The Tylesofpam Usball
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= it 1 K t f r J Srti s i a that has ever lined up at the start in There Is Only One Club MANAGERS HOLDS such a contest and the crew that wins J IT will surely break all world records for I National Rowing Regatta to Be Great Event the distance In this race will be the Named After a BallPlayer Argonauts of Toronto Wlnnipegs of ON BASEBALL TEAMS Manitoba flnnesota of St Paul national rowing regatta Wahnetahs of Flushing N Y who is no longer considered a very is to be held on tho regat ¬ JT this season have won all the big great honor to have a street named THE river Washington tas Unions of Boston all exHarvard you 13 going after but who outside of Napoleon 12 and next is oarsmen Naesaun Atalantas and Har Lajole Buying Stock Helps to Fix biggest gathering of of the Cleveland club can claim a to be the star lems of New York Mattas of West the honor of haying a ball team named oarsmen and scullers the world has Philadelphia Vespers and Bachelors of after him Their Standing ever seen Philadelphia Arundels and Arlels of When Lajole became the manager of This broad statement Is given out by Baltimore and last but not least by the Cleveland forces the scribes of the Potomac Boat club members who any means the Potomacs of Wash- ¬ the Forest City nicknamed tie team I are acting as sponsors for tho regatta ington the Napoleons in honor of Lajoie who and they base their utterances on facts The determination of Durando Miller signs hla checks Napoleon Lajoie MURRAY HAS BIG HOLDINGS received from national headquarters in of the New York Athletics to go into And even though Lajole has relln- New York Secretary Fortmeyer writ ¬ training for the senior and champion- ¬ qutohed the management of the team ing fromNew York to tho regatta com ¬ ship sculls has given satisfaction to his Cleveland with be known as the Naps mittee asserted that there will be more teammates as they look to him to land as long as Cleveland Is to have a ball Philadelphia Pilot One of Several new dubs represented at the meeting year will team and that will probably be long the prizes this It is said he Leaders Who Own Shares In Clubs than was ever known before depart from his usual course and will after the present generation and Xajole They Direct ¬ This was attributed to the great de ¬ have the services of Edward Hanlon have turned to dust In other words Comiskey Is a Con- sire of many people to get a chance to Ten Eyck to coach him for the re- ¬ Lajolo will live practically forever In spicuous Example 1 visit the nations capital for the first gatta he having previously depended- baseball It is an honor that la justly I time in their lives and clubs as far on the regular coach of the New York placed to the credit of one of the great- ¬ Firmer each year is the competent south as Galveston west to San Fran ¬ Athletics for his coaching In the est players in the history of tho game big league manager fastening his cisco and nortlTto Portland Me wrote class in which Miller will compete will If you are anxious to become a great teeth in the flanks of baseball says batter dont seek out Larry Lajoie with that they were coming while the be Sjcholes and Cosgrove of Toronto the Philadelphia North American To ¬ places west in the middle such at St ONeil of Nova Scotia Shepherd and day the field tactician virtually con- ¬ Louis Dubuque Minneapolis St Paul Fuessell of the Harlems Dick Mann trols the club he represents Quincy Pullman and Cincinnati will be also of the New York Athletics Shea Brains have advanced with skill In fully represented of the Sheepshead Bay Bennett and baseball and not only are the man ¬ The Washington committee is hard Warnecke of Springfield Gordon of agers backing up posi- ¬ at work raising the finances to carry Vespers Allison of their supreme tion in the the affair to a success from a money Philadelphia Gleason of Ves- clubs with their ability but West and they are point of view as they are confident per And in St Louis Fred Plaisted now beginning to Increase the aquatic part will eclipse anything who is coaching the Mound City of that their hold by obtaining financial in- ¬ America has ever seen They are not place believes they have a comer In terests in the clubs yet in a position to say whether any Lepplng and as he has been winning Announcement was made recently J crews or scullers from Europe will at ¬ everything in sight he will go to Wash ¬ that William Murray who has mane a tend though many would like to do so ington to measure blades with the lead success in handling the Phillies ilnce J since they received Secretary of State Ing lights of the east he went there In 1907 had purchased asking them to cooper Knoxs letter It is going to be the greatest rowing the heavy interest of Barney Dreyfuss carnival America has ever seen ateThis the Plttsburg owner in the Philadel- ¬ championship re- is the national phia club gatta and under thcferulos governing it While Murray had won a fixed place tha local committee had to guarantee- LONGEST DRiVE i BY BRAID to the national association something i with the Phillies through merit alone like 2500 In money in order to settle Golf Heroes Nearly Always the Spec ¬ this stock transfer Insures the perma ¬ with them for prizes such as medals tacular Long Distance Driviro nency of his place as long as he de- ¬ and silk banners officials holdings medals for are some of the longest drives sires for his In the club can hire of launches hotel expenses of What ignored which have been made To secure ac ¬ never be Murray will now Le twelve of the national execu ¬ members curate records is difficult for Intimately acquainted with every an ¬ five days many rather tive committee for and if the ground be sloping or hardened gle of the Phillies from a financial as Incidentals while all the entrance fees by frost and the wind IB following the well as a playing standpoint J of crews and scullers go into the treas- ¬ Another big league figure who Is a ury ball Is bound to travel yards farther of the association than would otherwise be the case But heavy stockholder in the team he man ¬ Up In wild Canada the clubs are over driving long is one of the spec ¬ ages is Connie Mack the shrewd lead- ¬ to a ball he trip Washington and there is tacular features of the game which er of the Athletics In the average every reason to e the statement the onlooker will remember when a season the dividends Mack realizes on Issued by Captain Joseph Wright of perfect approach from 100 yards IB his stock greatly exceed the salary he the famous Argonauts that they will forgotten Perhaps the reason is that- draws as a manager Mack already themselves bring down over 300 people a drive of 300 or more cannot has a comfortable fortune which will They will travel in their own special be equaled by many players and the undoubtedly be substantially increases Canadian excursion train and expect to approach whit is dead to the hole is as the years wear on It was not very pass one entire week in Washington on of the Ottawas In Nova Scotia the the eight oared championship of last only a temple of what every golfer at- long ago that Connie was taking a a sightseeing trip and incidentally to feeling Is strong and ONeil the cham ¬ year are In earnest training for the one or more times has accomplished regular turn behind the bat for the Win some of the big races What is pion sculler and the senior four of the purpose of again winning the blue rib ¬ The longest recorded and fully au Pittsburg club The most he drew as true in Toronto Is also true over in St Marys club will go to Washington bon event of the regatta the senior thetlcated drive was made by James a player was 2400 which shows the J Ottawa where Coach James Ten Eyck with a big following eight oared championship This year U SSFLC Braid at the fifteenth hole at Walton future a baIl toss er has if he attends- is looking aft r that fast senior crew The New York Athletics who won they will have the greatest field to beat Heath Tho latter has described the to his business achievement as follows Chance of the Cubs Jones of the ° The longest drive I have ever made the Idea of having him tell you how to Sox McGraw of the Giants Lajole of WAGNER HANDLES ORE so far as I can recollect was In 1905 go about It He will speak of almost the Clevelands and one or two other when playing a round at Walton Heath anything else once you g t him started managers not only draw fancy sala-¬ The BALLS THAN ANY PIRATE with Mr now Sir George RIddelL The but its the next thing Co impossible to ries but also hold stock in the clubs tylesofPam usBall Players course was frost bound and the wind get him to talk of himself they represent although their inter- at our backs when we Were playing How dd I do it he will probably est Is by no means as large as blur Columns and columns have been fifteenth hole and hit my tee answer your question I dont know rays and Macks s RILE style does hot commanding size In such Boston Nationals Bresnahan is con ¬ the I fashioned his written about Hans Wagners ability of 395 yards carefully the ball want and then Another conspicuous example of a symmetrical he could no spicuous among catchers because of shot a distance Just wait for I amount to a pinch of mold that secretary of eight- ¬ the only knack in hit¬ player and manager who amassed a ungraceful could a deer his boundless activity His work is but William Locke the the calculated afterward At the hit it Thats snuff in making a base- more be than hole same round drove ting know of Keep your eye on large fortune is Charles Comiskey the finished neat