GNOSTIC CHRISTIANITY and the GNOSIS OF LIGHT* (Draft 2009) David Paul Boaz (Dechen Wangdu) * Excerpted from The Nature of Mind: The New Reformation in Religion, Science and Culture, ©David Paul Boaz, 2009, All Rights Reserved., Copper Mountain Institute, 505-898-9592,,
[email protected] 200 The Mystical Teaching of Judaism and Christianity: The Omitted Bible A great misfortune befell Christianity. -Eliphus Levi Clearly, the Christian Bible, with its absence of sacred texts from the entire intertestamental period, the Old Testament Pseudepigraphas (excluded Jewish texts), the New Testament Christian Apocrapha (excluded Gospels, Acts, Letters, Apocalypses) including all Gnostic and Essene texts, has given us an extremely censored and limited view of the actual teaching of Jesus and indeed, of the entire Judeo-Christian religious tradition. The deleted Christian Apocrypha gives us a clear picture of the life and belief of early Christendom. The magnificent nondual mystical Zohar from the Kabbalah, Hermes Trismagistus, Plotinus, Enoch, The Infancy Gospels, The Gnostic Gospels, The Essene Scriptures, The Apochraphal Acts, The Apocalypses, all were omitted for arbitrary and political reasons by the Orthodox Christian Church during the first four centuries after Jesus. Nearly all of the interior, feminine, mystical/spiritual participatory/ experiential literature is omitted, sacrificed to the political ambitions and fears of the early Church bishops, and later, to the prevailing anti-spiritual, anti-metaphysical