk E F X1, , Xk 1 . p ¨¨¨ q“ r | ¨¨¨ s ´ r | ¨¨¨ ´ s Actually, our point of view diverges from that of these works as we do not focus on a particular inequality but rather on the intrinsic properties of our newly defined gradient. Its expression an be interpreted as the measure of the "influence" of the a-th component of the process X on F. Remark 2.1.4. A straightforward calculation shows that for any F, G S,anya A,we P P have

Da FG FDaG GDaF DaFDaG E FG Ga E F Ga E G Ga . p q“ ` ´ ´ r | s` r | s r | s 62 CHAPTER 2. DISCRETE DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

This formula has to be compared with the formula D FG F DG G DF for the Gaussian p q“ p q` p q Malliavin gradient (see (2.3.1) below) and D FG F DG G DF DF DG for the p q“ p q` p q`p qp q Poisson gradient (see (2.3.3) below).

For F S, there exists a finite subset B Ä A such that F FB rB. Thus, for every a B, F P “ ˝ R is Ga-measurable and then DaF 0. This implies that “ 2 2 2 2 DF L A EA E DaF E DaF † , } } p ˆ q “ «a A | | “ «a B | | 8 ÿP ÿP 2 hence DaF,a A defines an element of L EA A . p P q p ˆ q 2 Definition 2.1.5. The set of simple processes, denoted by S0 ` A is the set of random p p qq variables defined on EA A of the form ˆ U Ua 1a, “ a B ÿP for B a finite subset of A and such that Ua belongs to S for any a B. P

The key formula for the sequel is the so-called integration by parts. It amounts to compute 2 the adjoint of D in L EA A . p ˆ q Theorem 2.1.6 (‹ Integration by parts). Let F S.ForeverysimpleprocessU, P

2 DF, U L EA A E F DaUa . (2.1.1) p ˆ q x y “ « a A ÿP Thanks to the latter formula, we are now in position to prove the closability of D: for Fn n N˚ p q P a sequence of cylindrical functionals,

n n F ›››Ñ8 0 and DF ››››››Ñ8 ⌘ ⌘ 0. n 2 n 2 L AÑ L EA AÑ ùñ “ ˆ p q p ˆ q ˙ 2 2 Corollary 2.1.7 (‹). The operator D is closable from L A into L EA A . p q p ˆ q We denote the domain of D in L2 A by D, the closure of the class of cylindrical functions p q with respect to the norm 1 2 2 2 2 2 F 1,2 F L A DF L EA A . } } “ } } p q `} } p ˆ q We could as well define p-norms corresponding´ to Lp integrability.¯ However, for the current applications, the case p 2 is sufficient and the apparent lack of hypercontractivity of the “ Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semi-group (see below Section 2.1.2) lessens the probable usage of other integrability order. Since D is defined as a closure, it is often useful to have a general criterion to ensure that a functional F, which is not cylindrical, belongs to D. The following criterion exists as is in the settings of Wiener and Poisson spaces.

Lemma 2.1.8 (‹). If there exists a sequence Fn n N˚ of elements of D such that p q P 2 1. Fn converges to F in L EA , p q 2. sup DFn D is finite, n } } then F belongs to D and DF limn DFn in D. “ Ñ8 2.1. MALLIAVIN CALCULUS FOR INDEPENDENT RANDOM VARIABLES 63

2.1.1 Divergence We can now introduce the adjoint of D, often called the divergence as for the Lebesgue measure on Rn, the usual divergence is the adjoint of the usual gradient. Definition 2.1.9 (‹ Divergence). Let

2 2 2 Dom U L EA A : c ° 0, F D, DF, U L EA A § c F L A . “ P p ˆ q D @ P |x y p ˆ q| } } p q ! ) For any U belonging to Dom , U is the element of L2 A characterized by the following p q identity 2 DF, U L EA A E F U , for all F D. x y p ˆ q “ r s P The integration by parts formula (2.1.1) entails that for every U Dom , P

U DaUa. “ a A ÿP The expression of ,asthesumofthe partial derivatives,asinRn, allows to legitimize the name of divergence we give it. In the setting of Malliavin calculus for Brownian motion, the divergence of adapted processes coincides with the Itô integral and the square moment of U is then given by the Itô isometry formula. We now see how this extends to our situation.

2 2 Definition 2.1.10 (‹). The Hilbert space D ` A is the closure of S0 ` A with respect p p qq p p qq to the norm 2 2 2 U D `2 A E Ua E DaUb . } } p p qq “ «a A | | ` «a A b A | | ÿP ÿP ÿP In particular, this means that the map DU DaUb,a,b A is Hilbert-Schmidt as a map 2 “p P q from L EA A into itself. As a consequence, for two such maps DU and DV,themap p ˆ q DU DV is trace-class (see Yosida [142]) with ˝

trace DU DV DaUb DbVa . p ˝ q“a,b Ap qp q ÿP The next formula is the counterpart of the Itô isometry formula for the Brownian motion, sometimes called the Weitzenböck formula (see Privault [117, Eqn. (4.3.3)]) in the Poisson settings. Theorem 2.1.11 (‹). The space D `2 A is included in Dom .ForanyU, V belonging to p p qq D `2 A , p p qq E U V E trace DU DV . (2.1.2) r s“ r p ˝ qs Remark 2.1.12. It must be noted that compared to the analogue identity for the Brownian and the Poisson settings, the present formula is slightly different. For both processes, with corresponding notations, we have

2 2 2 2 U L A U L EA A trace DU DU . } } p q “} } p ˆ q ` p ˝ q

The absence of the term U L2 A gives to our formula a much stronger resemblance to the } } p q analogue equation for the Lebesgue measure. As in this latter case, we do have here 1 0 “ 64 CHAPTER 2. DISCRETE DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN CALCULUS whereas for the Brownian motion, it yields the Itô integral of the constant function equal to one. If A N, let Fn Xk,k§ n and assume that U is adapted, i.e. for all n • 1, “ “ t u Un Fn. Then, DnUk 0 as soon as n ° k, hence P “ 2 2 8 E U E Un E Un Fn 1 , ´ p q “ «n 1 ´ r | s “ ‰ ÿ“ ´ ¯ 2 2 i.e. E U is the L N EN -norm of the innovation process associated to U, which appears p q p ˆ q in filtering theory. “ ‰ 2.1.2 Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semi-group and generator Having defined a gradient and a divergence, one may consider the Laplacian-like operator defined by L D, which is also called the number operator in the settings of Gaussian “´ Malliavin calculus. Definition 2.1.13 (‹). The number operator, denoted by L, is defined on its domain

2 2 Dom L F L A : E DaF † “ # P p q «a A | | 8+ ÿP by LF DF DaF. (2.1.3) “´ “´a A ÿP The map L can be viewed as the generator of a symmetric Markov process X, which is ergodic, whose stationary probability is PA.AssumefirstthatA is finite. Consider Zt t R` aPoisson p q P process on the half-line of rate A , and the process Xt X1,t, , XN,t,t• 0 which evolves | | “p ¨¨¨ q according to the following rule: At a jump time of Z, • Choose randomly (with equiprobability) an index a A, P • Replace Xa by an independent random variable Xa1 distributed according to Pa. a For every x EA, a A, set x x1, ,xa 1,xa 1, ,xA . The generator of the P P “p ¨¨¨ ´ ` ¨¨¨ | |q Markov process X is clearly given by 1 A F x a,x F x dP x D F x . (2.1.4) A a1 a a1 a | | a A Ea p q´ p q p q“´a A p q ÿP | | ª ´ ¯ ÿP The factor A is due to the intensity of the Poisson process Z which jumps at rate A ,the | | | | factor A 1 is due to the uniform random choice of an index a A. Thus, for a finite set A, | |´ P L coincides with the generator of X. Remark 2.1.14. This result is in fact transposable in terms of a regular Markov process of parameters ⌫, Q where ⌫ is a probability measure on a state space E and Q atransition p q matrix.The Markov process is contructed in a trajectorial way (see for instance Decreusefond and Moyal [39]). Let E EA, X0 be a random variable with law ⌫ and define the matrix a “ a a Q q x, x ,z , x, x ,z EA E Ea as follows : “ p q p p qq P ˆ A ˆ ´ ¯ ` q x, x A p q“|| a dPa z $ q x, x ,z p q,z Ea & p q “ A P ` ˘ | | % 2.1. MALLIAVIN CALCULUS FOR INDEPENDENT RANDOM VARIABLES 65 that is well defined since q x, x a,z 1. a A z Ea p q “ As a reminder, the generatorP of aP regular Markov process X of parameters ⌫, Q is given for ∞ ∞ ` ˘ p q f L EA by P 8p q a a AQF x, y q x, x F y F x q x, y q x, x F x ,z F x q x, x ,z p q“ p q p p q´ p qq p q“ p q p p q´ p qq p p qq ‰x a A ‰xa y EA z Ea Pÿ ÿP Pÿ so that we retrieve (2.1.4).

Denote by P Pt t R` the semi-group of X ; for any x EA, for any bounded f :EA R, “p q P P Ñ

PtF x E F Xt X0 x . p q“ r p q| “ s

Then, Pt,t• 0 is a strong Feller semi-group on L EA . This result still holds when EA is p q 8p q countable.

Theorem 2.1.15 (‹). For any countable set A, L defined as in (2.1.3) generates a strong Feller continuous semi-group Pt t•0 on L EA . p q 8p q As a consequence, there exists a Markov process X whose generator is L as defined in (2.1.3). It admits as a core (a dense subset of its domain) the set of cylindrical functions.

From the sample-path construction of X, the next result is straightforward for A finite and can be obtained by a limit procedure for A countable.

xa Theorem 2.1.16 (‹ Mehler formula). For a A, xa Ea and t ° 0,letX the random P P a,t variable defined by x with probability e t, Xxa a ´ a,t t “ #Xa1 with probability 1 e´ , ´ where Xa1 is a Pa-distributed random variable independent from everything else. In other xa xa xa words, if Pa,t denotes the distribution of Xa,t, Pa,t is a convex combination of xa and Pa :

xa t t P e´ x 1 e´ Pa. a,t “ a `p ´ q

For any x EA,anyt ° 0, P

xa PtF x F y dPa,t ya . p q“ EA p qba A p q ª P

It follows easily that Pt t•0 is ergodic and stationary : p q law law lim Pt F x FdP and X0 P Xt P. t p q“ “ ùñ “ Ñ8 ªEA We then retrieve the classical formula (in the sense that it holds as is for Brownian motion and Poisson process) of commutation between D and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semi-group.

2 Theorem 2.1.17 (‹). Let F L EA .Foreverya A, x EA, P p q P P


2.2 Functional identities

This section is devoted to several functional identities which constitute the crux of the matter if we want to do some computations with our new tools. These can be associated to two areas of interest, which are also linked in our context: representation theorems and concentration inequalities. The first part of this section is devoted to the statement of a representation identity, the ana- log to the Clark-Ocone formula and its corollaries (for original functional identities see Bakry Gentil and Ledoux[12], Ledoux [82], Talagrand [134]): Poincaré’s inequality and a covariance identity. The Clark formula is also the initial point to lead to a log-Sobolev inequality, strongly reminding that obtained for Poisson processes (see Wu [140]), together with a concentration inequality.

It is classical that the notion of adaptability is linked to the support of the gradient.

Lemma 2.2.1 (‹). Assume that A N and let Fn Xk,k§ n .ForanyF D, F is “ “ t u P Fk-measurable if and only if DnF 0 for any n ° k.Asaconsequence,DF 0 if and only “ “ if F E F . “ r s It is also well known that, in the Brownian and Poisson settings, D and conditional expectation commute.

Lemma 2.2.2 (‹). For any F D,foranyk • 1,wehave P

Dk E F Fk E DkF Fk . (2.2.1) r | s“ r | s The Brownian martingale representation theorem says that a martingale adapted to the fil- tration of a Brownian motion is in fact a stochastic integral. The Clark formula gives the expression of the integrand of this stochastic integral in terms of the Malliavin gradient of the terminal value of the martingale. We here have the analogue formula.

Theorem 2.2.3 (‹ Clark formula). For A N and F D, “ P

8 F E F Dk E F Fk . “ r s`k 1 r | s ÿ“ Since Malliavin calculus is agnostic to any time reference, we do not even assume that we have an order on the product space. It is not a major feature since a countable set A is by definition one-to-one with the set of natural integers and thus inherits of at least one order structure. However, this added degree of freedom appears to be useful (see the Clark decomposition of the number of fixed points of a random permutations in Section 3.1) and bears strong resemblance with the different filtrations which can be put on an abstract Wiener space, via the notion of resolution of the identity (see Üstünel and Zakai[136]).

Corollary 2.2.4 (‹). Within the assumptions of theorem 2.2.3 ; if A is finite and if there is no privileged order on A,wecanwrite

1 A ´ 1 F E F | | Db E F XB . “ r s` B B r | s BÄA ˆ ˙ b B ÿ | | | | ÿP 2.2. FUNCTIONAL IDENTITIES 67

Remark 2.2.5. The chaos decomposition is usually deduced from Clark formula by iteration. If we apply Clark formula to E F Fk , we get r | s 8 DkE F Fk DkDjE F Fj k DkE F Fk , ^ r | s“j 1 r | s“¨¨¨“ r | s ÿ“ and we get back to our starting point, since j ° k implies DjE F Fk 0 in view of r | s“ Lemma 2.2.1. Furthermore, the same holds when k ° j since it is easily seen that DjDk “ DkDj.Forj k, simply remark that DkDk Dk. Hence, it seems that we cannot go further “ “ this way to find a potential chaos decomposition. As mentioned in the Introduction, it may be useful to reverse the time arrow. Choose an order on A so that A can be seen as N. Then, let

Fn Xk,k° n . “ t u and for any n 0, , N 1 , Pt ¨¨¨ ´ u q N N F Fn FN and F F0 , EA for k • N. n “ k “ “tH u N £ Note that F FNqand asq in Lemma 2.2.1,q F is Fk-measurable if and only if DnF 0 for 0 “ “ any n § k. q q Theorem 2.2.6 (‹). For every F in D,

8 F E F Dk E F Fk 1 . ´ “ r s`k 1 | ÿ“ “ ‰ In the present context, the next result is a Poincaré typeq inequality as it gives a bound for the variance of F in terms of the oscillations of F. In other context, it turns out to be called the Efron-Stein inequality (see Boucheron, Lugosi and Massart [21]). It can be noted that both the statement and the proof are similar in the Brownian and Poisson settings. Corollary 2.2.7 (‹ Poincaré or Efron-Stein inequality). For any F D, P 2 2 Var F § DF L EA A . p q } } p ˆ q Another corollary of the Clark formula is the following covariance identity. Theorem 2.2.8 (‹ Covariance identity). For any F, G D, P

cov F, G E DkE F Fk DkG . (2.2.2) p q“ «k A r | s ÿP As for the other versions of the Malliavin calculus (Brownian, Poisson and Rademacher), from (2.1.5), can be deduced another covariance identity. Theorem 2.2.9 (‹). For any F, G D, P

8 t cov F, G E DkF e´ PtE DkG Fk dt . (2.2.3) p q“ «k A 0 r | s ÿP ª 68 CHAPTER 2. DISCRETE DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

Then, using the so-called Herbst principle, we can derive a concentration inequality, in its large deviation formulation, which, as usual, requires an L8 bound on the derivative of the functional to be valid.

Theorem 2.2.10 (‹ Concentration inequality). Let F for which there exists an order on A with 8 M sup DkF X E DkF X Fk † . “ X EA k 1 | p q| r| p q| | s 8 P ÿ“ Then, for any x • 0,wehave

x2 P F E F • x § exp p ´ r s q ´2M ¨ ˆ ˙ In the Gaussian case, the concentration inequality is deduced from the logarithmic Sobolev inequality. This does not seem to be feasible in the present context because D is not a derivation, i.e. does not satisfy D FG FDG GDF. There is so some interest to study an p q“ ` inequality such as DF 2 Entµ F § C Eµ | | , (2.2.4) r s F „ ⇢ that can be stated if, for instance, µ is the Bernoulli measure on 0, 1 or the Poisson measure t u on N and D the associated usual discrete gradient in each case. We still have an LSI identity comparable to (2.2.4). For the proof of it, we follow closely the proofs of Nicolas Privault [116] and Liming Wu [140]. They are based on two ingredients: the Itô formula and the martingale representation theorem. We get an ersatz of the former but the latter seems inaccessible as we do not impose the random variables to live in the same probability space and to be real valued. Should it be the case, to the best of our knowledge, the martingale representation formula is known only for the Rademacher space (see Williams [139, Section 15.1]), which is exactly the framework of Nicolas Privault [116]. This lack of a predictable representation explains the conditioning in the denominator of (2.2.5).

Theorem 2.2.11 (‹ Logarithmic Sobolev inequality). Let a positive random variable G P L log L EA .Then, p q 2 DkG E G log G E G log E G § E | | . (2.2.5) r s´ r s r s E G G k A „ k ⇢ ÿP r | s In the usual on R3, the Helhmoltz decomposition stands that a sufficiently smooth vector field can be resolved in the sum of a curl-free vector field and a divergence-free vector field. We have here the exact counterpart with our definition of gradient.

Theorem 2.2.12 (‹ Helhmoltz decomposition). Let U D `2 A .Thereexistsaunique 2 2 P p p qq couple ', V where ' L EA and V L EA A such that E ' 0, V 0 and p q P p q P p ˆ q r s“ “

Ua Da' Va, “ ` for any a A. P 2.2. FUNCTIONAL IDENTITIES 69

We choose to highlight the similarities and differences of the classical functional inequalities obtained in the Gaussian and Poisson settings and their analogues in our discrete framework through the following summary table. The identities relating to "Gaussian space", held on any Gaussian fields (we keep the notations used on subsection 1.3.1) except from the Clark formula stated here with respect to the standard Brownian motion. Those relating to "Poisson space" are true in any Poisson space constructed on an underlying measurable space X,µ p q where µ is a -finite measure, apart from the Clark formula, given here for Nt t R` aPoisson p q P point process on R with intensity 1. Most of the identites stated in Gaussian spaces can ` be retrieved in Bakry, Gentil and Ledoux [12],Ledoux [82], Nourdin and Peccati [94] and for Poisson spaces in Last and Penrose [80], Peccati and Reinert [110], Wu [140]. The logarithmic Sobolev inequality for differentiable Wiener functionals F,

Ent F2 § 2E rF 2 , (2.2.6) r s } }H “ ‰ initially stated by Leonard Gross in [62] can be retrieved via the application of the Clark formula. It does not exist in its original form (2.2.6) due to the absence of chain rule formula for discrete gradients. This also explains the lack of hypercontractivity property in Poisson and discrete settings, actually equivalent to (2.2.6). Ivan Nourdin, Giovanni Peccati and Xiaochuan Yang nevertheless ruled on an restricted hypercontractivity in the Poisson space in a recent work [91]. In the table below we review the identities established above, and compare them to their analogues in the Gaussian/Brownian and Poisson cases.

Table 2.1: Functional identities - Similarities and differences

Gaussian space Poisson space IR variables

1 n n 1 n n Chaos F E F E rp qF F E F E Dp qF No decomposition “ r s` • n! “ r s` • n! n 1 ´ „ ⇢¯ n 1 ´ ¯ decomposition ÿ ÿ “ ‰

8 8 8 Clark F E F E DtF Ft dBt F E F E DtF Ft dNt dt F E F Dk E F Fk . “ r s` r | s “ r s` r | sp ´ q “ r s` r | s ª0 ª0 k 1 formula ÿ“

2 2 r r 2 2 2 Isometry U L Ω U L2 Ω E tr U U U L2 Ω U L2 Ω E tr DU DU U L2 Ω E tr DU DU } } p q “} } ` r p ˝ qs } } “} } ` r p ˝ qs } } “ r p ˝ qs formula p q p q p q p q

2 1 2 8 DkF Modified log-Sobolev Ent F § E rF, r log F H Ent F § E min F´ DxF , Ent F § E | | p q rx y s p q p | | p q E F G „ E k 1 „ k ⇢ ª ÿ“ r | s inequality DxFDx log F dµ x q p q ⇢ restricted hypercontractivity Hypercontractivity PtF 1 e2t p 1 § F p PtF 1 et p 1 § F p No regularizing property } } ` p ´ q } } } } ` p ´ q } } (F L2 Ω ) (F • 0, DF § 0 on X) P p q 70 CHAPTER 2. DISCRETE DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

2.3 Dirichlet structures

Despite apparent dissimilarities of structures, such as the lack of chaotic decomposition in our construction (see remark 2.2.5), we nevertheless succeeded in connecting our elaboration to the preexiting theories for Brownian motion and Poisson processes; this through Dirich- let structures. Inspirated by the binding identities between Malliavin calculus and Dirichlet forms, we provide to any countable product of probability spaces a Dirichlet structure natu- rally induced by our construction. In the two following subsections, we state that the usual Poisson and Brownian Dirichlet structures (see Bouleau and Hirsch [23]), associated to their respective gradient, can be retrieved as limits of the structures induced by our formalism. We borrow for that the idea of convergence of Dirichlet structures to Bouleau [22].

On EA, PA , we have already implicitly built a Dirichlet structure, i.e. a Markov process X, p q a semi-group P and a generator L (see subsection 2.1.2). It remains to define the Dirichlet form EA such that EA F E F LF for any sufficiently regular functional F. p q“ r s Definition 2.3.1 (‹). For F D, define P

2 2 E 2 A F E DaF DF L EA A . p q“ «a A | | “} } p ˆ q ÿP The integration by parts formula means that this form is closed. Since we do not assume any property on Ea for any a A and since we do not seem to have a product rule formula for the P gradient, we cannot assert more properties for EA. However, following [22], we now show that we can reconstruct the usual gradient structures on Poisson and Wiener spaces as well chosen limits of our construction. For these two situations, we have a Polish space W , equipped with B its Borelean -field and a probability measure P. There also exists a Dirichlet form E defined on a set of functionals D. Let EN, AN be a sequence of Polish spaces, all equipped p q with a probability measure PN and their own Dirichlet form EN, defined on DN. Consider maps UN from EN into W such that UN PN, the pullback measure of PN by UN, converges p q˚ in distribution to P. We assume that for any F D,themapF UN belongs to DN. The P ˝ image Dirichlet structure is defined as follows. For any F D, P UN E F EN F UN . p q“ p ˝ q We adapt the following definition from Bouleau [22].

Definition 2.3.2. With the previous notations, we say that UN PN, N N˚ converges pp q˚ P q as a Dirichlet distribution whenever for any F Lip D, P X lim EUN F E F . N p q“ p q Ñ8 2.3.1 Brownian motion

We now consider P as the Wiener measure on WB C0 0, 1 ; R . Denote T 0, 1 . Let “ pr s q 1 “r s hk,k N be an orthonormal basis of the Cameron-Martin space H (defined by (1.3.1)). p P ˚q For any function F:WB R cylindrical of the form Ñ

F f W g1 , , W gn , “ p p q ¨¨¨ p qq 2.3. DIRICHLET STRUCTURES 71 where W g coincides with the Wiener integral of g and f belongs to the Schwartz space p q S Rn . As a reminder, for t R , p q P `

W 1 0,t B t , r s “ p q where B stands for the standard Brownian` motion˘ on R and for h H1, P n f r F B v , , v h . (2.3.1) h x B 1 B n k “ k 1 k p ¨¨¨ q ÿ“ B 2 2 1 1,2 The map r is closable from L WB to L WB; H . Thus, it is meaningful to define D as p q p q B the closure of cylindrical functions for the norm

1 2 2 2 2 r 2 1 F 1,2 F L WB F L WB;H . } } “ } } p q `} } p q ´ ¯ Definition 2.3.3. A function F:W R is said to be H-C1 if Ñ 1 • for almost all ! WB, h fi› F ! h is a on H , P Ñ p ` q

• for almost all ! WB, h fi› F ! h is continuously Fréchet differentiable and this P Ñ p ` q Fréchet derivative is continuous from H1 into R H1. b We still denote by rF the element of H1 such that

d F ! ⌧h rF ! ,hH1 . d⌧ p ` q “x p q y ˇ⌧ 0 ˇ “ ˇ For N N˚,let ˇ P t N N N ek t ?N 1 k 1 N,k N t and hk t ek s ds. p q“ rp ´ q{ { qp q p q“ p q ª0 N 1 The family h ,k 1, , N is then orthonormal in H .ForMk,k 1, , N a se- p k “ ¨¨¨ q p “ ¨¨¨ q quence of independent identically distributed random variables, centered with unit variance, the N N N ! t Mk hk t , for all t 0, 1 , p q“k 1 p q Pr s ÿ“ N is known to converge in distribution in WB to P. Let EN R equipped with the product N “ measure PN k 1⌫ where ⌫ is the standard Gaussian measure on R.Wedefinethemap “b“ UN as follows:

UN :EN › WB Ñ N N m m1, ,mN fi› mk hk . “p ¨¨¨ q Ñ k 1 ÿ“ It follows from our definition that: 72 CHAPTER 2. DISCRETE DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

2 Lemma 2.3.4 (‹). For any F L WB; R , P p q

N 2 UN N N N E F E F ! E1 F ! M1 h , p q“ p q´ p k ` k k q k 1 „ p q ⇢ ÿ“ ´ ” ı¯ N N N where ! k ! Mk hk and Mk1 is an independent copy of Mk.Theexpectationistakenon p q “ ´ N 1 the product space R equipped with the measure PN ⌫. ` b The definition of Lipschitz function we use here is the following:

1 Definition 2.3.5. A function F:WB R is said to be Lipschitz if it is H-C and for almost Ñ all ! WB, P 9 rF ! ,h § h 1 . |x p q y| } }L N In particular since ek • 0, this implies that 1 rF ! ,hN § hN 1 hN 0 ; k 1, , N. |x p q k y| k p q´ k p q“?N “ ¨¨¨

1 For F DB H-C ,wehave P X 9 F ! h F ! rF ! ,hH1 h 1 " !,h , (2.3.2) p ` q´ p q“x p q y `} }L p q 2 9 where " !,h is bounded and goes to 0 in L , uniformly with as h 1 tends to 0. p q } }L 1 Theorem 2.3.6 (‹). For any F DB H-C , P X

UN N 2 E F ›››Ñ8 E rF 1 E F . p q Ñ } }H “ p q Remark 2.3.7. The error caculus theory is provided“ by‰ the following principle: the variance of the error on a random variable X, represented by Γ X , is thus attached to it. Then if the p q sequence of pairs Xn, Γ Xn converges suitably, it converges necessarily to a pair X, Γ X . p p qq p p qq We can interpret the result of Theorem 2.3.6 in this perspective: the approximation of the Brownian motion by a random walk is validated by the convergence of the associated error structures.


Let Y be a compact Polish space and NY be the set of weighted configurations, i.e. the set of integer valued, locally finite measures on Y. Such a measure is of the form

8 ! pn "⇣n , “ n 1 ÿ“ where ⇣n n N˚ is a set of distinct points in Y with no accumulation point, pn n N˚ any p q P p q P sequence of positive integers. The topology on NY is defined by the semi-norms

8 pf ! pn f ⇣n , p q“ˇ p qˇ ˇn 1 ˇ ˇ ÿ“ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ


N ffi 2) the ⇣k ’s are su ciently well spread so that we have convergence of Riemann sums : For any continuous and M-integrable function f : Y R,wehave Ñ N N N N f ⇣k pk ›››Ñ8 f x dM x . (2.3.6) k 1 p q Ñ p q p q ÿ“ ª N Take f 1 implies that k pk tends to 1 as N goes to infinity. “ N For any N N˚ and any k 1, , N , let µk be the Poisson distribution on N, of parameter N P ∞Pt ¨¨¨N u N N N p . In this situation, let EN N with µ µ . That means we have independent k “ “bk 1 k random variables MN, , MN, where MN follows a“ Poisson distribution of parameter pN for 1 ¨¨¨ N k k any k 1, , N . We turn these independent random variables into a point process by the Pt ¨¨¨ u map UN defined as

N UN : N › NY Ñ N m1, ,mN fi› mk " N . ⇣k p ¨¨¨ q Ñ k 1 ÿ“

Lemma 2.3.8 (‹). For any F DP, P N 2 UN 8 8 N N N N E F E F ! `" N F ! ⌧" N µ ⌧ µ ` , (2.3.7) » m ⇣m m ⇣m m fi m p q“m 1 ` 0 ˜⌧ 0 p p q ` q´ p p q ` q p q¸ p q ÿ“ ÿ“ ÿ“ ´ ¯ – fl N N N where ! m k m Mk "⇣ . p q “ ‰ k Proof. According∞ its very definition,

N 2 UN N N 8 N N E F E F ! M " N F ! ⌧" N µ ⌧ . m m ⇣m m ⇣m m p q“m 1 »˜ p p q ` q´⌧ 0 p p q ` q p q¸ fi ÿ“ ÿ“ – fl N N The result follows by conditioning with respect to Mm, whose law is µm.

Since the vague topology on NY is metrizable, one could define Lipschitz functions with respect to this distance. However, this turns out to be not sufficient for the convergence to hold.

Definition 2.3.9. A function F: NY R is said to be TV Lip if F is continuous for the Ñ ´ vague topology and if for any !, ⌘ NY, P

F ! F ⌘ § distTV !, ⌘ , | p q´ p q| p q where distTV represents the distance in total variation between two point measures, i.e. the number of distinct points counted with multiplicity.

Theorem 2.3.10 (‹). For any F TV Lip DP ,withthenotationsofLemma[2.3.8] P ´ X and (2.3.4), N N E F ›››Ñ8 E F . p q Ñ p q 2.4. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 2 75

2.4 Proofs of chapter 2

2.4.1 Proofs of Section 2.1 2 Proof of Theorem 2.1.6. The process trace DU DaUa a B belongs to L EA A :using p q“p q P p ˆ q the Jensen inequality, we have:

2 2 2 2 trace DU L EA A E DaUa § 2 E Ua † . (2.4.1) } p q} p ˆ q “ «a B | | a B 8 ÿP ÿP “ ‰ Moreover,

2 DF, U L EA A E F E F Ga Ua p ˆ q x y “ «a Ap ´ r | sq ÿP

E F E F Ga Ua E F Ua E Ua Ga , “ «a Bp ´ r | sq “ « a Bp ´ r | sq ÿP ÿP 2 since the conditional expectation is a projection in L EA . p q Proof of corollary 2.1.7. Let Fn n N˚ be a sequence of random variables defined on S such 2 p q P 2 that Fn converges to 0 in L EA and the sequence DFn converges to ⌘ in L EA A . Let U p q p ˆ q be a simple process. From the integration by parts formula (2.1.1)

E DaFn Ua E Fn DaUa «a A “ « a A ÿP ÿP 2 where DaUa L EA in view of (2.4.1). Then, a A P p q ÿP

2 ⌘, U L EA A lim E Fn DaUa 0, p ˆ q n x y “ Ñ8 « a A “ ÿP for any simple process U. It follows that ⌘ 0 and then the operator D is closable from 2 2 “ L EA to L EA A . p q p ˆ q

Proof of Lemma 2.1.8. Since supn DFn D is finite, there exists a subsequence which we still } } 2 denote by DFn,n • 1 weakly convergent in L EA A to some limit denoted by ⌘.For p q p ˆ q k ° 0, let nk be such that Fm F 2 † 1 k for m • nk. The Mazur’s Theorem implies that } ´ }L { there exists a convex combination of elements of DFm,m• nk such that p q

Mk ↵k DF ⌘ † 1 k. i mi 2 ´ L EA A { › i 1 › p ˆ q › ÿ“ › k › › Moreover, since the ↵i are positive and sums to 1,

Mk ↵k F F § 1 k. i mi 2 ´ L EA { › i 1 › p q › ÿ“ › › › 76 CHAPTER 2. DISCRETE DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

We have thus constructed a sequence

Mk k k F ↵i Fmi “ i 1 ÿ“ k 2 k 2 such that F tends to F in L and DF converges in L EA A to a limit. By the construction p ˆ q of D, this means that F belongs to D and that DF ⌘. “ 2 Proof of Lemma 2.1.11. For U and V in S0 ` A , from the integration by parts formula, p p qq

2 E U V D U , V L EA A r s“x p q y p ˆ q

E Da U Va “ «a A p q ÿP

E Va Da DbUb “ » p qfi a,b A2 p ÿqP – fl

E Va Db DaUb “ » p qfi a,b A2 p ÿqP – fl

E DbVa DaUb E trace DU DV . “ » p qp qfi “ r p ˝ qs a,b A2 p ÿqP – fl 2 2 2 It follows that E U § U 2 . Then, by density, D ` A Ä Dom and Eqn. (2.1.2) } }D ` A p p qq holds for U and V in Dom . p p qq “ ‰

Proof of Theorem 2.1.15. To prove the existence of Pt t R` for a countable set, we apply the p q P Hille-Yosida theorem:

2 Theorem 2.4.1 (Hille-Yosida). AlinearoperatorL on L EA is the generator of a strongly 2 p q continuous contraction semigroup on L EA if and only if p q 2 1. Dom L is dense in L EA . p q 2. L is dissipative i.e. for any ° 0, F Dom L, P

2 2 F LF L EA • F L EA . } ´ } p q } } p q

2 3. Im Id L is dense in L EA . p ´ q p q 2 We know that S Ä Dom L and that S is dense in L EA , then so does Dom L. p q 2 Let An n N˚ an increasing sequence of subsets of A such that n•1 An A.ForF L EA , p q P “ P p q let Fn E F FAn . Since Fn n N˚ is a square integrable F-martingale, Fn converges to F “ r | s p2 q P î both almost-surely and in L EA .Foranyn N , Fn depends only on XA .Abusingthe p q P ˚ n notation, we still denote by Fn its restriction to EAn so that we can consider LnFn where Ln is 2.4. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 2 77 defined as above on EA . Moreover, according to Lemma 2.2.2, DaFn E DaF FA , hence n “ r | n s 2 2 2 2 Fn 2 § Fn LnFn 2 E Fn DaFn L EA L EAn » fi } } p q } ´ } p q “ ˜ ` a A ¸ ÿP – 2 fl n 2 E E F DaF FA ›››Ñ8 F LF 2 . » n fi L EA “ « ` a A Ñ} ´ } p q ÿP ˇ – ˇ fl Therefore, point (2) is satisfied. ˇ 2 Since An is finite, there exists Gn L EA such that P p n q

Fn Id Ln Gn XA Gn XA DaGn XA “p ´ q p n q“ p n q` p n q a An ÿP G˜ n XA DaG˜ n XA G˜ n XA DaG˜ n XA , “ p q` p q“ p q` p q a An a A ÿP ÿP ˜ where Gn XA Gn XAn depends only on the components whose index belongs to An. This p q“ p q 2 means that Fn belongs to the range of Id L and we already know it converges in L EA ´ p q to F.

xb Proof of Theorem 2.1.17. For A finite, a A, let Ga,t : X ,b a so that P “ p b,t ‰ q DaPtF x PtF x E PtF x Ga,t p q“ p q´ r p q| s E F Xt X0 x E E F Xt X0 x Ga,t “ r p q| “ s´ r r p q| “ s| s E F Xt X0 x E E F Xt Ga,t X0 x “ r p q| “ s´ r r p q| s| “ s PtDaF x . “ p q For A infinite, let An n N˚ an increasing sequence of finite subsets of A such that n•1 An 2 p q P “ A.ForF L EA , let Fn E F FAn . Since P is a contraction semi-group, for any t, P p q 2 “ r | s î PtFn tends to PtF in L EA as n goes to infinity. From the Mehler formula, we known that n n p q PtFn P Fn where P is the semi-group associated to Pn, hence “ t n n DaPtFn DaP Fn P DaFn. (2.4.2) “ t “ t Moreover,

2 2 E DaPtFn E PtDaFn | | “ | | «a An a An ÿP ÿP “ 2 ‰ § E DaFn | | a An ÿP “ ‰ 2 E E DaF FA “ | r | n s| a An ÿP “ 2 ‰ § E DaF | | a An ÿP “ ‰ § DF 2 . } }D According to Lemma [2.1.8], this means that PtF belongs to D. Let n go to infinity in (2.4.2) yields (2.1.5). 78 CHAPTER 2. DISCRETE DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

tL Remark 2.4.2. An alternative proof consists in using the identity PtF e F and then the “ ´ equivalent expression of Pt as tn P F LnF. (2.4.3) t n! “ n N ÿP Moreover, as follows from DaDa Da and DbDa DaDb for any a, b A that “ “ P

LDaF DaDaF DbDaF Da DaF DbF DaLF, “ b A,b a “ ` b A,b a “ P ÿ‰ ´ P ÿ‰ ¯ we get by induction that n n L Da L Da “ on S. We conclude by plotting this in (2.4.3) and using a density argument.

2.4.2 Proofs of Section 2.2

Proof of Lemma 2.2.1. Let k A.AssumethatF Fk. Then, for every n ° k, F is Gn- P P measurable and DnF 0. “ Let F D such that DnF 0 for every n ° k. Then F is Gn-measurable for any n ° k.From P “ the equality Fk Gn, it follows that F is Fk-measurable. “ n°k ì Proof of Lemma 2.2.2. For any k N˚, Fk Gk Fk 1, hence P X “ ´

DkE F Fk E F Fk E F Fk 1 E DkF Fk . r | s“ r | s´ r | ´ s“ r | s The proof is thus complete.

Proof of Theorem 2.2.3. Let F a Fn-measurable random variable. It is clear that

n n F E F E F Fk E F Fk 1 DkE F Fk . ´ ´ r s“k 1 p r | s ´ r | sq “ k 1 r | s ÿ“ ÿ“ For F D, apply this identity to Fn E F Fn to obtain P “ r | s n Fn E F DkE F Fk . ´ r s“k 1 r | s ÿ“ Remark that for ` ° k, in view of Lemma 2.2.1,

E Dk E F Fk D` E F F` E D`Dk E F Fk E F F` 0, (2.4.4) r r | s r | ss “ r r | s r | ss “ since Dk E F Fk is Fk-measurable. Hence, we get r | s n 2 2 2 E F E F • E Fn E F E DkE F Fk . | ´ r s| | ´ r s| “ k 1 r | s “ ‰ “ ‰ ÿ“ ” ı 2 Thus, the sequence DkE F Fk ,k N belongs to ` N and the result follows by a limit p r | s P ˚q p q procedure. 2.4. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 2 79

Proof of Corollary 2.2.4. We now analyze the non-ordered situation. If A is finite, each bijec- tion between A and 1, ,n defines an order on A. Hence, there are A ! possible filtrations. t ¨¨¨ u | | Each term of the form

Di E F Xi1 , , Xi k r | ¨¨¨ k s appears k 1 ! A k ! times since the order of Xi1 , , Xi 1 is irrelevant to the condi- p ´ q p| |´ q ¨¨¨ k´ tioning. The result follows by summation then renormalization of the identities obtained for each filtration.

Proof of Theorem 2.2.6. Remark that

N N N N N Dk E F Fk 1 E F Fk 1 E F Fk 1 Gk E F Fk 1 E F Fk . ´ “ ´ ´ ´ X “ ´ ´ ” ı ” ı ” ı ” ı ” ı For F FN, sinceˇ the successiveˇ terms collapse,ˇ we get ˇ ˇ P ˇ q ˇ q ˇ q ˇ q ˇ q N N N N 8 N F E F E F F0 E F FN Dk E F Fk 1 Dk E F Fk 1 , ´ ´ ´ r s“ ´ “ k 1 | “ k 1 ” ˇ ı ” ˇ ı ÿ“ ” ı ÿ“ ” ˇ ı by the very definition ofˇ q the gradientˇ map.q As in (2.4.4), weq can show that for anyˇ q N,

N N E Dk E F Fk 1 D` E F F` 1 0, for k `. ´ ´ “ ‰ ” ” ı ” ıı Consider FN E F FN and proceedˇ as in the proofˇ of Lemma 2.2.3 to conclude. “ r | s ˇ q ˇ q Proof of Corollary 2.2.7. According to (2.4.4) and (2.2.1), we have


Var F E Dk E F Fk p q“ »ˇ r | sˇ fi ˇk A ˇ ˇ ÿP ˇ –ˇ ˇ2fl ˇ ˇ E Dk E F Fk “ « r | s k A ˇ ˇ ÿP ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ2 E E DkF Fk “ « r | s k A ˇ ˇ ÿP ˇ ˇ ˇ 2 ˇ 2 § E E DkF Fk E DkF , «k A | | | “ «k A | | ÿP “ ‰ ÿP where the inequality follows from then Jensen inequality.

Proof of Theorem 2.2.8. Let F, G D, the Clark formula entails P cov F, G E F E F G E G p q“ rp ´ r sqp ´ r sqs

E D E F F D E G F » k k ` ` fi “ k,` A r | s r | s ÿP – fl E DkE F Fk DkE G Fk “ «k A r | s r | s ÿP

E DkFDkE G Fk “ «k A r | s ÿP 80 CHAPTER 2. DISCRETE DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN CALCULUS where we have used (2.4.4) in the third equality and the identity DkDk Dk in the last “ one.

2 Proof of Theorem 2.2.9. Let F, G L EA . P p q

cov F, G E DkE F Fk DkE G Fk p q“ «k Ap r | sqp r | sq ÿP 8 E DkE F Fk LPtE G Fk dt “ r | s ´ r | s «k A ˆ 0 ˙ ÿP ª 8 E DkE F Fk D`PtE G Fk dt “ 0 «k A r | s ˜` A r | s ¸ ª ÿP ÿP 8 t e´ E DkF PtDkE G Fk dt, “ 0 «k Ap qp r | sq ª ÿP when we have used the orthogonality of the sum, (2.1.5) and the Fk-measurability of PtDkE G Fk r | s to get the last equality.

Proof of Theorem 2.2.10. Assume with no loss of generality that F is centered. Apply (2.2.2) ✓F to ✓F and e (✓ R˚ ), P `

✓F ✓F ✓ E Fe ✓ E DkFDkE e Fk “ ˇ «k A | ˇ ˇ ” ıˇ ˇ ÿP ” ı ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ✓F ˇ ˇ ˇ § ✓ ˇ E DkF DkE e Fk ˇ . ˇ | | | ˇ k A ” ˇ ” ıˇı ÿP ˇ ˇ Recall that ˇ ˇ

1 ✓F ✓F ✓F X k,X DkE e Fk E1 E e Fk E e p kq Fk | “ | ´ | 1 ” ı ” ” ✓F ✓ıF X k,”X ıı E E1 e e p kq Fk “ ´ ” ✓F” ✓∆kF ı ˇ ı E e E1 1 e´ Fˇk “ ´ ˇ ” ” ı ˇ ı ∆ ∆ ˇ where kF F F X k, Xk1 so that DkF E1 kF . ˇ “ ´ p q “ r s Since x fi 1 e x is concave, we get p Ñ ´ ´ q

✓F ✓F ✓DkF ✓F DkE e Fk § E e 1 e´ Fk § ✓ E e DkF Fk . | p ´ q| | || ” ı ” ı ” ı Thus,

✓F ✓F 8 ✓F E Fe § ✓ E e DkF E DkF Fk § M ✓ E e . « | | r| || s ˇ ” ıˇ k 1 ” ı ˇ ˇ ÿ“ By Gronwall lemma,ˇ thisˇ implies that

✓2 E e✓F § exp M 2 ¨ ” ı ˆ ˙ 2.4. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 2 81

Hence, 2 ✓ F E F ✓x ✓ P F E F • x P e p ´ r sq • e § exp ✓x M . p ´ r s q“ p q q ´ ` 2 ´ ¯ Optimize with respect to ✓ gives ✓opt x M, hence the result. “ { Proof of Theorem 2.2.11. We follow closely the proof of [140] for Poisson process. Let G 2 2 P L EA be a positive random variable such that DG L EA A . For any non-zero integer p q 1 P p ˆ q n, define Gn min max , G ,n ,foranyk, Lk E Gn Fk and L0 E Gn . We have, “ p p n q q “ r | s “ r s n 1 ´ Ln log Ln L0 log L0 Lk 1 log Lk 1 Lk log Lk ` ` ´ “ k 0 ´ “ nÿ1 n 1 ´ ´ log Lk Lk 1 Lk Lk 1 log Lk 1 log Lk . ` ` ` “ k 0 p ´ q`k 0 p ´ q ÿ“ ÿ“ F Note that log Ln Ln 1 Ln n N and Ln 1 Ln n N are n n N-martingales, hence p ` ´ q P ` ´ P p q P ` ˘ ` ˘ E Ln log Ln L0 log L0 r ´ s n 1 ´ E Lk 1 log Lk 1 Lk 1 log Lk Lk 1 Lk ` ` ` ` “ «k 0 ´ ´ ` “ nÿ1 ´ E Lk 1 log Lk 1 Lk log Lk log Lk 1 Lk 1 Lk ` ` ` “ «k 0 ´ ´p ` qp ´ q “ nÿ1 ´ E ` Lk, Lk 1 Lk , ` “ «k 0 p ´ q ÿ“ where the function ` is defined on Θ x, y R2 : x ° 0,x y ° 0 by “tp qP ` u ` x, y x y log x y x log x log x 1 y. p q“p ` q p ` q´ ´p ` q Since ` is convex on Θ, it comes from the Jensen inequality for conditional expectations that

n 1 n 1 ´ ´ E ` Lk, Lk 1 Lk E ` E Gn Fk , Dk 1E Gn Fk 1 ` ` ` k 0 r p ´ qs “ k 0 r p r | s r | sqs ÿ“ ÿ“n E ` E Gn Fk 1 , E DkGn Fk ´ “ k 1 r p r | s r | sqs ÿ“n § E E ` E Gn Gk , DkGn Fk k 1 r r p r | s q| ss ÿ“n E ` E Gn Gk , DkGn “ k 1 r p r | s qs ÿ“ 8 E ` E Gn Gk , DkGn . “ k 1 r p r | s qs ÿ“ 82 CHAPTER 2. DISCRETE DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

We know from [140] that for any non-zero integer k, ` E Gn Gk , DkGn converges increas- p r | s q ingly to ` E G Gk , DkG P-a.s., hence by Fatou Lemma, p r | s q

8 E G log G E G log E G § E ` E G Gk , DkG . r s´ r s r s k 1 r p r | s qs ÿ“ Furthermore, for any x, y Θ, ` x, y § y 2 x, then, p qP p q | | { 2 8 DkG E G log G E G log E G § E | | r s´ r s r s E G G ¨ k 1 „ k ⇢ ÿ“ r | s The proof is thus complete.

Proof of Theorem 2.2.12. We first prove the uniqueness. Let ', V and ' , V two conve- p q p 1 1q nient couples. We have Da ' ' V Va for any a A and Da V Va 0, p ´ 1q“ a1 ´ P a A p a1 ´ q“ hence P ∞

2 0 E ' '1 Da Va1 Va E Da ' '1 Va1 Va E Va1 Va . “ «p ´ q a A p ´ q “ «a A p ´ qp ´ q “ «a Ap ´ q ÿP ÿP ÿP This implies that V V and D ' ' 0. The Clark formula (Theorem 2.2.3) entails that “ 1 p ´ 1q“ 0 E ' ' ' ' . “ r ´ 1s “ ´ 1 We now prove the existence. Since E Da' Ga 0, we can choose r | s“

Va E Ua Ga , “ r | s

which implies Da' DaUa, and guarantees V 0. Choose any ordering of the elements of “ “ A and remark that, in view of (2.4.4),

2 2 8 8 E E D U F E D E U F » k k k fi » k k k fi ˜k 1 r | s¸ “ ˜k 1 r | s¸ ÿ“ ÿ“ – fl – 2 fl 8 8 2 2 E DkE Uk Fk § E DkUk § U D `2 A , “ «k 1 r | s k 1 | | } } p p qq ÿ“ ´ ¯ ÿ“ “ ‰ hence 8 ' E DkUk Fk , “ k 1 r | s ÿ“ defines a square integrable random variable of null expectation, which satisfies the required property.

Proofs of Section 2.3

1 Proof of Theorem 2.3.6. For F DB H-C , in view of (2.3.2), we have P X

N N N N N Mk M1 N N r 1 k F ! F ! k Mk1 hk Mk Mk1 F ! k ,hk H ´ " ! k ,hk . p q´ p p q ` q“p ´ qx p p qq y ` ?N p p q q 2.4. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 2 83


N 2 N N N E F ! E1 F ! M1 h p q´ p k ` k k q k 1 „ p q ⇢ ÿ“ ´ ” ı¯ N 2 N N Mk M1 N N r 1 k E Mk F ! k ,hk H E1 ´ " ! k ,hk “ x p p qq y ` ?N p p q q k 1 «ˆ „ ⇢˙ ÿ“ N r N N 2 E F ! k ,hk H1 Rem, “ k 1 x p p qq y ` ÿ“ ” ı and N c N N 2 N Rem § E " ! ,h ›››Ñ8 0, N k k k 1 p p q q Ñ ÿ“ ” ı by the Césaro theorem. It follows that EUN F has the same limit as p q N r N N 2 E F ! k ,hk H1 . k 1 x p p qq y ÿ“ ” ı As N goes to infinity, we add more and more terms to the random walk, so that the influence of one particular term becomes negligible. The following result is well known (see Bouleau, Proposition 3 in [22]): for any k 1,...,N , for any bounded and ', Pt u N N E Mk ' ! ›››Ñ8 E Mk E ' ! . p q p q Ñ r p qs r p qs

r 1 “ N ‰ Since F H belongs to L8 and hk tends to 0, this entails that for any k, } } } }8 r N N 2 r N N 2 r N 2 lim E F ! k ,hk H1 lim E F ! ,hk H1 lim E ⇡VN F ! H1 , N x p p qq y “ N x p q y “ N } p q} Ñ8 ” ı Ñ8 Ñ8 “ 1 ‰N “ ‰ where ⇡V is the orthogonal projection in H onto span h ,k 1, , N . We conclude by N t k “ ¨¨¨ u dominated convergence.

Proof of Theorem 2.3.10. Starting from (2.3.7), the terms with ⌧ 0 can be decomposed as “ N 2 2pN N N N N e´ m E F ! " N F ! µ 1 R . p m ` ⇣m q´ p m q mp q` 0 m 1 „ p q p q ⇢ ÿ“ ´ ¯ Since F belongs to TV Lip, ´ N N 8 2 N N 2 N 2 N 2 R0 § l µm l § c1 N p E Poisson p 2 § c2 N p , m 1 ` 2 p q p q p p q` q p q ÿ“ ÿ“ “ ‰ N N where the c1 and c2 are irrelevant constants. As Np is bounded, R0 goes to 0 as N grows to infinity. For the very same reasons, the sum of the terms of (2.3.7) with ⌧ • 1 converge to 0, thus N N 2 UN 2p N N N lim E F lim e m E F ! " N F ! p . ´ m ⇣m m m N p q“N p p q ` q´ p p qq Ñ8 Ñ8 m 1 „ ⇢ ÿ“ ´ ¯ 84 CHAPTER 2. DISCRETE DIRICHLET-MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

⇣ N Consider now the space NY NY ⇣k ,k 1, , N with the product topology and ˜ “ ˆtN “ ¨¨¨ u probability measure PN PN k p "⇣N . Let “ b k k N ∞ : NY ⇣ ,k 1, , N › E ˆt k “ ¨¨¨ u Ñ 2 !, ⇣ fi› F ! ! ⇣ 1 "⇣ F ! ! ⇣ "⇣ . p q Ñ p ´p p q´ q q´ p ´ p q q ´ ¯ Then, we can write

N 2 N N N ˜ E F ! m "⇣N F ! m pm !, ⇣ dPN !, ⇣ . p ` m q´ p q “ ⇣ p q p q m 1 „ p q p q ⇢ NY ÿ“ ´ ¯ ª

Under P˜ N, the random variables ! and ⇣ are independent. Equation (2.3.6) means that the marginal distribution of ⇣ tends to M (assumed to be a probability measure at the very beginning of this construction). Moreover, we already know that PN converges in distribution to P. Hence, P˜ N tends to P M as N goes to infinity. Since F is in TV Lip, is continuous b ´ and bounded, hence the result. Chapter 3

Applications : representation formulas, convergence theorems, finance

The last chapter is a patchwork which pieces are made of the applications inherited from our construction. The diversity of these comes from the variety of the fields explored. The first subsection deals with the declination of Clark formula for U-statistics, such that we show that the Hoeffding decomposition can be interpreted as an avatar of. The second one is motivated by the statement of a discrete analogue of the Stein-Malliavin criterion (1.4.1). In that perspective, we follow the footsteps of the path "from Stein’s method to Stein-Dirichlet- Malliavin structures" described in the first chapter. In the last part we challenge our formalism with an application in finance : the computation of the greek Rho in the trinomial model.

3.1 Representations

We now show that our Clark formula yields an interesting decomposition of random variables. For U-statistics, it boils down to the Hoeffding decomposition. m Definition 3.1.1. For m, n N , let h : R R be a symmetric function, and X1, , Xn, P ˚ Ñ ¨¨¨ n random variables supposed to be independent and identically distributed. The U-statistics of degree m and kernel h is defined, for any n • m by 1 n ´ Un U X1, , Xn h XA “ p ¨¨¨ q“ m p q ˆ ˙ A n ,m Pprÿs q where n ,m denotes the set of ordered subsets A Ä n 1, ,n , of cardinality m. pr s q r s“t ¨¨¨ u More generally, for a set A Ä n , A,m denotes the set of subsets of A with m elements. r s p q If E h X1, , Xm is finite, we define hm h and for 1 § k § m 1, r| p ¨¨¨ q|s “ ´ hk X1, , Xk E h X1, , Xm X1, , Xk . p ¨¨¨ q“ r p ¨¨¨ q| ¨¨¨ s Let ✓ E h X1, , Xm , consider g1 X1 h1 X1 ✓, and “ r p ¨¨¨ qs p q“ p q´ k 1 ´ gk X1, , Xk hk X1, , Xk ✓ gj XB , p ¨¨¨ q“ p ¨¨¨ q´ ´ p q j 1 B k ,j ÿ“ Pprÿs q 85 86 CHAPTER 3. APPLICATIONS for any 1 § k § m. Since the variables X1, , Xn are independent and identically distributed, ¨¨¨ and the function h is symmetric, the equality

E h XA B XB E h XC B XB , r p Y q| s“ r p Y q| s holds for any subsets A and C of n B, of cardinality n k. r sz ´ Theorem 3.1.2 (‹ Hoeffding decomposition of U-statistics, [76]). For any integer n,wehave

m k Un ✓ Hnp q (3.1.1) “ ` k 1 ÿ“ k where Hnp q is the U-statistics based on kernel gk, i.e. defined by

1 k n ´ Hp q gk XB . n “ k p q ˆ ˙ BÄ n ,k ÿpr s q As mentioned above, reversing the natural order of A, provided that it exists, can be very fruitful. We illustrate this idea by the decomposition of the number of fixed points of a random permutation under Ewens distribution. It could be applied to more complex functionals of permutations but to the price of increasingly complex computations. For every integer N, denote by SN the space of permutations on 1, , N . We always identify SN as the subgroup t ¨¨¨ u of SN 1 stabilizing the element N 1. For every k 1, , N , define Jk 1, ,k and ` ` Pt ¨¨¨ u “t ¨¨¨ u

J J1 J2 JN. “ ˆ ˆ¨¨¨ˆ

The coordinate map from J to Jk is denoted by Ik. Following the construction designed by Serguei Kerov [74], we have:

Theorem 3.1.3 (‹). There exists a natural bijection Γ between J and SN.

Proof. To a sequence i1, ,iN where ik Jk, we associate the permutation p ¨¨¨ q P

Γ i1, ,iN N,iN N 1,iN 1 ... 2,i2 . p ¨¨¨ q“p q˝p ´ ´ q ˝p q where i, j denotes the transposition between the two elements i and j. To an element p q N SN, we associate iN N N . Then, N is a fixed point of N 1 N,iN N, hence P “ p q ´ “p q˝ it can be identified as an element N 1 of SN 1. Then, iN 1 N 1 N 1 and so on for ´ ´ ´ “ ´ p ´ q decreasing indices. It is then clear that Γ is one-to-one and onto.

In Kerov [74], Γ is described by the following rule: start with permutation 1 1 , if at “pq the N-th step of the , we have iN N then the current permutation is extended by “ leaving N fixed, otherwise, N is inserted in N 1 just before iN in the cycle of this element. ´ This construction is reminiscent of the Chinese restaurant process (see Arratia, Barbour and Tavaré [9]) where iN is placed immediately after N. An alternative construction of permuta- tions is known as the Feller coupling (see Arratia, Barbour and Tavaré [9]). In our notations, it is given by 1 1 1 ; N N 1 N´ 1 iN , N . “p q “ ´ ˝p ´ p q q 3.1. REPRESENTATIONS 87

Definition 3.1.4 (Ewens distribution). For some t R , for any k 1, , N , consider P ` Pt ¨¨¨ u the measure Pk defined on Jk by 1 if j k, t k 1 ‰ ` ´ Pk j $ pt uq “ ’ ’ t & for j k. t k 1 “ ’ ` ´ Under the distribution P kPk, the’ random variables Ik,k 1, , N are independent “b % p “ ¨¨¨ q with law given by P Ik j Pk j , for any k. The Ewens distribution of parameter t on t p “ q“ pt uq SN, denoted by P , is the push-forward of P by the map Γ. A moment of thought shows that a new cycle begins in the first construction for each index where ik k. Moreover, it can be shown that: “ Theorem 3.1.5 (see Kerov [74]). For any SN, P tcyc Pt p q , pt uq “ t 1 t 2 t N 1 p ` qp ` qˆ¨¨¨ˆp ` ´ q where cyc is the number of cycles of . p q For any F, a measurable function on SN, we have the following diagram

N J , k 1Pk p b “ q Γ F F Γ “ ˝ t SN, P R p q F r

We denote by i i1, ,iN a generic element of J and by Γ i . Let C1 denote “p ¨¨¨ q “ p q p q the number of fixed points of the permutation and C1 C1 Γ.Foranyk JN,the “ ˝ P N random variable Uk is the indicator of the event (k is a fixed point of ) and let Uk p q N “ Uk Γ. The Clark formula with reverse filtration showsr that we can write U as a sum of ˝ k centered orthogonal random variables as in the Hoeffding decomposition of U-statisticsr (see Theorem 3.1.2). r Theorem 3.1.6 (‹). For any k 1, , N , Pt ¨¨¨ u

Uk 1 Ik k 1 Im k, m k 1, ,N . (3.1.2) “ p “ q p ‰ Pt ` ¨¨¨ uq t N and under P , U is Bernoulli distributed with parameter tpk↵k,whereforanyk 1, , N , k r Pt ¨¨¨ u 1 N j 1 r p and ↵ ´ k t k 1 k t j 1 “ “ j k 1 ¨ ` ´ “π` ` ´ Moreover,

N N Uk tpk↵k 1 Ik k tpk 1 Im k p “ q p ‰ q “ ` ´ m k 1 ´ ¯ “π` N k 1 N k r ´ ´ t k 1 ´ tpk ` ´ 1 Ik j k pk j 1 Ik ` k . t k j 2 p ` “ q ` p ` ‰ q ´ j 1 ´ ` j 1 ÿ“ ` ` ´ ´ ¯ “π` 88 CHAPTER 3. APPLICATIONS

Since N N C1 Uk , “ k 1 ÿ“ we retrieve the result of [10]: r r tN E C1 , “ t N 1 ” ı ` ´ and the following decomposition of C1 canr be easily deduced from the previous theorem. ‹ Theorem 3.1.7 ( ). We can writer

N N ` 1 N t 1 ˜ N t ´ C1 t 1 ´ D`U` D` 1 Im k “ ´ N t 1 ` ` t ` 2 p ‰ q ˆ ˙ ` 1 ` 2 ˜k 1 m ` ¸ ` ´ ÿ“ ÿ“ ` ´ ÿ“ π“ r t 1 N t N t 1 ´ 1 I` ` 1 Im ` “ ´ N t 1 ` p p “ q ´ t ` 1q p ‰ q ˆ ˙ ` 1 m ` 1 ` ´ ÿ“ ` ´ π“ ` N 1 ` 1 N ´ t ´ 1 1 I` k 1 Im k . ´ t ` 2 p “ q ´ t ` 1 p ‰ q ` 2 k 1 ˆ ˙ m ` 1 ÿ“ ` ´ ÿ“ ` ´ π“ ` Remark 3.1.8. Note that such a decomposition with the natural order on N would be infea- ˜ sible since the basic blocks of the definition of C1, namely the Uk, are anticipative (following the vocabulary of Gaussian Malliavin calculus), i.e. Uk Ik `, ` 0, , N k . P p ` “ ¨¨¨ ´ q r This decomposition can be used to compute the variancer of C1. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first explicit, i.e. not asymptotic, expression of it. r Theorem 3.1.9. For any t R,weget P Nt t 2t2 N 1 Var C 1 . 1 t N 1 t N 1 N t k 1 r s“ ˜ ` ´ k 1 ¸ ` ´ ` ´ ÿ“ ` ´ r We retrieve Var C1 ››› t, r s N Ñ Ñ8 as can be expected from the Poisson limit.r

3.2 Stein-Malliavin criterion for Normal and Gamma approxi- mations

In this section we confront our model to the Stein-Dirichlet-Malliavin method in order to provide in particular a discrete analogue of the Stein-Malliavin criterions for Normal and Gamma approximations. Such approximation results derived from this method for functionals of Rademacher (see for instance Nourdin, Peccati and Reinert [96], Zheng [143]), Poisson (see for instance Decreusefond, Schulte and Thäle [41] Lachièze-Rey and Peccati [79], Peccati et al. [111]) or Gaussian random variables (see Nualart and Peccati [100]) or processes (see Coutin and Decreusefond [32, 33]). Our results take place among them; however, to the best of our knowledge, when Q˜ is the distribution of a family of independent random variables, 3.2. DISCRETE STEIN-MALLIAVIN CRITERION 89 the distance dist F Q˜ , P (where dist d1, d2 or distKol as the case may be) is evaluated p ˚ q “ through exchangeable pairs or couplings, which means to construct an ad-hoc structure for each situation at hand. We intend to give here an exact analogue of (1.4.1) in this situation using only our newly defined operator D, that makes our approach original.

Remark 3.2.1. In what follows, we deal with functions F defined on EA, that means that F is a function of XA and as such, we should use the notation F XA .Forthesakeofnotations, p q we identify F and F XA . The distribution of F is denoted PF F PA. p q “ ˚ Theorem 3.2.2 (‹). Let P denote the standard Gaussian distribution on R.ForanyF: EA R such that E F 0 and F Dom D.Then, Ñ r s“ P

1 d1 P, PF § E 1 DaF DaL´ F p q «ˇ ´ a A p´ q ˇ ˇ ÿP ˇ ˇ ˇ 2 ˇ ˇ 1 E F F XA a; x dPa x DaL´ F . ˇ ` ˇ ´ p q p q| | a A „ EA ⇢ ÿP ª ´ ¯ The proof of this version follows exactly the lines of the proof of Theorem 3.1 in Nourdin and Peccati [93], Peccati, Solé, Taqqu and Utzet [111] but we can do slightly better by changing a detail in the Taylor expansion.

Theorem 3.2.3 (‹). Let P denote the standard Gaussian distribution on R.ForanyF: EA R such that E F 0 and F Dom D.Then, Ñ r s“ P

1 d1 P, PF § sup E F F X 1 a DaF DaL´ F p q Lip2 « p q´a A p p qq p´ q P P ÿ 2 1 E F F XA a; x dPa x DaL´ F , (3.2.1) ` ´ p q p q| | a A „ EA ⇢ ÿP ª ´ ¯ where X XA a X . 1 a “ Yt a1 u Remark 3.2.4. This theorem provides a Berry-Essen type bound in the Wasserstein distance for the Normal approximation by any functional of random variables and generalises in the certain sense that got by Sourav Chatterjee ([24]). Raphaël Lachièze-Rey and Giovanni Peccati stated a remarkable bound in the Kolmogorov distance for the same approximation in terms of another difference operator ∆ ; this is defined for any ordered subset C of 1, N by ¨ rr ss C ∆CF XA, X1 F XA F XA, X1 , p Aq“ p q´ p Aq and contructed by iteration of the operator ∆ a F XA, XA1 F XA F X1, , Xa1 1, Xa, Xa1 1, , XN1 . t u p q“ p q´ p ¨¨¨ ´ ` ¨¨¨ q Remark 3.2.5. We can point out however that, for lack of chaos decomposition, we could not rule the equivalent of the fourth order moment theorem (see [100], [95]), appearing in the normal approximations of number of nonlinear functionalities acting on random fields, such as Poisson ones (see [47]) or relative to fractional Brownian motion (see [97]) to mention but two examples. 90 CHAPTER 3. APPLICATIONS

This formulation may seem cumbersome, but it easily gives a close to the usual bound in the Lyapounov central limit theorem, with a non optimal constant (see [57]).

Corollary 3.2.6 (‹ Lyapounov). Let Xn n N˚ be a sequence of thrice integrable, independent p q P random variables. Denote n 1 n 2 Var X ,s2 2 and Y X E X . n n n j n s j j “ p q “ j 1 “ n j 1 p ´ r sq ÿ“ ÿ“ Then, 2 ?2 1 n d P, P § p ` q E X E X 3 . 1 Yn s3 j j p q n j 1 | ´ r s | ÿ“ “ ‰ Remark 3.2.7. If we use Theorem 3.2.2, we get

n X2 2 n d j 3 1 P, PYn § E 1 2 3 E Xj E Xj , p q «ˇ ´ sn ˇ ` sn | ´ r s| ˇ j 1 ˇ j 1 ˇ ÿ“ ˇ ÿ“ “ ‰ ˇ ˇ 4 and the quadratic term is easily boundedˇ onlyˇ if the Xi’s are such that E Xi is finite, which in view of Corollary 3.2.6 is a too stringent condition. “ ‰ The functional which appears in the central limit theorem is the basic example of U-statistics or homogeneous sums. If we want to go further and address the problem of convergence of more general U-statistics (or homogeneous sums), we need to develop a similar apparatus for the Gamma distribution. Recall that the Gamma distribution of parameters r and has density r r 1 `x fr,` x x ´ e´ 1 ` x . p q“Γ r R p q p q 2 Let Yr,` Γ r, ` , it has mean r ` and variance r ` . Denote by Yr,` Yr,` r `. As described „ p q { { “ ´ { in Graczyk et al. [60], Z Yr,` Yr,` r ` if and only if E Lr,`f Z 0 for any f once „ “ ´ { r p qs “ differentiable, where 1 r Lr,`f y y f 1 y yf y . p q“ ` ` p q´ p q The Stein equation ´ ¯ Lr,`f y g y E g Yr,` (3.2.2) p q“ p q´ p q has a solution fg which satisfies “ ‰

1 fg § g1 , fg1 § 2 max 1, g1 } }8 } }8 } }8 r } }8 ˆ ˙ and fg2 § 2 max , g1 g2 , (3.2.3) } }8 r } }8 `} }8 ˆ ˆ ˙ ˙ 1 r noting that fg is solution of (3.2.2) if and only if hg : x fi f x solves Ñ ´ ´ ¯ xh1 x r x h x g x E g Yr, , p q`p ´ q p q“ p q´ r p qs studied in [8, 44]. 3.2. DISCRETE STEIN-MALLIAVIN CRITERION 91

Theorem 3.2.8 (‹). Let F is the set of twice differentiable functions with first and second derivative bounded by 1.Thereexistsc ° 0 such that for any F Dom D with E F 0, P r s“

1 r 1 d1 PF, P § c E F DaF DaL´ F Yr, 2 p q «ˇ ` ´ a A p´ q ˇ ˇ ÿP ˇ ˇ ˇ 2 ˇ ˇ 1 c E F XA F XA a; x dPa x DaL´ F . (3.2.4) ˇ ` p q´ p ˇ q p q| | a A „ EA ⇢ ÿP ª ´ ¯ This theorem reads exactly as Theorem 1.5 in [44] for Poisson functionals and is proved in a similar fashion. Remark 3.2.9. The generalization of this result to multivariate Gamma distribution could be considered in a forthcoming paper. The difficulty lies in the regularity estimates of the solution of the Stein equation associated to multivariate Gamma distribution, which require lengthy calculations. An homogeneous sum of order d is a functional of independent identically distributed random variables X1, , XN , of the form p ¨¨¨ n q

Fn X1, , XN fn i1, ,id Xi1 ...Xi p ¨¨¨ n q“ p ¨¨¨ q d 1§i1, ,id§Nn ¨¨¨ÿ where Nn,n• 1 is a sequence of integers which tends to infinity as n does and the functions p q d fn are symmetric on 1, , Nn and vanish on the diagonal. The asymptotics of these sums t ¨¨¨ u have been widely investigated and depend on the properties of the function fn.Ford 2,see “ for instance Götze and Tikhomirov [59]. In Nourdin, Peccati and Reinert [96], the case of any value of d is investigated through the prism of universality: roughly speaking (see Theorem 4.1), if Fn G1, , GN converges in distribution when G1, , GN are standard Gaussian p ¨¨¨ n q ¨¨¨ n random variables then Fn X1, , XN converges to the same limit whenever the Xi’s are p ¨¨¨ n q centered with unit variance and finite third order moment and such that

2 n max fn i, i2, ,id ›››Ñ8 0. i p ¨¨¨ q Ñ 1§i2, ,id§Nn ¨¨¨ÿ For Gaussian random variables, the functional Fn belongs to the d-th Wiener chaos. Combin- ing the algebraic rules of multiplication of iterated Gaussian integrals and the Stein-Malliavin method, it is proved in Nourdin and Peccati [92] that Fn G1, , GN converges in distribu- p ¨¨¨ n q tion to a chi-square distribution of parameter ⌫ if and only if

2 n 4 3 2 n E F ›››Ñ8 2⌫ and E F 12 E F 12⌫ 48⌫ ›››Ñ8 0. n Ñ n ´ n ´ ` Ñ We obtain here a“ related‰ result for d “ 2‰ (for the“ sake‰ of simplicity though the method is “ applicable for any value of d) and a general distribution without resorting to universality. Let A 1, ,n .Forf,g :A2 R, symmetric functions vanishing on the diagonal, define “t ¨¨¨ u Ñ the two contractions by

1 f 1 g i, j f i, k g j, k , p ‹ qp q“k A p q p q P 1 ÿ f 2 g i f i, j g i, j . (3.2.5) p ‹ qp q“j A p q p q ÿP 92 CHAPTER 3. APPLICATIONS

Theorem 3.2.10 (‹). Let XA Xi, 1 § i § n be a collection of centered independent “t u random variables with unit variance and finite moment of order 4. Define

F XA f i, j XiXj p q“ p q i,j A‰ p ÿqP 2 where i, j A‰ means that we enumerate all the couples i, j in A with distinct components p qP p q 2 and f is a symmetric function which vanishes on the diagonal. Let ⌫ i,j f i, j .Then, “ p q p q there exists c⌫ ° 0 such that ∞ 2 4 2 d PF, P ¯ § c⌫E X 2p Y⌫{2,1{2 q 1 “ ‰ 4 1 2 1 2 f i, a f 2 f L2 A f f 1 f L2 A2 . (3.2.6) ˆ » p q`} ‹ } p q `} ´ ‹ } p qfi i,a A2 p ÿqP – fl We now introduce Infa f , called the influence of the variable a,by p q 2 Infa f f i, a . p q“i A p q ÿP Remark that

f 4 i, a § f 2 i, a f 2 j, a i A p q a A i p q j p q ÿP ÿP ÿ ÿ 2 f i, a Infa f “ a A i p q p q ÿP ÿ § ⌫ max Infa f . a A p q P 1 2 The same kind of computations can be made for f f 2 . As a consequence, we get the } ‹2 }L A following corollary. p q

Corollary 3.2.11 (‹). With the same notations as above,

2 4 2 1 2 d2 PF, PY § c⌫E X1 max Infa f f f 1 f 2 2 . p ⌫{2,1{2 q a A p q`} ´ ‹ }L A „ P p q⇢ “ ‰ The supremum of the influence is the quantity which governs the distance between the distri- butions of Fn G1, , GN and Fn X1, , XN in Nourdin, Peccati and Reinert [96], thus p ¨¨¨ n q p ¨¨¨ n q it is not surprising that it still appears here.

Remark 3.2.12. It may be interesting to compare the result of Theorem 3.2.10 with Theorem 4.3 (by taking a dimension d 2) of Nguyen Tien Dung [46], which led to a publication “ slightly subsequent to ours. Similar assumptions are done on the "contractions" (without being explicitely mentioned in [46]) of the components of matrix f i, j i,j but more regularity p p qq on test functions that must be three differentiable is needed in [46] whereas we request twice differentiability in our statement. This multivariate CLT for quadratic forms is in fact studied as an application of a general work on multivariate CLT for nonlinear statistics, which Nguyen Tien Dung gives explicit bounds in Theorems 3.1 and 3.2. These are obtained using Stein’s method and by means of a difference operator which definition coincides with our discrete 3.2. DISCRETE STEIN-MALLIAVIN CRITERION 93 gradient (see Definition 2.1.2), reminiscent also of the works of G. Lugosi, P. Massart, C. Houdré, N. Privault, or S. Chatterjee. Without constructing a discrete Malliavin calculus as in our formalism, Nguyen Tien Dung stated a covariance formula and an approximate chain rule on which are based his results. The use of the Slepian’s interpolation method cleverly allows to bypass the computational difficulties involved in upper dimension, and its combination with Stein’s method is advantageous. Theorem 3.2.13. The moments of F (up to the fourth one) are linked by the relation:

2 E F4 12E F3 12⌫2 48⌫ f 4 i, j E X4 6 f 2 i, j f 2 i, k E X4 ´ ´ ` “ p q ` p q p q i,j A‰ i,j,k A‰ “ ‰ “ ‰ p ÿqP “ ‰ p ÿqP “ ‰ 2 12 E X3 f 2 i, j f i, k f k, j f 3 i, j ` $ p q p q p q´ p q, i,j,k A‰ i,j A‰ “ ‰ &p ÿqP p ÿqP . % - 48 f i, j f i, k f k, j f 2 i, j 12 f 4 i, j . ´ $ p q p q p q´ p q, ´ p q i,j,k A‰ i,j A‰ &p ÿqP . p ÿqP (3.2.7) % - Remark 3.2.14. The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality entails that the properties

4 3 2 n E F 12E F 12⌫ 48⌫ ›››Ñ8 0 n ´ n ´ ` Ñ and “ ‰ “ ‰ n d2 PF, P ¯ ›››Ñ8 0 p Y⌫{2,1{2 q Ñ share the same sufficient condition:

4 1 2 1 2 n f i, a f 2 f L2 A f f 1 f L2 A2 ›››Ñ8 0. p q`} ‹ } p q `} ´ ‹ } p q Ñ i,a A‰ p ÿqP However, we cannot go further and state a fourth moment theorem as we know, that for Benoulli random variables, Fn may converge to Y⌫ 2,1 2 while the RHS of (3.2.6) does not converge to 0. { { As another corollary of Theorem 3.2.10, we obtain the KR distance between a degenerate U- statistics of order 2 and a Gamma distribution. Compared to the more general result stated by Christian Döbler and Giovanni Peccati (Theorem 1.1 in [44]), the computations are here greatly simplified by the absence of exchangeable pairs.

Theorem 3.2.15 (‹). Let A 1, ,n and Xi,i A afamilyofindependentand “t ¨¨¨ u p P q identically distributed real-valued random variables such that

2 2 4 E X1 0, E X and E X † . r s“ 1 “ 1 8 Consider the random variable “ ‰ “ ‰ 2 F XiXj. “ n 1 i,j A‰ ´ p ÿqP Then, there exists c ° 0,independentofn,suchthat 2 d 4 2 PF, PY 2 § c E X1 . (3.2.8) 1{2,1{2 ?n ´ ¯ “ ‰ 94 CHAPTER 3. APPLICATIONS

Proof. Take fn i, j 2 n 1 and apply Theorem 3.2.10. p q“ {p ´ q Remark 3.2.16. The proof of Theorem 3.2.10 is rich of insights. In Gaussian, Poisson or 1 Rademacher contexts, the computation of L´ F is easily done when there exists a chaos decomposition since L operates as a dilation on each chaos (see [93, 94, 111]). In Lemma 3.4 1 of [123], Matthias Schulte and Matthias Reitzner provide a formula for the operator L´ of Poisson driven U-statistics, not resorting to the chaos decomposition. It is based on the fact that L applied to a U-statistics F of order k yields kF plus a U-statistics of order k 1 . p ´ q Then, the construction of an inverse formula can be made by induction. In our framework, the action of L on a U-statistics yields kF plus a U-statistics of order k so that no induction seems possible. However, for an order kU-statistics which is degenerate of order k 1 ,we p ´ q have LF kF.Fork 2, this hypothesis of degeneracy is exactly the sufficient condition to “ “ have a convergence towards a Gamma distribution.

3.3 Finance and Malliavin calculus

The first one is the computation of one of the Greeks, so named with reference to the Greek letters by which they are denoted. In the framework of a financial market, these quantities simulate the sensitivity of the price of derivatives - such as options - to a change in underlying parameters of the model. Their computation is performed by the use of the Malliavin integra- tion by parts formula; in the framework of Black-Scholes model, see for instance Nualart [98], Montero and Kohatsu-Higa [75]. The idea is to rewrite Rho (the one that interests us here)

Φ ST f ST ⇢ B p q EQ B p q (3.3.1) “ r “ r B „ B ⇢ where Q denotes the risk-neutral probability measure and f : R R is a function, as ` Ñ EQ f ST ⇡ , where the weight ⇡ does not depend of the payoff. The transformation step can r p q s be advantageously made simple using integration by parts in the sense of Malliavin calculus as shown first by Éric Fournié, Jean-Michel Lasry, Jérôme Lebuchoux, Pierre-Louis Lions and Nizar Touzi in [54] and [55]. The application of our formalism to the computation of Rho takes shape in the trinomial model described as follows ; given T N˚, denote NT N 0,T and consider the state T NT P “ Xr s space E t 1 Et, where the Et are the 3-elements sets Et 1, 0, 1 (d 1), equipped “ “ “t´ u “ with the product µt where ± t bNT P

µt 1 p, µt 1 q and µt 0 1 p q. pt uq “ pt´ uq “ pt uq “ ´ ´

The distribution of the canonical process Xt t NT is given by p q P

P Xt 1 p, P Xt 1 q and P Xt 0 1 p q. p “ q“ p “´ q“ p “ q“ ´ ´ The trinomial model, is, within this frame, a simplified discrete market model consisting of two assets:

a riskless asset At t NT , ‚ p q P

a risky asset St t NT , ‚ p q P 3.3. FINANCE AND MALLIAVIN CALCULUS 95

where At t NT modelises the riskless asset with deterministic initial value A0 a0 and is p q P “ defined by n An a0 1 r , (3.3.2) “ p ` q

whereas the stock price St t NT with (deterministic) initial value S0 1 is given by p q P “

1 b St 1 if Xt 1 p ` q ´ “ Tri St St 1 if Xt 0 P “ $ ´ “ p q 1 a St 1 if Xt 1 & p ` q ´ “´ with a and b real such that %1 † a † r † b. ´ Define the sequence St t NT of discounted stock prices by p q P 1 St St, 0 † r † b . “ 1 r n p q p ` q Assume in this section that P verifies the risk-neutral condition i.e.

bp aq r, (3.3.3) ` “ F which ensures that the sequence St t NT is a P, -martingale. p q P p q The aim of this subsection is to compute, in the frame of trinomial model, the greek called ⇢, i.e. the sensitivity of the price with respect to the parameter r that is

d 1 E f SN r lim E f SN r h E f SN r , dr r p p qqs “ h 0 h r p p ` qqs ´ r p p qqs Ñ ` ˘ by considering the price as a function of r. The other ones, with respect to which it could have been interesting to study the variations, such as the initial value s0 (if S0 s0)orthe “ volatility are fixed here.

To this end, consider P the reference probability under which corresponds to the undisturbed evolution of the price and Ph the probability corresponding to a h-pertubation. Denote by E and Eh the expectations respectively taken with respect to P and Ph.

This leads thus to compute, for a given functional F, 1 lim Eh F E F . (3.3.4) h 0 h r s´ r s Ñ ` ˘ Considering a small enough variation h, the existence of a random variable Lh, nonnegative P-p.s. such that dPh LhdP, “ and so that 3.3.4 is equal to p q dL E F h . dh h 0 „ ˇ “ ⇢ ˇ We can thus establish: ˇ 96 CHAPTER 3. APPLICATIONS

Tri Theorem 3.3.1 (‹). Let the process St 0§t§N i whose evolution is given by P .Forany p q T p q bounded functional f FN, P d dLh E f SN r E f SN r , dr r p p qqs “ p p qq dh h 0 „ ˇ “ ⇢ ˇ dL ˇ where the expression of h is provided by dh h 0 ˇ “ ˇ NT ˇ t 1 dLh k r g r k r g r g r ´ h p q` p q1 Ut 1 p q´ p q1 Ut 1 p q1 Uk 0 L` U` . dh h 0 “ # p p “ q ` q p “´ q ´ s p “ q p q+ ˇ “ t 1 ˆ ˙ ` 1 ˇ ÿ“ π“ (3.3.5) ˇ where k and g are the functions defined on R by ` ?∆t ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ∆t✓ ✓ ✓ 1 ∆t✓2 k r p qp p q´ 1p qq and g r p q´ 1p qp ` q. p q“ 23 ✓ p q“ 3 ✓ p q p q 3.4 Proofs of chapter 3

3.4.1 Proofs of Section 3.1 Proof of Theorem 3.1.2. Take care that in the argument of h, all the sets are considered as ordered : when we write B C, we implicitly reorder its elements, for instance Y

h X 1,3 2 h X1, X2, X3 . p t uYt uq“ p q Apply the Clark formula,

1 1 n ´ m ´ 1 Un ✓ DbE h XA XB ´ “ m B B r p q| s ˆ ˙ A n ,m BÄA ˆ ˙ b B Pprÿs q ÿ | | | | ÿP 1 1 n ´ m ´ 1 DbE h XA XB “ m B B r p q| s ˆ ˙ BÄ n ˆ ˙ b B AÅB ÿr s | | | | ÿP A ÿn ,m Ppr s q 1 1 n ´ m ´ 1 DbE h XB C XB . “ m B B r p Y q| s ˆ ˙ BÄ n ˆ ˙ b B C n B,m B ÿr s | | | | ÿP Ppr szÿ ´| |q It remains to prove that

m m H k k np q k 1 “ ˆ ˙ ÿ 1 1 n ´ m ´ 1 DbE h XB C XB . (3.4.1) “ m B B r p Y q| s ˆ ˙ BÄ n , B §m ˆ ˙ b B C n B,m B r ÿs | | | | | | ÿP Ppr szÿ ´| |q for any integer n.Forn 1, it is straightforward that “

g1 X1 h X1 ✓ D1E h X1 X1 . p q“ p q´ “ r p q| s 3.4. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 3 97

Assume the existence of an integer n such that (3.4.1) holds for any set of cardinality n.In particular, for any l n 1 Pr ` s m 1 1 m k n ´ m ´ 1 HpA q DbE h XB C XB , k ` “ m B B r p Y q| s k 1 ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙ BÄ A` , B §m ˆ ˙ b B C A` B,m B ÿ“ r ÿs | | | | | | ÿP Ppr szÿ ´| |q where A` n 1 ` . Let m such that m § n. Then, “r ` szt u m m k Hp q k n 1 k 1 ˆ ˙ ` ÿ“ m 1 n 1 m n 1 ´ 1 ` ` gk XB “ k k n 1 k p q k 1 ˆ ˙ˆ ˙ l 1 B A` ,k ÿ“ ` ´ ÿ“ Pprÿs q n 1 m 1 1 ` m n ´ gk XB “ n 1 k k p q l 1 k 1 ˆ ˙ˆ ˙ B A` ,k ` ÿ“ ÿ“ Pprÿs q n 1 1 1 1 ` n ´ m ´ 1 DbE h XB C XB “ n 1 m ˆ B B r p Y q| s l 1 ˆ ˙ BÄ A` , A` §m ˆ ˙ b B C A` B,m B ` ÿ“ r ÿs | | | | | | ÿP Ppr szÿ ´| |q 1 1 n 1 m n ´ m ´ 1 ` ´ DbE h XB C XB “ n 1 m ˆ B B r p Y q| s ˆ ˙ BÄ n 1 , B §m ˆ ˙ b B C n 1 B,m B ` r `ÿs | | | | | | ÿP Ppr ` ÿsz ´| |q 1 1 n 1 ´ m ´ 1 ` DbE h XB C XB , “ m ˆ B B r p Y q| s ˆ ˙ BÄ n 1 , B §m ˆ ˙ b B C n 1 B,m B r `ÿs | | | | | | ÿP Ppr ` ÿsz ´| |q where we have used in the first line that each subset B of n 1 of cardinality k appears in r ` s n 1 k different subsets A` (for l n 1 B), and in the same way, in the penultimate line, ` ´ Pr ` sz that each subset B C of n 1 of cardinality m appears in n 1 m different subsets A` Y r ` s ` ´ (for ` n 1 B C). Eventually, the case m n 1 follows from Pr ` sz Y “ ` n 1 ` gk XB h X n 1 ✓ p q“ p r ` sq´ k 1 B n 1 ,k ÿ“ Pprÿ` s q 1 n 1 ´ 1 ` DbE h X n 1 XB , “ B B p r ` sq| BÄ n 1 ˆ | | ˙ | | b B ÿr ` s ÿP “ ‰ by applying the Clark formula to h.

Proof of Theorem 3.1.6. By the previous construction, for

N i i1, ,iN Ik k Im k , “p ¨¨¨ qPp “ qXm k 1p ‰ q “£` the permutation Γ i admits k as a fixed point. Hence, “ p q N ˜ N Ik k Im k Ä Uk 1 . #p “ qXm k 1p ‰ q+ p “ q “£` 98 CHAPTER 3. APPLICATIONS

As both events have cardinality N 1 !, they do coincide. The values of pk and ↵k are p ´ q easily computed since the random variables Im,k§ m § N are independent. According to p q Theorem 2.2.6, N N N N ˜ N N N Uk E Uk D`E Uk F` 1 E Uk E Uk F` 1 E Uk F` . ´ ´ “ ` ` 1 | “ ` ` 1 | ´ | ” ı ÿ“ ” ı ” ı ÿ“ ” ı ” ı r N r ˜ q r r q r q Since Uk Fk 1, D`E Uk F` 1 0 for ` † k.For` k, we get P ´ | ´ “ “ ” ı r q N q N E 1 Ik k 1 Im k Ik,Ik 1, E 1 Ik k 1 Im k Ik 1,Ik 2, p “ q p ‰ q ` p “ q p ‰ q ` ` « m k 1 | ¨¨¨ ´ « m k 1 | ¨¨¨ “π` “π` N

1 Ik k Pk k 1 Im k . p “ q p ‰ q “ ´ pt uq m k 1 ´ ¯ “π` For ` k 1, “ ` N N

E 1 Ik k 1 Im k Ik 1,Ik 2, E 1 Ik k 1 Im k Ik 2,Ik 3, p “ q p ‰ q ` ` p “ q p ‰ q ` ` « m k 1 | ¨¨¨ ´ « m k 1 | ¨¨¨ “π` “π` N c tpk 1 Ik 1 k Pk 1 k 1 Im k p ` ‰ q ` p ‰ q “ ´ pt u q m k 2 ´ ¯ “π` N

tpk 1 Ik 1 k Pk 1 k 1 Im k . p ` “ q ` p ‰ q “´ ´ pt uq m k 2 ´ ¯ “π` The subsequent terms are handled similarly and the result follows.

Proof of Theorem 3.1.7. By the very definition of C1,wehave N N r N C1 E C1 D`E Uk F` 1 . (3.4.2) ´ “ ` k 1 ` k | ” ı ÿ“ ÿ“ ” ı N r N r r q For k `, E Uk F` 1 Uk and for ` ° k, “ | ´ “ ” ı r q r t 1 1 N N F E Uk ` 1 1 ... 1 1 Im k | ´ “ t k 1 ´ t k ´ t ` 2 p ‰ q ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙ m ` ” ı ` ´ ` ` ´ π“ r q t N 1 Im k . t ` 2 p ‰ q “ m ` ` ´ π“ It is straightforward that ` ° k,

N 1 N D` 1 Im k 1 I` k 1 1 Im k p ‰ q “ p ‰ q ´p ´ t ` 1q p ‰ q ˜m ` ¸ ˆ ˙ m ` 1 π“ ` ´ π“ ` 1 N 1 I` k 1 Im k . “´ p “ q ´ t ` 1 p ‰ q ˆ ˙ m ` 1 ` ´ π“ ` The result then follows by direct computations. 3.4. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 3 99

N N Proof of Theorem 3.1.9. Recall that for j l, D`E Uk F` 1 and DjE Um Fj 1 are or- ‰ | ´ | ´ thogonal in L2. In view of (3.4.2), according to the” integrationı by parts formula” , weı have r q r q N N N N ˜ N ˜ N Var C1 E D`E Uk F` 1 DjE Um Fj 1 ´ ´ r s“k 1 m 1 ` k j m | | ÿ“ ÿ“ ÿ“ ÿ“ ” ” ı ” ıı r N N N q q N N E D`E Uk F` 1 D`E Um F` 1 ´ ´ “ k 1 m 1 ` k m | | ÿ“ ÿ“ “ÿ_ ” ” ı ” ıı N N N r q r q N N N N ˜ N ˜ N 2 E Uk D`E Um F` 1 E Uk D`E Uk F` 1 . ´ ´ “ k 1 m k 1 ` m | ` «k 1 ` k | ÿ“ “ÿ` ÿ“ ” ” ıı ÿ“ ÿ“ ” ı Then, for ` • m ° k, r r q q

N N E Uk D`E Um F` 1 | ´ ” ” ıı N N r r qt 1 E 1 Ik k 1 Ip k 1 I` m 1 Ij m “´t ` 2 » p “ q p ‰ q p “ q ´ t ` 1 p ‰ qfi p k 1 ˆ ˙ j ` 1 ` ´ “π` ` ´ “π` – ` 1 N fl t Pk k 1 ´ pt uq P` m E 1 Ip k E 1 Ip k,m “´t ` 2 pt uq ´ t ` 1 » p ‰ qfi » p Rt uqfi ˆ ˙ p k 1 p ` 1 ` ´ ` ´ “π` “π` 0, – fl – fl “ since, for any l • m ° k 1 E 1 I` m 1 I` k E 1 I` m P` m . p “ q p ‰ q “ p “ q “ pt uq “ t ` 1 ` ´ Furthermore, for ` °“k, ‰ “ ‰

˜ N ˜ N E Uk D`E Uk F` 1 | ´ ” ” ıı N N q t 1 E 1 Ik k 1 Ip k 1 I` k 1 Ip k “´t ` 2 » p “ q p ‰ q p “ q ´ t ` 1 p ‰ qfi p k 1 ˆ ˙ p ` 1 ` ´ “π` ` ´ “π` – fl t N Pk k E 1 Ip k t ` 1 t ` 2 » p ‰ qfi “ pt uq p k 1 p ` ´ qp ` ´ q “π` t2 – fl , “ t ` 1 t ` 2 t N 1 p ` ´ qp ` ´ qp ` ´ q N as p k 1 1 Ip k 1 I` k 0, for ` ° k. Finally, for ` k, we get “ ` p ‰ q p “ q “ “ ± N t N ˜ N ˜ N F E Uk D`E Uk ` 1 E 1 Ik k 1 Ip k 1 Ik k 1 Ip k | ´ “ » p “ q p ‰ q p “ q ´ t k 1 p ‰ qfi p k 1 ˆ ˙ p k 1 ” ” ıı “π` ` ´ “π` q – t t2 t k 1 fl ` ´ “ t k 1 ´ t k 1 2 t N 1 ˆ ` ´ p ` ´ q ˙ ` ´ t k 1 p ´ q “ t k 1 t N 1 ¨ p ` ´ qp ` ´ q 100 CHAPTER 3. APPLICATIONS

It follows that

t2 N N 1 t N k 1 Var C ´ 1 t N 1 t ` 1 t ` 2 t N 1 t k 1 r s“ k 1 ` k 1 ` k 1 ` ´ ÿ“ “ÿ` p ` ´ qp ` ´ q ` ´ ÿ“ ` ´ r t Nt N 1 N 2t . t N 1 t N 1 t k 1 “ ˜ ` ´ k 1 ¸ ` ´ ` ´ ÿ“ ` ´ The proof is thus complete.

3.4.2 Proofs of Section 3.2

Proof of Theorem 3.2.3. We have to compute

sup E '1 F F' F , ' T p q´ p q P “ ‰ where T is the set of twice differentiable functions with second order derivative bounded by 2. Since F is centered,

1 1 E F' F E LL´ F ' F E DaL´ FDa' F . r p qs “ p q “ a A p´ q p q “ ‰ ÿP “ ‰

The trick is to use the Taylor expansion taking the reference point to be X1 a instead of XA. This yields

Da' F E1 ' F XA ' F X 1 , X1 '1 F X 1 DaF R, p q“ p p qq ´ p p a aqq “ p p aqq ` “ ‰ where 1 1 2 R E1 '2 ✓F X 1 a 1 ✓ F XA F XA F X 1 a d✓. “ 2 0 p q`p ´ q p q p q´ p q ª „ ´ ¯´ ¯ ⇢ Hence

1 E '1 F F' F E '1 F '1 F X 1 a DaF DaL´ F p q´ p q “ « p q´a A p p qq p´ q P “ ‰ ÿ 1 E R DaL´ F . ` a A p´ q ÿP “ ‰ The rightmost term of the the latter equation easily yields the rightmost of (3.2.1). Since '2 † 2, it is clear that '1 belongs to Lip2 hence the formulation of the distance with a } }8 supremum.

Proof of Corollary 3.2.6. Without loss of generality, we can assume that Xi is centered for any i • 1. Remark that 0 if j k, DjXk ‰ “ #Xk if j k. “ 3.4. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 3 101

1 Hence LYn Yn and Yn L Yn. According to Theorem 3.2.3, “ “ ´ 1 X X d i i1 2 1 P, PYn § sup E F 2 F Yn ´ Xi p q Lip2 p q´sn ´ sn P « i A ˆ ˙ ÿP ´ n ¯ 1 2 E Xi x dPi x Xi . ` s3 ´ p q| | n j 1 „ªEA ⇢ ÿ“ ` ˘ By independence, since is 2-Lipschitz continuous,

1 Xi Xi1 2 E F 2 F Yn ´ Xi ˇ « p q´sn ´ sn ˇ ˇ i A ˆ ´ ¯˙ ˇ ˇ ÿP ˇ ˇ 1 2 ˇ Xi Xi1 ˇ E F ˇF Yn ´ “ s2 i p q´ p ´ s q ˇ n i A „ n ⇢ˇ ˇ ÿP ´ ¯ ˇ ˇ 2 ˇ 2?2 ˇ § 2 E X ˇ X § 3. ˇ s3 i i ˇ i1 s3 i n i A | ´ | n i A ÿP “ ‰ ÿP Moreover,

2 3 2 3 3 3 E Xi x dPi x Xi E Xi E Xi § E Xi § 2 E Xi , ´ p q| | “ | | ` r| |s | | ` | | „ªEA ⇢ ´ ¯ “ ‰ “ ‰ “ ‰ according to the Hölder inequality. Hence the result.

Proof of Theorem 3.2.8. According to the principle of Stein’s method, we have to estimate 1 r E ' F F'1 F , (3.4.3) p q` ` ´ p q „ ´ ¯ ⇢ where ' and its derivatives satisfy (3.2.3). For any a A, thanks to the Taylor expansion, P a Da' F E1 ' F X , X1 ' F X '1 F DaF R, (3.4.4) ´ p q“ p p aqq ´ p p qq “´ p q ` where “ ‰

1 2 1 a a R 1 ✓ E1 '2 1 ✓ F X ✓F X ,Xa1 F X F X , Xa1 d✓. (3.4.5) “ 2 0 p ´ qˆ p ´ q p q` p q p q´ p q ª „ ´ ¯´ ¯ ⇢ According to (2.1.1) and to the definition of L,

1 1 E F' F E LL´ F ' F E DL´ F ' F r p qs “ p q “ ´ p q p q 1 “ ‰ “ ‰ E D' F , DL´ F L2 A . (3.4.6) “ x p q ´ y p q Plug (3.4.4) into (3.4.6): “ ‰

1 1 E D' F , DL´ F L2 A E Da' F Da L´ F p q x p q ´ y “´a A p q p q P “ ‰ ÿ “ 1‰ 1 E '1 F DaFDa L´ F E RDa L´ F “´a A p q p q ` a A p q P P ÿ “ 1 ‰ ÿ “ 1 ‰ E '1 F DF, DL´ F L2 A E R, DL´ F L2 A . “ p qx ´ y p q ` x ´ y p q “ ‰ “ ‰ 102 CHAPTER 3. APPLICATIONS


1 r E F '1 F F' F ` p ` ` q p q´ p q ˇ „ ⇢ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 1 r ˇ 1 1 ˇ § E '1 F F DFˇ , DL´ F L2 A E R, DL´ F L2 A p q ` p ` ` q´x ´ y p q ` x ´ y p qq ˇ „ ⇢ˇ ˇ ´ ¯ ˇ ˇ “ ‰ˇ ˇB1 B2. ˇ ˇ ˇ “ ˇ ` ˇ

Since '1 is bounded, we get

1 r 1 B1 § '1 E F DF, DL´ F L2 A } }8 ` p ` ` q´x ´ y p q „ˇ ˇ⇢ ˇ ˇ and from (3.4.5), we deduce that ˇ ˇ

2 1 B2 § '2 E DaF DaL´ F . 8 } } a A | | | | ÿP “ ‰ The proof follows from (3.4.3) and (3.2.3).

Proof of Theorem 3.2.10. For any a A, P

XaXj if a i “ Da XiXj XiXa if a j p q“$ “ &’0 otherwise.

Then, %’

DaF f i, a XiXa f a, j XaXj 2 f i, a XiXa, “ p q ` p q “ p q i,a A‰ j,a A‰ i,a A‰ p ÿqP p ÿqP p ÿqP so that F LF D F 2F and L 1F . a ´ 2 “´a A “´ “´ ÿP With our notations, the first term of the right-hand-side of (3.2.4) becomes

2 2 E 2F 2⌫ 2 f i, a f j, a X XiXj § Ai, (3.4.7) »ˇ ` ´ p q p q a ˇfi ˇ a A i,j A2 ˇ i 1 ˇ ÿP p ÿqP ˇ ÿ“ –ˇ ˇfl ˇ ˇ where ˇ ˇ

2 2 2 A1 2 E f i, a XaXi 1 , “ » 2 p qp ´ q fi ˇ i,a A ˇ ˇ p ÿqP ˇ –ˇ ˇfl 2 A2 2 E F f i, a f j, a X XiXj . “ »ˇ ´ p q p q a ˇfi ˇ a A i,j A‰ ˇ ˇ ÿP p ÿqP ˇ –ˇ ˇfl ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 3.4. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 3 103

We first control A1. According to the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 A § 4 E f i, a f j, c X X 1 X X 1 § 4 A11 A12 , 1 » p q p qp a i ´ qp c j ´ qfi p ` q i,a A2 j,c A2 p ÿqP p ÿqP – fl where

4 2 2 2 A11 E f i, a X X 1 , “ » p qp a i ´ q fi i,a A2 p ÿqP – fl 2 2 2 2 2 2 A12 E f i, a f j, a X X 1 X X 1 , “ » p q p qp a i ´ qp a j ´ qfi a A i,j A‰ ÿP p ÿqP – fl by orthogonality of the Xi’s. On the one hand,

2 4 2 2 4 2 4 A11 § f i, a E X X 1 E X 1 f i, a . (3.4.8) p q a i ´ “ 1 ´ p q i,a A2 „ ⇢ i,a A2 p ÿqP ´ ¯ ` “ ‰ ˘ p ÿqP On the other hand,

2 2 2 2 2 2 A12 E f i, a f j, a X X 1 X X 1 “ » p q p qp a i ´ qp a j ´ qfi i,j ‰ A2 a A p ÿq P ÿP § – f 2 i, a f 2 j, a E X2X2 1 X2X2 1 fl p q p q p a i ´ qp a j ´ q i,j ‰ A2 a A p ÿq P ÿP “ ‰ E X4 1 f 2 i, a f 2 j, a “ 1 ´ p q p q i,a A2 j i p ÿqP ÿ‰ ` “ 4‰ ˘ 1 2 § E X1 1 f 2 f L2 A . (3.4.9) ´ } ‹ } p q ` “ ‰ ˘ In a similar way, A2 § A21 A22, where `

A21 2 E f i, j XiXj f i, a f j, a XiXj , “ »ˇ ‰ p q ´ ‰ p q p q ˇfi ˇ i,j A i,j A a A ˇ ˇ p ÿqP p ÿqP ÿP ˇ –ˇ ˇfl ˇ 2 2 ˇ A22 2 E f i, a f j, a XiXj Xa E Xa . “ »ˇ ‰ p q p q ´ ˇfi ˇ i,j A a A ´ ¯ˇ ˇ p ÿqP ÿP “ ‰ ˇ –ˇ ˇfl As above, ˇ ˇ

2 2 1 2 A § 4 E f i, j f i, a f j, a XiXj 4 f f f . (3.4.10) 21 »¨ p q´ p q p q ˛ fi “ } ´ ‹1 }2 i,j A‰ a A p ÿqP ´ ÿP ¯ –˝ ‚ fl 104 CHAPTER 3. APPLICATIONS

Furthermore, according to Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and by independence, we have

2 A22 § 2 E XiXj f i, a f j, a Xa 1 ‰ «| | p q p qp ´ q i,j A ˇ a A ˇ p ÿqP ˇ ÿP ˇ ˇ 1 ˇ2 2 { § 2 E f i, a f j, a X2 1 » p q p qp a ´ q fi i,j A‰ a A ´ p ÿqP ÿP ¯ – fl1 2 { § 2 f i, a 2f j, a 2E X4 1 ¨ p q p q a ´ ˛ i,j A‰ a A p ÿqP ÿP “ ‰ ˝ 4 1 2 1 ‚ § 2 E X1 1 { f 2 f L2 A . (3.4.11) ´ } ‹ } p q ` “ ‰ ˘ The remainder term is given by

2 1 A3 E F XA F XA a; x dPa x DaL´ F . “ p q´ p q p q| | a A „ EA ⇢ ÿP ª ´ ¯ Once again, using the orthogonality, we have

2 Ga XA F XA F XA a; x dPa x p q“ EA p q´ p q p q ª ´ ¯ 2 4 E1 f i, a XiXa f i, a XiXa1 “ « i A p q ´ i A p q ´ ÿP ÿP ¯ 2 2 4 E1 Xa Xa1 f i, a Xi “ «p ´ q i A p q ´ P ¯ 2 ÿ 2 4 f i, a Xi E1 Xa Xa1 “ i A p q p ´ q ´ P ¯ ÿ 2 “ ‰ 2 4 f i, a Xi Xa 1 . “ i A p q ` ´ ÿP ¯ ` ˘ Thus,

4 2 2 2 E Ga XA 16 E f i, a Xi Xa 1 «a A p q “ «a A i A p q ` P P ´ P ¯ ÿ ÿ4 ÿ 4 ` 4 ˘ 16 E X1 3 E X1 f i, a “ ` a A i A p q ` “ ‰ ˘ “ ‰ ÿP ÿP 96 E X4 3 f 2 i, a f 2 j, a ` 1 ` p q p q a A i,j A‰ ` “ ‰ ˘ ÿP p ÿqP 4 2 4 4 1 2 § 16 E X1 3 f i, a 96 E X1 3 f 2 f L2 A . (3.4.12) ` a A i A p q` ` } ‹ } p q ` “ ‰ ˘ ÿP ÿP ` “ ‰ ˘ 3.4. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 3 105

Moreover, 1 E D L 1F 2 E D F 2 a ´ 4 a a A | | “ a A | | P P ÿ “ ‰ ÿ “ ‰ 2

E f i, a XiXa “ »¨ p q ˛ fi a A i,a A‰ ÿP p ÿqP –f˝2 i, a ⌫. ‚ fl (3.4.13) “ p q“ i,a A‰ p ÿqP Combine (3.4.8)–(3.4.13) to obtain (3.2.6).

3.4.3 Proofs of Section 3.3

Proof of Theorem 3.3.1. As to constuct the mesure Lh, define the measure of probability Ph T NT h on E by Ph t 1 Pt where “ “ h h h P Ut 1 p˚Â p ∆hp, P Ut 1 q˚ q ∆hq, and P Ut 0 s˚ s ∆hs t p “ q“ “ ` t p “´ q“ “ ` t p “ q“ “ ` where s 1 p q and with “ ´ ´

1 2 ∆hp ?∆t ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 ∆t✓ ✓ ✓ 1 ∆t✓ h k r g r h $ “ 23 ✓ p qr p q´ 1p qs ` r p q´ 1p qp ` qs “r p q` p qs ’ p q ’ ∆ ` ∆ 2 ˘ ’ ∆ t✓ ✓ 1 ✓ 1 t✓ ’ hs p q´ 3 p qp ` qh g r h ’ “´ ✓ “´ p q & p q 1 ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ 2 ’ hq ? t ✓ ✓ ✓1 ✓ 2 t✓ ✓ 1 ✓ 1 t✓ h k r g r h, ’ “ 23 ✓ ´ p qr p q´ p qs ` r p q´ p qp ` qs “r´ p q` p qs ’ p q ’ ` ˘ ’since ∆hp ∆hs ∆hq 0. % ` ` “

NT h h Define thus Lh t 1 Lt Ut , where Lt is the random variable defined on Et by “ “ p q ± h p˚ q˚ s˚ Lt Ut 1 Ut 1 1 Ut 1 1 Ut 0 , (3.4.14) p q“ p t “ u ` q t “´ u ` s t “ u and such that the expectation under Ph is defined by

NT h Eh F E f U1,...,UNT Lh E f U1,...,UNT Lt Ut , r s“ r p q s“ « p q t 1 p q π“ for any functional F.

Noting that E Lh 1, it follows from the Clark formula (2.2.3) r s“ NT Lh 1 E DkLh U Ft ´ “ t 1 r p q| s ÿ“ NT t 1 ´ Lt Ut 1 L` U` , “ t 1 # p q´ ` 1 p q+ ÿ“ ` ˘ π“ 106 CHAPTER 3. APPLICATIONS since, for any r NT , P

NT NT h h E DkLh U Fr E L U` Eh Lh Ut L U` Fk r p q| s“ » ` p q´ r p qs ˆ ` p q fi ` 1 ` 1,` t ˇ π“ “π‰ ˇ – t 1 ˇ fl h ´ h Lt Ut 1 L` U` . “ p q´ ` 1 p q ´ ¯ π“ Note thus that for any t NT , P ∆ ∆ ∆ h hp hq hs Lt Ut 1 1 Ut 1 1 Ut 1 1 Ut 0 p q´ “ p p “ q ` q p “´ q ` s p “ q k r g r h k r g r h g r h r p q` p qs 1 Ut 1 r p q´ p qs 1 Ut 1 p q 1 Ut 0 , “ p p “ q ` q p “´ q ´ s p “ q to state (3.3.5). Hence the result. Part II

Malliavin calculus and enlargement of filtrations in discrete time: additional utility of an insider in a ternary model



The starting point for our second work arises in a discrete incomplete market, where we consider two agents with different information levels; the first one, called insider, possesses from the beginning extra information whereas the second one, the ordinary agent, bases his investment decisions on the public information flow. We ask the question, as the common thread of this second part:

How to quantify the additional utility of an insider in a incomplete discrete market model? (3.4.15) The framework in which lies the insider problem is that of a financial market embodied by a probability space Ω, F, P . Its mathematical traduction boils down to the quantitative p q comparison of a regular agent whose information coincides with the natural filtration F and an insider who possesses some extra information hidden in a random variable G from the beginning ot the trading interval NT 0,T N. Two main approaches were developped “r sX to deal with this problem. Jorge A León, Reyla Navarro and David Nualart [84] stated that insider’s portfolio satisfied an anticipative stochastic equation and used the tools of anticipat- ing stochastic calculus to determine its maximal utility. The alternative approach, that we have chosen to follow is to address the problem from the point of view of martingale theory, as first envisaged by Karatzas and Pikovsky [115]. They made the insider evolve in a parallel probability space Ω, G, P where G is an enrichment of the initial filtration F and encom- p q passes the additional information which benefits him. They converted the initial problem into that of a grossissement de filtrations one (see Jacod [70]), Yor ([141]) in which they exploited the powerful techniques. In the 90’s the question of enlargement of filtrations aroused great interest and generated many works. Plenty applications in finance resulted from the related theories; to name but a few, the questions of arbitrage or indifference pricing can be addressed in terms of initial enlargement, whereas credit risk, or insurance issues can be modelised by a progressive enlargement situation.

In a continuous setting, the Jacod’s condition indicates that the absolutely continuity of the conditional laws of G with respect to its law is a sufficient criterion to the preservation of semi- martingales. Transposing these works in the referred financial context, Imkeller highlighted the crucial role played by the information drift, i.e. the drift to eliminate in order to preserve the martingale property, and remarkably described it by the logarithmic Malliavin trace of the conditional laws of G with respect ot F. In discrete time, the question of elargement of filtration seems easier. Indeed, Jacod’s hypothesis is de facto satisfied in a discrete setting and we are directly provided with a "bridge formula" thanks to Doob’s decomposition (see Blanchet-Scalliet, Jeanblanc and Romero [20]). This brings us to the question: can we provide an analogue of the information drift in a discrete context and express it in terms of Malliavin derivative? In the very beginning we tried to fit our formalism to address the insider’s problem in a the underlying trinomial model (see its definition in section 3.3). The difficulty came to our Clark-Ocone formula (2.2.3) from which we cannot derive a Karatzas-Ocone hedging formula. Indeed, the Fk-measurability of the term DkE F Fk appearing in (2.2.3) prevented us from r | s defining for the F-predictable drift process we searched for. This observation was prone to replace the trinomial model with what we called a ternary model, equally distributed to the first one, but enjoying the properties of the jump processes on which it lies proved to be more conducive to state a predictable representation formula. 110

The second part consists of three chapters; the first one is an overview of enlargement of filtrations techniques and insider relative topics in familiar contexts. The new results are included in the two following chapters. The second chapter is devoted to the construction of Malliavin calculus for compound geometric processes. In the last one, we address the problem of insider trading in the so-called ternary market and apply our new formalism to provide a response to the problem 3.4.15. Chapter 4

From a discrete insider model to Malliavin calculus for compound geometric processes

The chapter is organized as follows; in the first section we set up the question of insider’s trad- ing in a continuous setting and give some elements about enlargement of filtrations techniques. The second section is devoted to the problems of hedging and optimization of portfolios. In the following one, as to install our theory among what has be done, we introduce Malliavin calculus for jump processes. Last, we gather in the conclusion all the ingredients we need to solve the problem 3.4.15 we have chosen to investigate.

Troughout this chapter, we consider a simple financial market embodied by the couple of R -valued processes, called assets, At, St t T defined on the same probability space Ω, F, P ` p q P p q where F Ft t T is a filtration (generally that generated by the canonical process) and such “p q P that :

• the process At t T is deterministic and modelises the risk-free asset, p q P • the process St t T is F-adapted and modelises the risky asset, associated to its price St p q P at time t T. P 1 The sequence of discounted prices St t T is defined by St At´ St (t T). On this market, p q P “ P operate different agents so that T is called the trading interval; in a continuous setting it is equal to 0,T (T R)andtoNT N 0,T (T N ) in a discrete one. r s P “ Xr s P ˚ 4.1 Insider’s trading in a continuous setting and initial enlarge- ment

Consider the market model described below, and assume in this section only that the sequence of discounted prices St t T is a F, P -martingale. The underlying question of risk-neutral p q P p q measure will be addressed in the forthcoming section.

Until we transpose the problem into a discrete setting and that we mention it, let T 0,T “r s and consider the Wiener space Ω, A, F, P equipped with the canonical process Bt t T, where p q p q P 111 112 CHAPTER 4. INSIDER MODEL AND GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

Ω is the set of continuous functions on T starting at 0, A the -algebra of Borel sets with respect to the uniform convergence of compact subsets of T, F Ft t T the natural filtration “p q P generated by Bt t T (assume A F)andP the Wiener measure. The financial market lying p q P “ on Ω, F, P is defined through the couple of progressively measurable processes r, , where r p q p q stands for the mean rate of return and the volatility and satisfy the integrability conditions:

T T 2 rt dt † and t dt † , P a.s. | | 8 | | 8 ´ ª0 ª0 The evolution of the stock process St t T is given by: p q P t t St 1 ruSu du uSu dBu,t T, (4.1.1) “ ` ` P ª0 ª0 When the processes r et are deterministic and constant, the dynamics (4.1.1) of the un- derlying is a geometric Brownian motion and defines the so-called Black-Scholes model. Two agents act on the trading interval T:theordinary agent whose information level corresponds to the filtration F i.e. whose knowledge at time t is given by Ft and the insider who enjoys an information overload encoded by a FT or possibly FT "-measurable (for some small " ° 0) ` random variable G with values in a Polish space Γ, G . Thus, the insider disposes at time t p q an information given by the -algebra Gt defined by

Gt Ft G . “ _ p q 0 We denote G Gt t T (and G Gt t 0,T ) the insider’s filtration. This depicts the easier “p q P “p q Pr q case of enlargement of filtration called initial enlargement. The problem of progressive en- largement where Gt Ft Ft and F F t T is an another filtration distinct of F sounds to “ _ “p q P be more difficult, and won’t be treated here. p p p The ordinary agent manages a F-portfolio determined by the proportion of the wealth invested in stocks. It is encoded by a F-progressively measurable process called strategy such that

T T 2 trt dt † and trt dt † , P, F a.s, | | 8 | | 8 p q´ ª0 ª0 which value V satisfies the differential equation: p q

dVt dSt p q t ,t 0,T . (4.1.2) Vt “ St Pr s p q The maximal logarithmic utility of the ordinary agent whose initial wealth is x is defined via the maximization problem: ΦF x x max E log Vt , (4.1.3) p q“ F portfolio r p p qs P ´ The insider’s portfolio process, value and maximal logarithmic utility are analogously defined by systematically replacing F by G. Then, the additional expected logarithmic of the insider with initial wealth x is defined by:

G F U x Φ x Φ x (4.1.4) p q“ p q´ p q 4.1. INSIDER’S TRADING AND INITIAL ENLARGEMENT 113 where ΦG x G max E log Vt . (4.1.5) “ G portfolio p p q P ´ “ ‰ Introduce now the notion of arbitrage. From an economic point of view, an arbitrage designates a portfolio (i.e. the strategy it refers to) such that even if its initial value is zero, its terminal value is strictly positive, in other words, an "always winning strategy" called free lunch. Thus there exists an arbitrage opportunity in a financial market when making a profit without risk and without net investment of capital is possible. Mathematically, that translates as follows:

Definition 4.1.1. Given a filtration F, consider a F- S. The model S, F p q has no arbitrage if there exists a positive F-martingale L with L0 1 such that LS is a “ F-martingale.

A financial market with no arbitrage opportunities is said to be arbitrage free. Two questions naturally arise: how to estimate the additional maximal logarithmic utility of the insider? Does the additional benefiting the insider provides him with an arbitrage opportunity?

For a given of F-portfolio , the solution of (4.1.2) expressed as

t t t 1 2 2 Vt V0 exp ssdBs ds srsds “ ´ 2 s s ` ˆª0 ª0 ª0 ˙ such that the solution of (4.1.3) from the ordinary agent’s point of view is provided by Merton’s formula 1 T r2 ΦF x E s ds, p q“2 2 „ª0 s ⇢ t which proof lies on the property of the stochastic integral 0 ssdBs. Since t the process Bt t T is not a G-martingale, the stochastic integral ssdBs is not a G- p q P 0 ≥ martingale any more, so that the previous computations no longer hold. This led to the ≥ conservation of martingale properties face to an enlargement of filtrations.

Main instigator of these questions, Jacod showed (Jacod Théorème 2.1 [70]) that every con- tinuous local F-martingale is a G0-martingale under the so-called Jacod’s hypothesis : Assumption. The regular conditional law of G given Ft is absolutely continuous with respect to the the law of G, P almost everywhere, for all t 0,T . Pr q Its reinforcement, assuming of equivalence of the involved distributions (instead of simple absolute continuity) enables to define the Radon-Nikodym density process of the conditional laws of G with respect to its law by

dP G Ft ! pc ! p P¨| qp q c ; c Γ, ! Ω, (4.1.6) t p q“ dP G p q P P p P¨q that will be of relevance, and prone to exploit the techniques of Malliavin calculus. Provided G G Jacod’s condition (4.1.6) holds, let the t t 0,T be the - progressively mesurable process p q Pr s defined by d pt ,c , Bt t G dt x p¨ q y t “ p ,c t ˇc G p¨ q ˇ “ ˇ ˇ 114 CHAPTER 4. INSIDER MODEL AND GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS that we suppose to satisfy the additional integrability condition T G dt † , P a.s. | t | 8 ´ ª0 Then the process B B ¨ G ds “ ` | s | ª0 is a G-semimartingale with a G-Brownianr motion B. The maximal logarithmic utility of the insider whose initial wealth is x defined by (4.1.4) can be expressed as r 1 T U E G 2 ds , “ 2 s „ª0 ⇢ ` ˘ so that the knowledge in advance of the information contained in the random variable G is quantifiable in terms of energy of the so-called information drift G. Extending the Clark- Ocone formula to measure valued martingales in order to apply it to the conditional laws of G, t ` ` ` p p Dsp dBs t “ o ` s ª0 P. Imkeller made clear the relationship between the random variable G and the information drift that he identified - via the remarkable formula -

G Dtpt ,c t p¨ q c G Dt ln pt ,c c G, “ pt ,c “ “ p¨ q “ p¨ q ˇ ` ˘ˇ with a logarithmic Malliavin derivative traceˇ of the conditionaˇl density.

Until the end of the section, consider a discrete setting which consists of a probability space Ω F F , , P where Ft t NT . The evolution of the discounted stock process St t NT initially p q “p q P p q P defined by S0 1 is didacted by rt t NT through the equation : “ p q P ∆St ft ↵t, Xt, ∆Xt ,t NT . St “ p q P ∆ 0 F where St St St 1 (t NT ), Xt t NT is a -adapted process and ft a function defined on Ω“ ∆´ ´Ω P p q P R Xt Xt . For instance, in the so-called Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model, Xt t NT ` ˆ p qˆ p q p q P is a Rademacher process and

∆ 1 ft rt, Xt, Xt b1 Xt 1 a1 Xt 1 1 (4.1.7) p q“1 r t “ u ` t “´ u ´ ` ´ ¯ bin In other words, the dynamics of the stock price St t NT satisfying the recurrent relation p q P bin bin 1 b St if Xt 1 St p ` q bin “ “ 1 a S if Xt 1 " p ` q t “´ The ordinary agent manages a F-portfolio determined by the proportion of the wealth invested in stocks encoded by a F-progressively measurable process value V (and discounted value p q V ) satisfies the self-financed condition given here by an equation in differences: p q ∆ ∆ Vt St 0 p q t ,t NT . (4.1.8) Vt “ St P p q 4.2. HEDGING AND PORTFOLIO’S OPTIMIZATION IN INCOMPLETE MARKETS115

The difficulties inherent with the preservation of are directly lifted as a con- sequence of Doob’s decomposition. Indeed it is clear (see Blanchet-Scalliet, Jeanblanc and Romero [20]) that any integrable process is a special semimartingale in any filtration with respect to which it is adapted. The specific case where the FT -measurable G takes its values in a countable set Γ arouses in- terest since the enlargement of filtrations can be also interpreted in terms of drift information. Within this framework, define for any c Γ,theF-martingale pc by P c p P G c Ft t “ p “ | q G Then the process S defined by

t ∆ ∆ c F G E Ss ps s 1 S S | ´ c G (4.1.9) t t G ˇ “ “ ´ s 1 “ ps 1 ‰ ˇ ÿ“ ´ ˇ is a G-martingale. We identify thus a drift information which one of the challenges of Chapter 3 will be to provide an expression in terms of Malliavin calculus (for a discrete setting to be precised).

Theorem 4.1.2. If the random variable G is not F0-measurable, the model S, G is not p q arbitrage free.

4.2 Hedging and portfolio’s optimization in incomplete markets

Along with the computation of the maximal utilities of the two traders (the ordinary agent and the insider) as indicated in the previous section, the determination of the financial strategy to follow in order to realize the maximum is of interest; starting with that of the traders themselves. In other words, assuming that ΦF x is known (for the ordinary agent), we p q wonder how to determine a F-predictable process which value V satisfying (4.1.2) and p q such that (if T NT in a discrete setting) “ F V0 x, VT Φ x and Vt • 0, p q“ p q“ p q p q for any t NT . This turns out to estimate the quantities of the risk-free and risky assets with P which the agent must compose his portfolio to maximize his utility. This leads us to tackle with the question of hedging.Ahedge is basically an investment that protects the finances of a trading agent. Mathematically, this is the response to the problem: given a claim F, i.e. a FT -measurable random variable F, is there a F-predictable process such that (if T NT “ in a discrete setting)

T VT V0 t ∆St F and Vt • 0 for any t NT ? (4.2.1) p q“ p q`t 1 “ p q P ÿ“ The section consists of two parts; in the first one, we indicate how a martingale approach (via martingale representation theorem) performs advantageously to solve the problem of hedg- ing in complete markets. Focusing on incomplete markets in the following one, we drop this approach for technical reasons (as it will be explained) and tackle the problem from the stand- point of optimization issues. 116 CHAPTER 4. INSIDER MODEL AND GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

The financial market is complete if all claims are reachable i.e. the answer to the question 4.2.1 is always positive. This is the case of the Black-Scholes model (see (4.1.1)) in a continuous paradigm or the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (see (4.1.7)) model in a discrete setting. The Funda- mental Theorem of holds in both frameworks; we implicitely evokated when we assumed in section 4.1 that the sequence of discounted prices St t T was a P, F -martingale. p q P p q In its most basic form it reads as follows: Theorem 4.2.1 (Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing). The financial market lying on Ω, F, P is arbitrage-free if and only if there exits a probability measure P‹,equivalentto p q F P,andsuchthatthesequence St t NT is a P‹, -martingale. The measure P‹ is a risk- p q P p q neutral measure. If the market is further assumed to be complete, there is a unique risk-neutral measure.

The set of measures with respect to which the sequence of discounted prices St t T is a , F - pF q P p¨ q martingale will be called the set of martingale measures and denoted by C . The subset of C F composed of the martingale measures equivalent to P is denoted M F. The Theorem 4.2.1 ensures that in a complete market, the set M F is reduced to the singleton P . t ˚u The result is of key importance to tackle with the problems of pricing or hedging. Indeed, by systematically reason under risk-neutral measure(s) we benefit from all tools the martingale theory is provided with. In the Black-Scholes model, the value of the portfolio ↵, ' denoted by the process V “p q p q is given at time t T by P Vt ↵t At 't St, (4.2.2) p q“ ` where ↵t and 't stand respectively for the amount of the riskless asset At and the amount of risky asset St composing the portfolio at time t. The self-financing condition(4.1.8) can be rewritten as ↵t dAt 't dSt 0; t T. (4.2.3) ` “ P In the Black-Scholes model lying a the Wiener space, the hedging formula is thus directly provided by the Clark formula under the unique neutral-risk probability measure P‹ (see prop 1.14.4 of chapter 1 in Privault [117]). Theorem 4.2.2 (Hedging formula in the Black-Scholes model). Let a claim depicted by a random variable F L2 Ω .LettheF-adapted processes ↵ and ' defined by P p q r T t r T t e´ p ´ qE‹ DtF Ft e´ p ´ qE‹ DtF Ft 't St 't p r | s and ↵t r | s´ “ St “ At for any t NT .Thestrategy ↵, ' satisfies the self-financing (4.2.3) assumption and P “p q simulates F. In the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein which underlying Rademacher space is also equipped with a Malli- avin calculus (2.0.2). The value of the portfolio process V is defined by (4.2.2) with the p q discrete time corresponding notations, and the self-financing assumption (4.1.8) boils down to: for any t NT 1, P ´ At ↵t 1 ↵t St 't 1 't 0. (4.2.4) p ` ´ q` p ` ´ q“ In discrete time models, a strategy is admissible if it the self-financing (4.2.4) assumption and satisifes for any t NT , P Vt • 0. p q Again, the hedging formula comes out by the application of the Clark fomula to the claim F. 4.2. HEDGING AND PORTFOLIO’S OPTIMIZATION IN INCOMPLETE MARKETS117

Theorem 4.2.3 (Hedging formula in the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model). Let a claim depicted 2 by a random variable F L Ω .LettheF-predictable processes ↵ and ' defined by ↵0 P p q “ 1 r T E F , p ` q´ ‹ r s T t t 1 r p ´ qE‹ DtF Ft 1 1 't p ` q r | ´ s and ↵t As´ 1 Ss 1 's 's 1 pq b a S ´ ´ “ ? t 1 “ s 1 ´ p ´ q p ´ q ´ ÿ“ ` ˘ for any t NT .Thestrategy ↵, ' is admissible and simulates F. P “p q

Up to now, let T NT and consider the simple discrete financial market described in section “ 4.1. When the market is incomplete, additional difficulties arise. All claims are no longer simulable. The hedging approach using Clark formula in the complete Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model for instance (Theorem 4.2.3), does not stand anymore. The initial problem (4.1.5) can be addressed in terms of portfolio’s optimization, and leads our steps towards the duality approach. A very substantiated expression and comprehensive look at arbitrage-related issues can be found in the book of Freddy Delbaen and Walter Schachermayer [42]; our work is greatly inspired by it. We yield thereafter some of the key points of the proof they used to deal with the optimization problem (4.1.3) in the trinomial model (see the definition (6.1.1)). This is a textbook case of incomplete models. As explained by Wolfang Runggaldier in [126] the trinomial model modelises an incomplete market, where the risk-neutral probability measure, with respect to which the sequence of discounted prices is a , F -martingale, is not unique. Let be a probability measure P , p¨ q 1 equivalent to P and, for any t NT 1 define P ´ pt 1 P1 Xt 1 1 b Ft ,qt 1 P1 Xt 1 1 a Ft and st 1 P1 Xt 1 1 Ft . ` “ p ` “ ` | q ` “ p ` “ ` | q ` “ p ` “ | q The measure P1 is a F-martingale measure if and only if the triplet pt 1,qt 1,st 1 satisfies p ` ` ` q

1 b pt 1 1 a qt 1 st 1 St 1 r St P : p ` q ` `p ` q ` `p ` q “p ` q ; t NT 2. p q # p´n 1 qn 1 sn 1 1 ¯ @ P ´ ` ` ` ` ` “ The system P admits infinitely many solutions pt,qt,st such that any triplet p q T NT ´1 M F P pt,qt,st forms a convex set (here a segment) characterized` ˘ by its extremal points (in- dependent of t), i.e. the measures ` ˘ r a b r r b r P0 P0,Tri ´ , ´ , 0 and P1 P1,Tri , 0, ´ , (4.2.5) t “ “ b a b a t “ “ b b ´ ´ ´ ¯ ´ ¯ which are not equivalent to P but such that any convex combination P P0,Tri 1 P1,Tri , “ `p ´ q 0 1 is. Note that the extremal measures P and P are independent of t and Ft,sothat,ifN 2 n n “ and ! !1, !2 Ω, “p qP i j i j i i j P1 ! , ! P1 ! P1 ! ! P1 ! P1 ! p 1 2q“ p 1q p 2| 1q“ p 1q p 2q and by induction t i1 it is P1 !1 , , !t P1 !s . p ¨¨¨ q“s 1 p q π“ 118 CHAPTER 4. INSIDER MODEL AND GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

Then we can show that for any t NT , the set F-martingale measures is described by a t P j polyhedron which the Jt 2 vertices depict the extremal measure P (j Jt) that be can be “ t P written as j j j 0,Tri s 1,Tri 1 s P P P ´ , t “ p q p q s Nt âP j t where s s Nt 0, 1 . p q P Pt u As a reminder, the problem to solve is: given an economic agent disposing of x euros at date t 0 (initial budget constraint), determine the optimal admissible strategy allowing to “ maximize the value of the portfolio at time t NT 1. That is mathematically traduced by: P ´ Φ x max E u Vx,t (4.2.6) p q“ F portfolio p p q P ´ “ ‰ where, for any t NT 1, Vx,t stands for the discounted value at time t of a F-portfolio P ´ p q corresponding to the strategy ↵t, 't t NT ´1 and starting at x R˚ (the initial wealth), “p q P P ` and u to an utility real function defined on R˚ or R striclty increasing and strictly concave. Here consider the utility function `

u : x R˚ fi log x, P ` Ñ denote I u 1 its "inverse" function and u its Legendre-Fenchel tranform , i.e. the convex “p 1q´ ˚ function defined by u˚ r sup u s sr . (4.2.7) p q“ ˚ p q´ s R` P ( S F S F F 0 0 Let (resp. t ) the set of -predictable self-financing strategies on NT (resp. on Nt ). For x R˚ , let P ` F Λx,t V: S , V Vt and V0 x . “ D P “ p q “ M F F As seen above, the trinomial market is not complete and there exists( a convex set t of - 0 j martingales measures on Nt with a finite number Jt of extremal values Pt ,j Jt . Denote C F M F F p P q t the convex subset of t formed by the -martingale measures equivalent to P.Notein particular that for any strategy ↵, ' with initial value x is written by “p q t Vx,t x 's ∆Ss, p q“ ` s 1 ÿ“ and satisfies E j Vx,t 0; j Jt. (4.2.8) Pt r p qs “ P As precisely developped by Freddy Delbaen and Walter Schachermayer in [42], this optimiza- tion problem can be solved by a duality approach decomposable in the following steps : 1. Rewrite (4.2.6) as a maximization problem under a finite number of linear constraints (4.2.9), called primal problem

max E u V under the constraints EPj V § x ; j Jt, (4.2.9) V Λx,t r p qs t r s @ P P where Λ S F x,t V t : E j V § x, j Jt . “ P Pt r s @ P The equivalence of the problems! (4.2.6) and (4.2.9) lies on the) identities (4.2.8). 4.3. MALLIAVIN CALCULUS FOR JUMP PROCESSES 119

2. Determine its associated dual problem (4.2.10)

sup Φ V , (4.2.10) V Λx,t p q P i.e. the optimization problem satisfied by the Lagrangian associated to the primal prob- lem defined here by

Jt Λx,t R › R ˆ Ñ ` J L : t V, 1, , Jt fi› E u V j E j V x Pt p ¨¨¨ q Ñ r p qs ` j 1 r s´ ÿ“ ´ ¯ 3. Solve (4.2.10) by minimizing the value function

dM y inf E u˚ y (4.2.11) p q“M M F dP P t „ ˆ ˙⇢ y where j Jt j. “ P Thus, it can be stated∞ that:

Theorem 4.2.4 (Delbaen, Schachermayer [42]). There exists unique optimizers Vx,t and C F Myx,t of the problems (4.2.6) and (4.2.11) such that Myx,t t and P p p p x dMyxx,t Vx,t I yx . “ dP ˆ xp ˙ p 4.3 Malliavin calculus for jumpp processes

The impossibility to state a martingale representation theorem for any sequence of independent random variables as explained in the introduction of the part II, and thus to provide an hedging formula for the trinomial model within our formalism, enhanced us to investigate the option of an alternative financial model. This "model quest" led us to design a ternary model equivalent in distribution to the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein’s (see Remark 6.1.1). This new model lying on what we have called a geometric compound process suggests to focus on jump models to understand its behavior. These models are additionally worthy of interest ; contrary to the Black-Scholes model, they integrate the possibility of the occurrence of rare events (sudden change in the international environment for instance, market crashes, gaps or opening jumps). For more details on the subject, see for instance the Chapter 1 of the book Rama Cont and Peter Tankov [30]. Up to know, consider a probability sapce Ω, A, P where are defined a standard Brownian p q motion Bt t R` , a Poisson process Nt t R` of intensity and a sequence of i.i.d. 1, - p q P p q P p´ `8q valued random variables V Vt t R` . The -algebras generated by these three processes “p q P F F are supposed to be independent of each other. The filtration t t R` is defined by “p q P F t Bs, Ns, V 1 §Ns ,s§ t . “ ¨ t¨ uq q ` ˘ The riskless asset At t R` is defined as in the Black-Scholes model (see 0.0.11) whereas p q P the price of risky asset St t R` is occasionally disjoint with significant jumps which values p q P 120 CHAPTER 4. INSIDER MODEL AND GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

and occurrences are respectively given by Vt t R` and Tt t R` (namely the times process p q P p q P associated to Nt t R` ) and follows the Black-Scholes model between two jump times. Its p q P dynamics characterizing a jump-diffusion process is provided in its differential form by:

dSt St r dt dBt dZt ; t R , “ ´ ` ` P ` where Z Zt t R` defined by ` ˘ P “p q Nt Zt Vs, (4.3.1) “ s 1 ÿ“ is a compound Poisson process.

When V is a derministic constant process, Z coincides with the standard Poisson process on R . Dean of the family of the jump processes, the latter is equipped with an extensive ` Malliavin theory, born shortly after that on Wiener space. Indeed, its associated compensated process is in fact a normal martingale so that most of fundamental properties such as martin- gale representation theorem, decomposition in chaos, Itô formula are immediatly provided and make the theory powerful. For more details on Malliavin calculus for Poisson processes, see for instance chaos expansion (Last and Penrose [81], Privault [116]) for anticipative calculus (Nualart and Vives [103]).

When V denotes in a more general case an independent sequence of square-integrable random variables identically distributed with a probability distribution ⌫ defined on R, Z belongs to the family of compound Poisson processes, for which a stochastic calculus has already been designed. Extending what has been done before for the standard Poisson process, it is less rich in applications since the compound process does not enjoy all the properties of its illustrious elder. If the independence of increments they share makes possible a characterization in terms of Laplace’s transform and to define stochastic integrals satisfying an Itô isometry property, it is however impossible to state a predictable representation property for compound Poisson processes in general. As suggested in the in the remark below, the associated compensated compound process Yt t R` does not satisfy a structure equation when the process V is not p q P deterministic constant. Remark 4.3.1. As explained in the last item the remark p. 95 in Privault [117], the quadratic F variation of the compensated compound -martingale Yt t R` defined by p q P Yt tE V1 Yt ´ r s “ ?VarV1 satisfies

Nt 1 2 Y, Y t Vs r s “ Var V1 s 1 | | r s “ ÿt 2 t 2 a 1 V1 Ns´ E V1 V1 Ns´ | ` | dYs r s | ` | ds. “ Var V1 0 VNs ` Var V1 0 VNs r s ª r s ª F If this last expressiona does not allow find a square integrablea -adapted process t t R` p q P satisfying the structure equation t Y, Y t t s dYs, (4.3.2) r s “ ` ª0 4.4. CONCLUSION 121 in the general case, it seems to remain possible to state a kind of modified structure equation

1 Nt t Y, Y 1 dY , (4.3.3) t ? t s s r s “ s 1 “ ` 0 ÿ“ ª

in the particular case where V t t R` is deterministic constant equal to 1 p| | q P 2 t t ∆Yt t∆t “ 2 ˘ 2 ` dˆ ˙

(or under restrictive conditions Vt 1 and E Vt 0 for any t R ). | |“ r s“ P `

Despite of this intrinsic absence of predictable representation property, a Malliavin calculus can be elaborated for compound Poisson processes seen as a particular case a the larger class of Lévy processes to wich it belongs (see chapter 6 in [117], [109], [106]). The formalism thus conceived gives in particular birth to an analogue Clark-Ocone formula, inescapable tool to address hedging and portfolios optimization problems in jump-diffusion models. See for instance the works of Elisa Alòs, Jorge A. León, and Josep Vives [3], Ioannis Karatzas and Daniel Ocone [108].

4.4 Conclusion

In the same spirit as the conclusion of chapter 1, we close this one by listing what we need to answer the question: how can we quantify the additional utility of the insider trading on a a financial market bore by a ternary model? The challenge is threefold: we have to understand the mechanics of the underlying compound geometric process, tanspose one of the methods usually used for the optimization of dynamic portfolios to our framework, and transfer all these tools to an insider’s point of view. In other words, we need to be equipped with:

• A Malliavin calculus for compound geometric processes and derived functional identities: martingale representation formula, Clark-Ocone type formula...

• A method for portfolio optimization in the incomplete market designed by a ternary model.

• A technique of enlargement of filtrations in this particular discrete setting.

If the chapter 5 will be charged the elaboration of a stochastic variational calculus for com- poung geometric process, the questions of enlargement of filtrations and portefolio optimiza- tion will be tackled in the last one to lead to the answer to question 3.4.15 of the second part. 122 CHAPTER 4. INSIDER MODEL AND GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS Chapter 5

Malliavin calculus for compound geometric processes

As one of the different ways to construct it, we choose to developp a Malliavin calculus for geometric compound process by deriving it from a modified chaotic decomposition of square integrable functionals of that process.

5.1 Compound geometric processes

The general framework is that of a probability space Ω, F, P described in this first subsection. p q We borrow the notations and presentation from the framework introduced for filtered Poisson processes ([40]). 2 0 Let ,p 0, 1 , E 1, 1 , T N . Denote Nt N 1,t and N Nt 0 for any p qPp q “t´ u P ˚ “ Xr s t “ Yt u t NT . We consider X, T , ⌫ the measured space defined by X NT E, T P X and P p q “ ˆ “ p q

⌫ t, k s t p1 k 1 p 1 k , ´ pp qq “ s•1 pt uq b pt uq ` p ´ q pt uq ÿ ` ˘ for any t, k NT 1, 1 , ⌫ 0, 0 and ⌘ its marginal distribution with respect to the p qP ˆt´ u p ¨q “ time variable ⌘ t 0 t s t ; t NT . p q“ pt uq ` s•1 pt uq P ÿ For any n N the tensor measure ⌫ n is defined by: P ˚ b n n ⌫b tn, kn 1Γn tn, kn ⌫ ti,ki , (5.1.1) p q“ pp qq i 1 pp qq π“ n where tn, kn t1,k1 , , tn,kn NT E and p q“ p q ¨¨¨ p q Pp ˆ q ` ˘ n Γn t1,k1 , , tn,kn NT E : i j, ti tj “ p q ¨¨¨ p q Pp ˆ q q @ ‰ ‰ ! ) The space of simple, integer-valued,` locally˘ finite measures on X is denoted by Ω. Remark 5.1.1. The definition of the probability space Ω, F, P from the measured space p q X, T , ⌫ as described above is of key importance; it is through this underlying jump struc- p q ture that we can afford to state a Karatzas-Ocone hedging formula for compound geometric

123 124 CHAPTER 5. GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS processes (6.3.5), and thus to circumvent the impossibility to do that for general independent random variables.

Let V0 0, T0 0, and for any t NT , let Tt denote the time of the t-th jump, Vt the t-th “ “ P mark, ⇠t the t-th inter-arrival and Nt t N0 the geometric process defined by N0 0 and p q P T “ t 8 T0 0, Tt ⇠s, Nt 1 Ts§t , t u “ “ s 1 “ s 1 ÿ“ ÿ“ where Vt t NT and ⇠t t NT are sequences of independent and identically distributed variables, p q P p q P and such that Vt is a 1, 1 -Bernoulli variable of parameter p, whereas ⇠t is a geometric t´ u random variable of parameter . The canonical process ! can be thus expressed by ! 0,k 0 p q“ and

! t, k Ts,Vs t, k Nt,Ws s, k ; t, k NT E, p q“ p qp q“ p qp q p qP ˆ s NT s NT Pÿ Pÿ where, for any t NT ,therandomvariableWt is defined by P

k1 1 ! t, k if t § T t u Wt ! k E p p qq p q“$ ÿP ˝ & if t ° T

and ˝ stands for a point at infinity.% Note that any variable Vt t NT is independent of the p P q 0 ∆ underlying Nt t N . Define also the sequence of increments Nt t NT by p q P T p q P

1 1 ! t, k if t § T t u ∆Nt ! Nt ! Nt 1 ! k E p p qq p q“ p q´ ´ p q“$ ÿP if t ° T & 8

The variables ∆Nt and Wt thus defined play% a major part and we will often refer to them. Indeed, ∆Nt indicates wether there is a jump at time t,and,ifso,thevariableWt gives its value ( 1 or 1) i.e indicates if the process goes up or down. ` ´ Remark 5.1.2. To slighten the notations, we omit some parenthesis; ! t, k and t, k stand p q ¨p q respectively for ! t, k and t, k . pp qq ¨pp qq

From now on we consider geometric functionals F of the form

n 8 1 F f01 ! X 0 fn tn, kn 1 ! ti,ki 1 (5.1.2) t p q“ u n! t p q“ u “ ` n 1 p q i 1 ÿ“ π“ 1 n n n,† with fn L X , ⌫ and tn, kn t1,k1 , , tn,kn NT E , where for any P p b q p q“ p q ¨¨¨ p q Pp ˆ q B P NT , we denote P p q ` ˘ n,† B t1, ,tn : ti B,i NT and 1 § t1 † † tn . (5.1.3) “tp ¨¨¨ q P P ¨¨¨ u and for A B E T , “ ˆ P n,† B E t1,k1 , , tn,kn : ti,ki B E,i NT and t1 † † tn . p ˆ q “t p q ¨¨¨ p q p qP ˆ P ¨¨¨ u ` ˘ 5.2. STOCHASTIC INTEGRALS 125

For instance, if we consider the functional defined as

F ! ! A E , p q“ p ˆ q n,† for a given A tn, kn NT E we have “p qPp ˆ q n fn tn, kn 1A si,ki . p q“i 1 pp qq ÿ“ F 0 The canonical filtration Ft t N is the -field generated by the functionals of the form “p q P T (5.1.2) and can be rewritten as

t F0 , Ω and Ft ! tn, kn . (5.1.4) “ttHu u “ $ n,† p q, n 0 tn,kn NT E & ÿ“ p qPpÿ ˆ q . The compound geometric process Y of parameters% ,p is defined by - p q

Yt Vs 1 Ts§t . (5.1.5) “ t u s NT Pÿ Remark 5.1.3. The compound geometric process is the discrete analogue of the compound Poisson process. The underlying jump strucutre modelised by a Poisson process in this latter is replaced in our framework by a binomial/geometric process. It is possible to define the space of square integrable functionals of the compound geometric process.

Lemma 5.1.4 (‹). The space L2 Ω is made of the functions F:Ω R such that F2 d! † p q Ñ where ª 8 T F2 d! t, k 1 F2 A ⌫ A . X p q“ ` n,† p q p q n 1 A NT E ª ÿ“ Pp ÿˆ q The set of simple processes, denoted by S0 is the set of random variables of the form

u us,k1 s,k . “ p q s NT k E Pÿ ÿP 5.2 Stochastic integrals

Throughout this subsection, assume the existence of a family ∆Rt,k,t NT ,k E of t P P u random variables satisfying the following hypotheses: 1. The process

∆Rs,k t NT s Nt k E P ´ ÿP ÿP ¯ is a F-martingale,

2. The family R ∆Rt,k,t NT ,k E is orthogonal for the scalar product X, Y 2 “t P P u 2 p qP L Ω fi E XY and we denote E ∆Rt,k k for any t, k NT E. p q Ñ r s p q “ p qP ˆ “ ‰ 126 CHAPTER 5. GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

We draw our inspiration from the construction of Malliavin calculus for Gaussian fields, by embedding them in isonormal Gaussian processes. Similarly, and in order to encode the properties of family ∆Rt,k,t NT ,k E , we introduce an Hilbert space H , whose inner t P P u product is reproduced by the covariance structure of the family of random variables. Consider 2 thus H the space composed of R -valued processes u u ,k,k E such that u is F- “p¨ P q predictable and T 2 2 u H E k us,k . } } “ «k E s 0 | | ÿP ÿ“ Endowed with the scalar product

T u, v H E k us,kvs,k , x y “ «k E s 0 ÿP ÿ“ the space H , , H is hilbertian. The second Hilbert space is the set (of equivalence classes) p x¨ ¨y Fq 0 of square-integrable -martingales over NT endowed by the scalar product

M, L M E MT , LT E x y “ rx y s so that the space M , M is hilbertian. The Hilbert subspace of M consisting of the p }¨} q 0-mean martingales of M is denoted M0.

The simple stochastic integral can be defined with respect to this latter F-martingale:

2 Definition 5.2.1 (‹). For any function f ` NT E , the stochastic integral J˜1 f is P p ˆ q p q defined by ˜ J1 f f s, k ∆Rs,k. p q“ p q s NT k E Pÿ ÿP

In particular, J˜1 satisfies the identity: ˜ J1 1 t,k ∆Rt,k ; t, k NT E. p p qq“ p qP ˆ

The isometry property verified by J˜1 enables to extend its definition to H .

Theorem 5.2.2 (‹). The stochastic integral defined as the application

J˜1 : H › M0 Ñ u fi› J˜ u u ∆R 1 s NT k E s,k s,k Ñ p q“ P P is an isometry. In other words, ∞ ∞

E J˜1 u J˜1 v u, v H ; u, v H . p q p q “x y P ” ı The stochastic integral J˜t f of u H is defined as 1p q P ˜t ˜ J1 u J1 u 1 0,t , p q“ p rr ss q and satisifies the following lemma: 5.2. STOCHASTIC INTEGRALS 127

Lemma 5.2.3 (‹). For u H , P t E J˜1 u Ft J˜ u . p q| “ 1p q ” ı In order to define multiple stochastic integrals of random variables of the form (5.1.2), we can work in a space of symmetrical functions; indeed the occurrence of the jumps does not affect the value of F. Our construction follows closely that depicted by Nicolas Privault (see chapter 2 0 6 in [117]); in a certain sense we transpose it in our context. The space ` NT E ˝ is by 2 0 p ˆ q convention identified to R; let thus for any f ` NT E , P p ˆ q˝

J˜0 f0 f0. p q“ 2 n 2 n Definition 5.2.4 (‹). For n NT , let ` NT E ˝ denote the subspace of ` NT E b 2 n P p ˆ q n p ˆ q “ ` NT E composed of the functions fn : NT E R symmetric in their n variables, p ˆ q p ˆ q Ñ i.e. such that for any permutation ⌧ of 1, ,n , t ¨¨¨ u

fn t⌧ 1 ,k⌧ 1 , , t⌧ n ,k⌧ n fn t1,k1 , , tn,kn , p p q p qq ¨¨¨ p p q p qq “ p q ¨¨¨ p q ` ˘ `2 n ˘ for any t1,k1 , , tn,kn NT E. The space ` NT E is endowed by the scalar p q ¨¨¨ p qP ˆ p ˆ q˝ product

n 2 ˝n fn,gn ` NT E n! fn tn, kn gn tn, kn d⌫b tn, kn n x y p ˆ q “ NT E p q p q p q ªp ˆ q n

n! fn tn, kn gn tn, kn ki “ n,† p q p q tn,kn NT E i 1 p qPpÿ ˆ q π“

where we denote tn, kn t1,k1 , , tn,kn . p q“pp q ¨¨¨ p qq

Theorem 5.2.5 (‹ Multiple stochastic integral). The multiple stochastic integral J˜n fn of 2 n p q fn ` NT E is defined as P p ˆ q˝ n ˜ ∆ Jn fn n! fn t1,k1 , , tn,kn Rti,ki . (5.2.1) p q“ n,† p q ¨¨¨ p q tn,kn NT E i 1 p qPpÿ ˆ q ` ˘ π“ It satisfies the recurrence relation

˜ ˜ n ∆ Jn fn n Jn 1 ⇡t,kfn Rt,k (5.2.2) p q“ ´ p q t,k NT E p qPÿ ˆ n 2 n where the function ⇡ is defined on ` NT E by t,` p ˆ q˝ n ⇡t,kfn t1,k1 , , tn 1,kn 1 fn t1,k1 , , tn 1,kn 1 , t, k 1 0,t n´1 t1, ,tn 1 p q ¨¨¨ p ´ ´ q “ p q ¨¨¨ p ´ ´ q p q rr ss p ¨¨¨ ´ q “ ‰` ˘ †` ˘ Remark 5.2.6. The description of NT by (5.1.3) implies that the definition of the multiple stochastic integral J˜n fn holds if n NT . p q P 128 CHAPTER 5. GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

Moreover, the application J˜n satisfies an isometry property which enables to extend it to H n, the Hilbert space of R2 n-valued and F-predictable processes u n where u v denotes b p q b b the element of L2 Ω Ω , P P defined by p ˆ b q

u v t,k !, !1 ut,k ! vt,k !1 , p b q p q“ p q p q and endowed with the scalar product

n n bn 2 ˝n u, v H n! E ub ,vb ` NT E . x y “ x y p ˆ q Theorem 5.2.7 (‹). The stochastic integral“ defined as the application‰

˜ n Jn : H b › Hn Ñ T n ˜ n ˜ n 1 ∆ ub fi› Jn ub n Jn 1 ubt,k ´ Rt,k ´ Ñ p q“ t 1 k E p q ÿ“ ÿP satisfies the isometry formula

n E J˜n u J˜n v u, v H bn ; u, v H b . p q p q “x y @ P ” ı 5.3 Modified chaos representation

2 Let H0 R and for n N , Hn be the subspace of L Ω made of integrals of order n • 1: “ P ˚ p q 2 n Hn J˜n fn ; fn ` N˚ E ˝ , “ p q P p T ˆ q ! ) and called modified chaos of order n. Let S denote the linear space spanned by multiple stochastic integrals i.e.

T S Span Hn . “ #n 0 + §“ The completion of S in L2 Ω is denoted by the sum p q T Hn. n 0 à“ Lemma 5.3.1 (‹). For t NT , P 0 0 L Ω, Ft H0 Ht L Ω, Ft (5.3.1) p q“p ‘¨¨¨‘ q p q £ 0 As a direct consequence of lemma 5.3.1, any random variable F L Ω, Ft can be expressed P p q as t ˜ F E F Jn fn1 0,t n rr ss “ r s`n 1 ÿ“ ` ˘ As the sequence of jump times is bounded by T and the space L2 Ω is characterized by p q Lemma 5.1.4, the chaotic decomposition naturally extends to L2 Ω without any recourse to p q a limit procedure or a density argument. 5.3. MODIFIED CHAOS REPRESENTATION 129

Theorem 5.3.2 (‹). The space L2 Ω is provided with the modified chaos decomposition p q property T 2 L Ω Hn. (5.3.2) p q“n 0 à“ In other words, any random variable F L2 Ω can be expanded as P p q T F E F J˜n fn . (5.3.3) “ r s`n 1 p q ÿ“ In this subsection we aim at providing a decomposition of any square integrable random variable in terms of iterated integrals with respect to the family Z ∆Zt,k ; t, k NT E “t p qP ˆ u defined by

∆ ∆ ∆ Zt,k sgn k 1 1,k Nt, VNt pk sgn k 1 1,k Nt, Wt pk . “ p q tp qup q´ q“ p q tp qup q´ ¯ The definition of Z is quite` natural since `

Yt ∆Zs,k (5.3.4) “ s§t k E ÿ ÿP can be interpreted as the compensated F-martingale associated to the compound geometric process Y. The family Z is not orthogonal. The finite dimension of the relative spanned space, being equal to T T 1 2s 3T , ` ˆ s “ s 1 ˆ ˙ ÿ“ we can derive from it an orthogonal family through the Gram-Schmidt process. The derived orthogonal family R ∆Rt,k ; t, k NT E is defined by “t p qP ˆ u q R0 1, ∆R1,1 ∆Z1,1 and ∆R1, 1 ∆Z1, 1 ∆Z1,1. “ “ ´ “ ´ ´ 1 p ´ By induction, we have also for any t NT 1 , P zt u q ∆Rt,1 ∆Zt,1 and ∆Rt, 1 ∆Zt, 1 ∆Zt,1 (5.3.5) “ ´ “ ´ ´ 1 p ´ by noting that for any s Nt 1, P ´ 2 E ∆Rs,k ∆Zt,1 E ∆Rs,kE ∆Zt,1 Fs 0 and E ∆Rt,1 ∆Zt, 1 pq, r s“ r r | ss “ r ´ s“ and where the first identity comes from the independence of ∆Nt and Fs for s Nt 1. P ´ Remark 5.3.3. Consider here the worthy of interest situations when the parameters and p take the extremal values 1 or p 1. Note that the cases 0 or q 1 are sort of the “ “ “ “ negatives of the latter cases and thus left to the reader. When is equal to 1, we retrieve the definition of the structure equation solution sequence Yt t N defined by Nicolas Privault (chapter 1 - 1.4.6 in [117]). Up to a constant of normal- p q P ization, the variable Yt can be expressed with respect to the variables ∆Zt, by ¨

Yt 2?pq ∆Zt,1 ∆Zt, 1 , “ p ` ´ q 130 CHAPTER 5. GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS so that our underlying jump process coincides with a Rademacher sequence.

When p is equal to 1, the process Yt t NT defined by (5.3.4) boils down to a single compen- p q P sated geometric process which properties could be soundly compared to these of a Poisson process on R of intensity . ` In what follows, we frequently refer to the Rademacher sequence (resp. the Poisson process on R of intensity ) as a "guarantor" of our construction, and which we hope to retrieve the ` properties when letting equal to 1 (resp. p equal to 1).

2 n The (multiple) stochastic integral with respect to Z defined for any gn ` NT E by P p ˆ q˝ n ∆ Jn gn n! gn t1,k1 , , tn,kn Zti,ki p q“ n,† p q ¨¨¨ p q tn,kn NT E i 1 p qPpÿ ˆ q ` ˘ π“ inherites of the properties of J˜n by isomorphism between Span R and Span Z.

Remark 5.3.4. Let the application

n,† † NT E › 0, 1 1 : p ˆ q Ñt u tn, kn fi› 1 tn,kn p q Ñ p q We retrieve the remarkable and usual identity

n J 1† ∆Z ; n N , n tn,kn ti,ki ˚ p q “ i 1 P ` ˘ π“

where tn, kn t1,k1 , , tn,kn . This is of key importance; it basically means that we p q“ p q ¨¨¨ p q can recontruct the signal Y (which connection with the family R will be precised in section ` ˘ n 5.3) by the means of the stochastic integral of elementary functions defined on NT E .In p ˆ q particular for n 1, “ J1 1 t,k ∆Zt,k p p qq“ appears as a reminiscence of (1.3.2).

We can thus state that:

Theorem 5.3.5 (‹). Any random variable F L2 Ω can be expressed as P p q T F E F Jn gn . “ r s`n 1 p q ÿ“ where n m g tn, kn ⇢ 1 ki 1 f tA, kA , t n A, k n A p q“ t “ u p ´ q p r sz r sz q m 1 AÄ n m,† i A ÿ“ rÿs πP ` ˘ where tn, kn t1,k1 , , tn,kn , n 1, ,n and the functions fn are the ones p q“pp q ¨¨¨ p qq r s“tq ¨¨¨ u defined through (5.3.3) and by letting ⇢ . “´1 ´ 5.3. MODIFIED CHAOS REPRESENTATION 131

Remark 5.3.6. The latter representation formula can be put in perspective compared to remark 4.3.1. Our framework is close to that of a compound Poisson process where the process V is constant equal to one. It is thus possible to state a modified structure equation | | which interpretation (via Theorem 5.3.5) can be tranposed in our context by: if it remains impossible to supply our compound geometric process with an usual chaotic decomposition for functionals of the form (5.1.2) (as for Brownian motion or in Poisson space), we can establish a modified decomposition in chaos in terms of multiple stochastic integrals of functions gn where are the images of functions fn (appearing in (5.1.2)), via a Gram-Schmidt process. The existence of this shift seems to be directly attributed to the presence of t in place of t in (4.3.2). We introduce the Malliavin derivative as the annihilation operator acting on the space L2 Ω p q seen in terms of its chaotic expansion (5.3.2). Definition 5.3.7. Let the linear, unbounded, closable operator 2 2 D:L Ω › L Ω N˚ , P p q Ñ p ˆ T q defined for any element Jn fn of Hn by p q Dt,kJn fn nJn 1 fn , t, k 1 1,t 1 n,† . (5.3.6) p q“ ´ p‹ p qq rr ´ ss where the notation will be used to indicate the` first k 1 variables ˘ t1,k1 , , tn 1,kn 1 ‹ ´ p q ¨¨¨ p ´ ´ q of fn t1,k1 , , tn 1,kn 1 , t, k . p q ¨¨¨ p ´ ´ q p q ` ˘ Let the` application ˘ Ω › Ω Ñ ⇡t : ! fi› ! s, k Ñ s t k E p q ÿ‰ ÿP i.e. the restriction of ! to Gt. The applications defined on Ω Nt E , and expressed for ˆ ˆ !, t, k Ω Nt E by p q P ˆ ˆ ` ˘ ` ˘ ` ˘ ! fi ⇡t ! t, k and ! fi ⇡t ! , (5.3.7) Ñ p qYp q Ñ p q can be interpreted as the applications acting on ! respectively by forcing a jump of height k at time t or forbiddening any jump at time t. Remark 5.3.8. In particular, the applications defined by (??) satisfy the remarkable identi- ties:

• Ws ⇡t ! t, k k1 s t Ws ! 1 s c t and Ws ⇡t ! Ws ! 1 t c s , p p qYp qq “ t up q` p q t u p q p p qq “ p q t u p q • ∆Ns ⇡t ! t, k 1 t s ∆Nt ! 1 t c s and ∆Ns ⇡t ! ∆Nt ! 1 t c s . p p qYp qq “ t up q` p q t u p q p p qq “ p q t u p q We deduce that, for any t, k NT E that on the one hand, p qP ˆ ∆Zt,k ⇡t ! t, k ∆Zt,k ⇡t ! sgn k p p qYp qq ´ p p qq “ p q and, on the other hand ∆ ∆ Zt,k ⇡t ! t, k Zt,k ⇡t ! 1 ∆Nt,Wt 1,k ⇡t ! t, k pk p p qYp ´ qq ´ p p qq “ tp q“p qup p qYp ´ qq ´ 1 ∆Nt,Wt 1,k ⇡t ! pk 0, ´r tp q“p qup p qq ´ s“ This entails in particular the remarkable identity:

∆Rt,k ⇡t ! t, k ∆Rt,k ⇡t ! sgn k . p p qYp qq ´ p p qq “ p q 132 CHAPTER 5. GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

The above remark gives the tools to provide a more tractable expression of the Malliavin derivative, in terms of difference operator acting on L2 Ω . p q Theorem 5.3.9 (‹). For any F L2 Ω , P p q

Dt,kF sgn k F ⇡t ! t, k F ⇡t ! “ p q p p qYp qq ´ p p qq ” ı

Remark 5.3.10. By definition, given k E, the random variables ⇡t ! t, k and ⇡t ! P p qYp q p q are Gt-measurable; so does Dt,kF. Remark 5.3.11. We can retrieve one of the specific identities exisitng in the Gaussian and Poisson spaces: for any process u H , P

Dt,kJ1 u u t, k . p q“ p q

The application of the definition of Dt,k to F J1 u gives “ p q

Dt,kJ1 u sgn k u s, ` ∆Rs,` ⇡t ! t, k u s, ` ∆Rs,` ⇡t ! p q“ p q p q p p qYp qq ´ p q p p qq s NT ` E s NT ` E ” Pÿ ÿP Pÿ ÿP ı u t, k ∆Rt,k ⇡t ! t, k u t, k ∆Rt, k ⇡t ! t, k “ p q p p qYp qq ` p ´ q ´ p p qYp qq u t, k ∆Rt,k ⇡t ! u t, k ∆Rt, k ⇡t ! ´ p q p p qq ´ p ´ q ´ p p qq sgn k 2 u t, k u t, k , “ p q p q“ p q so that we get the desired result.

5.4 Functional identities

We provide our construction with the analogues of Itô formula, Clark formula, martingale representation theorem and .

The compound process Yt t NT defined by (5.1.5) is equipped with the pathwise Itô formula p q P provided by the following theorem: ‹ Theorem 5.4.1 ( Itô formula). Let Yt t NT be the compound Poisson process defined by p q P (5.1.5) and f be a R-valued function defined on N.Then,foranyt NT , P t ∆ f Yt f 0 f Ys f Ys 1 ZNs Ys (5.4.1) ´ p q“ p q`s 1 p q´ p q ÿ“ ` ˘ The face to face of theorems 5.4.2 and 5.4.5 highlights clearly their connection to each other (as for Brownian motion): while the latter one means that a martingale adapted to the compound geometric process filtration is in fact a stochastic integral, the first one gives the expression of the integrand of this stochastic integral in terms of the Malliavin derivative of the terminal value of the martingale.

Theorem 5.4.2 (‹ Clark formula). For any F L2 Ω , P p q

F E F E Dt,kF Ft 1 ∆Rt,k (5.4.2) “ r s` r | ´ s t NT k E Pÿ ÿP 5.4. FUNCTIONAL IDENTITIES 133

As a direct consequence of Lemma 5.2.3 and Clark formula (5.4.2) we get:

2 Corollary 5.4.3 (‹). For any t NT and F element of L Ω , P p q T F E F Ft E Ds,kF Fs 1 ∆Rs,k (5.4.3) ´ “ r | s“s t 1 k E r | s “ÿ` ÿP Remark 5.4.4. The transposition of the Clark formula with respect to he family Z is written: for any F L2 Ω , P p q T F E F Ft bk,kE Ds,kF Fs 1 bk, kE Ds, kF Fs 1 ∆Zs,k ´ ´ ´ ´ “ r | s“s t 1 k E r | s` r | s “ÿ` ÿP ´ ¯ 2 where the family bk,`, k, ` E defined by t p qP u q b1,1 1,b1, 1 ,b1,1 0 and b 1, 1 1 “ ´ “´1 p ´ “ ´ ´ “ ´ as provided by (5.3.5).

From Corollary 5.4.3 we derive a predictable representation formula for geometric discrete-time martingales. ‹ F Theorem 5.4.5 ( Martingale representation theorem). Let Xt t NT be a -martingale. p q P There exists a F-predictable process u u ,k,k E such that “p ¨ P q t Xt X0 us,k ∆Rs,k ; t NT . (5.4.4) “ ` s 1 k E P ÿ“ ÿP

In particular, for any t, k NT E, p qP ˆ

ut,k E Dt,kXt Ft 1 “ r | ´ s Theorem 5.4.6 (‹ Girsanov theorem). Let ˜, p˜ 0, 1 2 and let the function ' defined on p qPp q 1, 1 such that t´ u ˜ 1 p˜1 1 q˜1 1 ' p ´ q t u ` t´ u 1, (5.4.5) “ 1 ˜ p 1 1 q 1 1 ´ p ´ q t u ` t´ u Then, under the probability measure

t 1 ˜ Nt dP˜ ´ 1 ' V dP ˜,p˜ 1 s “ ˜ ¸ s 1p ` p qq ´ π“ the process Nt Yt Vs “ s 1 ÿ“ is a compound geometric process of parameters ˜, p˜ . p q 134 CHAPTER 5. GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

The probability measure P˜,p˜ can be equivalently expressed by

t 1 ˜ t dP˜ ´ 1 ∆N , W dP, ˜,p˜ 1 s s “ ˜ ¸ s 1p ` p qq ´ π“ where is the function defined on NT E such that ˆ ∆Nt, Wt ∆Nt ' Vt . p q“ p q Remark 5.4.7. Note that for any t NT , P ˜ ˜ ∆ ∆ 1 p˜ 1 q˜ Nt, Wt Nt p ´ q 1 ∆Nt,Wt 1,1 p ´ q 1 ∆Nt,Wt 1, 1 1 p q“ ˜ 1 ˜ p tp q“p qu ` 1 ˜ q tp q“p ´ qu ´ ¸ p ´ q p ´ q ˜ 1 p˜ q˜ p ´ q ∆Zt,1 ∆Zt, 1 . “ 1 ˜ p ´ q ´ ` p ´ q ˆ ˙ Remark 5.4.8. As in the Poisson case, we retrieve that the shift space appearing in Gaussian analysis (Cameron-Martin space for the Brownian motion in particular) is replaced here by a perturbation on what characterizes the jumps: their occurrence and their height, respectively parameterized by and p.

5.5 Link with the Malliavin calculus in Rademacher and in Poisson spaces

In the same vein as the remark 5.3.3, we devote this subsection to the comparison of our for- malism to the Malliavin calculus in the Rademacher space (resp. the Poisson and Rademacher spaces) which we retrieve the structure when letting be equal to 1 (resp. p equal to 1).

Let first 1. Basically, that means that the underlying geometric process jumps every time “ step. A Rademacher process Xt t N0 can be defined by letting Xt Vt and the variables Yt p q P T “ by ∆Zt,1 ∆Zt, 1 Xt p q Yt ` ´ ´ ` , “ ?2pq “ ?2pq

0 F so that we can verifiy that Yt t N defines a -normal martingale. If we let D the derivative p q P T T T DtF X1, , XT Dt,1G ∆Zs,k Dt, 1G ∆Zs,k ´ p ¨¨¨ q“ s 1 k E ´ s 1 k E ´ ÿ“ ÿP ¯ ´ ÿ“ ÿP ¯ T ∆ where F and G as defined to satisty F X1, , XT G s 1 k E Zs,k , we get p ¨¨¨ q“ “ P ´ ¯ 2 2 ∞ ∞ DtYs 1 t s DtYs “ ?2pq t up q“ pq c i.e. - up to a constant - the expression of the gradient D pdefined on the Rademacher space (2.0.2). All identities and formulas, such as the Clark formula and the predictable represen- tation (see Privault chapter 1), are inherited by construction.p 5.5. LINK WITH RADEMACHER AND POISSON SETTINGS 135

Consider now the case p 1. From a first point of view, that means that all variables “ Vt,t NT are deterministic (w.l.o.g. supposed equal to 1), and that the process Yt t NT t P u p q P defined by (5.3.4) matches with a single compensated geometric process. The construction developped still holds and, as expected, enables to state stronger identities that are reminiscent of these holding for Poisson point processes on the real line. To take notice of it, consider the following framework: H P designates the Hilbert space of R-valued and F-predictable processes u such that T 2 2 u H P E 1 ut . } } “ «t 0 p ´ q| | ÿ“ Consider thus the space of simple, locally finite on NT integer-valued measures still denoted P P P by Ω . In particular, the family Z ∆Z ; t NT defined by “t t P u ∆ P Zt 1 ∆Nt 1 , “ t “ u ´ is orthogonal for the canonical product on ΩP so that the stochastic integral defined as the application H P M P I1 : › 0 Ñ P u fi› I1 u ut ∆Z Ñ p q“ t t NT Pÿ is an isometry. We can establish that for any F L2 ΩP , P p q P ∆ P F E F E Dt F Ft 1 Zt “ r s` | ´ t N0 PÿT “ ‰ where DPF F ! t F ! t (5.5.1) t “ p `t uq ´ p ´t uq which is - up to a constant - a reminiscent of the gradient used by Laurent Decreusefond and Ian Flint [37] on the Poisson space p p

rtF F ! t F ! t . “ p Yt uq ´ p zt uq

From another point of view, consider the family of 1, 1 -random variables Xt,t NT t´ u t P u such that P Xt 2∆Z 2 1 2∆Nt 1 “ t ` ´ “ ´ ∆ 0 so that P Xt 1 P Nt 1 . Define the random walk St t N by S0 0 and “ pt “ uq “ pt “ uq p q P T “ t 1 Xs S ` N ; t N . t 2 t T “ s 1 “ P ÿ“ The application of D to N Nt t N0 gives “p q P T

DtF N F ⇡tN t F ⇡tN 1 t,T p ¨q“ ¨ Yt u ´ ¨ rr ss p¨q ” ı F S` 1 Xt ˘1 1 t,T` ˘ F S 1 Xt 1 1 t,T , “ ¨ ` t “´ u rr ss p¨q ´ ¨ ´ t “ u rr ss p¨q by noting that ∆Nt 1 ` Xt 1 and ∆Nt ˘ 0 ` Xt 1 . We retrieve˘ - up to a t “ u“t “ u t “ u“t “´ u constant - the expression of Malliavin derivative D defined on the Rademacher space (2.0.2)


(by taking pk in Corollary 1.6.3. in Privault [117]) applied to a functional F of the form “ T F f X1, , XT g ST , f : 1, 1 R and g : R R smooth functions. Besides, “ p ¨¨¨ q“ p q t´ u Ñ Ñ the Clark formula (5.5.1) is exactly the same of the eponymous one on the Rademacher space ∆ P (se Proposition 1.7.1. in Privault [117]) noting that the definition of the process Zt t NT p q P coincides with this of normal martingales through structure equations. All results arise from these definitions.

5.6 Proofs of chapter 5

5.6.1 Proofs of Section 5.2 Proof of Proposition 5.2.2. For any u, v H 2, p qP ˜ ˜ E J1 u J1 v ut,k vs,` E ∆Rt,k ∆Rs,` p q p q “ r s t,k NT E s,` NT E ” ı p qPÿ ˆ p qPÿ ˆ ut,k vt,` E ∆Rt,k ∆Rt,` “ 2 r s t NT k,` E Pÿ p ÿqP k ut,k vt,k “ t NT k E Pÿ ÿP where we have conditioning with respect to Ft s to get the second line and we use the orthog- ^ onality of ∆Rt,k and ∆Rt,` (with ` k) in the last one. ‰ Proof of Lemma 5.2.3. For any u H , P n ˜ ∆ E Jn u Ft n! fn tn, kn E Rti,ki Ft p q| “ n,† p q tn,kn NT E «i 1 ˇ ” ı p qPpÿ ˆ q π“ ˇ n ˇ ∆ ˇ n! fn tn, kn E Rti,ki Ft “ n,† p q tn,kn Nt E «i 1 ˇ p qPpÿ ˆ q π“ ˇ ˜ ˇ Jn u1 0,t ˇ “ rr ss ` ˘ since the independence of the centered variables ∆Rt ,k , ti,ki T ,i Nn implies that t i i p qP P u n E ∆Rt ,k Ft 0 if there exists i0 NT such that ti0 ° t. i 1 i i “ P „ “ ˇ ⇢ ˇ ± 2 n Proof of Propositionˇ 5.2.5. For any fn ` NT E , ˇ P p ˆ q˝ n ˜ ∆ Jn fn n! fn t1,k1 , , tn,kn Rti,ki p q“ n,† p q ¨¨¨ p q tn,kn NT E i 1 p qPpÿ ˆ q ` ˘ π“ n 1 ∆ ´ ∆ n! fn t1,k1 , , tn 1,kn 1 , t, k Rt,k Rti,ki “ n,† p q ¨¨¨ p ´ ´ q p q t,k tn´1,kn´1 NT E i 1 pÿq p ÿqPp ˆ q ` ˘ π“ ˜ n ∆ n Jn 1 ⇡t,kfn Rt,k “ ´ p q t,k NT E p qPÿ ˆ Hence the result. 5.6. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 5 137

Proof of Proposition 5.2.7. Assume with no loss of generality that n ° m. n,† m,† For any tn, sm NT NT , there exists i0 Nn such that ti0 tn sn. By p qPp q ˆp q ∆ P P z independence of the random variable Rti ,ki with respect to the -algebra Fti 1, for any 0 0 0 ´ u, v H n H m, p qP b ˆ b n m n m E J˜n ub J˜m vb n! m! ub tn, kn vb sm, lm p q p q “ n,† m,† p q p q tn,kn NT E sm,lm NT E ” ı p qPpÿ ˆ q p qPpÿ ˆ q n m ∆ ∆ E Rti,ki Rsj ,`j ˆ «i 1 j 1 π“ π“ n m n! m! ub tn, kn vb sm, lm “ n,† m,† p q p q tn,kn NT E sm,lm NT E p qPpÿ ˆ q p qPpÿ ˆ q n m i0 1 i0 1 ∆ ∆ ∆ ´ ´ ∆ ∆ E Rti ,ki E Rti,ki Rsj ,`j Fti 1 Rti,ki Rsj ,`j ˆ 0 0 » 0 ´ fi i 1 j 1 ˇ i 1 j 1 ” ı iπ‰“i0 π“ ˇ π“ π“ — ˇ 0, – ˇ fl “ and for m n, “ n n 2 n n E J˜n ub J˜n vb n! ub tn, kn vb sn, ln p q p q “p q n,† n,† p q p q tn,kn NT E sn,ln NT E ” ı p qPpÿ ˆ q p qPpÿ ˆ q n ∆ ∆ E Rti,ki Rsj ,`j ˆ «i,j 1 π“ n 2 ∆ ∆ n! fn tn, kn gn tn, ln E Rti,ki Rti,`i “p q n,† p q p q tn,kn NT E «i,j 1 † “ p lqPpnPÿEn, ˆ q π

n! u, v H bn , “ x y since E ∆Rt,k ∆Rt,` k1 k ` . Hence the result. r s“ t up q 5.6.2 Proofs of Section 5.3

0 Proof of Lemma 5.3.1. It suffices to note that Hs L Ω, Ft is generated by the orthogonal X p q basis r ∆ r 1 Rti,ki , 1 § t1 † † tr § s, k1, ,kr E (5.6.1) t uY#i 1 ¨¨¨ p ¨¨¨ qP + π“ Indeed it appears that the family can be expressed in terms of multiple integrals as

s ∆R J˜ 1† , ti,ki n t1,k1 , , ts,ks i 1 “ tp q ¨¨¨ p qu π“ ´ ¯ t and moreover, by equality of the dimensions of the two spaces at stake is equal to 2 .We s conclude by remarking that the dimensions of the two spaces appearing in (5.3.1)ˆ are˙ both 138 CHAPTER 5. GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS equal to t t 1 2s 3t. ` ˆ s “ s 1 ˆ ˙ ÿ“ The proof is thus complete. Proof of Theorem 5.3.5. By induction on n ; in what follows n denotes the set 1, ,n . r s t ¨¨¨ u For n 1 there exists f : 1 E R such that “ t uˆ Ñ F E F f 1,k ∆R1,k. “ r s`k E pp qq ÿP Since ∆Z1,k ∆R1,k and ∆R 1,k ∆Z 1,k ⇢ ∆Z1,k, we get, “ ´ “ ´ ` g 1, 1 f 1, 1 ⇢f 1, 1 and g 1, 1 f 1, 1 pp qq “ pp qq ` pp ´ qq pp ´ qq “ pp ´ qq Assume there is n NT such that P n T F E F Jm gm J˜m fm , “ r s`m 1 p q`m n 1 p q ÿ“ “ÿ` and where for m Nn, P m ` g tm, km ⇢ 1 ki 1 f tA, kA , t m A, k m A . p q“ t “ u p ´ q p r sz r sz q ` 1 AÄ m `,† i A ÿ“ ÿr s πP ` ˘ By definition, and applying induction hypothesis ˜ ˜ n ∆ n ∆ Jn fn n Jn 1 ⇡t,kfn Rt,k n Jn 1 ⇡t,kgn Zt,k p q“ ´ p q “ ´ p q t,k NT E t,k NT E p qPÿ ˆ p qPÿ ˆ Then n 1 ´ n tj ,kj ` j j ⇡t ,k gn tn, kn g tn, kn p q ⇢ 1 ki 1 f tA, kA , t n A, k n A p j j pp qq “ pp q q“ t “ u p ´ q p r s z r s z q ` 1 A n j `,† i A ÿ“ Ppr ÿs q πP ` ˘ Noting that

gn tn 1, kn 1 , tj, 1 fn tn 1, kn 1 , tj, 1 ⇢ fn tn 1, kn 1 , tj, 1 , pp ´ ´ q p qq “ pp ´ ´ q p qq ` pp ´ ´ q p ´ qq where n j n j , we get r s “r szt u n 1 ´ tj ,kj ` j j gn tn 1, kn 1 p q, tj, 1 ⇢ 1 ki 1 f tA, kA, tj, 1 , t n A, k n A pp ´ ´ q p qq “ t “ u p ´ p qq p r s z r s z q ` 1 A n j `,† i A ÿ“ Ppr ÿs q πP ` ˘ n 1 ´ ` 1 j j ⇢ ` 1 ki 1 f tA, kA , t n A, k n A, tj, 1 ` t “ u p ´ q p r s z r s z p ´ qq ` 1 A n j `,† i A ÿ“ Ppr ÿs q πP ` ˘ n 1 ´ ` j j ⇢ 1 ki 1 f tA, kA, tj, 1 , t n A, k n A “ t “ u p ´ p qq p r s z r s z q ` 1 A n j `,† i A ÿ“ Ppr ÿs q πP n ` ˘ ` j j ⇢ 1 ki 1 f tA, kA , t n A, k n A, tj, 1 , ` t “ u p ´ q p r s z r s z p ´ qq ` 2 A n j `,† i A ÿ“ Ppr ÿs q πP ` ˘ 5.6. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 5 139 and

n 1 ´ tj ,kj ` j j gn tn 1, kn 1 p q, tj, 1 ⇢ 1 ki 1 f tA, kA, tj, 1 , t n A, k n A . pp ´ ´ q p ´ qq “ t “ u p ´ p ´ qq p r s z r s z q ` 1 A n j `,† i A ÿ“ Ppr ÿs q πP ` ˘

Last write

tj ,kj tj ,kj gn tn, kn gn tn 1, kn 1 p q, tj, 1 1 kj 1 gn tn 1, kn 1 p q, tj, 1 1 kj 1 p q“ pp ´ ´ q p qq p “ q ` pp ´ ´ q p ´ qq p “´ q n ` ⇢ 1 ki 1 f tA, kA, t n A, k n A “ t “ u p ´ p r sz r sz q ` 1 A n `,† i A ÿ“ Pprÿsq πP ` ˘

to complete the proof.

Proof of Theorem 5.3.9. For any t, k NT E, consider p qP ˆ

rt,kF sgn k F ⇡t ! t, k F ⇡t ! “ p q p p qYp qq ´ p p qq “ ‰

n r ˜ r ∆ t,kJn fn n! fn t1,k1 , , tn,kn t,k Rti,ki p q“ n,† p q ¨¨¨ p q tn,kn NT E i 1 p qPpÿ ˆ q π“ ` ˘ n ∆ n! fn t1,k1 , , t, k , , tn,kn Rti,ki “ t k n´1,† p q ¨¨¨ p q ¨¨¨ p q tn ,kn NT E i 1 p qPpÿ ˆ q ` ˘ tπi“‰t n ∆ n! fn tn 1, kn 1 , t, k Rti,ki ´ ´ “ t n,† p q p q i 1 tn´1,kn´1 NT E p qPpÿ ˆ q ` ˘ tπi“‰t n J˜n 1 fn , t, k 1∆† “ ´ p‹ p qq n ` ˘ where we have used in the second line the remark 5.3.8 stating that

rt,k ∆Rs,` 1 t,k s, ` “ tp qupp qq so that n n n r ∆ ∆ t,k Rti,`i 1 t,k ti,ki Rti,`i . tp qu ˜i 1 ¸ “ ˜i 1 p q¸ i 1 π“ ÿ“ tπi“‰t

Thus, for any F S, Dt,kF sgn k F ⇡t ! t, k F ⇡t ! . By a limit procedure we P “ p q p p qYp qq ´ p p qq extend this result to L2 Ω . p q “ ‰ 140 CHAPTER 5. GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS

5.6.3 Proofs of Section 5.4

Proof of Theorem 5.4.1. The proof follows closely that of (see Proposition 19.12 in Privault [122]) For any t NT P


f Yt f 0 f YTn f YTn´1 p q“ p q`n 1 p q´ p q ÿ“ Nt

f 0 f YTn´1 Vn f YTn´1 “ p q`n 1 p ` q´ p q ÿ“ Nt 0 Y V Y f f Tn´1 NTn f Tn´1 “ p q`n 1 p ` q´ p q “ ÿt ∆ f 0 f Ys 1 VNs f Ys 1 Ns ´ ´ “ p q`s 1 p ` q´ p q “ ÿt ` ˘ f 0 f Ys f Ys 1 ∆Ns ´ “ p q`s 1 p q´ p q “ ÿt ` ˘ ∆ f 0 f Ys f Ys 1 VNs Ys ´ “ p q`s 1 p q´ p q ÿ“ ` ˘

2 by noting that VN ∆Ys V ∆Ns ∆Ns. Hence the result. s “ Ns “ Proof of Theorem 5.4.2. Let F S ; follows from the chaotic decomposition of F together P with the definition of the operator gradient that

F E F J˜n fn1Nn,† “ r s`n•1 p q ÿ ˜ E F n Jn 1 fn , t, k 1 0,t 1 n´1,† ∆Rt,k “ r s` ´ p‹ p qq rr ´ ss n•1 t,k NT E ÿ p qPÿ ˆ ` ˘ ˜ E F n E Jn 1 fn , t, k Ft 1 ∆Rt,k “ r s` ´ p‹ p qq ´ n•1 t,k NT E ÿ p qPÿ ˆ ” ` ˇ ı ˇ E F E Dt,xF Ft 1 ∆Rt,k, “ r s` r | ´ s t,k NT E p qPÿ ˆ where we have used lemma 5.2.3 to get the third line. Hence the result. The result to any random variable F L2 Ω is extended by noting that P p q

E u t, k E Dt,xF Ft 1 § F L2 Ω u L2 Ω X ˇ » p q r | ´ sfiˇ } } p q} } p ˆ q ˇ t,k NT E ˇ ˇ p qPÿ ˆ ˇ ˇ – flˇ ˇ ˇ and using the continuityˇ of the operator E Dt,k Ft ˇ1 . r p¨q| ´ s F Proof of Theorem 5.4.4. Let Xt t NT be a -martingale. Follows from Corollaries 5.3.9 and p q P 5.6. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 5 141

5.4.3 applied to t s 1 and F Xs that “ ´ “

Xs E Xs Fs 1 E Ds,kXt Fs 1 ´ ´ “ r | s`k E r | s ÿP Xs 1 E Ds,kXs Fs 1 ´ ´ “ ` k E r | s ÿP Then by letting us,k E Ds,kXs Fs 1 , “ r | ´ s we get t t Xt X0 Xs Xs 1 X0 us,k∆Rs,k. ´ “ ` s 1 ´ “ ` s 1 k E ÿ“ ÿ“ ÿP Hence the result.

Proof of Theorem 5.4.6. The proof follows closely the proof of Theorem 19.16. in Privault ˜ [122] for compound Poisson processes. Let ' and P˜,p˜ as defined in the theorem. For any s R , P ˚ t 1 ˜ t n E sYt ´ E sYt 1 ' V N n P N n ˜,p˜ 1 k t t r s“˜ ¸ n 0 « k 1p ` p qq “ p “ q ´ “ “ ˇ t ÿ π ˇ 1 ˜ t t nˇ n t n Vk ´ 1 ´ E 1 ' Vk s Nt n “ 1 n p ´ q p ` p qq “ ˜ ¸ n 0 ˆ ˙ «k 1 ´ ÿ“ π“ ˇ t n n n ˇ t ˜ 1 p˜ ˇ 1 p˜ 1 p 1 ˜ t p ´ q ps ´ ´ “p ´ q n 1 1 ˜ p ¨ ` 1 p ¨ s n 0 ˆ ˙ˆ ˙ ˜ ¸ k 1 ˆ ˙ “ ´ p ´ q π“ ´ t ÿ n t n t n 1 p˜ ˜ 1 ˜ ´ ps˜ ´ “ n p ´ q ` s n 0 ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙ ÿ“ 1 p˜ t 1 ˜ ˜ ps˜ ´ . “ ´ ` ` s ˆ ´ ¯˙ Hence the result. 142 CHAPTER 5. GEOMETRIC MALLIAVIN CALCULUS Chapter 6

The insider problem in the ternary model

6.1 Framework: the ternary model

In the perspective of exploiting our theorical results to focus on the question of the additional utility of an insider in what we call the ternary model, we adopt now the following notations;

our model is driven by an underlying compound geometric pocess Z Zt t NT (NT “p q P “ N 0,T ) defined by Xr s Nt Zt Vs. (6.1.1) “ s 1 ÿ“ As a reminder (see Section 5.1 for more details), Nt t N0 is the geometric process defined by p q P T N0 0 and “ t 8 T0 0, Tt ⇠s, Nt 1 Ts§t , t u “ “ s 1 “ s 1 ÿ“ ÿ“ where T0 0, ⇠t t NT is a sequence of independent geometric random variables of parameter “ p q P and Vt t NT is a sequence of independent 1, 1 -Bernoulli variables of parameter p 0, 1 . p q P t´ u Pp q The canonical process ! can be thus expressed by ! 0,k 0 and p q“

! t, k Ts,Vs t, k Nt,Ws s, k ; t, k NT E, p q“ p qp q“ p qp q p qP ˆ s NT s NT Pÿ Pÿ where, for any t NT , the random variables ∆Nt and Wt are defined by P 1 1 ! t, k if t § T t u ∆Nt ! k E p p qq p q“$ ÿP if t ° T & 8 and % k1 1 ! t, k if t § T t u Wt ! k E p p qq p q“$ ÿP ˝ & if t ° T The financial market lying on the probability space denoted Ω, F, P is the one defined in % p q 4.1. The riskless asset At t NT with initial value A0 a0 is defined by p q P “ t At a0 1 r , (6.1.2) “ p ` q 143 144 CHAPTER 6. THE INSIDER PROBLEM IN THE TERNARY MODEL

whereas the stock price St t NT with (deterministic) initial value S0 1 satisfies the equation: p q P “ ∆St ⌘t St 1 ∆Nt, (6.1.3) “ ´ where ⌘t b1 Wt 1 a1 Wt 1 , a and b are real numbers such that 1 † a † r † b. The “ t “ u ` t “´ u 0 ´ two assets evolute on a given finite time period NT . The sequence St t NT of discounted p q P stock prices is given by 1 St St, ; t NT . “ 1 r t P p ` q Remark 6.1.1. The price process defined in our ternary model is identically distributed with the one of a well-chosen trinomial model. As a reminder, stock price Tt t NT is defined in p q P this latter model by T0 1 and verifies the recurrent relation: “ 1 b Tt 1 if Xt 1 p ` q ´ “ Tt Tt 1 if Xt 0 , “ $ ´ “ 1 a Tt 1 if Xt 1 & p ` q ´ “´

where the process Xt t NT is distributed% according to the measure P such that: p q P P Xt 1 p,¯ P Xt 1 q¯ and P Xk 0 1 p¯ q.¯ p “ q“ p “´ q“ p “ q“ ´ ´ with p,¯ q¯ 0, 1 2. Let p¯ p and q¯ 1 p such that 1 p¯ q¯ 1 . p qPp q “ “ p ´ q ´ ´ “ ´ St S 1 ⌘t∆Nt 1 E s t´ E s ` “ „ ⇢ b “1 a‰ 1 s ` p s ` 1 p s 1 “ ` p ´ q` p ´ q 1 b 1 a s ` p¯ s ` q¯ s 1 “ ` ` p ´ q Tt T E s t´1 , “ „ ⇢ and S0 T0. Thus the trinomial and the ternary models are equivalent in law. The second “ one, based on a jump process, lends itself more easily to the statement of an hedging formula, directly derived from Clark-Ocone formula (5.4.2). This motivated us to substitute it to the trinomial model for our further investigations. Remark 6.1.2. It could be interesting to extend this ternary model to a "stochastic volatility- type" ternary model by allowing the up and down factors 1 b and 1 a to be stochastic. p ` q p ` q We could thus imagine to define the processes bkt n,k 1, ,n and akt n,k 1, ,n as p { “ ¨¨¨ q p { “ ¨¨¨ q well-defined functions of the (stochastic volatility) Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process ⌫t t NT defined p q P by t t ⌫ ⌫t ⌫0  ✓ ⌫s ds ?⌫s dB ,t T, “ ` p ´ q ` s P ª0 ª0 and so that, by letting n go to infinity, the "stochastic volatility ternary" model tends (at time t) to the classical lying on the stochastic process H

t t H Ht 1 rHs ds ?⌫s Hs dB ,t T, “ ` ` s P ª0 ª0 where r is the rate of return asset,  denotes the speed of reversion, is the volatility of the volatility, and B⌫, BH are Wiener processes with covariance ⇢dt. 6.1. FRAMEWORK: THE TERNARY MODEL 145

6.1.1 Martingales measures in the ternary market model Before exhibiting an hedging strategy for any for any simulating claim, we wonder about the completeness of the market. As explained by Runggaldier in Portfolio optimization in discrete time, like the trinomial model, our ternary model is an incomplete market. Indeed, the measure with respect to which the sequence of discounted prices is a F-martingale, is not unique. Given the process St t NT defined by (6.1.3) is identically distributed to the one of p q P the trinomial model, we expect to reach the same incompletness result. By writing for any t NT 1, P ´ St 1 r St 1 ∆St ´p ` q ´ “ 1 r t p ` q ⌘t St 1 ∆Nt rSt 1 ´ ´ ´ “ 1 r t p ` q ∆ b1 Wt 1 a1 Wt 1 Nt r r t “ u ` t “´ us ´ St 1, “ 1 r t ˆ ´ p ` q it appears that the discounted prices sequence is a F-martingale if the condition

t bpt aqt r 0, p ` q´ “ holds for any t NT . As expected, the system P bpt aqt r p ` q“ pt qt 1 " ` “ 3 admits infinitely many solutions t,pt,qt 0, 1 such that any triplet t,pt,qt forms a F p qPp q p q convex M set (here a segment) characterized by its extremal points (independent of t), i.e. the measures r a b r r P0 P0 1, ´ , ´ and P1 P1 , 1, 0 , (6.1.4) t “ “ b a b a t “ “ b ´ ´ ´ ¯ ´ ¯ which are not equivalent to P but such that any convex combination P P0 1 P1, (6.1.5) “ `p ´ q is. Any measure defined on Ω and with respect to which the sequence S is a F-martingale is called a F-martingale measure.

0 1 Note that the extremal measures P and P are independent of t and Ft,sothat,ifT 2 t t “ and ! !1, !2 Ω, “p qP P !i , !j P !i P !j !i P !i P !j p 1 2q“ p 1q p 2| 1q“ p 1q p 2q and by induction n i1 in ik P !1 , , !n P !k . p ¨¨¨ q“k 1 p q π“ t j F If Jt 2 denotes the number of extremal points Pt of the polyhedron of -martingale “ j t measures, for any j Jt there exists k k Nt 0, 1 such that P p q P Pt u j j j 0 s 1 1 s P P P ´ (6.1.6) t “ p q p q s Nt âP 146 CHAPTER 6. THE INSIDER PROBLEM IN THE TERNARY MODEL

F 0 F For any t NT , M denotes the set of F-martingales measures on N , whereas the set C P t t t composed of the convex combinations of extremal measures (6.1.6) matches with the convex M F F subset of t formed by the -martingale measures equivalent to P.

Remark 6.1.3. We can give interpetation to the definitions of the measures P0 0,p0,q0 “p q and P1 1,p1,q1 introduced above. These stand for the "limit models". Actually when “p q the probability parameters tend towards extreme values, we fall back on well-known models and complete markets. 0 ∆ Under P , the process Nt t NT is deterministic, constant equal to one. In other words, p q P the process S jumps at each time so that it coicindes with the price process defined in the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model (4.1.7). To make sure, keep the parameters a, b, r and define the bin bin underlying Rademacher process X by X 1 X¨ 0 X . We can check this is well-defined ¨ “ t ‰ u ¨ since: 0 0 0 0 P Xt 1 p , P Xt 1 q and P Xt 0 1 p q , p “ q“ p “´ q“ p “ q“ ´ ´ bin bin so that the equalities P Xt 1 P Xt 1 1 and P Xt 0 0 hold for any p 0 “0 q` p “´q“ p “ q“ t NT . The definition of p ,q r a b a , b r b a corresponds exactly to P p q“ p ´ q{p ´ q p ´ q{p ´ q the risk-neutral measure in the binomial model. 1 ` ˘ Under P , the process Vt t NT is deterministic, constant equal to one, so that the compound p q P process Zt t NT coincides with a single geometric process of intensity . Once again, the p q P resulting market is complete and the risk-neutral measure is obtained by letting r b. “ { p 6.2 Enlargement of filtration

As mentioned in chapter 4, trying to quantify the additional information provided by the known in advance of a FT -measurable random variable G leads to tackle with an enlargement of the initial filtration. In a discrete setting, it seems to boil down to the exploitation of the Doob decomposition (see Section 4.1 and [20])

In what follows, the random variable G is supposed to take its values in a measurable space Γ, G where Γ is a countable set. We define a particular process pG which is of key impor- p q tance in many ways. First, it naturally appears in the Doob decomposition and enables to connect the eponymous information drift (as reminiscence with the continuous case) with the variable G. Besides, to study the martingales with respect to the enlarged filtration, since, as it will be proved, the t-th term of the process 1 pG preserves the martingale property of F 0 { any , P -martingale on Nt . As such, optimizing the insider’s portfolio (see subsection 6.4.1) p q G 0 requires to determine the crucial set of -martingale measures on Nt equivalent to P.

F0 G0 F0 0 G0 0 Up to now, let (resp. )bethefiltrations Ft t N (resp. Gt t N ), where the “p q P T “p q P T -algebras Ft t N0 are defined in (5.1.4) (resp. Gt Ft G) and which distribution given Ft p q P T “ _ for some t NT is given by a family of Ft-measurable random variables P G c Ft ,c Γ . P p “ | q P ( 6.2.1 The information drift process

As the set Γ is countable, the absolute continuity of law type condition (inescapable in the continuous case) is de facto verified in our discrete context. Indeed, any set C G is of the P 6.2. ENLARGEMENT OF FILTRATION 147

0 form C c C G c and, for any t NT 1, “ P t “ u P ´ î P G c Ft P G C F P G c F p “ | qP G c E pG1 , t t P G c t A p P | q“c C p “ | q“c C p “ q“ ÿP ÿP p “ q “ ‰ G where the random variable pt is defined by

P G Ft ! P G c Ft ! pG ! p P¨| qp q such that pc ! p “ | qp q, (6.2.1) t p q“ P G t p q“ P G c p P¨q p “ q Ω Γ G for any ! , c . Define also the process ⌫t t NT by P P p q P G G ⌫ P G Ft P G p (6.2.2) t “ p P¨| q“ p P¨q t The combination of (6.2.2) and (4.1.9) (see section 2.2 in [20]) applied to the P, F -martingale G p q Y t NT ensures that the process Yt t NT defined by p q P p q P t c G Y,pt s c G G Yt Yt x Gy “ Yt µt (6.2.3) “ ´ s 1 ps 1ˇ “ ´ ÿ“ ´ ˇ is a P, G -martingale. The process µG thus defined is called the information drift, namely p q the drift to absorb in passing to the insider paradigm in order to preserve the martingale property of the initial compound geometric process. As designed by Peter Imkeller in [68], we can traduct its connection to the random variable G thanks to the Malliavin derivative. Theorem 6.2.1 (‹). The information drift µG defined in (6.2.3) can be written as c G ak,` E Dt,` pt c G µ r s| “ t pG “ k E ` E t 1 ÿP ÿP ´ 2 for any t NT ,wherethefamily ak,`, k, ` E is defined by ak,` E ∆Zt,k ∆Rt,` ,i.e. P t p qP u “ r s 2 q 1 a1,1 p 1 p ,a1, 1 0,a1, 1 pq and a 1, 1 p ´ q. “ p ´ q ´ “ ´ “ ´ ´ “ 1 p ´ The following result is incomplete. We chose to present it anyway for the interest it could arouse in possible future investigations. Actually, it would seem possible to interpret µG in terms of drift on the initial process X at the cost of an additional assumption: Assumption. For any c Γ, assume the existence of a couple ˜c, p˜c 0, 1 2 such that P p qPp q dP˜ ˜ pc ,p˜ t “ dP ˇFt ˇ that is, satisfying: ˇ c ˜c ˇ ˜c pt 1 1 ´ ∆Nt, Wt ´ . (6.2.4) c ˜c pt 1 “ ` 1 p q´ 1 ´ ´ ´ ´ ¯ Then by Girsanov’s theorem 5.4.6, the process X defined by

Nt Xt Vs “ s 1 ÿ“ G G is geometric compound process of parameters ˜ , p˜ under the probability measure P˜ ˜ . p q ,p˜ Recall moreover (see [20]): 148 CHAPTER 6. THE INSIDER PROBLEM IN THE TERNARY MODEL

F Theorem 6.2.2 (Blanchet-Scalliet, Jeanblanc, Roméro). Let Xt t NT be a P, -martingale p q P p q and Q aprobabilitymeasuresupposedtobeequivalenttoP on Ft for any t NT . P dQ Q Let Lt .ThentheprocessX defined by “ dP Ft ˇ ˇ t ∆ ˇ Q X, L s Xt Xt x G y , “ ´ s 1 Ls 1 ÿ“ ´ is a Q, F -martingale. p q The application of Theorem 6.2.2 to L pG provides: “ Theorem 6.2.3 (‹). Assume Assumption 6.2.4 holds. Let X be a geometric compound process of parameters ,p .ThentheprocessXG p q t ∆ c G X,p s c G Xt Xt x G y “ “ ´ s 1 ps 1 ˇ ÿ“ ´ ˇ is a geometric compound process of parameters G, p˜G where p˜c is defined by (6.2.3) for any p q c Γ. P Remark 6.2.4. This result sounds interesting because it does the counterpart with the Brow- nian case. However, it remains incomplete in its current form; indeed we still don’t know what meaning to give to a compound geometric process of random parameters G,pG . We could G G p q imagine associating to the process X a sequence of parameters t ,pt t NT defined in terms p q P of conditional probabilities P G Ft and in a -like way... To be continued ! p P¨| q 6.2.2 The martingale preserving measure In this section, we focus on the F-adapted process 1 pG, of key importance afterwards. This { Γ 0 Γ is well defined; indeed, resulting from the countability of , for any t, c NT 1 ,the c p qP ´ ˆ random variable pt is not null P-a.s. Note that for any t NT ,the-algebra Gt is generated by the set P A B; A Ft, B E . t X P P u Theorem 6.2.5 (‹). 1. The process 1 pG is a P, G0 martingale. { p q 0 2. For t N ,the-algebras Ft and G are independent under the probability measure P T p q defined for any A Gt by P 1 Qt A E 1A . p q“ pG „ t ⇢ 0 3. For any t NT 1,theprobabilitymeasureQt coincides with P on Ft. P ´ Remark 6.2.6. The process Qt t N0 thus defined is called the martingale preserving mea- p q P T sure. It is thus possible to establish the following result. ‹ 0 F 0 G Theorem 6.2.7 ( ). For fixed t NT 1,any P, -martingale on Nt is a Qt, -martingale P 0 ´ p q p q and also a Qt, F -martingale on N . p q t Remark 6.2.8. The process 1 pG defines a probability measure, which density is absolutely { continuous with respect to P. 6.3. HEDGING FORMULA IN A TERNARY MODEL 149

6.3 Hedging formula in a ternary model

The value of the portfolio at time t N0 is given by the random variable P T Vt ↵t At 't St, “ `

where ↵t, 't t NT is a couple of predictable processes modeling respectively the amounts of p q P riskless and risky assets held in the portfolio, and its discounted value by V0 V0 and “ t 1 V V V ; t N . t 0 1 r s T “ s 1 s P π“ ` The aim of this subsection is to exhibit an hedging formula, i.e. given a nonnegative FT - measurable random variable F (called claim), to determine a portfolio modelised by ↵t, 't t N0 p q P T such that V0 ° 0, Vt • 0 t NT 1 , and VT F. p P ´ q “ In an incomplete market, all claims are not reachable; they have an intrisic risk. Face to the impossibility to perform a perfect hedge in the general case, we can only hope to reduce the a priori risk to this minimal component. The question of hedging in an incomplete market has been widely investigated for years (see for instance [34],[53] in continuous time, [130] in discrete time). The ternary model, as the trinomial one, is not complete; we choose to deal with the optimization problem

2 min E F x VT ' , (6.3.1) x,' R˚ Θ p ´ ´ p qq p qP `ˆ “ ‰ where x is the initial capital and S F is the set of F-predictable admissible strategies. The mean-variance tradeoff process Kt t NT is defined by p q P t 2 E ∆Ss Fs 1 Kt rp q| ´ s ; t NT . “ var ∆S F P s 1 ` s s 1 ˘ ÿ“ r | ´ s Define also the discrete analogue of the minimal martingale measure (see Föllmer and Schweizer [53]), i.e. the signed measure P defined on Ω, F such that p q NT p dP 1 ✓t∆St ´ , (6.3.2) dP 1 ✓ E ∆S F “ t 1 t t t 1 p π“ ´ r | ´ s where, for any t NT , P E ∆St Ft 1 ´ ✓t r |2 s . “ E ∆St Ft 1 rp q | ´ s Last, consider the Kunita-Watanabe decomposition of F (see Metivier [87] or Schweizer [130]) i.e. the unique couple of processes ⇠F, LF where ⇠F is a square-integrable admissible strategy p q and LF a F-martingale , strongly orthogonal to S, with null intial value such that

F F F F0 ⇠ ∆St L P-a.s. “ ` t ` T t NT Pÿ Within previous notations, Martin Schweizer gives an expression of the quadratic-loss mini- mizing strategy. 150 CHAPTER 6. THE INSIDER PROBLEM IN THE TERNARY MODEL

Theorem 6.3.1 (Schweizer, 1992). Provided Kt t NT is deterministic, the solution of (6.3.1) p q P is given by ∆ F E St Ft 1 ´ F x˚ E F and 't˚ ⇠t r |2 s E F t x˚ Vt 1 '˚ (6.3.3) “ r s “ ` E ∆St Ft 1 p r | s´ ´ ´ p qq rp q | ´ s p p and P is the minimal martingale measure defined by (6.3.2).Moreover,thequotaofthe T riskless asset At t NT is given by ↵0 1 r ´ E F S0 and for any t NT , p q P “p ` q r s{ P p 't p't 1 St 1 ↵t ↵t 1 p ´ ´ q ´ . “ ´ ´ At 1 ´ Remark 6.3.2. If the contingent claim F is reachable, then ' ⇠F. The term ⇠F in (6.3.3) ˚ “ can be interpreted as a pure hedging demand, whereas the second one can be viewed as a demand for mean-variance purposes (see Schweizer [129]).

We slot these results to our formalism to solve (6.3.3) in the ternary model.

Lemma 6.3.3. The mean-variance tradeoff process of the ternary model is deterministic.

Proof. For any t NT , P 2 2 2 E ∆St Ft 1 E 1 ⌘t∆Nt Ft 1 1 2p 1 ´ ´ r | s p r ` | sq p ` 2p ´ qq2 var ∆St Ft 1 “ var 1 ⌘t∆Nt Ft 1 “ 2p 1 ` r | ´ ˘s r ` | ´ s ´ p ´ q is a deterministic constant.

Lemma 6.3.4 ((‹) Kunita-Watanabe decomposition in ternary model). For any claim F P L2 Ω there exist a square-integrable admissible strategy ⇠F and a F-martingale LF,strongly p q orthogonal to S,withnullintialvaluesuchthat

F F F F0 ⇠ ∆St L P-a.s. “ ` t ` T t NT Pÿ Moreover, for any t NT , P F k E ckE Dt,k F Ft 1 ⇠t P r 2 | ´ s, “ c 2 ∞ p } } and F Lt ck E Dt,k F Ft 1 ⇠t , ´ “ k E r | s´ ÿP ` ˘ 2 p where c c1,c 1 R with “p ´ qP

c1 b a⇢ 1 and c1 a 1. “p ` q “´ ´ Define the minimal martingale measure P

NT dP p 1 ✓∆St ´ , (6.3.4) dP 1 ✓E ∆S F “ t 1 t t 1 p π“ ´ r | ´ s where ✓ 1 bp aq c 2. “p ` p ´ qq{} }2 6.4. ADDITIONAL UTILITY OF THE INSIDER IN A TERNARY MODEL 151

Theorem 6.3.5 (‹ Loss quadratic minimizing strategy in ternary model). Let P be the minimal martingale measure defined by (6.3.4) and let a claim F L2 Ω, F .Thequadratic P p q loss minimizing hedge x , ' is given by p p ˚ ˚q F x˚ E F and 't˚ ⇠t ✓ E F Ft x˚ Vt 1 '˚ “ r s “ ` p r | s´ ´ ´ p qq where ⇠F Θ is given by the Kunita-Watanabe decomposition P p p Proof. Since the mean-variance process is deterministic by Lemma 6.3.3, it suffices to incor-

porate the result of Lemma 6.3.4 to Theorem 6.3.1. The process ↵t t NT is defined by the p q P self-financing condition (6.5.1).

6.4 Additional utility of the insider in a ternary model

6.4.1 Theorical results Given an economic agent (resp. an insider) disposing of x (x ° 0) euros at date t 0 “ (initial budget constraint), we want to determine the optimal admissible strategy allowing to maximize his portfolio value at time t NT . This leads to consider the optimization problem P from the agent’s point of view: Φag t x max E u Vx,t , (6.4.1) p q“ F portfolio r p p qqs P ´ and respectively from the insider’s one: Φins t x max E u Vx,t (6.4.2) p q“ G portfolio r p p qqs P ´ where u log. “ Utility of the economic agent and the insider before the deadline T

In this subsection we tackle problems (6.4.1) and (6.4.2) when t NT 1 (T N˚). Based on P ´ P the equivalence in law of the trinomial model and ours (see remark 6.1.1), there is a bijection between M F, the convex set of F-martingale measures equivalent to P in our model, and the one existing in the trinomial. Indeed, for T 1, the measures P ,p,q (defined by ,Tri Tri Tri Tri “ “p Triq Tri 6.1.5) and P p ,q ,s ( 0, 1 ) are equivalent by letting p q and 1 Tri “p q Pr sF “ ` p p . For a given T N , the set M is the polyhedron characterized by its extremal “ ´ P ˚ points; these are constructed by tensorization of the measures (independent of t) r a b r r P0 P0 1, ´ , ´ and P1 P1 , 1, 0 . t “ “ b a b a t “ “ b ´ ´ ´ ¯ ´ ¯ By induction, the convex set of F-martingale measures equivalent to P in our model, and the one existing in the trinomial are equivalent. The following portfolio optimization result is directly deduced. Its proof which turns out to be the rewrite of that of [42] for the trinomial model (see more details in section 4.2) and won’t be detailed. ‹ F Theorem 6.4.1 ( ). There exists unique optimizers Vx,t and Myx,t of the problems (4.2.6) C F and (4.2.11) such that Myx t and P p xp dM xp F yx,t Vx,t I yx . “ ˜ dP ¸ xp p p 152 CHAPTER 6. THE INSIDER PROBLEM IN THE TERNARY MODEL

Remark 6.4.2. Some of the computations rely on the following Theorem 3.2.1 in [42]: within the previous notations, the optimizers Vx,t and Myx,t exist and are unique. The measure Myx C F belongs to t and satisfies the remarkable relation: p xp xp dM 1 yx,t Φag u1 Vx,t where yx t 1 x . dP “ yx p q “ p q xp ` ˘ Further computations will rely on. Denotep by j j Jpt the coordinates family of Myx,t i.e. t P u such that p j p M jP . x (6.4.3) yx,t “ t j Jt ÿP The optimization problem from the insiderxp point of view (6.4.2) seems to be solved by trans- posing that of the agent to the enriched filtration G. That lies on the possibility to rewrite (6.4.2) as a primal problem as in (4.2.9). With this edict in mind, we have to identify the G set of measures which respect to which the sequence Ss s Nt is a , -martingale, namely G M G p CqG P p¨ q the -martingale measures. Denote thus by t and t (t NT ), respectively the set of G 0 M GP G -martingale measures on Nt , and the convex subset of t formed by the -martingale 0 measures equivalent to P on Nt . 0 F0 0 In the first subsection we established that for any t NT 1,any P, -martingale on Nt is 0 P ´ p q a Qt, G -martingale where Qt is the measure defined by p q 1 Qt A dP ;A Gt. p q“ pG P ªA t M G For the sake of simplicity let Q QT . The aim of this subsection is to describe t , the set G 0“ F of -martingale measures on Nt . As seen in subsection 4.2, the set of -martingale measures 0 j on Nt consists of the convex combinations of Pt ,j Jt .Foranyj Jt, define the sequence j t P u P of measures Qt t NT ´1 by p q P j 1 j Q A dP ;A Gt, t p q“ pG P ªA t j j j F where we let P PT . Furthermore, follows from theorem 6.2.7 that a P , -martingale 0 j G“ 0 p q on Nt is a Qt , -martingale on Nt . In particular, the discounted prices process S is a j G p q 0 0 G G Qt , -martingale on Nt ;sodoes(onNt ) Vx, viewed as the -martingale transform p q ¨p q t G G ∆ Vx,t x 's Ss, p q“ ` s 1 ÿ“ where ↵, 'G belongs to S G, the set of G-predictable admissible strategies. Note besides “p q that G E j Vx,t x ; j Jt, (6.4.4) Qt r p qs “ P so that we can address the optimization problem as a constrainted one. Define for x, t 0 p qP R˚ NT 1, ` ˆ ´ ΛG S G x,t V : E j V § x, j Jt . “ P Qt r s @ P As a consequence once again of! the surreplication theorem, (6.4.2)) can be rewritten as the constrained optimization problem

max E u V under the constraints EQj V § x ; j Jt. (6.4.5) V ΛG r p qs t r s @ P P x,t 6.4. ADDITIONAL UTILITY OF THE INSIDER IN A TERNARY MODEL 153

G G Theorem 6.4.3 (‹). There exists unique optimizers V and M G of the problems (4.2.6) x,t yx ,t G C G and (4.2.11) such that M G t and yx ,t P p xp G xp dM G VG I yG yx ,t . x,t “ x dP ˆ xp ˙ Moreover, p p G j M G jQt , (6.4.6) yx ,t “ j Jt ÿP p and j,j Jt is exactly the family definedx by (6.4.3). t P u Additional utility before the deadline

The insider’s additional expected logarithmic utility up to time t NT 1 is defined by P ´ Ut x max E u Vx,t max E u Vx,t . p q“ G portfolio r p p qs ´ F portfolio r p p qs P ´ P ´ Given two probablities measures defined on the same space Ω, F , DF P Q designates the p q p || q relative entropy of P with respect to Q on F and is defined by dP E log if P Q on F, DF P Q dQ F ! p || q“$ „ ´ ¯ˇ ⇢ ˇ otherwise. & `8 ˇ Theorem 6.4.4 (‹). The insider’s% additional expected logarithmic utility up to time t NT 1 P ´ is given by Ut DG P Qt . “ t p || q Remark 6.4.5. From a philosophical point of view, it is not very surprising to see the entropy appear when quantifying an additional... information. Remark 6.4.6. Thus we recover the result already established by Jürgen Amendinger, Peter Imkeller and Martin Schweizer ([7]) in the continuous case; the additional expected logarithmic utility of the insider can be expressed in terms of relative entropy. They get more: by letting t go to T , they underscore that the result still holds at the deadline T . Obviously we cannot transpose this in a discrete setting. Since there is absolutely no reason why P, F -martingale p q N0 should be a Q, G0 -martingale, we need to address the problem at the deadline T from t p q another perspective. We chose to dedicate the next section to this case.

Utility of the insider at expiry In order to remove the difficulty previously evokated (see remark 6.4.6), we link the optimal strategy utility final value with this at the instant just before. ‹ Φins Lemma 6.4.7 ( ). For any x R˚ define T x by considering (6.4.2) at the deadline T . P ` p q Then, Φins Φins T x max E u Vx,˜ 1 1 x˜ , p q“ G portfolio r p p qqs “ p q P ´ Φins where x˜ T 1 x . “ ´ p q 154 CHAPTER 6. THE INSIDER PROBLEM IN THE TERNARY MODEL

6.4.2 Comparison with the binomial and the Black-Scholes models As mentioned in Remark 6.4.6, the formula giving the additional utility of the insider before the deadline is exactly the same in the continuous case (Black-Scholes model) and in the discrete ones (binomial, trinomial or our ternary model). As a matter of fact, this lies on the enlargement of filtrations tools that are comparable in continuous and discrete time. The study of the insider problem from the additional expected utility point of view is similar in all frameworks. The substantial difference we have met between our model and the classical ones (Black-Scholes and binomial one) concern the computation of the argmax admissible strategy appearing in (6.4.2). This is not strictly speaking linked with the insider matter, but rather with the impossibility to perform perfect hedges, because of the incompleteness of our ternary model.

G 1 6.4.3 Computations in the case “ ST 0,S0 t Pr su

In this last subsection we chose to investigate a specific case: G 1 ST 0,S0 .Morally,this “ t Pr su means the insider knows wether the stock price will have increased or not at the end of the trading period. Let x R˚ be the initial budget. As described in subsection 6.4.1 to cover P ` all cases we need to compute:

• Φag x and Φins x , 1 p q 1 p q • Φag x (for T • 2), T p q •Ut x for any t NT 1. p q P ´ Remark 6.4.8. In fact the computation of Φag x does not require to invoke Lemma 6.4.7 T p q and can be done directly.

Computations of Φag x and Φins x 1 p q 1 p q Φins We provide a method to compute explicitely 1 x , namely to solve the optimization “ p q F problem when T 1. As evokated in subsection 6.1.1, the set M of F-martingale measures “ 1 equivalent to P consists of the convex combination of the form

P P0 1 P1, “ `p ´ q where the two extremal measures are defined by (6.1.4). In other terms,

1 r r a b r P p ´ q , 1 p ´ q, p ´ q 1 , p, 1 p “ ` b ´ ` b a b a “p ´ p ´ qq ´ ´ ´ ¯ In that specific case, it seems easier to directly solve the primal problem, i.e. to compute:

max E log V under the constraints EPj V § x ; j 0, 1 , V Λx,1 r p qs r s @ Pt u P where ∆ V x ' S1 x ' b 1 ∆N1,W1 1,1 a 1 ∆N1,W1 1, 1 , “ ` “ ` tp q“p qu ` tp q“p ´ qu and ' is a F0-measurable random variable` (since T 1). The ternary model˘ described in “ subsection 6.1 can be thus treated as a stochastic volatility model: the closer is to 1 the 6.4. ADDITIONAL UTILITY OF THE INSIDER IN A TERNARY MODEL 155 more volatile is the model. In the extreme case (when is equal to one), the model coincides with the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein one for which there exists an unique optimizer (see proposition 3.3.2. in [42]). On the other hand, when is near to zero, the choice of the strategy ' has little influence on ' ∆S1 and thus on the computation of E log V . This leads us to speculate r p qs that the optimal strategy in the ternary model coincides with that of the binomial model. To be convinced that the maxima are realized for the same strategy, note that

bin E log V ' E0 log V ' 1 log x , (6.4.7) p p qq “ p 1 p qq `p ´ q p q ” ı ” ı where E0 designates the expectation under P0, namely the unique risk-neutral probability measure in the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model, and Vbin ' designates the value of the strategy 1 p q ' at time 1 i.e. Vbin ' x ' ∆Sbin. 1 p q“ ` 1 bin The sequence of prices St t NT is defined in the "associated" binomial model (by letting p q P 1)by: “ Sbin 1 b Sbin with probability p Sbin t 1 t bin` “p` q bin p q # St 1 1 a St with probability 1 p ` “p` q ´ In the latter one, picking up the results established by Freddy Delbaen et Walter Schacher- mayer ([42] example 3.3.2.) to solve the optimization problem from the agent’s point of view, we can state:

Theorem 6.4.9 (‹). Consider the ternary model with T 1 and let the numbers p ,q “ ˚ ˚ P 0, 1 be equal to: p q r a b r p˚ ´ and q˚ ´ . “ b a “ b a ´ ´ The maximal expected utility of the ordinary agent is given by

Φag p q 1 x log x p log q log , p q“ p q` p˚ ` q˚ ” ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙ ı and realized by the strategy x 1 r pq qp 'ag p ` q ˚ ´ ˚ . “ b a ˆ p q ´ ˚ ˚ The corresponding optimal investment is given by

ag xp xq Vx,1 x1 ∆N1 0 1 ∆N1,W1 1,1 1 ∆N1,W1 1, 1 . “ t “ u ` p˚ tp q“p qu ` q˚ tp q“p ´ qu

F Corollary 6.4.10 (‹). The optimal couple yx, M R C defined in Theorem 6.4.7 are p yx qP ˆ 1 such that 1 xp r a b r yx and M p1 , ´ , ´ “ x yx “ ´ b a b a ˆ ´ ´ ˙ Remark 6.4.11. Consideringp the specificxp case p q 1 and 1, we exactly retrieve the “ “ 2 “ result stated by Freddy Delbaen et Walter Schachermayer (see example 3.3.2. in [42]):

p b r q a r 1 1 r b a 2r ⇡˚ 1 r p ´ q` p ´ q p ` qp ` ´ q. t “´p ` q b r a r “ 2 b r r a p ´ qp ´ q p ´ qp ´ q 156 CHAPTER 6. THE INSIDER PROBLEM IN THE TERNARY MODEL

We can get the result using a variational argument:

Theorem 6.4.12 (‹). The maximal expected logarithmic utility of the agent is given at ma- turity by Φag ∆ ∆ 1 x log V0 E log r ⇡˚ b Zt,1 a Zt, 1 , p q“ p q` r pr ` p ´ ´ qsqs where, for any t NT , P 1 r pq˚ qp˚ ⇡˚ ` ´ . “ b a ˆ p q ´ ˚ ˚ The maximal logarithmic of the agent is performed when following the strategy ag ↵ag, 'ag “p 1 1 q with ag x 1 r pq˚ qp˚ ag x S0 ' x⇡˚ p ` q ´ and ↵ ´ . 1 “ “ b a ˆ p q 1 “ 'ag ´ ˚ ˚ 1 Remark 6.4.13. As expected, the strategy which components are F0-measurable, does not depend of the expression of G.

The situation is different from the point of view of the insider who knows wether the stock price will have increased or not at the end of the trading period T 1. In other words, he “ knows from the start wether it is worth investing in the "risky" asset; this appears in fact as a riskless one for him since he knows the outcome. One of two things must be true: either G 1 namely the stock price does not increase and it may be better to invest the entire “ capital in the asset A,orG 0 and investing in S is more profitable. As a reminder the “ budget constraint can be written as

ins ins x V0 ↵ ' S0, “ p q“ 0 ` 0 ins ins and be transposed at time T 1 to ↵ ' S0 x, by readjusting the portfolio under the “ 1 ` 1 “ self-financing condition. We get clearly:

ins ins x ↵1 x1 G 1 and '1 1 G 0 . “ t “ u “ S0 t “ u

Computation of Φag x , T • 2 T p q As suggested in the Example 3.3.5. depicted by Freddy Delbaen and Walter Schachermayer in [42], the case T N can be treated by extending the previous results via the principle P ˚ of dynamic programming. In a certain sense, we make of "a multiplicative concatenation" of what has been done in the case T 1. The choice of this procedure can be justified by the “ independence of increments of the underlying jump process Nt t NT . Conserving the previous p q P notations, define

T Θag ∆ t x sup E u x 's Ss Ft p q“ H ` t portfolio « ˜ s t 1 ¸ ˇ P ´ “ÿ` ˇ ˇ where Ht Fs t§s§T and ↵, ' . From the i.i.d. property of theˇ variables ∆St,t NT “p q “p q t P u we infer that Θag x Φag x , t p q“ t p q 6.4. ADDITIONAL UTILITY OF THE INSIDER IN A TERNARY MODEL 157 so that we can state its expression by the following induction system : Φag T x log x Φag p q“ p q Θag ∆ $ t 1 x sup E t x ' St ´ p q“ H1 portfolio r p ` qs & P ´ Indeed, for t T 1, “ ´ % Φag Θag ∆ T 1 x T 1 x sup E u x 'T ST FT 1 ´ p q“ ´ p q“ HT 1 portfolio p ` q ´ P ´ ´ ” ˇ ı sup E u x˜ '1 ∆S1 ˇ x˜ ˇx 'T ´1 ∆ST ´1 “ H1 portfolio r p ` qs p “ ` q P ´ ˇ with and so on by downward induction. The iteration of (6.5.2) provˇ ides : Φbin x log x Tkbin T p q“ p q` where kbin p log p q log q p log p q log q and then, “´ p ˚q´ p ˚q` p q` p q ag bin Φ x log x Tk 1 log x . T p q“ p p q` q`p ´ q p q Φag bin We have also t x log x tk 1 log x for any t NT 1. Moreover, ag p q“ p p q` q`p ´ q p q P ´ yx,t Φ 1 x 1 x and “ t p q“ { t ` ˘ t r a b r b p M 1 , ´ , ´ . (6.4.8) yx “ ´ b a b a ˆ ´ ´ ˙ t p Indeed, M is an equivalentx measure to P such that E t S S F 0.Fromthe yx Ft M t t 1 t 1 | yx r ´ ´ | ´ s“ t 1 1 i.i.d. property of the variables ∆St,t NT , we deduce that M F 1 M where M is xp t P u x p yx | t´ “ yx yx solution of SM . p q xp xp xp

Computation of Ut x , t NT 1 (T • 2) p q P ´ Consider first the general case where G is a discrete random variable in values in Γ. In what follows, Ent G designates the entropy of G namely the quantity p q Ent G log P G c P G c , p q“´c Γ p “ q p “ q ÿP ` ˘ and Ent G Ft the conditional entropy p | q Ent G Ft log P G c Ft P G c Ft . p | q“ p “ | q p “ | q Recalling the definition of the process 1 `pG, ˘ { G Ut x E log p p q“ p t q “ ‰ c E log pt P G c Ft “ «c Γ p q p “ | q ÿP

E log P G c Ft P G c Ft log P G c E E 1 G c Ft p “ q “ «c Γ p “ | q p “ | q ´ c Γ p “ q | ÿP ` ˘ ÿP ` ˘ “ “ ‰‰

E log P G c Ft P G c Ft log P G c P G c “ «c Γ p “ | q p “ | q ´ c Γ p “ q p “ q ÿP ` ˘ ÿP ` ˘ Ent G Ent G Ft . “ p q´ p | q 158 CHAPTER 6. THE INSIDER PROBLEM IN THE TERNARY MODEL

F where we get the second line by conditioning on t. In particular, for G 1 ST 0,S0 “ t Pr su F P G 1 T 1 G 1 1 ST 0,S0 p “ | q“ t “ u “ t Pr su 0 and for any t NT 1, P ´

P G 1 Ft P ST 0, S0 Ft p “ | q“ p Pr s| q ST P St 0, S0 Ft “ St ˆ Pr s ´ ˇ ¯ ST S0 ˇ P 0, Ft ˇ “ St P c c St ´ ” ı ˇ ¯ˇ “ S0ˇ ˇ P TT t 0, ˇ Ftˇ “ ´ P c c St ´ ” ı ˇ ¯ˇ “ ˇ ˇ where we have used in the last line the variable ST St has theˇ sameˇ law as ST t and TT t by { ´ ´ equivalence of our model and the trinomial model (see remark 6.1.1). The distribution of Tt is given by t! n m t n m P Tt c p q 1 ´p ` q p “ q“ 3 n! m! `! p q p q p ´ q n,m,` Nt n`pm``“ÿt,qP n´m“c

for any c St Ω . P p q

6.5 Proofs of chapter 6

6.5.1 Proofs of Section 6.2 Proof of Theorem 6.2.1. The corollary 5.4.3 applied to pG at time s t 1 gives “ ´ ∆ G G ∆ pt E Dt,` pt Ft 1 Rt,`, ´ “ k E | ÿP “ ‰ Then we get, for any c Γ, P

∆ c ∆ c ∆ Y,p t E Zt,k E Dt,` pt Ft 1 Rt,` ´ x y “ «k E ` E r | s ÿP ÿP c ∆ ∆ E E Dt,` pt Ft 1 E Zt,k Rt,` ´ “ k E ` E r r | s r ss P P ÿ ÿ c ak,`E Dt,` pt , “ k E ` E r s ÿP ÿP

where we have got the second line by conditioning with respect to Ft 1 and by defining the 2 ´ family ak,`, k, ` E by ak,` E ∆Zt,k∆Rt,` , i.e. t p qP u “ r s

2 q 1 a1,1 p 1 p ,a1, 1 0,a1,1 pq and a 1, 1 p ´ q. “ p ´ q ´ “ ´ “ ´ ´ “ 1 p ´ Hence the result. 6.5. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 6 159

Proof of Theorem 6.2.5. The proof follows closely the one of Proposition 2.3 ([7]). For any At Ft, B E , P P 1 1 E 1 E 1 E 1 F At G B G At G B G t Xt P u p “ t P u p „ T ⇢ „ „ t ˇ ⇢⇢ ˇ E 1At P G B ˇ “ r s p P q ˇ P At P G B , “ p q p P q 1 1 F c where we used: E 1 G B G t c pt ! P G c P G B . t P u pt “ p ! ¨ p q¨ p “ q“ p P q „ ˇ ⇢ c Γ B t ˇ PÿX p q This yields ˇ ˇ Qt At G B P G B P At , p Xt P uq “ p P q p q 0 Ω Γ for any t NT 1.TakingAt , then B provides P ´ “ “

Qt At G B Qt G B Qt At , p Xt P uq “ p P q p q and enables to establish 2. and 3. Let A As G B an element of Gs and t ° s. By “ Xt P u noting that As Ft and using what preceedes, P 1 E 1A P As P G B pG “ p q p P q „ t ⇢ Qs As G B “ p Xt P uq 1 E 1A , “ pG „ s ⇢

so that the process 1 pG is a P, G0 -martingale. { p q

Proof of Theorem 6.2.7. Let L Ls 1§s§t a P, F -martingale on Nt.Forr † t and s “p q p q P r 1,t let A Ar G B an element of Gr. Let EQ denote the expectation taken with rr ` ss “ Xt P u t respect to Qt.

EQt 1A Ls EQt 1Ar Ls EQt 1 G B “ t P u “ ‰ E 1“Ar Ls E‰ Qt 1“ G B ‰ “ r s t P u F E 1Ar E Ls r“ EQt ‰1 G B “ r r | ss t P u E 1Ar Lr EQt 1 G B “ ‰ “ r s t P u EQt 1Ar Lr EQ“t 1 G B‰ “ t P u EQ 1A Lr , “ t “ ‰ “ ‰ “ ‰ where we have used that the -algebras Ft and G are independent under Qt in the first line, p q that P coincide with Qt on Ft in the second one, and that Ls 1§s§t is a P, F -martingale p q p q on Nt in the third one. 160 CHAPTER 6. THE INSIDER PROBLEM IN THE TERNARY MODEL

6.5.2 Proofs of Section 6.3 Proof of Lemma 6.3.4. The Kunita-Watanabe decomposition (see [43], theorem VIII.51.) yields

E E F Ft ∆St Ft 1 F r | s | ´ ⇠t 2 “ ” E ∆St Ft 1 ı ´ t p rp q | s E E Ds,kF Fs 1 ∆Rs,k b a⇢ ∆Rt,1 a∆Rt, 1 Ft 1 ´ ´ ´ s 1 k E r | s p ` q ´ | ÿ“ ÿP ” ` ˘ ı “ p c 2 } }2 ckE Dt,kF Ft 1 ´ k E r | s ÿP , “ p c 2 } }2 where we applied the Clark decomposition to F in the second line, and by letting c c1,c 1 , “p ´ q

c1 b a⇢ 1 and c 1 a 1. “p ` q ´ “´ ´ Hence the result.

Proof of Theorem 6.3.5. As a reminder, the strategy ↵, ' is self-financed and only if “p q for any t NT , P At ↵t 1 ↵t St 't 1 't , (6.5.1) p ` ´ q“ p ` ´ q so that Vt 1 ↵tAt 1 'tSt 1. Let '0 0. Assume the existence of an admissible ´ p q“ ´ ` ´ “ strategy ↵, ' which final value satisfies p q

VT ↵T AT 'T ST . p q“ ` 't St 1 Let ⇡ be the F-predictable process such that ⇡t ´ for any t NT . By definition, “ Vt 1 P ´ p q

∆Vt ↵t∆At 't∆St p q“ ` ↵t ∆At Vt 1 ⇡t b1 ∆Nt,Wt 1,1 a1 ∆Nt,Wt 1, 1 “ ´ p q Vt 1 ` tp q“p qu ` tp q“p ´ qu „ ´ p q ´ ¯⇢ ↵t r At 1 Vt 1 ´ ⇡t b ∆Zt,1 a ∆Zt, 1 r “ ´ p q Vt 1 ` ´ ´ ` ´ ´ p q ¯ Vt 1 r 1 ⇡t ⇡t `b ∆Zt,1 a ∆Zt, 1 r ˘ “ ´ p q p ´ q` ´ ´ ` rVt 1 Vt 1 ⇡t b ∆Zt,1 a ∆Zt, 1 , “ ´ p q`` ´ p q ` ´ ´ ˘˘

↵t A`t 1 ˘ where we used in the third line that ´ ⇡t 1. Then, Vt 1 ` “ ´ p q

Vt 1 ⇡t aq ∆Vt ´ p q b ∆Rt,1 a∆Rt, 1 p q“ 1 r ´ 1 p ` ´ ` ˆ´ ´ ¯ ˙ so that T Vt 1 ⇡t aq VT 1 ´ p q b ∆Rt,1 a∆Rt, 1 p q“ ` 1 r ´ 1 p ` ´ t 1 ˆ ˙ ÿ“ ` ´ ´ ¯ 6.5. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 6 161 by assuming (even if it means dividing by V0), V0 1. We get the equal expression “ T ⇡t aq VT 1 b ∆Rt,1 a∆Rt, 1 p q“ ` 1 r ´ 1 p ` ´ t 1 „ ⇢ π“ ` ´´ ´ ¯ ¯ The application of the derivative in both directions gives

t aq Dt,1 VT V b ⇡t p q“ T p q ` 1 p ´ ´ ¯ and t Dt, 1 VT a ⇡tVT , ´ p q“´ p q by using Dt,k∆Zt,k sgn k . This entails “ p q aq E Dt,1VT Ft 1 b ⇡t Vt 1 and E Dt, 1VT Ft 1 a ⇡t Vt 1 | ´ “ ` 1 p ´ p q ´ | ´ “´ ´ p q “ ‰ ´ ´ ¯ “ ‰ sop that p aq E Dt,1 VT Dt, 1 VT Ft 1 b a ⇡t Vt 1 p q` ´ p q| ´ “ ´ ` 1 p ´ p q “ ‰ ´ ´ ¯ p Then, by letting on the one hand '0 0 and “ F t 1 k E Dt,k VT t 1 t 1 k E Dt,k F Ft 1 't Vt 1 ⇡t 1 r ´ p q| ´ 1 r ´ r | ´ s, “ ´ p q “p ` q b a aq “p ` q b a aq ∞ “ 1 p ‰ ∞ 1 p p ´ ` ´ p´ ` ´ T and, on the other one, ↵0 1 r E F S0 and for any t NT , “p ` q´ r s{ P

p 't 't 1 St 1 ↵t ↵t 1 p ´ ´ q ´ “ ´ ´ At 1 ´ we get a couple of F-predictable processes ↵, ' such that satisfies the self-financing “p q condition and of terminal value F.

6.5.3 Proofs of Section 6.4

Proof of Theorem 6.4.3. Transposing the result of Theorem 6.4.1 to solve the problem (6.4.5) we get ΦG G L G G G x E u Vx,t Vx,t , yx , M G , p q“ p q “ p yx q ” ı L p G C G where is the Lagrangian associated top the primalp problemp 6.4.5,x My,t is the element of t unique minimiser of the value function (for y ⌘j fixed) “ j Jt P x ∞ Ψ M G y : M t fi sup E u V yEM V x , p q P Ñ V Λx,t t r p qs ´ r ´ su ´ P ¯ 162 CHAPTER 6. THE INSIDER PROBLEM IN THE TERNARY MODEL

G G G j Jt We get yx 1 x and M G j J ⌘j yx Qt where ⌘j j Jt 0, 1 is a Jt-uplet summoned “ { yx ,t “ t p { q p q P Pr s to one. Thus, for any j J , P t ∞ xpP p p G dM G G G yx E j Vx,t E j I yx Qt r s“ Qt » dP fi ˆ xp ˙ p – p fl dP E j Qt G “ »dM G fi yx – fl j dxP p dQt E j Qt j G “ »dQt dM G fi yx ,t – dQj fl E t xp . “ ⌘ dQj « j Jt j t P It is thus possible to compare the logarithmic∞ utilities up to time t of the two agents and to quantify the insider’s additional one. As for the economic agent, the sequence ⌘j j Jt is p q P determined thanks to the initial budget constraints, as to say

dQj x E t “ ⌘ dQj « j Jt j t P j ∞ LtdQ E “ ⌘ L dQj « j Jt j t t P j ∞ dP E t . “ ⌘ dPj « j Jt j t P

The sequence ⌘j j Jt is solution of the system∞ satisfied by the sequence j j Jt ; by uniqueness p q P p q P of the solutions, for any j Jt, ⌘j j. Thus, P “ dP dP Ut E log E log “ dPj ´ dQj « ˜ j Jt j t ¸ « ˜ j Jt j t ¸ P P dQj ∞j Jt j t ∞ E log P “ dPj « ˜∞j Jt j t ¸ P L dPj ∞j Jt t j t E log P “ dPj « ˜∞ j Jt j t ¸ P E log Lt DG P Qt “ r p qs∞ “ t p || q where we have used that L 1 pG is a P, G0 -martingale. “ { p q Proof of Lemma 6.4.7. Consider a G-predictable admissible strategy ✓. By definition of Φ, Φins T 1 x ° E u VT 1 ✓ . Transposing once again the result of Theorem 3.2.1. of [42] to ´ p q r p Φ´insp qqs our model, we get T 1 x ° 0. In particular for T 1 and with x✓ E u VT 1 ✓ ,we p q “ “ r p ´ p qqs get ` ˘ ins ins Φ x˜ ° Φ x✓ . 1 p q 1 p q 6.5. PROOFS OF CHAPTER 6 163

This holds for any G-predictable admissible strategy ✓. Assume moreover the existence of a G-predictable admissible strategy ✓˜ such that

˜ ins E u Vx,T ✓ Φ x , p p qq “ T p q ” ı ˜ and let x˜ E u VT 1 ✓ . Then, ✓ “ p ´ p qq ” ı Φins ˜ Φins T x E u Vx,T ✓ § max E u Vx˜,1 § 1 x˜ . p q“ p p qq G portfolio p ✓ p qq p q P ´ ” ı “ ‰ Then, Φins x˜ § Φins x . The result follows. 1 p q T p q Proof of 6.4.9. By transposing the results established by (example 3.3.2 in [42]) for the bino- mial model to our "associated" one Sbin , we get the optimal strategy p q x 1 r pq qp 'ag p ` q ˚ ´ ˚ “ b a ˆ p q ´ ˚ ˚ where r a b r p˚ ´ and q˚ ´ “ b a “ b a ´ ´ define the well-known risk-neutral probability measure in the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model. The corresponding optimal investment from the agent’s point of view (in the ternary model) is thus

ag x b a x b a Vx,1 x1 ∆N1 0 p ´ q1 ∆N1,W1 1,1 p ´ q 1 ∆N1,W1 1, 1 “ t “ u ` p r a tp q“p qu ` 1 p b r tp q“p ´ qu xpp ´ q xq p ´ qp ´ q x1 ∆N1 0 1 ∆N1,W1 1,1 1 ∆N1,W1 1, 1 “ t “ u ` p˚ tp q“p qu ` q˚ tp q“p ´ qu We get thus Φbin x log x kbin (6.5.2) 1 p q“ p q` where kbin p log p q log q p log p q log q . Follows from (6.4.7) that, “´ p ˚q´ p ˚q` p q` p q ag bin log x k log x k 1 log x p q` “ p p q` q`p ´ q p q ag bi that is k k . Thus, from “ ag bin Φ x Φ x 1 log x 1 p q“ 1 p q`p ´ q p q so that Φag p q 1 x log x p log q log . p q“ p q` p˚ ` q˚ ” ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙ ı Hence the result.

F Proof. The optimal couple yx, M R C defined in Theorem 6.4.7 is such that p yx qP ˆ 1 1 xp r a b r yx p and M 1 , ´ , ´ “ x yx “ ´ b a b a ˆ ´ ´ ˙ p xp 164 CHAPTER 6. THE INSIDER PROBLEM IN THE TERNARY MODEL

Indeed, we have

dMyx 1 ag 0 yx ´ u1 V 0 1, dP p q“p q ˆ x,1p q “ xp ´ ¯ so that p dMyx M 0 0 P 0 1 . yx p q“ dP p qˆ p q“ ´ p p x Since Myx is an equivalent measurex to P such that EM S1 S0 0 we have yx r ´ s“ xp x p M 0 1 yx p q“ ´ SM bM ! 1, 1 aM ! 1, 1 r p q $ yx yx ’ p p qq ` p p ´ qqxp “ & Myx ! 1, 1 Myx ! 1, 1 Myx 0 1 xp p p qq ` xp p p ´ qq ` p q“ ’ and thus % xp xp xp r a b r M ! 1, 1 ´ and M ! 1, 1 ´ . yx p p qq “ b a yx p p ´ qq “ b a ´ ´ In other words, xp xp b r r 1 M 0P0 1P1 ´ P0 p ´ qP1. (6.5.3) yx “ ` “ b r ` b r ´ ´ Hence the result. xp Bibliography

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Résumé en français Le calcul de Malliavin est un calcul des variations stochastiques en dimension infinie initialement élaboré sur l’espace de Wiener et étendu par la suite à d’autres familles de processus tels que les processus de Poisson, de Rademacher, de Lévy. La multiplicité des approches et la variété des espaces canoniques sur lesquels il opère semblent dissuader l’éventuel projet d’un travail unificateur. Il demeure néanmoins possible d’identifier une terminologie commune à tous ces formalismes autour des notions d’opérateurs de Malliavin (gradient, divergence, semi-groupe d’Ornstein-Uhlenbeck) et de la relation fondamentale liant l’opérateur gradient et la divergence (défini comme adjoint du gra- dient) : la formule d’intégration par parties. On élabore dans cette thèse un calcul de Malliavin pour deux classes de processus dis- crets : les suites de variables aléatoires indépendantes (non nécessairement de même loi) et les processus géométriques composés. Dans le premier cadre, on équipe tout produit dénombrable d’espaces de probabilité d’une structure de Dirichlet-Malliavin discrète échafaudée sur une famille d’opérateurs de Malliavin (gradient discret, divergence, opérateur nombre), une formule d’intégration par parties, et les formes de Dirichlet naturellement induites dans ce contexte. On obtient les analogues discrets des principales identités fonctionnelles (formule de Clark- Ocone, identité de covariance, inégalité de log-Sobolev, de déviation. . . ) établies pour les processus Brownien et de Poisson et dont on retrouve par ailleurs les structures de Dirichlet usuelles comme limites de celles induites par notre formalisme. En exploitant la combinaison de la formule d’intégration par parties et de la méthode de Stein, comme l’ont conceptualisée I. Nourdin et G. Peccati, on établit des critères de Stein-Malliavin pour les approximations Normale et Gamma par toute fonctionnelle de variables aléatoires indépendantes. Ce calcul de Malliavin discret généralise ce qui avait été théorisé dans le cas Rademacher et donne un cadre unificateur à de nombreux résultats disséminés dans la littérature suggérant également que des résultats sans lien apparent (Efron-Stein, paires échangeables etc.) sont en réalité les faces d’une même pièce. La motivation du second travail provient de l’impossibilité constatée d’établir (via le précédent formalisme) une formule de Ocone-Karatzas pour le modèle trinomial. On lui substitue un modèle ternaire, sous-tendu par un processus géométrique composé (défini par une famille de variables i.i.d. à valeurs dans t´1, 0, 1u)etquiluiestéquivalent en loi. Pour des raisons techniques énoncées par M. Émery, il n’existe pas de décom- position chaotique. On en donne une version modifiée au moyen d’intégrales multiples relatives à une famille orthogonalisable de variables aléatoires. Les opérateurs gradi- ent et divergence sont alors définis comme les opérateurs d’annihilation et de création agissant sur cette décomposition et vérifient une formule d’intégration par parties. Des analogues géométriques à la formule d’Itô, au théorème de Girsanov, et à la formule de représentation de martingale, et la formule de Ocone-Karatzas sont établis. Ce formalisme est appliqué au calcul d’utilité dans un modèle ternaire où agissent un agent ordinaire et un initié disposant d’un surplus d’information dès le début de la péri- ode de trading. En incorporant les techniques d’élargissement de filtration en temps discret développées par C. Blanchet-Scalliett, M. Jeanblanc et R. Romero à notre con- struction, on définit l’équivalent du drift d’information dans ce cadre et on montre BIBLIOGRAPHY 175 alors que l’utilité logarithmique espérée additionnelle de l’initié au temps t peut être exprimée comme l’entropie relative de la mesure initiale par rapport à la mesure préser- vant les martingales sur rr 0,tss .Onretrouveainsil’exactanaloguedurésultatétabli par J. Amendinger, P. Imkeller et M. Schweizer dans le cas continu.

Summary in english Malliavin calculus is an infinite-dimensional variational calculus initially developed on the Wiener space. Further extended to other classes of processes, such as Poisson, Rademacher, or Lévy processes, it has reached a certain maturity. Cause of the mul- tiplicity of approaches and the variety of canonical spaces, it seems to be difficult to propose a unifying work. We can nevertheless identify a terminology common to all these formalisms; this lies around the notions of Malliavin operators (gradient, diver- gence, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semi-group) and the fundamental relationship between the operator gradient and the divergence (defined as the adjoint of the gradient): the inte- gration by parts formula. In this thesis work, we propose to develop a Malliavin calculus for two classes of dis- crete processes: sequences of independent random variables (not necessarily identically distributed) and compound geometric processes. Both are wholly or partly motivated from an application perspective. In the first mentioned framework, we equip any countable product of probability spaces with a discrete Dirichlet-Malliavin structure. This lies on a family of Malliavin opera- tors (discrete gradient, divergence, number operator), an integration by parts formula, and the induced Dirichlet forms. We obtain the discrete analogues of the classical functional identities (Clark-Ocone formula, covariance identity, deviation inequality. . . ) established for Brownian and Poisson processes. Besides, we retrieve the usual Pois- son and Brownian Dirichlet structures associated to their respective gradient, as limits of the structures induced by our formalism. Re-using the combination of Malliavin calculus and Stein’s method designed by I. Nourdin and G. Peccati, we provide Stein- Malliavin criterions for the Normal and the Gamma approximations by functionals of independent random variables. This discrete Dirichlet-Malliavin structure seems to give a unified framework for many results scattered in the literature so that we hope to bring new insights on why these apparently disjoint results (Efron-Stein, exchangeable pairs, etc.) are in fact multiple sides of the same coin. Faced with the impossibility to state (via the discrete Malliavin calculation) an Ocone- Karatzas formula for the trinomial model, we replace it by a ternary model ;equiva- lent in law to the initial one, it is supported by a compound geometric process (with t´1, 0, 1u valued i.i.d. random variables). For technical reasons outlined by M. Émery, there is no chaotic decomposition. We state a modified decomposition in terms of multiple integrals with respect to an orthogonalisable family of random variables.The gradient and divergence operators are then defined as the annihilation and creation operators acting on this decomposition and verify an integration formula by parts. Our approach is close to the one developed for (compound) Poisson processes, with which the (compound) geometric process shares many properties (as a jump process). We give 176 BIBLIOGRAPHY the analogues of Itô’s formula, Girsanov’s theorem, martingale representation formula, and Ocone-Karatzas formula for compound geometric processes. Then, we make use of this new formalism to compute the additional utility of an insider in the new ternary model. The insider benefits from an extra information hidden in a random variable from the start of trading period. Using the toolbox of C. Blanchet- Scalliet, M. Jeanblanc and R. Romero as for the enlargement of filtrations in discrete settings, we define an analogue of the information drift and express it in terms of our geometric gradient. We show that the insider’s additional expected logarithmic utility at time t can be expressed as the relative entropy of the initial measure with respect to the martingale preserving measure on rr 0,tss .WeretrieveexactlytheresultofJ. Amendinger, P. Imkeller and M. Schweizer stated in the continuous case.