887 English Helen "'Marie Bartholomew, John D
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THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 11, 1923 17 S rette- - Louise Schwarting. Rollin Webb Somer, Kaarin Emilia Maki, George W. REED COLLEGE SENIORS ARE PRESENTED WITH DIPLOMAS AT INTERESTING OUTDOOR, WhfaMon, Nase'.le, Wsh., and Clinton Stayner, Audrey Vida Swearingen, Paul Mimnaugh, Myrtle Mock, Ruby F. Mon-ta- A. Wilson, Brawling, Mont. CITYHIGHSGHQDLS Moran Walker, Max in e Vera Wheeler. Marion Isabel le Muatee. Doris Mar- COMMENCKMENT EXERCISES. Economics iiobart Ecfcwara uenson. " Domestic science and art Irene May guerite Olson, Thelma Ellen Parks, Portland; Forrest Lloyd Foster, Port Barbur, Irene Jones, Norma Stiekney, Leona Mae Pennington, Nona Chausse land; James Thompson Hamilton. Hills- Dorothy AiVln Will-- Inez Lenore . Wahlstrom. Eva Elinor Peterson, Clifford W. Powers, dale; W. Pearson, Carlton; Wright. W. Riggs, Charles Raymond Rosenkrans, lam Kaietsen scon, winiam TO GRADUATE 887 English Helen "'Marie Bartholomew, John D. Scheffer, Albert Henry Schwich-tenber- AT COLLEGE Treadwell Stone, KeW York city: John George E,. Clark, George Douglas Cooper, Dorothys Belle Sherling, James EO Calhoun Van Etten. Olympla, Wash. Arlington B. Crum, Catherine DeWitt, Deliner Shaver, Edna R. Stange, Leah English Misnon Hoover Eliot. Port- - Frank AUton Doble, Dorothy Dodge, La Vlra StLverson, Marjorie wmelred land; Lucy Belle Gamble, Portland; Franc Pound Gilbert, William Gilbert Taylor, Eva Burnett Thompson, Ray- Harriet Elizabeth Gore, Bedford; Eliza- - Hatler, Norman R. Hawley, Howard A. mond Albert Van Water, Marie Louise beth Emery Hall, Portland; Helen Mar- Hobson, Emma Irene Hollenbeck, Hobart Wraggoner, Lutie Gladys Welch, Lorna jory Kaye, Spokane, Wash.; Dorothy Ieli Russell Kelly, Margaret Clair- - Kennedy, Wetzel, Blanche Williston; Rossnmn, Portland; Homer Sibley, Port- Will Diplo- -. -- Students Receive Helen L. Krupke, Helen Margaret Leon- Frencri Gertrude Bingham Harris, President Wilbur, 'Stanford land. - ard Keith Penroy McCormlck, Kenneth Ruth Gwendolen Parks, Marguerite History Jam Watson Gantenbein, mas This'Week. Leroy McCormick, Glenn Emerson Moore, Lucille Swett, Johanna Rowena Vree-lan- University, Is Speaker. Portland; Lorraine Hlnson, Portland; Gladys MarcUe Onstad, Kathryn Berl V William Taylor Purdum, Portland. Pickard, Pauftne K. Rice, Susan Mary Unruea Edmund Frederick Ford. Mathematics Bertha Margraret" Haya Rodwell, Dorothea Sibley, Helen Jennie" Robert Yorke Her re n, Mabel Mauboules, Milwaukle; Cecil Thomas Kelly, Hood Smith, Maude Jane Spears, Dorothy Mai J'ern Perry, Margaret Seabury Pratt, River; Sibyl E. Lindell, Portland. Starr, Horace Avery Stearns, Florence Dorothy - Madeleine Romans, Hymen Physical education Ruth Anna Cham- Castle Stewart, Winnifred Idah'a : Will- -. Samuels, Carl A. Sandstedt. bers, Portland; Edith Carolyn Turner, SPEAKERS ARE NAMED lans and Elizabeth Lucille Young. Scientific Frederick Denton Crowther, WORLD SERVICE EXALTED Portland; Opal Rae Weimar, Portland. , Language Marjorie Brown, Mary An- Lewis Everett Davidson, Frank Edward Physics Holland Herman Houston, ita Cool, Ruth Louise Douglas, Jack i)e Spam, F. Mariano Esperanza, i'ranii Portland; Raymond O. Smith, Portland. Bluhm Ferris, Mina Hendricks, James Henry Faust,- Simeon Flores, John J. Political science Maurice Warren How- Rickle Mclntyre, Lenore Grace Pelletler, Howser, Walter Lionel Kelsey, Gale M. ard, Portland. Elizabeth Mary Snyder, David Strech, Lim. Henry McCracken Mason, E. Charles Psychology Ella Meta Atkra. KaJama. Eight Schools McKlUop, Ralph Wootten Mize, Harold Religion One Wash., and Katherine L. Keusebauer, to Hold Commence- Charles Sumner Taylor and Ruth E. JoolBch, (Christian Declared Winchell. .. Arthur Neff, Dallas E. James Hillsdale. David Row den, Fred O. Waite, Richard ment Exercises, irst Lin- Manual training Fred George Barg- -! Great Force in Struggle to Sociology Gladys Elisabeth Blaine, S. Wynne. Seattle, Wash.; Hazel Violet feld, Vernon James Forrest, Vernon Wen-- ! training Carver. die ' Teachers Nadine Beatrice . Portland, and Orpha Phelps, Portland. coln Wednesday Xight. Coetz and Thorneteln W, Thorp. Ahrendt, Gladys Marguriette Anderson, Elevate Civilization. Music Jean Harper... , Thelma L. Belknap, Verna Esther Scientific Arthur Baker Anderson,' Biersdorf, Marion E. Burk, Belle Caton, Nathan Concoff, Willard Maxson Craig, Vera R. Coulter, Lolita O. Courier, Verna Charles K.. t Kelly, Warren Thompson Blanch Crowell Lucy F. Eggiman, Alice E PARLEY JUNE 20 A total of 887 high school students Moir, Mervin Robert Nelson, Burr Wes- Caroline Enquist, Frances Helen Granum, "The world is beset1 with two ley Pletcher, Newton Lawrence Snyder Helen May Belle Long, Katharine Eliza- will be given their diplomas in Port- and Nellie Weinste.in. - beth Lyons, Hazel May, Alta V. points of view; either the individual land this week. Eight schools will Spanish Gordon L. Slade and Mark Isabella C. McLelland, Florence thinks in terms of dollars or of hold commencement exercises, Edward Tomlinson. Margaret Moore, Violet V. Pearce. Adele service, the giving joy to EMPLOYES TO COJJFER ON the Teaching Martha Shirley Billeter, E. Pilkaer, Esther Katherine Smith, Alice latter first of which will be held in the Alta Brash, Anna Grace DeWitt, Hazel Maud Smith, Versa Bernice Stoutenburg, those who offer it to the world." WORK EV PORTLAND. Lincoln high school auditorium nex Leretta Fowler, Ruth Goodman, Lillian Nina Agnes Taylor, Thelma Bernice Thus spoke Dr. Ray Lyman Wil- E. M. Leach, Grayce Leone McClure, Thompson, Greta Oteal Turner, Clara Wednesday night by the high school Helen Marguritte Maxwell, Mary Lydia Mary Vantz, Ulga Caroline Wold. bur, president of Stanford univer- ' of commerce. Miller, Leona Nelson, Gladys Leola Manual training it- Preston G. Drew, sity," whd yesterday gave the' com- Construction on Two New Offices Of the graduates, 541 are boys and Pennington, Ruby Cornelia Roach, Mary Frederick Ji Johnson, James' E. Keys mencement adores s at Reed college. Letah Coz-et- Soon Can 344 are girls. The ;total number of Scott, Eliza Lulu Smart and Jr.,; Marvin Henry Krahnxer, Marvin Dr. to Where Date Stiekney. , Meyers, Wilbur chos as his subject graduating 3.77 George Howard Irving Sherwood, students is greater Wood, "Thinking. and, Be Set Completion. , Janu- Girls' Polytechnic School. , Russell Francis Weeks. Through," based his for than last June. Graduates for Bookkeeping Marjorie Alexander, topic education-i- ary and June, 1922, total 1334, com- Domestic ArNnnH Ttnmact c!.;- - George D, Austed," Stanley O. Burkholder, on' the necessity of Elma Appleman, Dorothy this nation,- which today stands pared with 1057 for the same months Asplund, Eliza- Barton DeLoach, Alice Margaret The Pacific Telephone, and Tele- In 1921. beth Baldwin, Minnie Berg, PrisclUa Estberg, Frances M. Frison, Carl Jasoa as the foundation of the world, and Chatten, Claribel Damon,, Jennie Dann, Grable, Ralph Seymour Hanson, Adrian yet on the other hand shows a lack graph, company officials have an- Speakers Are Named. - Dorothy Dayton,- Emily Dennis Lowe, Daniel Patrick McLoughlm, of responsibility. ; a em- programmes Fuhrpr Ernst, Lena Miner, Onslow, nounced conference of their Commencement have "Ruth j..T.',.,UWC1( rt.va.iujii. uarnner. Ramona Mildred Mae Beginning his address with the completed, speakers GUbride Myra William Henry Pitzer, Thaxter Reed Jr., ployes in charge of telephone work not all been but w?n Hall, Lillian Repp, question, :"What is human have been named for all except the k "uii, jwargarei Jonas, Eliza- John J. Alfred A. Simon, Clarence now in progress in Portland, to be "M - . he emphasized the need of - Benson Polytechnic school. Robert beth Koppelman, Mildred Lewis, Alice William Wilson. held here June 20.- Several tele- Lucke. Preida Meyer, Frances Stenographic Walter A. Beckendorf. development of the individual, not E. Smith, president of the Lumber-- , Miller, Myrtle C. Blomquist, Dickey, phone officials from the general of- "u,ut"J iwunro, Margaret Page. Wil-n- e Marion Vera for himself, but for the community. mens Trust company, will address mina Ttarr. r ,. i . Margret vioret JSccles, iiaurine telg, fice in San Francisco will be pres- E. Gibson, Currents Thought Change. graduates of high of . Florence Gertrude Geneva of survey will the the school 5Ith.',Martha Terry, Frances 1 ent and at that time a commerce "Wednesday night. Rabbi Vail-- Esther Wadsworth, Goltz, James Vernon Gustin, Gertrude "The world has witnessed changes be made of the progress on the in- Jonah B. Wise will make two com- Helen Wikman.Sen Ruth Heckman, Aileen Helliwell, Ruth in currents ofthought, which through stallation of two machine switching DomesticArt Art Marguerite Irenes Horton, Aasta Kyllo, Anna Mario mencement addresses in the Lincoln 'and Larson, - the various stages of history have offices in Portland. v" JKittoei Ruth Eleanor Light, Grace high auditorium, the to brewing, Marion McCloskey, Morten-se- increased the stores of memory and work on the two school first Nedra Luke, Clara Miller, Lillian kelson. Marguerite Construction the graduates of the Girls' Polytech- nnaa Adaline Love Nance, Vera Nau, which claimed the? attention of given great comfort to the individ new offices has progressed to such nic school on next Thursday night, mvf C wanKer, Elizabeth Agnea E. Newman, Hazel C. Olson, those same customs inspectors, ac- ual," he said. "Justice and liberty a stage that it will soon be possible second to the Lincoln high school Domestic A rf tvdv-- . i Btatrice Palmer, Eunice Ruby Pease, Lower